CategoryB Lenzo Orr 1stPLACE
CategoryB Lenzo Orr 1stPLACE
CategoryB Lenzo Orr 1stPLACE
Articulation Joint
Authors: Jansen Lenzo and Michael Orr
Advisor: Dr. Wei Zhang, The Ohio State University
Sponsor: Bill DePorter, Joy Global, Inc.
Welding is extensively used in assembling
large steel structures in earth-moving vehicles such
as wheel loaders. These joints undergo cyclic
loading from lifting and lowering the large earth-
moving buckets with payload capacities from 100
to 400 short tons.
During welding, the non-uniform heating and
cooling thermal cycles cause the parts to distort.
Such welding-induced distortion can have a
detrimental effect on the performance of the
welded structures. In this research, the welding-
induced distortion in the ball-and-socket joints on a
wheel loader (shown to the right) is studied.
Pictures courtesy of Joy Global Inc.