Materials Science & Engineering A: Fei Chen, Zongning Chen, Feng Mao, Tongmin Wang, Zhiqiang Cao
Materials Science & Engineering A: Fei Chen, Zongning Chen, Feng Mao, Tongmin Wang, Zhiqiang Cao
Materials Science & Engineering A: Fei Chen, Zongning Chen, Feng Mao, Tongmin Wang, Zhiqiang Cao
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 22 August 2014
Received in revised form
4 December 2014
Accepted 8 December 2014
Available online 18 December 2014
In this study, a new technique involving mechanical stirring at the salts/aluminum interface was
developed to fabricate TiB2 particulate reinforced aluminum based in situ composites with improved
particle distribution. Processing parameters in terms of stirring intensity, stirring duration and stirring
start time were optimized according to the microstructure and mechanical properties evaluation. The
results show that, the rst and last 15 min of the entire 60 min holding are of prime importance to the
particle distribution of the nal composites. When applying 180 rpm (revolutions per minute) stirring at
the salts/aluminum interface in these two intervals, a more uniform microstructure can be achieved and
the Al-4 wt% TiB2 composite thus produced exhibits superior mechanical performance. Synchrotron
radiation X-ray computed tomography (SR-CT) was used to give a full-scale imaging of the particle
distribution. From the SR-CT results, the in situ AlxTiB2 composites (x 1, 4 and 7, all in wt%) fabricated
by the present technique are characterized by ne and clean TiB2 particles distributed uniformly
throughout the Al matrix. These composites not only have higher yield strength (0.2) and ultimate
tensile strength (UTS), but also exhibit superior ductility, with respect to the AlTiB2 composites
fabricated by the conventional process. The 0.2 and UTS of the Al7TiB2 composite in the present work,
are 260% and 180% higher than those of the matrix. A combined mechanism was also presented to
interpret the improvements in yield strength of the composites as inuenced by their microstructures
and processing history. The predicted values are in good agreement with the experimental results,
strongly supporting the strengthening mechanism we proposed. Fractography reveals that the composites thus fabricated, follow ductile fracture mechanism in spite of the presence of stiff reinforcements.
& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
TiB2 particles
In situ composites
Mechanical properties
1. Introduction
Al based metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with
ceramic particles have received extensive attention due to their
high specic strength-to-weight ratio, good wear resistance,
excellent dimensional stability and superior damping capacity in
comparison with the matrix alloy [1,2]. The conventional practice
to prepare Al based composites (ex situ composites) involves the
addition of externally synthesized reinforcements, such as SiC,
Al2O3 and TiC, to the matrix alloys [35]. This process, however,
could lead to segregation and thermodynamic instability of the
reinforcements, and poor adhesion at the interface, unless the
ceramic particles have been suitably modied [6,7].
0921-5093/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To overcome these drawbacks often occasioned in the preparation of ex situ MMCs, in situ techniques have been greatly
developed in recent years. Since the formation of the reinforcements takes place within the matrix, in situ synthesized MMCs
provide advantages including uniform distribution of ner particles, excellent bonding at the matrix/reinforcement interface,
thermodynamical stability of the reinforcements and process
economy [8,9].
A wide variety of in situ formed ceramic particulates, such as
Al2O3, TiB2 and TiC, have been used as reinforcements to fabricate
Al based MMCs [10,11]. Among these particulates, TiB2 is an
advanced strengthening phase for Al matrix as it possesses a
desirable combination of physical and mechanical properties,
including high melting point (3225 1C), high elastic modulus
(534 GPa), high hardness (3400 HV) and outstanding wear resistance. More importantly, it does not react with Al to form any
detrimental reaction products at the matrix/reinforcement interface [7,12]. In the past two decades, numerous studies have been
conducted to develop new fabrication processes of TiB2 reinforced
in situ Al based MMCs with improved wear performance, mechanical properties and damping capacity [6,13,14].
Although the TiB2 reinforced in situ Al based composites have
prominent advantages, their microstructure and mechanical properties are known to be highly sensitive to the processing parameters in the production. Reinforcement segregation and residual
intermediate products, such as TiAl3 and AlB2, are frequently
present in the nal composites [1517]. These defects have been
found to act as preferential sites for crack initiation and propagation. Therefore, elimination of these defects is regarded as a
primary concern to prepare AlTiB2 composites with consistent
properties [18,19].
In the present study, the stir casting technique, a conventional
method to prepare ex situ MMCs [20,21], was elaborately modied
to fabricate TiB2 reinforced in situ Al based MMCs using the halide
salt route. In this process, a well-designed device was applied to
stirring at the salts/aluminum interface, based on the fact that the
reactions, by which TiB2 is formed, generally take place in the
vicinity of the salts/aluminum interface. The effects of processing
parameters, i.e. stirring speed, stirring duration, and stirring start
time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the nal
products have been studied in detail.
Furthermore, synchrotron radiation X-ray computed tomography (SR-CT) has been used to investigate the particle distribution
of the experimental AlTiB2 composites from three dimensional
(3D) view, since the third-generation synchrotron radiation (SR)
source has been reported being able to offer a unique opportunity
to non-destructively observe the microstructural characteristics of
metallic materials with submicron spatial resolution [22,23].
However, in the conventional 2D (two dimensional) measurements, such as, optical and scanning electron microscope analysis,
materials microstructure is likely to be destroyed during sample
preparation (cutting, polishing and etching) [2426]. The aim of
the present work is to explore the feasibility of fabricating low cost
Al based composites with improved mechanical properties, in
addition, to enlarge the application of synchrotron radiation in
the eld of MMCs.
2. Experimental procedures
AlTiB2 in situ composites were synthesized by the exothermic
reaction of halide salts (KBF4K2TiF6) with molten aluminum
according to the following reactions:
3K2TiF6 13Al-3KAlF4 K3AlF6 3TiAl3
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up for fabricating AlTiB2 in situ
The stirring intensity (60, 180 and 300 rpm (revolutions per
minute)), stirring duration (5, 15, 30 and 60 min) and stirring start
time (initial, middle and later) were varied to investigate the
effects of stirring parameters on the microstructures and mechanical performances of the Al4% TiB2 composites. The melt was held
at 860 1C for 60 min to enable the reactions to achieve completion.
After decanting by-product KAlF salts and degassing for one
minute by high-purity argon, the melt of 700 1C was poured into a
preheated (200 1C) permanent mold. Composites with 1% and 7%
TiB2 were also fabricated under the optimized process condition to
investigate the feasibility of the technique in producing composites with different particle contents.
Phase identication of the composites was performed by an
X-ray diffractometer (Empyrean) using Cu-K radiation operated
at 40 kV and 40 mA. For microstructure analysis, the specimens
were polished and etched with Keller's reagent, then examined by
a eld emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped
with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS).
The synchrotron radiation analysis was carried out at beam line
BL13W1 at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). Experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2. Samples with 0.7 mm in diameter
and 20 mm in length were cut from ingots contain 7% TiB2 by
electro discharge machining. The sample was xed upright with
its axis perpendicular to the incident monochromatic X-ray beam
and a beam of 18 keV was focused on and sent through the central
area of the sample. The transmitted beam was recorded by a CCD
based camera with a spatial resolution of 0.37 m placed 45 cm
behind the specimens. Phase contrast (sensitive to internal structure change), and absorbing contrast (sensitive to density difference) were used to establish images. During the experiment, the
sample rotated about the vertical axis and the camera collected
the image data continuously with exposure time per frame was
2 s. A total of 1048 images were used to reconstruction three
dimensions (3D) structure of the composites.
Hardness tests of the composites were carried out using a
Brinell hardness tester. The tensile specimens with a gauge length
of 30 mm, a gauge diameter of 6 mm were prepared according to
ASTM E8M-04 standard. The yield strength (0.2) and ultimate
tensile strength (UTS) were estimated using a computerized
universal testing machine. The tensile velocity was 0.05 mm/s.
Three tests were conducted for each composite to get a precise
value for each property. Fracture surfaces were analyzed using
SEM to evaluate the fracture mechanism.
Table 1
Effect of stirring intensity on the mechanical properties of Al4% TiB2 in situ
18.2 7 0.7
23.4 7 1.8
23.6 7 1.1
24.47 0.3
24.27 0.6
39.3 7 3.2
25.2 7 4.1
34.4 7 2.8
35.67 2.1
32.3 7 3.2
Fig. 3. XRD pattern of Al4% TiB2 in situ composites prepared with different
stirring intensities.
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of the Al4% TiB2 in situ composites prepared with different interface stirring intensity (a) and (b) non-stirring; (c) and (d) 60 rpm; (e) and (f)
180 rpm; (g) and (h) 300 rpm.
Table 2
Effect of stirring duration on the mechanical properties of Al4% TiB2 in situ composites.
Sample no.
Hardness (HB)
0.2 (MPa)
Elongation (%)
24.0 7 0.6
23.9 7 0.3
24.2 7 0.4
25.3 7 0.2
54.2 7 2.2
62.3 7 1.9
63.6 7 1.8
68.97 1.4
96.0 7 3.2
104.47 2.4
106.77 2.3
111.4 7 1.7
34.2 7 2.8
35.6 7 2.1
35.8 7 1.7
36.3 7 1.3
Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of the Al4% TiB2 in situ composites prepared with different stirring duration: (a) and (b) 5 min; (c) and (d) 15 min; (e) and (f) 30 min; (g) and (h)
60 min.
Table 3
Effect of stirring at different process stages on the mechanical properties of Al4% TiB2 in situ composites.
Sample no.
Hardness (HB)
0.2 (MPa)
Elongation (%)
t0 15
t0 45
23.9 7 0.4
22.5 7 0.6
23.3 7 0.3
62.3 7 1.9
59.8 7 2.5
66.57 1.4
104.47 2.4
96.3 7 2.8
102.6 7 1.8
35.6 7 2.1
32.9 7 2.9
36.2 7 1.7
Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of the Al4% TiB2 composites fabricated by applying interface stirring at different time after salts melted: (a) t0 (initial stirring); (b) t0 15 (middle
stirring); (c) t0 45 min (later stirring).
Fig. 7. SEM micrographs of the in situ Al4% TiB2 composite fabricated by the optimized fabricate process:( a) low magnicent; and (b) high magnicent.
Table 4
Mechanical properties of Al4% TiB2 in situ composites synthesized by the optimized fabricate process.
Sample no.
Hardness (HB)
0.2 (MPa)
Elongation (%)
t0 and t0 45
25.17 0.2
72.3 7 1.1
113.6 7 1.4
37.2 7 1.3
Fig. 8. SR-CT images of the Al7% TiB2 composites fabricated: (a) and (b) without stirring; (c) with the developed technique.
Fig. 9. SEM micrographs of the TiB2 morphology in situ Al7% TiB2 composites: (a) prepared without and (b) with the developed technique.
Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of the composites: (a) Al1% TiB2; (b) Al7% TiB2.
Fig. 11. Effect of TiB2 content on the mechanical properties of the fabricated
AlTiB2 in situ composites.
Fig. 12. Variation of improvement in UTS (a) and the decrease in elongation (b) with TiB2 content for the AlTiB2 in situ composites in this work and in the literature.
Table 5
Strength calculated basing on each strengthening mechanism.
diameter (nm)
Hall Petch
Al1% TiB2
Al4% TiB2
Al7% TiB2
12TV P
bD1 V P
Fig. 13. SEM fractographs of the aluminum matrix (a), the Al7.0% TiB2 composites produced without stirring (b) and the Al7.0% TiB2 composite fabricated by the developed
technique (c) and (d).
3.7. Fractograph
Fig. 13 shows the fractographs of the unreinforced matrix,
Al7% TiB2 composites produced with and without the developed
stirring technique. As shown in Fig. 13(a), unequally distributed
large and deep equiaxed dimples dominate in the fracture of the
matrix, indicating a large degree of plastic deformation. During
the tensile test, microvoids initiate and grow with increasing load,
when these voids reach a critical size to coalesce, the nal fracture
takes place and dimples are retained in the fracture surface. Thus,
4. Conclusions
(1) Processing parameters of salts/aluminum interface mechanical
stirring have substantial effects on microstructure and
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Nos. 51071035, 51274054, 51375070 and
U1332115), and the Key grant Project of Chinese Ministry of
Education (No. 313011). It is a pleasure to thank Jingyu Han for
his help in the SEM analysis, and Guangyuan Yan for his help in
preparing the SR-CT specimens of the work. The authors also wish
to thank the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility for provision
of synchrotron radiation facilities. Special thanks to all the staff
members of the BL13W1 beamline of SSRF for their contribution
during the synchrotron experiments.
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