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International Journal of Engineering Research And Advanced Technology(IJERAT)

ISSN: 2454-6135 [Volume. 02 Issue.10, October– 2016]


Machinability Studies on Sic Reinforced with Aluminium 6061 and 7075 Alloy
Katkar Ajit Ashok1 D.P .Girish2 Koli G. C.3

Research Scholar 1,3, Professor 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sanjeevan Engineering & Technology Institute, Panhala
Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Government Engineering College,
Ramanagar, Karnataka

Metal matrix composites are used mostly in aerospace, space ships, automotive, nuclear, biotechnology, electronic and
sporting goods industries. Due to their high cost, experiments are usually done to reduce the cost of the composites and in
expensive materials are utilized for metal matrix composites.
The machinability of MMC is different from the traditional materials because of presence abrasive reinforcement
particles. During turning operation, the cutting forces (Ft, Ff & Fr) have increased with increase in weight percentage of
SiC. At constant feed rate and different cutting speed, the cutting forces are increases on increasing the depth of cut. That
indicates the power consumption during machining of aluminium alloy MMCs will increases on increasing the depth of
cut at the same condition.
KEY WORDS: Machinability, Metal Matrix Composites, Al6061, Al7075.
Composites are combinations of two materials in which one of the materials, called the reinforcing phase, is in the form of fiber sheets
or particles and are embedded in the other material called the matrix phase. The primary functions of the matrix are to transfer stresses
between the reinforcing fibers/particles and to protect them from mechanical and/or environmental damage whereas the presence of
fibers/particles in a composite improves its mechanical properties such as strength, stiffness etc. A composite is therefore a synergistic
combination of two or more micro-constituents that differ in physical form and chemical composition and which are insoluble in each
other. The objective is to take advantage of the superior properties of both materials without compromising on the weakness of either.
It is possible to develop new material with a unique combination of properties previously unattainable with conventional materials.
This ability to engineering materials with specific properties for specific applications represents a great potential advantage of
composites. It is also possible to selectively reinforce particular areas of components, thus providing development of materials
properties only in an area, which is truly necessary.
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 2.712 Downloaded @ www.sretechjournal.org
Katkar Ajit Ashok. et al., Machinability Studies on Sic Reinforced with Aluminium 6061 and 7075 Alloy


The following are the objectives of the work.
Composites were prepared by using die-casting method for four different weight percentage of reinforcement namely SiC 2%, 4%,
6% and 8%
1. Effect of SiC on the hardness and Machinability characteristics of Al 6061 and 7075 MMCs studied.
2. Comparative study is made between Al 6061 and 7075 MMCs specimens for their hardness and Machinability characteristics
along with matrix materials.
3. Study the Al 6061 and 7075 MMCs specimens for their microstructure changes such as phase change, formation of
precipitates, etc.
4. Investigate the effect of SiC and Machinability parameters on performance of Al 6061 and 7075 MMCs.

3.1 Material selection
In the present investigation two base matrix materials are selected i.e, Al 6061 and Al 7075 and Machinability comparative study has
been done on these two based composites.
The Al 6061 alloy (matrix material), 200m size SiC particles (reinforcement) are used for fabrication of MMCs. The chemical
composition of Al6061 is given in the Table 1.

Table 3.1: Chemical Composition of Al 6061

Chemicals Si Ti Fe Mn Zn Cu Mg Cr Other Al

Wt. (%) 0.4-0.8 0.15 0.7 0.15 0.25 0.15-0.40 0.8-1.2 0.04-0.35 0.05 Balanced

The Al 7075 alloy (matrix material), SiC 200 m size particles (reinforcement) are used for fabrication of MMCs. The chemical
composition of Al7075 is given in the Table 2.

Table 3.2: Chemical Composition of Al 7075

Composition Zn Fe Mg Mn Cu Si Cr Ti

% Composition 5.6 0.5 2.5 0.3 1.6 0.4 0.23 0.2


3.2 Casting (Gravity die casting)

Al 6061 ingots are melted in electrical resistance furnace and different weight percents silicon carbide reinforcement is added to get
following composition composite specimens.

3.3 The measurement process is comprised of three stages

Stage – 1: The target physical variable (say force) is converted proportionally into another suitable variable (say voltage) called signal,
by using appropriate sensor or transducer.

Stage – 2: The feeble and noisy signal is amplified, filtered, rectified (if necessary) and stabilized for convenience and accuracy of


International Journal of Engineering Research And Advanced Technology(IJERAT)
ISSN: 2454-6135 [Volume. 02 Issue.10, October– 2016]

Stage – 3: where the conditioned signal (say voltage) is quantitatively determined and recorded by using some read out unit like
galvanometer, oscilloscope, recorder or computer.


 Mechanical Sensing Unit with Tool Holder and Tool with strain Gauges mounted on it.
 Digital Force Indicator - two/three channel, to read both forces simultaneously.
 Balancing Potentiometer for initial balancing l Range - 0 to 200 Kg, least count - 1 Kg.
 The set up is calibrated at our works

Unlike strain gauge type dynamometers, the sophisticated piezoelectric type (KISTLER) dynamometers can be used directly more
accurately and reliably even without calibration by the user.


4.1 Machinability Analysis

Only tangential cutting force measures the machinability property of the material with respect to variation of various parameters like
cutting speeds, feed rates and depths of cut. The axial and radial cutting forces were consistently more or less proportional to the
tangential cutting force and are therefore not reported. The complete data is enclosed in Tables 4.1

For composites with matrix Al6061 alloy 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% SiC reinforcement. That is the tangential cutting force increases with
an increase in cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut.

The SiC particulate produces discontinuities in the material and act as stress raisers, thereby resulting in the frequent fracture of chips
during machining. The production of small chips is one of the criteria of good machinability since very long chips have been produce
around the tool at high machining speeds.

The SiC reinforcement content in the composite causes rupture intermittently producing segments of chips with smaller lengths.
Hence the composite material which produces shorter chips without chip breakers is well suited for continuous operation.

Figure 6.11and 6.12 shows the results for the machining of plain aluminium at depths of cut of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 mm respectively.

It can be seen that there is a general trend of increase in tangential cutting force with an increase in cutting speed. The cutting force
also tends to increase as feed rate or if the depth of cut is increased.

4.2 Effect of depth of cut and speeds on tangential force act during machining process

Figure 4.1 to 4.2 shows the influence of the depth of cut on the tool wear rate. In the test results shows the machining of Al6061/SiC
for different depth of cuts of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2mm respectively.

As seen, the depth of cut has very little influence at lower speed but more significant at higher speed on the tool wear rate. When the
depth of cut increases tangential cutting force also increases and the uncut chip thickness is kept the same. It is also observed from the
graph that as the cutting speed increases tangential cutting force also increases

Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 2.712 Downloaded @ www.sretechjournal.org
Katkar Ajit Ashok. et al., Machinability Studies on Sic Reinforced with Aluminium 6061 and 7075 Alloy

Tangential Force (Kgf) 120
60 180 Rpm Speed
40 280 RpmSpeed
20 450 Rpm Speed
0 500 Rpm Speed
0.3mm DOC 0.6mm DOC 0.9mm DOC 1.2mm DOC
Depth of cut (DOC)

Figure 4.1: Variation of Tangential force act on material with variation of different depth of cut and speeds for constant 2%
SiC and feed rate 0.2mm/rev

Tangential Force (Kgf)

80 180 Rpm Speed
60 280 RpmSpeed
40 450 Rpm Speed
20 500 Rpm Speed
0.3mm DOC 0.6mm DOC 0.9mm DOC 1.2mm DOC
Depth of cut (DOC)

Figure 4.2: Variation of Tangential force act on material with variation of different depth of cut and speeds for constant 2%
SiC and feed rate 0.4mm/rev


International Journal of Engineering Research And Advanced Technology(IJERAT)
ISSN: 2454-6135 [Volume. 02 Issue.10, October– 2016]

Table 4.1: Experimentally obtained machining force (tangential force) for Al matrix and Al/ SiC MMCs

Specimen Al6061 matrix alloy Al/2% SiC Al/4% SiC Al/6% SiC Al/8 %SiC
Feed rate 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
mm/rev 1 2
Speed, rpm Dept of cut = 0.3 mm

34 57 65 96 42 65 79 86 47 72 85 115 55 79 88 12 59 81 92 12
2 4

280 47 58 79 102 49 73 95 102 53 78 115 134 58 85 125 15 86 114 13 15

3 1 9

450 81 88 99 109 81 82 101 112 91 107 125 135 98 109 124 13 102 112 13 14
9 2 2

500 89 97 104 118 93 106 107 115 97 107 110 120 10 126 139 10 108 141 10 14
6 8 9 3
Dept of cut = 0.6 mm
42 52 85 125 42 64 82 114 53 74 102 138 61 91 118 16 65 95 12 17
2 0 2

280 62 66 88 124 62 86 98 124 71 83 112 125 78 104 138 17 82 106 14 18

8 2 1

450 90 92 105 115 94 94 112 132 104 121 129 135 10 120 129 13 107 125 13 14
4 8 0 1

500 109 115 119 137 109 114 124 139 114 122 135 155 12 138 169 18 124 139 17 19
1 2 1 0
Dept of cut = 0.9 mm
51 57 76 125 52 82 104 126 61 97 102 142 65 102 119 15 67 108 12 15
3 1 4

280 72 73 88 147 72 94 114 135 74 102 127 158 97 119 138 16 98 121 12 16
9 9 9

450 109 114 120 154 109 104 123 140 114 126 144 161 11 132 152 17 118 138 17 17
3 8 0 9

500 110 130 197 235 112 136 195 206 121 132 195 224 12 154 198 23 123 159 20 25
2 5 1 2
Dept of cut = 1.2 mm
89 91 112 119 95 107 125 134 98 102 132 142 11 131 125 14 121 141 13 15
1 4 2 2

315 109 120 139 147 116 121 138 157 112 132 164 178 12 144 142 19 137 151 14 20
8 6 9 4

400 132 139 228 267 134 138 228 266 132 148 169 265 14 159 181 27 144 162 18 28
4 6 9 6

500 151 165 273 320 158 167 278 318 164 175 279 321 19 202 279 34 194 212 28 35
4 1 8 2
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 2.712 Downloaded @ www.sretechjournal.org
Katkar Ajit Ashok. et al., Machinability Studies on Sic Reinforced with Aluminium 6061 and 7075 Alloy

Following conclusions are drawn from experimental details.

 As depth of cut increases tangential cutting force acting on material is also increases, And vice-versa

 Tangential cutting force acting on material is increases with increase in speed.

 As the Tangential cutting force acting on material is increases with increases in feed rate.


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Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 2.712 Downloaded @ www.sretechjournal.org

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