Assessment Tool: Employees, Visitors & Contractors Should Review The Self-Screening Tool Posted With This Notice

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Assessment Tool

Employees, visitors & contractors should review the Actual screening for employees, visitors & contractors
self-screening tool posted with this notice
This screening tool may be used to determine if individual should
DO NOT ENTER this facility if you have symptoms be excluded from the workplace due to possible coronavirus
which might indicate that you have coronavirus illness.
influenza. This symptoms are indications that you
might be contagious and should not enter this
facility until medically evaluated. If you have these 1. Do you have cough?
symptoms you should consult a health care provider 2. Do you have fever (>100.0 F or 37.8 C)?
for guidance.
3. Do you have a soar throat?

Employee will use Assessment Tool 4. Do you have a runny nose or congestion?

5. Do you have nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea?

Symptoms: Cough, Fever, sore throat, IF NO
running nose, vomiting, diarrhea, 6. Do you have shortness of breathe?
breathing problems, redness/irritation
7. Do you have a difficulty of breathing?
of eyes,
IF YES Follow these: 8. Are your eyes red or irritated?


Immediately contact your doctor & Keep
away from work until fitness with the
1. Have you recently traveled (within the last 14 days) to an
suspected cases.
coronavirus affected area that has experienced fatalities?
2. Avoid
Advice/Treatment by doctor and 2. Have you had close contact* with ill persons exposed to
monitor for few hours or refer to govt. coronavirus?
ted places
notified hospitals
* Close contact is defined as living with, caring for, or having
3. Avoid
contact with respiratory secretions
Follow advice by notified govt. facility & travelling If you have 3 or more of the above SYMPTOMS OR any of the
keep HOD/manager updated EXPOSURE RISK FACTORS, you will NOT be allowed access to
4. Eat healthy
the facility. Employees should notify your HOD/Manager.

5. Maintain
Ongoing back to work present fitness hygiene at home In addition, you should follow the guideline of your local health
certificate from hospital to admin
authority for contacting of your health care provider.

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