1 s2.0 S0143974X1100023X Main
1 s2.0 S0143974X1100023X Main
1 s2.0 S0143974X1100023X Main
A new prediction model for the load capacity of castellated steel beams
Amir Hossein Gandomi a,∗ , Seyed Morteza Tabatabaei b , Mohammad Hossein Moradian c , Ata Radfar d ,
Amir Hossein Alavi e
College of Civil Engineering, Tafresh University, Tafresh, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, The Institute of Higher Education of Eqbal Lahoori, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
GP is a subset of genetic algorithms (GAs) with a great ability GEP is a natural development of GP first invented by
to automatically evolve computer programs. The evolutionary pro- Ferreira [17]. Most of the genetic operators used in GAs can also
cess followed by GP is inspired by the principle of Darwinian natu- be implemented in GEP with minor changes. GEP consists of five
ral selection. GP was introduced by Koza [11] after experiments on main components: function set, terminal set, fitness function, con-
symbolic regression. The main difference between GP and a GA is trol parameters, and termination condition [13]. Unlike the parse-
the representation of the solution. The GP solutions are computer tree representation in conventional GP, GEP uses a fixed length of
programs that are represented as tree structures and expressed in character strings to represent solutions to the problems, which are
a functional programming language (like LISP) [11]. A GA creates afterwards expressed as parse trees of different sizes and shapes.
a string of numbers that represent the solution. In other words, in These trees are called GEP expression trees (ETs). One advantage
GP, the evolving programs (individuals) are parse trees than can of the GEP technique is that the creation of genetic diversity is
vary in length throughout the run rather than fixed-length binary extremely simplified, as genetic operators work at the chromo-
strings. Traditional optimization techniques, such as the GA, are some level. Another strength of GEP is its unique multigenic nature,
generally used in parameter optimization to evolve the best val- which allows the evolution of more complex programs composed
ues for a given set of model parameters. GP, on the other hand, of several subprograms [13]. Each GEP gene contains a list of sym-
gives the basic structure of the approximation model together with bols with a fixed length that can be any element from a function set
1098 A.H. Gandomi et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67 (2011) 1096–1105
The enhanced performance characteristics of steel beams are The above variables were chosen as the predictor variables on the
generally achieved by many processes such as castellation. The use basis of a literature review [4] and a trial study.
A.H. Gandomi et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67 (2011) 1096–1105 1099
a 35 Frequency 100% b 25
0% 20 80%
20 60% 15 60%
15 40
0% 10 40%
20% 5 20%
0 0% 0 0%
One-point Diistributed 230 265 300 334 300
0 403 More
load load Fyw (MPa)
c 25 Frequency
Cumulative% 10
00% d 20
Cumulative% 100%
20 80
0% 16 80%
15 60
0% 12 60%
10 40
0% 8 40%
5 20
0% 4 20%
0 %
0% 0 0%
29 306 384 461 539 616 More 67 90 112 135 158
8 180 More
hc (mm) B (mm)
e 25 Frequency
00% f 25 Frequency
Cumulative% 100%
20 80
0% 20 80%
15 60
0% 15 60%
10 40
0% 10 40%
5 20
0% 5 20%
0 0%
% 0 0%
3.6 4.9 6.3 7.6 9.0 1
10.3 More 4.6 7.3 10.0 12.8 15.5
5 18.2 More
tw (mm) tf (mm)
g 12
Cumulative% 1000% h 30
Cumulative% 100%
10 80
0% 25 80%
8 20
0% 60%
6 15
0% 40%
4 10
2 20
0% 5 20%
0 0%
% 0 0%
116 145 174 More
L (m)
i 30 100%
20 Cumulative% 60%
5 20%
0 0%
74 278 482
2 687 891 1096 More
PExp. (kN)
3.1. Experimental database (Fig. 6). The descriptive statistics of the database used in this study
are given in Table 1. The complete list of the data is given in Table 2.
A reliable database was obtained from the literature to develop Overfitting is one of the major problems in machine learning
the models. The database contains 47 test results for the load generalization. An efficient approach to prevent overfitting is
capacity of CSBs carried out by several researchers [1,27–32] and to test the derived models on a validation set to find a better
presented by Amayreh and Saka [4]. To visualize the distribution generalization [12]. This strategy was considered in this study
of the samples, the data are presented by frequency histograms for improving the generalization of the models. For this aim, the
1100 A.H. Gandomi et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67 (2011) 1096–1105
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of the variables used for model development.
LC Fyw (MPa) hc (mm) B (mm) tw (mm) tf (mm) S (mm) L (m) PExp (kN)
Table 2
The experimental database used for the model construction.
No. LC Fyw (MPa) hc (mm) B (mm) tw (mm) tf (mm) S (mm) L (m) PExp (kN) PGEP (kN) PLSR (kN)
1 One-point 320 380 150 7.1 10.7 40 5.8 176.5 148.3 74.6
2 One-point 335 500 150 7.1 10.7 100 5.8 73.5 132.0 221.8
3 One-point 290.3 451.8 123.4 7.55 10.72 150 2.14 285 269.2 221.0
4 One-point 293.2 606.2 145.6 7.31 11.4 200 1.5 280 297.0 337.7
5 One-point 335 440 150 7.1 10.7 70 5.8 145 134.0 177.7
6 One-point 294.7 524.8 124.4 7.03 10.79 180 2.6 280 239.1 212.3
7 Two-point 355 693.7 153.5 11.7 11.7 114.3 2.5 1300 1226.8 1149.0
8 Distributed 335 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 89 1.3 295 226.4 330.8
9 Distributed 320 229 76.2 5.84 9.58 38.1 1.32 147 141.6 105.9
10 One-point 290.8 451.4 123.9 7.51 10.7 150 1.15 275 282.5 266.5
11 One-point 352.9 380.5 66.9 3.56 4.59 66.55 1.83 94.8 158.9 150.2
12 Distributed 292.8 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 127 1.8 186 189.7 125.5
13 Distributed 292.8 381 127 9.14 14.02 63.5 1.8 249.1 312.6 365.5
14 One-point 352.9 380.5 66.9 3.56 4.59 66.55 1.22 100.9 156.2 179.8
15 Two-point 292.8 381 114.3 7.62 12.83 63.5 1.6 299 200.0 215.2
16 One-point 295.5 526.7 124.7 7.08 10.68 176 2 232 261.9 255.7
17 One-point 277 605.5 145.4 7.3 11.34 203 1.6 288 269.0 267.5
18 One-point 277 605.5 143.3 7.27 11.25 199 1.5 253 268.8 273.4
19 One-point 293.2 603.6 143.7 7.28 11.27 196 1 226 301.5 361.3
20 One-point 320 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 44.45 3 265.5 218.6 168.0
21 One-point 290 524.3 124.6 7.04 10.7 179 2.6 275 234.3 196.6
22 Distributed 335 229 76.2 5.84 9.58 38.1 1.32 137.2 157.4 164.8
23 One-point 320 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 34.93 3 269 237.7 171.9
24 One-point 304 460.4 103.1 7.21 10.73 143 1.1 267 274.0 307.3
25 Distributed 292.8 342.9 117.8 10.16 20.96 57.15 1.3 279.6 234.9 337.0
26 One-point 395 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 28.58 3 352 365.0 468.9
27 Distributed 292.8 266.7 101.6 6.35 9.83 44.5 1.5 113.7 131.4 63.6
28 Distributed 320 229 76.2 5.84 9.58 38.1 1.15 196 137.7 114.1
29 One-point 290.8 451.6 124.1 7.62 10.66 146 2 280 280.2 239.9
30 Distributed 230 280 100 10.8 5.7 40 3.33 194.1 314.4 322.5
31 One-point 335 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 127 1.6 290 237.9 261.8
32 Distributed 292.8 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 101.6 2.4 89 174.1 106.5
33 One-point 335 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 127 2.4 303.4 227.8 222.9
34 One-point 352.9 380.5 66.9 3.56 4.59 66.55 2.44 84.4 158.9 120.5
35 One-point 438 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 165.1 3.5 277.2 298.2 558.4
36 Distributed 292.8 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 88.9 2.5 89 170.5 106.8
37 Distributed 335 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 101.6 1.37 300 229.5 322.3
38 Distributed 335 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 165.1 1.6 358.6 249.0 285.6
39 One-point 304 459.6 103 7.15 10.7 157 2.3 273 254.8 236.5
40 One-point 290 524.3 124.4 7.02 10.73 176 1.35 280 257.8 255.9
41 One-point 295.5 526.1 124.7 7.08 10.77 176 1.35 260 271.0 284.9
42 One-point 335 229 76.2 5.84 9.58 38.1 1.32 117.6 148.6 125.6
43 Distributed 335 381 101.6 5.84 6.83 165.1 1.75 310.3 247.3 278.3
44 One-point 294.7 524.1 124.3 7.07 10.73 177 1.35 240 269.5 279.4
45 Two-point 352.9 380.5 66.9 3.56 4.59 66.55 1.22 92.7 163.9 199.4
46 Distributed 292.8 381 203.2 10.16 19.89 63.5 1.3 310.5 282.1 352.5
47 One-point 297.3 450.3 123.4 7.54 10.68 150 1.15 279 295.5 294.9
available data sets were randomly divided into learning, validation, were further employed to measure the performance of the optimal
and testing subsets. The learning data were taken for training model obtained by GEP on data that played no role in building the
(genetic evolution). The validation data were used to specify the models. To obtain consistent data division, several combinations
generalization capability of the models on data they did not train of the training and testing sets were considered. The selection
on (model selection). Thus, both the learning and the validation was in a way that the maximum, minimum, mean, and standard
data were involved in the modeling process and were categorized deviation of parameters were consistent in the training and testing
into one group referred to as ‘‘training data’’. The model with the data sets. Of the 47 data sets, 38 data vectors were taken for the
best performance on both the learning and the validation data sets training process (30 sets for learning and 8 sets for validation). The
was finally selected as the outcome of the runs. The testing data remaining 9 sets were used for the testing of the derived model.
A.H. Gandomi et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67 (2011) 1096–1105 1101
The best model was chosen on the basis of a multi-objective Parameter settings
strategy as follows. General
i. The simplicity of the model, although this was not a predomi- Chromosomes 50, 150, 300
nant factor. Genes 1, 2, 3
ii. Providing the best fitness value on the learning set of data. Head size 3, 5, 8
Tail size 9
iii. Providing the best fitness value on a validation set of data. Dc size 9
The first objective was controlled by the user through the Gene size 26
Linking function Addition
parameter settings (e.g., number of genes or head size). For
the other objectives, the following objective function (OBJ) was Complexity increase
constructed as a measure of how well the model predicted output Generations without change 2000
agrees with the experimental results. The best GEP model was then Number of tries 3
deduced by the minimization of the following function: Maximum complexity 5
Genetic operators
No.Learning − No.Validation
OBJ = Mutation rate 0.044
No.Training R2Learning Inversion rate 0.1
IS transposition rate 0.1
2No.Validation MAEValidation
+ , (5) RIS transposition rate 0.1
No.Training R2Validation One-point recombination rate 0.3
Two-point recombination rate 0.3
where No.Train , No.Learning , and No.Validation are respectively the Gene recombination rate 0.1
number of training, learning, and validation data. R and MAE are Gene transposition rate 0.1
respectively the correlation coefficient and mean absolute error Numerical constants
given in the form of the following relationships: Constants per gene 2
n Data type Integer
(hi − hi )(ti − ti ) Lower bound −10
i =1
Upper bound 10
R= (6)
n n
(hi − hi ) (ti − ti )2
∑ 2
were considered for the head size and the number of genes. For
i=1 i =1 the number of genes greater than 1, the addition linking function
∑ was used to link the mathematical terms encoded in each gene.
|hi − ti | One level was considered for the other parameters based on some
MAE = , (7) previously suggested values [13,19–21] and also after making
n several preliminary runs and observing the performance behavior.
in which hi and ti are respectively the actual and calculated outputs There are 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 different combinations of the parameters.
for the ith output; hi and ti are the average of the actual and All of these combinations were tested, and 10 replications for
calculated outputs, and n is the number of samples. It is well each combination were carried out. Therefore, the overall number
known that R alone is not a good indicator for predicting the of runs was equal to 27 × 10 = 270. The period of time
accuracy of a model. This is because, on equal shifting of the output acceptable for evolution to occur without improvement in best
values of a model, the R value does not change. The constructed fitness is set via the generations without change parameter. After
objective function takes into account the changes of R and MAE 2000 generations considered herein, a mass extinction or a neutral
simultaneously. Higher R and lower MAE values result in lowering gene was automatically added to the model. In this study, basic
OBJ, and hence indicate a more precise model. In addition, the arithmetic operators and mathematical functions were utilized to
above function takes the effects of different data divisions into get the optimum GEP model. The mean absolute error function
account for the learning and validation data. was used to calculate the overall fitness of the evolved programs.
The program was run until there was no longer any significant
3.3. Development of an empirical model using GEP improvement in the performance of the models. The GEP algorithm
was implemented using GeneXproTools [33].
Eight input parameters, Fyw , hc , B, tw , tf , S , L, and LC , were used
to create the GEP model. Various parameters involved in the GEP 3.3.1. GEP-based formulation for the load capacity of a CSB
predictive algorithm are shown in Table 3. The parameter selection The GEP-based formulation of the failure load (P) in terms of
will affect the model generalization capability of GEP. Several Fyw , hc , B, tw , tf , S , L, and LC is as given below:
runs were conducted to come up with a parameterization of GEP
that provided enough robustness and generalization to solve the Fyw − B
PGEP (kN ) = tw L − L + (tw − 4)(tw − LC )
problem. The number of programs in the population that GEP will S
evolve is set by the population size (number of chromosomes).
A run will take longer with a larger population size. The proper
(hc + Fyw )(Fyw − tw − 216)
population size depends on the number of possible solutions +
and the complexity of the problem. Three levels were set for
the population size. The chromosome architectures of the models
− (tf − LC ) + ( tf + hc − 10) tw − .
3 2
evolved by GEP include the head size and the number of genes. (8)
The head size determines the complexity of each term in the
evolved model. The number of terms in the model is determined The expression tree of the above formulation is given in Fig. 7.
by the number of genes per chromosome. Each gene codes for A comparison of the predicted against experimental failure load
a different sub-expression tree or sub-ET. Three optimal levels values is shown in Table 2 and Fig. 8.
1102 A.H. Gandomi et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67 (2011) 1096–1105
Fig. 9. Experimental versus predicted failure load values using the LSR model.
4. Sensitivity analysis
a b
c d
e f
g h
Fig. 11. The ratio between the experimental and predicted failure load values with respect to the design parameters (average = 0.988).
is an important issue, as it bears heavily on the reliability of the fi- Ro′2 = 1− ∑n , tio = k′ ×hi 0.983
i=1 ( h i −h̄ i)
nal models. To cope with this limitation, Frank and Todeschini [37]
argue that the minimum ratio of the number of objects over the
the predicted and experimental values (Ro2 ) or the coefficient be-
number of selected variables for model acceptability is 3. They also
tween the experimental and predicted values (Ro′2 ) should be close
suggest that considering a ratio equal to 5 is more reasonable. In to 1 [23]. The considered validation criteria and the relevant re-
the present study, this ratio is higher, and is equal to 47/8 = 5.9. sults obtained by the models are presented in Table 4. The results of
The above facts ensure that the final GEP model has prediction the model validity indicate that the derived GEP model is strongly
power and is not a chance correlation. Furthermore, new criteria valid.
recommended by Golbraikh and Tropsha [38] were checked for In addition, Fig. 11 shows the ratio of the experimental to
the external validation of the models on the validation data sets. the GEP predicted failure against different parameters. As the
It is suggested that at least one of the slopes of the regression scattering increases in these figures, the accuracy of the model
lines (k or k′ ) through the origin should be close to 1. The perfor- decreases. It can be observed that, with the exception of LC , the
mance indices of m and n should be lower than 0.1. Also, either scattering slightly decreases with increasing different parameters.
the squared correlation coefficient (through the origin) between In the case of LC , the results do not exhibit any noticeable
1104 A.H. Gandomi et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 67 (2011) 1096–1105
trend. It is worth noting that the observed deviation between the • They derived equation is very simple and can readily be used
experimental and predicted failure load is not only due to the for practical pre-planning and pre-design purposes via hand
deficiency of the proposed model. It can partly be attributed to calculations.
uncertainties, errors, and inconsistencies in the data used for the • An observation from the results of the sensitivity analysis is that
training and testing of the model. the most important parameters governing the behavior of the
The results presented in Figs. 8 and 9 indicate that the GEP- load capacity of CSBs are the loading condition, minimum web
based formula significantly outperforms the LSR model on both yield stress, and web thickness.
the training and the testing sets. However, no rational model has • The constitutive equation derived using GEP is basically
been developed for the prediction of failure load including the different from the conventional constitutive models based on
variables considered in this study. Thus, it is not possible to conduct first principles (e.g., elasticity and plasticity theories) [23]. One
a comparative study between the results of this research and those of the distinctive features of the GEP-based model is it is
in hand. based on the experimental data rather than on assumptions
Note that one of the major advantages of the GEP approach made in developing the conventional models. Consequently, as
over traditional regression analysis is its ability to derive explicit more data become available, this model can be retrained and
relationships for failure load without assuming prior forms of the improved without repeating the development procedures from
existing relationships. The best solution (equation) evolved by this the beginning.
technique is determined after controlling numerous preliminary
models, even millions of linear and nonlinear models. However, Acknowledgement
one of the goals of introducing expert systems, such as the GP-
based approaches, into the design processes is better handling of The authors are thankful to Professor Mohammad Mehdi Alinia
the information in the pre-design phase. In the initial steps of (Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran) for his support
design, information about the features and properties of targeted and stimulating discussions.
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