Antics!: The Game
Antics!: The Game
Antics!: The Game
be held responsible for any head
shaking incurred due to the terrible
puns included in this rule book. We
are totally unrepent-ant.
The Game
Each player controls an ant colony. Prey and leaves abound nearby, if only those other ants would not take
what is rightfully yours. Players attempt to have their ants bring back prey and leaves to their anthill. Only
the best ant colony will survive and the winner proclaimed The Ant Queen.
A. Cont‘ants’
1 game board and 1 bag 18 prey
(if you need pictures to find these - you do not have them) (3 of each type of prey)
12 action markers (3 of each colour)
4 magnificANTs
4 player ant-hill bases (1 for each player)
Draw the tiles one at a time to form the scout fields
Any tiles with a fungus are
Fill field 1 then move placed onto field 5, then
onto field 2 field 4 and so on
On their turn, a player takes their actions one at a time. They place their
action marker onto their ant-hill, on the action space they wish to use.
They then carry out the action. This is repeated until the player has taken
all three of their actions (remember the first round exception for the
first two players). After taking their third action, the player puts their
three action markers back to one side, ready for the next turn. Markers are
placed onto the
A player may only use one action space per turn (they cannot place player’s ant-hill They are placed
two action markers on the same space). However, it is possible to onto action
take the same action twice, (or even three times) as long as the player has enough action spaces
spaces, with that action, available to play his markers onto. A player may pass, if he does
not want to place an action marker (or win the game).
A level 2 action
Actions as your ant-hill gets bigger
As your ant-hill expands upwards, you will be able to use actions that
are more powerful. You can even use action spaces on tiles that were
built earlier on your turn. The higher up the ant-hill the action is, the
more powerful your action is. An action on the lowest level is a
level 1 action, an action on level two is a level 2 action, and so on.
The effects are described in ‘the actions’ section.
D. The Actions (hold your breath in ‘ant’icipation)
(i) Scout (take tiles):
Scouts travel far and wide to bring back materials for their ant-hill.
Ÿ The player takes a number of tiles from the scout fields, depending on the level of the action
taken. The tiles taken are kept close to their personal ant-hill as a supply.
Ÿ With a level one action the player takes 1 tile from field 1. With a level two action the player
takes one tile from field 1 and one from field 2, and so on.
Ÿ The player must take all the tiles he is able to (he cannot downgrade the level of action used).
Ÿ Anteaters will restrict choice as they move down the fields (anteater movement is discussed
later). If all anteaters are in one field, the player does not get any tile from this field.
Ÿ A player retains a maximum of 3 (unbuilt) tiles at the end of their turn.
Daniel takes a level 3 ‘scout’ action. He takes one tile from field 1, one from field 2 and one from
field 3. The tiles he chooses are highlighted in yellow.
Daniel still has an action left and has available a level 2 ‘scout action’, which he then takes. His choice is now
reduced, as he has already taken tiles this turn. He takes the tiles highlighted in yellow.
(ii) Build (tiles onto ant-hill):
The player increases the size of his player ant-hill by building tiles onto it:
ŸThe player places tiles from their supply onto their ant-hill.
ŸThe number of tiles they build depends on the level of the action used (1 tile for level 1, 2
tiles for level 2, and so on).
ŸThe player must build all the tiles they are able to (they can only build less tiles than the
level used if they do not have enough tiles in their supply).
Ÿ Tiles may be built on top of, or beside, the player’s existing ant-hill (when a tile is built,
it immediately becomes part of the ant-hill).
Ÿ You cannot build on top of action spaces that have action markers on them.
Ÿ You cannot build on top of prey tokens (see end of turn).
Ÿ A built tile must:
○ be touching another tile (along the side or built on top),
○ not overhang, This space cannot be
○ if building on top of other tiles, the tile must be built on top of two tiles built on this turn as it
(it cannot be built directly on top of another tile). already has an action
Note: The player ant-hill base is made up of three separate tiles, marker on it
shown by the dotted lines. These are treated as three separate tiles for
building purposes.
You may NEVER build higher than level 5 on your ant-hill, but there is no restriction to how
wide your ant-hill can be.
Building your ant-hill
NO overhang
If building at level 1 (ground level)
the tiles must touch at least one
edge of the existing ant-hill.
3 1 + 2 4
Daniel takes a level 4 hatch action. He may place up to four ants from his supply onto the hatching areas. He
places his first ant onto the water area. He must now place his second ant on the same area. He has a free
choice for his final two ants and places one each onto the grass and soldier hatching areas.
(iv) ANTS! (Ants from hatching areas onto trails / ants from the board back into supply)
Players send out hatched ants onto trails over the board. Players can also use this action to pick
up ants from the board (trails or hatching areas) and place them
back into their supply:
Ÿ Players move ants from the hatching area onto trails. This A trail is the
path between
represents thousands of ants moving throughout the board.
two clearings.
Ÿ With a level 1 action, a player can send out or pick up 1 ant, with a level 2
action 2 ants, and so on.
Ÿ A player can send out and pick up ants during the same action. clearings
Ÿ A player can send out / pick up less ants than the level if they so wish.
Ÿ Ants are placed onto the corresponding trail on the board (an ant from the
grass hatching area can only be placed onto a trail passing through
Ÿ Each new ant must link with a player’s existing ant or with the large ant-
hill on the board.
Ÿ An ant must always be able to trace a line back to the large ant-hill on the
board (this may affect which ants you are able to pick up). Players join up trails
Ÿ Ants may share trails with other players’ ants. by placing ants on
neighbouring trails
Ÿ Soldier ants (the red hatching area) are different, and explained later in
this section.
Soldier ants
Ants from the red hatching area are soldier ants. They are different from the other 5 colours.
Soldier ants can do either of the following when used with the ‘ANTS!’ action:
2. Build a bridge over the chasm (at least a level 3 ‘ANTS!’ action required):
Three soldier ants can be used to build an ant bridge over the chasm - a handy
shortcut! This bridges the gap between the two small red ants on the board. From the
red hatching area, place 2 ants back into the players supply and the third ant onto the
chasm. This ant now acts like a normal ant in the chain when it comes to heaving
food (see heave). Each player may have their own bridge over the chasm.
The chasm
3. Soldier ants can steal prey or leaves at any time during the player’s turn - no action is required!:
If a player has an ant on the same trail as another ant which is carrying prey or a leaf, they may use a soldier
ant from the red hatching area to steal it. The soldier ant is returned to the supply. The player moves the prey
or leaf from their opponents ant onto their own ant.
This means Daniel can now extend further away from the ant-hill.
(Remember, ants need to be placed next to the ant-hill or another of
the player’s ants)
Daniel has one part of his action left. If he wanted he could move his
rock ant onto the board, however...
1 3 4
(v) Heave (move prey or leaves along the trails)
The ants heave leaves and prey back to the ant-hill:
ŸAn ant can use a heave to pick up a food from an adjoining clearing.
ŸA heave can also move prey or a leaf to the next ant.
ŸWhen the prey or leaf reaches the large ant-hill it is taken off the board and put beside the
player’s ant-hill (the one built with tiles).
Ÿ The number of heaves depends on the level of the action taken (1 heave for level 1, 2 heaves for level
2, and so on).
Ÿ Heaves can be split between different items (you do not have to use all your heaves on the same food
You cannot pick up a type of prey that you already have (either carrying or on your ant-hill)
Ÿ An ant may only ever carry one item at one time
(food/prey cannot pass through an ant already carrying
Ÿ Other players’ ants do not effect you when heaving.
Soldier ants cannot heave or carry.
Fungus will score points if you help it grow by putting a leaf on it at the end of the game (see
E. End of turn - clean up
At the end of every turn you have to perform a few clean up actions in the following order.
At the end of Daniel’s turn there are gaps left in the scout fields. The tiles are slid down towards field one.
After moving the tiles and eaters, the spaces are refilled using tiles drawn from the bag.
The scout fields are now ready for the next player’s turn.
(v) Anteater attacks
At the end of a turn, if an anteater has reached field one, it will look for food on the board (the anteater tile
remains on the scout field).
Some anteaters will pick up any old scraps, but others are much more persist‘ant’ (see what we did there?).
The anteaters eat different things, depending on the order they reach field one.
If two or more anteaters reach field one on the same turn, the player who just finished their turn decides in
which order they arrived.
No. Of players
Order in which
3 4 1
the anteater 1st Prey Prey The anteater 2
reaches field 2nd Prey Prey 3
Prey & ants
3 The red anteater
one 3rd Ants
reaches field one
a. Prey: The anteater eats a prey from the board. It eats a prey of the corresponding colour
e.g. the red anteater would eat a ladybird from the board.
The eaten prey token is removed from the game.
It only eats prey that is still on a clearing (it does not eat prey that is being carried or is on
player’s personal ant-hills). If there is none of the corresponding prey left on the board, the =
anteater does not eat any prey.
If the anteater eats the last prey of that type, remember to place the corresponding ‘prey exhausted’
token onto the board.
b. Ants: The determined anteater searches out the hatching areas for ants to eat. The anteater first tries to eat
from the hatching area that matches its colour e.g. The green anteater would try and eat ants from the grass
hatching area first.
If there are no ants in the first area, the anteater moves from right to left to the next area (in the direction the
anteater is facing) and tries there. If it reaches the flower area (far left) without eating any ants, it continues
searching from the red hatching area on the far right of the board (and so on). Once the anteater reaches a
hatching area with ants on it, it eats all those ants. The ants are returned to the players’ supplies. The
anteater does not eat any other ants at this time.
If there are no ants in any of the hatching areas then the anteater does not eat any ants.
The green anteater reaches field 1 last and will eat ants from the hatching areas. There are no ants on the
matching grass area, so it moves to the flower area. There are no ants here either so it moves round to the red
area (no ants), before finding ants in the stone area. The three ants on the stone area are returned to their
respective players, who put them back into their supply.
c. Prey & Ants: The anteater eats both a prey (appetiser) and ants from the hatchery (main course). The
effects are the same as described above.
Resetting the anteaters
F. End of Game The anteaters are flipped over and put onto field 6
After clean up, check to see if game end has been triggered. The gaps are now filled in with tiles from the bag
This occurs when either of the following occurs:
If either of these conditions have occurred, the game is coming to an end. The players all have one more
turn each (including the player who triggered the game end) before counting the scores.
The player with the highest score wins the game and is declared the Ant Queen. If there is a tie, it is decided
in favour of the player with the highest ant-hill (check number of level five tiles, if still a tie, move on to
level 4, and so on).
He also finished the game with 2 leaves (one green and one brown).
He has three fungus showing on his ant-hill, so must choose his two highest to put
the leaves onto. He puts his green leaf onto his level 3 fungus (3 + 2 bonus
points) and the brown leaf onto the level 2 fungus (2 points). He
does not have another leaf to place.
“Best wishes from the Lamont Brothers”. The tile has no effect...
He places his second action onto his
level 2 ‘build’ action. This allows him to
build two tiles onto his anthill.
He uses his last action on his newly built
level 3 ‘ANTS!’ Action. This allows him to
move three of his ants from the hatching
areas onto trails.
Have fun!
Best wishes from the Lamont Brothers.
With enormous thanks to (deep breath):
Team Fragor (Judi, Tabby, Sheena, Iona, Glenn and introducing Ruaridh!) – a special mention to Glenn for beating his Dad 3 times in a
row with the very first prototype! Daniel Danzer. Henning Kröpke, Emanuele Ornella, Bruce Allen, Martin Wehnert, Nicole Lehmann and
everyone at Marburg! Joy and Sandy Forsyth. Mark Higgins for his tireless patience in putting up with playing our designs. Peter Rose,
Steven (with a “v”) Gladstone and Ellis Simpson. Brian Robson, Gery McLaughlin, Grant Whitton and Gareth Hunt. eMotionLab, Jon
Sykes, Brian McDonald, Nick DeBusk, Kendra DeBusk, Romana Khan and Craig Stevenson. Ralph Hayes, Andrew Emerick, John
Perkins and Stephen Rugh. Christian Frank, Frank Möller, Ricardo Rodrigues, Jonas Ladwig, Martin Gönnheimer, Andrea Zimmermann,
Andreas Kopfmann and Thomas Schwendemann. Steve Kurzban (K-Ban), Dave Denton, Herb Levy and Kevin Maroney.
Copyright of Fragor Games 2010