EBF NabilJStructEng2011
EBF NabilJStructEng2011
EBF NabilJStructEng2011
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Abstract: In the current design of steel eccentrically braced frames (EBFs), the yielding link is coupled with the floor beam. This often
results in oversized link elements, which leads to overdesigned structures and foundations. In addition, the beams are expected to sustain
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significant damage through repeated inelastic deformations under design-level earthquakes, and thus the structure may require extensive
repair or replacement. These drawbacks can be mitigated by designing EBFs with replaceable shear links. Two different replaceable link
types with alternate section profiles, connection configurations, welding details, and intermediate stiffener spacings were tested. A total of 13
cyclic quasi-static full-scale cyclic tests were performed, including tests on EBFs with replaceable shear links, to study their inelastic seismic
performance. The links exhibited a very good ductile behavior, developing stable and repeatable yielding. Additional inelastic rotation
capacity can be achieved with bolted replaceable links when bolt bearing deformations are allowed to occur. The on-site replaceability of
the link sections is confirmed even in the presence of residual deformations of 0.5% drift. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000350.
© 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Steel frames; Bolted connections; Inelasticity; Rotation; Beams.
Author keywords: Aftershocks; Eccentrically braced steel frames; Shear link; Bolted connection; Replaceable link; Inelastic rotations;
Introduction thus the structure’s ability to provide an adequate level of safety for
any subsequent loading is uncertain. Furthermore, repair of the link
Eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) are seismic lateral load- can be very difficult, disruptive, and costly.
resisting systems that include a ductile, energy dissipating portion The design of EBFs with replaceable links addresses these
in the beam elements, referred to as the link. The design of an drawbacks and optimizes the design by decoupling the yielding
EBF depends on defining the strength, stiffness, and ductility of link from the rest of the structure. Using the replaceable link con-
the system, which are closely related to the link size, length, and cept, the designer has greater flexibility to choose a section for the
detailing. In current design [e.g., AISC 2005; Canadian Standards yielding link that best meets the required strength without automati-
Association (CSA) 2009], the link is part of the floor beam, and cally changing the floor beam section. The stiffness and fundamen-
therefore, the floor beam must be designed not only to yield in tal period of vibration of EBFs are largely controlled by the link
the link region, but also to resist forces due to the strain hardening length, and EBFs with short links, preferred for their more stable
of the link region in the portions of the floor beam that are located shear yielding behavior (Engelhardt and Popov 1989), result in
outside the link. Balancing these requirements can be an iterative stiffer structures, which attract larger base shear forces. By decou-
and exacting process often resulting in oversized link elements, pling the replaceable link from the floor beam, the link length is no
which leads to larger force demands on all the other EBF members, longer defined by the distance between the eccentric braces, and
including the braces, columns, floor diaphragms, connections, and thus EBFs with larger door or corridor openings can be designed,
foundations. Ultimately this results in overdesigned structures and while still ensuring that a short shear critical link behavior is
increased overall costs. In addition, the beam can sustain significant achieved. Because the inelastic deformation will be concentrated
damage due to repeated inelastic deformation and localized buck- only within the link, damaged links can be quickly inspected and
ling in the link region during a design-level earthquake. Because replaced following a major earthquake, significantly minimizing
the cumulative inelastic deformations imposed on the structure dur- the disruption time of the structure and extending its life span.
ing an earthquake are unknown, it is difficult to assess the extent of Furthermore, the use of replaceable links allows for the welding
damage, especially when no visible signs of this are apparent, and of critical elements, such as the brace connections, to be performed
in the shop, considerably improving construction quality and
Senior Structural Engineer, Dialog, Toronto, ON, Canada; formerly, reducing erection time. Fig. 1 illustrates an EBF designed accord-
Ph.D. Candidate, Univ. of Toronto. ing to this replaceable link concept. The shaded portions of the
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, ON, structure represent elements spanning multiple stories that can
Canada (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected] be fabricated in the shop, shipped, and assembled on site through
Professor, Dept. of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, École the bolting of the replaceable links. Multiple modules fabricated in
Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada. the shop can be spliced, as illustrated in the figure, to construct
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 18, 2010; approved on
taller buildings. In addition, replaceable links made from built-up
November 30, 2010; published online on September 15, 2011. Discussion
period open until March 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted sections with relatively thin webs and thick flanges can be used to
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural En- further optimize the design. Links made of steel grades with lower
gineering, Vol. 137, No. 10, October 1, 2011. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/ yielding strengths than the surrounding frame members can also
2011/10-1141–1152/$25.00. represent a desirable and practical option.
Fig. 2. Replaceable link specimens: (a) end-plate connected; (b) web connected
terminated at a distance of five times the link web thickness from M f beam ¼ 0:9 × ð1:3Ry V p Þe0 =2; V f beam ¼ 1:3Ry V p ð3Þ
the k-line of the link cross section, as recommended by Okazaki
and Engelhardt (2005). Sets of two identical specimens were tested
M f beam may be larger than M f link end because it is calculated based
to assess the replaceability of the links and the performance of the
on the distance between the eccentric braces, e0 , not the link shear
replaced link in comparison to the original link.
length e.
For the replaceable links to achieve satisfactory performance,
the link-to-beam connections must be able to transfer the forces Web-Connected Links
generated by the fully yielded and strain-hardened links. The depth
of the floor beam must also account for erection tolerances to ac- The remaining nine link specimens were all double channel back-
commodate the bolting operation in the field. The probable moment to-back sections. With the exception of UT-1, the link specimens
and shear demand on the connection of shear yielding links can be were fabricated from W-sections that had the flange on one side
calculated as follows: saw-cut flush with the web to create channel sections. This provides
a greater range of channel sections for the design of the links. To
M f conn ¼ M f link end ¼ 1:3Ry V p e=2; V f conn ¼ 1:3Ry V p optimize the shear area, sections with relatively thin webs, corre-
sponding to thin flanges, were selected. It was thus necessary to add
ð2Þ top and bottom flange reinforcement plates to increase the flexural
resistance of the double channel links to ensure a shear yielding
where Ry accounts for the probable yield stress exceeding the mini- dominant behavior. This is shown in Table 1, in which the values
mum specified value, and 1.3 accounts for the increase in stresses of the ratio e=ðM p =V p Þ are all less than 1.6.
attributed to strain hardening of the link yielding in shear. To allow Based on the observed experimental results and analyses of the
for the placement of the floor deck on top of the floor beam, the strains along the link length, it was concluded that the link shear
link-to-beam connections are sized such that the end plates are length of the web bolted channel links would be defined as the
flush with the floor beam section. Furthermore, because the link distance between the first row of bolts on either end, as shown in
section depth is less than the floor beam depth, the link is not Fig. 4. These replaceable links are connected to the web of the floor
connected to the floor slab, allowing for replacement of the link. beam through eccentrically loaded bolted connections. The depth
The end-plate link connections were designed as welded end-plate of the floor beam must allow for the link to fit into the beam. The
moment connections based on the recommendations provided by eccentric connections of the bolted web links were designed using
the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) (2005). the method of instantaneous center (IC) of rotation with the load-
To ensure that the frame can be repaired with minimal effort, deformation relationship developed by Kulak et al. (1987), assum-
the floor beams, braces, columns, and their connections must be ing a shear force equivalent to 1:3Ry V p applied with an eccentricity
designed to remain essentially linear elastic when the yielding links equal to the distance between the center of connection rotation and
achieve their overstrength capacities. The code does not require a the link midspan.
moment connection between the brace and the floor beam. How- To investigate the bolt bearing deformation in the link connec-
ever, in practice, the connection between the brace and the floor tion and its effect on the total link rotation, the allowable bearing
beam is typically capable of transferring bending moments. From stress considered in the design was varied between 1.41 up to 2.95
elastic computer modeling analysis, it was determined that 10–15% times F u . Because the expected link shear force for each set of
of the link end moment is transferred to the brace. Hence, the floor identical link specimens is the same, the bolt bearing stress was
beam outside the link may be designed for 90% of the moment modified by changing the thickness of the added web reinforce-
at the beam-to-brace connection. The probable moment and shear ment plate. Values of the bearing stress for each specimen are listed
demand on the floor beam can be calculated as follows: in Table 1. These are based on the load at the most stressed corner
bolt, determined using the IC method and considering the maxi- Loading Protocol
mum measured link shear, V max and the link axial load. The bearing
stress is calculated by dividing the maximum bolt load by the bear- The loading protocol specified in Appendix S6.3 of the 2005 AISC
ing area (bolt diameter times total link thickness at connection) seismic provisions (AISC 2005) was used in all the tests. Accep-
and is normalized with respect to the material nominal tensile stress tance criteria for links are based on inelastic link rotation as defined
F u , equal to 450 MPa. This investigation was initiated based in both CSA-S16 (2009) and AISC (2005). The inelastic link
on preliminary observations in the test program (Mansour et al. rotation, γp , was evaluated by removing the contributions of the
2006), in which specimen UT-2A, which had no web reinforce- elastic response of the link rotation. Both codes specify that a shear
ment, failed at the connection due to excessive bolt-hole ovalization yielding link (e < 1:6M p =V p ) should be capable of developing an
(the bolt-hole size increased to 1.5 times its initial diameter), at inelastic rotation of 0.08 rad. The inelastic rotation capacity of the
γp ¼ 0:066 rad. Specimen UT-2A represents the minimum thick- link specimens was defined by AISC (2005) as the maximum level
ness at the connection of a web bolted link. To ensure a linear elas- of inelastic rotation sustained for at least one full cycle of loading
tic response of the floor beam web at the connection, the allowable prior to the link shear strength dropping below the nominal link
bearing stress at the most stressed bolt location should be limited to shear strength. Here, the nominal strength was evaluated based
0:80F u . This is achieved by welding a reinforcement plate to the on nominal section dimensions and nominal yield strength of
floor beam web. 350 MPa.
Furthermore, a critical section was defined across the first row
of bolts, where the link shear resistance is reduced due to the bolt
holes. Thus the resistance of the net shear area should also be Test Results
checked to ensure that it is capable of resisting the link shear:
Table 2 summarizes the test results, listing the maximum measured
V r; conn ¼ 0:60ϕAnv F u > 1:3Ry V p ð4Þ inelastic link rotations, γp ; maximum link shear force and over-
strength value, the maximum measured total frame story drift, θ;
where Anv = net shear connection area; F u = steel tensile stress; and the inelastic story drift, θp ; the connection contribution to the total
ϕ = 0.9 for steel. To meet these two limit state requirements, a link rotation, Γconn ; and a brief description of the controlling failure
reinforcement plate was welded onto the link web at the connec- mode for each specimen. All the specimens, with exception of
tion, as shown in Fig. 4, for all the specimens except UT-2A (see UT-2A, exceeded the inelastic link rotation angle of 0.08 rad (the
Table 1). full hysteretic responses of all the specimens are shown in Fig. 6).
The web-connected links were also provided with angles
welded to the top and bottom flanges. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the UT Test Setup and Results
angles were positioned such that they could be bolted back-to-back
upon assembling the links to ensure that the two channel sections, The first six link specimens, tested at UT, were designed and tested
with a gap between them equal to the floor beam web thickness, as a proof of concept and to verify that the replaceable links de-
would act as one unit, thus reducing the possibility of lateral tor- signed according to the procedure outlined can achieve the required
sional buckling. Guidance for determining the spacing of these ductility capacity of 0.08 rad plastic link rotation, as specified by
angles was obtained from the research performed by Kim et al. CSA-S16 (2009). A test setup, shown in Fig. 5, was devised to
(2003), which suggested using a clear spacing not exceeding twice subject the link to a constant shear force along its length, equal
the channel flange width. reverse curvature bending moment at its ends, and no axial force,
Although the web bolted channel replaceable links require similar to that experienced by the link in the example building, as
additional fabrication steps to those required for the end-plate- shown in Fig. 1. The measured link shear force is equal to the load
connected links, they are easier and faster to erect onto the floor applied by the MTS Systems Corp. test machine. Connection per-
beams. Furthermore, it is foreseeable to use web-connected links formance of the web bolted channel links was studied to identify
to upgrade or retrofit existing EBF systems because minimal site the primary factors that contribute to the link rotation capacity and
preparation and modification of the existing steel is required. to assess the effects of bolt slippage on the overall performance.
EPM-12 0.106 1.32 1.12 0.04 916 1.58 Fracture of web at stiffener weld
EPM-13 0.104 1.18 0.85 0.09 976 1.68 Fracture of link at web connection
EPM-14 0.103 1.37 1.06 0.05 1108 N/Ac Fracture of web at stiffener weld
EPM-16 0.125 1.54 1.31 0.17 890 1.53 Fracture of web at stiffener weld
Welded web connection EPM-15 0.087 N/A N/A None 855 1.47 Fracture of web at stiffener weld
Shear rotation data acquisition was stopped prior to test end.
No coupon results.
Shear force transferred in link and slab.
Fig. 6. Plastic link rotation versus link shear for all specimens: (a) 3A and 3B; (b) 11A and 11B; (c) 1A and 1B; (d) 2A and 2B; (e) 12; (f) 13; (g) 14;
(h) 16; (i) 15
The test setup is shown in Fig. 8. The test frame was designed to base such that the loading system subjected the link to constant
represent the first story of a five-story EBF frame designed accord- shear along its length, V link , and reverse curvature bending, where
ing to the 2005 NBCC (NRCC 2005) specified seismic loads,
representative of a high seismic area in British Columbia, Canada. V link ¼ F actuator ðh=LÞ ð5Þ
The test frame was 7.5 m wide by 4.5 m high and had e0 = 1.10 m to where h = frame height of 4.5 m; and L = frame width of 7.5 m. The
accommodate a large corridor opening measuring 2:44 × 2:74 m test was controlled by the link rotation, measured by the tangential
(8 × 9 ft). The opening would have been restricted to 0.8 m had displacement between the ends of the floor beams nearest to the
a standard EBF design been used. Simple shear beam-to-column link specimens, which were instrumented.
connections were used for the floor beams. The total lateral load Past test programs have focused on links subjected to pure shear
was applied onto the floor beam by 2 × 1;000 kN MTS actuators forces, with no or limited axial force imposed on the link. In this
reacting onto the strong wall. The actuators pushed and pulled on test program the two actuators were connected to the floor beam at
the EBF frame, imposing predetermined cyclic shear deformations a point located on one side of the link, and half of the applied
on the link. The frame columns were truly pin-connected at their actuator load was therefore transferred axially through the link.
This represents the worst-case axial loading scenario that can be of termination of the fillet welds connecting the stiffeners to the link
imposed on an EBF link, such as would be encountered at the ends web. Past the 0.11 rad cycle, the crack was observed to propagate
of braced column lines in buildings. For the frame aspect ratio vertically through the web, along the length of the intermediate
h=L ¼ 0:6, the axial load was equal to 83% of the link shear stiffener weld. The load dropped by 22% before the test was ended.
V link . The maximum axial tensile load imposed in the tests reached The web-connected link specimens achieved rotations greater
26% of the link axial yield strength for Specimens EPM-11A and than the code requirement, as listed in Table 2. However, the
11B. Lateral bracing was provided at the top and bottom flanges of EPM specimens were not able to achieve the large 0.17 rad link
the floor beams, at the two ends of the link. The columns were also rotations that were achieved by Specimen UT-1B. This is in part
laterally braced near the beam-to-column joints, as shown in Fig. 8. because of a relatively stiffer reinforcement web connection plate
End-plate-connected link Specimens EPM-11A and 11B had and the reduced link shear capacity due to the applied axial load.
PJP welds connecting the flanges to the end plates without an Although bolt bearing deformation did occur, the localized bolt-
access-hole detail and fillet welds to connect the link webs. Be- hole yielding and ovalization was not as pronounced as what was
cause of the large axial demand on the link flanges from both the observed in the UT tests. This is shown by the reduced pinching of
moment and the additional axial load, signs of early flange yielding the EPM link rotation hysteresis plots when compared to the UT
accompanied web yielding. The links were subjected to tension specimens, as seen in Fig. 6.
when deforming toward peak negative rotations. As Specimen The values measured for the inelastic story drifts, θp , listed in
EPM-11A was loaded toward the tension (negative) excursion of Table 2, approximately match those calculated from the measured
Cycle 39 (0.11 rad link rotation), it fractured at the top flange near inelastic link rotation, assuming a rigid plastic frame mechanism,
the end of the groove weld, completely severing the top flange, as using the following relation:
shown in Fig. 7(b). Factors that contributed to this are the large
plastic strain demands at that location, the large axial stresses de- θp ¼ γp ðe=LÞ ð6Þ
veloped, the high degree of constraint due to the presence of the end
plate and the welds, and the heat-affected zone brittleness near the where e = length of the shear link listed in Table 1. These drift
flange-to-end-plate weld. Specimen EPM-11B performed better, values compare well with the peak drifts ranging from 1.0–1.5%
exhibiting a more stable failure mechanism in the web accompa- computed for 3- and 10-story EBFs under design level (10% in
nied with more visible inelastic web buckling. Web fracture initi- 50 years) ground motions in the United States (Chao and Goel
ated at the bottom end of the link web middle stiffener, at the point 2006) and exceed those computed for three-story EBFs designed
Fig. 9. Contribution of connection rotation to total link rotation Fig. 10. Effect of web connection thickness on hysteretic response
place enough studs to transfer the floor shear force at the beam was investigated as an alternative to the bolted connection because
ends, so that the slab diaphragm action is guaranteed even after a no alignment of the bolt holes of the link-to-beam is required.
large seismic event, when the slab connection to the studs closer to Welding was done in the laboratory, with the steel deck kept in
the link may have been damaged. place over the floor beams, to simulate realistic constraints that
would be expected in the field with respect to the space available
Replaceability of Shear Links for the welder to work in. As shown in the hysteretic response of
Sets of two identical specimens were tested for each link type Specimen EPM-15 in Fig. 6(i), there was no pinching because of
to assess the replaceability of the links and the performance of the rigid welded detailing, which did not allow for rotations to take
the replaced link in comparison to the original link. In particular, place in the connections. No signs of yielding were observed in the
Specimens EPM-15 and 16 were designed and tested to assess the welded link-to-floor beam connections, as shown in Fig. 14(b),
performance of an EBF that is repaired by replacing the yielded indicating that the design and application of the welds were more
deformed link EPM-14 after experiencing significant seismic than adequate to transfer the connection loads. The reduced link
events. Before replacing the links, the frame was purposely held length and fixed-end connections lead to early shear yielding of
at a residual drift of 0.5%. Studies by McCormick et al. (2008) the link, and a reduced final inelastic link rotation capacity of
indicated that a 0.5% residual drift represents a limit beyond which 0.087 rad. Although both procedures proved feasible, the welded
it is more economical to rebuild a structure than it is to repair it. technique provided greater flexibility and ease to position the
Although not verified in this study and not reported in any other replacement link. Fillet welding on-site was more than adequate
study, it is expected that the residual drifts for the EBF systems will to create a full-strength fully rigid end connection.
not differ significantly from the reported values for buckling re- In the test program, replacement of end-plate-connected links
strained brace (BRB) systems with similar hysteretic responses. required realignment of the test frame to its plumb position before
Kiggins and Uang (2006) report residual drifts equal to 0.39 and the link specimens could be fitted between the floor beams. This
0.29% for three- and six-story BRB frames, respectively, subjected could prove very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve in a real
to a set of design-basis earthquake (DBE) ground motion records. building. However, sizing the link to be shorter by a few milli-
More recently, Erochko et al. (2011) developed a relation between meters and filling the gap between the link end plate and floor beam
peak and residual drifts. Results from their numerical models in- end plate with shims is possible. Tests have been conducted by
dicated that peak drifts corresponding to a 0.5% mean residual drift Sumner (2003) using beams fabricated 4.8 mm (3=16 in:) short
Fig. 14. Welded replacement link EPM-15: (a) welding procedure; (b) link at γp ¼ 0:087 rad (image by the authors)
0.08 rad inelastic link rotation prescribed by both the Canadian Canadian Standards Association (CSA). (2009). “Design of steel struc-
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teretic response up to γp ¼ 0:104 rad. The link shear overstrength AISC Eng. J., 3rd quarter, 173–200.
is 1.40 on average. Under a combined shear and axial tensile load, Dubina, D., Stratan, A., and Dinu, F. (2008). “Dual high-strength steel
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an adverse effect on the link rotation capacity. It is suggested to Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., and Choi, H. (2011).
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pure shear. The connection rotation is achieved by allowing for
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The shear transferred across the link and concrete slab is greater of EBF steel frames using replaceable nonlinear links.” Proc., STESSA,
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Acknowledgments imental study of local buckling, overstrength, and fracture of links in
eccentrically braced frames.” J. Struct. Eng., 131(10), 1526–1535.
Financial support for this study was provided by the National Okazaki, T., and Engelhardt, M. D. (2007). “Cyclic loading behavior of
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) EBF links constructed of ASTM A992 steel.” J. Constr. Steel Res.,
under the Collaborative Research and Development Grant Pro- 63(6), 751–765.
gram, the Steel Structures Education Foundation (SSEF), and Popov, E. P., and Engelhardt, M. D. (1988). “Seismic eccentrically braced
the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC). Test speci- frames.” J. Constr. Steel Res., 10, 321–354.
mens were fabricated and donated by Walters Inc., Hamilton, Rozon, J., Koboevic, S., and Tremblay, R. (2008). “Study of global behav-
iour of eccentrically braced frames in response to seismic loads.” Proc.,
Ontario, ADF Group Inc., Terrebonne, Quebec, and Constructions
14th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing.
Beauce-Atlas, Quebec, Canada. This in-kind support is kindly ap-
Stratan, A., and Dubina, D. (2004). “Bolted links for eccentrically braced
preciated and gratefully acknowledged. The authors also express steel frames.” Proc., 5th Int. Workshop on Connections in Steel Struc-
their appreciation to the technical staff of the Structural Testing tures V, Delft Univ. of Technology, Netherlands, 223–232.
Facility at the University of Toronto and the Hydro-Quebec Sumner (2003). “Unified design of extended end-plate moment connec-
Structures Laboratories at École Polytechnique in Montreal for tions subject to cyclic loading.” Ph.D. thesis, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,
their invaluable assistance in the test program. VA.