Bolted Joint Pitch Stiffness
Bolted Joint Pitch Stiffness
Bolted Joint Pitch Stiffness
Keywords: ballscrews, bolted connections, moment stiffness, pillow blocks, bolted joints,
design of machine elements, design theory
It can be observed from Eq. (1) that the compliance of the frustum
2.4 Joint Stiffness: Pitch depends on its height, half-apex angle of the cone, bolt major and
2.4.1 Axial Joint Stiffness Model. The axial stiffness of the head diameters, and the elastic modulus of the material. The
joint is governed by the stiffness of different members in the struc- height of top and bottom frustums of the flange (h1 and h2) can
tural loop, including the bolt stiffness and the member stiffness. The be derived using simple geometry from Fig. 4(b) (refer Eqs. (3)
traditional spring model of the bolted joint and a visualization of the and (4)). A cone angle of 30 deg is used for the calculation. The
Fig. 1 Illustrations of a pillow block assembly mounted on a metal base: (a) pillow block assembly and (b) dimensional
flange (pillow block) is made of plain carbon steel (Eflange = detailed overview of the bolt parameters and the calculations,
200 GPa). The total effective grip length includes the height of please see Supplemental Material on the ASME Digital Collection.
the flange and the height of the base material in grip. Since, this
is a tapped joint, the equivalent height of the base material in grip p = hflange + hbg (2)
can be assumed to be equal to half the bolt diameter [11]. For the
h1 = p/2 = (hflange + hbg )/2 (3)
Table 1 Symbols used in the development of analytical model
Fig. 5 Photoelastic experiments for stress field observation: (a) stress field observation with 10 mm and 3 mm thick plates
and (b) stress field observation with 50 mm and 10 mm thick plates
The stiffness value of the member plate could be successfully compression and shear stiffness in parallel seems to be in rea-
4Pext L x3 Pext LW 2
M= = (19) 3 Experimental Setup
W 3 0 6
Figure 11 shows an overview of the experimental setup. A pillow
Assuming that a pressure Pext acting on a contact area of width W block made of plain carbon steel was bolted onto an aluminum base.
and length L causes a deflection δ, the linear stiffness (Klinear) can be The preload on the bolt was set to the desired level. For a maximum
given by force of 360 N along the pillow block axis, the required bolt preload
was calculated to be 1350 N, which corresponded to a torque
Pext LW requirement of about 5.68 Nm. Detailed calculations for critical
Klinear = (20)
δ loads to prevent loss of preload and gross slip can be seen in the
As shown in Fig. 10, using the small-angle approximation, δ = Supplemental Material on the ASME Digital Collection. An
θ*W/2. Substituting Eq. (20) in Eq. (19), aramid rope is used to pull so that no moment is applied on the
pillow block. A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT)
Klinear δW sensor with 100 nm least count is used to measure the deflection
M= (21) of the tip of the pillow block.
A digital spring scale was used to measure the applied force. The with reasonable accuracy close to the solid bolt model. The spider
pillow block assembly was held in place on the granite block using bolt model represents the bolt head/nut and shank with line ele-
two C clamps. The LVDT sensor was mounted on the base plate ments. The bolt shank can be modeled using a CBAR line
itself via a magnetic base indicator holder and the magnetic base element, which is essentially a simplified circular beam element
was attached to the test assembly via an intermediate plate of low- with stiffness governed via the cross section area and material prop-
carbon steel. This was done to avoid parasitic errors associated with erties defined by the user. The line elements representing the bolt
the deflection of the base plate itself with respect to the granite head/nut are modeled using RBE3 elements. RBE3 are rigid body
surface. The deflection of the pillow block was to be measured at elements generally used in finite element analysis for load transfer.
its top in the direction of application of force. Both CBAR and RBE3 elements are standard elements in the FEA
library. The line elements representing the bolt head/nut look like a
spider web connected to mesh structure of the flange members,
4 Finite Element Analysis Studies hence named as spider bolt model. In this FEA study, the bolted
FEA studies were conducted using NX 11 advanced simulation connections are represented using the spider bolt model.
software which is based on NASTRAN. Throughout the literature,
many different FEA models have been used to simulate bolted con-
nections. Some of these models are no-bolt, coupled bolt, spider 4.1 Finite Element Analysis Model Setup
bolt, and solid bolt. While the solid bolt model appears to be the 4.1.1 Meshing and Finite Element Method Model Creation.
best simulation approach for accuracy, it requires extra computation Various element types were used to model the components of the
effort and use of contact elements at interfaces [17]. The spider bolt bolted pillow block system. CTETRA(10), a quadratic 3D solid
model, on the other hand, is much more computationally efficient element, was used to model the base and the pillow blocks.
CBAR element was used to model the bolt shank whereas RBE3 4.1.2 Application of Loads and Constraints. Figure 13 shows
elements were used for the spider connection. An element quality an overview of the loads and constraints applied in a general
check of the mesh indicated no failed elements. bolted connection model. The Y-direction force is applied along
Figure 12 shows the spider mesh used to create the bolted con- the inner circumference of the pillow block bore and bolt preload
nection. In a spider bolt model, the head and the nut (or threaded force is applied on each bolt. The bolt preload was represented in
hole) are modeled as rigid body elements connected to the the FEA model using the bolt preload feature in NX Advanced
clamped members. The bolt shank is represented as a bar element Simulation. This feature helps engineers apply bolt preload
(with the same cross section area). The spider mesh in the base forces. To achieve bolt-pretension, the FEA software essentially
plate tapped hole extends upto a depth equal to the thread engage- cuts the meshed body into two and uses pretension elements to
ment of the bolt (equal to approximately 1.3 bolt diameters). The write a constraint equation that relates the displacement of the cut
other end of the spider mesh connects to surface nodes on the boundaries accordingly [18]. In the FEA model and the experiment,
pillow block at the bolt head interface. The radial extent to which the base plate was fixed at the side tabs as indicated in Fig. 13. There
these connections are to be made is defined based on the diameter are four such regions in total (two on the top and two on the
of the bolt head. bottom). The interface area of the tabs was same as that of the
clamps used in the experimental testing. A surface-to-surface 6.1 Machine Tool Linear Axis
5 Verification of the Analytical Model Via Finite 6.1.2 Selection of Stiffness Matched Bearing Blocks. A spread-
sheet, presented in Supplemental Material on the ASME Digital
Element Analysis and Experiments
Collection, has been created to aid the designer in selecting the
A summary of the analytical, FEA, and experimental results for appropriate bearing block housing based on the stiffness values of
all three pillow block cases is shown in Table 2. The analytical other ball screw drive system components. A calculation flowchart
model is in reasonable agreement with the FEA predictions and is shown in Fig. 14. First, the operating parameters of the ball screw
experimental data. For detailed results and discussions on each drive system like the move profile, travel distance, carriage mass,
pillow block case, please see Supplemental Material on the process force, etc., are entered. An initial “guesstimate” is made
ASME Digital Collection. for the screw shaft diameter, length, and material which determines
the screw shaft stiffness. The next step is to then to initially specify
the screw lead, nut, and support bearings. Generally, the screw lead
is chosen such that the inertia ratio is close to one for optimal power
6 Case Studies on Application of the Analytical Model
transmission. The spreadsheet then calculates the minimum
To demonstrate the use of the analytical model for moment stiff- required bearing block stiffness.
ness of bolted connections, two case studies are presented that focus A plot of total system stiffness and the bearing block stiffness is
on ball screw bearing support structures (i.e., pillow blocks): automatically updated in the spreadsheet according to the parame-
a. Machine tool linear axis—This case study highlights the ters entered. After finding the minimum recommended stiffness
selection of an appropriate bearing support block based on values for the bearing blocks, the designer then enters information
stiffness matching with other components in ball screw regarding the bearing block geometry, mounting base, and the bolts
drive (screw, nut, and bearings) to meet the desired perfor- used to secure the bearing block. The spreadsheet calculates the
mance requirements for a machine tool linear axis. actual bearing block stiffness based and tries to find the closest
b. High-speed 3D printer—This case study highlights the selec- matching bearing block from a pre-existing catalog of various
tion of a ball screw support for a high-speed 3D printer. bearing blocks (e.g., from McMaster-Carr [21]). The designers
also have the capability to expand this catalog according to their
The stiffness contribution from ball screw drive components is needs.
typically assumed from catalog values for nut stiffness, if even Designers can also refer to Fig. 15 which shows a 3D design plot
available, or ignored in conventional models, and just shaft stiffness of the recommended bearing block stiffness as a function of the
is considered as the dominant compliance. Various research studies length and diameter of the selected ball screw shaft. Using this
have proposed better alternative stiffness models by closely plot, the designer can choose the best combination of the screw
accounting for such contributions from components/aspects shaft, screw diameter, and bearing block stiffness while meeting a
ignored in the conventional models. For example, Okwudire [19] particular system stiffness requirement. This plot was generated
proposed an improved screw-nut interface model by considering for reference only by using reasonable estimates for the stiffness
the effect of elastic deformation of the screw portion inside the of the nut and the support bearings. A design engineer could
nut. This model enabled a better prediction of the natural frequen- adjust stiffnesses accordingly for the intended application.
cies of the ball screw drive system. Similarly, bearing support
blocks are an essential component in the structural loop whose stiff- 6.1.3 Representative Bearing Blocks. Representative bearing
ness contribution has typically been ignored in conventional models blocks (McMaster-Carr catalog [21]) were considered where the
or at best is assumed to be equal to the nut stiffness. Since bearing two parameters most significantly affecting the pitch stiffness of
blocks are generally bolted onto the machine frame, the analytical bearing blocks are the diameter of bolts used to secure the
model for moment stiffness of bolted connections proposed in bearing block to the base and the ratio of the width of the block
this paper can be applied to a ball screw bearing support block to (W ) to its center height (Hc). Figure 16 plots the bearing block stiff-
account for its effect on the drive system stiffness and dynamics. ness as a function of the bolt diameter and the bearing block
geometry parameters (W/Hc ratio). The light coloured circles repre- different groups of pillow blocks. Table 3 details the cost and stiff-
sent 4-bolt bearing blocks and the blue circles represent 2-bolt ness ranges for these four groups. Group 1 represents the highest
bearing blocks. The size of the circles corresponds to the cost of stiffness pillow blocks which use big diameter bolts and have a
the bearing blocks. The numerical values next to the circles repre- high W/Hc ratio. Groups 2 and 3 are medium stiffness pillow
sent the stiffness of the bearing blocks in N/um. blocks that either have a high W/Hc ratio or a use bigger diameter
Is it better to have a 4-bolt bearing block with smaller bolt dia- bolt. Group 4 is low stiffness pillow blocks, which has both low
meter or a 2-bolt bearing block with bigger bolt diameter? Or W/Hc ratio and smaller bolt diameters. Although Group 4 bearing
what is the cost to stiffness trade-off between various types of blocks have low stiffness, they offer a compact footprint for
bearing blocks? Fig. 16 seeks to answer such questions and serve systems which have volume limitations.
as a reference tool for designers to balance the cost and stiffness
trade-off among various bearing block options. Although the stiff-
ness values are calculated assuming that the bearing blocks will 6.2 High-Speed 3D Printer. The objective of this case study
be mounted on an aluminum base using steel bolts, the user can is to describe how to select an appropriate ball screw support for
update these numbers in the spreadsheet to generate a trade-off a high-speed 3D printer. 3D printers are generally not subjected
plot representing their application more accurately. One of the to large external loads, but this can lead to a false sense of security,
key observations from this graph is that there are generally four and some end up being undersized for the dynamic performance
Fig. 15 Required bearing block stiffness as a function of ball screw shaft length and diameter
Table 3 Cost versus stiffness comparison of various bearing block types (mounting base material: aluminum)
Group # W/Hc ratio Bolt diameter (mm) Stiffness range (N/um) Cost range (USD)
required. Ball screw assembly dynamics can significantly limit the stiffness, may be limited thereby placing greater stiffness require-
throughput. ments on the bearing support block. In addition, high lead/diameter
While a smaller diameter ball screw reduces system inertia ratio screws are often selected which can lead to effective axial stiff-
leading to faster response times, it also reduces the screw shaft stiff- ness decrease due to torsional windup of the shaft as derived by
ness leading to lower natural frequencies. Axial vibrations are just Slocum [13].
one of the many modes of vibration that the ball screw shaft is sus- The throughput of a 3D printer can be assumed to scale along the
ceptible to. High lead/diameter ratio screws also suffer from tor- lines of the maximum achievable angular velocity of the ball screw
sional windup that must be considered as part of the effective shaft. Similarly, one of the contributors to the cost of a 3D printer is
axial stiffness of the screw (Slocum [13]) Due to the coupling intro- the servomotor/amplifier package which generally scales with the
duced by the nut, the application of torque on the ball screw can also power rating of the motor.
cause unwanted lateral vibrations of the ball screw, thereby affect-
ing the system’s positioning accuracy. Okwudire [22], in fact,
showed analytically that while the torque induced lateral vibrations
cannot be completely eliminated, but they can be reduced by wisely 6.2.1 Throughput Dependency on the Bearing Block Stiffness.
choosing the entry/exit angles of the balls in the ball screw drive Suppose a designer’s objective is to maximize the throughput of
mechanism. Slocum [13] discusses many of the factors affecting the 3D printer while keeping the same motor power and system
well-known optimal transmission ratio formulas for two categories natural frequency. Since the ball screw shaft and the bearing
of systems: ones which encounter large external forces during oper- block act as springs connected in series with one another, the
ation and others for which the encountered external forces are neg- designer can try to minimize the ball screw shaft diameter and max-
ligible. Since 3D printers fall in the latter category, the simple imize the bearing block stiffness to maintain the same system
inertia dominated formula may be used to determine the optimal natural frequency. Reducing the diameter of the ball screw shaft
transmission ratio (n) as shown in Eq. (25). reduces the rotary inertia of the system which in turn leads to a
higher achievable angular acceleration. Figure 17(a) shows how
Jload the maximum achievable angular velocity increases as a function
Optimal|Transmission|Ratio|(n) = (25)
Jmotor of the bearing block stiffness. Quite predictably, the benefit of
using a stiffer bearing block wanes after a certain point. While stif-
For a direct drive connection between the motor and shaft (trans- fening the bearing block helps limit impact to the natural frequency
mission ratio = 1), optimal power transmission is achieved when the for the axial vibration mode, the natural frequencies for other vibra-
inertia of the motor is equal the inertia of the driven load, but when tion modes (e.g., torsional and lateral modes) may still be impacted
satisfying the inertia ratio, the shaft diameter, and hence axial significantly with reduction in shaft diameter.
6.2.2 Cost Dependency on the Bearing Block Stiffness. Using a designer uses, there is a minimum limit to the required motor
stiffer bearing block with a smaller diameter ball screw shaft may power based on the required move profile and other operating
also be a good strategy to reduce the cost of a 3D printer without parameters.
impacting its throughput. If the same strategy of minimizing the
rotary inertia of the system while maintaining the system natural fre-
quency is followed, the designer will need a motor with lower
power rating to achieve the same angular velocity of the shaft.
Reducing motor size or power reduces the cost of the servomotor 7 Conclusions
and amplifier package accordingly [13]. Figure 17(b) shows the An analytical model for predicting the pitch stiffness of bolted
required motor power as a function of the bearing block stiffness. connections has been presented. This model is verified by finite
It can be seen that the minimum required motor power falls drasti- element analysis and experimental testing. Three different pillow
cally at first as the bearing block stiffness is increased but then the blocks were used as test cases for this verification. For all three
curve saturates very quickly. Based on Fig. 17(b), an optimal choice cases, the load deflection curves for analytical, experimental, and
for a bearing support block in this case will be one with a stiffness of FEA results are in reasonable agreement. Observations from these
at least 100 N/um. Irrespective of the type of bearing block the studies include as follows: