Mah Jongg

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Playing the Game

Part 1: Starting the Game:

1. Each player places a rack in front of her. The pushers are placed on the long
side of the rack toward the centre of the table.
2. Along the back of the rack against the pusher, each player builds a row of
tiles called a wall, two tiles high, face down (19 stacks of two -- 38 in total).
Note: If the set does not include pushers, the tiles are placed on the side of
the rack toward the middle of the table and players can carefully push out
their walls so that no other player is able to see any tiles that are racked
(later in the game).
3. One player is designated East (the “dealer”) and rolls the die to start the
4. East takes the number she rolled and counts that number of tiles (both tiers)
from her right-hand side of the wall. (The counted tiles will remain on her
wall.) She moves the pusher just to the left of the last tile counted and
pushes the rest of the tiles out towards the middle of the table. The tiles that
were counted are now moved down to the left side of her rack against the
pusher and will stay there until the end of the game. They will be the last
tiles played.
Note: As play continues, when all the tiles from the stack in the middle are
taken, the player to the left* of East pushes out her complete wall of tiles.
Tiles are taken from the right-hand side of the stack (from the perspective of
the player who pushed out the wall). When that stack is used up, the next
person to her left* pushes out her wall, and so on. (*Many groups have been
pushing out the untouched wall to the right of the last wall that was pushed
out, keeping it going in the same direction as the play goes. Whatever you
do, you should be consistent.)
5. Picking from the right-hand side of the wall of tiles that were pushed out,
East takes the first 4 tiles (2 stacks of 2 each). Hint: Make a “caboose” with 2
tiles at the end of the row of tiles. Place the last two tiles diagonally against
the others. That way, everyone knows to pick from the other end of the tiles,
the end without the caboose.
6. The next player to her right takes the next 4 tiles.
7. This continues in turn (3 times) until each player has 12 tiles face down in
front of her.
8. Then East picks the top tile from the end, the player to her right picks the
next tile which was underneath it; the 3rd player picks the next top tile and
then the 4th player picks the bottom one. East takes one more tile so she now
has 14 tiles and the other three players each have 13.

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