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Animation 1.1: Sets of animals

Source & Credit: elearn.punjab, Zartasha Munawar
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes

1.1 Introduction
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
We often speak some words in
• Define set. Recognize notation of a set and its objects/elements.
our daily life which represent a In 19th century George
• Describe tabular form of a set and demonstrate through
collection of things, for example, Cantor was the first
a team of players , a bunch of mathematician who
• Define:
flowers, a cluster of trees, a group gave the proper idea of
a finite and infinite sets,
of friends, a swarm of birds and sets that we are using
a empty / void / null set,
so on.But in mathematics,we can now in various branches
a singleton,
use a single word to denote all of mathematics.
a equal and equivalent sets,
such type of words “set” that
a subset and superset of a set,
show the collection of things such
a proper and improper subsets of a set,
as, a set of players,a set of flowers
and demonstrate through examples.
,a set of trees, a set of friends and George
a set of birds, etc. Thus we can Cantor
define a set as:
“A collection of distinct and well-defined objects is called a set.”

The objects of a set are called its members or elements.

• Well-defined
Well-defined means a specific property of an object that enables
it to be an element of a set or not. To make it clear consider the
following examples of collections.
(i) The collection of good stories.
(ii) The collection of tasty foods.
(iii) The collection of favourite poems.
In the above examples, we can examine that the words good,
tasty and favourite are not well-defined because a food may
be favourite of one person but may not be for another. Similarly,
a story may be good in view of one person but may not be for
Animation 1.2: Sets of books another. So, these are not suitable examples of sets as these are
Source & Credit: elearn.punjab , Zartasha Munawar
not well defined.

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

Example 1: Write the elements of the following sets.

Distinct means the same objects should not appear A = {1,2,3,4,5}
more than once. For example, the set of letters of the B = {r,x,O}
word “small” is {s,m,a,l,l . In this example, we can see C = {Lahore, Karachi, Sialkot, Islamabad, Faisalabad
that the letter ‘l’ has been written only once . If it is
written twice then it is not a set. Solution:
• The elements of the set A are 1,2,3,4 and 5. We can write them
• as,
2d A
1.1.1 Set Notations 3d A
1d A
4d A
A set is represented by a capital letter A, B, C, ... , Z of English
and 5 d A
alphabets and its members or elements are written within
• The elements of the set B are r,x and O . We can write them
brackets { } separated by commas, e.g.
Set of pets: A={cow, horse, goat...}
rd B
Symbolically, we can write the members of the set A as,
xd B
cow d A is read as cow is an element of the set A
and Od B
goat d A is read as goat is an element of the set A and so on.
• The elements of the set C are Lahore, Karachi, Sialkot, Islamabad
Now tell whether a tree is the element of the set A . No! a tree
and Faisalabad. We can write them as,
is not an element of the set A. So, we can write this statement
Lahore d C
symbolically as:
Karachi d C
tree d A is read as tree is not the element of the set A.
Sialkot d C

Islamabad d C

The symbol d is a Greek letter which is used to tell and Faisalabad d C

that an object “is an element of” or “belongs to” or “is
Example 2: Whether the following are sets or not.
a member of” a set and the symbol d means “does
A = {1,2,3,4}, B = {1,2,2,3}, C = {k,i,n,g}, D = {b,a,1,1}
not belong to” or “is not the element of” the set.
E = The set of brave boys and F = The set of Pakistani singers

Some important sets are given below: Solution:

• N = Set of natural numbers (i) A , C and F are sets because all their objects are distinct and
• E = Set of even numbers well-defined.
• O = Set of odd numbers (ii) B and D are not sets because their objects are not
• W = Set of whole numbers distinct.
• P = Set of prime numbers (iii) E is not a set because its objects are not well-defined.

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

EXERCISE 1.1 (vi) o belongs to the set A.

(vii) c is not an element of the set C.
1. Which of the following statement is a set or not? (viii) Mango is not the member of the set F.
(i) The five provinces of Pakistan. (ix) 5 is an element of the set N.
(ii) The difficult questions of a test. (x) 4 is not an element of the set O.
(iii) The geometrical instruments.
(iv) The naughty boys of the street. 5. Which of the following collections are not sets and why?
(v) The capital letters of the English alphabet. A = {b,a,n,k} B = {2,4,6,8} C= {0,1,2,0}
(vi) The players of Pakistan cricket team. D = {k,i,l,l,e,r} E = {l,e,g,a,l} F = {9,3,5,1}
(vii) The whole numbers less than 9. G = The set of storybooks.
H = The set of beautiful birds.
2. If A = {a,e,i,o,u} and B = {a,b,c,...,z} then, which of the I = The set of rich people.
following statements are true or false. J = The set of students in the 7th class.
(i) ad A (ii) b d A (iii) d d A (iv) e d B K = The set of fish in the river Ravi.
(v) i d B (vi) i d A (vii) f d A (viii) v d A L = The set of bad students in a school.
(ix) x d A (x) z d B (xi) m d B (xii) a d B M = The set of wooden chairs.

3. Fill in the blanks by using either of the symbols d and d . 6. List the elements of the following sets
(i) 1 _____{2, 3} (i) The set of five countries.
(ii) b _____ {a, b, c} (ii) The set of three games.
(iii) i _____ The set of vowels (iii) The set of first ten natural numbers.
(iv) Snake _____ The set of pets (iv) The set of first eight even numbers.
(v) 15_____ The set of counting numbers (v) The set of vowels.
(vi) 0 _____ The set of whole numbers (vi) The set of last four months.
(vii) Goal keeper _____ The set of cricket team (vii) The set of seven days of the week.
(viii) B _____ The set of small letters of the English alphabet (viii) The set of the colours of Pakistan’s flag.
(ix) Note-book _____ The set of articles of a school bag (ix) The set of the five rivers of the Punjab.
(x) Lion _____ The set of jungle animals (x) The set of three Islamic months.

4. Write the following statements into the symbolic form.

(i) 0 is an element of the set W. 1.1.2 Describing a Set
(ii) Lahore is a member of the set P.
(iii) 1 is not an element of the set E. • Descriptive form
(iv) Sindh does not belong to the set B. In descriptive form, we describe the property of a set by a statement
(v) Potato is an element of the set V. as given in the following examples.

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

A = The set of English books in the library. O = {1,3,5,...}

B = The set of counting or natural numbers. W = { 0, 1,2,3,...}
C = The set of animals in the zoo. X = {father, mother, brother, sister}

• Tabular form 2. Write the following sets into the tabular form.
In tabular form, we list all elements within the brackets { } and A = The set of names of 3 boys whose names start with letter “B”.
separate each element by using a comma “ , ” . The elements of a B = The set of names of 3 girls whose names start with letter “I”.
set can be listed as: C = The set of 4 domestic animals.
(i) For a less number of elements: D = The set of 5 birds.
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} E = The set of 3 prime ministers of Pakistan.
(ii) For a more but limited number of elements: F = The set of 5 famous cities of Pakistan.
B = {1,2,3,...,500} G = The set of letters of the word banana.
(iii) For an un-limited number of elements. I = The set of vowels of the word naughty.
C = {1,2,3, ...} J = The set of years greater than 2006 and less than 2009.
K = The set of 3 bakery items.
Note: Tabular form of a set is also known as roster form.

Example 1: Write the following sets into tabular form. 1.2 Types of Sets
(i) A =The set of vowels of the English alphabet
(ii) B = The set of all games There are three types of sets
(iii) C =The set of years of the 21st century (i) Finite sets (ii) Infinite sets (iii) Empty sets

Solution: (i) A = {a,e,i,o,u} 1.2.1 Finite and Infinite Sets

(ii) B = {hockey, football, cricket, ...}
(iii) C = {2001, 2002, 2003,...,2100} • Finite Set
“A set having a limited number of elements is called a finite set.”
EXERCISE 1.2 Consider the following examples of sets.
A = The set of natural numbers less than 10
1. Write the following sets into the descriptive form. B = The set of vowels in the English alphabet
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6} We can examine that it is very easy to count the elements of above
B = {0,1,2,...,99} Video 1.1: Subset and Super Set
two sets A and B. So, the set A and the set B are finite sets. Now we Source & Credit: ExamFearVideos
C = {cricket, football, hockey, tennis} consider some more examples of sets which are given below,
E = {2,4,6,...} C = The set of population of Pakistan
F = {potato, ladyfinger, carrot, brinjal} D = The set of the hair of your head
N = {1,2,3,...}

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

Can we count the elements of the set C and D? Certainly, it is not an a glass, we say that the glass is empty. Similarly, when there is no
easy task, but sooner or later we can count the elements of these element in a set, it means the set is empty. We can define it as,
sets too. So, these are also finite sets.
“A set having no element is known as an empty set or null set”.
• Infinite Set
A set having unlimited number of elements is called an infinite set. An empty set is denoted by the Greek letter f, which is called phi
For example, or simply can be denoted as { }. Following are some examples of
(i) The set of counting numbers: N = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...} empty set.
(ii) The set of odd numbers: O = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,...} (i) The set of 100 feet tall boys.
(iii) The set of whole numbers: W = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...} (ii) The set of days of 25 hours.
(i), (ii) and (iii) are examples of infinite sets because these sets have (iii) The set of horns of an ass.
unlimited number of elements. (iv) The set of counting numbers between 1 and 2.
We can observe that while writing the elements of above examples
It is possible to find the last element or member of set, we are not able to write a single element of any set, so these
of a finite set. But it is impossible to find the last are empty sets.
element or member of an infinite set.
1.2.3 Singleton Set

Example 2: Separate the finite and infinite sets. A set having a single element is called a singleton set. For example:
(i) The set of departmental store items {a}, {b},{1/2}, etc. are singleton sets.
(ii) The set of the English alphabet.
(iii) {2,4,6,8,...} (iv) {0,1,2,3,...} 1.2.4 Equal and Equivalent Sets Video 1.2: Singleton, Power and Universal
Source & credit: ExamFearVideos
Solution: From the previous classes, we are familiar with the concept of one-
(i) and (ii) have limited number of elements. So, these are the to-one correspondence. Here we use the same concept to define
examples of finite sets. the equivalent and nonequivalent sets. Suppose, A= {1 ,2 ,3 ,4} and
(iii) and (iv) have an unlimited number of elements. So, these are B = {a, b, c, d} are any two sets,now we can check, whether the two
the examples of infinite sets. sets A and B are establishing one-to-one correspondence or not by
the following way.
1.2.2 Empty Set / Null Set

Everyone understands very well the meaning of the word empty. It

means containing nothing, in the same sense we use it for set.
We make it clear with examples. When there is nothing in my
pocket, it means my pocket is empty and if there is no any water in

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

We can examine that corresponding to each element of set A, there It is impossible to establish the one-to-one correspondence
is an element of set B. It means two sets are establishing one-to- between sets A and B. So set A and set B are not equivalent sets.
one correspondence, which can be written as A n B. Such types of • Equal Sets
sets are called equivalent sets. Suppose, set P and set Q are any two sets i.e.
P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and Q = {3, 1, 5, 2, 4}
“Two sets are called equivalent if and only if one-to-one From above, we can examine that each element of the set P is also
Video 1.3: Equal set
correspondence can be established between them”. an element of the set Q. Similarly, each element of set Q is also an
Source & credit: ExamFearVideos
element of the set P. Such types of sets are called equal sets which
Again consider two sets C = {1,3,5,7 }, D = { a,e,i,o,u }. We try to can be written as; P = Q
establish one- to-one correspondence between them as given
below. 1.2.5 Subset and Superset of a Set

If each element of a set A is also an element of a set B then the set

A is called the subset of the set B which is denoted by the symbol
f, e.g.
A ={2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
B = (1,2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
Video 1.4: Subset and Super Set
From above, we can notice that corresponding to the element In above example, we can observe that each element of the set A Source & Credit: ExamFearVideos
u of set D, there is no element of set C. It means two sets are is also an element of set B. So, A f B that can be read as “set A is a
not establishing the one-to-one correspondence which can be subset of set B”.
represented as Such types of sets are called non-equivalent
Every set is also a subset of itself, e.g. A f A and B f
“Two sets are called non equivalent if one-to-one
correspondence cannot be established between them”. • Super Set
If A f B, then the set B is called the super set of set A. i.e.B g A
Example 1: If, A= {2,4,6,8} and B={1,3,5,7,9}. Are these sets that can be read as “the set B is the super set of set A”.
equivalent or not?

Solution: 1.2.6 Proper and Improper Subset of a Set

A = The set of natural numbers less than ten

B = The set of first nine natural numbers
From above it can be seen that the set A consisting of all the
elements of set B, i.e, A = B. Hence, set A is called the improper

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

subset of set B, we write it as A f B. Now we examine another (vi) A = The set of 4 natural numbers,
example which is given below. B =The set of 3 wild animals
A= {a, o, u} (vii) A =The set of 5 rivers of Punjab,
B = {a,e,i,o,u} B =The set of colours in Pakistan’s flag.
In this example, we can see that all elements of the set A are also
the elements of the set B but two elements of set B are not the 4. Which of the following pairs of sets are equal sets?
elements of the set A. Here set A is called the proper subset of set (i) A = {a, b, c, d, e}, B = {b, a, e, d, c}
B, we write it as A f B. (ii) A = {1,2,3,4,5}, B = {1+0, 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4}
(iii) A = {0, 1, 2, 3,4}, B = {6-2, 5-1, 4-2, 3-1, 2-2}
(iv) A = The set of even numbers less than 9, B= {0,2,4, 6,8}
5. If, A = {a, b, c}, B = {b, c, d}, C = {c, d, e} and D = {a, b, c, d} then
1. Which of the following set is the empty set? Which of the following statements are true?
(i) The set of whole numbers less than 1 (i) A f B (ii) B f D (iii) C f D
(ii) The set of the English alphabet between u and v (iv) A f D (v) B f C (vi) C f A
(iii) The set of vowels other than a and o
(iv) The set of natural numbers less than 1
(v) The set of even numbers which are called odd numbers SUMMARY

2. Separate the finite and infinite set from the following. • A collection of distinct and well-defined objects is called a set.
A = {letters of the word “halla gulla”} • Distinct means the same element should not appear more than
B = The set of natural numbers once.
C = {number of days in a year} • If set A is subset of set B and set B is not subset of set A, then set
D = {Islamic months} A is called proper subset of set B.
E = {3,6,9,...} • If two sets are equal, then they are improper subsets of each
F = {c,f, i, m, o, r, u} other.
G = {1/2, 2/4, 3/6,...} • A set having limited number of elements is called a finite set and
a set having unlimited number of elements is called an infinite
3. Find that the following pairs of sets are equivalent or non- set.
equivalent. • Two sets are called equivalent if and only if one-to-one
(i) A = {1,2}, B = {1,3,7} correspondence can be established between them.
(ii) A = {a,b), B = {x,y} • Two sets with same elements are called equal sets.
(iii) A = {-2,-1,0,1}, B = {3,5,7,8} • A set having a single element is called a singleton set.
(iv) A = {0,1,2,3,4}, B = {1,2,3,4,5} • A set having no element is called an empty set.
(v) A = {a,e,i,o,u}, B = {I, m, n, o}

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1. Sets elearn.punjab 1. Sets elearn.punjab

• The method of establishing one to one correspondence between 5. Separate equivalent and non-equivalent pair of sets.
two sets helps us to find out whether the sets are equivalent or (i) A = {1,3,5}, B = {2,4,6}
non-equivalent. (ii) C = {k,i,n,g},D = {a,l,m}
• If each element of a set A is also an element of a set B then the (iii) E = The set of 5 whole numbers,
set A is called the subset of the set B and set B is called the super F =The set of vowels in English alphabet
set of the set A. (iv) G = The set of days of a week,
H =The set of counting numbers less than 7

REVIEW EXERCISE 1 6. Fill in the blanks in following pairs of sets to make

them equal.
1. List the elements of following sets. (i) A = {e,a,r,t,h}, B = {t,___,r,h, ___}
(i) The set of first four months, (ii) A = {0,2,4}, B = { __ ,__ ,0 }
(ii) The set of last six capital letters (iii) A = {apple, mango, orange}, B = {orange’ ___ ,___}
(iii) The set of five odd numbers
(iv) The set of four colours.
(v) The set of three planets in the solar system. OBJECTIVE EXERCISE 1

2. Write the reason why following collections are not sets. 1. Answer the following questions.
(i) {1,1,2,2,3,3} (i) Define a set.
(ii) {b,o,o,k} (ii) What is meant by the symbol d.
(iii) {r,m, r, x,} (iii) Name two forms for describing a set.
(iv) The collection of dirty clothes. (iv) What is meant by the word distinct in a set?
(v) The collection of fat boys in a school. (v) If X = {a, b, c} and Y = {c, a, b}. Are these sets equal or not?

3. Write following sets into the tabular form. 2. Fill in the blank.
(i) The set of five even numbers. (i) One-to-one correspondence can not be established
(ii) The set of numbers less than 23 and greater than 17. between_________sets.
(iii) The set of letters of the word ORANGE. (ii) _________ means a specific property of an object that
(iv) The set of whole numbers less than 5. enables it to be an element of a set or not.
(iii) The symbol________ means does not belong to the set.
4. Separate finite, infinite and empty sets. (iv) ________ set is also known as null set.
(i) A = The set of rivers in Pakistan (v) The symbol is used for two_________ sets.
(ii) B = The set of all natural numbers
(iii) C = The set of number of people on the moon

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Animation 2.1: Whole Numbers

Source & Credit: elearn.punjab, Zartasha Munawar
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes To answer such questions, we associate different objects with
numbers i.e. single object with number “one”, two objects with
After studying this unit, students will be able to: number “two”, three objects with number “three” and so on. Thus,
• Differentiate between natural and whole numbers. we obtain the numbers one, two, three, four, five, etc which are
• Identify natural and whole numbers, and their notations. denoted by the different symbols as shown below.
• Represent
a a given list of whole number
a whole number < (or >) a given whole number,
a whole number r (or q) a given whole number,
a whole number > but < a given whole number,
a whole number r but q a given whole number, These symbols are called numerals.
a sum of two or more given whole numbers,
on the number line. 2.1.1 Natural and Whole Numbers
• Add and subtract two given whole numbers.
• Verify commutative and associative law (under addition) of The numbers 1, 2, 3,4,… that we use for counting the objects are
whole numbers. called the counting numbers or natural numbers. From above it
• Recognize ‘0’ as additive identity. can be observed that he smallest natural number is 1. But which
• Multiply and divide two given whole numbers. is the largest natural number? We think of a natural number and Video 2.1: Topics in Chapter 2 CBSE
• Verify commutative and associative law (under multiplication) there is a number larger than it. So, we cannot answer the above Source & Credit: Online pathshala
of whole numbers. questions as largest number does not exist.
• Recognize ‘1’ as multiplicative identity. • Whole Numbers
• Verify distributive law of multiplication over addition. The number 0 together with the natural or counting numbers gives
• Verify distributive law of multiplication over subtraction (with us the whole numbers . The set of whole numbers is denoted by
positive difference). the letter W:
W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}
It can be noticed that the smallest number of the set W is 0 and
2.1 Introduction there is no largest number in the set because the elements of this
set are infinite.
In our day-to-day life, we often come across the situations where
we have to count objects: 2.1.2 Whole Numbers and Number Line
• How many apples are there in a box?
• How many eggs are there in a crate? Let us represent whole numbers on a number line. It can be done
• How many toffees are there in a tin? as given below:
• How many books are there in a shelf? (i) Draw a line and mark a point with first whole number 0.

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

Example 1: Draw a number line to write the whole numbers:

(i) less than 10 (ii) greater than 6 (iii) >9
(ii) Mark the points at equal distance and label them with 1, 2, 3, (iv) <5 (v) >7 but <15 (vi) >2 but <12
4, ... respectively as shown.
(i) less than 10
We use circles to represent the whole numbers less than 10.
Now let us discuss the properties of whole numbers with the help
of given number line.
(i) There is no whole number on the left of “0”. Thus, 0 is the
smallest whole number. Thus, the whole numbers less than 10 are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
(ii) Each number is one more than its previous number. Hence,
each number is called the successor of its previous number (ii) greater than 6
and each number is one less than its next number. Hence, We use circles to represent the whole numbers greater than 6.
each number is called the predecessor of its next number.

Thus, the whole numbers greater than 6 are 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

For example; (iii) > 9
• 1 is the successor of 0 and 0 is the predecessor of 1.
• 2 is the successor of 1 and 1 is the predecessor of 2.
• 3 is the successor of 2 and 2 is the predecessor of 3.
(iii) Each whole number on the number line is greater than each Thus, the required whole numbers are 9, 10, 11, 12, ...
whole number on its left, e.g., 5>3, 2>0, 9>8 etc.
(iv) Each whole number on the number line is less than each (iv) < 5
whole number on its right, e.g., 2<7, 3<5, 0<1 etc.

The symbol > is used to represent ‘is greater than
Thus, the required whole numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
or equal to’ and the symbol < is used to represent ‘
is less than or equal to’. For example x > 4 means ‘ (v) >7 but <15
x is greater than or equal to 4 and ‘x is less than or
equal to 4’.

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

Thus, the required whole numbers are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 6. Draw the number line to represent the whole numbers.
(i) < 15 but > 9 (ii) smaller than 7 (iii) greater than 15
(vi) >2 but <12 (iv) > 73 but < 99 (v) <11 (vi) >5 (vi) >5
(vii) <64 but >57 (viii) >82 but < 94 (ix) > 23 but <34
(x) >48 but <51

Example 2: Find the sum of 2 and 5 by using a number line. 7. Find the sum of following numbers by using a number line.
(i) 1 and 3 (ii) 3 and 4 (iii) 2 and 9
Solution: Draw a number line and move 5 units to the right from 2
as shown below.
2.2 Addition and Subtraction of Whole

Example 1: Find the sum of given whole numbers.

(i) 95 + 63 (ii) 634 + 179 + 358 (iii) 9056 + 8172
The sum of 2 and 5 is 2 + 5 = 7

Solution: To find the sum of given numbers, write them in vertical Video 2.2: Adding Whole Numbers and
Applications 1
columns while placing each digit according to its place value.
EXERCISE 2.1 Source and credit: Khan Academy
(i) 95 + 63

1. Write the successor and predecessor of the following whole
a 5 - 3 = 8
9 + 6 = 15
(i) 36 (ii) 74 (iii) 199 (iv) 350 (v) 78

Thus , 95 + 63 = 158
2. Write three next consecutive whole numbers starting from
(ii) 634 + 179 + 358
a 4 + 9 + 8 = 21
3. Write the natural numbers smaller than 6.
2 + 3 + 7 + 5 = 17
1 + 6 + 1 + 3 = 11
4. In each of the following pair of numbers , state which
number is greater. Video 2.3: Adding Whole Numbers and
Applications 2
Thus , 634 + 179 + 358 = 1171 Source and credit: Khan Academy
5. Write the whole numbers:
(i) 345,435 (ii) 889, 989 (iii) 1010, 1001
(iii) 9056 + 8172
(iv) 5342, 3425 (v) 10100, 10010 (vi) 13791, 13971

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

a 6 + 2 = 8
a 2–1=1
5 + 7 = 12
14 – 9 = 5
0 + 1 = 1
7 – 3 = 4
9 + 8 = 17
Thus , 9056 + 8172
Thus , 842 – 391= 451

(ii) 2105 – 1726

Video 2.4: Subtracting Whole Numbers
Source and credit: Khan Academy
a 15 – 6 = 9
9 – 2 = 7
10 – 7 = 3

Thus , 2105 – 1726 = 379

Animation 2.2: Addition

Source & Credit: elearn.punjab, Zartasha Munawar

Example 2: Perform the following subtractions.

(i) 842 – 391 (ii) 2105 – 1726 Video 2.5: Commutative Law of Addition
Source and credit: Khan Academy

Solution: To perform the subtractions, write them in vertical Animation 2.3: Subtraction
columns while placing each digit according to its place value. Source & Credit: elearn.punjab ,Zartasha Munawar
(i) 842 – 391

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

EXERCISE 2.2 4 + 6 = 10
Now find the result by changing their order.
1. Evaluate: 6 + 4 = 10
(i) 486 + 732 (ii) 654 + 198 (iii) 811 + 356 Hence, the result is not changed by changing their order. This can
(iv) 923 – 437 (v) 1096 + 4833 (vi) 4001 – 809 be checked by using the number ray as shown below.
(vii) 5121 – 2674 (viii) 815 + 186 + 334 (ix) 650 + 809 + 97
• Start from 4 and move 6 units to the right.
2. Write the correct digit within each box.
(i) x 4 3 (ii) 4 9 1 (iii)
x 2 3
+ 2 5 x + x 8 x 2 x 4
9 x 7 6 x 6 + 3 4 x
• Now start from 6 and move 4 units to the right.
7 5 2

(iv) 6 9 7 (v) 2 x 6 (vi) 6 3 2 x

– x 5 x – x 6 x – xxx6
1 x 4 x 7 6 2 0 1 4
It can be seen that : 4 + 6 = 6 + 4 = 10. This is called the commutative
Video 2.6: Associative Law of Addition
Source and credit: Khan Academy 3. Find the sum of first five whole numbers. law of addition.

4. Find the sum of smallest three-digit number and largest • Associative Law
two-digit number. In addition of three whole numbers, any two whole numbers can
be added first. For example, consider three whole numbers 2, 3
5. Find the difference between the largest three-digit whole and 4. Now according to the above statement, we have to check:
number and the smallest four-digit whole number. (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4)
6. Subtract the smallest whole number from the smallest 9=9
natural number. Hence, (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4). This law is called associative law of

2.2.1 Laws of Addition

Associative and commutative laws with respect to Video 2.7: Multiplying Whole Numbers and
Applications 2
• Commutative Law subtraction do not hold. Source and credit: Khan Academy
In addition of two whole numbers, the result remains unchanged 6-4≠4-6
by changing their order. For example, consider two whole numbers (4 - 3) -2 ≠ 4 - (3 - 2)
4, 6 and find the result by adding them respectively.

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

2.2.2 Additive Identity boxes, each box having 12 pencils, then the total number of pencils
is 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 48. Instead of adding 12 four times, we get the
Look at the following examples. same result by multiplying 4 by 12. i.e.
(i) 1 + 0 = 1 (ii) 0 + 9 = 9 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 4 × 12 = 48
From the above, it can be seen that the sum of a whole number From above we can also get 48 ÷ 4 = 12. This shows that division
and zero is always the whole number itself. Hence, “0” is known as is the inverse operation of multiplication.
the additive identity. Consider the following examples:
Video 2.8: Multiplying Whole Numbers and
Applications 3
Source and credit: Khan Academy Example 1: Find the product of given whole numbers.
EXERCISE 2.3 (i) 74 , 23 (ii) 407 , 115 (iii) 888 , 56

1. Fill in the boxes with the help of commutative and associative Solution:
laws. (i) 74 x 23 (ii) 407 x 115
(i) 14 + x = 9 + 14 (ii) (1+x) + 2=x+ (4 + 2)
7 4 4 0 7
(iii) (x+x) + 5 = 1 + (3 + x) (iv) 4 + 11 = x+ x
x 2 3 x 1 1 5
(v) (5+7) + 9 = x + (x+x) (vi) x + 7 = x+ 6
2 2 2 2 0 3 5
(vii) 11 +x= 13 +x (viii) (5+x) +x=x + (10+15) +148x 4 0 7 x
1 7 0 2 +407xx
2. Prove and identify the law used in each of the following. 4 6 8 0 5
(i) 5 + 3 = 3 + 5
(ii) 11 + 14 = 14 + 11 Thus , 74 x 23 = 1702 Thus , 407 x 115 = 46805
(iii) 26 + 49 = 49 + 26
(iv) 6 + (9 + 15) = (6 + 9) + 15 (iii) 888 x 56
(v) 1 + (2 + 3) = (1 + 3) + 2 8 8 8
(vi) 65 + 105 = 105 + 65
x 5 6
(vii) (44 + 66) + 55 = 44 + (66 + 55) 5 3 2 8
(viii) (10 + 100) + 1000 = 10 + (100 + 1000) + 4 4 4 0 x
(ix) 123 + (231 + 321) = (123 + 231) + 321 4 9 7 2 8

Thus , 888 x 56 = 49728

2.3 Multiplication and Division of Whole
Numbers Example 2: Divide 27552 by 112

We know that the multiplication is repeated addition. If we have 4 Solution: Use the long division method.

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab


1. Find the product of following whole numbers.
(i) 87 , 62 (ii) 59 , 91 (iii) 101 , 77
(iv) 456 , 150 (v) 372 , 84 (vi) 762 , 309
(vii) 2468 , 111 (viii) 1357 , 123 (ix) 1572 , 241 Video 2.11: The Distributive Property of
Multiplication over Addition
Source & credit andrew Plett
Thus , 27552 ' 112 = 246 2. Solve.
(i) 748 ÷ 11 (ii) 1125 ÷ 9 (iii) 3345 ÷ 15
Example 3: Find the largest 5-digit number which is exactly divisible (iv) 7854 ÷ 7 (v) 6136 ÷ 52 (vi) 9801 ÷ 81
by 145. (vii) 6216 ÷ 111 (viii) 54756 ÷ 234 (ix) 14985 ÷ 135

Solution: We know that the largest 5-digit number is 99999. 3. Find the product of the smallest 4-digit number and the
greatest 2-digit number.

4. Find the smallest 3-digit number which is exactly divisible
by 16.
Video 2.9: Commutative Law of Multiplica-
Source and credit: Khan Academy 5. Find the largest 3-digit number which is exactly divisible by Video 2.12: The Distributive Property
Source and credit: Khan Academy

The required number = 99999 - 94 = 99905 2.3.1 Laws of Multiplication

Example 4: Find the smallest 4-digit number which is exactly We have studied the laws of addition of whole numbers. Now we
divisible by 135. discuss the laws of multiplication which are given as follows:
• Commutative Law
Solution: We know that the smallest 4-digit number is 1000. So, Consider any two whole numbers, say 2, 3 and multiply them in the
given order:
Video 2.10: Associative Law of Multiplica- Now change their order and perform the multiplication again:
tion Video 2.13: The Distributive Property 2
Source and credit: Khan Academy
3×2=6 Source and credit: Khan Academy
Hence, the result is the same after changing their order. So,
To find the required number subtract 55 from 135, i.e., 135–55 = a x b = b x a for all a, b d dW
80. Thus, the required number is 1000+800=1080 This result can also be verified by using a number line.

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

subtraction, i.e. 3 × (4 – 2) = 3 × 4 – 3 × 2
Thus, according to the distributive law, we have;
(i) a × (b + c) = ab + ac
(ii) a × (b – c )= ab – ac For all a, b, c d dW.

• Associative Law
Consider any three whole numbers say, 2, 3 and 5. Now according 2.4.1 Multiplicative Identity:
to the associative law we have to check that:
(2 × 3) × 5 = 2 × (3 × 5) Look at the following examples
6 × 5 = 2 × 15 (i) 1 × 8 = 8 (ii) 11 × 1 = 11
30 = 30 From the above, it can be seen that the proudct of any whole
Thus, the multiplication of whole numbers also obeys the associative number with 1 is always the whole number itself. Hence, “1” is
known as the multiplicative identity.
law. i.e. (a × b) × c = a × (b × c) for all a, b, c dW. We can also define
it as: by changing the position of brackets while multiplying three
whole numbers, the result remains unchanged. EXERCISE 2.5

Commutative and associative laws with respect to 1. Fill in the boxes with the help of laws of multiplication.
division do not hold. (i) x× 2 = x x 4 (ii) 7 x 9 = xxx
(iii) 3 x (9 - 6) = 3 x 9 - 3 x x (iv) 5 xx = 6 x x
(v) 2 x (1 + 2) =xx 1 + 2 x 2 (vi) 7 + (1 + 6) = (7 + 1) +x
(vii) 3 x (2 x 5) = (x x x) x x (viii) 1 x (x-x) = xx 11-xx 12
2.4 Multiplication over Addition (Subtraction) (ix) xx (11 x 9) =(2 x 11) x x (x) 9 x (x+ 4) = xx 5 + x x x
of Whole Numbers
2. Prove and identify the law used in each of the following.
• Distributive Laws (i) 3 + 2 = 2 + 3
Consider the whole numbers 2, 3 and 4. We multiply one whole (ii) 1 × (3 × 2) = (1 × 3) × 2
number by the sum of other two as shown below. (iii) 9 + (11 + 13) = (9 + 11) + 13
2 × (3 + 4) = 2 × (7) = 14 (iv) 8 × 7 = 7 × 8
Now multiply first 2 by 3,then 2 by 4 and put the addition sign (v) 2 × (1 + 5) = (2 ×1 ) + (2 × 5)
between the two products. (vi) 100 + (99 + 50) = (100 + 99) + 50
2 × 3 + 2 × 4 = 6 + 8 = 14 (vii) 3 × (4 – 1) = (3 × 4 ) – (3 × 1)
Thus , we have 2 × (3 + 4) = 2 × 3 + 2 × 4 (viii) 10 × (5 - 7) = (10 × 5) – (10 × 7)
This is called distributive law of multiplication over addition. (ix) 25× (10+8)=(25 ×10) + (25 × 8)
Similarly, we can prove the distributive law of multiplication over (x) 100 × (11 + 13) = (100 × 11) + (100 × 13)

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2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab 2. Whole Numbers elearn.punjab

SUMMARY (i) 11×(28+72) = (11×28)+(11×72)

(ii) 842+248 = 248+842
• The numbers that we use for counting objects are called the (iii) 333×111 = 111×333
counting or natural numbers (iv) 100×(45–21) = (100×45)–(100×21)
• The number 0 together with the natural numbers gives us the (v) 48+(37+55) = (48+37) +55
whole numbers. (vi) 12×(13×14) = (12×13)×14
• According to the commutative law while adding or multiplying
the two whole numbers, the result remains unchanged by
changing their orders. OBJECTIVE EXERCISE 2
• According to the associative law while adding or multiplying
three whole numbers,any two whole numbers can be added or 1. Answer the following questions
multiplied first. (i) What is a number?
• The whole numbers can be represented by using a number line. (ii) What are the numerals?
(iii) Why 0 is called the additive identity?
(iv) Which whole number is the successor of 0.
(v) What is meant by the commutative law of addition?

2. Fill in the blanks.

REVIEW EXERCISE 2 (i) The numbers ____________ together with the natural numbers
give us the whole numbers.
1. Write the whole numbers smaller than 4. (ii) The numbers that we use for counting objects are called the
___________ numbers.
2. Draw the number line to represent the whole numbers. (iii) The numbers that can be divided by 2 are called ____________
(i) 1,5,10 (ii) < 7 (iii) > 100 numbers.
(iv) To represent the set of __________ numbers we use the capital
3. Use the number line to find the given sums. letter W.
(i) 2 and 3 (ii) 1 and 6 (iii) 4 and 5 (v) The product of 1 and a whole number is always the whole
number itself. Hence 1 is called the __________ identity.
4. Evaluate .
(i) 678+322 (ii) 1234+2345 (iii) 6565+1144
(iv) 1000–789 (v) 7350–1846 (vi) 9999–999
(vii) 999×11 (viii) 123 × 45 (ix) 1122×786
(x) 5782÷49 (xi) 6655÷55 (xii) 15129 ÷123

5. Prove and identify the law.

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
3. Factors and Multiples elearn.punjab 3. Factors and Multiples elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes 3.1 Factors and Multiples

After studying this unit, students will be able to:
3.1.1 Factors
• Define a factor as a number which divides the dividend
completely leaving zero remainder.
We know that if a number is divided by another number and the
• Define a multiple as a dividend into which a factor can divide.
remainder is “0” then the 1st number is said to be divisible by the 2nd
• Define even numbers as the numbers which are multiples of 2.
number. For example,
• Define odd numbers as the numbers which are not multiplies

of 2.

• Define prime numbers as numbers which have only two factors

(i.e., 1 and itself).

• Know that 1 is a factor of every number.
• Know that 2 is the only even prime number whereas all other
prime numbers are odd.

• Test by inspection whether the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,

12, 15 and 25 can divide a given number.

• Define prime factorization as the process of factorizing a number

into its prime factors. Video 3.1: 02 Factors and Multiples CBSE
• Recognize index notation. MATHS
Source & credit : OnlinePathshala
• Factorize a given number and express its factors in the index
• Define HCF as the greatest number which is a common factor of

two or more numbers.

• Find HCF of two or more than two numbers by

a Prime factorization,
a Long division method.

• Define LCM as the smallest number which is a common multiple

of two or more numbers.
From the above it can be seen that the number 18 is divisible by
• Find LCM of two or more numbers by
1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18. These numbers are known as the factors of the
a Prime factorization,
number 18, i.e, the factors of 18 are 1,2,3,6,9 and 18
a Long division method.
Similarly, we can find the factors of any other number as given
• Solve real life problems related to HCF and LCM.
The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12.
The factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, 15.

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
3. Factors and Multiples elearn.punjab 3. Factors and Multiples elearn.punjab

The factors of 42 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42. Odd Numbers: The numbers which are not divisible by 2 are called
Thus, a factor of a number can be defined as: “A number that divides odd numbers. It can also be said that the numbers which are not
a given number exactly is called a factor of the given number”. multiples of 2 are odd numbers, i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7.... are all odd numbers.
The set of odd numbers is denoted by the capital letter O.
Note: Every number greater than 1 has at least two factors. O = {1, 3, 5, 7, ...}
Prime Number: A number having exactly two factors, 1 and the
3.1.2 Multiples number itself, is called the prime number, i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,
19 … are all prime numbers. The set of prime numbers is denoted
All the numbers which are divisible by another number are called by the capital letter P.
the multiples of that number, for example: P = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, ...}
Multiples of 2 are 2, 4, 6, 8, ... Composite Numbers: A number having factors other than 1 and
Multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, ... itself is called a composite number or we can say that the numbers
In the given example, as we say that the factors of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 having more than two factors are composite numbers, i.e. 4, 6, 8, 9,
and 18, we can also say that 18 is a multiple of each of the number 10 … are all composite numbers because each of these numbers has
1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18. more than two factors. The set of composite numbers is denoted
by the capital letter C.
C = {4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, ...}

Note: The number 1 is neither prime nor composite number

because it has only one factor which is 1 itself.
Thus, a number is said to be a multiple of each of its factors. It can
Example 1: Write all the factors of the following numbers.
also be noticed that the multiple of a number is either greater than
(i) 56 (ii) 121
or equal to the number itself.

Solution: (i) 56
3.1.3 Types of Natural Numbers
To find the factors of 56, start from 1 and proceed as given below.

Natural numbers are classified in two ways, either even and odd or
prime and composite.
Even Numbers: The numbers which are divisible by 2 are called
even numbers. We can also say that all multiples of 2 are even
Thus, the factors of 56 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28 and 56.
numbers. It means 2, 4, 6, 8,... are all even numbers because all
(ii) 121
numbers are multiple of 2. The set of even numbers is denoted by
the capital letter E.

E = {2, 4, 6, 8, ...}

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Thus, the factors of 121 are 1, 11, and 121. But this method can be very difficult and time consuming. Here we
shall learn some easier methods by which we can say whether the
EXERCISE 3.1 number is divisible by a given number or not. These methods are
known as “tests of divisibility”.
1. Write all factors of each of the following numbers.
(i) 21 (ii) 36 (iii) 48 (iv) 99 (i) A number is divisible by 2, if the digit at the units place is 0, 2, 4,
6 or 8.
2. Write first five multiplies of each of the following numbers. • 670 is divisible by 2 since the digit at the unit place is 0, i.e.,
(i) 3 (ii) 5 (iii) 9 (iv) 12 670 ÷ 2 = 335
• 138 is divisible by 2 since the last digit is an even number, i.e.,
3. Separate the odd and even numbers. 138 ÷ 2 = 69
(i) 135 (ii) 342 (iii) 1112 (iv) 5008
(v) 9427 (vi) 8134 (vii) 10006 (viii) 78965 (ii) A number is divisible by 3, if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
• 531 is divisible by 3 since the sum of the digits is 9 (5+3+1) and
4. List all prime numbers between: 9 is divisible by 3, i.e., 9 ÷ 3 = 3
(i) 10 and 50 (ii) 25 and 60 • 6396 is divisible by 3 since the sum of the digits is 24 (6+3+9+6)
(iii) 32 and 48 (iv) 76 and 90 and 24 is divisible by 3, i.e., 24 ÷ 3 = 8

Video 3.2: Divisibility Rules

5. List all numbers less than 100 which are multiples of 5 and (iii) A number is divisible by 4, if the digits at the units and tens Source & credit: mathispower4u
10. places are 0’s or a number formed by the tens and units digits
can be divided by 4.
6. List all numbers less than 50 which are multiples of 3 and 4. • 4500 is divisible by 4 since the digits at the units and tens places
are 0’s, i.e., 4500 ÷ 4 = 1125
7. Write all composite numbers less than 20. • 7632 is divisible by 4 since the number formed by the tens and
units digits (32) can be divided by 4, i.e., 7632 ÷ 4= 1908
8. Write five consecutive composite numbers just below 50.
(iv) A number is divisible by 5, if the digit at the units places is 0 or
9. Write all prime numbers less than 15. 5.
• 2360 is divisible by 5 since the digit at the units place is 0, i.e.,
2360 ÷ 5 = 472
3.2 Tests of Divisibility • 2385 is divisible by 5 since the number at the units place is 5,
i.e., 2385 ÷ 5 = 477
In order to test the divisibility of a number by another number.
We actually divide the number, and find if the remainder is zero. (v) A number is divisible by 6, if it has even number at the units
place and the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.

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• 642 is divisible by 6 since the digit at the units place is an even Sum of digits at even places = 5 + 4 = 9
number and sum of its digits (6+4+2=12) is divisible by 3, i.e., The difference of these sums = 9 – 9 = 0
642 ÷ 6 = 107 • 1749 is divisible by 11 since the difference of the sum of its
• 2472 is divisible by 6 since the digit at the units place is an digits at the odd place and the sum of its digits at even places
even number and sum of its digits (2+4+7+2=15) is divisible by is 11, i.e.,
3, i.e., 2472 ÷ 6 = 412. Sum of digits at odd places = 1 + 4 = 5
Sum of digits at even places = 7 + 9 = 16
(vi) A number is divisible by 8, if the digits at the units, tens and The difference of these sums = 16-5 = 11
hundreds places are 0’s or they comprise a number divisible
by 8. (x) A number is divisible by 12 (a) if the sum of its digits is divisible
• 89000 is divisible by 8 since the digits at the units, tens and by 3 and (b) the number formed by its tens and units is divisible
hundreds places are 0’s, i.e., 89000 ÷ 8 = 11125 by 4.
• 7424 is divisible by 8 since the number formed by the digits, • 1476 is divisible by 12 since the number formed by its tens and
units, ten sand hundreds places (424) is divisible by 8, i.e., units (76) is divisible by 4 and the sum of its digits (1+4+7+6=18)
7424 ÷ 8 = 928 is divisible by 3, i.e., 1476 ÷ 12 = 123
• 37548 is divisible by 12 since the number formed by its
(vii) A number is divisible by 9, if the sum of its digits is divisible by tens and units (48) is divisible by 4 and the sum of its digits
9. (3+7+5+4+8=27) is divisible by 3, i.e., 37548 ÷ 12 = 3129
• 531 is divisible by 9 since the sum of the digits is 9 ( 5+3+1)
and 9 is divisible by 9, i.e., 9 ÷ 9 = 1 , i.e. 531 ÷ 9 = 59 (xi) A number is divisible by 15 (a) if the sum of its digits is divisible
• 8496 is divisible by 9 since the sum of the digits is 27 by 3 and (b) the digit at the unit place is 0 or 5, i.e.,
(8 + 4 + 9 + 6) and 27 is divisible by 9, i.e., 8496 ÷ 9 = 944 • 5175 is divisible by 15 since the sum of its digits (5+1+7+5=18)
is divisible by 3 and the digit at the units place is 5, i.e., 5175
(viii) A number is divisible by 10, if the digit at the unit place is 0. ÷ 15 = 345
• 330 is divisible by 10 since the digit at the unit place is 0, i.e., • 5940 is divisible by 15 since the s um of its digits
330 ÷ 10 = 33 (5+9+4+0=18) is divisible by 3 and the digit at the unit is 0,
• 12340 is divisible by 10 since the digit at the unit place is 0, i.e., i.e., 5940 ÷ 15 = 396
12340 ÷ 10 = 1234
(xii) A number is divisible by 25, if the digits at the units and tens
(ix) A number is divisible by 11, if the difference of the sum of its places are 0’s or a number formed by the tens and units digits
digits at odd places and the sum of its digits at even places is can be divided by 25
either 0 or divisible by 11. • 12300 is divisible by 25 since the digits at the units and tens
• 2574 is divisible by 11 since the difference of the sum of its places are 0’s, i.e., 12300 ÷ 25 = 492
digits at the odd places and the sum of its digits at even places • 9175 is divisible by 25 since the number formed by the tens
is 0, i.e. Sum of digits at odd places = 2 + 7 = 9 and units digits (75) can be divided by 25, i.e., 9175 ÷ 25 = 367

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
3. Factors and Multiples elearn.punjab 3. Factors and Multiples elearn.punjab

EXERCISE 3.2 3.3 Factorization

1. Separate the following into even and odd numbers without
“The process of writing a number into its factors is called
carrying division.
(i) 6423 (ii) 8321 (iii) 6254 (iv) 989
We know that a natural number can be expressed as the product
(v) 810 (vi) 8394 (vii) 1234 (viii) 1357
of its factors as given below.
(ix) 54321 (x) 86420 (xi) 99880 (xii) 30005

2. Which of the following numbers are divisible by 3; by 4 and

by 5.
(i) 762 (ii) 512 (iii) 110 (iv) 968
(v) 3692 (vi) 5361 (vii) 1215 (viii) 7310
It can be observed that the number 24 has many factors, but out of
(ix) 1010 (x) 12345 (xi) 4952 (xii) 45678
them 2, 2, 2 and 3 are the only factors which are prime numbers.
Similarly, 42 has many factors, but out of them 2, 3 and 7 are the
3. Using the divisibility tests, determine which of the following
prime factors. Such factorization in which a number is expressed
numbers are divisible by 8 or 9.
as the product of prime factors is called the prime factorization.
(i) 512 (ii) 333 (iii) 440 (iv) 904
Now look at the prime factors of the number 42 which are given Video 3.3:14 Prime factorization and
(v) 56565 (vi) 2968 (vii) 6669 (viii) 11241 factor tree CBSE MATHS
(ix) 16920 (x) 11088 (xi) 9144 (xii) 6312 Source & credit: OnlinePathshala

4. Find the number which is divisible by 11.

(i) 2550 (ii) 3673 (iii) 8415
In all the above cases, we can observe that the order of factorization
(iv) 5155 (v) 135795 (vi) 21211212
may be different but prime factors remain the same. Thus, the
(vii) 7654321 (viii) 654313
prime factors of a number can be written in any order but we often
write them in ascending order.
5. Which of the following numbers are divisible by 12 or 15.
The prime factors of a number can also be expressed by using a
(i) 312 (ii) 576 (iii) 729 (iv) 1140
tree like diagram is called factor tree.
(v) 1335 (vi) 4428 (vii) 3150 (viii) 612
(ix) 11112 (x) 12345 (xi) 23448 (xii) 70350

6.Find the numbers which can be divided by 25.
(i) 142300 (ii) 5412625 (iii) 810235
(iv) 1111150 (v) 626205 (vi) 100200300

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3.3.1 Index Notation Hence the prime factors of 600 are:

2 ×2 × 2 ×3 × 5×5= 23 ×3× 52
• Look at the prime factors of following numbers.
• 49 = 7 × 7 (ii) 8820
• 81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3

• 125 = 5 × 5 × 5

• 32 =2 ×2× 2× 2× 2

In short, we can write the prime factors of above given numbers as:
• 7 × 7 = 72 (square of 7)
• 5 × 5× 5 = 53 (cube of 5)
• 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 34 (3 to the power of 4)
• 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 25 (2 to the power of 5)

Example 1: Express the following factors by using the index Hence, the prime factors of 8820 are:
notation. 2 ×2 × 3 ×3 × 5 × 7 × 7 = 22 × 32× 5 × 72
(i) 11 × 11 (ii) 3 × 3 × 7 × 7 (iii) 2 × 2 × 5 × 5 × 5

Video 3.4: Index notation Solution: EXERCISE 3.3
Source & credit: hegartymaths
(i) 11 × 11 = 112
(ii) 3 × 3 × 7 × 7 = 32× 72

(iii) 2 × 2 × 5 × 5 × 5 = 22 × 53 1. Express the following factors by using the index notation:
(i) 13 × 13 × 13 (ii) 7 × 7 × 7 × 7
Example 2: Find the prime factors of the following numbers. (iii) 29 × 29 (iv) 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5
(i) 600 (ii) 8820 (v) 11 × 11 × 11 × 11 (vi) 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
(vii) 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 (viii) 7 × 7 × 11 × 23 × 23
Solution: There are two methods for factorization of 600.
(i) 600
2. Fill in the boxes to complete the factor tree.

(i) (ii) (iii)

3. Find the prime factors of the following numbers by using

division method.

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(i) 20 (ii) 36 (iii) 98 (iv) 225 3.4.1 HCF by Prime Factorization Method
(v) 216 (vi) 441 (vii) 256 (viii) 392
(ix) 5250 (x) 2310 (xi) 2058 (xii) 1248 We can find the highest common factor (HCF) of two or more than
two numbers by prime factorization. To understand this method,
4. Factorize the following numbers into prime factors by using let us consider numbers 72, 48 and 132 and find their HCF.
the factor tree method. Step 1: Find the prime factors of each number.
(i) 24 (ii) 36 (iii) 60 (iv) 72
(v) 108 (vi) 462 (vii) 390 (viii) 770

3.4 Highest Common Factor (HCF)

Let us find the factors of 24 and 30.

Step 2: Express the prime factors of each number. Choose the

Video 3.5: How to find HCF LCM ? Learn
common numbers from all sets.
It can be observed that 1,2,3 and 6 are the common factors of 24 Source & credit: successCDSEducation
and 30 but 6 is the largest factor among them. Hence, 6 is known
as the highest common factor (HCF) of 24 and 30. Similarly, we
can find the highest common factor of more than two numbers as
shown below.
Step 3: Get the product of these chosen common factors to find
the HCF.
2 x 2 x 3 = 4 x 3 = 12
Thus, the HCF of 72, 48 and 132 is 12.

The common factors of 12, 18 and 42 are 1, 2, 3 and 6 and largest

of these common factors is 6. Thus, the highest common factor is 3.4.2 HCF by Long Division Method
6. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to write all possible factors
of a number. Hence, to solve this problem we use the following two Sometimes we have very large numbers. To find the highest
methods for finding the HCF of given numbers. common factors of such numbers through prime factorization is
very difficult. So, here we can find the HCF of the given numbers by
(i) Prime factorization method (ii) Long division method. long division method. Let us make it clear by finding the HCF of 928
and 324.

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Step 1: Make the larger number the dividend and the smaller
number the divisor.

Step 2: Make remainder the new divisor, and old divisor the
dividend. Repeat the process until you get 0 as remainder. Thus,

The HCF of 96, 108 and 420 = 2 × 2 × 3 = 4 × 3 = 12

Example 2: Find the HCF of 1353, 979 and 1078, using the long
division method.

Solution: Make the largest of three numbers as dividend and the

second larger number as divisor.

Step 3: The last divisor is the highest common divisor of two

numbers. Thus, the HCF of 928 and 324 is 4.

Example 1: Use the prime factorization method to find the HCF of

96, 108 and 420.

Solution: The prime factors of 96, 108 and 420 are given below.

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It can be seen the HCF of 1078 and 1353 is 11. Consider this HCF
of two numbers as divisor and the smallest of three numbers as
3.5 Least Common Multiple (LCM)
The least common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest
number which is a multiple of each of the given numbers. Look at

the multiples of 2 , 3 which are given below.

Thus, HCF of 1353, 979 and 1078 is 11.

It can be noticed that 6, 12, 18 etc are the common multiples of 2
and 3 but the smallest among then is 6. Hence, 6 is known as the
least common multiple (LCM) of 2 and 3. i.e.
Common multiples are 6, 12, 18, ...
Thus, LCM = 6
1. Find all the common factors.
Similarly, we can find the least common multiple of more than two
(i) 6 and 10 (ii) 8 and 12 (iii) 10 and 15
numbers that can be seen in the following example.
(vi) 28 and 36 (v) 20 and 30 (iv) 12 and 18

2. Find HCF by writing the common factors of each number.

(i) 24, 36 (ii) 25, 45 (iii) 21, 49

(iv) 12, 33 (v) 39, 52 (vi) 16, 20
(vii) 4,6,10 (viii) 22, 44, 66 (ix) 35, 20, 45
In case of large numbers, it becomes difficult to find the least
common multiple (LCM) by finding their multiples. So, here we can
3. Find the HCF of following numbers, using the prime
use the following two methods.
factorization method.
1. Prime factorization method. 2. Division method
(i) 12, 18 (ii) 22, 55 (iii) 36, 54
(iv) 24, 48 (v) 22, 132 (vi) 60, 72
Let us discuss them one by one.
(vii) 16, 54, 84 (viii) 22, 55, 110 (ix) 56, 189, 175

4. Find the HCF of the following numbers, using the long division
3.5.1 LCM by Prime Factorization Method
The LCM of given numbers can be obtained by finding their prime
(i) 72, 184 (ii) 63. 112 (iii) 276, 161
factors. To make it clear, let us find the LCM of 36, 48 and 56 with
(iv) 314, 334 (v) 405, 513 (vi) 128, 340
the help of prime factorization method which is given below.
(vii) 234, 538, 678 (viii) 155, 341, 1302 (ix) 399, 665, 1463

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Step 1: Find the prime factors of each of the numbers. Step 3: Repeat the process till no two numbers have common

Step 2: Express the prime factors of each number, using the index
notation. Choose the largest number from each set.
Since, Step 4: The product of the divisors and remainders is the LCM.
Thus, the LCM of 24, 36, 54 and 81 is 2×2×3×3×3×2×3=648

Example 1: Determine the LCM of 9, 12 and 18:
(i) by finding their common multiples
(ii) by prime factorization method. (iii) by division method.
Video 3.6: Finding LCM Using The Ladder
Method Step 3: Get the product of these chosen numbers to find the LCM. Solution: (i) LCM by finding the common multiples of 9, 12, and 18:
Source & credit: teachertubemath
Thus, the LCM of 36, 48 and 56 is 24 × 3² × 7 = 16 × 9 ×7 = 1008.

3.5.2 LCM by Division Method

In case of more numbers, it becomes laborious to find the LCM.

Hence, we use the division method which is simpler than the Common multiplies of 9, 12 and 18 are 36, 72, 108
prime factorization method. To understand it, let us consider four Least common multiple = 36
numbers 24, 36, 54 and 81 for finding their LCM as given below. Thus, the LCM of 9, 12 and 18 is 36.

Step 1: Arrange all the numbers in a row. (ii) By prime factorization method.

Step 2: Choose a common factor of at least two of the numbers

and divide the numbers by it (carry forward which are not divisible).


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Example 2: Find the HCF and LCM of 27 and 45 find the product of
HCF and LCM also find the product of the numbers. What relation
do you observe between the two?

Solution: Using Factorization Method

Thus, the LCM of 9, 12 and 18 is 2² × 3² = 4 × 9 = 36

(iii) By division method.

Thus, the HCF of 27 and 45 is 9

Thus, the LCM of 9, 12 and 18 is 2 × 3 × 3 × 2 = 36.

Thus, the LCM of 27 and 45 is 3³ × 5 = 27 × 5 = 135
Product of two numbers = 27 × 45 = 1215
3.5.3 Relation between HCF and LCM of two numbers LCM × HCF = 135 × 9 = 1215
Hence, it can be observed:
Consider any two numbers, say 12 and 16. Their HCF is 4 and LCM Product of the two numbers = LCM × HCF
is 48.
Example 3: The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 33 and 13860
• Product of HCF and LCM is 4 × 48 = 192 respectively. If one of the numbers is 693, find the other.
• Product of the two numbers is 12 × 16 = 192
We can see that; 12 × 16 = 4 × 48. Again consider another pair of Solution: We know that
numbers say 15 and 25. Their HCF is 5 and LCM is 75.
• Product of HCF and LCM is 5 × 75 = 375
• Product of HCF and LCM is 5 × 75 = 375
Again we can see that; 15 × 25 = 5 × 75
From the above example, we conclude that:
First Number × Second Number = HCF × LCM
Hence, the other number is 660.
i.e, Product of the two numbers = Product of their HCF and

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EXERCISE 3.5 Example 1: Find the greatest length of scale that can measure the
18m, 24m and 42m long ropes exactly.
1. Find the LCM of given numbers by finding their common
multiples. Solution: To determine the length of the scale we find the HCF of
(i) 2, 4 (ii) 5, 6 (iii) 3, 4 (iv) 7, 8 given lengths.

(v) 6, 9 (vi) 8, 12 (vii) 7, 14 (viii) 10, 15

(ix) 3, 6, 9 (x) 2, 6, 9 (xi) 4, 8, 12 (xii) 2, 6, 11

2. Find the LCM of the following numbers by prime factorization
(i) 18, 24 (ii) 16, 40 (iii) 30, 36
(iv) 28, 44 (v) 20, 32 (vi) 20, 135 Thus,
(vii) 45, 75 (viii) 36, 84 (ix) 12, 18, 24
(x) 25, 35, 45 (xi) 9, 15, 21 (xii) 25, 50, 75

3. Find the LCM by using the division method.

(i) 27, 81, 54 (ii) 18, 45, 63 (iii) 35, 55,100 Hence, the HCF of 18, 24 and 42 is 2 × 3 = 6.
(iv) 210,140 315 (v) 112, 120 , 150 (vi) 144, 180, 300 Thus, the required length of the scale is 6m.

4. The HCF of two numbers 525 and 1155 is 105. Find their LCM. Example 2: The floor of a hall is 1550cm × 1050 cm. Square shaped
tiles of same size are to be fixed on it. Find
5. The LCM of two numbers 660 and 2100 is 23100. Find their (i) The largest possible size of each tile so that all the tiles are used.
HCF. (ii) The least number of tiles required to cover the floor of hall
6. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 29 and 3045. If one of
the numbers is 435, find the other. Solution: (i) The largest size of each tile will be the HCF of 1550 cm
and 1050 cm. Hence, the HCF of 1550 and 1050 is 50
7. The HCF of two numbers is 16 and their product is 3328. Find Thus, the largest size of the square tile = 50cm × 50cm = 2500cm²
their LCM.

3.6 Application of HCF and LCM

The process of finding HCF and LCM has a role in our real life that
can be observed in the following examples.

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(ii) Area of the floor = 1550 cm x 1050 cm

= 1627500 cm2
Area of the tile = 2500 cm2

Hence, the LCM of 10, 15, 24 and 30 is 2³ × 3 × 5 = 8 × 3 × 5 = 120

Thus, the least number of titles required is 651 tiles. Thus, the required time is: 120 minutes = 2 hours
Thus, the bells will ring together at: (8 + 2) a.m. = 10 a.m.
Example 3: How much long a steel rod can exactly be measured
with 200cm, 150cm and 250cm long measures of tapes.
Solution: The length of the steel rod can be calculated by finding
the LCM of 200, 150 and 250 1. Find the smallest number that can exactly divide the
numbers 108, 180 and 216.

2. Find the smallest number that is exactly divisible by 5, 15

and 25.

3. Find the greatest measure of a string that can measure

Hence, the LCM of 200, 150 and 250 are 2×5×5×4×3×5 = 3000 exactly 27m, 45m and 63 m long wooden border exactly.
Thus, the required length of the steel rod is 3000 cm.

Example 4: Four bells ring at intervals of 10,15,24 and 30 minutes 4. Find the shortest length of a pipe that can be measured
respectively. At what time will they ring together if they start ringing exactly with 4m, 6m and 9m long measuring tapes
simultaneously at 8 a.m? respectively.

Solution: We can tell the required time by finding the LCM of 10, 5. The paper of a note-book is 18cm by 24cm. Ali wants to cover
15, 24 and 30. the paper completely with square patterns of the same size.
(i) The largest possible area of each square pattern.
(ii) The number of square patterns that Ali can draw to cover the
paper completely.

6. In a morning walk, three friends step off together. Their

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steps measure 70cm, 76cm and 90cm respectively. At • The number 1 is neither prime nor composite number.
what distance from the starting point will they step off • The process of writing a number into prime factors is called
again together. prime factorization.
• The largest common factor of two or more than two numbers is
7. Two containers have 850 litres and 680 litres of milk called highest common factor.
respectively. Find the capacity of a container which can • The least common multiple is the smallest number which is a
measure the milk in each container in exact number of multiple of given two or more numbers.

8. There are 416, 364 and 312 students in three classes REVIEW EXERCISE 3
respectively. Buses are to be hired to take these students
for a school trip. Find the maximum number of students 1. Write all numbers less than 40 which are
who can sit in a bus if each bus carries an equal number of (i) multiples of 2 (ii) multiples of 5
students (iii) multiples of 7 (iv) multiples of 9

9. Three light houses flash their lights every 16 seconds, 24 2. Write all even, odd, prime and composite numbers less than
seconds and 40 seconds respectively. If they flash together 20.
at 2p.m, at what time will they next flash together?
3. Tell which of the following numbers are divisible by 2,3 and
10. Manahil wants to prepare some handkerchiefs of same 5 without carrying division.
size from a piece of cloth 9m long and 1.25m wide. What will (i) 6420 (ii) 7125 (iii) 5030 (iv) 4132
be the largest size of the handkerchiefs when no wastage is (v) 11115 (vi) 20004 (vii) 45678 (viii) 32124
4. Write the prime factors of the following numbers using
SUMMARY index notation.
(i) 900 (ii) 1296 (iii) 7056 (iv) 39204
• A number that divides a given number exactly is called a factor
of the given number. 5. Use prime factorization method to find the HCF.
• The multiples of a number are obtained by multiplying the (i) 48,72 (ii) 70,105 (iii) 33.44,77
number with natural numbers.
• The numbers which are divisible by 2 are called even numbers 6. Use division method to find the HCF.
and which are not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers. (i) 924,1045 (ii) 1505,2982 (iii) 710,1815,945
• A number having exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself
is called a prime number and a number having more than two 7. Use prime factorization method to find LCM.
factors is called a composite number. (i) 75,120 (ii) 234, 702 (iii) 75,125,350

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8. Use long division method to find LCM.

(i) 324, 1053 (ii) 385,1050,1155 (iii) 52, 56, 112, 156

9. The HCF of two numbers 2952 and 2256 is 24. Find their LCM.

10. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 23 and 345. If one
number is 115, find the other.


1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is meant by the factor of a number?
(ii) Define the prime numbers.
(iii) Which number has only one factor?
(iv) How do we tell if a number is divisible by 3?
(v) What is meant by the prime factorization?
(vi) Show the relation between HCF and LCM of two numbers by
using a formula.

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The numbers having no common factor other than 1 are
called _________ numbers.
(ii) A number having a factor other than 1 and itself is called
__________ number.
(iii) _________ is the only even prime number.
(iv) A number is divisible by __________ if the digit at the unit place
is 0 or even number.
(v) The process of writing a number into its factors is called
_________ .


1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Integers elearn.punjab 4. Integers elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes

b) Subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger,
After studying this unit, students will be able to: c) Give the result the sign of the integer with the larger
• Know that absolute value.
a The natural numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., are also called positive • Recognize subtraction as the inverse process of addition.
integers and the corresponding negative numbers –1, –2, • Subtract one integer from the other by changing the sign of
–3, ..., are called negative integers, the integer being subtracted and adding according to the rules
a ‘0’ is an integer which is neither positive nor negative. for addition of integers.
• Recognize integers. • Recognize that
• Represent integers on a number line. a The product of two integers of like signs is a positive
• Know that on the number line any number lying integer,
a To the right of zero is positive, a The product of two integers of unlike signs is a negative
a To the left of zero is negative, integer.
a To the right of another number is greater, Recognize that division is the inverse process of multiplication.
a To the left of another number is smaller. • Recognize that on dividing one integer by another
• Know that every positive integer is greater than a negative a if both the integers have like signs the quotient is positive,
integer. a if both the integers have unlike signs the quotient is
• Know that every negative integer is less than a positive integer. negative..
• Arrange a given list of integers in ascending and descending • Know that division of an integer by ‘0’ is not possible.
• Define absolute or numerical value of a number as its distance
from zero on the number line and is always positive. 4.1 Integers
• Arrange the absolute or numerical values of the given integers
in ascending and descending order. 4.1.1 Positive Integers
• Use number line to display:
a Sum of two or more given negative integers, We are familiar with the numbers of type 1, 2, 3, ... These numbers
a Difference of two given positive integers, can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided as the rules
a Sum of two given integers. expressed in the previous chapter. We call them natural numbers.
• Add two integers (with like signs) in the following three steps: These are also called the positive integers.
a) Take absolute values of given integers,
b) Add the absolute values, 4.1.2 Negative Integers Video 4.1: What are integers CBSE MATHS
c) Give the result the common sign, Source and credit: online pathshala
• Add two integers (with unlike signs) in the following three steps: We know that all natural numbers 1, 2, 3, ... are greater than zero.
a) Take absolute values of given integers, Is there any number which is less than zero? We can subtract 3

2 3
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Integers elearn.punjab 4. Integers elearn.punjab

from 5 such as 5 - 3 = 2. But what is the result of 3 - 5? The whole numbers 0,1,2,…. together with the negative numbers
Let us try to solve these problems with an example. Waleed -1,-2,-3,…. are called integers.
decided to play a game. He drew a line on the floor by marking We can write them as;
some numbers after every step on the right of his starting point. . . . , -5, -4, -3 , -2, -1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , . . .
He closed his eyes and moved three steps from zero to any point A. or
He opened his eyes and found himself at the number 3. 0 , ± 1 , ± 2 , ± 3 , ± 4 , . . .
Zero is also an integer but it is neither a positive integer nor a
negative integer.

Integers are also known as directed numbers because

these numbers also represent the direction, as well as
the measurement.

He again closed his eyes and returned back 5 steps from point A to
any point B. But when he opened his eyes he found himself to the
left of his starting point.
To find his position, he extended line on the left of his starting point 4.2 Ordering of Integers
and marked the same counting numbers but with a negative sign
Video 4.2: Locate integers on a number to show that he is on the left of starting point. He observed that he Video 4.3: Order Integers from Least to
line Greatest
Source and credit: Khan Academy
was at the number -2. Source and credit: Mathispower4u

We can observe that on the number line, the integer that lies to the
left of another integer is always smaller and the integer lies to the
right of the same integer is always greater.

For example, zero lies to the left of all positive integers on the
number line. So, 0 < 1 , 2 , 3 ........ and the integer 0 lies to the right
of all negative integers. So, 0 > -1, -2, -3, …… or we can write the
It means 3 - 5 = -2
above statements as: .....…, -3 < -2 < -1 < 0 < +1 < +2 < +3,….
This line is called the number line which is extending in both
directions without ever ending. Here zero is known as starting
Example 1: Put the appropriate sign > or < between the given pairs.
point. Similarly we can get
(i) 0 , 1 (ii) -10 , -15 (iii) -100 , 10
5 - 8 = -3 , 3 - 4 = -1 and so on
These numbers -1, -2, -3,…. are called negative integers. Solution:
We know that 1 is less than 2 and 0 is less than 1. In the same way (i) 0 , 1
-1 is less than 0 and -2 is less than -1. 0 < 1 [0 lies to the left of 1 on a number line]

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(ii) -10 , -15

-10 > -15 [-10 lies to the right of -15 on the number line]

(iii) -100 ,10 Ascending Order: -5, -2 ,-1 ,0 ,3 , 4

-100 > 10 [-100 lies to the left of 10 on the number line] Descending Order: 4, 3 , 0 ,-1 ,-2 ,-5

Example 2: Write two next integers which are greater than the
integers: -5, -4, -3. 4.3 Absolute or Numerical Value of an Integer

Solution: -5, -4, -3,…. Numerical or absolute value of a directed number is a distance
Draw a number line which shows the given and the next integers. from zero to that number on the number line. We shall make it
clear with an example.
Usman and Haris walked away 3 meters from the same place but
in the opposite directions. Who covered more distance? We display
From above, we can observe that -5 < -4 < -3 < -2 < -1 this distance on the number line.
Thus, the next two integers are -2 and -1.

Example 3: Write the integers between -7 and 2 drawing the Video 4.5: Absolute Value of Integers
number line. Source and credit: Khan Academy
Video 4.4: Ordering Negative Numbers
Source and credit: Khan Academy
Solution: -7 and 2
From the above number line we can observe that Usman and Haris
are at the same distance from the starting point 0. So, we can
say that the numerical or absolute value of 3 and –3 is the same
because it gives us only distance but not direction.
We can write it as: |+3| = 3
From the number line, we can observe that and |- 3| = - (- 3) = 3
-7 < -6 < -5 < -4 < -3 < -2 < -1 < 0 < 1 < 2
Thus, the integers are Example 1: Find the numerical values of the following integers.
-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1 (i) – 4 (ii) 22 (iii) – 9

Example 4: Arrange the given integers in ascending order and in Solution:

descending order. 0, -5, -2, 4, -1, 3 (i) | - 4| = - (- 4) = 4 a Numerical value of – 4 is 4. Video 4.6: Absolute Value and Number
(ii) |22| = 22 a Numerical value of 22 is 22.
Source and credit: Khan Academy
Solution: Show the given integers on the number line. (iii) |- 9| = - (- 9) = 9 a Numerical value of - 9 is 9.

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EXERCISE 4.1 4.4 Addition of Integers:

1. Draw the number line and mark the following numbers. A number line can also be used to display the sum or difference
(i) -5 to 0 (ii) 0 to + 5 (iii) -2 to +4 of given integers as shown below.
(iv) -4 to +1
• Sum of two or more given integers:
2. Fill in the boxes with > or < . (i) (-2) + (-3) = -5
(i) 6 x 5 (ii) -6 x -5 (iii) -2 x 0
(iv) 0 x 4 (v) 8 x -10 (vi) -9 x 1

3. Which is greater, –101 or –111?

(ii) (-1) + (-2) + (-5) = -8
4. Which is smaller, –99 or –199?

5. Write the integers between:

(i) 2 and 6 (ii) -2 and 3 (iii) -6 and -1
(iv) -3 and 4 • Difference of two given positive integers
(i) (+6) - (+2) = +4 Video 4.7 Adding integers with same sign
Source and credit: Khan Academy
6. Give two possible integers in following cases.
(i) 0 < (ii) < 0 (iii) > -3

7. Write three integers smaller than 2.

8. Write four integers greater than –2. • Sum of two integers with unlike signs
(i) (+2) + (-7) = -5
9. Find the numerical values of each of the following.
(i) 3 (ii) -8 (iii) 5
(iv) -9 (v) -6 (vi) -2

10. Write the integer whose numerical value is 0. (ii) (-3) + (+9) = +6

11. Arrange the given integers in ascending and descending

(i) -4, 1, -2, 0 (ii) 1, -3, -4, 0 (iii) -2, -3, 3, 2

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We are familiar with the addition methods but the addition of = + (9 - 4) |- 4| = 4

integers is little different from the addition of natural numbers or = + 5 or 5
positive numbers. Some rules that we use in the addition of integers
are given below. (ii) (- 9) + (- 4) a |- 9| = 9
Rule 1: Integers with like signs: = - (9 - 4) |+ 4| = 4
Two integers with like signs are added in the following three steps. = - 5
(a) Take absolute values of given integers.
(b) Add the absolute values. (iii) (-16) + (+13) a |-16| = 16
(c) Give the result with the common sign. = - (16 -13) |+13| = 13
= - 3
Example 1: Solve the following.
(i) (+16) + (+13) (ii) (-16) + (-13) Example 3: Simplify the following.
(i) [ (- 4) + (+ 6)] + (- 9) a |+6| = 6
Solution: |-4| = 4
(i) (+16) + (+13) a |+16| = 16
= + (16 +13) |+13| = 13 Solution: First solve brackets.
= + 29 or 29 = [ + ( 6 - 4) ] + (- 9) a |+ 2| = 2
Video 4.8: Adding integers with different = (+ 2) + (- 9) |-9| = 9 Video 4.9: Addition of integers CBSE
signs MATHS
Source and credit: Khan Academy
(ii) (-16) + (-13) a |-16| = 16 = - (9 - 2) = - 7 Source and credit: online pathshala
= - (16 +13) |-13| = 13 which is the required answer.
= - 29

Rule 2: Integers with unlike signs: EXERCISE 4.2

Two integers with unlike signs are added in the following three
steps. 1. Use the number line to write the sum.
(a) Take absolute values of given integers. (i) (-7) + (+3) (ii) (-2) + (-4) (iii) (+5) - (+1)
(b) Subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger. (iv) (+2) + (-3) (v) (-1) + (-2) + (-3) (vi) (-3) + (-4) + (-2)
(c) Give the result the sign of the integer with the larger absolute
value. 2. Find the sum of the following.
(i) (+5) + (+2) (ii) (+9) + (+7) (iii) (-4) + (-6)
Example 2: add the following. (iv) (-8) + (-8) (v) (+10) + (-2) (vi) (-7) + (+6)
(i) (+9) + (-4) (ii) (-9) + (+4) (iii) (-16) + (+13) (vii) (-11) + (+7) (viii) (+3) + (-9) (ix) (+5) + (-8)
(x) (-13) + (-11) (xi) (+12) + (+23) (xii) (-27) + (-19)
(i) (+9) + (-4) a |+9| = 9 3. Fill in the boxes.

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4. Integers elearn.punjab 4. Integers elearn.punjab

(i) (+ 3) + (- 6) = x (ii) (+ 7) + (+ 3) = x (ii) (+5) - (- 4)

(iii) (- 6) + (- 9) = x (iv) (+ 5) +x= (+ 7) = (+5) + (+ 4) a - (+4) = + (+ 4)
(v) x+ (- 5) = (-16) (vi) x+ (- 17) = (+ 2) = + (5 - 4) a |+5| = 5 , |+ 4| = 4
(vii) (+ 100) +x= (+ 50) (viii) (- 11) +x= ( - 111) = + 9 or 9

4. Solve the following.

(i) [(+2) + (+3)] + (+4) (ii) [(-1) + (-1)] + (-5)
(iii) [(+3) + (+5)] + (-1) (iv) [(-2) + (-6)] + (+ 4)
(v) (+25) + [(+25) + (+50)] (vi) (-18) + [(25) + (-30)] Example 1: Solve the following:
(i) (+19) - (+ 17) (ii) (+23) - (- 6) (iii) (- 13) - (+18)
(iv) (- 18) - (- 11)

4.5 Subtraction of Integers:

Solution :

We know that the subtraction is an opposite process of the

addition. In integers we add 2 when we move 2 steps to the right
side on a number line but we subtract 2 when we move 2 steps on
the left side.
Video 4.11: Adding/Subtracting negative
Video 4.10: Subtraction of integers CBSE
Source and credit: Khan Academy
Source and credit: online pathshala

To subtract integers, we use the following rules.

(i) Change the sign of the integer which is being subtract. Example 2: Simplify the following.
(ii) Add them according to the addition rules of integers. (i) (-195) - (- 203) (ii) [(+10) - (+6)] - (-8)
(iii) [(- 13) - (-17)] - (+ 12)
For Example:
(i) (+5) - (+4) a - (+4) = +(- 4) Solution:
= + (5 - 4) a |+5| = 5 , |- 4| = 4
= + 1 or 1

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2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 x 2 = 16
The rules for multiplication of integers are given below:

Rule 1: Integers with like signs

The product of two integers having same signs is always positive. Video 4.12: Multiplying Integers - The
For example: Basics
Source and credit: Mathispower4u

1. Simplify the following.

(i) (+4) - (+1) (ii) (+ 8) - (+ 5) (iii) (- 6) - (- 2)
(iv) (- 7) - (- 9) (v) (+15) - (- 4) (vi) (- 18) - (+ 7) Rule 2: Integers with unlike signs
(vii) (+ 23) - (+ 15) (viii) (- 42) - (- 21) (ix) (- 69) - (- 21) The product of two integers having opposite signs is always
(x) (+ 49) - (+ 81) (xi) (+ 102) - (- 133) (xii) (- 195) - (-165) negative. For example:

2. Fill in the blanks.

Example: Find the product of the following pairs.

Video 4.13: Basic Math - How to multiply
(i) +13 , +9 (ii) -11 , +11 (iii) -8 , -7 (iv) + 25 , -6 integers
3. Simplify the following. Source and credit: My Secret Math Tutor

4. Subtract –111 from +111

5. The sum of two integers is –99. One integer is – 66, find the
4.6 Multiplication of Integers:
1. Fill in the boxes.
We know that multiplication is an operation of repeated addition (i) (+ 6) x (- 3) = x (ii) (-9) xx = 81
or we can say that multiplication is a short method of adding the (iii) (- 2) x (+ 8) = x (iv) xx (+11) = 121
same numbers. For example: (v) x x (- 7) = (56) (vi) - 25 xx = - 75
(vii) (-) x (-) = x (viii) (+) x (-) = x

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2. Find the product of the following. 4.7.1 Division of an Integer by ‘0’ is not Possible
(i) +3 , +4 (ii) -6 , -2 (iii) +5 , -5 (iv) -7 , + 8
(v) -9 , -4 (vi) +3 , -8 (vii) -10 , -5 (viii) + 11,-7 Division by zero is an operation for which we cannot find the
(ix) -9 , -8 (x) +6 , + 12 (xi) -3 , +50 (xii) -7, +7 answer as shown below.
(xiii) -4 , -9 (xiv) - 5 , -13 (xv) +110 , - 8
=x or 4 =xx 0
3. Simplify each of the following. 0
(i) (-1)x(-1) x(-1) x(-1) (ii) (+1)x(-2) x(+ 3) x(+4) But no value would work for x because 0 time any number is 0.
(iii) [(+2)x(+9)] x(-4) (iv) [(-18)x(3)] x (2) So, division of an integer by ‘0‘ is not possible.
(v) [(25)x(-8)] x (-16) (vi) [(-100)x(-15)] x (3)
Example 1: Find the quotient of the following.
4.7 Division of Integers: (i) (-121) ' (-11) (ii) (+169) ' (-13) (iii) (-72) ' (+8)
(iv) (+144) ' (+16)
Division is a reverse process of multiplication. To make it clear
consider the following statement. Solution :

2x3=x ⇒
x =2
Video 4.14: Basic Math - How to divide 3
integers Video 4.15: Dividing Integers
Source and credit: My Secret Math Tutor Try to guess the number to fill the boxes. Obviously 6 is the required Source and credit: Andrew Plett
number in both cases. So our problem can be solved by putting 6
in the box, i.e.,
6 ⇒ x =2
It means 2 x 3 = 6 can be written as 2 =
Now we discuss the rule for division.
Rule 1: Integers with like signs EXERCISE 4.5
When an integer is divided by another integer of same sign, the
result is always positive. 1. Solve.
(i) (42) ' (-7) (ii) (+36) ' (+9) (iii) (+65) ' (+5)
(iv) (-27) ' (-3) (v) (-126) ' (+14) (vi) (+34) ' (-17)
Rule 2: Integers with unlike signs (vii) (+260) ' (-13) (viii) (-189) ' (-21) (ix) (-155) ' (+31)
When an integer is divided by another integer of opposite sign, the (x) (+372) ' (+124)
result is always negative.
2. Fill in the following boxes.

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addition of integers.
(iii) x = -4
12 -16
(i) = x (ii) = -2
3 x 5 • Multiplication of integers
(i) The product of two integers of like signs is a positive integer.
30 (ii) The product of two integers of unlike signs is a negative
(iv) = -6 (v) x = 9 (vi) 169 = x
x -8 13 integer.
• Division of integers
8 -16 -27
(vii) = 2 xx (viii) = 2 xx (ix) = 3 xx (i) If both the integers have like signs the quotient is positive.
2 2 -3
(ii) If both the integers have unlike signs the quotient is
3. Find the quotient of the following. negative
(i) (+252) ' (+18) (ii) (-195) ' (+15) (iii) (-480) ' (-120)
(iv) (+196) ' (-28) (v) (-99) ' (+11) (vi) (+2000) ' (-40) REVIEW EXERCISE 4

1. Draw the number line to represent the following numbers.
SUMMARY (i) - 4 to 3 (ii) - 1 to +6 (iii) - 5 to +5

• The whole numbers 0,1,2,….. together with the negative 2. Write the numerical values of given integers.
numbers -1, -2, -3 ….. are called integers. (i) - 6 (ii) - 28 (iii) + 43
• Integers are also known as directed numbers.
• Integers can be represented by using a number line as shown 3. Arrange the given integers in descending order.
below. (i) -10, -1, +1, -60 (ii) +3, -3, +4, -4, +2, -2

4. Prove that
(i) (+11) + (-6) = (-6) + (+11)
• The numerical value of an integer is a distance from zero to that (ii) [(+1) x(-2)] x (-3) = (+1) x [(-2) x (-3)]
number on the number line. (iii) (-7) x (-8) = (-8) x (-7)
• Numerical value of an integer is also known as its absolute value. (iv) [(+24) x (-13)] x (+27) = (+24) x [(-13) x (+27)]
• Addition of integers
(i) In case of like signs, add the absolute values of integers and 5. Fill in the boxes.
common sign is written with the sum. (i) (+ 43) - (-18) = (x) (ii) (x) - (+11) = (-31)
(ii) In case of unlike signs, subtract the smaller absolute value (iii) (- 52) - (x) = (-24) (iv) (+ 123) - (+87) = (x)
from the larger absolute value and the sign of integer of
larger absolute value is written with the resulting value. 6. Simplify the following.
• Subtraction of integers (i) (-182) ' (+ 14) (ii) (+345) ' (+23)
Subtract one integer from the other by changing the sign of the (iii) (+1221) ' (-111) (iv) (-4140) ' (345)
integer being subtracted and adding according to the rules for

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4. Integers elearn.punjab


1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Define integers.
(ii) What is the absolute value of –9?
(iii) Which operation is known as the inverse process of addition?
(iv) Write two integers less than 1?

2. Fill in the blanks

(i) In routine, we do not use sign with _________ integers.
(ii) __________ is neither a positive integer nor a negative integer.
(iii) The product of two integers of opposite signs is a _________
(iv) Integers are also known as _________.

Version: 1.1



Annimation 5.1: Simplification

Source and credit: e-learn.Punjab
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Simplification elearn.punjab 5. Simplification elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes Rule 2: When an expression contains only multiplication and
division: work from left to right within the brackets.
After studying this unit, students will be able to: Rule 3: When an expression contains any three or all four
• Know that the following four kinds of brackets operations: use the BODMAS rules.
a __Vinculum,
a ( ) Parentheses or curved brackets or round brackets, 5.1.1 BODMAS Rule
a { } Braces or curly brackets,
a [ ] Square brackets or box brackets, are used to group two We know that addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are
or more numbers together with operations. four basic operation of mathematics. To simplify an expression
• Know the order of preference as, ___, ( ), { } and [ ], to remove which contains all these operations, we use a rule, called
(simplify) them from an expression. simplification rule. According to this rule the four operations
• Recognize BODMAS rule to follow the order in which the must be performed in the following order but after removing the
operations, to simplify mathematical expressions, are brackets.
performed. BO for Brackets Of
• Simplify mathematical expressions involving fractions and D for '
decimals grouped with brackets using BODMAS rule. M for Multiplication r
• Solve real life problems involving fractions and decimals. A for Addition +
S for Subtraction -

5.1 Introduction In short, this simplification rule is called the BODMAS rule.

We have already learnt simplification of an expression involving Example 1: Simplify

two or more of four operations but sometimes it becomes more
important to simplify some operations before the others in an
expression. For this purpose, we use brackets which indicate
the order of simplification. There are four types of brackets.
(i) “—” is called a bar or viniculum
(ii) “( )” is called a round or curved brackets or parentheses.
(iii) “{ }” is called a curly brackets or braces.
(iv) “[ ]” is called box brackets or square brackets.
Some Rules
There are some rules to simplify an expression containing brackets.
Rule 1: When an expression contains only addition and
Subtraction:work from left to right within the brackets.

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Hence, is the required answer.


Example 2: Simplify the following.





Hence, 11.57 is the required answer. 11.

Simplify the following.
15. 100.014 - [2.3584 ÷ {0.044 ÷ (8.25 - 5.235+1.255)}]

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5.1.2 Word Problems Solution: 3

Share of 14 senior workers = 2 ( x 14 ) kg = 21 kg
We discuss some problems of everyday life involving fractions.
While solving any problem we need to concentrate on three points. Remaining mangoes = (30 - 21) kg = 9 kg
1. What do you know? 3
2. What do you want to know? Every junior worker got share = kg
3. What is the proper operation? Number of junior worker got
share from 9 kg mangoes = 9 '
Example 1: Iram bought 3/4 kg tomatoes, 1/2 kg potatoes, 1/4 kg 7
carrots and 2 kg apples from a market. How much weight of = 9 x = 21 workers
vegetables and fruits did she carry from the market? Total workers = Senior workers + Junior workers
= 14 + 21
Solution: = 35 workers
1. What do you know?
Weight of tomatoes = 3/4 kg Weight of potatoes = 1/2 kg Example 3: Sheraz purchased 24 notebooks at the rate of Rs.
Weight of carrots = 1/4 kg Weight of apples = 2 kg 12.45 per notebook, 48 lead pencils at the rate of Rs.3.25 per pencil
and 25 ball point pens at the rate of Rs. 4.15 per pen. Find what
2. What do you want to know? remaining amount he has out of Rs. 1000.
Total weight of the vegetables and fruit = ?
3. What is the proper operation? Price of 24 notebooks = 24 x 12.45 = Rs. 298.80
By adding weight of vegetables and fruit we can get the required Price of 48 lead pencils = 48 x 3.25 = Rs. 156
weight. So, Price of 25 ball points = 25 x 4.15 = Rs. 103.75
Total purchase = Rs. 298.80 + Rs. 156 + Rs. 103.75
Total weight = Rs. 558.55
Remaining amount = Total amount - Total purchase
= 1000 - 558.55
= Rs. 441.45
Hence, Iram carried weight from the market.

Example 2: A showroom owner bought 30 kg mangoes for his EXERCISE 5.2

workers. He gave 3/2 kg to each of 14 senior workers and every
junior worker got 3/7 kg from the remaining mangoes. Find the 1. Three families live together in a house. The daily use of milk of
total number of workers of the showroom. one family is litres and the other two families use litres
and litres respectively. How much milk would a milkman

version: 1.1 version: 1.1

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Simplification elearn.punjab 5. Simplification elearn.punjab

supply them? mutton at the rate of Rs.350 per kg and 2.35kg chicken at the
rate of Rs.170 per kg. What amount is she left with out of
2. Nosheen bought 12 metres cloth from the market. She used half Rs.1500?
of cloth for her suit and 2/3rd of remaining for her daughter’s
suit. How much cloth was left with her? SUMMARY

3. Ahmed required feet long cable wire for a connection. He • Brackets indicate us the order of solving of the expression.
joined two lengths of wires of feet and feet. Now how • Brackets are solved in the following order.
much length does he have more than the required length? 1. _____ Bar or vinculum 2. ( ) Parenthesis
3. { } Braces 4. [ ] Square brackets
4. Saleem’s salary is Rs. 12000. He gave 1/12th of his salary as • Simplification rule is also called BODMAS rule. Which means to
alms, half of the remaining for house expenditures and th perform the four operations as?
of the remaining as debt that was due upon him. What is the 1. BO for Brackets Of
remaining salary with him? 2. D for Division
3. M for Multiplication
5. A person is walking with the speed of km per hour. How 4. A for Addition
much time does he require to reach a goal at the distance 5. S for Subtraction
of km? • While solving a problem we concentrate on following points.
1. What do you know?
6. The rate of a piece of gift paper is Rs.0.40 per paper. How many 2. What do you want to know?
pieces of paper can we purchase for Rs.78.40? 3. What is the proper operation?

7. The price of a book is Rs.650. Two friends have Rs.325 and Rs.296
respectively. Find how much more money the two friends need REVIEW EXERCISE 5
to buy that book?
8. Baber is a paying guest in a house, where he shares all utility
bills equally with the landlord. What amount will Baber pay if the 1.
electricity bill is Rs.1240.50, sui gas bill is Rs.435.60 and water bill
is Rs.278.90?
9. The price of a chemical of 16kg weight is Rs. 1429.60. What is the
price of 11.4 kg chemical?
10. Sadaf bought 2.25kg beef at the rate of Rs.160 per kg, 0.75kg

version: 1.1 version: 1.1

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7. What was the total rainfall in a week when it rained on
Thursday on Friday and on Sunday, the rest of week
was dry?
bjective Exercise 5 Objective Exercise 5
8. From a long tin sheet. Ahmad cut two lengths,one was
long and other was long. How much of the sheet
was left?


1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Write the order in which brackets are solved.
(ii) What is BODMAS rule?
(iii) What are three points needed to concentrate while solving
a word problem?
(iv) What is the other name of square brackets?

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) In short the simplification rule is called the __________.
(ii) Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the four
__________of mathematics.
(iii) _________is called a curly bracket or braces.
(iv) “( )” is called a round bracket or __________.
(v) “—“ is called a bar or __________.

version: 1.1
Version: 1.1



Annimation 6.1: Ratio and Proportion

Source and credit: e-learn.Punjab
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
6. Ratio and Proportion elearn.punjab 6. Ratio and Proportion elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes

After studying this unit, students will be able to:

• Define ratio as a relation which one quantity bears to another This fraction is showing that for every 1 rupee of Nabeel, Azeem paid
quantity of the same kind with regard to their magnitudes. 2 rupees. This fraction shows the clear comparison between the
• Know that of the two quantities forming a ratio, the first one is two amounts. Therefore, it is a good way to show the comparison
called antecedent and the second one consequent. between the two amounts. It can be written by putting a colon (:)
• Know that a ratio has no units. between the two quantities.
• Calculate ratio of two numbers. Nabeel Azeem
• Reduce given ratio into lowest (equivalent) form. 1 : 2
• Describe the relationship between ratio and fraction. And read as “1 is to 2” but it cannot be read as “2 is to 1” because by
• Know that an equality of two ratios constitutes a proportion, changing the order of elements of a ratio, the value is also changed.
e.g., a : b :: c : d, where a, d are known as extremes and b, c are Therefore, 1:2 and 2:1 are two different ratios. In general, we can
called the means. write it as a : b is not equal to b:a. A ratio can also be written for
• Find proportion (direct and inverse). more than two quantities, i.e., 2:3:4 or a : b : c, etc.
• Solve real life problems involving direct and inverse proportion.
• Antecedent and Consequent
In a ratio the first element is called antecedent and the second
6.1 Ratio element is called consequent.

The numerical comparison between the two quantities of the same
kind is called ratio. We make it clear with an example: Azeem and
Nabeel bought a clock for Rs.60. Azeem paid Rs.40 and Nabeel Example 1: Write the following quantities in the form of a: b : c
paid Rs.20. Now we can compare the amounts paid by Azeem (i) 500 grams, 800 grams and 1kg. (ii) 1 week, 2week and 9
and Nabeel to find the relation between the two amounts. This days.
comparison can be done by the following two ways:
(i) By finding their difference. (i) 500 grams, 800 grams and 1kg
Rs. 40 - Rs. 20 = Rs. 20 500 : 800 : 1000 (1kg = 1000 grams)
The difference of Rs. 20 does not state the comparison with the 5 : 8 : 10
other amount. Therefore, it is not the proper way to show the (ii) 1 week, 2 weeks and 9 days.
comparison between the two quantities. 7 : 14 : 9 (1week = 7days)
• Reduced form of a ratio
(ii) By writing them into a fraction. We have noticed that a ratio is another form of a common fraction.

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Therefore, we can simplify a ratio, as well as, a common fraction, by

dividing them by their HCF. For instance, consider the students of a
class, in which 25 are girls and 30 are boys. To find the ratio of girls is
to boys, we can write it as. A ratio has no unit. It is just a number which indicates how many
Girls Boys times one quantity is greater than the other.
25 : 30
( To reduce it, divide by their HCF.) Example 2: Find the reduced form of the following ratios.
Girls Boys (i) 16 : 20 (ii)
25'5 : 30 ' 5
5 6 Solution:
In this example, we can observe that the ratio 5 : 6 has no common (i) 16 : 20
factor and both elements are natural numbers. This is called the Divided by HCF 4.
reduced form or the lowest form of a ratio. When the two elements 16' 4 : 20 '4
of a ratio are fractions, then first multiply them by the LCM of their = 4 : 5
denominators to change them into the integers. For example,

• Equivalent Ratios
We know that a ratio is another form of a common fraction. Therefore,
the same rule for finding the equivalent fractions can be used to get
equivalent ratios.
Rule: When both the elements of a ratio are multiplied or divided
by same number, the value of a ratio is not changed. For example, Example 3: Simplify the following.
we want to find some equivalent ratios of any ratio 1:2. We can do it
1:2, 1x2:2x2 = 2:4, 1x3:2x3 = 3:6, 1x4:2x4 = 4:8 and so on.
1:2 = 2:4 = 3:6 = 4:8 = ... Solution:
Similarly , We can prove that 4:8 = 3:6 = 2:4 = 1:2

• Relationship between ratio and fraction Multiply by LCM 6 of 3,2 and 6.

Actually, ratio is the simplest form of a common fraction, in which
the numerator denotes antecedent and the denominator denotes

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6. Ratio and Proportion elearn.punjab 6. Ratio and Proportion elearn.punjab

EXERCISE 6.1 6.2 Proportion

1. Write each of the following into ratio form. We have learnt in equivalent ratios that:
9 (iv) 1
(i) 3 (ii) 2 (iii) 1:2=2:4
4 7 11 13
5 8 10 or 2:4=3:6
(v) (vi) (vii) 14 (viii) and so on.
6 13 23 99
a x “This relation of equality of two ratios is called proportion”.
(v) (vi) We make it clear with the following example:
b y
Khalid bought two caps at the rate of Rs.25 per cap. How much did
2. Write each of the following into fraction form. Khalid pay for two caps?
(i) 2: 3 (ii) 7:4 (iii) 19:20 (iv) 99 : 100 The cost of 1 cap = Rs 25
(v) 1: 10 (vi) 4.1 : 5.2 (vii) a : b (viii) x : y The cost of 2 caps = Rs. 25x2
= Rs 50
3. Simplify the following ratios. We can write it as:
(i) 3 : 9 (ii) 25 : 40 (iii) Caps Cost
1:2 = 25:50
(iv) (v) 1:
(vi) From the above, two equivalent ratios are indicating the relation
between two different quantities of caps and their prices. We can
(vii) 1.3 : 3.9 (viii) .02 : 0.4 (ix) say that the two ratios are proportional to each other, which are
denoted by a symbol :: and can be written as: 1 : 2 :: 25 : 50
(x) 75:100:125 (xi) 0.2:0.4:0.6 (xii) (1 is to 2 is proportional to 25 is to 50)
In a proportion, the second and the third elements are called
“means of a proportion” and the first and the fourth elements

are called “extremes of a proportion” that can be shown from the
4. Write each of the following quantities into ratios and reduce
following figure.
into the simplest form.
(i) Rs.100 and Rs.250
(ii) 2kg and 800grams
(iii) 1m and 500cm

(iv) 1year and 240 days
(v) 1day,1week and 15days
To verify the equality of the given two ratios, we use the following
5. Simplify.
Product of means = Product of extremes
(i) 12 is to 120 (ii) 25 is to 50 (iii) 80 is to 100
2 × 25 = 1 × 50
(iv) 72 is to 48 (v) 4000 is to 40 (vi)
50 = 50
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When Second and third elements of a proportion have same value Solution:
such as; a : b :: b : c ,Then b is called the “mean proportion” and We can write them as:
such proportion is called the continued proportion. 4:5 = 7:10
4×10 = 7×5
Consider the following example. But 40 > 35
(i) Suppose that 2:5 and 6:15 are any two ratios. To verify their So 4.5> 7:10 ∴ 4:5 is greater than 7:10
equality we can write them in a proportional form such as;
2 : 5 = 6 :15 6.2.1 Direct Proportion
2×15 = 6×5
30 = 30 Direct proportion is a relation in which one quantity increases
Therefore, above two ratios are in proportion or decreases in a same proportion by increasing or decreasing the
2 : 5 :: 6 : 15 other quantity.
The price of one chewing-gum is Rs.5. What is the price of two,
Example 1: Find the fourth proportional of 1, 3 and 6. three and more chewing-gums? We can find the prices of differ-
ent quantities at the same rate that can be shown by a table given
Solution: below.
Suppose that the fourth proportional is x. Then we can write them
as: Chewing 1 2 3 4 5
1:3=6:x gums
1× x = 6 × 3 Cost (Rs.) 5 10 15 20 25
x = 18 n
Hence, 18 is the fourth proportional of 1, 3 and 6. From above table, we can observe that the price is increasing in the
same proportion as the quantity is increasing. Then it is said that the
Example 2: Find the mean proportional of 1 and 9 when it is a price is directly proportional to the quantity and such proportion is
continued proportion. called the direct proportion.

Solution: Example 4: A washer man irons 2 shirts in 10 minutes. How many

Suppose that p is the mean proportional of 1 and 9 then shirts can he iron in one hour?
1:p=p:9 (Assume that every 2 shirts require an equal time).
p×p = 1×9
p² = 9 Solution: (Time is directly proportional to the quantity.)
p = 3 We can write above situation as:
Hence, 3 is the mean proportional of 1 and 9. Shirt Time

Example 3: Which ratio is greater, 4:5 or 7:10? (1 hour = 60 minutes)
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Remaining days = 40 days -16 days =24 days

Total workers = 150 + 30 =180 workers
Suppose that 180 workers will finish work in x days.

(By cross multiplication)

Hence, a washerman can iron 12 shirts in one hour.

6.2.2 Inverse Proportion

Inverse proportion is a relation in which one quantity increases
by decreasing the other quantity and same quantity decreases by
increasing the other quantity.
Saleem’s factory is 100 km away from his house. He can travel this Hence, 180 workers will finish work in 20 days.
distance in different times by changing the speed of his car.
Following table is showing different speeds and time of a car. EXERCISE 6.2

Speed 40 50 60 80 100 1. Find the value of P in each of the following.

(Km/hr) (i) (ii) (iii)
Time 150 120 100 75 60
2. Find the value of x in each of the following proportions.
From the above table, we can observe that by increasing the speed (i) 2: 7 :: x : 49 (ii) 8:12 :: 6: x
of a car, the traveling time is decreased. The time is inversely (iii) 1.2 :3.6 :: x : 3 (iv) x : 2 :: 150 : 100
proportional to the speed and such proportion is called an inverse
proportion. 3. 5:9 is a ratio, if we increase first element of the ratio up to
40, what will be the second element?
Example 5: A project can be completed by 150 workers in 40 days.
But project manager brought 30 more workers after 16 days. In 4. What is the fourth proportional of 1,3 and 4?
how many days will the remaining work be finished?
5. Find mean proportional of 4 and 9.
Solution: (Number of workers is inversely proportional to the
working days ) 6. If 150 shirts can be stitched on 6 sewing machines in a day,
Number of workers = 150 workers how many machines are required to stitch 225 shirts in a
150 workers can finish work in = 40 days day?

version: 1.1 version: 1.1

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7. If 7 buffaloes give 56 liters milk, how much milk can we get • Direct proportion is a relation in which one quantity increases or
from 12 buffaloes? decreases in same proportion by increasing or decreasing the
other quantity.
8. A farmer has 8 days’ food for 33 cows. He bought 11 more • Inverse proportion is a relation in which one quantity increases
cows. For how many days will the food be enough? by decreasing the other quantity and vice versa.

9. If 40 workers do a work in 35 days, in how many days will REVIEW EXERCISE 6

the same work be done by increasing 10 more workers?
1. Write the following ratios into simplest form.
10. Raheem paid his servant Rs.750 for 1 week and 3 days. (i) Rs. 105 and Rs. 150 (ii) 35m and 119m
What amount will he pay him for a month of 30 days? (iii) 0.76m and 1.9m (iv) 26 litres and 39 litres

2. Out of 150 eggs in a basket, 25 eggs were found rotten. Find

11. A machine starts working in 45 minutes at the
the ratio of:
temperature of 60 °C. How much time is required to work it
(i) rotten eggs to the good eggs.
at the temperature of 75 °C?
(ii) rotten eggs to the total eggs.
(iii) good eggs to the total eggs.
12. 72 persons have enough food for 7 days. But after 1 day
they decided to finish the food in 3 remaining days. For it 3. Out of 75 passengers in a bus, 35 are males, 30 are females
they invited more persons. How many persons did they and remaining are children. Find the ratio of:
invite? (i) male passengers to the total passengers .
(ii) female passengers to the male passengers.
(iii) children to the total passengers.

• The numerical comparison between two quantities of same kind

4. All, Usman and Waleed distribute an amount in the ratio of
is called ratio.
2:5:3. Find the amount of Usman and Waleed if Ali gets Rs.
• To find the ratio of two quantities, their units must be the same.
170. Also find the total amount.
A ratio is another form of a common fraction.
• When both the elements of a ratio are multiplied or divided by 5. Aliha takes 200 steps for walking a distance of 160m. Find
any same number, the value of a ratio is not changed. the distance covered by her in 350 steps.
• The relation of equality of two ratios is called proportion.
• In a proportion, the 2nd and 3rd element are called means of a 6. If a car needs 9 liters of petrol for a journey of 162km. Find
proportion and 1st and 4th elements are called extremes of a how many liters of petrol is required for 306 km.
• One ratio is proportional to the other ratio if and only if the 7. An army camp of 200 men has enough food for 60 days. How
product of extremes is equal to the product of means. long will the food last if the number of men in the camp is
reduced to 160?
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8. 45 goats can graze a field in 13 days. How many goats will

graze the same field in a day?


1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is meant by the ratio?
(ii) Define the proportion.
(iii) What is meant by the extremes of a proportion?

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The simplest form of a ___________ is the same as the lowest
form of a fraction.
(ii) The second and third elements of a proportion are called
_________ of a proportion.
(iii) ___________ proportion is a relation in which one quantity
increases or decreases in a same proportion by increasing
or decreasing the other quantity.

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7. Financial Arithmetic elearn.punjab
Version: 1.1



Animation : Profit and Loss

Source and Credit: elearn.Punjab

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7. Financial Arithmetic elearn.punjab 7. Financial Arithmetic elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes 7.1.1 Some Basic concepts of Percentage

After studying this unit, students will be able to: (i) The fraction with denominator 100 is called percentage. For
• Recognize percentage as a fraction with denominator of 100.
• Convert a percentage to a fraction by expressing it as a fraction 35
example; can be written as 35 percent.
with denominator 100 and then simplify. 100
• Convert a fraction to a percentage by multiplying it with 100%. 35
(ii) A fraction means 35 parts out of 100 parts.Therefore,
• Convert a percentage to a decimal by expressing it as a fraction 100
with denominator 100 and then as a decimal. percent means per hundred or out of a hundred.
• Convert a decimal to percentage by expressing it as a fraction (iii) We use symbol “%” instead of writing the word percent. So,
with denominator 100 then as a percentage. we can write 35 percent as 35%.
• Solve real life problems involving percentage. (iv) To change a fraction into percentage, simply multiply the
• Define fraction by 100%. For example,
a Selling price and cost price,
a Profit, loss and discount, 4 4 4 100 400 1
× × 1= × = × =16%
a Profit percentage and loss percentage. 25 25 25 100 25 100

• Solve real life problems involving profit, loss and discount.
(v) To change a percentage to a decimal. First, convert it into a
fraction, then change it in the decimal. For example,

7.1 Percentage 35%

= 0.35
Any ratio with a second term of 100 or any fraction with 100 as a
Example 1: Express the following percentages in fractions and
denominator is called a percent, e.g. If Zain earns a hundred rupees
and gives two rupees out of them to the government as a tax. We
(i) 4.5% (ii) 420% (iii) 350%
can say that he pays 2 percent as a tax which can be represented
Solution: (i) 4.5%
as 2% as shown below.
Zain paid tax = Rs. 2 out of Rs. 100 4.5 45 9
Fraction ; 4.5% = = =
100 1000 200 200
= 4.5
100 Decimal ; = 4.5% = 0.045
= 2% or 2 percent of the whole (ii) 420%
420 21 1
Fraction ; 420% = = = 4
If Zain earns 350 rupees and he has to pay the tax at the same rate 100 5 5 5
(2%) then how much will he pay? We can calculate the amount of 420
Decimal ; 420%
= = 4.2
the tax by multiplying 2% with 350 rupees. Here result is called the 100
percentage. (iii) 350%
version: 1.1 version: 1.1
2 7 3
350 7 1
Fraction ; 350% = = = 3
Fraction ; 420% = = = 4
100 5 5 5
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7. Financial Arithmetic 420 elearn.punjab 7. Financial Arithmetic elearn.punjab
Decimal ; 420%
= = 4.2
(iii) 350%
350 7 1 (i) Fraction (ii) Decimal (iii) Ratio (iv) Percentage
Fraction ; 350% = = = 3
100 2 2 2 1
3 1 3 3 : 9 = 1: 3 3
350 = = 0.333 × 100% =
Decimal ; 350%
= = 3.5 9 9
100 93 3
Example 2: Convert the following into percentages.
Example 3: Express the following situations in fractions,decimals,
2 3 ratios and percentages.
(i) (ii) 0.75 (iii) 3.5 (iv)
25 5 (a) 25 students out of 100 students.
Solution: (i) 2 (b) 7 workers out of 40 workers.
25 (c)16 marks out of 25 marks.
2 2 (d) 3 positions out of 80 positions.
Percentage ; = × 100 % = 8%
25 25 Solution:
(ii) 0.75 (a) 25 students out of 100 students.
75 25 1
Percentage ; 0.75 = × 100 % = 75% (i) Fraction : =
100 100 4
(iii) 3.5 25
(ii) Decimal : = 0.25
10 100
Percentage ; 3.5
= × 100 % = 350% 4
10 : 25 : 100 = 1: 4
(iii) Ratio
(iv) 25
5 (iv) Percentage : × 100 % = 25%
20 100
3 3 (b) 7 workers out of 40 workers.
Percentage ; = × 100 % = 60%
5 5
• Fraction, Decimal, Ratio and Percentage (i) Fraction :
We can describe a situation by using fraction, decimal, ratio and 7
percentage. For example, from the figure (a), we can describe 3 (ii) Decimal : = 0.175
shaded parts out of 9 parts as: (iii) Ratio : 7 : 40
(iv) Percentage : × 100% = 17.5%

(c)16 marks out of 25 marks.
(i) Fraction :
(ii) Decimal : = 0.64
(iii) Ratio : 16 : 25
Figure (a) 16

(iv) Percentage : × 100 % = 64%

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(iii) 32% of 300

(d) 3 positions out of 80 positions. 32 32
= = of 300  32%
3 100 100
(i) Fraction :
80 32 3
= × 300 =96
3 100
(ii) Decimal : = 0.0375
(iii) Ratio : 3 : 80 (iv) 125% of 20
3 125 125
(iv) Percentage : × 100% = 3.75% = = of 20  125%
80 100 100
• Using Percentage 25

In the following, we describe how to calculate the required quantity, = × 20 = 25
if one quantity and its percentage is given. We shall explain this 5

method for using a percentage by some examples which are given

below. (v) 1% of 10,000
1 1
= = of 10,000  1%
Example 4: Find the following quantities by using percentage. 100 100
(i) 15 % of 40 (ii) 40% of 10 (iii) 32% of 300 1 100
= × 10,000 = 100
(iv) 125% of 20 (v) 1% of 10,000 100

Solution: EXERCISE 7.1

(i) 15 % of 40
1. Express the following in fractions and decimals.
15 15 (i) 45% (ii) 6% (iii) 56% (iv) 96%
= = of 40  15%
100 100 (v) 18% (vi) 48% (vii) 78% (viii) 89%

2 (ix) 68% (x) 15% (xi) 350% (xii) 160%
= × 40 = 6
20 2. Convert the following into percentages.
(ii) 40% of 10 (i) 1 (ii) 0.25 (iii) 7 (iv) 1
2 2 8
40 40 (v) 3 (vi) (vii) 0.59 (viii) 3.8
= = of 10  40% 10 20
100 100

= × 10 = 4 3. Use fraction, decimal, ratio and percentage to express the
10 following situations.
(i) 50 marks out of 100 marks
(ii) 90 meters out of 150 meters
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(iii) 48 minutes out of 1 hour

(iv) 8 months out of 1 year 3
Percentage of house rent = × 100% 37.5%
(v) 6 eggs out of 2 dozen eggs 8
(vi) 510 marks out of 850 marks
(vii) 700 grams out of 2 kg Percentage of remaining amount = 100% - 37.5% = 62.5%
(viii) 42 students out of 75 students Example 3: Afzal got 825 marks out of 1100 marks. What is the
(ix) Rs.900 out of Rs.4500 percentage of Afzal’s marks?
(x) Rs.245 out of Rs.9800
(xi) 1.5 liters out of 90 litres Solution: 825 marks out of 1100.
(xii) 125 ml out of 1litre Method 1: By using unitary method.
Marks out of 1100 = 825
1. Find the following percentages. 825
(i) 8% of 50 (ii) 64% of 25 (iii) 75% of 4 Marks out of 1 =
(iv) 3.5% of 1000 (v) 50% of 180 (vi) 90% of 190 75

(vii) 65% of 60 (viii) 18% of 1400 (ix) 18.5% of 2000 825

Marks out of 100 = × 100 %
(x) 9.5% of 3000 1100
Marks percentage = 75 %
WORD PROBLEM Method 2: By using proportion method.

Example 1: Zara got 80% of 75 marks in a written examination of

English. How many marks did she get?

1100 100%
Solution: =
825 x
Total marks = 75 marks 825
Zara got marks = 80 % of 75 marks x = 100% = 75%
80 Find the proportion of marks and percentage.
= × 75 = 60 marks
Here Zara got 60 marks out of 75 marks. Example 4: The score of Inzmam-ul-Haq was 78 runs in a one-
day match, whereas the total score of the team 325 runs. Find the
Example 2: Sajid paid 8 of his salary as a house rent. Find percentage of Inzmam’s score.
percentage of house rent and of remaining amount.
Solution: 78 runs out of 325 runs.
Method 1: By using unitary method.
3 Inzmam’s score out of 325 runs = 78 runs
House rent = of salary
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78 4000
Inzmam’s score out of 1 run = = runs 1 % of the profit = ( ) rupees
325 25

78 4000
Inzmam’s score out of 100 runs =
= × 100% 75 % of the profit
= ( × 75) rupees.
325 25

Inzmam’s score percentage = 24% =1200 rupees
Method 2: By using proportion method. Method 2: By using proportion method.
Here, we also have the same two options for solving this problem.
(i) 25% of profit = 4000
100% of profit = ?

325 100%
78 x
x = 100% × = 24%
325 4000 25
x 100
Example 5: Naeem gave 25% of a profit to his partner. If the partner
4000 × 100
got Rs.4000, what remains with him? x = = Rs.16000

Solution: Method 1: By using unitary method. Thus, Naeem’s share = Rs. 16000 - Rs.4000
= Rs. 12000
We can solve this problem by following two ways. (ii) First find percentage of Naeem’s share.
(i) 25% of the profit = Rs.4000 Percentage of Naeem’s share = 100% - 25% = 75%

1% of the profit =

100% of the profit = × 100
25 4000 25
x 75
= Rs. 16000 4000 × 75
Thus, Naeem’s share = Rs. 16000 - Rs.4000 x=
= Rs. 12000
(ii) First find percentage of Naeem’s profit.
Percentage of Naeem’s profit = 100% - 25% = 75% 1. Saeed has Rs.75. He gives 20% of it as alms. What remains
25 % of the profit = Rs.4000 with him?
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2. Komal made a suit of 5.5 meters cloth out of 44 meters. 13. Bano spends 70% of her pocket money and saves 30%.
What percentage of the cloth did she use for the suit? Find the amounts she spends and saves, if she
gets Rs. 1800 as the pocket money.
3. 85% of the students in a school of 300 students passed an
annual examination. How many of them are failed? 14. 200 liters pure milk contains 77 liters cream. What is the
percentage of cream in pure milk?
4. The 60% length of a road is 75 km. Find the total length of
the road. 15. Every 3 persons are using tobacco out of 5 persons in
Pakistan. What is the percentage of tobacco users?
5. Sana got 484 marks out of 550 marks. Find the percentage
of her marks.
7.2 Profit, Loss and Discount
6. In a town, 35% of 15,000 voters did not cast vote in an
election. How many people cast vote? Cash transaction is the most routine thing of a trader’s life. He

7. In a test match, Shoaib Malik made 134 runs in the first often purchases things from a wholesaler or a manufacturer after
innings and 41 runs in the 2nd innings. Find the percentage paying any price which is called the cost price and sells them to a
of Shoaib’s score if total score in both innings of Pakistan customer at any price which is called the sale price. During these
was 500 runs. cash transactions, what a trader earns or loses is called the profit
or loss. We shall explain the profit or loss with the help of following
8. Farooq paid 25% of salary as a house rent and 50% of salary examples.
for other expenses. Find the remaining amount if his salary (i) Anees bought a book for Rs. 50 and sold it for Rs. 75. Is he in
is Rs.8000. profit or loss ? In this example, the cost price of the book is Rs. 50
and the selling price is Rs.75,which is greater than the cost price
9. Shakeel had Rs.7500. He paid a debt of Rs. 1500. Find the and this profit can be calculated as;
percentage of the remaining amount. Sale price - Cost price = Profit
We can also calculate the percentage of this profit by the following
10. Noor spends Rs. 1440 out of Rs.2000 and saves the formula.
remaining. Find the percentage of his savings. Profit
Profit Percentage
= × 100
Cost Price
11. A shoe company found that 4.25% of the production is Sumaira bought a pen for Rs. 18 and sold it to her sister for Rs. 15.
defective. The company made 28,000 pairs of shoes. How Is she in profit or loss ? In this example, the cost price of the pen
many pairs of shoes were defective? is Rs. 18 and selling price Rs. 15 which is less than the cost price. It
means Sumaira is in loss and her loss can be calculated as;
12. Find the actual amount if 40% of the amount is 60 rupees. Cost price - Sale price = Loss
version: 1.1 We can also calculate the percentage of this loss by the following version: 1.1
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formula. Solution: Cost price of 10 kg tomatoes =150 rupees.

Cost price of 25 kg tomatoes = 250 rupees.
loss Total cost price of tomatoes = Rs. (250 + 150)= Rs.400
Loss Percentage
= × 100
Cost Price Selling price of 35 kg tomatoes = (35x20) rupees= Rs.700

We calculate the profit or loss percentage at the cost price In the above, we can see that;
Selling price > Cost price
Example 1: Find the profit percentage, when the cost price is Rs.490 So, Nadeem is in profit.
and selling price is Rs.580.
Example 4: Azeem bought 90 eggs for Rs.315,10 eggs were rotten.
Solution: Cost price = Rs. 490 He sold the eggs at the rate of Rs. 4 per egg. Find if Azeem is in
Selling price = Rs. 580 profit or loss and also find its percentage.
Profit = Rs. 580 - Rs. 490 = Rs. 90
Solution: Cost price of 90 eggs =Rs.315
Profit Remaining eggs = (90 - 10) eggs = 80 eggs
Profit % × 100
Cost Price

90 Selling price of 80 eggs = 4 x 80 = Rs.320.

∴ = × 100= 18.37%
490 Selling price - Cost price = Profit
Example 2: Sher Ali bought 45 kg mangoes for Rs.990. He sold 22 Rs. 320-R s. 315 = Rs.5
kg at the rate of Rs. 15 per kg and 23kg at the rate of Rs.20 per kg. 5
Find if Sher Ali is in profit or loss and also its exact value. % Profit = × 100 =

Solution: Cost price of 45 kg mangoes = Rs.990. Example 5: A watch is sold for Rs.600 at the loss of 25%. Find the
Selling price of 22 kg = 22 X 15 rupees = Rs.330 cost price.
Selling price of 23 kg = 23 x 20 rupees = Rs.460
Total selling price = Rs. (330 +460) =Rs.790 Solution: Sale price = Rs.600 Loss % = 25%
Here, we can see that. Cost price =?
Cost price > Selling price Let the cost price be Rs. 100, then the sale price will be:
Cost price - Selling price = Loss. Sale price = Cost price - loss
Rs.990 - Rs.790 = Rs.200 = Rs. 100 - Rs. 25
Sher Ali suffered the loss of Rs.200. = Rs. 75
Cost price Sale price
Example 3: Nadeem bought 10 kg tomatoes for Rs. 150 and 25 kg 100 75
tomatoes for Rs.250.He sold all of them at the rate of Rs. 20 per kg. x 600
Is he in profit or loss ? x 600
Resolve, =
version: 1.1 100 75 version: 1.1
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600 × 100
or, x = Rs. = Rs. 800
1. A book seller sold a book for Rs.70 at a gain of 40%. Find
7.2.1 Discount the profit.

The difference between the marked price and the sale price 2. A shopkeeper sold a toy for Rs.96 at a loss of 20%. Find
is called discount and is given as a percentage of marked price. the loss.
Marked price - Sale price = Discount
3. Chand bought a shirt for Rs.250 and sold it for Rs.295. Find
Example 5: Komal bought a suit on the sale price Rs.450. When the the profit percentage.
marked price was Rs.525, find the discount percentage.
4. Waleed bought one dozen pens for Rs.144 and sold each
Solution: Sale price = Rs.450 Marked price = Rs.525 of them for Rs.ll.Find the loss percentage.
Discount = 525 - 450 Discount percentage =?
= Rs.75 5. Saleem bought 90 oranges at the rate of 3 oranges for
Rs.10 and sold them at the rate of 2 oranges for Rs.9. Find
Method 1: By using unitary method. that Saleem is in profit or loss and also find its percentage?
Discount out of Rs.525 = Rs.75
6. Shahid bought 80 bananas at the rate of 4 bananas for
Discount out of Re. 1 = Rs.5 and sold at the rate of 5 bananas for Rs.8. Find if he
is in profit or loss and also find its percentage, when 25%
of bananas have been spoiled.
Discount out of Rs.100 = ( × 100) %
7. 12 % profit on a computer is Rs.540.
Discount Percentage = 14.29 % (i) Find the cost price of the computer.
(ii) Find the sale price of the computer.
Method 2: By using proportion method.
8. The cost price of 25 pairs of shoes is Rs.190 each. Find the
sale price of each of them, when the retailer has a total
gain of Rs.2,875
x 100
75 525 9. 25% loss on a mobile set is Rs.475. Find the cost and sale
75 × 100 price of the mobile set.
10. The profit percentage on a bicycle is 40%. Find the cost
and sale price of the bicycle, when the shopkeeper got a
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profit of Rs.500.
11. The cost price of 18 sweaters is Rs. 425 per sweater and
the total gain of the shopkeeper is Rs. 6,750. • Any ratio with a second term of 100 or any fraction with 100 as
(i) Find the sale price of each sweater. a denominator is called a percentage.
(ii) Find profit percentage. • We use the symbol “%” instead of writing the word percent,i.e.,12
percent can be written as 12 %.
12. Sheikh Khalid purchased 80 metres cloth for Rs.2,240. He • If selling price is greater than cost price, then it is called Profit,i.e.,
sold 50 metres cloth at the rate of Rs.30 per metre and 30 Profit = sale price -- cost price
metres cloth at the rate of Rs.35 per metre. • If cost price is greater than sale price, then it is called loss i.e.
(i) Find if Sheikh Khalid is in profit or loss. loss = cost price--sale price. We calculate the profit or loss as a
(ii) Find profit or loss percentage. percentage of the cost price,i.e.,

13. Gul Khan purchased 180 chocolates for Rs.2,160.
He sold 155 chocolates at the rate of Rs.15 each and 25
chocolates at the rate of Rs.10 each. • The difference between the marked price and sale price is called
(i) Find if he is in profit or loss. discount, i.e.,
(ii) Find profit or loss percentage. marked price - sale price = discount

14. A shirt priced for Rs. 150 is sold for Rs. 120. Find the REVIEW EXERCISE 7
percentage discount.
1. Find the percentage of the following.
15. Sarah bought a dinner set for Rs.480 at 20% discount. (i) Rs. 20 out of Rs 250 (ii) 30 kg out of 260 kg
Find the actual price of the dinner set. (iii) 250 marks out of 300 marks. (iv) 24 min out of 1 hour.

16. The cost price of a jean is Rs.200 and marked price is 50% 2. Khalid spent Rs. 156 out of Rs. 1200. What percent of amount
more than the cost price. But the shopkeeper sold it at did he spend?
25% discount.
(i) Find the marked price. 3. In a town election, Azeem got 42% of the votes cast and
(ii) Find the discounted price. Hamza got the remaining votes. If the total number of votes
17. Find the marked price when 9% discount is Rs.81. cast is 40,000. Find the votes obtained by Hamza.

18. Find the marked price of a pair of shoes, when its sale 4. Nabeel traveled 75 km by bus and 125 km by train. Find
price is Rs.360 and discount percentage is 18%. what percent of the total journey did he travel by bus and
what percent by train?
5. A shopkeeper bought a pair of shoes for Rs.720 and sold it
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for Rs.810. Find his profit percent.

6. Komal bought a sewing machine for Rs.5,800 but due to

some defects in the machine, she sold it for Rs.5,500. Find
her loss percent.

7. A dealer bought 18 toy chairs at Rs.65 per chair. He sold 12 of

them at Rs.75 each and the remaining chairs at Rs.60 each.
Find his profit or loss %.

8. Fatima bought a doll for Rs.440 after getting a discount of

20 %. Find the marked price of the doll.

9. A mobile is sold for Rs.2160 after giving a discount. If marked

price is Rs.2700, find the discount percentage.

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Define the percentage.
(ii) What do we to change a fraction into percentage?
(iii) Write the formula for finding the profit.
(iv) What is meant by the percent?
(v) What is the formula for finding a discount?

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) means percent and is denoted b y __________.
(ii) The price that we pay to purchase a thing is called__________.
(iii) Profit percentage = × 100

(iv) To change a percentage into a decimal, first, we convert it
into a__________.

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Student Learning Outcomes • Add and subtract given algebraic expressions.

• Simplify algebraic expressions grouped with brackets.
After studying this unit, students will be able to: • Evaluate and simplify an algebraic expression when the values
• Explain the term algebra as an extension of arithmetic in which of variables involved are given.
letters replace the numbers.
• Know that 8.1 Algebra
a a sentence is a set of words making a complete grammatical
structure and conveying full meaning. Sentences that are either Algebra is an important branch of the mathematics that
true or false are known as statements. provides us the solution of many complex mathematical problems
a a statement must be either true or false but not both. in an easy way. Especially, when we represent a quantity by a
a a sentence that does not include enough information and symbol without knowing its numerical value. The word algebra
it is required to decide whether it is true or false is known as has been deduced from the Arabic word Al-Jabar. A Muslim
open statement (e.g. r + 2 = 9). mathematician Al-khawarzmi (780-850 AD) wrote a book named
a a number that makes an open statement true is said to Al Jabar-wal- Muqabala in 820 AD, in which, he described the
satisfy the statement ( e.g. r = 7 makes the statement r + 2 = methods of solving difficult and complex mathematical problems.
9 to modify it to r + 2 = 9 true). Later on, a translation of this book was published in Europe under
ause English alphabet x in the open statement r + 2 = 9 to the title of “Algebra” thus, Al-Jabar became Algebra.
modify it to x + 2 = 9.
• Define variables as letters used to denote numbers in algebra. 8.1.1 Relationship between Arithmetic and Algebra
• Known that any numeral, variable or combination of numerals
and variables connected by one or more of the symbols “+” and We are well aware of natural numbers 1,2,3,... and use of the
“-” is known as an algebraic expression (e.g., x + 2y). basic operations (+, -, x, ' ) in arithmetic (The science of numbers).
• Know that x, 2y and 5 are called the terms of the expression In algebra, we use letters a,b,c,...,z. in addition of numbers to
x + 2y + 5. generalize the arithmetic which helps us to express a quantity
• Know that the symbol or number appearing as multiple of a without knowing its numerical value. We shall explain it with the
variable used in algebraic term is called its coefficient (e.g. in 2y, help of an example.
2 is the coefficient of y). 1 + 2 = 3 If x=1, y=2 then z=3
• Know that the number, appearing in algebraic expression, 2 + 3 = 5 If x=2, y=3 then z=5
independent of a variable is called a constant term (e.g. in x + 2y 3 + 4 = 7 If x=3, y=4 then z=7
+ 5, number 5 is a constant term). ..............
• Differentiate between like and unlike terms. ..............
Know that ..............
a like terms can be combined to give a single term, x +y = z
a addition or subtraction can not be performed with unlike
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In above example, x + y = z is giving us a general form which is (i) 6 x r= 54 (ii) 15 - x = 9 (iii) 8 ' x= 4 (iv) r+ 8 = 17
representing all the given arithmetical statements. Thus, algebra is
a general form of the arithmetic. x + y = z means the sum of the two Solution: (i) 6 x r = 54 (ii) 15 - x = 9
numbers represented by x and y is equal to the number represented 6 x 9 = 54 15 - 6 = 9
by z. ∴ r = 9 ∴ x = 6

8.1.2 Sentence (iii) 8 ' x = 4 (iv) r + 8 = 17

8 ' 2 = 4 9 + 8 = 17
A group of words that makes a complete sense is called a ∴ x = 2 ∴ r = 9
sentence, e.g.
(i) Cows give milk. (ii) Birds fly in the air. (iii) She writes very well.
These are examples of a sentence. 8.1.4 Variable and Constant

8.1.3 Statement We have already learnt that in algebra a letter of the alphabet is
used to represent a number of values. Here this letter is called a
A statement is a sentence that may be true or false.` variable, whereas numbers 0,1,2,3,... have definite fixed values are
For example, called constants.
(i) Karachi is in the Punjab. (false)
(ii) Mango is a fruit. (true)
(iii) Thank you. (neither true nor false) EXERCISE 8.1
Here, (i) and (ii) are statements but (iii) is not.
Now consider the following statements. 1. Separate the true, false and open statements.
(a) 2 + x = 4 (b) r - 3 = 2 (c) m is a beautiful city. (i) 5 is a natural number (ii) (5 + 4)-2 = (6 + 8) + 2
Out of the above statements, we can’t decide which statement is true (iii) 9 is a prime number (iv) 8 +x = 4
and which is false, until we get further information of x, r and (v) 5 x r = 15 ' m (vi) -1 is a whole number
m Such type of statements are called open statements and x, r (vii) 5 x 6 = 4 x 8 (viii) 0.2 + 0.5 =x
and m are called unknowns or variables. Thus, an open statement is (ix) 2 is the only even prime number
a sentence which has one or more than one unknowns.
Let us examine the following open statement 2 + x = 4 We try to 2. Replace the unknowns by the numbers to make the
guess the value of x to make the statement true. statement true.
2 + 1 = 4 (False) 2 + 2 = 4 (True) (i) x + 2 = 6 (ii) p -1=7 (iii) m + 15 = 20
Here, 2 is the required number which is making the statement true (iv) 6 x = 48 (v) 5 x x = 75 (vi) m =
2 14
3 3
or 2 is satisfying the statement. (vii) (viii) 2 m = 3 (ix) x - 0.3 - 0.4
Example 1: Replace the unknowns by the numbers to make the (x) x ' 2 = 7 (xi) 5 +p = 11 (xiii) 0.4 m = 0.8
statement true.
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Index or Exponential Form

8.2 Algebraic Expressions We know that 4x4 = 42 and 4x4x4 = 43. These forms are called index
or exponential forms and can be read as power of 4
The expressions in which the numbers or variables or both
In algebra, we can write an index or exponential form as:
(numbers and variables) are connected by operational signs are
x x x = x 2 or a x a x a = a 3
called algebraic expressions.
In x 2, variable x is called base and power 2 is called exponent. We
For example: 5, 4x, a+b, x - y etc.
read it as x raise to the power 2.
Example 1: Write the following as algebraic expressions.
The multiplying factor of a variable is called its coefficient. For
(i) The sum of a number and 15.
example, in 4x, 4 is the coefficient of x.
(ii) Multiply the sum of the two numbers by their product.
(iii) Divide the sum of the two numbers by their difference
(The 2nd number is less than the 1st)
8.2.2 Like or Un-Like Terms

The terms of the same kind only differ by their coefficients
(i) Suppose that the number is x.
are called like terms. Such terms can be reduced to a single term
Algebraic expression: x + 15.
by adding and subtracting. For example
(ii) Suppose that the two numbers are x and y.
(i) a + 2a + 3a = 6a (ii) 5xy - x y - 2xy = 2xy
Product of the two numbers = xy
The terms having different variables or same variables with different
Sum of the two numbers = x + y
exponents are called unlike terms. For example
Algebraic expression: xy (x + y)
(i) x, y ,z (ii) ab, be, ca
(iii) Suppose that the two numbers are a and b.
Sum of the numbers = a+b
Example 2: Write the following in exponential form.
Difference of the numbers = a - b
(i) x . x . x . x . x (ii) xy . xy . xy . xy
Algebraic expressions:

Solution: (i) x . x . x . x (ii) xy .xy .xy . xy

8.2.1 Algebraic Terms
= (x)1+1+1+1+1 x . x . x . x . y . y . y . y
= x5 = (x) 1+1+ 1+ 1 ( y)1+1+1+1
The operational signs “+” and “_”separate and connect the
= x4 . y 4
parts of an algebraic expression. These parts are called algebraic
terms of the algebraic expression. For example: x, 2y and 5 are
Example 3: Write the coefficient, base and exponent of each of the
terms of the expression x + 2y +5.
Constant Term
(i) 9x2 (ii) 6y4 (iii) 10m5 (iv) 15a3
In the expression, x + 2y + 5, the term 5 remains unchanged and
only values of x and y vary. Here 5 is called a constant term.
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(i) 9x2 (ii) 6y4 (i) 2a + 3b (ii) l - 2m + 4n

Coefficient = 9 Coefficient = 6 (iii) 9 a2 -12 b2 (iv) p2 + 2q2 - r2
Base = x Base = y
(v) a + 8b - 4 c (vi) 2 lm - 3mn - 4nl
Exponent = 2 Exponent = 4
(vii) 3xy2 + 4x2y + 9 (Viii)

(iii) 10m5 (iv) 15 a3 (ix)

Coefficient = 10 Coefficient = 15
Base = m Base = a
Exponent = 2 Exponent = 3 5. Write the algebraic expressions by adding the following
EXERCISE 8.2 (i) a,b (ii) x, - y (iii) l ,m, - n
(iv) p, pq, qr (v) xy2, xz2, yz2 (vi)
1. Write each of the following word expressions into algebraic
expressions: (vii) 16a2, -8b2 (Viii) (ix) 2ab, 4ac, -3bc
(i) x plus y (ii) a minus b
(iii) m multiplied by n (iv) p divided by q
(v) The sum of 3x and 2y
8.2.3 Addition
(vi) The difference of 5a and 4b (4b is less than 5a)
(vii) The product of x and y
In algebra, we follow the same rules for the basic operations
(viii) The sum of p and q divided by r
( + , - , x , ') as we use in arithmetic. Let us discuss them one by
(ix) Half of l multiplied by the difference of n and m. (m is less
one.In arithmetic, we can add only like things. This can be shown
than n)
by an example. If 2 boys and 3 boys go to the school together then
we can say that 5 boys go to school instead of saying 2 boys and 3
2. Write the coefficient, base and exponent of each of the
boys because we can add them together as given below.
2 boys + 3 boys = (2 + 3) boys = 5 boys.
(i) 5x (ii) 16 p2 (iii) 18 l3 (iv) -6k5
But when we say 2 boys and 3 girls go to school, then the sentence
(v) (vi)
will remain as it is. This shows that we can’t add them together
because they are not alike.
3. Write the following in the exponential form:
We know that algebra is the general form of the arithmetic. Now
(i) a . a . a (ii) x . x (iii) xy.xy
we can use the same rule for addition in algebra. Consider that we
(iv) m.m.m.m (v) pq . pq . pq (iv) abc . abc
denote boys by a variable x and girls by a variable y, then we can
write the above two statements as:
4. Separate the terms of the following algebraic expressions.
2x + 3x
= (2 + 3)x = 5x ... (i)
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and 2x + 3y remains as it is ... (ii) Method I

From (i) and (ii), we can examine the following rules, that we use in (i) x + y + z, 2x + y + z, x + 2y + z
addition of algebraic expressions = (x + 2x + x) + (y+ y + 2y) + (z + z +z)
= (1 + 2 + 1) x + (1 + 1 + 2) y + (1 + 1 + 1) z
Rule 1: We can add only like terms and un-like terms will remain as = 4x + 4y + 3z
they are.
(i) x + 2x + 3x +4x = 10x (ii) x +y +z =x + y + z Method II
Rule 2: In addition of like terms, we just add their coefficients and
x + y + z
write the same variable with the sum.
2x + y + z
4x + 5x = (4 + 5) x = 9x
x + 2 y + z
We can add algebraic expressions by the following two methods
4x + 4 y + 3z
• Row-wise Addition
(i) Arrange the terms of an expression (ii) 5l + 3m + n , l - m + n, -3l - m + n
(ii) Add the coefficients of like terms and common variable with the Method I
same exponent take by the sum. For example, x+y, y+z and x+z are (5l +3m+n ) + (l-m+n) + (- 3l - m+ n)
any three expressions. We can add them as = (5l+ l -3l) + (3m - m - m) + (n + n + n)
x + y + y + z + x + z = (5 + 1-3)l + ( 3 - 1 - 1)m + (1 + 1+ 1 )n
= x + x + y + y + z + z = 3l + m + 3n
= (1+1) x + (1+1)y + (1+1) z
= 2 x + 2 y +2 z Method II
• Column-wise Addition 5l + 3m + n
(i) Arrange all the algebraic expressions in the same order. l - m + n
(ii) Put the like terms in the same column. - 3l - m + n
(iii) Add them together. For example, x+y, y+z, x+z 3l + m + 3n
x + y
+ y + z (iii) x2 + x2y + xy2 + y 2 , 2x +xy2 -x2y +y2

x + z Method I
2x + 2y + 2z (x + x2y + xy2 + y 2) + (2x2 + xy2 - x2y + y2)

Arrange them in the same order.

Example 1: Add the following algebraic expressions. (x2 + x2y + xy2 +y2) + (2x2 -x2y + xy2 + y 2)
(i) x + y + z, 2x + y + z, x + 2y + z = (x2 + 2x2) + (x2y -x2y) + (xy2 + xy2) + (y2 + y 2)
(ii) 5l + 3m + n , l - m + n, -3l - m + n = (1+2) x2 + (1 - 1 ) x 2y + ( 1 +1) xy2 + (1 + 1 ) y 2
(iii) x2 + x2y + xy2 + y2 , 2x + xy2 - x2y + y2 = 3x2 + 0 x2y + 2xy2 + 2y 2
= 3x2 + 2xy2 + 2y2
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Method II 5. Find A+B+C, when

x2 + x2y + xy2 + y2
2x2 - x2y + xy2 + y 2 (i) A = 2a, B = 3 b, C=4c
3x2 + 2xy2 + 2y2 (ii) A = x + y, B = x - 2 y, C=3y-x
(iii) A = s + st, B = g + t, C = s + 2g
(iv) A = P + q + r, B = p + q - 2r, C=p-2q-r
(v) A = lm + mn, B = mn + nl, C = nl + lm

1. Simplify 8.2.4 Subtraction

(i) x +x + x + x (ii) 2y + 3y + 4y
(iii) 6m + 3m + m (iv) a + 9a + 3b Subtraction is an opposite operation of the addition. We use
(V) 3p + q + 2p (vi) x + y + x + 2y the following rule for subtraction
(vii) 11a+6a+2a+9b (Viii) m+2n+3n+4n Rule : Change the sign of each term of the expression to be
(ix) x+y+z+2x+z (X) p+2q+q+r+2p subtracted and add them together by using addition rules.
For example : 3x + 2y and 2x - y are the two algebraic
2. Answer the following questions expressions and we want to subtract 2x - y from 3x + 2y,
(i) Ifra had 2 P chocolates. She bought q more chocolates. then;
How many chocolates she has now? • Row-wise Subtraction
(ii) Mehak, Naz and Kinza have m, 2n and 3l books respectively. (3x + 2y) - (2x - y )
How many books have they altogether? = 3x + 2y -2 x +y
(iii) Zain had x candies. He bought more 2x candies and y = 3x - 2x + 2 y + y
candies. Find the sum of the candies that he has now. = (3 -2)x + (2 + 1 )y = x + 3 y
• Column-wise Subtraction
3. Add the following 3x + 2y
(i) ab, bc, bc, bc (ii) 2x2y, x2y , xy2
± 2x " y
(iii) 6m3, 2m2 , 1 ,3m2 (iv) b2 , 3ab, 4ab, 2 a2
x + 3y
(v) x2, -x y , y 2 , -x y (vi) p ,- 2 q , - r , - q
Example 1: Simplify the following.
4. Find the sum of the following algebraic expressions. Solution:
(i) a2 + 2ab+b2 , a2 -2ab+b2 , a2 -ab-b2
Method I
(ii) x3y + 2x2y + y2 , x3y + x2y + 2y2 , x2 y - 2 x3 y - y 2
(2x3- 3x2y2 +x2y ) - (2y3 + x2 y2 + x2y)
(iii) 3mn + 2ℓ m + nℓ , 3nℓ + 2mn + ℓm , 3ℓm + 2nℓ + mn
= 2x3 - 3x2y2 + x2y - 2y 3 - x2y 2 - x2y
(iv) 2p+3q , 3q + 3 r , r + 3p
(v) b + 1 , a+ b +2 , 3 , a+1 = 2x3 - 3x2y2 - x2 y2 + x2y - x2y - 2y3
= (2)x3 - (3 + 1) x2y 2 + (1 - 1) x2 y - (2)y3
= 2x3 - 4x2 y2 - 2y3.

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Method II 8.2.5 Simplification

2x3- 3x2y2 +x2y We know that brackets are used to indicate the order for performing
± x2y2 ± x2y± 2y3 operations. The four kinds of brackets are:
2x3 - 4x2 y2 - 2y3 (i) “—” is called a bar or vinculum.
(ii) “( )” is called a round or curved brackets or parentheses.
(iii) “ { } ” is called a curly brackets or braces.
EXERCISE 8.4 (iv) “ [ ] ” is called box brackets or square brackets.

1. Simplify the following. In algebra, sometimes, we can’t simplify an expression into a single
(i) (6x) - (4x) (ii) (13a) -(2 a ) term within the brackets. For example, in 2x - (x + y) we can’t
(iii) ( x + 1 ) - ( x - 1 ) (iv) (m - n ) - (m +n)
simplify the expression (x + y). For such a situation,
(v) (2p + q + 2r) - (p + q + r) (vi) (2) - (x2 - x3 + 2x -1)
(i) Expand the brackets.
(vii) (x3 + x2y + xy2 + y3) - (x2y + xy2 + 1) (ii) Simplify the whole expression as given below:
(viii) (3x2 + 6xy + 9y2) - (2x2 - 3xy2+ xy2)
2x - x ( x + y) = 2x - x - y = x-y
(ix) (x3-x2y2 + x2y ) - ( y 3- x2y2+xy2) Hence, x - y is the simplest form of the above mentioned algebraic
(x) 3(x2- 2 x y+ y 2) - (2 x 2- x y +y2) expression. -ve sign before the brackets means, change the signs
of all the terms within brackets, i.e. - (a + b) = - a - b.
2. Subtract 2l - 3m - n from l - 4m - 6n.
Example: Simplify the following.
3. Subtract 2a - 3a + 5a + 5 from 5a + a + 2 a - 3.
3 2 3 2
(i) [5a- {3b + (6a-2a+b)}]
(ii) [2a+{c - a +(a+2b+c)}]
4. Subtract 3x5 - 4x4 + 8x3 - 6 from 8x5 + 5x4 - 3x3 + 4x + 2. (iii) xy - [yz - {zx + xy + (yz - zx + xy)}]
5. If A = a+ b + c , B = a- b +c , C = a+ b - c and D = - a - b - c then (i) [5a - {3b + (6a- 2a+b)}
find; = [5a - {3b + (4a + b)}]
(i) A - B (ii) B - C (iii) A - C (iv) C - D
= [5a - {3b + 4a + b}]
(v) B - D (vi) A - D (vii) A + B - C (viii) A - C - D
= [5a - {4a +4b}]
(ix) A - B + D (x) (A + B) - (C + D)
= [5a - 4a - 4b]
= [a - 4b] =a - 4b
6. What must be added to x2 + xy +y2 + 1 to get x3 + 3?
(ii) [2a + {c - a +(a+2b+c)}]
7. What must be subtracted from p5+p4+p3+p2+p+1 to get p 5+ 1? =
[2a + {c - a +(a+2b+c)}]
= [2a + {c - a+ a+ 2b + c}]
= [2a + {2b + 2c}]
= [2a + 2b + 2c]
= 2 [a + b + c]
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(iii) xy - [yz - {zx + xy + (yz - zx + xy)}] The numerical or absolute value of an expression varies according
to the given value of variables. For example, if a = 1 and b=2 then
the numerical value of a + b is 1+2 = 3 and if a = 2 and b = 3 then the
numerical value of a + b is 2 + 3 = 5.

Example1: If a = 2, b = -3 and c = - 4,then evaluate the following.

(i) ab + bc + ca (ii)
1. Simplify the following expressions.
(i) ab + bc + ca (ii)
= ab + bc + ca
(ii) [7x- {4x + (3x-2x)}]
= 2 x (-3) + (-3) x (-4) + (-4) x 2
(iii) [ 5l- {2m + (6m -3m)}]
= - 6 + 12-8
= - 14 + 12 = -2
(v) [x2 + {2xy + (3y2 - 2 y 2)}]
(vi) [{9a4 + {5a2 + (a2 + 1)}]
(vii) [x2 + {3x2 - (x2 + 2x2)}]
Example2: If a = 3 and b = 4, then prove that (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b
(viii) 7l-2[3(5l-m)-2(4l + m)]
Solution: L.H.S = (a + b)2 = (3 + 4)2 = ( 7)2= 49
(x) [2x2 - xy - {xy - (2x2 - x2 - y2)}]
(xi) 8 [ 3(4a+5b) - 2(6a-5b)]
R.H.S = a + 2 ab + b
(xi) 8[3(4a+5b)-2(6a-5b)]
= (3)2 + 2 x 3 x 4 + (4)2
(xii) [11a-{5b-3(2a+b)}] = 9 + 24 + 16 = 49
(xiii) So, L.H.S.= R.H.S.

(xiv) EXERCISE 8.6

(xv) 1. Evaluate the following when a = 2, b = 1 and c = 1.

(i) a+b (ii) a-c (iii) b + c
(iv) a + b + c (v) a-b (vi) a - b + c
8.2.6 Evaluation (vii) ab + bc (viii) 4 ab (ix) abc
(x) ab-bc+ac (xi) 6a - 2b - 2c (xii) a2 + b2 + c2
The process of finding the absolute or numerical value of an
(xiii) (xiv) (xv)
expression by using numbers in place of variables is called
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2. If a = 5 and b = - 3 then prove that a + b = 2. • In addition of like terms, we just add their coefficients and write
the same variable with the sum.
3. If a = 1, b = 1 and c = 9, then prove that a - b + c = 9. • Brackets are used to indicate the order for performing operations
• The process of finding the absolute or numerical value of an
4. If a = 10, b = - 10 and c = 4,then prove that a%b + 25c = 0. expression by using numbers in place of variables is called
5. If x = 1 and y = 1, then prove that (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2.

6. If x = 2 and y = 1 ,then prove that (x - y)2 = x - 2xy + y2. REVIEW EXERCISE 8

7. Evaluate 1. Find the sum of :

(i) 3x2- x + 7 and -2x2 + 5x - 8
8. If a = 1, b = 3 and c = 1 ,then evaluate b2- 4ac. (ii) 5x2 - 4x + 2 and - 3x2 - 7x + 4
(iii) 2a - 3b + 4c and 5a + 2b - 5c
9. If a = 3 , b = 2 and c = 1,then prove that. (iv) a - 2b + c, 5b - 2a and - 4a - 3b
(i) a + b = b + a. (ii) a x b = b x a. (v) 3ℓ2 + 4m - 5n3,7ℓ 2 - 8m - 6n3 and 4ℓ2 - 9m - 7n3
(iii) (a + b) + c = a + (b + c). (iv) (a x b) x c = a x (b x c).
(vi) p2 + 2pq + q3, p2 - 2pq + q2 and - p2 - q2
(v) ax ( b + c) = a x b + a x c. (vi) a x ( b - c ) = a x b - a x c.
(vii) a2 - b2 = (a + b) (a - b). 2. Subtract the second expression from the first.
(i) - 3a - 7b - c, 3a - 8b - 6c
(ii) 19p - q + r, 8p - 3q - 4r
SUMMARY (iii) 2x3 - 3x2 + x + 5 , 4x3 + 5x2 - 3x + 8
(iv) 3a - 3b + 4c - 6d, 4a - 6b - c + 7d
• Algebra is a general form of the arithmetic (v) x2 - 3xy + 7y2- 2 , -4x2 - 6xy - y2 + 5
• In algebra, a letter is used as a symbol of any number or value
which is called a variable. 3. Simplify:
• A group of words that makes a complete sense is called a (i) [ 3x2 - {x2 - 2y ( 5x - 3y )}]
sentence. (ii) x -[ 2y - { 3x-( 2y + 3z )}]
• The multiplying factor of a variable is called its coefficient. (iii)
• The expressions in which the numbers or variables or both (iv) -l - 5m - [ 2l - m - { 3l-2m- ( l + 2m )}]
(numbers and variables) are connected by operational signs are
called algebraic expressions. 4. If x=4, y=2 and z=5, then find the value of
• A quantity which has a fixed numerical value is called a constant. (i) 2x-z (ii) 5x2 (iii) x+y
• The terms of same kind only which differ by their coefficients (iv) x+y-z (v) 2xy-yz+y (vi) x2+z2-2y
are called like terms. (vii) 4x2+2y z-y (viii) 4yz-z2+3x2 (ix) 44x2-3y2z-8xz

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1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Define the sentence.
(ii) What is meant by an open statement?
(iii) What is called the number that makes an open statement
(iv) What is a variable?
(v) Define the evaluation.

2. Fill in the blanks

(i) A ________ can be either true or false but not both.
(ii) Algebra is a _________ form of the arithmetic
(iii) The multiplying factor of a variable is called its________
(iv) The parts of an algebraic expression, separated by the
signs + and - are called__________.
(v) The terms of the same kind only differ by their coefficients
are called _________ terms.

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Version 1.1


1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
9. Linear Equations elearn.punjab 9. Linear Equations elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes equations are called the linear equations.

“The equation which contains a single variable with exponent 1 is
After studying this unit, students will be able to: called the linear equation in one variable”, i.e,
• Define an algebraic equation. ax + b = 0
• Differentiate between equation and an expression.
• Define linear equation in one variable. 9.2.1 Solving an Equation
• Construct linear expression and linear equation in one variable.
• Solve simple linear equations involving fractional and decimals We can use the idea of a balance to find the value of unknowns.
coefficients like This process or method of finding the values of unknowns is called
1 1 solving an equation and the value of unknown is called the solution
x+5 = x-
2 3 or root of the equation. From the above example,
• Solve real life problems involving linear equations.
(subtract 2 from both sides)

9.1 Algebraic Equations Thus, 1 is the solution or root of the above equation.

An open mathematical statement with “ = ” sign is known as an Example 2: Find the solution of the following equations and verify
equation, which means the value of one side is equal to the value the solution.
of the other side of the statement.
The weighing balance is an excellent example of an equation that
we can observe in our daily life, in which:
(i) the two pans of the balance can be considered as two sides of
the equation. Solution:
(ii) equality sign “ =” indicates that the two scale pans are in balance. (i)
(iii) when we subtract, multiply, divide or add an equal number (Cross multiplication)
from both sides of an equation, the equation remains in balance.
Suppose that the weight of one pan is x + 2 and weight of 2nd pan
is 3 if the weights in two pans are equal then the equation will be (Separate the variable and numbers)

9.2 Linear Equation in one variable

From the above example, we can see that the equation x+2=3
contains a single variable with the power of 1. Such types of
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Solution: Verification: (iv) One-third of a number is 2.

(ii) (v) A number increased by 2 is 4.
(vi) A number decreased by 4 is 3.
(vii) Twice of a number increased by 3 is 17
(viii) My age and my brother’s age is 20 years by adding.
(ix) Twice of my age increased by 7 years is my mother’s age.
(x) The price of 6 pens is equal to the price of one book.

2. Solve the following equations and verify the solution.

Solution: Verification: (i) 2 + 5x = x (ii) 3a - 3 = 0
(iii) (iii) x-3=5 (iv) 2x + 2 = 14
(v) 12x = 36 (vi) x/6=3
(vii) x + 2 = 2x - 1 (viii)

(ix) x+4+x-2=0 (x) m + 1 + 2m + 5 = 0

(xi) 2x - 4 = x (xii)

(xiii) (xiv)

Solution: Verification: (xv) (xvi)

(xvii) 0.9x - 3 = 6 (xviii) 0.1x + 2.5 = 3

(xix) 1.5x + 4 = 7 (xx) 0.25x + 1.5 = 7.5


9.2.2 Word Problem

There are four important steps for solving a problem by using an
1. Write an equation for each of the followings.
(i) What is the required thing?
(i) The sum of a number and 8 is 14.
(ii) Represent the required thing by a variable.
(ii) The difference of a number and 7 is 9
(iii) Write an equation according to the statement.
(iii) Twice of a number is 16.
(iv) Solve the equation and check the solution. 2
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9. Linear Equations elearn.punjab 9. Linear Equations elearn.punjab

Example 1: Ahsan and Shakeel bought a time clock for Rs. 60. Ahsan EXERCISE 9.2
paid Rs. 12 more than Shakeel. What amount did Ahsan pay?
1. Find the value of m by putting n = 2 in each of the followings.
Solution: (i) 2m - n = 12 (ii)
Suppose Shakeel paid = x
Then Ahsan paid = x + 12 (iii) (iv) m = 2n + n + 1
Sum of two amounts = x + x + 12
= 2x + 12 (v) 2m + n - 2= 3n + 2n (vi) m + n= mn
But actual sum of the two amounts = Rs.60.
Hence, 2. The price of a toy gun has decreased by Rs. 7. Find the original
2x+12 = 60 price if the new price is Rs. 18
2x = 60 - 12
2x = 48 3. The sum of the two numbers is 12. Find the numbers when
one number is twice of the Other. (Hint: Suppose the one
number is x then the other is 2x)
But x is the amount of Shakeel. It means Shakeel paid Rs. 24. and
Ahsan paid Rs. 12 more than Shakeel. So, 4. The product of the two numbers is 72. Find the other number
Ahsan’s amount = x + 12 = 24 + 12 = 36 when one number is 9.
Hence, Ahsan paid Rs. 36.
5. The difference of the two numbers is 6. Find the numbers
Example 2: The age of Kiran’s brother is 4 years less than the twice when the one number is one fourth of the other.
of his sister’s age. What will the age of Kiran when her brother is 22
years old? 6. Sabeena, bought a pen and a book for Rs.45. The book was 8
times more expensive than the pen. What are the prices of
Solution: the book and the pen?
Suppose Kiran’s age = x
Then, her brother’s age = 2x - 4 7. Qasim Hussain opened his account book. He observed that
But her brother’s age = 22 years. the sum of the two pages, in front of him is 93. Find the
So, 2x - 4 = 22 page numbers of those pages? (Hint: Suppose the one page
2x = 22 + 4 number is x, then the other will be (x + 1))
2x = 26
8. Imran,Farhat and Abdul Razzaq enhanced 69 runs in the
score of Pakistan, if the score of Abdul Razzaq is double than
the score of Imran Farhat. Find that how many runs Abdul
Hence, Kiran is 13 years old. Razzaq requires to complete his half century.
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SUMMARY 4. The sum of four consecutive numbers is 266. Find the

• A relationship of equality between two algebraic expressions is
called an equation. 5. The numerator of a fraction is larger than its denominator
• When we add, subtract, multiply or divide an equal number from by 4. If we add 1 to its denominator, the fraction becomes
both sides of an equation, the equation remains in balance. .Find the fraction.
• The equation which contains a single variable with the greatest
exponent of 1 is called the linear equation in one variable. OBJECTIVE EXERCISE 9
• The value of unknown in the equation is called the solution or
root of the equation. 1. Answer the following questions.
• Variable can be transferred from one side to the other side of (i) Define an equation
the equation by changing its sign. (ii) Which equation is called a linear equation?
• There are four steps for solving a problem by using an equation. (iii) What is meant by solving an equation?
(i) What is the required thing? (iv) What are four steps for solving a problem by using an
(ii) Represent the required thing by a variable. equation?
(iii) Write an equation according to the statement.
(iv) Solve the equation and check the solution. 2. Fill in the blanks.
(i) The weighing balance is an excellent example of an__________.
(ii) A relationship of __________between two expressions is called
REVIEW EXERCISE 9 an equation.
(iii) The value of unknown of an equation is called_________ of the
1. Solve the following equations equation.
(i) (ii) (iv) The equation which contains a single variable with the
greatest exponent of_________ is called the linear equation.
(v) A number or a variable can be transferred from one side to
(iii) (iv) the other side by changing its sign. This operation is called
(v) 3(x - 4 ) - 4 ( 2x + 3) = 2( x+5 ) +1
(vi) 2(x - 2) + 3 ( x - 3) = 3( x - 5 ) - 4( x - 8 )

2. If a number is doubled and then increased by 7, it becomes
13. Find the number.

3. The length of a rectangle is 6m larger than three times of its

breadth. If its perimeter is 148m. Find its length and breadth.
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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
10. Geometry elearn.punjab 10. Geometry elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes 10.1.1 Line Segments

After studying this unit, students will be able to: A line segment is one of the basic terms in geometry which
• Add measures of two or more line segments. help us in the construction of geometrical figures of different
• Subtract measure of line segment from a longer one. shapes and sizes. A line segment is a part of a line which has two
• Draw a right bisector of a given line segment using compass. distinct end points
• Draw a perpendicular to a given line from a point on it using
• Draw a perpendicular to a given line, from a point outside the
line, using compass. We write the name of a line segment with end points A and B as
• Use compass to: “line segment AB or AB ”.
• construct an angle equal in measure of a given angle,
• construct an angle twice in measure of a given angle, A line segment of a given length can be drawn by
• bisect a given angle,
following ways.
• divide a given angle into four equal angles,
• By using a ruler.
• By using a pair of compasses.
• construct the following angles: 60°, 30°, 15°, 90°, 45°,
• Construct a triangle when three sides (SSS) are given. Caution:
Sum of two sides should be greater than the third side. 10.1.2 Finding the sum of measures of two line segments
• Construct a triangle when two sides and their included angle
(SAS) are given.
• Construct a triangle when two angles and the included side
(ASA) are given.
• Construct a triangle when hypotenuse and one side (RHS) for a
right angled triangle are given.
In the above figure, PQ and RS are two line segments. Here
we draw a line segment whose length is the sum of the lengths of
10.1 Introduction these line segments.
(i) Draw a ray OE. (By using a rules)
Geometry is an important branch of mathematics which
deals with the study of points, lines, surfaces and solids. The word
geometry has been deduced from the Greek and Latin words which (ii) Measure the length of line segment PQ with the help of a
means, the measurement of the earth or land. pair of compasses. (To measure the length of PQ place

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the metal tip of compasses at point P and pencil tip at point (i) Draw a ray OE . (By using a rules)

(ii) Measure the length of PQ and a cut a segment OA from the

ray OE of the same length, i.e. mPQ = mOA

(iii) Similarly, measure the length of RS and cut another segment
AB from the OE. i.e. m RS = m AB but here B lies between O
and A.
(iii) Remove the pair of compasses from PQ and cut a segment OA

from the ray OE of the same length, i.e mPQ = mOA
From the above, we can see that:

mOB = mOA + mAB
But we know that,
(iv) Similarly, measure the length of RS and cut another segment mOA = mPQ and mAB = mRS Then,
AB from OE. i.e. mRS = mAB whereas B lies between A and E. mOB = mPQ + mRS
Thus, OB is the required line segment.
From the above, we can see that:
mOB = mOA + mAB
But we know that, EXERCISE 10.1
mOA = mPQ and mAB = mRS Then,
mOB = mPQ + mRS 1. Draw the line segments to find the sum of measures of the
Thus, OB is the required line segment. following pairs of line segments.
10.1.3 Finding difference of measures of two line segments


In the above figure, PQ and RS are two unequal line segments

i.e. m PQ > m RS .
Now we draw a line segment whose length is the difference of the
lengths of two line segments.

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(iii) (iv)

(iv) 10.1.4 Bisection of a Line Segment

Bi means two and bisection means to divide into two equal

sections or parts. Here we shall leam about the construction of a
right bisector of a given line by using a pair of compasses and a
ruler which is given below.

10.1.5 Drawing of a right bisector of a given line segment

2. Draw the line segments to find the difference of measures A right bisector of a given line segment is a line which is
of the following pairs of line segments. perpendicular to it and passes through its mid-point. The right
(i) bisector of a given line segment can be constructed by using a pair
of compasses and a ruler as shown in the following example.

(ii) Example 1: Draw a right bisector of a 5 cm long line segment.

(i) Draw a 5 cm long line segment AB. (By using a ruler)

(ii) Consider the point A as centre and draw two arcs of radius
more than i.e. one on each side of AB . (By using a
pair of compasses)

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(iii) Consider the point B as centre and repeat the process of Solution:
of step (ii). These arcs will cut the previous arcs at any two (i) Consider the point O as centre and draw an arc of suitable
points P and Q. radius that will cut the line AB at any two points C and D
respectively, i.e mOC = mOD

(ii) Consider the point C as centre and draw an arc of radius more
than OC as given below.
(iv) Join the point P and Q by a line (Use a ruler to draw a line
that will cut the line segment AB at any point O)

(iii) Now consider the point D as centre and repeat the last
process. (This arc will cut the previous arc at any point L)

(i) Line segment OA and OB both have same length.
∴ OA = OB
(ii) Line PQ is perpendicular to the line segment AB because (iv) Draw a line passing through the points O and L that will give
∠AOP = ∠BOP = 900 a perpendicular to the given line.
∴ PQ ^ AB

10.1.6 Drawing of a perpendicular to a given line from a
point on it

A perpendicular can be drawn to a given line and through

a given point on it by using a pair of compasses as shown in the
The line LM is the required perpendicular.
following example.
10.1.7 Drawing of a perpendicular to a given line, from a
Example 2: Draw a perpendicular on the following line AB and point outside the line
passing through the given point O.
Now we learn a method to draw a perpendicular to a given line

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from a point outside the line by using a pair of compasses and a


Example 3: Draw a perpendicular from the point L to the given line


Result: The line LM is the required perpendicular.

Solution: A right bisector always crosses the line at a right angle (90°)
(i) Consider the point L as centre and draw an arc of a suitable that can be checked by using a protractor in above cases.
radius that will cut the line XY at any two points P and Q

1. Draw the right bisectors of the following line segments by

using a pair of compasses.
(ii) Consider the point P as centre and draw an arc of a suitable (i)
radius as shown in the opposite figure.



(iii) Now consider the point Q as centre and repeat the same 2. Draw perpendiculars from the point O to the line segment
process of step (ii). This arc will cut the previous arc at any AB.
point M. (i)



(iv) Join the point L and M. (By using a ruler)

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3. Draw perpendiculars from the point P to the line segment Solution:

LM. (i) Construct an angle ∠ABC of 45° as given in the opposite figure.
(i) (By using a protractor)

(ii) Consider the point B as centre and draw an arc that will cut
the ray BA at point P and BC at the point Q as shown in the given
diagram. (By using a pair of compasses)


(iii) To draw a congruent angle, first draw a ray YX.

(By using a ruler)
(iv) (iv) Now consider the point Y as centre and draw an arc of same
radius as above that will cut the ray YX at any point L.
(By using a pair of compasses)
(v) Consider the point L as centre and draw an arc of radius PQ.
(vi) Draw a ray YZ passing through the point M. (By using a ruler)
∠XYZ is the required congruent angle.
10.2 Construction of Angles

We are familiar with the method of constructing an angle by

using the protractor. Now we learn the construction of an angle by
using a pair of compasses.

10.2.1 Construction of Congruent Angles
10.2.2 Construction of an Angle Twice in Measurement
Example 1: Construct an angle of 45° by using a protractor and of a given Angle
then construct a congruent angle to it by using a pair of compasses.
By using the given method of construction of congruent angle, we

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can also construct an angle twice in measurement of a given angle. (vii) Draw a ray YZ passing through the point R.
We learn this method with the help of following example.

Example 2: Construct the angle of 38° by using a protractor and

then construct an angle twice in measurement of it.

Solution: ∠XYZ is the required angle.
(i) Construct an angle ∠AOB of 38° as given in the opposite figure.
(By using a protractor)
10.2.3 Bisection of an angle

We can also divide an angle into the two equal parts that we can
observe from the following example.

(ii) Consider the point O as centre and draw an arc that will cut Example 3: Bisect an angle of 80° after construction.
the ray OA at point L and OB at the point M as shown in the
given diagram. (By using a pair of compasses) Solution:
(i) Construct an angle ∠ AOB of 80° (By using a protractor)

(iii) Draw a ray YX. (By using a ruler)

(iv) Now consider the point Y as centre of the ray and draw an arc (ii) Draw an arc from the point O. (By using a pair of compasses)
of same radius as above that will cut the ray YX at any point P. This arc will cut the ray OA at any point C and ray OB at any
(By using a pair of compasses) point D.

(v) Consider the point P as centre and draw an arc of radius LM.
That will cut the previous arc at the point Q (By using a pair of
(vi) Now consider the point Q as centre and draw another arc that (iii) Draw two arcs of same radii from the points C and D as centres.
will again cut the first arc at point R. (By using a pair of compasses)

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These arcs will intersect each other at any point M.

(iv) Join the point O to the point M by a ray OM. (By using a ruler) m∠AOL = m∠LOM = m∠MON = m∠NOB= = 200
The ray OM will cut the angle ∠AOB into the two equal parts.
• Construction of an angle of 600
m∠AOM = m∠BOM = = 400 (i) Draw a ray OA (By using a ruler).

(ii) Consider the point O as centre and draw an arc of a suitable

radius by using a pair of compasses. This arc will cut the ray
OA at any point E.

10.2.4 Division of an Angle into Four Equal Angles (iii) Now consider the point E as centre and draw another arc of
same radius which cuts the previous arc at point F. (By using a
Similarly, we can also divide an angle into four equal angles by pair of compasses)
further bisecting the already bisected part of an angle as given

(i) Draw and bisect the angle according to the above given method
(ii) Lable the intersecting point of the ray OM as P. (iv) Draw another ray OB passing through the point F and lable the
(iii) Draw two arcs of a suitable radii from the points P and C so that m∠AOB of 60°.
they will intersect each other at any point L.
(iv) Again draw two arcs of same radii from the points P and D so ∴ ∠AOB is the required angle of 60°. We can check it by using
that they will intersect at any point N. a protractor.
$ $ $
The rays OM ,ON and OL cut the ∠AOB into four equal parts.

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• Construction of an angle of 15°

To get the angle of 15°, we bisect the angle of 30°.
i.e. =150

(i) Construct the angle of 30°. (By given method)

• Construction of an angle of 300
To construct an angle of 30°, we can use the method of
bisection of an angle. We have learnt in our previous class that if
we divide an angle of 60° into two equal parts, we get the angle of (ii) Draw two arcs of same radii from the points D and E as centres.
30°, i.e, =300 So that they intersect each other at point N.
(iii) Join the point O to the point N by a ray.
(i) Construct an angle of 60°. (By the above given method)

The ray ON will cut the angle into two equal parts.
(ii) Draw two arcs of the same radii from the point E and F as
centres. (By using a pair of compasses) m∠AON = m ∠ MON =
These arcs will intersect each other at any point M. 2

• Construction of an angle of 90°

(i) Draw a ray OA (By using a ruler).
(ii) Consider the point O as centre and draw an arc of a suitable
radius by using a pair of compasses. This arc will cut the ray
OA at any point E.
(iii) Join the point O to the point M by a ray. (By using a ruler) (iii) Now consider the point E as centre and draw another arc of
This ray OM will cut the angle ∠AOB into two equal parts. same radius which cuts the previous arc at point F.
m∠AOM = m∠BOM = =300 (By using a pair of compasses)
(iv) Consider the point F as centre and draw one more arc which
cut the same arc at a point G.
(v) Draw two arcs of the same radii from the point F and G as
centres. These arcs will intersect each other at any point R.
(vi) Join the point O to the point R by a ray.

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The angle ∠AOR is the required angle of 90°. (ii) Draw two arcs of same radii from the point E and G as centres
such that they cut each other at point P.
• Construction of an angle of 45° (iii) Join the point O to the point P by a ray.
To get the angle of 45°, we bisect the angle of 90°.
i.e. =450

The ray OPwill cut the angle ∠AOS into two equal parts, i.e.
(i) Construct the angle of 90°. (by given method) m∠AOP= m∠POS = =450
(ii) Draw two arcs of same radii from the point E and point F as
centres. These arcs will intersect each other at any point S.
(iii) Join the point O to the point S by a ray. • Construction of an angle of 75°

(i) Draw a ray OA
(ii) Take the point O as centre, draw an arc of a suitable radius that
will cut the ray OA at any point E.
(iii) Take the point E as centre, draw an arc to cut the previous arc
at point F that will show an angle of 60°.
The ray OS will cut the angle∠AOR into two equal parts, i.e. (iv) Take the point F as centre, draw an arc to cut the same arc
900 again at point G.
m∠AOS = m∠SOR = =450
2 (v) Draw two arcs from the points F and G as centres. That will
intersect each other at point P.
10 $
• Construction of an angle of 22 (vi) Draw a ray OP that will show an angle of 90°.
2 1
We bisect the angle of 45°to construct the angle of 22 i.e. i.e. m∠AOS = 900
450 2
= 22 1
(vii) Draw two arcs from the points F and H as centres that will
2 2 intersect each other at point Q.
(i) Construct the angle of 45°. (by given method)

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• Construction of an angle of 120°

(i) Construct an angle of 60°. (By the given method)

This is the required angle of 75°. i.e.
m∠AOQ = m∠AOB + m∠BOQ
= 60° + 15° (ii) Now construct another angle of 60° adjacent to ∠AOB
= 75° Consider the point F as centre and draw one more arc which
cuts the previous arc at point G.(By using a pair of compasses)

• Construction of an angle of 67
(i) Construct an angle of 60° and then its adjacent angle of 15°.
(by given method)

(iii) Draw another ray passing through the point G. you will
get the angle ∠BOC = 600

(ii) Draw two arcs of same radii with points F and G as centres.
These arcs will intersect each other at point U.
(iii) Join the point O to the point U by a ray.

The two adjacent angles m∠AOB = 600 and m∠BOC = 600 give us
the angle m∠AOC = 1200

m∠AOB + m∠BOC = m∠AOC
60° + 60° = 1 2 0 °
Thus, m∠AOC is the required angle of 120°. We can check it by
using a protractor.
The angle m∠AOU is the required angle of 67 i.e.
m∠AOU = m∠AOB +0 m∠BOU • Construction of an angle of 150°
1 10
= 60° + 7 = 67 (i) Draw a ray OA (By using a ruler).
2 2

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(ii) Consider the point O as centre and draw an arc of a suitable same radii. These arcs will intersect each other at point P.
radius by using a pair of compasses. This arc will cut the (iii) Join the point O to the point P by a ray.
ray at any point E
(iii) Now consider the point E as centre and draw another arc of
same radius which cuts the previous arc at point F.
(iv) Now consider the point F as centre and cut the same arc
at point G.
(v) Again consider the point G as centre and cut the same arc
at point H.
(vi) Draw two arcs from the point G and H as centres that The angle ∠AOP is the required angle of 135°. i.e.
will intersect each other at point L. m∠AOP = 900 + 450 = 1350
(vii) Join the point O to the point L by a ray.
• Construction of an angle of 105°
(i) Construct an angle o f 90°. (by given method)
(ii) Take the point D and G as centres to draw two arcs of same
radii. These arcs will intersect each other at point Z.
The angle m∠AOL is the required angle of 150°. i.e.
m∠AOL = 1500

• Construction of an angle of 165°
(i) Construct an angle of 150°. (by given method)
(ii) Draw two arcs from the points S and H that will intersect
each other at point P. (iii) Join the point O to the point Z by a ray.
(iii) Join the point O to the point P by a ray. The angle ∠AOZ is the required angle of 105°. i.e.
m∠AOZ = 900 + 150 = 1050


The angle m∠AOP is the required angle of 165°. i.e. 1. Construct the congruent angles of the following
m∠AOP = 165° measurements by using a pair of compasses.
(i) 35° (ii) 92° (iii) 67° (iv) 56° (v) 118°
• Construction of an angle of 135°
(i) Construct an angle of 90°. (by given method) 2. Draw the twice of the following angles by using a pair o f
(ii) Take the points D and H as centres to draw two arcs of compasses.

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(i) 40° (ii) 75° (iii) 105° (iv) 89° (v) 132°

3. Draw the following angles by using a protractor and bisect

them by using a pair of compasses.
(i) 45° (ii) 120° (iii) 98° (iv) 76° (v) 109°

4. Draw the following angles by using a protractor and divide

them into four equal angles.
(i) 60° (ii) 90° (iii) 180° (iv) 88° (v) 140° (iv) Finally join the point C with the point A and again the point C
with the point B. 3ABC is the required triangle.
5. Construct the following angles by0 using a pair of compasses.
10 1
(i) 15° (ii) 22 (iii) 67 (iv) 165° (v) 135°
2 2

1. Construct the triangle if possible.

10.3 Construction of a Triangle (i) mXY = 5cm , mYZ = 8cm , mZX = 2cm
(ii) mAB = 6cm , mBC = 4cm , mAC = 2cm
We know that a triangle has six elements, i.e., 3 sides and 3 angles. (iii) mBC = 9cm , mAC = 12cm , mAB = 6cm
In construction of a triangle, we do not need all these six elements. (iv) mLM = 6.3cm , mMN = 4.1cm , mLN = 2.2cm
(v) mPQ = 4.8cm , mQR = 3.2cm , mRP = 5.9cm

10.3.1 Construction of a triangle when three sides are 2. Construct the following triangles.
given (i) mAB = 6cm , mBC = 5cm , mAC = 4cm
(ii) mPQ = 10cm , mQR = 7cm , mPR = 4cm
Example: Construct a 3ABC if (iii) mDE = 8cm , mEF = 9cm , mDF = 7cm
mAB =4cm , mBC =3cm and mAC =5cm (iv) mXY = 4.5cm , mYZ = 5.5cm , mZX = 8cm
(v) mLM = 8.8cm , mMN = 6.6cm , mNL = 4.4cm
(i) Draw a 4 cm long line segment AB (By using a ruler).
(ii) Consider the point A as centre and draw an arc of radius 5 cm 10.3.2 Construction of a Triangle when two sides and
(By using a pair of compasses). their included Angle are given
(iii) Now consider the point B as centre and draw an arc of radius
3 cm. We can construct a triangle when the measurements of two sides
( This arc will cut the previous arc at any point. Name the and included angle which is formed by two sides are given.
meeting point of two arcs as C).

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Example: Construct a 3XYZ if mXY = 5cm , mXZ = 3cm and 2. Draw the following isosceles triangles.
m∠ YXZ = 750 (i) ,
(ii) ,
Solution: (iii) ,
(i) Draw a 5 cm long line having end points X and Y.
(By using a ruler) 10.3.3 Construction of a triangle when two angles and
(ii) Construct an angle of 75° at point X i,e, m∠ YXZ = 750 included side are given
(Use protractor to draw this angle of 75° that will produce an
arm) A triangle can be constructed when we have two angles and their
(iii) Draw an arc of radius 3 cm. (Use a pair of compasses to draw related one side (base of two angles) are given.
this arc that will cut the produced arm on the point Z) Example:Construct the triangle when

(i) Draw a 3 cm long line segment AB (Use a ruler)
(ii) Construct an angle of 70° at point A. (Use a protractor)
(iii) Construct an angle of 55° at point B. (Use a protractor)

Video 10.1: Construction 13: Construct a
triangle, given 2 angles and 1 side length
Source & Credit: WJHPearson
(iv) Finally, join the point Z and point Y.
3XYZ is the required triangle.

EXERCISE 10.5 (iv) These two angles produce two arms which intersect each
other at any point C. 3ABC is the required triangle.
1. Construct the following triangles by using a protractor, a
pair of compasses and a ruler.
(i) mAB = 5cm , mBC = 7cm , m∠ ABC = 600 EXERCISE 10.6
(ii) mPQ = 8.4cm , mPR = 3.6cm , m∠ QPR = 1200
(iii) mOA = 8.0cm , mOB = 6cm , m∠ AOB = 900 1. Construct the 3XYZ, when
(iv) mLM = 9cm , mLN = 6.5cm , m∠ MLN = 1500 (i) mXY = 5 cm (ii) m∠ X = 60° (iii) m∠ Y = 30°
(v) mXY = 5.5cm , mYZ = 6.6cm , m∠ XYZ = 450
(vi) mLM = 6.2cm , mMN = 4.5cm , m∠ LMN = 400 2. Construct the 3ABC, when

(vii) mAB = 7.7cm , mBC = 6.6cm , m∠ ABC = 700 (i) mBC = 7 cm (ii) m∠B = 45° (iii) m ∠C = 90°.
(viii) mPQ= 8.4cm , m PR = 8cm , m∠ QPR = 1150

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3. Construct the 3PQR, when (ii) Construct an angle of 90° at the point B that will produce
(i) mPQ = 6 .8 cm (ii) m∠P= 120° (iii) m∠Q = 45°. altitude of triangle. (By using a protractor or a pair of
4. Construct the 3ABC, when (iii) Draw an arc of radius 5 cm from the point C. (Use a pair of
(i) mAB = 4.9 cm (ii) m∠ A = 90° (iii) m∠ B = 60°. compasses. This arc will cut the produced altitude at any
point A)
5. Construct the 3LMN when (iv) Join the point A and point C.
(i) mLM = 6 cm (ii) m∠ L = 50° (iii) m∠M = 60°. 3ABC is the required triangle.

6. Construct the3RST, when

(i) mRS = 5.7 cm (ii) m∠ R = 45° (iii) m∠ S = 75°. EXERCISE 10.7

7. Construct the 3AOB, when 1. Construct the right angled triangles for the following.
(i) mOA = 4.5 cm (ii) m∠ O = 90° (iii) m∠A = 30°. (i) Hypotenuse = 8 cm , Base = 4 cm
(ii) Hypotenuse = 9 cm , Base = 6 cm
10.3.4 Construction of a Right-Angled Triangle (iii) Hypotenuse = 5 cm , Altitude = 4 cm
We know that a right angled triangle or right triangle is that triangle (iv) Hypotenuse = 7.5 cm , Base = 4.5 cm
Video 10.2: right angled triangle given in which one of its angles is of 90°. This triangle can be constructed,
hypotenuse & one other side (v) Hypotenuse = 6.5 cm , Altitude = 3.5 cm
Source & Credit: MrsArthurs if we have the measurement of hypotenuse and its one side (base (vi) Hypotenuse = 8.2cm , Altitude=5.8 cm
or altitude).
Example: Construct a right-angled triangle 3ABC if Hypotenuse
= 5 cm and Base = 3 cm. • The geometry is an important branch of Mathematics which
deals with the study of points, lines, surfaces and solids.
Solution: • A line segment is a part of a line which has two distinct end
(i) Draw a 3 cm long line segment (by using a ruler). points.
• Bisection of a line segment means to divide a line segment into
two equal parts.
• Aright bisector can be a line, a ray or a line segment which divides
another line segment into two equal parts.
• A right bisector always crosses the line at a right angle (90°) that
can be checked by using a protractor.
• The two angles of the same measurements are called congruent

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• The unit of measuring an angle is the degree which is denoted (iii) mPQ = 7cm , mQR = 5cm , m∠Q = 60°
by “°”. (iv) mLM = 4.2cm , mMN = 6.4cm , m∠M = 75°
• To construct a triangle with three sides, the sum of the (v) mAB = 7.2cm , m∠A = 65° , m∠B = 35°
measurements of any two sides is greater than the measurement
of 3rd side.
• The sum of internal angles in a triangle is always 180°. OBJECTIVE EXERCISE 10
• A right angled triangle can be constructed if we have the
measurement of hypotenuse and its one side. 1. Answer the following questions.
(i) Write the meaning of the word geometry.
(ii) What is meant by the right bisector of a line?
REVIEW EXERCISE 10 (iii) What are congruent angles?
(iv) How many elements are required to construct a triangle?
1. Draw two line segments AB and CD 4.5cm and 3.2cm long (v) Define a line segment.
respectively. Draw a line segment equal in length to their
sum. 2. Fill in the blanks.
(i) A__________ is a part of a line which has two distinct end points.
2. Draw two line segments AB and CD 7cm and 2.8cm long
respectively. (ii) The unit o f measuring an angle is called_____________ .
(iv) A straight line has an angle of_____________ .
3. Draw a line segment to find their difference. (v) Only three elements can construct a triangle but one of them
must be a___________.
4. Draw a line segment PQ of length 6cm. Take a point R on it
and draw a perpendicular passing through it.

5. Draw a line segment LM of length 5cm. Take a point N

outside of it and draw a perpendicular on the line passing
through the point.

6. Draw the following angles by using a compasses and bisect

(i) 60° (ii) 90° (iii) 45°

7. Construct the following triangles.

(i) mAB = 5 cm , mBO = 4 cm , mAO = 3cm
(ii) mXY = 6.2 cm , mYZ = 5.8 cm , mZX = 7cm

32 33
Version: 1.1



1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
11. Perimeter and Area elearn.punjab 11. Perimeter and Area elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes Perimeter of the square = 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm + 3 cm

= (4 x 3) cm
After studying this unit, students will be able to: = 12 cm
• Find perimeter and area of a square and a rectangle. Similarly, the area of given square can also be calculated by finding
• Find area of path (inside or outside) of a rectangle or square. the product of its length and breadth as:
• Solve real life problems related to perimeter and area of a Area of the square = 3 cm x 3 cm = 9 cm2
square and rectangle. From above,we can conclude the formulae for finding the perimeter
• Recognize altitude of a geometric figure as the measure of the and area of a square.
shortest distance between the base and its top. Perimeter of a square = 4 x side Area of a square = side x side
• Find area of a parallelogram when altitude and base are given.
• Define trapezium and find its area when altitude and measures 11.1.2 Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle
of the parallel sides are given.
• Find area of a triangle when measures of the altitude and base The perimeter of the given rectangle
are given. can be calculated by adding the
measures of its four sides as shown
11.1 Perimeter and Area
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2 cm + 4 cm + 2 cm + 4 cm
If someone asks you which thing is bigger in your classroom; a = 4cm + 4cm + 2cm + 2cm
blackboard or a wall clock? Obviously, your answer will be the = 8 cm + 4cm = 12cm
blackboard because you can observe that the blackboard covers a Similarly, the area of the rectangle can also be calculated by
larger surface on the wall than the wall clock or it has a larger area multiplying its length and breadth as
than the wall clock. Thus, an area can be defined as: Area of the rectangle = 2 cm x 4 cm = 8 cm2
The surface covered by an object in a plane is called area of that Thus, the formulae for finding the perimeter and area of a
object and the measurement of boundary of the surface is called rectangle are:
its perimeter. Here we shall learn the formulae for finding the Perimeter of rectangle = 2(length + breadth) ,
perimeter and area of a square and a rectangle. Area of a rectangle = length x breadth
To find the area of a rectangle, the units of length and breadth
11.1.1 Perimeter and Area of a Square must be the same.

We know that the given figure is a Example 1: Find the area of a rectangular field whose length is 54
square with four sides of an equal metres and width is 32 metres.
length. If we add the lengths of these
four sides,we get its perimeter as given Solution :
below. Length of the field = 54 metres ,
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Width of the field = 32 metres EXERCISE 11.1

Area of the field = ?
Area of the field = length x width = 54m x 32m = 1728m2 1. Find the area and perimeter of the following squares and
Example 2: Determine the length of a rectangular park whose
breadth is 19 metre and area is 665 sq. metres.
(i) (ii)
Solution :
Breadth of the park = 19 metres
Area of the park = 665 sq. metres
Length of the park = ?
(iii) (iv)
Area = length x breadth
area 665m2 35m
or Length = = =

(v) (vi)
Example 3: A pond is 28.5m long and 16m wide. Find the cost of
cementing the floor of the pond at the rate of Rs. 110/m2 (Rs. 110 per
square metre) and cost of fencing at the rate of Rs. 95/m.

Solution : (vii) (viii)

Length of the pond = 28.5m,
Width of the pond = 16m
Cost of cementing = ?
Cost of fencing = ?
Area = length x breadth
= 28.5m x 16m = 456m2
Cost of cementing 1m2 = Rs. 110 2. Find the length of a rectangular park whose breadth is 15m
Cost of cementing 456m2 = Rs. (110 x 456) = Rs. 50,160 and area is 675m2.
Perimeter = 2 (length + breadth)
= 2 (28.5m + 16m) = 2 (44.5m) = 89m 3. The perimeter of a square garden is 12 km. Find its area.
Cost of fencing 1m = Rs. 95
Cost of fencing 89m = Rs. (95 x 89) = Rs. 8455 4. Find the breadth of a swimming pool whose length is 18m
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and area is 198m2. From the above figure, we can also observe that if we have length
and breadth of one rectangle with width of the road or border
5. Find the area and perimeter of a square shaped garden surrounding the playground, then we can calculate the length
whose measure of side is 21m. and breadth of the other rectangle. It can be done by adding or
subtracting the twice of width of the road.
6. The perimeter of a square shaped room is 3 6m. Find the Length of the large rectangle = Length of the small rectangle
cost of tiling the room at the rate of Rs. 182.5 per sq. metre. + 2 [Width of the road]
Breadth of the large rectangle = Breadth of the small rectangle
7. Find the cost of leveling a playground at the rate o f Rs. 150/ + 2 [Width of the road]
m2 whose length is 33m and breadth is 22m. Also find the
cost of fencing the playground at the rate of Rs. 100 /m. Example : A children park is 35 m wide and 60 m long and has a
road of 2.5 m width on its outer side. Find the cost of repairing
8. The length of a side of a square shaped field is 48m.Find the the road at the rate of Rs. 80/m2.
cost of ploughing the field at the rate o f Rs. 25/m2 and cost
of fencing the field at the rate of Rs. 18/m. Solution :
Length of the park = 60 m
9. A garden is 45m long and 30m wide. Find the cost of repairing Breadth of the park = 35 m
the garden at the rate of Rs. 50/m2 and cost of constructing Width of the road = 2.5 m
a wall around it at the rate of Rs. 425/m. (i) Area of the road = ?
(ii) Cost of repairing = ?
11.1.3 Border Area of a Rectangle

Consider a rectangular shaped play (a) Area of children park = (Inner length x Inner breadth)
ground which has a road all around (Excluding the road)
of it as given in the figure. The area = 60 m x 35 m
of this road can be calculated by = 2100 m2
subtracting the area of the small (b) Area of children park = (Outer length x Outer breadth)
rectangle (area of portion without (Including the road)
road) from the area of the large First we find outer length and breadth
rectangle(area of portion with road) Outer length = Inner length + Twice of width of the road
as shown in the figure. = 60 m + 2 x 2.5 m
∴ Area of a road = Area of a large rectangle - Area of a small rectangle = 60m + 5m = 65m
or we can write it as: Outer breadth = Inner breadth + Twice of width of the road
∴ Area = (Outer length x Outer breadth) - = 35 m + 2 x 2.5 m
(Inner length x Inner breadth) = 35 + 5 m = 40 m
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Area of children park = 65 m x 40 m = 2600 m2 (ii) Inner length = 120m, Inner breadth =70m,
(including the road) Width of the border = 3 m
Now we can calculate the area of the road. (iii) Outer length = 80 m, Outer breadth = 45 m,
(i) Area of the road = [Area of the large rectangle] - Width of the border = 4 m
[Area of the small rectangle] (iv) Outer length = 96 m, Outer breadth = 50 m,
= 2600m2 - 2 100m2 = 500m2 Width of the border = 3.5 m
(ii) Cost of repairing of 1m2 = Rs.80
Cost of repairing of 500 m2 = Rs.80x500 = Rs.40,000 3. Find the area of a 4 m wide running track constructed inside
of a park, when the length and breadth of the park are 150
EXERCISE 11.2 m and 80 m respectively.

1. Find the area of the border (shaded portion) from the 4. A room is 8 m long and 5 m wide. Find the cost of the flooring
following figures. tiles at the rate of Rs.40/m2 that used in verandah of 1.5 m
width which surrounded the room.

5. A 3 m wide road is all around on the outside of a 125 m long

and 60 m wide garden. Find the cost of repairing the road at
the rate of Rs. 150/m2.

11.1.4 Parallelogram

A plane figure with four straight sides

whose opposite sides are parallel
and of equal lengths is called a
parallelogram. In a parallelogram, if
we draw a perpendicular from any point of its opposite side, then
this perpendicular is called height and opposite side is called base.
A parallelogram can be constructed if two adjacent sides and their
included angles/diagonals height are known.

• Area of a Parallelogram

2. Find the area of the following borders. To find the area of a parallelogram, we consider a parallelogram
(i) Inner length = 100 m , Inner breadth = 50 m , DEAR and draw a perpendicular from point R to its opposite side
Width of the border = 2 m DE. We get a triangle r ROD as given in figure (1).
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Solution :
We know that
Area of a parallelogram = Base x Height

area 8712m2 99m
or Base = = =
Now cut this triangle r ROD and paste
it with side AE such as given in figure (2). Base = 99m
In this way,we get a rectangle ROLA from
the parallelogram DEAR.
It means, the area of a rectangle and area of a parallelogram are
same and we can use 1. Find the area of a parallelogram shaped pool whose base is
the same formula to find the area of a parallelogram as we use for 17m and height is 9m.
a rectangle.
Thus, area of a rectangle = Area of a parallelogram 2. Find the height of a parallelogram shaped hall when its base
length x breadth = height x base is 12m and the area of the hall is 216m2.

• Altitude or height of a geometric figure 3. Find the area of a parallelogram whose base is 75m and
Altitude of a geometric figure is the shortest distance from its top height is 50m.
to its opposite base as shown below.
4. Find the height of a parallelogram whose base is 27m and
area is 405m2.

5. Find the base of a parallelogram when its height is 16m and

area is 560m2.

6. Find the cost of levelling a plot of 200m base and 140m

height at the rate of Rs. 4.50/m2.

7. Find the cost of ploughing a parallelogram shaped field at

Example : Find the base of a parallelogram when its height is 88m the rate of Rs. 6/m2 whose base is 175m and height is 125m.
and the area is 8,712 m2.
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8. The height of a parallelogram floor is 25.8m and base is

36.5m. Find the cost of tiles at the rate of Rs. 460/m2 that
will be used on the floor.

11.1.5 Area of a Trapezium
A trapezium is a quadrilateral with
only two parallel sides. To find the So, area of a rABC = 2 (base x height) = 1 (AB x CF)
area of a trapezium, we consider a
trapezium ABCD with two parallel We know that,
sides AB and CD as shown in the Area of a trapezium ABCD = Area of a rACD + Area of a rABC
figure (a). = 1 (CD x AE) + 1 (AB x CF)
2 2
Now join the point A and point C with a dotted line such that it
divides the trapezium ABCD into two triangles rACD and rABC. But from the figure (b) and figure (c) we can examine that,
Hence we can calculate the area of a given trapezium by finding the mAE = mCF
area of two triangles as given below.
So, area of a trapezium ABCD = 1 (CD x AE) + 1 (AB x AE)
2 2
Area of trapezium ABCD = Area of rACD + Area of rABC
= 1 AE (CD + AB)
To calculate the area of a rACD,
draw a perpendicular line from Where, mAE = height or perpendicular distance
point A and extend the line CD And mCD + mAB = sum of two parallel sides
such that both lines meet at a Thus, in general we can write the above statement as:
point E as shown below in the
figure (b). Area of trapezium = 1 [perpendicular distance
In our previous class we have learnt the formula for finding the x sum of lengths of parallel sides]
area of a triangle.
Here we use the same formula. Example 1: Calculate the area of each of the following trapezium.

Area of a rACD = 2 (base x height)

= 2 (CD x AE)
Similarly, to find the area of a rABC, draw a perpendicular line
from the point C that meet the line segment AB at a point F as given
in the figure (c).

Version: 1.1 Version: 1.1

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Solution : Solution :
(i) Perpendicular distance = 50m
Length of 1st parallel side = 48m
Length of 2nd parallel side = 62m
Area of trapezium = 1 [perpendicular distance
x sum of lengths of parallel sides]
In the above figure we can examine that, 25m
1 [50m x (48m +62m)]
Perpendicular distance = 8m = 2 = 2750m2
Length of 1 st parallel side = 9m Cost of carpeting of 1m2 = Rs.90
Length of 2nd parallel side = 15m Cost of carpeting of 2,750m2 = Rs.(90 x 2750)
By using a formula, = Rs. 247,500.
Area of trapezium = 1 [perpendicular distance
x sum of lengths of parallel sides]
4m EXERCISE 11.4
1 [8m x (9m +15m)]
= 2
= [4m x 24m] = 96m2 1. Calculate the area of each of the following trapezium ABCD:
(ii) (i)

From the given figure we can see that, (ii)

Perpendicular distance = 12m
Length of 1 st parallel side = 16m
Length of 2nd parallel side = 25m
Area of trapezium = 1 [perpendicular distance
x sum of lengths of parallel sides]
1 [12m x (16m +25m)]
= 2 (iii)
= [6m x 41m] = 246m2

Example 2: Find the cost of carpeting of a trapezium shaped floor

at the rate of Rs.90/m2 where the lengths of parallel sides are 62m
and 48m respectively and distance between them is 50m.

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11. Perimeter and Area elearn.punjab 11. Perimeter and Area elearn.punjab

(iv) 5. A trapezium shaped playground has lengths of its two

parallel sides 80m and 120m. Find the cost of its flooring
at the rate of Rs.25/m2, where the distance between two
parallel sides is 45m.

6. Find the cost of carpeting a trapezium shaped floor at

the rate of Rs.32/m ,where the lengths of parallel sides
of trapezium are 7m and 17m respectively and distance
(v) between them is 9m.

11.1.6 Area of a Triangle

When we join two similar triangles from the side of their

hypotenuse, they form a square or a rectangle or a parallelogram
as shown below.

2. Find the area of a trapezium whose lengths of its parallel

sides are 19m and 24m long respectively and distance

between them is 14m.

3. A trapezium has 20m and 35m its lengths of two parallel

sides and its perpendicular distance is 16m. Calculate its Example 1: Find the area of a triangle whose height is 18cm and
area. base is 24cm.

4. The perpendicular distance of a trapezium is 8m and the Solution : We have

lengths of parallel sides are 10m and 15m. Calculate the Height of the triangle = 18cm
area of the trapezium. Base of the triangle = 24cm
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Area of the triangle = ?

1 = 1 (23.04m2) = 11.5 m2
Area of the triangle = (base x height) 2
2 Cost of tiling 1m2 = Rs. 500
Cost of tiling 11.52m2 = Rs. (500 x 11.52)
= 1 (18cm x 24cm) = Rs. 5760

x 432cm2 = 216 cm2 EXERCISE 11.5

Example 2: The area of a triangular field is 108m2 and height is 1. Find the area of the following triangles
12m. Find the base of the field. (i) Base = 8m, Height = 14m
(ii) Base = 19m, Height = 16m
Solution : We have: (iii) Base = 14.4cm, Height = 12.5cm
Area of the triangular field = 108m2 (iv) Base = 6.7m, Height = 10m
Height of the triangular field = 12m (v) Base = 5.6m, Height = 6.5m
Base of the triangular field = ? (vi) Base = 20.1 cm Height = 12.8cm
1 (vii) Base = 8.25cm, Height = 6.4cm
Area =

(base x height) (viii) Base = 25m, Height = 33m
2 x 108 m2

Base = =18 m 2. Find the area of a triangular floor whose base is 9m and
12 m
height is 5.4m.
Thus, the base of the triangular field is 18m.
3. A triangular sandwich has the same height and base. Find
Example 3: A triangular shaped courtyard has the height 6.4m and the area of the sandwich if its base is 7.4cm.
base 3.6m. Find the cost of tiling the courtyard at the rate of Rs.
500/m2. 4. The base of a triangular shaped clock is 28cm and height
is 32cm. Find the area of the clock that it will cover on the
Solution : We have wall.
Height of the triangular courtyard = 6.4m
Base of the triangular courtyard = 3.6m 5. Find the cost of leveling a triangular playground at the rate
Cost of tiling = ? of Rs. 25.5 per square metre. The base of the playground is
88m and height is 66m.

Area of the triangular courtyard = (base x height) 6. The base of a triangular shaped field is 246m and height is
125m. How much rice will be produced in this field at the
= 1 (6.4m x 3.6m) rate of 24 quintal per hectare?
(Hint: 1 hectare = 10,000m2)
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7. A room is triangular in shape. Its base is 9.4m and height is REVIEW EXERCISE 11
8.6m. Find the cost of its wooden floor at the rate of Rs. 250
per square metre. 1. Find the perimeter of a square whose area is 676cm2.

8. The height of a triangular garden is 54m and base is 92m. 2. A room is 4.5m long and 4m wide. The floor of the room is
Find the number of flowers in the garden if there are 18 to be covered with square marble tiles with length of 0.5m.
flowers on the area of each sq. metre. Find the cost of flooring at the rate of Rs. 500 per tile.

3. Find the cost of repairing of a 2m wide jogging track at the

SUMMARY rate of Rs.50 per square metre constructed inside of a park,
when the length and the breadth of the park are 100m and
• The surface covered by an object in a plane is called area of 60m respectively.
that object and the measurement of boundary of the surface is
called its perimeter. 4. Calculate the cost of flooring of a 1 m wide verandah at the
• A square of side 1cm is used as a standard unit for measuring rate of Rs. 100 per square meter which surrounded a 6m
the area of a figure i.e 1cm2. long and 4m wide room.
• Perimeter of the square = 4 x length of the side
• Area of the square = length x length 5. Find the repairing cost of a trapezium shaped park of Kashmir
• Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + breadth) at the rate of 15 rupees per. sq meter whose parallel sides
• Area of a rectangle = length x breadth are 65 metre and 115 metre, where the distance between
• Border area = [Outer length x Outer breadth] - [Inner length x its parallel sides is 38metre.
Inner breadth]
[Length o f the large rectangle] = [Length of the small 6. Find the area of given triangles.
rectangle] + 2 [Width of the border] (i) (ii)
[Breadth o f the large rectangle] = [Breadth of the small
rectangle] + 2 [Width of the border]
• A plane figure with four straight sides whose opposite sides are
parallel and of equal lengths is called a parallelogram.
• A trapezium is a quadrilateral with only two parallel sides.
• Area of a parallelogram = base x height
• Area of a trapezium = 1 [perpendicular distance OBJECTIVE EXERCISE 11
x sum of lengths of parallel sides]
• Area of a triangle= (base x height) 1. Answer the following questions.
(i) Write the formulae for finding the perimeters of a square
and a rectangle.
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(ii) Write the formula for finding the border area of a rectangle.
(iii) What is a trapezium?
(iv) Define a parallelogram?

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Area of a __________= side x side.
(ii) Area of a __________= height x base.
(iii) Area of a __________= (height x base)
(iv) The measurement of boundary of a plane figure is called its
(v) A simple closed figure formed by joining three straight line
segments is called___________ .

3. Tick (p) the correct answer.

Version: 1.1
version: 1.1


1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
12. Three Dimensional Solids elearn.punjab 12. Three Dimensional Solids elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes

surfaces = 6
After studying this unit, students will be able to: vertices = 8
• Identify 3D figures (cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder and cone) edges = 12
with respect to their faces, edges and vertices.
• Define and recognize the units of surface area and volume.
• Find the surface area and volume of a cube and a cuboid. cuboid
• Solve real life problems involving volume and surface area. • sphere
A sphere is a solid with completely
round surface whose all points on its
12.1 Introduction outer surface are at an equal distance
from a fixed point, called the centre of
the sphere and the distance from the
In our daily life we observe many things like chairs, footballs,
centre to the points on the sphere is
cupboards, fridges, bricks and dices etc. These all things are called
called the radius of the sphere. sphere

• Cylinder
• Cube
A solid of the shape as shown in the
A cube is a three dimensional solid formed by six identical square
given figure is known as cylinder. The
surfaces. The dices, ice cubes, etc are the examples of cubes. It has
lower or upper circular top of the
6 surfaces, 8 vertices and 12 edges. All of its surfaces are equal in
cylinder is known as its base and its
area and all of its edges are equal in length.
round surface is known as its curved
surface. The radius of the circular
surfaces = 6
surface is known as its radius. The
vertices = 8
distance between the two parallel cylinder
edges = 12
circular surfaces is known as its height.

• Cone
A cone is a solid figure, formed by a
curved surface that slopes up from a
• Cuboid
round, flat base to a point called the
A cuboid is a solid figure formed by six rectangular surfaces. In a
vertex. The distance between the
cuboid,opposite surfaces and edges are equal and parallel. It has 6
centre of the base and the vertex is
surfaces , 8 vertices and 12 edges. The books , cupboards , match
known as its height. The distance of
boxes, etc are the examples of cuboids.
version: 1.1 version: 1.1
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12. Three Dimensional Solids elearn.punjab 12. Three Dimensional Solids elearn.punjab

the vertex from any point on the boundary of the circular base is (iv)
known as its slant height. The lower circular top is called its base and
the radius of the base is also known as the radius of the cone. A = ________
B = ________
C = ________
EXERCISE 12.1 D = ________
E = ________
1. Write the name of the different parts of given solids. F = ________

A = ________
B = ________ (v)
C = ________
A = ________
B = ________
C = ________


A = ________
B = ________ 12.1.1 Volume of three dimensional solids

We can calculate the area of rectangular surface by its length and
breadth which is known as the two dimensions of a surface. But in
case of solids such as bricks, tea boxes and so on, we can’t calculate
(iii) the area. These are three dimensional solids and occupy space.
Hence, we use the term volume to measure them. So, we can
define the volume as; “The amount of the space which any object
A = ________ occupies in the three dimensions is called its volume”.
B = ________ • Units of Volume
C = ________ Volume is written in cubic unit. For example, the volume of a cube
D = ________ with side 1 cm will be as,
Volume = length x breadth x height
= 1 cm x 1cm x 1 cm
= 1 cm3 (one cubic centimetre)

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And volume of a cube with side 1 m will be as, Solution:

Volume = length x breadth x height Length of the tin can = 80 cm
= 1 m x 1m x 1 m Width of the tin can = 60 cm
= 1 m3 (one cubic metre) Height of the tin can = 40 cm
Capacity of the tin can = volume =?

To find the volume of an object, measurement Volume = length x breadth x height
of all dimensions should be in the same unit. = 80 cm x 60 cm x 40 cm
= 192,000 cm3

• Volume of Cubes and Cuboids Example 2: How many wooden blocks can fill the space of 1.5 m3,
A box-shaped object which has an equal length, breadth and height when the three dimensions of the blocks are 15 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm?
is called a cube i.e.
Length = Breadth= Height Solution:
So, Volume of a block = 15cm x 10cm x 5cm
the volume of a cube = length x breadth x height = 750cm3
total space
= length x length x length Total number of blocks =
volume of 1 block
= (length)3

= 2,000 blocks
Thus, we can find the volume of a cube by the
measurement of a single edge .

• Cuboid
In a cuboid, length, breadth and height
are three different measurements. So,
a1.5 m3 = 1.5 x (100cm)3
we need all the three measurements to
= 1.5 x 100cm x 100cm x 100cm
find its volume.
= 1.5 x 1000000 cm3
= 15,00,000 cm3

Volume of a cuboid = length x breadth x height.

• Surface Area of Cuboids
We have already learnt the formula for finding the area of a surface.
Example 1: A tin can is 80 cm long, 60 cm wide and 40 cm high.
We use the same formula for finding the surface area of a cuboid.
Find the capacity of tin can.

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We know that a cuboid is the sum of six flat surfaces that can be Suppose that, length = ℓ, width or breadth = b and height = h then
shown by unfolding a cuboid as given in the following figure. we can write the above formula as:
2 [ ( ℓ x b ) + (ℓ xh) + (bxh) ]

• Surface Area of Cubes

We know that length, breadth and height of a cube are equal such
∴ length = breadth = height
then, surface area of a cube
= 2[(length x length) + (length x length) + (length x length)]
= 2[3 (length)2]
= 2 x 3 (length)2 = 6 length2
From the above figure, we can observe the six rectangular surfaces
of a cuboid. Example 3: Find the surface area of a cube of length 8 cm.
Area of surface 1 = length x breadth
Area of surface 2 = length x height Solution:
Area of surface 3 = breadth x height Length of a cube = 8 cm
Area of surface 4 = length x height Surface area of a cube = 6 (length)2
Area of surface 5 = length x breadth = 6x (8 cm)2
Area of surface 6 = breadth x height = 6x64 cm2 = 384 cm2

By adding all these six surfaces, we can get the surface area of a Example 4: A box is 3 m long, 2 m high and 1.5 m wide. Find the
cuboid. cost of painting the box at the rate of Rs. 3/m2.

Surface area of a cuboid = Area of surface 1 + Area of surface 2 + Solution:

Area of surface 3 + Area of surface 4 + Length of the box (l) =3m
Area of surface 5 + Area of surface 6 Height of the box (h) =2m
Surface area of a cuboid = (length x breadth) + (length x height) + Breadth of the box (b) = 1.5 m
(breadth x height) + (length x height) + Surface area of the box = 2[ (l x b) + (l x h) + (b x h)]
(length x breadth) + (breadth x height) = 2[ (3m x1.5m) + ( 3m x2m) + (1.5mx2m)]
= 2 (length x breadth) + 2 (length x height) = 2 [4.5 m2 + 6 m2 + 3 m2 ]
+ 2 (breadth x height) = 2x13.5 m2 = 27 m2
= 2 [(length x breadth) + (length x height) Cost of painting of 1 m2 = Rs.3
+ (breadth x height)] Cost of painting of 27 m2 = Rs.3x27 = Rs.81

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EXERCISE 12.2 8. A metal cupboard is 1.5 m long, 2 m high and 1m wide. Find
the cost of painting the cupboard at the rate of Rs.80/m.
1. Find the volume and surface area of the following cubes.
(i) edge = 4 cm (ii) edge = 7 cm (iii) edge = 2.5 m
(iv) edge = 3.2 cm SUMMARY

2. Find the volume and surface area of the following cuboids. • A solid, whose length, width and height are equal, is called a
(i) (ii) cube.
• A solid in which at least one out of length, width and height is
different from the other two is known as a cuboids.
• A sphere is a solid with completely round surface whose all
points on its outer surface are at an equal distance from a fixed
• The lower or upper circular top of the cylinder is known as its
(iii) (iv) base and its round surface is known as its curved surface.
• A cone is a solid figure, formed by a curved surface that slopes
up from a round, flat base to a point called the vertex.
• Volume is the measurement of the space occupied by an object.
• To find the volume of an object, measurement of its dimensions
should be in the same unit.
• Surface area of a cube = 6 length2
3. A container is 40 m long, 15m wide and 20 m high. Find the • Volume of a cube = (length)3
capacity of container. • Volume of a cuboid = length x breadth x height
• Surface area of a cuboid = 2[(ℓxb) + (ℓxh) + (bxh)]
4. A water tank is 3 m long, 2 m wide and 1m high. How many
litres of the water can be stored in it?
5. How many cubes of 1 cm can we cut from a cuboid of the
dimension of 10cm x 12 cm x 15 cm? 1. The edge of an iron cube is 12cm. Find its volume. What will
it cost to colour its total surface at the rate of Rs. 0.5 per sq
6. Find the internal surface area of a room whose dimensions cm?
are 4 m x 2.5 m x 6 m.
2. Three cubes, each of edge 2cm long are placed together
7. Find the cost of polishing a cubical wooden box having an as shown in figure. Find the surface area of the cuboid so
edge of 1.5 m at the rate of Rs.40/m2. formed.

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3. How many 5cm cubes can be obtained from a cube whose

side is 25cm.

4. A match box measures 4cm x 2.5cm x 1.5cm. What will be

the volume of a packet containing 6 such match boxes? How
many such packets can be placed in a cardboard box whose
size is 60cm x 30cm x 24cm?


1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is called the distance between two circular surfaces of a
(ii) Define a cube.
(iii) Write the formula for finding the surface area of a cuboid.
(iv) Define the volume.

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) A cube has 6 surfaces, 8 vertices and 12 _________ .
(ii) A solid in which at least one out of length, width and height is
different from the other two is known as __________ .
(iii) The solids like tennis ball and football are examples of
__________ .
(iv) In a cone, the distance of the vertex from any point on the
boundary of the circular base is known as its _________ .
(v) The surface area of a cube = __________ .

3. Tick (p) the correct answer.

version: 1.1
Version: 1.0


1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
13. Information Handling elearn.punjab 13. Information Handling elearn.punjab

Student Learning Outcomes From the above table, Miss Ifra concluded that the most favourite
food of the restaurant is chicken tikka. Similarly, we can collect and
After studying this unit, students will be able to: arrange a data according to any set of information to derive results
• Define data and data collection. that help us to examine our past and plan our future.
• Distinguish between grouped and ungrouped data.
• Draw horizontal and vertical bar graphs.
• Read a pie graph. In routine, departments collect information by using a
questionnaire. The specimen of a questionnaire is given
below. Tick (p) your favourite food?

13.1 Introduction x
Chicken tikka x
Fried fish Roasted beef x

Mutton Karahix Other food x
Information handling is a branch of the statistics which deals with
the collection, analysis, explanation and presentation of a data. The
word statistics has been deduced from the Latin word ‘ statisticum
13.1.2 Classification of a Data
collegium’ means council of state) and the Italian word ‘ statista’
means politician.
Data can be classified into two parts.
• Ungrouped data
13.1.1 Data and its Type
• Grouped data
• Un-grouped data:
A data is a set of information and facts which is represented in the
The data which provides us information about individuals is
form of figures. We can collect data by several ways, depending
called un-grouped data. For example, 11 players of a cricket team
upon the quantity of the data and reason for its collection. For
enhanced the score of the team in a one day match as given in the
example, Miss Ifra, the manager of a restaurant wants to know
following table.
about the liking of the food of her restaurant among its
customers. For this purpose, she gives a survey form to 100 regular
customers and asks them to select only one favourite food of the Players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
restaurant. From the survey forms she makes a data table which Score 46 18 23 39 32 27 15 36 9 33 37
is given blow:
Grouped data:
Food Chicken Roasted Fried Mutton Other The data which provides us the information about groups is called
tikka beef fish karahi food the grouped data. For example, we can represent the data of the
No. of above examples in groups as,
48 10 20 14 8 Number of players who scored between 1-10 = 1
Number of players who scored between 11- 20 = 2

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Number of players who scored between 21 - 30 = 2 812-911 877,892,901,910,846,907,823,825,902 9

Number of players who scored between 31 - 40 = 5
Number of players who scored between 41 - 50 = 1 3.
We can also represent the above data by using a table as given below. No. of
Group Rupees
Group Score No. of players 150 - 199 175,150,195 3
1 - 10 9 1 200 - 249 225,245,200,235 4
11 - 20 15,18 2 250 - 299 275 1
21 - 30 23,27 2 300 - 349 315,340 2
31 - 40 32,33,36,37,39 5 350 - 399 365,395,355 3
41 - 50 46 1 400 - 449 425,410 2

EXERCISE 13.1 Player Score
1 62
Which table is showing a grouped data? 2 41
1. 3 15
Students Marks 4 59
1 581 5 22
2 786 6 10
3 678 7 8
4 725 8 2
5 788 9 43
6 580 10 7
7 690 11 21
8 780
9 599 5.
10 509 Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11 619
Distance(Km) 45 43 76 18 90 52 12
12 560

Groups Bills No. of consumers
Group Sale of toys No. of days
356-455 365,394 2
512-611 514,610,603,508,607,580,595,575 8 456-555 488,523,549 3
612-711 704,675,650,625,613 5 556-655 578,594,643 3
712-811 809,783,766,712 4 656-755 732,658,713,698 4

4 5
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No. of
Groups Visitors
6 - 10 7,9,6,7,8,10,9,6 8
11 - 15 12,14,12,11,15,13 6
16 - 20 19,17,19,18,16,20,19,18 8
21 - 25 23,25,22,21,22,24,23 7

13.2 Graph

A graph is a drawing that shows the relationship between numbers

and quantities. We use a graph to display a data in a simple,
attractive and comprehensible way.
A graph with horizontal bars is called horizontal bar graph and a
13.2.1 Bar Graph graph with vertical bars is called vertical bar graph.

A graph in which data is represented by a number of rectangular • Vertical Bar Graph

bars is called a bar graph. A bar has a uniform width and an equal
distance from the other bars. We use two rays to draw a bar graph Example 1: Nasir got the following marks out of 100 marks
which are called axis and marking on axis is called its scale as shown (i) September: 45 marks (ii) October: 80 marks
in the figure (i) and (ii). (iii) November: 60 marks (iv) December: 75 marks
(v) January: 90 marks (vi) February: 85

(i) Choose a suitable scale to draw a graph.
Scale: 1 large division represents 25 marks along y-axis.
(ii) Draw x-axis and y-axis with the common point O.
(iii) Indicate marks according to the scale, along y-axis.
1 large division = 25 marks
(iv) Along x-axis, mark each month after a suitable distance.
(v) Draw coloured rectangular bars according to the scale for
each month.

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(i) Choose a suitable scale to draw a graph.
Scale: 1 large division represents 200 km along x-axis.
(ii) Draw x-axis and y-axis with the common point O.
(iii) Along y-axis mark each day after a suitable distance.
(iv) Draw coloured rectangular bars according to the scale for each

Reading the Bar Graph

(i) The bar graph represent in general the marks of Nasir that he
got in six tests.
(ii) January is the month in which Nasir got the maximum marks.
(iii) September is the month in which Nasir got the least marks.
(iv) The ratio of the marks of October to the marks of November is:
80 : 60 or 4 : 3.
(v) The month of best performance is January and that of worst
performance is September. Reading the Bar Graph
1. The bar graph is representing in general the distance that Usman
• Horizontal Bar Graph traveled in five days.
2. Monday is the day in which Usman traveled the maximum
Example 2: Usman traveled to help the poor as given in the distance.
following table. 3. Tuesday is the day in which Usman traveled the least distance.
4. The ratio of distance of Monday to the distance of Tuesday is
Day Travel(Km) 920 : 640 or 23 : 16.
Monday 920 5. The day of maximum traveling is Monday and that of least
Tuesday 640 traveling is Tuesday.
Wednesday 800
Thursday 680 EXERCISE 13.2
Friday 760
1. Draw a vertical and horizontal bar graphs by using the
By using the above table, draw a horizontal bar graph. following data.

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(i). (vi) What is the ratio between Ghuari and Imran’s pocket money?
Month Profit(Rs.)
January 12,000 3. A company sold fans during 5 years as given in the following
February 23,000 horizontal bar graph. Now read the graph and answer the
March 18,000 questions.
April 26, 000 (Scale: 1 small division represents the sale of 200 fans along
May 20,000 x-axis)

Time(Hrs) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

40 50 35 70 90 65

2. Read the following vertical bar graph which is showing

the daily pocket money of some children and answer the

(i) What is general information we get from the graph?

(ii) Write the sale of fans in each year.
(iii) What is the sale difference between the years 2006 and 2010?
(iv) What is the average sale of 5 years?
(v) Which is the best year of sale?
(vi) What is the ratio between the sale of 2006 and 2010?

13.3 Pie Graph

A graph in which data is represented

by the sectors of a circle is called a
(i) What is general information we get from the graph?
pie graph.
(ii) Which child is getting maximum pocket money?
We normally use a pie graph for inter
(iii) Which child is getting minimum pocket money?
comparison of a data. Although it is
(iv) How many rupees is Noreen getting as a pocket money?
little difficult to draw a pie graph than
(v) What is the difference between Maria and Imran’s pocket
a bar graph and line graph due to its

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calculations and more using of geometrical instruments like

protractor to measure an angle and pair of compasses to draw a 25
50 5
circle. (iii) Apple as a favourite fruit = x 900 boys = 125 boys
We shall make it clear with the following example. 180
Example 1: Read the following pie graph which is showing the (iv) Grapes as a favourite fruit = x 900 boys = 100 boys
favourite fruit of 900 boys. 9


1. The following pie graph is showing the result of a class of
120 students. Read the pie graph and answer the questions.

(i) How many boys’ favourite fruit is mango?

(ii) How many boys’ favourite fruit is banana?
(iii) How many boys’ favourite fruit is apple?
(iv) How many boys’ favourite fruit is grapes?
(v) Which fruit is the most favourite of the boys? (i) How many students passed the examination?
(ii) How many students got the positions?
Solution: (iii) How many students failed?
We can find a quantity by the given angle. For this purpose, we use
the following formula. 2. A media reporter made a chart to show the liking of 1800
girls for different TV programmes. By using the above pie
given angle
Required quantity = x total quantity chart, answer the questions.

(i) Mango as a favourite fruit = 360 x 900 boys = 525 boys
(ii) Banana as a favourite fruit = x 900 boys = 150 boys

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(i) How many girls showed the liking for stage shows? • A graph is a drawing that shows the relationship between
(ii) How many girls showed the liking for dramas? numbers and quantities.
(iii) How many girls showed the liking for movies? • A graph with horizontal bars is called horizontal bar graph and
(iv) How many girls showed the liking for songs? vertical bars is called vertical bar graph.
(v) Which programme is the most popular with the girls? • A pie graph is used for inter-comparison of a data.
(vi) Which programme is the least popular with the girls?

3. A teacher made a pie graph to show the likings of 720 REVIEW EXERCISE 13
students in his school for different games.
1. The number of students playing different games is as
Badminton = 20 , Hockey = 25
Football = 20 , Carrom = 10
Cricket = 30 , Volley-ball = 25
Show this information through a bar graph.

2. Given below is a bar graph that shows the amounts earned

by Tariq in six days of a week.
(i) In how many sectors the pie graph is divided?
(ii) Which games are indicated by equal sectors?
(iii) How many students like to play Cricket?
(iv) How many students like to play Volleyball?
(v) Which game is played the most?
(vi) How many students like to play Volleyball and Football?
(vii) How many students like to play Cricket and Hockey?


• A data is a set of information and facts which is represented in Read the graph and answer the questions.
the form of figures. (i) What amount did Tariq earn in six days?
• The data which provides us information about individuals is (ii) On which day, did he earn the maximum amount?
called ungrouped data. (iii) On which day, did he earn the minimum amount?
• The data which provides us information about groups is called (iv) What is general information we are getting from the graph?
the grouped data. (v) What is the ratio between the amount of Saturday and Monday?

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3. A student made a pie chart to show the result of elections in (iii) A ____________ is a drawing that shows the relationship
the college for the seat of union president. between number and quantities.
(iv) A graph with_________bars is called horizontal bar graph.
(v) A graph in which data is represented by a number of
rectangular bars is called a _________graph.
(vi) There is no fixed formula for the selection of a ___________
while drawing a graph.
(vii) The rays we use to draw a graph are called_________.

If total 6,480 votes were cast, then answer the following questions
by using the above pie chart.
(i) How many votes did Ahsan get?
(ii) How many votes did Haider get?
(iii) How many votes did Imran get?
(iv) How many votes did Saleem get?
(v) How many votes did Haris get?
(vi) Who got the seat of union president?


1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is data?
(ii) What is meant by a grouped data?
(iii) Name the two sections of a data.
(iv) Define an ungrouped data.
(v) Name the two types of a bar graph.
(vi) Why we use a pie graph?
(vii) What is the sum of angles in a pie graph?

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) In routine, departments collect information by using a ______ .
(ii) A data can be classified into________ classes.

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