Song Teaching Rote Lesson Plan 1

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Casimir Campagna MUED 111


Grade Level: 3rd Class Type: General Music Length of Lesson: 5 Minutes

Lesson Topic/Focus How to sing the song, “Frere Jaques”.

Objective(s) SWBAT listen to, repeat, and perform a simple tune called “Frere Jaques”.

Materials Piano for giving pitch

Prior Knowledge How to listen to and sing back pitches, remembering short phrases

Vocabulary Before: “Frere Jaques” - French for “Brother John”

During: English lyrics for Frere Jaques
After: N/A
Assessment Performance Tasks
(Not required for - Students will repeat back short phrases sung by the teacher in order to
MUED 111) perform “Frere Jaques”
Song Teaching Method Rote
Procedures 1. Greet class and share objective
2. Ask class to say “Frere Jaques”
a. explain that this is a French song, this is the original title,
but we will be singing it in English
3. Sing the whole of Frere Jaques for the class (in English)
4. Ask students to repeat each short phrase once after the teacher
a. Teacher: Are you sleeping?
b. Class: Are you sleeping?
c. T: Brother John?
d. C: Brother John?
e. T: Morning bells are ringing!
f. C: Morning bells are ringing!
g. T: Ding, ding, dong!
h. C: Ding, ding, dong!
5. Ask students to repeat after teacher, singing the first two phrases
a. T: Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John?
Brother John?
b. C: Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John?
Brother John?
6. Ask students to repeat after teacher, singing second two phrases
a. T: Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding dong!
b. C: Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong!
7. Ask students to sing whole song along with teacher
8. Have students sing song on their own with teacher accompaniment
Closure Restate objective. Ask students whether they felt they were able to
perform the task to a satisfactory degree. What could they use help on?
How can I help them improve?

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