CategoryB Lenzo Orr 1stPLACE

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Distortion Modeling of Wheel Loader

Articulation Joint
Authors: Jansen Lenzo and Michael Orr
Advisor: Dr. Wei Zhang, The Ohio State University
Sponsor: Bill DePorter, Joy Global, Inc.

Welding is extensively used in assembling
large steel structures in earth-moving vehicles such
as wheel loaders. These joints undergo cyclic
loading from lifting and lowering the large earth-
moving buckets with payload capacities from 100
to 400 short tons.
During welding, the non-uniform heating and
cooling thermal cycles cause the parts to distort.
Such welding-induced distortion can have a
detrimental effect on the performance of the
welded structures. In this research, the welding-
induced distortion in the ball-and-socket joints on a
wheel loader (shown to the right) is studied.
Pictures courtesy of Joy Global Inc.

Motivation Results & Discussion

Preprocessing with ABAQUS/CAE
•  Distortion following welding of the articulation joint can result in The complex ball-and-socket assembly was
costly rework and repair. sectioned into a simpler geometry in order to
•  Through the use of modeling software programs, the welding- reduce computing time while still validating
induced distortion can be simulated with known material properties distortion modeling.
Using ABAQUS, the geometry was
and welding parameters used during fabrication. partitioned into sub-sections in order to procure
•  The simulated parts can be examined and aid in reducing welding- higher mesh densities in regions of interest
induced distortion during the fabrication process. (high heat input areas).

Post-processing with SYSWELD

ABAQUS file was imported into
Objectives & Approach SYSWELD for post-processing.
Main Objective: To begin the process of developing analytical methods to examine Welding parameters were inputted to
distortion in heavy-plate weldments. accurately resemble actual
fabrication. Distributions of
•  Develop the base computational model to maximum temperature, residual
represent existing distortion at articulation stress, and distortion were produced
joints for all four welding sequences.
•  Demonstrate the qualitative and
Graphs resembling magnitudes of
quantitative capabilities of the software
these outputs are also available. The
used to develop these welding simulations
figure to the left shows these visual
•  Lay groundwork for future modeling of
distributions and a von mises stress
articulation joint by modeling a small
distribution graph for the alternating
portion of the assembly
weld sequence. With the correct
Two-Phase Approach: parameter inputs, this study’s two-
I.  Background Research step process can simulate distortion in
II.  Distortion Modeling this assembly. Further work requires
i. Preprocessing: correlation with physical data.
ii. Processing/Post-processing:
Four different welding
sequences were simulated to
Conclusions study the effect it imposes.
The table to the right shows
•  This two-step modeling technique is a viable qualitative measure to the descriptions for each
model the distortion for the ball-and-socket assembly welding sequence. The figure
below shows the maximum
•  The ability to visualize the effects of varying welding parameters can distortion distribution for
aid in controlling distortion each sequence. Similar
•  Modeling is a time and cost-effective way to obtain quantitative results results were observed in trials
that correlate with real-world fabrication #1, 2, and 4 with magnitudes
from 3.7-4.19 mm of
displacement. Trial #3
Future Work exhibited maximum
distortion in another region
•  Model remainder of part and welding of four corner joints of the part. This variance is
•  Determine optimal welding sequence to minimize distortion due to different thermal and
•  Model various clamping and preset conditions stress patterns from tandem
•  Obtain quantitative correlation with real-world fabrication welding.

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