Essential Employee Guidance Covid 19
Essential Employee Guidance Covid 19
Essential Employee Guidance Covid 19
Director/Agent for
Board of Health
Your primary care doctor recommends that you stay home or quarantine because you are
vulnerable to the COVID – 19 virus because of age or pre-existing health condition.
Stay home.
Do not report to work until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor or health
care provider.
If you are feeling well, you may work from home (if able). You should discuss these
options with your primary care doctor and your employer.
Consult your primary care doctor or health care provider for guidance as to whether you
should stay home.
Consider taking time-off.
Stay home if you are not an essential employee.
Stay home if you are able to work from home, otherwise you may report to work. You
should discuss this option with your employer.
Monitor your health.
Take your temperature before every shift.
Do not come to work if your temperature is above 100.3 degrees.
Do not come to work if you are symptomatic including having a fever, cough, sore throat,
or trouble breathing.
Follow the instructions of your primary care doctor or health care provider.
Isolate for 14 days from the last day you show signs and symptoms of the virus. Isolate for
a longer period as directed by your primary care doctor or health care provider.
Do not report to work until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor or health
care provider.
If you tested positive but are not exhibiting symptoms and you are feeling well, you may
work from home (if able). Discuss these options with your primary care doctor and your
You have signs and symptoms but have not tested positive for COVID – 19.
Stay home.
Do not report to work until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor or health
care provider.
Follow the treatment advice from your primary care doctor or health care provider.
If you are feeling well, you may work from home (if able). You should discuss these
options with your primary care doctor and your employer.
You are in quarantine, in isolation, or have been sent home but have no symptoms of
COVID – 19.
Stay home.
Do not report to work until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor or health
care provider.
If you are feeling well, you may work from home (if able). You should discuss these
options with your primary care doctor and your employer.
You are asymptomatic but you have had “close contact” with someone who tested positive
for COVID – 19.
“Close contact” may include but is not limited to being within six (6) feet of a person who has tested positive
for COVID-19 for approximately 20 minutes, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or
being in direct contact with secretions or respiratory droplets of a person who has tested positive for COVID-
19 by cough, sneezing, sharing utensils, or other means, in environments where the exposed person was not
wearing proper PPE (personal protective equipment).
Stay home.
Quarantine for 14 days or longer as directed by your primary care doctor or health care
Do not report to work until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor or health
care provider.
If you are feeling well, you may work from home (if able). You should discuss these
options with your primary care doctor and your employer.
“Close contact” may include but is not limited to being within six (6) feet of a person who has tested positive
for COVID-19 for approximately 20 minutes, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or
being in direct contact with secretions or respiratory droplets of a person who has tested positive for COVID-
19 by cough, sneezing, sharing utensils, or other means, in environments where the exposed person was not
wearing proper PPE (personal protective equipment).
A member of your family or household has tested positive for COVID – 19.
Stay home.
Quarantine for 14 days or longer as directed by your primary care doctor or health care
Do not report to work until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor or health
care provider.
Attempt to maintain social distancing as much as possible from your family members or
If you are feeling well, you may work from home (if able). You should discuss these
options with your primary care doctor and your employer.
This guidance is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations. It contains
recommendations as well as descriptions of safety and health standards. The recommendations are advisory
in nature, informational in content, and are intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful
workplace. The COVID-19 response is an evolving, rapidly changing situation. Please regularly review online
resources and guidance documents published reliable sources such as,, and