Proto Mathematics

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 Ability to judge

numbers,shapes,and causes
 The counting abilities of birds
were studied in a series of  The order in which children develop
experiments mathematical abilities.
 In Koehler’s tests,the bird was  Gelman and Gallistel argue that
given a collection of corn or children as young as two and a half
grain and at the start of each years of age understand that the
daily session taught to eat a number said at the end of a counting
specific number of them. sequence represents the number of
 Later the bird demonstrated items in the set.
its ability to “count” by  The above research suggests that
stopping at the designated children often do not apply the
number when given other cardinality principle to a collection that
collection of grain,but different they have just counted.
from the original set in both  Nunes and Bryant argue that children
number and geometrical initially understand number words and
arrangement. counting as a means quantifying a
single set


 Sometimes turns up artifacts that seem to imply mathematical reasoning on the

part of their makers.
 The of a wolf was discovered at Vestonice .This bone is marked with two series of
notches,grouped by fives,the first series containing five groupsand the second six.

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