Goblin Toboggan Rule Sheet - 12-24-14

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Goblin Toboggan Rule Sheet v

0.9.2 last updated 12/21/14

Concept and design by Patrick Marino

5998 Alcala Park, Unit 7180
San Diego, CA 92110
[email protected]

Special thanks to Tristan Rios and Jim DiCamillo for their feedback, support and ideas.

1 Game Board
6 Goblin Toboggan pawns, one per clan (Red, White, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green)
6 Clan cards
1 Instigator token indicates current player
18 circular tokens (3 per type) for marking card effects on the board
108 Mischief Cards
88 Hexagon shaped tiles
18 knockdown counters

2-6 Players
30-60 Minutes for short game board (depending on the number of players)
Ages 8+

The Six Goblin Clans have gathered for the annual Toboggan race to determine which clan is most
superior and will rule over the others. With pride, power and glory on the line these toboggan
teams of trickster Goblins (the players) will do whatever it takes to outrun the avalanche and
score the highest intimidation score.

The objective is for the players to earn the highest intimidation score. Finishing the course faster
earns you more points than slower opponents, but there are plenty of bonus points available for
knocking down your opponents, and expertly maneuvering through the slalom gates.

Set-up: (Set-up for four players is shown)

The biggest instigator in the group is given the Instigator token and will start play. (1)
Starting to the right of the Instigator and proceeding counterclockwise , each player selects
a toboggan token and places it in a space behind the starting line (only one toboggan per
space). Each player then takes the corresponding clan card and places it face up on the
table in front of them. (2)
Shuffle the 108 mischief cards and place them in a pile face down on the table. (3)
Shuffle the 88 unmarked tiles and place them in piles face down on the table.
Set the circular and barrier tokens to one side. These will be used when marking card
effects on the board. (5)
Each player draws a hand of three mischief cards. (6)
Each player draws a hand of three hexagon tiles. (7)
The width of the toboggan track depends on the number of players as noted below, and
illustrated on the board. (8)
Each player takes 3 black knockdown tokens. (9)

Number of Players Width of track

The player with the Instigator token plays first.

A ROUND proceeds as follows:
The Instigator plays a tile in the right most space of the first empty shaded row of
the board, starting at the top.
Play then continues clockwise with each player adding one tile to the row, in
order working from right to left. Each player may choose any tile from their hand
to play, and may rotate it to the position they choose, but they cannot place it out
of order. This rotation continues until the row is complete (for the number of
players as noted above). Players do not draw new tiles during this phase, if a player
must play two tiles in the round they must do so from the three tiles in hand at the
start of the round.
Starting with the Instigator, and continuing clockwise, each player completes
their toboggan movement phase.
All players draw ONE (1) mischief card and then discard to a hand size of three
(3) if necessary. *
All players draw enough tiles to have a full hand of 3.
Starting with the turn where the 6th row is, advance the avalanche tile as indicated
by the avalanche numbers located on the edge of the board.
On the original prototype board the first (-2) is an error and should be a (-1). The
avalanche numbers should read -1, -1, -2, -2, -2
Clear all tokens, except landmine tokens, from the board.
Pass the Instigator token one player to the left.

* Players may play any number from none to all of their mischief cards on their turn, but each
player only draws one new card at the end of the round.

Movement Phase:

After the new row of tiles is added, the Instigator begins the movement phase with play
passing clockwise.

During each players movement phase they move their toboggan one space. Turning a knocked
down toboggan upright counts as a movement. Toboggans can move one space to either of the
adjacent tiles on the sides or to the front (blue arrows). A toboggan can only move to the two
adjacent tiles to the back if there are no other options available (red arrows). A toboggan may
not double back to the previous tile on the same turn (for example when sliding on ice).

Toboggans that cannot move:

If a toboggan cannot move this turn (because it completely is blocked by barricades, trees or
other and/or the edge of the board) that player may discard some or all of their mischief cards
and then draw up to a full hand of three cards.

Only 2 Toboggans can occupy a tile at any time, for a third toboggan to move onto the tile that
player must discard a card of their choice, a fourth player must discard 2 cards and so on. In a
2-player game the 2 players may not occupy the same tile.


When moving toboggans players must obey the rules outlined in the tile type section. If a legal
move is not possible the toboggan is not moved on the given turn. (e.g. a Goblin Toboggan is on
a tile that is surrounded on all six sides by trees and/or board edges.) If on the next turn the
toboggan still cannot move the player may move it to any adjacent tile in a knocked-down

A note about the edge of the board: players may not move a goblin beyond the edges of the
board, nor beyond the tiles that have been played. If a goblin is at an edge and has not been
moved this turn it must still be moved in a legal manner if possible.

Knockdowns: Goblin Toboggans are knocked over in several circumstances described under
tile types and on card text. If a toboggan is knocked over lay the token on its side. It requires
one movement for the toboggan to be turned upright.

Knockdown Bonus Points: If a player causes an opponents toboggan to be knocked down,
that player takes one knockdown token from the knocked down opponent. At the end of the
game, each knockdown token a player possesses is worth 1 point.

Knockdowns of this type may occur using the Ram, Grenade and Tremor cards, or by sliding
into an opponent using ice, or landing on them after hopping off of a mogul tile.

Tile Types
Green arrows represent a safe move
Red arrows represent a move where the toboggan is knocked down
Red Xs represent an invalid move




Plain/Snow: These tiles have no special

Ice: When a Toboggan moves onto an ice tile
it immediately slides to any other
permissible adjacent tile except the one it
came from.
A toboggan may slide across more
than one adjacent ice tile in one turn.
If no permissible tiles are available
the Toboggan stops movement on the
ice tile.
If a goblin toboggan is knocked down
when moving onto ice (e.g. after
tripping over a barrier) it does
continue to slide, but remains in a
knocked down position.
When a toboggan slides into another
toboggan that toboggan is knocked

Trees: These tiles are blocked. While
players may not land on a tree tile, they may
hop over them using a mogul tile.


2 double

7 triple in

Striped barricade tiles: Toboggans may
not cross a striped barricade unless they use
a mogul tile to jump over it.



9 double in

5 triple in

5 quad in

3 single
2 double


Orange Barricaded tiles: Toboggans may
enter and exit orange barricaded tiles on any
side, however, crossing an orange barricade
causes the Goblin Toboggan to be knocked
down. The only exception is that a toboggan
may hop into a barricaded tile using a mogul
tile from a barricaded side without being
knocked down.

Moguls: When a toboggan moves onto a
mogul tile there is no immediate effect.
When moving off of a mogul tile a player
may catch air and move one OR two spaces
in the direction of the moguls faces, or one
space in the other available directions.
A toboggan may hop over trees and
rocks if they are in the space
immediately in front of the moguls.
A toboggan may hop over barricades,
including those in the landing space,
without being knocked down.
If a toboggan lands on a rock it is
knocked down.
A player may hop over a tile that has
toboggans in it, even if it is at the
occupancy limit; however a toboggan
may not land in tile that has already
reached the occupancy limit.
If a player catches air using the
moguls and lands on another
toboggan that toboggan is knocked




1 with 1 red and 2

2 with 2 red and one

3 with 2 red and ice

3 with 2 orange and ice
4 with 3 orange and ice
2 with 4 orange and ice


Combination tiles, including tiles
with red and orange barricades and
tiles with ice and barricades. These
tiles combine the effects of the
individual tiles types.

4 single side gates
4 two side gates
4 three side gates

Slalom Gate Tiles: Any time a
toboggan crosses between the
slalom gates (crossing the purple
line) that player receives 1 point.

Yeti Tiles: When a player moves
onto a yeti tile they must discard
one card, drawn at random by the
player on their left.

Rock tiles: Players may move onto
a rock tile from any side, but are
knocked down when doing so.

Avalanche Rules:
Along the edge of the board are avalanche indicator numbers, -1 or -2. The avalanche number
indicates how many rows should be removed by the avalanche starting from the top of the hill.

The avalanche action takes place at the end of the round where that activating row was placed.

Row removal begins with the first row of tiles, the empty row(s) after the start line are ignored.

Any toboggans in the row(s) that are eliminated by the avalanche are removed from the race. The
eliminated toboggans are placed in the last available finish position (for example the first
eliminated player gets 4th place in a four player game). If two or more toboggans are in the same
row that is impacted by the avalanche the player with the most mischief cards in their hand is
placed in the better finishing position. If the players have the same number of mischief cards they
tie and finish in the same position.

There is an error on the board, the first (-2) is an error and should be a (-1).

Mischief Cards:

Goblin Toboggan contains 108 cards that players can use to alter the game in their favor. Each
card contains text that explains its effects and any rules that govern its use. Cards come in two
main forms: those that can be played at any time, and those that can only be played during the
users turn in the movement phase. For a full list of card types see the appendix.

The instant a player declares they are playing a card, that cards is played, in that order.
Players may respond with a counter card or additional effect, but cannot declare that they
are playing a card before that card is played. For example player 1 declares they are throwing a
Snowball 1 at player 2. Player 2 cannot then state that they are playing a Mage or Engineer card
before the Snowball 1 takes effect, because the Snowball 1 effect was instantaneous the moment
that player 1 declared that they were playing it.

End Game and The Finish Line:

The game ends when all toboggans have either finished the race by crossing the finish line or
through elimination by the avalanche. The finishing places of the Goblin Toboggans are
determined by the order in which they cross the finish line, beginning with first place. If the
avalanche crushes a toboggan it is placed in the worst unfilled finishing place. The player whose
toboggan crosses the finish line first, or the last surviving player, is the winner of the game.

Play continues until all toboggans have crossed the finish line or have been crushed by the
avalanche. Players whose toboggan has crossed the finish line are still given a movement phase, in
regular order, and may continue to play cards to influence the remaining outcome of the game.

Additionally, players may use cards to impact spaces that are beyond the finish line.


Common Terms

Knocked Down: When a toboggan encounters certain obstacles (see tile section), is slid into by
another toboggan, or jumped onto by another toboggan, it is knocked down (the pawn is laid on its
side). Knocked down toboggans must use a movement action to turn upright.

Round: A round is described in detail on page 3. It begins with tile placement and concludes with
removal of any temporary tokens from the board.

Movement Phase: A players movement phase consists of the time during which that player is
able to move their toboggan. It begins when the previous player has completed their movement
and ends when the player indicates that they have finished their movement phase. Players may
play movement phase cards before or after they move their toboggan, but only during their own
movement phase.

Mischief Card List:
Card Title: phase of play; GOBLINE TYPE. Card instructions. (quantity of this card).

Blaze a trail: Any Time; BOMBARDIER AND DRIVER. Play before the Instigator places their first
tile in a round. Place a tile from your hand in any space on the current row. This replaces your first
normal tile laying action during the round. (2)

Bomb: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. You must discard another card from your hand in order to play
Bomb. Turn any unoccupied tile upside down. The space is now inactive and cannot be crossed,
entered, or modified in any way. (3)

Botched Plan: Any Time; ENGINEER. Play this card to cause any one player (you may select
yourself) to discard their whole hand of cards or tiles and draw an equal number of new ones. (3)

Boulders Away: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Turn any tile into a rock tile for the remainder of this
round. Mark the tile using a rock token. Toboggans already on this tile are not affected by the
change. (3)

Bump and Run: Movement Phase; DRIVER. Move an opponent on your tile ro an adjacent tile one
space. You may move knocked down toboggans, but all other aspects of the move must be legal. All
tile effects are followed as normal. (3)

Desperate Measures: Movement Phase; MAGE. Replace any unoccupied tile with one randomly
drawn from the pile. Shuffle the replaced tile back into the draw pile. (4)

Fresh Powder: Any Time; MAGE. Turn any tile into a Plain Snow Tile for the remainder of this
round. May be played at any time. Mark the tile use a snow token. (3)

Grappler: Any Time; ENGINEER. Pull a sled within two spaces away towards you one space in as
straight a line as possible. If two equal routes exist you may choose either. Ignore all tile features
for this movement. (4)

Grenade: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Knock down any toboggan on the board. (3)

Handbrake: Any Time; DRIVER. Play this card to move last in this round. If another Handbrake is
played in the same round, players move in the reverse order of how the cards were played. (2)

Hop Snowdrift: Any Time; DRIVER. Turn any tile into a single Mogul Tile for the remainder of this
round. You must indicate which side of the tile the moguls are on when the card is played. Mark
the tile using a mogul token. You may choose to transform the tile you are on. (3)

Ice Over: Any Time; MAGE. Turn any tile into an Ice Tile with no barricades for the remainder of
this round. Mark the tile with an ice token. Toboggans already on the tile are not affected by the
change. (3)

Im Up!: Any Time; DRIVER. Turn a knocked down toboggan upright as a free movement action.

Landmine: Movement Phase; BOMBARDIER. Place 3 randomly drawn landmine tokens facedown
on the board, only one token may be placed on each tile, and tokens must be placed on your tile or
within two tiles. The next toboggan to move onto a tile marked with a landmine token flips the
token. If it reads Boom! the player is knocked down and the token is removed from the board. If
the token is blank it has no effect and is removed from the board. (3)

Me Too!: Any Time; ENGINEER. Instantly copy the effect of an opponents card after it is played, as
if you too had played that card. (4)

Mine!: Any Time; ENGINEER. Switch all of your cards or all of your tiles with an opponent of your
choosing. Players cannot swap cards or tiles that have been played. Cards may only be swapped
for cards, and tiles for tiles. (4)

Mix-up: Any Time; ENGINEER. When playing this card choose cards or tiles and left or right.
All players must then pass their entire hand of the chosen item in the chosen direction. Players
cannot play any cards or tiles before completing the declared pass. (4)

NO! Gimme!: Any Time; MAGE. Cancel another card as it is played; take and add that card to your
hand. (3)

Ram!: Movement Phase; DRIVER. When moving onto a tile occupied by an opponent, knock that
opponent down. (4)

Ransack: Any Time; ENGINEER. Draw the top 3 cards or 3 tiles and keep any two. You must still
discard down to a hand size of 3 at the end of this round. (3)

REJECT!: Any Time; MAGE. Cancel the effect of another players card as it is played. (4)

REJECT! Me Too: Any Time; MAGE and ENGINEER. Cancel the effect of another players card as it
is played; OR Instantly copy the effect of an opponents card after it is played, as if you too had
played that card. (2)

Ricochet!: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Deflect any card effect targeted at you to another player of
your choosing. (3)

Rocket Booster: Movement Phase; ENGINEER. Move your toboggan a second time this round.
*Players cannot use rocket booster to undo a previous movement from this round. Rocket booster
(2nd) actions cannot be used to turn a knocked down toboggan upright. (4)

Slideways: Movement Phase; DRIVER. Move your toboggan one space to either side in your
current row as a free action. Cannot move onto trees. Ignore effects from barricades, yetis, moguls,
ice and rocks. (2)

Snowball 1: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Target player may not play MAGE or ENGINEER cards this
round. (3)

Snowball 2: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Target player may not play DRIVER or BOMBARDIER cards
this round. (3)

Snow Tunnel: Movement Phase: DRIVER. When moving your toboggan, ignore one barricade or
rock. Cannot be used to move onto tree tiles. (4)

SWIPE!: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Choose an opponent and look at their hand of cards or tiles and
then choose one to steal. (3)

Switcheroo: Movement Phase; MAGE. Swap any two unoccupied tiles already on the board. The
rotation of the tiles must remain the same. (2)

Switcher-Twister: Movement Phase; MAGE. Swap any two unoccupied tiles already on the board.
The rotation of the tiles must remain the same. OR Movement Phase; Rotate any tile already on the
board. (2)

Tree Hugger: Movement Phase; DRIVER. Treat a Tree Tile as if it were a Plain Snow Tile, other
toboggans do not benefit from this effect. (3)

Tree of Strife: Any Time; MAGE. Turn any tile into a Tree Tile for the remainder of this round.
Mark the tile using a tree token. Toboggans already on the tile are not affected by the change. (3)

Tremor: Any Time; BOMBARDIER. Knock down all upright toboggans. (3)

Twister: Movement Phase; MAGE. Rotate any tile already on the board. (3)

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