Guidance Isolation and Quarantine PDF
Guidance Isolation and Quarantine PDF
Guidance Isolation and Quarantine PDF
COVID-19 symptoms: fever at least 100.4°F, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, muscle
aches, headache, feeling unusually weak or tired, diarrhea, congested or runny nose, or losing the sense of smell or taste.
Close Contact means people in your home, your sex partners, and people who take care of you or who you take care of.
Also considered close contacts are people who stayed within 6 feet of you for more than 15 minutes, or who had direct
contact with your body fluids or secretions while they were not wearing a facemask, gown, and gloves.
Vulnerable means age 50 years or more, or has medical conditions such as heart, lung, or kidney disease, diabetes,
obesity, cancer, sickle cell, or a weakened immune system. See more at
*Essential COVID-19 Response Workers are healthcare workers, laboratory personnel handling COVID-19 specimens, morgue workers, first
responders, law enforcement, sanitation workers, 911 and 311 operators, emergency management personnel, individuals assigned to work as
Disaster Service Workers, and individuals who work in long-term care facilities or homeless shelters.
● Stay home except to seek medical care. Do not go to work, ● If you cannot meet the requirements for Isolation or
school, or public areas. Do not use public transportation, ride Quarantine where you currently live, contact 3-1-1 to
shares or taxis request help with housing, food, or other needs
● Separate yourself from others in your home, especially ● If your employer requests a letter or a negative
people with higher risk of serious illness. Stay in a specific test to return to work, you can direct them to
room and away from other people as much as possible. Use a
separate bathroom, if available ● If you have other concerns related to the impact
● Do not allow visitors into your home, and do not prepare or of isolation and quarantine on your work, visit
serve food to others
● Limit your contact with pets
● If possible, call ahead before going to your healthcare provider's office or hospital and tell them you are in Isolation
for COVID-19 to prepare health care pers onnel for your arrival and protect other s from getting infected.
o Do not wait in any waiting rooms; wear a face covering or mask at all times if possible.
o Do not use public transportation.
o If you call 911, first notify the dispatch and paramedics that you are under isolation for COVID-19.
For more information, or to get these guidelines in another language, visit or call 3-1-1.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important public health matter