B Eng Hons Mcha 40064 S2 2017-18

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Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours)

Commencing in Semester 2 2017/18 Studying at Callaghan

This Program Plan is an enrolment guide to ensure you are on track to graduate. If at any time you wish to vary
from this program plan seek prior advice from your Program Advisor to ensure you remain on track.

Semester 1 Semester 2

Year CIVL1100 ELEC1710 MATH1110 * PHYS1210

1 Fundamentals of Digital and Mathematics for Advanced Physics I
Engineering Computer Engineering, May count PHYS1205

Professional Practice: Industrial Experience 12 weeks

Mechanics Electronics 1 Science and in lieu with convenor
Technology 1 approval


2 Introduction to Introduction to Mathematics for PATHWAY Introduction to Calculus of Science Mechanical PATHWAY
Procedural Professional Engineering, Science Electrical and Engineering Drawing/CAD and
Programming Engineering and Technology 2 Engineering Workshop Practice

Year ELEC2320 ENGG2500 MECH2110 MECH2360 ELEC2430 ENGG2440 MECH2710 MCHA3500

3 Electrical and Sustainable Mechanical Dynamics of Circuits and Signals Modelling and Fluid Mechanics 1 Mechatronics
Electronic Circuits Engineering Practice Engineering Design 1 Machines Control Design

Year ELEC3730 ENGG3440 ENGG3500 MECH3695 MECH4841A ENGG4440 ENGG4500 ELECTIVE

4 Digital and Computer Linear Control and Managing Heat Transfer Experimental Non-Linear Control Engineering PATHWAY
Electronics 2 Estimation Engineering Projects Methods and Estimation Complexity 1

Year ELECTIVE MCHA4000 MECH4841B Program Plan Key: = Core = Elective Pathway
5 PATHWAY Mechatronics Design Mechanical Engineering Project B
2 (20 units)
This course must be taken in the semester = Compulsory Program Requirement
immediately following MECH4841A

Information correct as of April 2018 and subject to change. Program Code: 40064 CRICOS Code: 032765A CRICOS Provider: 00109J
To be eligible to graduate make sure you have completed 320 units (10 units = 1 course unless otherwise specified) which meet the following criteria:

Core courses – 280 units.

* MATH courses - 20 units. Choice of maths courses is based on your assumed knowledge. To find out which MATH courses you
should enrol in please see the Enrolling in Maths information. More information is found in your Program Handbook. Note that due
to course offerings it is recommended Semester 2 commencing students take MATH1110 and MATH1120, and that you also
consider the University’s Summer School offerings following your first semester.

Elective pathway - 40 units. Visit the Program Handbook and Course Handbook to see a list of available electives.

Please be aware of the 120 unit maximum for 1000 level courses when selecting your elective pathway.

It is also a requirement that students complete a total of 12 weeks of industrial experience.

The duration of this program is 4 years fulltime study (40 units per semester) or part time equivalent.

The maximum time to complete this program is 10 years.

Some courses have assumed knowledge and/or requisites, please refer to the individual Course Handbook.
The Program Handbook has valuable information on program structure and requirements, if you are intending
on studying part time or varying from this program plan please seek prior advice from your Program Advisor.

Information correct as of April 2018 and subject to change. Program Code: 40064 CRICOS Code: 032765A CRICOS Provider: 00109J
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