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Effect of Knockout Time on Microstructure and Mechanical properties of SG Iron


Sujit Kadam1 and Dr. Vinod Kumar2

, Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of
Technology, Indore, India

Corresponding Author’s email id: [email protected] 1 and [email protected] 2

The corresponding author confirms on behalf of all authors that there have been no
involvements that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or in the
conclusions, implications, or opinions stated in this paper.

For the work carried out and mentioned in this paper, no funding is received.
Effect of Knockout Time on Microstructure and Mechanical properties of SG Iron

Abstract- The production of quality casting with desired properties is a crucial and
challenging task. The quality of casting is defined by their properties. The microstructure
and properties of the casting are based on the process of solidification. After cooling the
casting, it is removed from the mold by using the process of knockout. The current work
addresses the influence of knockout time on the microstructure and mechanical properties
of railway insert, a part prepared by spheroidal graphite iron. Researchers are working to
improve the mechanical properties of railway insert which is used to insert ERC clips that
tie concrete sleepers with rail tracks. The research is conducted on railway insert casting
having 10-15 mm average wall thickness and different knockout times applied to achieve
various cooling rates. The trial is taken by changing the knock-out time and then
components cooled to normal environmental conditions. In general, the present study
briefly explains the effect of changing knock-out time on graphite nodule count, pearlite-
ferrite fraction, and mechanical properties of railway insert castings.
Keywords- Spheroidal Graphite Iron; Railway Insert Casting; Knockout Time;
Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties.

1. Introduction

Railway Insert is used to insert elastic rail clip which ties concrete sleeper with rail track.
Manufacturing of SGCI inserts is followed by the latest revision of standard specification
IRS-T-46-1996 finalized by RDSO - Ministry of Railways in 1976 [1, 2]. A typical
railway insert component is shown in Figure 1. The railway insert is industrial-specific to
grade SG 500/7 as per IS 1865:199 standard, which explains ductile iron material.
Mechanical and metallurgical properties of spheroidal graphite cast iron are mainly
influenced by chemical composition, cooling rate, inoculation practice, and Mg treatment.
Increasing the knockout Time greatly changes as cast microstructure, refines matrix
structure and graphite size [4-8, and 19]. Further increasing the knockout Time, increases
the hardness but decreases the mechanical properties. The solidification process and
eutectoid transformation techniques refine the as-cast microstructure. Nodule count and
nodularity percentage are significantly controlled by knockout Time and inoculation
practice while matrix microstructure is controlled by chemical composition and eutectoid
reactions [3, 9].
The railway insert is mounted on the concrete sleeper and used in open climates for a
lifetime. An issue with the open climate is corrosion and wear as per working conditions.
The relationship between knockout Time and microstructure, which is crucial for
enhancing the mechanical properties of SGCI components, has received little attention in
the literature [10, 11].
This paper presents an analysis of influence of knockout Time on cast microstructure and
mechanical properties of railway insert components by changing knockout time in green
sand molding technology.
Figure 1: Railway insert mounted on a concrete sleeper which ties elastic rail clip

2. Experimental Procedure

The experimental melts are conducted in a crucible with a 1000 kg capacity and an
intermediate frequency electric induction furnace. The following materials made up the
furnace charge: Steel scrap, CRCA steel, and pig iron. The spheroidization process is
carried out in a tundish ladle after the metal has been heated to a temperature of 14900 C
and the bath has been kept for 2 minutes.
Table 1: Details of spheroidizing agent

Elements Mg (%) Si (%) Ca (%) Al (%) Fe (%) Size
Specification 9-10% 43-48% 1-1.5% 1-1.5% Balance 15-25 mm
Actual 9.40% 44.22% 1.39% 0.72% 1.28% Balance 15-25 mm
After this, the inoculant is added to the ladle for treatment. The details of the inoculant
used are tabulated in Table 2.
Table 2: Details of cast inoculants

Elements Si (%) Ba (%) Ca (%) Al (%) Size

Specification 65-75% 2-3% 1-2% 0.5-1.5% 2-6 mm
Actual 70.82% 2.52% 1.46% 1.22% 2-6 mm
The railway insert castings are poured with the above-mentioned chemical composition
and inoculants.
Table 3: Chemical composition of components poured

C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Cu Mo Ti Mg Ce Pb Sn Fe
Elements V (%) Al (%)
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Bath 3.74 1.54 0.34 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.029 0.014 <0.005 0.02 <0.005 0.011 <0.006 <0.020 <0.005 94.7

Final 3.43 2.62 0.35 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.029 0.016 <0.005 0.02 <0.005 0.044 0.007 <0.020 <0.005 93.9

Cast inoculants (2 to 6 mm in size) in an amount of 1 wt% were utilized for the

inoculation, while the master alloy Fe-Si-Mg (9% Mg) in an amount of 1.4 wt% was
employed for spheroidization. Table 1 shows the details of the spheroidizing agent used
and Table 2 shows details of cast inoculants used during manufacturing. The cast
inoculant used is a specific Ba base (2.52% Ba) having an average 70% Si content.
The tapping and pouring temperatures were 1468ºC and 1350ºC respectively. The SGCI
was poured into railway insert green sand molds with an average casting wall thickness of
10 to 15 mm. Railway insert samples were cast following IS 1865:1991 standard and IRS-
T-46-1996 Indian railway standard [11,12]. Table 3 explains the experimental ductile
iron's chemical makeup. For further trials, poured castings are maintained at 3 different
knockout times 15 min, 30 min and 45 min in moulding boxes then knocked out on a
Metallographic samples were taken from castings and prepared for inspection (following
IS7739:1976 Part V Standard). Also, characterization is made on these samples for the
average nodule count, nodularity percentage, and matrix phases developed are measured
using an inverted metallurgical microscope with the camera (following IS 7754:1975
Standard). Round samples were tested for tensile strength and % elongation using a
universal tensile testing machine following the IS1608:2005 Standard.

Figure 2: Tensile specimen prepared from Railway Insert casting

The dimensions of the tensile specimen are depicted in Figure 2. Brinell hardness testing
equipment was used to test the hardness of unfinished castings in line with the
IS1500:2005 Standard [13-16].

Figure 3: Typical microstructure of Railway Insert component (etched with Nital 2%)
The detailed measurement and evolution of the microstructure of the railway insert
component are discussed in the next chapter.
3. Results and Discussion
The details of microstructure measurement, x-ray diffraction, measurement of mechanical
properties, and fractography are discussed herewith.
Microstructure Characteristics
As illustrated in Figure 3, the typical microstructure of the railway insert component was
discovered throughout the study. It becomes abundantly obvious by studying the
microstructure that the pearlite matrix contains graphite nodules that are encircled by
ferrite shells. At the beginning of graphite eutectic solidification, the maximum degree of
undercooling is influenced by knockout Time. Hence matrix structure and graphite nodule
count of base ductile iron are affected. Figure 4 shows nodule count variation in railway
inserts casting samples by altering knockout time. From the microstructure, it can be
noted that nodule count increased with fast cooling while decreased with slow cooling.
Also, it is observed that nodule size is increased with an increase in knockout time.
Graphite nodule count is affected by changing solidification time, which is a major
parameter for forming a ductile iron matrix. According to heterogeneous nucleation
theory, when a certain undercooling is attained, nucleation occurs instantly. Fast cooling
rates that encourage greater undercooling are explained by the same approach [4]. In this
experiment, increasing nodule count in case of 15 min knockout time proves correlation
with instantaneous nucleation, it is according to the concept of heterogeneous nucleation.
Table 4: Microstructural details of casting at various knockout times
Sr. Sample Knockout Nodularity Nodule Count Pearlite Ferrite (%)
No. No. Time (%) (/mm2) (%)
1 1 15 min 82.32 286 71 19
2 81.78 290 68 22
3 84.05 295 66 24
4 80.65 280 71 19
5 82.12 278 70 20
2 1 30 min 83.48 249 48 42
2 82.95 219 46 44
3 81.88 260 41 49
4 84.21 250 42 48
5 83.76 238 49 41
3 1 45 min 84.13 204 28 62
2 82.46 200 30 60
3 85.30 199 31 59
4 83.99 210 26 64
5 84.21 212 29 61

The final microstructure of the railway insert component is measured at average of 10%
graphite and the details are as tabulated in Table 4.

— — —
100µm 100µm 100µm

a b c

Figure 4: Microstructure of railway insert casting with altered knockout time.

a) 15 min b) 30 min c) 45 min.
Figure 5 shows a variation of pearlite and ferrite matrix structure in a railway insert
casting samples against knockout Time change. It can be noted that for the 15 min
knockout time, the matrix structure is mostly pearlitic while for 45 min knockout time, the
matrix structure gets changed to ferritic.

— — —
100µm 100µm 100µm
a b c

Figure 5: Microstructure of railway insert casting with altered knockout time.

a) 15 min b) 30 min) 45 min. (Etched samples with Nital 2%)
Eutectoid transformation results in stable and metastable reactions. In a stable reaction
commonly known as a ferritic reaction, austenite decomposed to ferrite and graphite.
While in metastable reaction commonly known as pearlitic reaction, austenite
decomposed to ferrite and pearlite. So, if eutectoid transformation occurs at high
temperature then ferrite will be developed. The formation of ferrites depends upon
growth kinetics and available sites for nucleation [17, 18]. When knockout takes 45
minutes, there is more time for carbon diffusion, which leads to more ferrite being
produced. In this investigated casting sample, there is no chilling observed, as it is
observed in thin-walled castings which can be removed by dissolution [20-23]. Figure 6A
shows SEM micrographs of cast solidified railway insert casting. The existence of nodular
graphite is observed in micrographs as confirmed in Figure 4. It is proven that as knockout
time goes on changing, the nodule count and nodule size vary. The white circle is
observed due to delaminating graphite nodule from that area during micro polishing.

a b c
Figure 6A: SEM Micrograph of railway insert casting with altered knockout time.
a) 15 min b) 30 min c) 45 min.
The SEM micrographs are plotted as cast solidified railway insert castings.
Figure 6B: SEM Micrograph of railway insert casting with EDS mapping at 45 min knockout time
Figure 6B shows SEM micrographs of as-cast solidified railway insert casting with EDS
mapping at 45 min knockout time. EDS mapping shows a C weight of 96.7% in spectrum
1 which demonstrates the presence of nodular graphite while spectrum 2 shows 100
weight% of Fe which demonstrates the presence of α-Ferrite, surrounding nodular
X-Ray Diffraction

In the fields of chemistry, materials science, and crystallography, X-ray diffraction (XRD)
is a potent analytical method that is frequently used to ascertain the atomic and molecular
structure of a crystalline substance. This non-destructive technique is based on the idea
that X-rays scattered in particular directions can be produced when they strike a
crystalline sample due to the principle of X-ray interference. Important details on the
arrangement of atoms within the crystal lattice, such as interatomic distances and crystal
symmetry, are revealed by the ensuing diffraction pattern [24].
Figure 7 displays the X-ray diffraction pattern of ductile iron created at various knockout
Times. The pattern indicates that the predominant phase is -ferrite. FeSi and Fe are the
dominant phases that are observed in a tested sample of ductile iron. The Fe3C phase is
not seen in any of the ductile iron samples. More number of graphite peaks were observed
in the 15-minute knockout time sample during XRD pattern analysis.
Figure 7: XRD diffraction pattern of ductile iron sample

Mechanical Properties

This section explains how changing knockout time affects the mechanical properties.
Figure 8 shows the variation of ultimate tensile strength against changing knockout time.
The experimental data from Table 5 shows that by increasing solidification time (slow
cooling) ultimate tensile strength is also increasing.
Table 5: Mechanical properties of casting at various knockout times
Sr. Sample Knockout Ultimate Tensile Strength Elongation Hardness
No. No. Time (N/mm2) (%) (BHN)
1 1 15 min 508 12.27 187
2 579 11.75 170
3 548 12.17 197
4 581 13.72 197
5 525 13.04 187
2 1 30 min 585 10.50 170
2 577 9.50 187
3 518 15.45 156
4 547 8.83 187
5 590 10.73 163
3 1 45 min 523 5.07 163
2 615 14.15 156
3 591 6.98 170
4 504 5.75 163
5 610 6.34 156
Ultimate tensile strength properties are observed respectively, for 15 min knockout time
550 N/mm2, for 30 min knockout time 565 N/mm2, and for 45 min knockout time 570
N/mm2. In three knockout times, no significant additional incremental performance is

Ultimate Tensile Strength (N/mm2)






15 Min 30 Min 45 Min
Knockout Time

Figure 8: Variation of tensile strength against knockout time

Figure 9 shows a variation of elongation percentage against knockout time. The
experimental data shows that by increasing knockout time (slow cooling) elongation
percentage values are decreasing. On average 12% elongation is observed for 15 min
knockout time, 9% elongation is observed for 30 min knockout time, and 6% elongation is
observed for 45 min knockout time.
Figure 10 shows the variation of hardness against changing knockout time. From the
graph, it is clear that the hardness of the castings goes on increasing with fast cooling. An
average of 187 BHN is observed for 15 min knockout time (fast cooling). An average of
156 BHN is observed for 45 min knockout time (slow cooling). With the slow cooling
hardness values show a decremental trend.
Elongation (%)

15 Min 30 Min 45 Min
Knockout Time

Figure 9: Variation of elongation percentage against knockout time



Hardness (BHN)



15 Min 30 Min 45 Min
Knockout Time

Figure 10: Variation of hardness against knockout time

In some cases, for all mechanical properties concerning knockout time, values differ from
the average mean scale. This is because of foundry defects like blow holes, shrinkage, or
internal porosity arising in castings.
For the analysis of fracture, the broken tensile testing specimens are used. The two distinct
brightness regions are visible to the unaided eye as white and dark regions. Images are
captured from both white and dark areas when magnified greatly. A sample from 45 min
knockout time shows a ductile pattern of fracture in Figure 11. This ductile dimple
fracture with micro void coalescence is operative in ferritic microstructures which also
attribute to the mechanical properties observed. Transgranular cleavages and intergranular
fractures are not seen fully in any micrograph which is operative in a brittle pattern of
fracture. But mixing of dimple fracture in river pattern and fibre flow along with cleavage
facets is observed in sample from 15 min knockout time. For the 15 min and 30 min
knockout time, average samples showing mixed ductile-brittle fracture. EDS mapping is
done for analysing presence of Fe base compounds.

a b c
Figure 11: Fracture surfaces observed after tensile testing with different knockout times.
a) 15 min b) 30 min c) 45 min.

Figure 12 shows the fracture surface of a sample taken from 15 min knockout time and the
respective EDS spectrum graph. The spectrum graph taken from transgranular cleavage
with river pattern shows the presence of Mn, Mo, Cr, Al, and P-like elements. The
presence of various Fe base compounds is well confirmed during XRD analysis.
Figure 12: EDS mapping of fracture surface sample with 15 min knockout time
A detailed discussion of results obtained from the measurement of different properties is
done. The concluding remarks for the results obtained are presented in the conclusion
chapter below.

4. Conclusion
The railway insert component is a crucial portion used in railway tracks. The part is
produced using a casting process with desired microstructure and mechanical properties.
The experimental work is successfully carried out to analyze how knockout Time affects
the microstructure and mechanical properties of the SG iron railway insert. The following
conclusions are drawn from the work performed:
1) As the knockout Time increases, the nodule count decreases. Fast cooling rates
promote higher undercooling, which helps in instantaneous nucleation growth. So,
for 15 min knockout time, nodule count is more.
2) As the knockout Time increases, the matrix structure is changed from pearlitic to
ferritic structure. Available sites for nucleation and growth kinetics will decide
ferrite formation. In the case of 45 min knockout time the carbon diffusion is
more, which results in a higher percentage of ferrite.
3) The mechanical properties like percentage elongation and hardness increase as
knockout time decreases. The average value of percentage elongation is 12% and
hardness is 187 BHN was achieved for 15 min knockout time. For all the cases
universal tensile strength was in between 500 N/mm2 to 600 N/mm2.
4) 15 minutes of knockout time is a cost-saving procedure while maintaining
mechanical qualities. Given that castings must have enough time to cool according
to the product's geometry, most production may be done in the shortest amount of
The author would like to present sincere thanks to the Management of SIDDHI
FERROUS PVT LTD, SILVASSA for providing the necessary manufacturing and testing
facility to carry out the work. The author also presents thanks to Mr. Shubham Varma
from IIT-Indore for supporting the characterization part of the work.


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Figure 1: Railway insert mounted on a concrete sleeper which ties elastic rail clip

Figure 2: Tensile specimen prepared from Railway Insert casting

Figure 3: Typical microstructure of Railway Insert component (etched with Nital 2%)
— — —
100µm 100µm 100µm

a b c
Figure 4: Microstructure of railway insert casting with altered knockout time.
a) 15 min b) 30 min c) 45 min.

— — —
100µm 100µm 100µm
a b c

Figure 5: Microstructure of railway insert casting with altered knockout time.

a) 15 min b) 30 min) 45 min. (Etched samples with Nital 2%)

a b c
Figure 6A: SEM Micrograph of railway insert casting with altered knockout time.
a) 15 min b) 30 min c) 45 min.
Figure 6B: SEM Micrograph of railway insert casting with EDS mapping at 45 min knockout time

Figure 7: XRD diffraction pattern of ductile iron sample


Ultimate Tensile Strength (N/mm2)






15 Min 30 Min 45 Min
Knockout Time

Figure 8: Variation of tensile strength against knockout time

Elongation (%)

15 Min 30 Min 45 Min
Knockout Time

Figure 9: Variation of elongation percentage against knockout time


Hardness (BHN)




15 Min 30 Min 45 Min
Knockout Time

Figure 10: Variation of hardness against knockout time

a b c
Figure 11: Fracture surfaces observed after tensile testing with different knockout times.
a) 15 min b) 30 min c) 45 min.

Figure 12: EDS mapping of fracture surface sample with 15 min knockout time
Table 1: Details of spheroidizing agent

Elements Mg (%) Si (%) Ca (%) Al (%) Fe (%) Size
Specification 9-10% 43-48% 1-1.5% 1-1.5% Balance 15-25 mm
Actual 9.40% 44.22% 1.39% 0.72% 1.28% Balance 15-25 mm

Table 2: Details of cast inoculants

Elements Si (%) Ba (%) Ca (%) Al (%) Size

Specification 65-75% 2-3% 1-2% 0.5-1.5% 2-6 mm
Actual 70.82% 2.52% 1.46% 1.22% 2-6 mm

Table 3: Chemical composition of components poured

C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Cu Mo Ti Mg Ce Pb Sn Fe
Elements V (%) Al (%)
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Bath 3.74 1.54 0.34 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.029 0.014 <0.005 0.02 <0.005 0.011 <0.006 <0.020 <0.005 94.7

Final 3.43 2.62 0.35 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.029 0.016 <0.005 0.02 <0.005 0.044 0.007 <0.020 <0.005 93.9

Table 4: Microstructural details of casting at various knockout times

Sr. Sample Knockout Nodularity Nodule Count Pearlite Ferrite (%)
No. No. Time (%) (/mm2) (%)
1 1 15 min 82.32 286 71 19
2 81.78 290 68 22
3 84.05 295 66 24
4 80.65 280 71 19
5 82.12 278 70 20
2 1 30 min 83.48 249 48 42
2 82.95 219 46 44
3 81.88 260 41 49
4 84.21 250 42 48
5 83.76 238 49 41
3 1 45 min 84.13 204 28 62
2 82.46 200 30 60
3 85.30 199 31 59
4 83.99 210 26 64
5 84.21 212 29 61
Table 5: Mechanical properties of casting at various knockout times
Sr. Sample Knockout Ultimate Tensile Strength Elongation Hardness
No. No. Time (N/mm2) (%) (BHN)
1 1 15 min 508 12.27 187
2 579 11.75 170
3 548 12.17 197
4 581 13.72 197
5 525 13.04 187
2 1 30 min 585 10.50 170
2 577 9.50 187
3 518 15.45 156
4 547 8.83 187
5 590 10.73 163
3 1 45 min 523 5.07 163
2 615 14.15 156
3 591 6.98 170
4 504 5.75 163
5 610 6.34 156

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