Vol 6 Issue 5 30
Vol 6 Issue 5 30
Vol 6 Issue 5 30
Al6061 is referring to the class of light weight high performance centric material systems. The
reinforcement in Al6061 matrix composites could be in the form continuous / discontinuous fibers or
particulates in volume fractions. This work focus on the fabrication of Al6061 Alloy matrix composites
reinforced with 0%, 12%,14%,16%,18%,20 wt% Red Mud of 150micron using stir casting. Material is
melt in furnace at 7500C temperature. After the completion of process pre –heat the casted specimen in
the furnace at 3500C temperature for a half-hour to reduce the porosity and also increase the strength.
The mechanical properties of fabricated AMCs were analyzed .i.e. tensile strength, hardness and also
microstructure study. Thus the tensile strength and hardness have improved with the increase wt% of
RM in Al6061 Alloy.
Key words: Al6061, Red Mud, Stir Casing, preheating
1. Introduction
1.1 6061 Aluminum Alloy
Aluminum is a precipitation hardening aluminum, containing magnesium and silicon as its most
important alloying elements. Originally called "Alloy 61S," it became advanced in 1935. It has right
mechanical houses and reveals right weld ability. It is one of the maximum not unusual place alloys of
aluminum for widespread motive use. It is usually to be had in pre-tempered grades consisting of 6061-
O (annealed.)
Al alloy Al 6061 is broadly utilized in several engineering packages consisting of shipping and creation
wherein advanced mechanical homes which includes tensile strength, hardness etc., are basically
required. A standard chemical composition of Al 6061 advanced corrosion resistance makes it an
appropriate candidate fabric for marine structural packages.
1.2 Red Mud
The crimson dust used for the prevailing research changed into delivered from the close by mining ore
the scale of the dirt changed into measured with the aid of using the use of a sieve. As in keeping with
this evaluation the common length of the dirt changed into one hundred fifty micron. (150 micron) [2]
1.3 Compositions of Al6061+RM
Table-1 Composition of Al+RM
Sl.No Material Compositions
01 Pure Aluminum of 6061
02 Aluminum of 6061+12%of RM
03 Aluminum of 6061+12%of RM
04 Aluminum of 6061+12%of RM
05 Aluminum of 6061+12%of RM
06 Aluminum of 6061+12%of RM
Increase within side the weight fractions of the fly ash debris will increase the final tensile energy,
compressive energy, hardness and reduces the ductility of the composite.[1] The alloy is likewise used
wherein resistance to corrosion is an critical attention especially wherein high strength is likewise
required[2] The particle size, extent fraction, shapes of the debris very a good deal affects the mechanical
homes of composite materials[3] The micro structural homes analyzed the usage of SEM and EDAX
suggests appropriate bonding among the reinforcements and steel matrix composite [4] Tensile strength
and compressive strength increased by adding Sic & Gr Al6061 both alloys.[5] Objectives To increase
reinforcement of Aluminum matrix with using red mud. To look at the mechanical residences of the
evolved composites. To look at the microstructure residences of the evolved composites via way of
means of Image analyzer
2. Method
2.1Experimental work
In experimental work first we have done the sieve analysis red mud of 150 micron as shown in fig-2. We
melt the molten metal of Al 6061 alloy in electrical furnace at 7500c of temperature as shown in fig -3
then we add different % of red mud into it .we have mix the composition by using stir casting method as
shown in fig-4 and also we add cover flux and degasser because in order to remove dirty particles from
the materials. Pour the molten metal into the die as shown in fig-5 than finally casted specimen are ready
as shown in fig -6 Preheat the casted specimen in furnace at 3500C temperature for an half hour as shown
in fig-7 then we have prepare the tensile ,hardness, microstructure specimen with required dimensions.
As shown in fig-8, fig-9, fig-10
Fig-11 pure Fig -12 Fig -13 Fig -14 Fig - Fig -16
Al6061. Al+12%RM. Al+14% Al+16% 15Al+18% Al+20%
The microstructure study starts with the optical microscopy. All the casted samples after polishing have
been studied using image analyzer to observe the microstructure. The fig -11 of pure al6061 alloy without
addition of reinforcement of red mud the grain size in the pure al6061 alloy are in smaller size and the
grain are complex in nature and this image are captured by 1000X magnifications.
The microstructure study starts with the optical microscopy. All casted samples after polishing have been
studied using image analyzer to observe the microstructure. The above figs -12, 13,14,15,16 shows the
microstructure of the material the dispersion of 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20% of red mud is varied
defending upon the wt% of the red mud .the volume fraction of the red mud is increased as the wt% is
increased, the grain size of the red mud is also increases as shown in above figs these image are captured
by 1000X magnifications.
3.2 Tensile Results
The below graph showing the variation result of ultimate tensile strength versus different weight
percentage of red mud reinforced with the metal matrix composites From the observation, it is clear that
increase in the %of the red mud into the metal matrix composites increases the ultimate tensile strength
of the composites. The tensile strength is creased from 102.07 MPa to 215.87 MPa.
The above graph showing the variation result of % of elongation versus different weight percentage of
red mud reinforced with the metal matrix composites. From the observation, it is clear that, increase in
the %of the red mud into the metal matrix composites decreases the % elongation of the composites. The
% of elongation is decreases from 9.5 to 6.75
4. Conclusion
Based at the experiments carried out to investigate the consequences of Al6061 with the aid of using
including numerous weight % fractions of Red dust the subsequent conclusions may be made
Aluminum primarily based totally MMCs containing Al6061-Redmud have been efficaciously
fabricated with the aid of using stir casting technique with pretty uniform distribution of RED dust. The
tensile electricity in Al6061+ Red mud is located to boom with boom in RM weight percent, higher
tensile electricity changed into determined in Al6061+ with Red dust samples.Al6061+redmud put on
microstructure increases with boom in RM wt % content higher grain size in Al6061+RM samples.
5. Acknowledgment
I would like take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my guides, Prof.R.S. Matti, Prof.S.J.Sanjay,
for their kind co-operation at some point during this period. Their consistent motivation allowed me to
broaden the scope of my paper paintings and aspirations.
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