Literacy Maths Science Lien Ket: Year 1 Term 1 Learning Overview
Literacy Maths Science Lien Ket: Year 1 Term 1 Learning Overview
Literacy Maths Science Lien Ket: Year 1 Term 1 Learning Overview
(teach m, a)
2 Add labels to classroom Unit: Non-fiction - Labels, Unit: Count/compare Unit: Growing plants Unit: Flowers and Insects Moon Festival Activities:
objects, resources and lists and captions. numbers up to 10 0 Create a plant collage, Entry Point: make lotus flower lantern
ourselves. Discuss what makes a good Maths assessment identifying the key features Go on a ‘Bug Hunt’ and
friend and pupil and create of plants and use to make a identify different insects.
(assessment to see if know a list of agreed classroom classroom flowerbed.
any sounds and teach s) rules. Plant plants in the school
Knowledge Harvest and
Big Pictures ‘Super
3 Unit: Narrative - Stories Write lists; add labels and Identify and compare IPC Science 2/3 IPC- Science 2/3
with a familiar setting. captions to objects and numbers to 1-2 Plant a flowering plant in Plan an investigation: What
Read and sequence a story. diagrams. the playground garden and plants need to grow by
Learn the days of the week learn how to take care of it keeping a plant in the dark
and vocabulary linked to and what it needs to grow, and using a digital camera
the story. including water, light and to record what happens to
soil. it.
(teach d, t, i) Focus on observing
The stem is_ the leaf is_ the
flower is_ the soil is_
4 Look at the events of a Unit: Narrative - Stories Identify and compare ICP- Science 1- Look at the results of our
story and the plot. with a familiar setting, numbers 3, 4 Differentiate living and investigation.
Sequence the events Identify the familiar non-living things. Set up an investigation to
through pictures. settings, sequence and show that flowers need
Identify the beginning, verbally retell a story. water to live and grow.
middle, and end of a story
by making a mini book.
5 Explore characters in a Book Week Identify and count on/back Begin to consider how to Look at the different uses
story through role-play. Identify the beginning, numbers to 5, 6, 7. make the investigation a of plants: plants we eat,
Begin to compose original middle, and end of a story Draw a pizza with 6 pieces ‘fair test’ plants we look at and
versions of a story using a by discussing and drawing Decorate the topping with IPC- Science 6 plants we make things
recognised structure. a story with familiar 6 pieces of tomatoes, Make a labelled butterfly from.
setting. ham… life cycle.
(teach o, c, k) Make a 7 bead necklace .
6 Book Week Identify the beginning Draw 8 bees IPC- Science 5 Book Week
Begin to look at Non- /mid/end of a story Draw 9 favourite toys Understand and recognise
fiction: Instructions Match objects to numbers. that we eat different parts
of plants. Make
Activities based around: Review numbers from 1 to connections between plant
Eric Carle 10 parts and different
(teach u, b, f)
7 Unit: Poetry – Pattern and Unit: Poetry – Pattern and IPC- Science 5 .
rhyme rhyme Number that come Learn about and
Match words and pictures Begin to look at Poetry: after/before. understand the life cycle of
that rhyme. Children write Patterns on a page and Find / fill the missing a plant (link to English-
own poem. Non-fiction: Instructions numbers The Very Hungry
Caterpillar) Research using
Writing Assessment Activities based around ICT/Picture Books
Teddy Bears.
(teach e, l, h)
8 Identify rhymes, adapt Write a story based on the Unit: Understand shapes IPC- Science 5 Study the Vietnamese
poems and use words and story the children have Understand that different national flower: the Lotus.
images creatively. learned. Identify and name 2D plants produce different Examine how the Lotus is
shapes seeds. represented in Vietnamise
Self-assess Writing Explore properties of 2D Art.
(teach s, r, j)
9 Unit: Non-fiction – Unit: Poetry – Pattern and Look at the results of the Study the Vietnamese
Instructions rhyme, Explore properties of 2D seed investigation. national flower: the Lotus.
(teach v, y, w)
10 Construct a simple Identify the features of a Unit: Secure numbers Measure rice and record on Identify plants that live in Explore how many types of
sequence of instructions to poem. a table. different habitats and flowers are served as
be followed by another Identify number 0. Create a habitat in a understand why particular vegetables in Vietnam such
child/group. To include Read and respond to Explore the value of 0 container. Think about plants live in them. as gourd’s flowers, Bông so
appropriate use of patterns and rhymes. Number bond of numbers which plants could live in đũa..
language and to 5. the chosen habitat.
sequencing.(first, next , (continuous Provision)
then, last (finally))
11 Unit: Narrative – Stories Unit: Non-fiction – Share 10 objects to find Identify different parts of Create a 2D insect from
from a range of Instructions. number bonds to 8 an insect.
cultures/stories with Identify features of
predictable and patterned instructional texts. Play online games to find Measure rice and record on
language, number bonds to 8 a table.
Read stories with Follow oral instructions.
predictable and patterned (first, next , then, last
language, including stories (finally))
from other cultures.
Recount what happens in
the stories.
(teach q, x, ng)
12 Research alternative Compose instructions on Label the different parts of Make a 3D insect using IPC- Science 7
endings to s story. Plan how to do simple work Number bond of numbers the insect created. clay. Explore insects and insect
their own version of the such as: brushing teeth, to 10. behaviour, focusing on ant.
middle of the story and the putting clothes on with Measure rice and record on
end. sequencing words: First, a table.
next, then and imperative
(teach nk and review verbs. Explore habitats that are
16 Unit: Non-fiction – Writing Assessment Exit point Exit point Exit point
Recounts, dictionary skills
Put into alphabetical order
a given list of words.
Look for words in a picture
Christmas craft.