Improvements in Osteological Pedagogy. - Berlier, C. (2018)
Improvements in Osteological Pedagogy. - Berlier, C. (2018)
Improvements in Osteological Pedagogy. - Berlier, C. (2018)
In Partial Fulfillment
December 2018
Approved: Date:
f& 7
Albert Gonzalez, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Chapter 8 - Grading.................................................................................................... 26
Part IV: Teaching Osteology ......................................................................................... 27
Postmortem Changes ................................................................................................. 81
Chapter 14 – Application of Osteology in Criminal Justice ................................. 89
Part V: References .......................................................................................................... 91
References ................................................................................................................. 91
Appendix .................................................................................................................. 110
Osteology is the study of skeletal structures &, though that may seem vague, the
study of bones can be applied to a vast array of fields & careers. The primary challenge
of developing educational programs is determining who can or should benefit from the
also noticed that the students who enroll in human osteology are often undergraduates in
their junior or senior year &, as with many courses, the course is taken due to a specific
undergraduates in their final year(s), is that they have already decided on their major.
That means they have taken the time to choose a field of interest &, generally,
understanding the level of energy needed to fulfill their degree. Human osteology is not
an easy course & it requires time, dedication, & discipline. On average, there are only
biological anthropology majors enrolled, who are required to take the course before
graduating. However, although the status quo seems to place osteology in the hidden
realm of anthropology, I argue that the various courses outlined here can & should be
used to bridge boundaries between the criminal justice fields, anthropological osteology,
& forensic osteology. Beyond that I investigate the importance of human osteology,
within both anthropological & forensic lenses, in, not just criminal justice curricula, but
specimens & I will offer syllabi examples to teach courses in five different learning
environments that include, at least, the basics on the foundational information of forensic
in the simplest form, those who study. The focus often places “students” as those in
college or university. I argue that “students” is a much broader term, including any
individual that studies an area of interest. In this case, there is a large base of students
who would benefit from osteological training. As previously stated, those at college or
university, including graduate students, & professionals & those within governmental
agencies, are primary targets. However, the United States is not the only country that has
yet to bridge the distance between anthropological & osteological knowledge & the
popular fields of criminal justice & criminology. Jobs such as criminal investigators,
crime scene investigators, forensic technicians, police officers & detectives, as well as
lab analysts have become increasingly popular worldwide. Yet these jobs, which will
most likely encounter osteological remains, are, on a multinational average, not required
I’ve discussed, part of this is due to a large gap between the anthropology & criminal
justice departments. However, another part, as I will discuss later, is the growing
potentially avoid future issues. Here I will further discuss who our target students should
State University, East Bay, must take human osteology. However, as mentioned, this is
not the case at all schools. Schools such as the University of Maryland, the University of
Albany, & the University of Cincinnati are some of the top criminal justice schools in the
United States, yet none require osteology or anthropology. Even the top criminology
schools in the United Kingdom, such as the universities at Stirling, Leicester, & York, do
not include osteology courses for criminal justice majors, even if offered for forensic
anthropology or bioarchaeology, etc. Students that pursue human osteology on their own,
criminal justice, & nursing. Thus, target students for undergraduate osteology should be
broadened to include, not just biological anthropological majors, but also those in majors
that can reach the careers of police officers, detectives, crime scene investigators, &
Graduate students should, & generally do, have some footing in osteology &
practice handling skeletal remains. Graduate students with osteological background may
help in guiding & leading the class as well as making time to study with students and/or
background, regardless of their major, is beneficial to both the graduate & undergraduate
students, as well as the professor. In this position, graduate students take on a mentor-like
role with the undergraduates; providing time to tutor, useful study methods, & most
testing”, as I will discuss later. The graduate course is also designed to teach graduates
departments, crime scene units, or forensic labs, these students should be targeted for
training outside of the fields of forensic anthropology or bioarchaeology. Let alone not
offering human osteology to those in criminology, the push from federal departments for
police to have college degrees is still nominal. Various studies on higher education
within police departments have shown that, on average, only 50% of individuals have
some college experience while only 30% have a bachelor’s degree. While many of these
studies also show the effects of higher education on issues such as authoritarian attitudes,
arrest frequencies, use of force, & predilection to perform searches, they also show the
correlation between college degrees & better social & ethical behavior as well as being
more progressive towards minority communities. Studies have begun to urge policy
majors as well as those with & without degrees in federal agencies (Rydberg & Terrill,
2010; Roberg & Bonn, 2004; Paoline, 2000; Henion & Terrill, 2015).
human or non-human 2) Determine the side of the body the fragment is from 3) identify
diagnostic features, & 4) Know when there is not enough evidence to give a definitive
Human or Nonhuman
The first & most important concept students should master is determining whether
a bone or bone fragment is human. In potential crime scenes it is always imperative that
the osteologist correctly identify any skeletal remains as human or nonhuman. There
have been countless incidents in which animal remains are incorrectly identified as
human. Teaching this concept often tests students on recalling specific shapes of human
looking at the size, shape, texture, & diagnostic features of bones & fragments to
determine human versus non-human. As a teacher, this includes making sure students are
Left or Right
The second consideration the students must make is determining what side of the
body the bone or fragment is from. For the complete axial components of the skeleton
such as the vertebrae or hyoid, siding is considered the midline of the body. However, for
appendicular bones, duplicate cranial bones, fragments, & the os coxae, the students
should be able to determine what side they are from. Again, this requires identification of
Identification of Features
Thirdly, the students should be familiar enough with the features & craniometrics
of the skeleton to use as a diagnostic determining tool. Features can be used to determine
human versus non-human, element, & anatomical positioning. They should also be able
Limits of Knowledge
Lastly is knowing when to say, “I don’t know”. This can be one of the most
challenging concepts to grasp & master. There will be fragments that are nondiagnostic,
both in study & in the real world. Students should try to use the fragment’s features for
identification, but should be conscious of bias & assumptions. Students should be able to
effectively argue their position using diagnostic features to determine the element or
students to the method of study that will be the most beneficial to them. Some
osteological learning methods I have witnessed or used myself in the course of study are:
The number one study method for mastering osteology is self-guided testing.
Students should use the teaching collection & their text resources to guide themselves
through the course objectives. During this time, the students can discuss their thoughts &
questions with the teacher or graduate students. As they move through the course, they
weak points. This method is beneficial in the sense that it is both a way to acquaint
graduate students with teaching pedagogy, but also to have them continually refreshing
archaeology, & anatomy. In a similar fashion, graduate student led studying is also
effective. By breaking the students into smaller groups, roughly five to six students, it is
much easier for graduate students to discuss specifics or pass around bones or fragments.
instructor to determine the most important definitions for the students. This is variable
easier to ask more of the students in terms of definitions, craniometrics, & non-metric
features than it is during a quarter system. In the Teaching Osteology section, I go into
more detail about minimum specifics. Even on a quarter system, it is possible to cover
the skeleton & the vast majority diagnostic features & soft tissues. Flashcards, however,
cannot replace hands-on interaction with the skeleton. I have noticed that the less time
students spend working hands-on with the bones, the less information they retain.
labeling features on my own drawings. While this method is not always easy & not
effective for all students, it is especially helpful for muscle memory as well as becoming
intimate with the more complicated elements. For example, finding the jugular fossa on
the posterior angle of the temporal bone is often challenging for new students. For some
students, drawing the bone & labeling their own drawing is often all they need for it to
click in their mind. This method can also help with the shape memorization of elemental
Drawing is not for all students, however, so I often suggest creating charts. I often
list the features of each element & their corresponding soft tissues, craniometrics, or
charts which eventually led to an abridged guide to human osteology. See Appendices for
Mnemonic devices can be used but this, generally, will be on an individual basis.
What makes sense to one person may or may not make sense to another. It is less helpful
to force your preferred way of learning & more beneficial to use the student’s strengths
to their advantage. Sensory cues are often used by students without them realizing it. It is
useful to point out the varying textures of the human skeleton. This improves the
the human body works. For instance, I like to use the rugosities on the clavicle as an
example of muscle attachments on bone. The rough texture at the attachment point is
quite different from the smooth shaft. Each time they pick up a fragment, they should be
able to discern between different textures to help orientate the element within the body.
Without realizing it, they will have trained themselves to respond to these sensory cues.
Study Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Self-guided testing Use of whole & Allows for open Students will
fragmentary discussion using often lose
as differences in
using quizzes & tests. Students are quizzed every other week & in addition have one
midterm & one final. The quizzes, midterm, & final each contain a combination of
element identification & short-answer questions. Students have one & a half minutes per
question to display that they have learned the four previously discussed points.
engaging with human remains, regardless of the discipline. First & foremost, it is
imperative that all students wear gloves while handling human remains. While many
labs, including my own, have casts or resin models, it is easier to have students wear
gloves while handling these as well, although it is not ethically necessary. Some students
also choose to wear a lab coat, though it should not be made a requirement. Lastly,
students should not wear rings, bracelets, or other jewelry that could potentially damage
attitude while handling remains. These were once living, breathing humans. Students,
primarily undergraduates, tend to be slightly detached due to the arbitrary nature of the
skeleton for beginners. It is best to address this trend directly with the students, making it
clear that human remains should be: 1) handled with respect & 2) handled with care.
Handling remains with respect goes beyond the common sense understanding to not
deface or use any remains inappropriately. Respectful examination includes using bones
for learning & research purposes only. Often, students displace intense feelings that
emerge from handling human remains with humor, but this is not generally appropriate.
Social media & imagery could potentially lead to a legal situation if a student decides to
handled with two hands, & never by the orbits or foramen magnum. Students should
have ample lab space to sit down & examine bones over a flat, stable area covered in a
plastic, corrugated mat. Carpet or cloth mats can be detrimental to the elements & should
be avoided. Tables should be free & clear of debris; books & notebooks should be kept to
a minimum.
teaching collection. To do this, you first must decide what you need. Learning osteology
requires the ability to, not only see examples of every bone, but to see multiple examples
of every bone to show variation as well. Students also need access to examples of
Aside from the elements used as teaching materials, one must also have a collection
for testing. This smaller collection should be separated from your teaching material to
provide fair grading standards by not allowing any student access to them prior to the
exam. The first tests should have fully intact or large fragments of bone. As the class
progresses, the testable fragments should get smaller. It is difficult to find a decent
number of specimens that are both diagnostic as well as challenging. Students need
testable materials that will force them to recognize patterns in shapes, textures, & breaks.
Common testable fragments include skull fragments, such as a single occipital condyle or
a sphenoidal greater wing, vertebral & pelvic fragments, individual teeth, proximal, distal
& shaft portions of long bones, & singular whole elements, such as a first metacarpal
companies that offer complete skeletons & individual bones, collections of different ages
& pathologies, & additionally, high-quality casts of these as well. Some of these
companies specialize in real human bones like The Bone Room, Osteology Warehouse,
& Skulls Unlimited International. While others focus on realistic & medical-grade
Buying real or cast human bones can be extremely expensive. When trying to
create a collection or a teaching set, the totals can quickly add up to the tens of
thousands. For example, real standard human skulls run an average of $1,692 each while
casts of these cost $256 each on average. For real complete skeletons, the prices
skyrocket. The average price for a real, standard, complete human skeleton pushes
$3,500. Full cast skeletons are much more affordable, around $550 on average. Singular
bones & small sets of bones are typically economically priced & allow acquisition of
articulated & disarticulated joints. However, these are primarily real bones & it can be
Additionally, bones & casts can be purchased from independent sellers as well as
public & private institutions. Buying from an independent seller can be problematic &
potentially risky. It is critical that you know & understand state & federal restrictions as
well as the guidelines of the Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act
NAGPRA “was enacted on November 16, 1990, to address the rights of lineal
descendants, Indian tribes, & Native Hawaiian organizations to Native American cultural
items, including human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, & objects of cultural
patrimony” (National Parks Service). Universities & colleges that receive federal funding
The UAGA, however, governs the sale & donation of tissue & organs on a state-
by-state basis. In 2015, Georgia enacted a bill entitled the “Georgia Revised Uniform
Anatomical Gift Act” which severely limits the sale or purchase of human remains. This
includes shipping remains, even those from reputable or medical sources, to Georgia.
Likewise, Washington, D.C. has made buying & selling human body parts completely
illegal, regardless of what they will be used for. This was done by strictly defining what
was included under the category of “human body parts” as well as prohibiting who could
purchase biological specimens, which includes for purchases medical purposes (Section
this is merely because the law does not explicitly state that it is illegal to do so. Because
this changes on a per state basis, it is crucial that you understand the laws where you
wish to purchase osteological remains from as well as the possessions laws in your own
state. Questionable purchases may lead to an inquiry, which is a mess that can be easily
avoided. It is preferable to know that the source is reputable and/or to know the
institutions. California State University, East Bay, in Hayward, California has its own
the other CSUs. Borrowing between state institutions like CSU is possible & encouraged.
However, as most researchers will find, most schools are unwilling to part with their
precious specimens.
more precise, less space-consuming, & much more affordable. This technology has been
applied to a multitude of fields due to its many applications. The process is structurally
object you choose. The most common & useful 3D scanner is a structured light scanner.
This type of device uses a stand or turntable and a camera. The camera simultaneously
uses bands of light to determine the surface structure of the scanned item as well as
records the scan on the associated personal computer. Scanners that use a nonmoving
stand require the user to rotate the objects as needed. Although turntable structured-light
3D scanners may cost a little more, they are more effective at rotating the piece without
affecting the scan. It should be noted that the personal computer, mentioned above, must
meet fairly rigorous specifications, particularly in regard to the graphics card &
3D scanning & printing could quickly become the most efficient & cost-effective
replicate bones pays for itself quickly. Likewise, the scanning of a bone creates a file that
can be duplicated, shared, & printed numerous times over. The two most obvious
benefits being that the printing of exact scans could theoretically allow all students in one
room to hold & study the exact same bone or fragment at the same time &, the digital
copy protects a once unique element by allowing the owner to quickly & economically
will allow. I have found in my experience that if there are any more than fifteen students
in the course, multiple problems come to light. Issues can arise with too large a class size
become overwhelming to set up, monitor, & grade, &, of course, with a larger class you
need a larger teaching collection as well as a larger testing collection. For small colleges
run a small graduate class concurrently. Graduate students can be led to direct & guide
the undergraduates. These students should also assist with the designing, set-up,
The benefits of running a small class are more obvious. It is much easier to have
one-on-one interactions with students or lead discussions in small groups. With a smaller
class, less bones, fragments, & testable materials are needed to effectively run & teach
the class. However, there are some other benefits that are less obvious. Smaller class
sizes led to increased socialization between the students, including graduate students, &
the teacher. In my experience, students group up to study &, over the course of the class,
become friends & colleagues. This closeness between students creates quite a bit of
competition. This also allows the teacher & any graduate student assistants to focus on
the students & their strengths & weaknesses. As the class is not designed around lectures,
it gives the class a free-study feel. Students can follow the course outline as well as
Graduates as TAs
The graduate students, as discussed previously, should be given varying degrees
involvement with the course. The graduate students should help design the quizzes,
again, by being tested themselves. They should, however, be required to take the midterm
& the final exams with the undergraduates. This allows the instructor to grade the
graduate students based on midterm & final grades, as well as attendance & participation.
Graduate students should have at least one human osteology course in their
transcript before assisting professors with work. Under supervision, graduate students
should direct student studying, design & write quizzes, as well as proctor & grade
quizzes. These students should also make themselves available outside of class time to
assist students with studying as well as making sure they have access to the study
Specialty Course
At California State University, Criminal Justice majors are not required to take
human osteology, forensic osteology, general forensics, or anatomy & physiology. While
this is not the case at all institutions, there is a trend for future police officers, sheriffs, &
crime scene investigators to be educated in sociology, ethics, & psychology, but not
week-long seminar, a basic introduction to the entire skeleton, determinations of age, sex,
& stature, different pathologies, taphonomic factors, types of modification, soft tissues,
& an outline of NAGPRA & the UAGA will be covered in a series of daily lectures.
using this thesis, the attached guide, & the associated 3D scans. While this will not make
the attendees experts, they will be able to gain a fundamental understanding of skeletal
Additionally, the 3D scans included allow for the printing of a study of skull bones for
each student. This is immensely important to retaining osteological & anatomical details.
Day One:
After a brief introduction by the instructor, the course should immediately begin
with an introduction to the basic directional, anatomical, & osteological terminology. The
next topic should be the cranium, bone-by-bone, including the most important features.
The cranium should be following by the mandible, again, focusing on the important
features. This will conclude the skull as an element & time should be given for questions
& review.
After the analysis of the skull, details of dentition should be covered next.
Students in this specialty course will not need to know the minute details of each tooth
but should be able to discern between the different teeth. This encompasses deciduous
dentition as well. It is important that students can distinguish between immature & adult
teeth. Lastly, the day should end with an elementary review of biometrics. It is less
important that students understand the particular structures of bone, but rather the
observable health or weakness of bone. Before the end of each day, a question & answer
Day Two:
The second day of the seminar should begin with a short review of the previous
day’s topics. This should be done each day before presenting new information. After
reviewing the skull, dentition, & biometrics, the vertebral column should be covered next
The last portion of the chest cavity is the ribs. Not much detail should be placed
on the ribs, with the exception of the first, second, eleventh, & twelfth ribs. To end the
day, a basic introduction to taphonomy should be covered next. The first & most
important aspect is to cover the definitions anti-, peri-, & post-mortem. Once these basic
descriptions have been discussed, it is useful to cover the differences between green &
dry fractures, examine types of soil discoloration, & review burned bones. More relevant
however, is the inclusion of human bone modification versus animal or plant damage. A
significant priority should be placed on cut marks, crushing, projectile marks, gunshot
wounds, & peeling, while less emphasis should be placed on carnivore- & rodent-
Day Three:
After reviewing the two prior days, the focus shifts from the axial skeleton to the
appendicular skeleton. Before starting the arm, it is preferred to begin with the shoulder
girdle, including the clavicle. The rotator cuff muscles will naturally lead right into the
humerus. Continue distally down the arm to cover the radius & ulna. Very limited time
needs to be spent covering the carpals, metacarpals, & phalanges of the hand.
Though it may not be intuitive, it is best to discuss pathologies of both bone &
teeth at this point. As one would assume, it makes the most sense to only cover the more
Day Four:
Day four moves back to the axial skeleton to cover the entire pelvis. The pelvis includes
two os coxae, a sacrum, & the coccyx. Although the os coxae are the most important
structures of the pelvis, the sacrum & coccyx are important in the overall architecture.
More detailed focus can be placed on the features of the os coxa rather than the sacrum &
Shifting into the subject of variable determination is logical after covering the
pelvis. Sexing & aging can both be done with pelvis. Sexing the skull using Walker’s
field method is very easy for even the most inexperienced students to master. Routine
field techniques of objective age analysis using dentition & the os coxae are also useful
& important tools to cover. Stature & ancestry analysis are less important to cover.
Day Five:
The final review will be the lengthiest & again should allow the students to guide
the topics of focus. After the review, the final part of the appendicular skeleton can be
covered; this portion covers the femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, &
phalanges of the foot. Like the arm, the importance should be placed on the leg bones &
less on the tarsals. The final topics should cover modification & the application of these
tools in the fields of criminal justice & forensics. The seminar will end with a final
further detail regarding physically building the tests as well as simple grading
procedures. For the quizzes, you and/or the graduate students should determine how
many questions you will need. It is beneficial to create a few extra questions than there
Creating Questions
When creating questions, the teacher and/or the graduate students should choose
bones and/or fragments as well as short-answer questions that test the undergraduates up
to the teaching point in class. Elements should begin intact or largely intact for the first
quiz, getting progressively more fractured &, consequently, difficult as the course goes
on. As a teacher, it is imperative that you can in fact tell for sure anything asked of the
students. For instance, if you have an individual deciduous lower second molar but siding
is, for some reason, inconclusive, you cannot ask this of the students. In the section,
Once the bones or fragments are chosen, it is quite beneficial to have the graduate
students “take the reins”, so to speak. The graduate students should examine the
fragments, essentially testing themselves. After reviewing the fragments with the
graduate students, allow them to come up with potential questions. For general human
osteology, the question for each element is a standard three-part, three-point question that
asks, “Which element? What side? What feature?” So, within the allotted one minute &
thirty seconds, each student must pick up the bone at their station, examine it, & answer
which element it is, what side of the body it is from (left, right, or midline), & what
diagnostic feature led them to this conclusion. Although, to make questions more
difficult, you can use smaller fragments, and/or use non-toxic, removable, colored dots to
highlight specific features. For instance, a red dot with an arrow pointing into the nutrient
foramen on the femur could be used to ask specifically which feature it is. In this
example, a shaft fragment of said femur with the highlighted nutrient foramen could be
used in more difficult questions to require students to understand how to side shaft
Not all questions need to be structured this way; dentition & vocabulary questions
are also used & encouraged. Loose, individual teeth make great testing materials. While
dividing up points on dentition questions can be difficult, there is more than one way to
do it. However, for testing teeth, questions should reflect the student’s ability to
determine which type of tooth it is, the side, whether it is maxillary or mandibular, & the
number of the tooth. It is also a good chance to teach the proper annotation for dentition
in osteology. For instance, the answer on a test for a question on an upper right third
premolar would be RP3. Other questions can be centered around vocabulary, like
defining craniometrics or other specific definitions. For example, questions that asks that
students to define bregma, lambda, or apex using appropriate osteological vocabulary are
encouraged. Another one of my favorite questions is to ask the student to define, using
Test Organization
In terms of setting up the test, your first priority should be to protect the bones &
second to protect the students. To protect the bones, they should be on nice flat surfaces,
generally, within small, shallow boxes. This helps prevent them from rolling, sliding, or
being knocked off the table or desk. Anyone touching the bones should have gloves, as
per usual, including students throughout the test. To protect the students, there needs to
cheating. This also helps deter “ambitious” students from trying to work on the upcoming
bones, abusing the timed system. In my experience, it is best to create a ring of desks
and/or tables around the outer edge of the classroom. “Stations” should be spread out
evenly, skipping desks between “stations” whenever possible. If desks in the ring all face
the same way, students will generally sit at the desks blocking each other from seeing
Chapter 8 - Grading
As mentioned earlier, I generally use the standard three-part, three-point question
for elements. While dividing points on dentition can be tricky, short-answer questions
can easily be made three-points apiece as well. An example of grading percentages that
could be used is as follows: conduct/attendance is 15%, quizzes are 30% total, the
transverse, palmar & plantar. For the entire skeleton, students should know appendicular,
axial, articulation, & foramen (foramina). Other important vocabulary includes skull,
dentition, be sure students can effectively use mesial, distal, lingual, labial, buccal,
interproximal, & occlusal to describe teeth. There are many, many more words within the
frame of the osteology but these are the most commonly used & should be mastered by
Regardless of whether your course runs on quarter or a semester system, it is best
to start with the cranium, in the most literal sense. Before breaking the cranium down
bone-by-bone, familiarize the students with the most commonly used craniometrics &
Frankfort Horizontal. Proceed with the crania, going over all pertinent features, as
follows: frontal, parietals, temporals, occipital, maxillae, palatine, vomer, inferior nasal
conchae, ethmoid, lacrimals, nasals, zygomatics, & sphenoid. It is worth noting however,
that the palatines, vomer, inferior nasal conchae, auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, &
stapes), & sometimes the ethmoid, are often difficult to show separate from the whole
cranium, aren’t generally recovered from archaeological sites intact, & aren’t generally
useful for determining anything useful within in the forensic field. While students should
be taught this small set of bones, less focus should be placed on siding & more on their
position within the entire skull. Once the cranium is covered, is it fair to move on to the
mandible & then the individual teeth. Features of the teeth should be covered as to
column. It is useful to cover general features that apply to the entire vertebral column
before breaking down the vertebrae into their groups. Students should cover cervical
vertebrae one thru seven, paying special attention to the atlas & the axis, thoracic
vertebrae one thru twelve, & lumbar vertebrae one thru five. In terms of the special
one (atlas), two (axis), & seven, thoracic vertebrae one, ten, eleven, & twelve, & lumbar
vertebrae one & five. It is easier to save the sacrum until covering the os coxae.
difficult to pick out individually, apart from ribs one, two, ten, eleven, & twelve.
Students should get practice, not just handling individual ribs, but also serrating a set of
socket. To set up the arm, it is best to start with the scapula & clavicle. This order is
especially useful when covering soft tissues. From there, move on to the humerus, radius,
ulna, & then cover the carpals, metacarpals, & hand phalanges.
mentioning to the students the variation in the number of coccygeal vertebrae. The os
coxae should be taught starting by covering the three individual bones that make up os
coxae: the illium, the ishium, & the pubis. This naturally leads to the femur, patella, tibia,
Chapter 10 – Biometrics
Bone Composition & Function
Bone tissue, which supports the entire body, protects vital organs, & anchors
muscles, is a composite material made up of the mineral, hydroxyapatite & the protein,
collagen. Hydroxyapatite is found in both the bones & the teeth, & is responsible for
giving healthy elements their rigidity. Collagen, the most common protein in the body,
gives bones their flexibility. Together, collagen & hydroxyapatite create a compound that
is as strong as steel but as light as wood. Bones are extremely strong but can react &
respond to stresses & pressures to change & adapt. Adult bone is comprised of nearly
65% hydroxyapatite, 10% collagen, 25% water, & small amounts of other elements, like
Bone falls into two categories, woven & lamellar. Woven bone is generally
considered immature bone. Juveniles, whose bones are still growing, contain a lot of
woven bone. Woven bone is also seen when a broken bone is attempting to repair itself.
Alternatively, lamellar bone is regarded as mature & makes up the adult skeleton.
Lamellar bone has two subcategories; cortical & trabecular. Cortical bone is what
everyone pictures when they think of “bones”. Cortical bone is solid & compact, &
makes up the exterior surface as well as the entirety of the shaft sections of the long
bones. Unlike cortical bone, which is smooth & dense, trabecular bone is porous &
netted. These two different types of lamellar bone serve two different purposes.
Trabecular bone is seen at the ends of long bones or where bones are under constant
pressure. The spongy matrix of trabecular bone allows it to support more weight than
cortical bone, although it looks less stable. However, cortical bone is constantly under
compression & tension, for instance in the femoral shaft. The dense but hollow frame of
the cortical shaft allows for leverage of movement with the maximum amount of strength
but the minimum amount of weight (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; White, 2012).
Bone Growth
Bone growth, or ossification, can be broken down into two categories: primary &
secondary ossification centers. Primary ossification points are the areas where bone
growth starts in the prenatal development process. Ossification of the skull, which starts
in the fourth month of the embryonic stage, has 110 primary centers. By the time the
child becomes an adult, the skull will have 22 mature bones, after the fusion of the other
88 ossification points.
Primary Ossification
of the skull bones, or the 110 primary ossification centers. Intramembranous ossification
refers to the fetal development of the long bones. The difference between endochondral
ossification does not go through this process, whereas the intramembranous ossification
Secondary Ossification
sometimes, through adulthood, as cartilage goes through the process of ossification. This
is most easily seen in the long bones. Long bones are divided into three sections: the
epiphysis, the diaphysis, & the metaphysis. The epiphyses of the long bones are at the
proximal & distal ends. The diaphysis is also known as the shaft; for example, the dense,
hollow, lamellar bone of the femoral shaft. The metaphyses are the meeting points of the
diaphysis & the epiphyses. Between the metaphysis & the epiphysis is the epiphyseal
plate, or the growth plate, where the addition of new bone lengthens the shaft.
The shaft also grows in width through appositional growth, as well as through
through a process known as modeling or remodeling, wherein old bone is resorbed &
new bone cells create an outer layer of fresh bone (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; White,
they adapt to their surroundings. In the 19th century, German doctor Julius Wolff
determined the mechanotransduction properties of bone & hypothesized that bone would
react & remodel in the face of external stresses. Today, we call this Wolff’s Law, which
states that as stress is applied to bone, the bone will remodel & rebuild to adapt to, &
In the 1960s, American doctor Harold Frost refined Wolff’s Law with a model
a lifelong process caused by muscles & other changes to bone, like breaks. The elastic
deformation of the bone is measured in strain in regard to disuse, overload, fracture, &
constant adaptation. This model, which was first displayed in the Utah Paradigm of
severe fracture, osteoarthritis, & osteoporosis. This has led others, such as Charles H.
There are two basic models of biomechanics; the load-displacement curve & the
stress-strain curve. In the load-displacement model, the y-axis represents the force
applied to the bone & the x-axis represents the displacement, or dislocation, of the
stiffness, brittleness, & the point of fracture. Likewise, this model can also show the
bone is brittle & thus displays reduced work to failure” because the bone does not have
the capability to be displaced the same way a healthy bone would. Furthermore, the
pliable nature of juvenile elements raises the amount of displacement needed before the
bone will break, “resulting in increased work to failure” & potential deformation of the
bone. The stress-strain curve measures the rigidity of the bone & the amount of energy
necessary to cause the bone to fracture. The trajectory of the stress-strain curve is known
as Young’s modulus.
Together, these two models can tell the osteologist the durability & the stiffness
of the bone in question. Where an element falls within the load-displacement curve &
stress-strain curve determines how healthy the bone is. When placed together, Young’s
modulus & the ultimate strain are inversely correlated along the y-axis. The x-axis
displays the bone mineral density (BMD) which is displayed as a fraction of the mineral
volume of bone. As previously discussed in Bone Composition & Function, there are
average percentages of the different components of bone. Changes to this ratio could
have serious consequences in terms of the strength & fragility of the bone. The higher the
hydroxyapatite, or mineral content, the more brittle the bone becomes. Alternatively,
collagen, while less significant to the strength or fragility of the bone, improves the
Many researchers, like Turner, set out to prove that, German physicist Dr. Claus
Mattheck’s theory applied to bone biomechanics as well, then it is expected that stress on
bone will cause growth & adaptation in the area the stress is directly affecting.
Alternatively, lack of stress or disuse can cause bone to become less dense. In the early
2000s, it was determined in multiple experiments that bone does in fact react greater to
higher strains & in the specific area that it is needed. “The improvement in bone structure
is evidenced by a 64% increase in bone strength & a 100-fold increase in fatigue life, yet
the improvement in areal BMD was only a modest 5-8%”. This shows that stress greatly
increases the strength & life span of the bone while keeping the bone mineral density, or
heaviness, to a minimum.
Bone Adaptation
loading, 2) it occurs during short intervals of time, & 3) it is more reactive to novel
loading. Firstly, bone adapts, as Wolff determined, when stress is applied. However,
stress loads fall into two different categories, & bones react differently between the two
types of loading. Dynamic loading is constantly varying in the force being applied to the
bone, whereas static loading applies a steady, constant pressure. Bone adapts more
short intervals of loading. In fact, continued dynamic loading can hit a point of saturation
where the bone will begin to resist adaptation &, eventually, will decrease additional
remodeling. Thirdly, bone adaptation is more respondent to unique stress situations than
habitual or methodical loading. This is because the bone cells react strongly to new &
uncommon stresses (Turner, 1998; Turner, 2002; Turner, 2006; Bonfield & Li, 1966).
forensic anthropology. The pelvis has been regarded as the most sexually dimorphic bone
in the body. However, the pelvis does not always survive. Many osteologists & forensic
anthropologists have historically considered the skull to be the second most useful
effective to metrically evaluate the sex for a higher rate of accuracy than just cranial
analysis alone.
Estimating sex using the pelvis can be done visually, without the use of metrics,
& if done correctly, sex can be determined with high accuracy. The greater sciatic notch
of the ilium is one highly variable feature. Males tend to have narrow, deep notches,
while females have wide, broad notches. On the pubis, the most sexually diagnostic
element of the pelvis, three features can be visually evaluated to estimate sex using
Phenice’s Technique: 1) the ventral arc, 2) the subpubic concavity, & 3) the medial
aspect of the ischiopubic ramus. The ventral arc & subpubic concavity are almost never
seen in males. The anterior surface of the pubis in males is flat & generally smooth,
whereas in females, the ventral arc creates a distinct lipped edge. On the posterior side of
the pubis, a concavity is seen on females on the inferior aspect of the ischiopubic ramus.
Again, this feature is absent in males, whose ishiopubic ramus has a straight, almost
linear inferior angle. Lastly, the medial inferior border of the ischiopubic tends to have a
sharp ridge in females, which is smooth & dull in males (Phenice, 1969; Lovell, 1989;
White, 2012).
The pelvis, which includes both os coxae, the sacrum, & the coccyx, has sexually
dimorphic characteristics that can be analyzed, when available. When viewing the pubic
cavity inferiorly, females tend to have a wide opening, free of potential obstructions of
the birth canal. Males, alternatively, have a heart shaped opening with protrusion of the
ischial tuberosities & the coccyx into the pubic cavity. When viewed anteriorly, the male
pubic concavity is narrow & the iliac fossae incline superiorly. In this same view, the
female pubic cavity is much wider than the males & the iliac fossae are much more
Similar to the sciatic notch, the subpubic angle is acute in males & obtuse in
females. Inversely, males tend to have wider pubic angles than females. From the lateral
view, male obturator foramina look like vertically-orientated ovals. The female obturator
The cranium, when present, is often considered the second-best indicator of sex
when the pelvis is unavailable. Although this is disputed by some, Dr. Phillip L.
Walker’s qualitative grading method for skulls has an accuracy rate around 86%.
Walker’s system requires the osteologist to objectively classify each of five features of
the skull, while in Frankfort Horizontal, on a scale of one to five, where one is more
feminine & five is more masculine. A grade of three signifies an inability to discern
uncertainty; two is a probable female & four is probable male. The five features analyzed
in this method are 1) the nuchal crest of the occipital, 2) the mastoid processes of the
temporals, 3) the supraorbital margins of the frontal, 4) the glabella of the frontal, & 5)
the mental eminence of the mandible. Once the osteologist has graded each feature
The nuchal crest, attachment site of many neck & upper back muscles, should be
viewed laterally. In females, the nuchal crest is less pronounced due to leaner muscle
structure. In males, the nuchal crest tends to protrude posteriorly. The mastoid processes
are also neck muscle attachment sites which tend to pull the bone posteriorly more in
males than in females. A good, if unofficial, method for grading the size of the mastoid
processes is to place the skull on a smooth, flat surface. If the mastoids are large enough
to lift the skull up off the table, it is most likely a male. However, if the mastoids are
small then the skull will rest on the occipital condyles around the foramen magnum; this
situation generally dictates a female skull. Next, determine the value for the supraorbital
margins. When viewed laterally, female supraorbital margins are sharp & point
posteriorly, while males tend to have blunt, rounded margins. In this same view, the
glabella of the frontal can be graded as well. In males, the glabella protrudes just anterior
to the nasion of the nasal bones. This is nearly absent in females, as the glabella tends to
be almost smooth. Lastly, the mental eminence of the mandible, a triangular portion of
the jaw which defines the size of the chin in life, can be graded as the other features. As
assumed, females tend to have slight eminences & overall smaller mandibles. Male jaws
are often larger in comparison with more pronounced mental eminences. Although not
included in Walker’s qualification method, the gonial angles of the mandible are also fair
indicators of sex. Men tend to have large, flared, & generally 90° gonial angles. This
produces strong, square jaws in life. Inversely, females have slender angles that are fairly
The skull and/or pelvis may not always be available for sex determination
qualitative style of field procedures. Naturally, the more postcranial elements & features
The scapula may have as high as a “95% correct sex determination using only
three parameters” including the maximum distance between the acromion & coracoid
process, the maximum length of the coracoid process, & the anteroposterior length of the
glenoid fossa (Di Vella, 1994). Measurement of the anatomical height, or the maximum
length, of the scapula can also be used for sex determination, though this method has its
restrictions. Delimitation points of scapular height can determine sex with nearly 97%
accuracy. Male scapulae have a minimum length of 14 cm & female scapulae have a
maximum height of 17 cm. However, scapular measurements that fall in between these
demarcation points can only be sexed with 29% accuracy (Dwight, 1894; Dabbs 2009).
Lastly, the scapular breadth can be used to gauge sex with roughly 85% accuracy.
Female scapulae average out at 9.5 cm wide & men at nearly 11 cm (Moore, 2016;
Spradley, 2011). Less exact visual assessments of the scapula can be made using the
suprascapular notch & the angle of the scapular spine. Male scapulae tend to have deep
notches while female notches are shallow. Furthermore, male & female scapulae vary in
the obvious aspects of overall size & shape, including the angle of the spine to the vertex
The humerus is multivariate with an accuracy rate of over 85%. The two features
of the humerus with the highest accuracy are the vertical humeral head diameter & the
epicondylar breadth. The vertical humeral head is measured from the lateral-most to the
medial-most points along a true line. Males average at 4.7 cm & females at 4.1 cm. The
epicondylar breadth is measured from the lateral-most portion of the lateral epicondyle to
the medial-most part of the medial epicondyle. The average female epicondylar breadth
is 5.5 cm while the mean male breadth is almost a centimeter more at 6.4 cm. According
to numerous studies, the presence of a supratrochlear foramen just anterior to the trochlea
of the distal humerus could indicate a female. The average percentage of females with the
foramen is 23%, while only about 16% of males show presence of this trait (Ndou et al.
Like many of the other long bones, the average overall length of the bone can
sometimes be used in sex determination due to the correlation between height & long
bone length. Out of all the components of the radius, the maximal length is the most
accurate at 85%. Female radii generally average out at 24 cm while male radii have an
average length of nearly 27 cm. However, leg bones are much more accurate for sex
determination, with tibial & femoral features having accuracy greater than 86%. This is
not including the respective lengths of these elements, whose accuracy falls below 80%
for both the tibia & the femur. The best tibial feature for determining sex is the breadth of
the proximal epiphysis, which is measured from the lateral-most point of the tibial
plateau to the medial-most point of the plateau. Females have an average maximum
The femur, however, has two features that should be used concurrently when
establishing sex. The femoral epicondylar breadth, at 89% accuracy independently, & the
maximal diameter of the head, at 86% accuracy independently, are the most precise
femoral traits. It is worth noting though that other studies have shown these precision
from the lateral epicondyle to the medial epicondyle, has a sectioning point of 7.7 cm,
with females at an average of 7.2 cm & males at an average of 8.2 cm. The vertical
diameter of the femoral head averages at 4.1 cm in females & 4.6 cm in males, with a
demarcation position at 4.3 cm. Lastly, the triangle formed by the lateral-most point of
the femoral head plate & the apices of the greater & lesser trochanters on the posterior
proximal end has been found to be sexually dimorphic. The differences in size are
directly correlated to sex in most cases. Muscular insertion points, like those on the
proximal end of the femur & the distal end of the humerus, create greater variances
between the sexes. This method of measuring the proximal end of the femur is over 87%
Age estimation attempts to determine the age of the individual at death. There are
several methods for estimating age such as dental formation & eruption, dental attrition,
epiphyseal plate growth, long bone length, sternal rib ends, suture closures, & the pubic
symphysis & auricular surface of the os coxae. While each method has its own benefits
Tooth Formation
permanent teeth. While eruption charts are useful, radiographs can allow a more
developed a system for classifying & scoring seven teeth from the left mandible in which
descriptive stages allows for chronological aging with over 90% accuracy. However, this
aging method is only useful for subadults (Demirjian, 1973; Maber, 2006).
Tooth Eruption
If radiographic analysis is unavailable, tooth eruption patterns are also used to age
subadults. Eruption charts are available from multiple different reputable, reviewed
sources; most of these charts agree on the specific years of childhood & adolescence in
which teeth erupt. By the second year of life, the majority of the deciduous teeth will
have emerged. Around seven, permanent teeth begin to emerge, starting with the incisors.
By eleven, the permanent canines & premolars are emerging. & the permanent molars
come in at the intervals of six years, twelve years, & eighteen years.
Considering that not all individuals fall within these patterns, it is beneficial to compare
multiple methods of aging dentition as well as other available correlative data (Ubelaker,
Dental Wear
Once an individual has all of their permanent teeth fully formed & erupted, these
methods are no longer applicable for aging. However, dental wear patterns are one way
to age adults upon completion of eruption. Dental wear patterns or attrition charts, such
as Brothwell’s dental wear chart, attempt to estimate age based on the amount of dentine
exposed on the occlusal surface of the tooth. However, there are numerous issues with
systems such as this. The primary issue is that exact chronological age is not achievable.
Brothwell’s age ranges are 17-25, 25-35, 35-45, 45+. While an age estimation of 25-35
may be sufficient in some cases, the 45+ age range leads into the issue of aging elderly
individuals. The second concern, as just mentioned, is the uncertainty in aging during
somewhat common; thus in combination with potentially severe wear, aging older
individuals with any sort of exactness is unfeasible. The third & final dilemma is the lack
of cultural or individual variety. Various diets, lifestyles, beliefs, & other behaviors can
impact dental wear & health. These variations cause differences in the way tooth loss
occurs, whether it is through attrition, erosion, or abrasion (Koçani, 2012; Scheuer, 2002;
Brothwell, 1965).
Epiphyseal Fusion
The epiphyseal plate is the area at the proximal & distal ends of long bones that
allows for growth during childhood. These plates contain a layer of cartilage that goes
through the process of ossification during development to continually add new layers of
bone. Mature bones that are no longer growing have fused epiphyseal plates in which
bone has replaced all the cartilage. The predictable rates at which these plates fuse can
help osteologists estimate individual age. Long bone fusion, which occurs between 18-25
years of age, is the most accurate for aging. The fusion rates of other elements, including
the scapula & the ischium, are much more variable & thus, provide less accuracy. Proper
aging using this technique requires appropriate differentiation between separate, fusing,
Long bone length used in age determination attempts to find chronological age
based on the interrelationship between the overall size of the element & the age of the
individual. However, these measurements, including the length of the diaphysis, the
length of the entire long bone, & the maximal vertical diameter of the femoral head, are
long bones are still useful in age determination, especially the femur. The use of
radiographs, or even more precise, microradiographs, for the study of the internal tissue
structure can predict adult & elderly ages as well as give more exact ranges. It has been
noted, however, that additional factors, such as illness, cultural influences, variation, &
population-specific data, skew analysis, even through the use of regression formulae. The
most common problem seen with most age estimation methods is a direct correlation
between old age & ambiguous categories. As bones age, the predictability of their
microbiology & architecture becomes less definite & thus, accuracy decreases as the
chronological age of the individual increases, regardless of the intensity of the element
destruction (Rissech, 2008; Watanabe, 1998; Jantz & Jantz, 1999; Schmeling, 2007;
Franklin, 2010).
Analysis of the ribs has become increasingly popular for age estimation. This
method, developed by M. Y. Işcan, scores three multivariate factors of the sternal end of
the ribs allowing for increasingly accurate aging in senescence. Though, like many other
aging techniques, this method tends to overestimate ages. The benefit of this method is
that numerous rib analysis tends to support the same result as the singular analysis of the
right fourth rib, which is less work on the osteologist than other techniques & provides
up to 75% accuracy (Franklin, 2010; Işcan, 1984; Wolff, 2012; Meena & Rani, 2014).
Just as epiphyseal plates fuse during development, the separate bony plates that
make up the cranium fuse at the suture lines as an individual ages. Young individuals
have space for growth between the plates. Once the skull matures, the sutures begin to
close in a very specifically timed pattern, beginning endocranially & moving to the
ectocranium. Generally, it is only vault sutures that are analyzed, with the exception of
the four palatine sutures, to estimate age. There are multiple different scoring techniques
used to age, & when possible, multiple variables & methods should be used & compared.
As with other biological estimations, variation exists across populations & time, & non-
specific data should be treated with apprehension. It should also be noted that suture
fusion or union can result in complete erasure of the suture; this will be discussed further
Comparing multiple methods of the cranial suture closure age estimation will lead
one to a basic set of structured limits. As previously noted, it is safe to say that sutures
close from the endocranium to the ectocranium in a constant, distinguishable pattern. The
“lapsed union” phenomena has been addressed by multiple authors, which states that
suture closure may decelerate with age, with endocranial activity terminating around
middle age, causing incomplete closure, even in completely healthy individuals. Sex can
also cause differences in suture closure times & should be taken into consideration. Due
accepted, to use decade age ranges for age estimation. Lastly, correct age estimation
becomes more difficult as an individual ages, & as such, older estimation should be done
so with greater conservation (Krogman, 1962; Bedford et al., 1993; Key, Aiello, &
Molleson, 1994; Meindl & Lovejoy, 1985; Todd & Lyon, 1925).
Pubic Symphysis
A common method of adult age estimation is the morphology & texture of the
pubic symphysis. The pubic symphysis is the meeting point of the left & right os coxae
of the pelvis. In life, the two sides have a layer of cartilage in between them & are held
together by the pubic ligaments. It is important to understand this because the two faces
of the pubic symphysis never actually touch. However, throughout the course of an
individual’s life, the faces change shape & texture. Young individuals have well defined
pubic symphyseal faces with deep ridges. As individuals age, the ridges erode & become
less visible. The overall outline of the face may also change shape.
In the 1920s, T. W. Todd developed a ten-phase chart for age estimation of the
pubic symphyseal face in adults. While many others have expanded on & improved upon
Todd’s method, the Suchey-Brooks method has since proved to have high accuracy from
18-30 years old, dropping exponentially as the individual’s true age increases. This is
partly due to the unpredictability of changes as an individual ages. Different factors can
system encompasses six phases that include strict characterization for each, including
sketches. While Todd’s method was based solely on a moderately sized sample of White
males, Suchey-Brook’s method utilized a sample of over 1,000 males & females (Todd,
1921; Brooks & Suchey, 1990; Gilbert & McKern, 1973; Cox, 2010; Brooks, 1955;
Franklin, 2010).
Auricular Surface
Similarly to the pubic symphysis, the auricular surface of the os coxae is also
used. The auricular surface, like the symphyseal plates, is separated from directly
articulating with the sacrum by cartilage & the joint is held together by large ligaments.
The erosion to this kidney bean-shaped portion of the ilium can be used to estimate age at
time of death. The auricular surface is considered a more reliable indicator of age than
the Suchey-Brooks method for the pubic symphysis. This method uses Lovejoy’s eight-
phase system to place individuals within an age range. As with multiple types of age
The surface of the iliosacral articulation is undulated with highly visible striae. As
the individual ages, the surface loses ridge detail, becomes more porous, & begins to lip
up around the perimeter of the joint. This method also uses features such as
however, that some of the phase requirements for the Lovejoy method may occur
independently of each other & therefore, atypical of the model (Hens, 2008; Schmitt,
2004; Buckberry & Chamberlain, 2002; Lovejoy, 1985; Franklin, 2010; White, 2012;
Klepinger, 2006).
Long Bone Length
When estimating stature, it is common to use long bones due to their direct
differently, most methods today rely on specific formulae to determine living stature
within a degree of error. As with all other estimations & calculations, populations &
genders vary in stature across the world. It is also important to note that stature may be
lost with age &, some have found, that taller individuals have a greater amount of soft
Various methods have been developed with the use of varying populations.
Trotter & Gleser’s 1952 version was used until Trotter spoke at a seminar in 1968 about
improvements to the system. Since then, more precision has been added to known
The debate about the difference between biological stature & forensic stature has
led to other methods of linear regression models being formulated as well as using
greater numbers of sources of osteological data. The most extensive, although far from
perfect, is FORDISC 3.0, a collective software used for establishing a probable biological
profile. Unlike the methods of Trotter & Gleser (1952), Trotter (1970), & Owsley
(1995), FORDISC establishes stature from cranial fragments only. The benefit of
FORDISC is the extensive inventory of collections used as reference within the software.
FORDISC contains the cranial data of W. W. Howell’s lifelong work as well as the
Forensic Anthropology Data Bank (FDB), which is partnered with over 30 institutions,
Identification Laboratory. The FDB currently reports to having almost 3,400 total
individuals with the sex & ancestry known of over 2,400 of those.
Owsley’s regression model is often considered next best when lack of funding or
other issues prevent the use of FORDISC. To counter the errors in Trotter & Gleser’s
1952 measurements, Owsley’s method, using left elements only, measured the femur,
tibia, ulna, humerus, & radius of males & females in Black & White populations, when
particularly in the use of the distal or proximal ends of long bones as well as foot
measurements. This is especially helpful in specific forensic cases as well as bombings &
mass killings (Trotter & Gleser, 1952; Trotter, 1970; Owsley, 1995; Özaslan, 2003;
Chapter 12 - Pathology
While the vast majority of diseases do not leave their marks on bone, many
different types of congenital, metabolic, & infectious diseases are clearly visible on
what diseases affected them & how they handled them within a socio-cultural
well as a human modification depending on the cause & effect on the bone.
Joint Diseases
The most common pathology among humans is arthritis. Arthritis can be broken
down into two different categories, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) & osteoarthritis (OA). It is
important to know their similarities & differences, though we do not currently have the
Further research in this area could help expand knowledge about archaeological
populations & the presence of RA, an autoimmune disorder. OA, while the same as RA
in the sense that both can cause severe joint inflammation & pain as well as constant
degradation of the joint cartilage, is caused by normal use during the aging process.
Historically & presently, knee joints are the most commonly effected.
The two most common pieces of osteological evidence of arthritis are very
specific & clear to determine. First, many arthritic specimens show signs of polishing,
also known as eburnation; this gives the bone surface a smooth & shiny appearance
commonly, is the formation of osteophytes, also known as “bone spurs”, which causes
sharp, bony projections & deformation around the outer edges of the element. If
osteophyte growth is severe, total fusion of joints is possible, especially in the vertebral
septic arthritis, & cysts. TMD, often misreferred to as TMJ, is a condition that affects the
Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH), which most often affects the spine by causing
the spinal tendons to calcify. A multitude of factors can cause DISH, such as genetics,
While OA & RA are incurable, septic arthritis is curable but also life-threatening. Septic
arthritis is not truly a type of arthritis, but instead an infection of the fluids within a joint.
Cysts can also form within joints, often leaving lesions easily visible macroscopically
(White, 2012; Ubelaker, 1999; Rogers, 1990; Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Twigger, 2007;
Various types of infections can lead to bone degeneration & deformation.
Bacterium, viruses, & fungi can enter the bloodstream, lymphatic system, respiratory
system, or immune system & effect the overall quality of the bone. Many infections
cause affected bones to show signs of localized swelling & inflammation as well as
inflammation of bone. All types of infections that affect bones cause osteomyelitis. The
most common of these, however, are mycobacterium, which causes tuberculosis, &
pyogenic bacterium, such as staph infections & salmonella. Other types of infectious
particularly in young men. Syphilis is a bacterium-caused STD which can be cured of,
but when left untreated, can cause soreness, rashes, &, eventually, deformation. When
left untreated, syphilis can reach its tertiary state which can affect the central nervous
system, cause the growth of soft, gummatous tumors, & abdominal aortic aneurysms
White, Black, & Folkens also explain the effect of periostitis on bone. Periostitis
is different from osteomyelitis in the sense that, while the latter affects the entirety of the
bone, including the medullary cavity, periostitis only affects the external surface of the
manifestation of various infections when the periosteum (the tissue layer over bone)
incurs damage. Periostitis can cause localized erosion to the cortical bone such as in
cases of chronic shin splints in athletes (Ubelaker, 1999; White, 2012; Rosenberg &
Khurana, 2016; Twigger, 2007; Gray, 1977; Mayo Clinic, 2017; ABTA, 2014;
Brothwell, 1965).
Congenital Disorders
Congenital disorders occur either in utero or right around the time of birth. Many
disorders (most of which are also metabolic). Other congenital disorders occur due to a
combination of genetic & environmental factors, such as spina bifida & cleft palate.
Talipes equinovarus (CTEV) & femoral deficiency (CFD) are both congenital disorders
that may or may not have genetic factors; disorders like these still evade doctors as to
their cause. Polio is a congenital disorder that is caused by a virus & is therefore both
body’s inability to create skin, tissues, cartilage, tendons, &, of course, bone.
Osteogenesis imperfecta & osteopetrosis are also genetic congenital disorders but are
rather rare. Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as Brittle Bone Disease or OI, manifests
in one of four types & affects the collagen structure of bone. Conversely, osteopetrosis,
also called Marble Bone Disease or osteosclerosis fragilis generalisata, has three different
forms that affect the overall density of bone. Both cases, however, increase the risk of
While some congenital disorders have known causes, others, such as spina bifida
& cleft palate, are still not fully understood. Spina bifida is often used as an umbrella
term for each of the three different types. Spina bifida occulta is the least severe form of
the disorder which causes slight spaces between the vertebrae. It is possible that spina
bifida occulta may not actually have any osteological signs. Meningocele &
myelomeningocele are the other two types of spina bifida, which are rarer & more
severe, respectively. Meningocele, like spina bifida occulta, may not have any
osteological signs due to the relative mildness & its focus on soft tissues.
Myelomeningocele is the most severe form of the disorder & is often called spina bifida
causing them to protrude outwardly. This often causes deformation of the spine & feet, as
well as the appearance of Wolff’s Law in the pelvis. Like spina bifida, the cause of cleft
palates are not completely known. It is accepted that environmental & dietary factors
play a large role, as the majority of cases are seen in undeveloped or developing
countries. Cleft palates are separated into two parts, cleft lip (CL) & cleft palate (CP), &
are recognizable as moderate to severe deformation of the maxillae and/or the palates.
Talipes equinovarus, also known as club foot, & congenital femoral deficiency
(CFD) are both congenital disorders that are not considered to have heritable factors.
Club foot can cause a shortening of the femur as well as contortion of the foot. CFD
causes deformation to the knee and/or hip joints causing weakness & imbalance. Lastly,
polio or poliomyelitis, caused by the poliovirus, often causes coxa valga, or the widening
of the femoral-acetabular joint. Coxa valga creates an angle of greater than 135° from the
shaft to the apex of the femoral head (Gray, 1977; White, 2012; Ubelaker, 1999; Mayo
Quite simply, neoplasia is the abnormal growth of tissue. Neoplastic conditions
are those in which the individual suffers from malignant and/or benign tumors, which
can leave their mark on the skeleton. Malignant neoplasia, commonly referred to as
cancer, are tumors that grow rapidly, can infect other parts of the body, & effectively
cause damage to nearby soft tissues as well as osseous tissue. Malignant sarcomas
commonly affect bone or the surrounding tissues & thus are easily visible on both green
& dry bone. Many of the sarcomas look the same in the sense that they can form lytic
the metaphyses of the long bones during the early years of growth. This can look very
similar to chondrosarcoma, which are tumors that invade the cartilage present in the
pelvis & joints of older individuals. Paget’s Disease, commonly misidentified as late
of bone destruction & regrowth affecting the pelvis & legs, but it is also known to affect
the skull & spine. Similarly, Ewing’s Sarcoma is a rare form of bone disease that affects
the appendages & pelvis of young children. Lastly, fibrosarcoma & rhabdomyosarcoma,
which can be fairly difficult to identify in skeletal remains, affect the fibrous tissues &
Other non-sarcoma cancers can still affect the bone, specifically the quality of the
bone. Multiple myeloma, or Kahler’s Disease, is one such cancer that attacks the bone
marrow via the white blood cells & results in an overall weakening of the bones.
Alternatively, leontiasis ossea, sometimes called “lion face”, is marked by severe bony
overgrowth in the skull & mandible. Lastly, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a type of skin or
organ-lining tissue cancer, can mimic leprosy. This type of carcinoma eats away at the
nasal & sphenoid bones (Ubelaker, 1999; Brothwell, 1965; White, 2012; Mayo Clinic,
2017; ABTA, 2014; Krygler & Lewis, 2009; Chowdhuri, 1969; PRO, 2014; NCI, 2016)
Endocrine Disorders
The endocrine system of the human body is responsible for releasing hormones
into the bloodstream via the different glands. Disorders that affect the hormone levels in
the body can cause issues with growth & development as well as mineral metabolism of
bone. All endocrine disorders can also be congenital as well. Conditions such as
hyperparathyroidism & hypothyroidism can affect the overall quality of the bone
whereas disorders such as pituitary dwarfism & acromegaly tend to only affect the
Conditions such as these tend to cause the release of either too much or too little
hypothyroidism, bones can become weak & brittle in those with hyperparathyroidism.
Both conditions have also been associated with joint pain & the onset of OA.
Whereas hyperparathyroidism & hypothyroidism can affect bone mass & quality,
pituitary dwarfism & acromegaly tend to affect the overall rate of development. Both
pituitary dwarfism & acromegaly are caused by issues with the pituitary gland, however
hormones during childhood. Pituitary dwarfs have shortened limbs & a disproportionally
large cranium. Conversely, acromegaly causes the hands, feet, & cranium of those
the proportionally acute growth of the limbs & torso (Mayo Clinic,
2017; White, 2012; Brothwell, 1965; Ubelaker, 1999; Gray, 1977; Harvey, 2002;
Potluková, 2013).
Metabolic Disorders
Various metabolic conditions can leave macroscopically visible traces. Metabolic
disorders can either arise independently, such as when an individual is missing essential
disease, or eating disorders. Conditions such as these generally lower the individual’s
BMD or bone mineral density. For the vast majority of these conditions, the bones
become weak & brittle from a lack of healthy bone growth. This leads to deformation &
Many of the metabolic issues revolve around various deficiencies. Some of these
disorders include calcium, vitamin D, & vitamin C deficiencies. Other conditions come
countries. Many of the deficiency conditions can be congenital if the mother has poor
Hyper- & hypocalcemia are conditions that are related to too much calcium & too
little calcium, respectively. As the calcium levels in the bloodstream become unstable,
the new bone growth is weak & characterized by lytic lesions. It has been noted that
hypercalcemia can come about due to childhood leukemia. Rickets & osteomalacia both
result from a lack of vitamin D. Rickets is associated with soft, deformed bones in
children, & while osteomalacia also creates weak bones, it only occurs in adults as a
bones with an overall lowered BMD by resorbing old bone faster than the new bone is
formed. This gives the bone a porous appearance with a brittle structure subject to
frequent breaks. Paget’s Disease also causes issues with the regeneration of healthy bone.
the similarities in bone degradation. Due to the bone cell’s inability to regenerate
properly, the new bone is soft & pliable. This commonly leads to deformities, especially
in the skull, pelvis, & spine. Lastly, scurvy, sometimes called scorbus, is a nearly
countries have issues providing proper nutrition to their people; conditions like these
often affect children the worst. Scurvy prevents the bone from developing properly. This
often results in distinctive blastic cysts on the frontal squama & on the frontal bone
portion of the orbits (Mayo Clinic, 2017; White, 2012; Ubelaker, 1999; Brothwell, 1965;
Lee, 2007; Walters & De Swiet, 2002; Viswanathan, 2014; Selby, 2013).
system. As mentioned before, fractures can be considered a pathology due to the changes
to structure of the bone during fracture & any subsequent healing. Other pathologic
conditions that are skeletally visible include suture closure issues, chromosomal
Healed Fractures
inflammation initiates the response of bone growth. Bone fractures, when improperly set
or provoke infections, fall within the realm of pathologies. However, even when properly
set, fractures are often easy to spot & will be discussed further in modification & trauma.
Nonetheless, fractures that heal improperly still go through the normal bone healing
process, infections & disorders notwithstanding. The normal healing process begins with
osteomyelitis at the fracture site. Like any other injury to the body, the reactionary
begin the healing process. New osteoblasts continue to form & cartilage begins to bridge
the gap. Once this process begins, cartilage will advance in the path of least resistance to
connect the two (or potentially more) ends of the improperly set bones.
The cartilage continues through the normal ossification process, culminating in deformed
bones in severe fractures &, as states, fractures that are either set improperly or left to
heal naturally. The injury site is clearly visible by a “knotted” appearance due to irregular
remodeling (Agarwal & Soluri, 2016; White, 2012; Väänänen, 1996; Brothwell, 1965;
Suture Closure
The closure pattern of sutures generally follows a normal, patterned course. Issues
with the timing and/or pattern of the suture closures falls into two categories:
premature suture closing. In 1851, H.R. Virchow postulated the ways in which premature
suture closure happens & the consequences of such instances. All forms of
than average. Microcephalic individuals have impeded brain development & thus suffer
not necessarily abnormal & generally does not cause developmental issues. The most
common result of these delayed closures is the appearance of Wormian bones. While
Wormian bones are also associated with types I & IV of osteogenesis imperfect, they are
more commonly a benign sign (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Cohen, 1988; Key, 1994;
White, 2012; Meindl & Lovejoy, 1985; Todd & Lyon, 1925; Alden, 1999; Gray,
While there are many types of chromosomal disorders, few have such an extreme
chromosomal disorder. Turner’s Syndrome only affects biological females, causing them
to be born with only one X chromosome. While this does not directly affect the skeletal
endocrine system issues. Because of this delayed growth, those with Turner’s Syndrome
tend to maintain a childlike appearance, even into adulthood. This includes stunted
growth & shortened limbs (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Mayo Clinic, 2017).
Anemic Diseases
Anemic disorders are those that are defined by affecting the body’s red blood
cells. However, anemia in which the individual has nutritional lack of iron is specifically
known as iron deficiency anemia. This lack of iron stops the body from making healthy
red blood cells that can effectively carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficient
malnutrition & parasitic activity. Various authors have attributed this type of anemia to
characterized by destructive lesion growth “that usually presents in the cranial bones as
porous & spongy bone surfaces” (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016). Porotic hyperostosis that
occurs specifically in the orbits is known as cribra orbitalia, while lesions of the
endocranium are known as cribra cranii. More recently, biological anthropologists have
should also be noted that while sickle cell anemia & thalassemia are potentially more
likely causes of porotic hyperostosis, they are both quite rare in comparison to iron
deficiency anemia (Walker, 2009; Mayo Clinic, 2017; Mushrif, 2000; Ortner, 2003;
Genetic Disorders
Many types of heritable genetic disorders, while generally rare, can leave severe
evidence on an individual’s bones. Two of these rare genetic disorders cause heterotopic
ossification, or growth of bone tissue in abnormal areas of the body. This generally leads
organs, tendons, & ligaments. These two diseases are fibrodysplasia ossificans
progressive (FOP) & progressive heterotopic ossification (HO). FOP’s most common
sign is the congenital appearance of deformation of the bones attached to the first
metatarsal. As the disease progresses, the ossification moves to the cervical vertebrae,
scapulae, & the appendicular skeleton. Alternatively, HO begins in the skin & fat tissues.
The primary stages of the disease only affect the outer skin layers. As the disease
progresses, muscle tissue & joints are commonly ossified. In both FOP & HO, the
disease may cause total immobility; hyperostosis cranialis interna, though also a genetic
ossification disease, does not affect mobility. Hyperostosis cranialis interna is a genetic
disease that causes thickening of the calvaria, particularly near the basilar region & the
occipital condyles. This expansion of the bones often causes cochleovestibular nerve
compression syndrome (CNCS), which results in palsy of the facial nerves &, regularly,
bone on the vertical & horizontal endocranial portions of the frontal bone (NLM, 2017;
White, 2012; Kaplan, 2013; Kaplan, 1994; Kaplan, 2008; Manni, 1990; Waterval, 2010;
Dental Disease
Dental diseases are commonly seen historically as well as in current populations.
White, Black, & Folkens discuss the categories of dental disease determined by J. R.
Lukacs in 2006; the four categories are developmental, degenerative, genetic, &
infectious, though there is a distinction drawn at dental wear. Dental wear is only viewed
as pathological if it causes symptoms that fall into one of Lukacs’ four categories.
Common dental diseases include dental caries, periodontal disease, enamel hypoplasia,
Dental Caries
Dental caries, more commonly known as cavities, are areas of the teeth that are
mouth. This overproduction of acid correlates to what types of food are ingested. It has
been noted that populations with diets higher in carbohydrates are more likely to incur
dental caries. If left untreated, dental caries can cause permanent damage to, not just the
enamel, but to the dentin as well (White, 2012; Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Brothwell,
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease, a leading cause of tooth loss, is an infection of both the soft
tissues of the mouth as well as the alveolar bone. As this disease progresses, the bone
surrounding the teeth is resorbed & fails to properly remodel. In the severity of the
disease, the bone resorbs until the teeth fall out. This degenerative disease is caused by a
variety of factors such as calculus build-up, severe attrition, & genetic predisposition, as
well as reduced tissue resistance caused by malnutrition and/or eating disorders (White,
Enamel hypoplasia creates horizontal lines on the teeth which “indicate [that] the
individual suffered stress (nutritional or health problems) while the tooth was being
formed in early childhood” (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016). The lines are areas of the tooth
that have incurred demineralization & thus have less enamel than the surrounding areas.
to-root formation of enamel. This creates many clues to, not just recognizing hypoplasia,
but also to help also ascertain when the individual experienced the cause of the disease.
Because enamel formation begins at the crown, tooth eruption ages can help gauge ages
affected. Teeth that have already been formed, regardless of eruption, are not affected.
However, if the enamel is still being constructed, the development of the remainder of
the tooth may be affected. Enamel hypoplasia can also be an indication of the length of
time the individual was affected for (White, 2012; Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Brothwell,
Dental Fluorosis
diseases is dental fluorosis. Fluoride, a mineral found in ground & natural water, has
been shown to help reduce dental caries by protecting the teeth against acid. However,
various studies have noted the effects of excess fluoride in drinking water. Long term
exposure to, even low levels of, fluoride cause enamel hypomineralization, which
weakens enamel during development. These weakened areas of enamel create a blotchy,
irregular surface. In mild circumstances, the teeth seem to have white patches. As the
exposure continues, the teeth become increasingly weak as the body is unable to maintain
a healthy tooth exterior. This eventually leads to excessive dental caries, tooth decay, &
tooth loss. Early stages of dental fluorosis have been notably mistaken for hypoplasia
(Pendrys, 1990; Pendrys, 1996; Breslow, 2002; Aoba & Fejerskov, 2002).
Hypodontia is a rare developmental disease in which one or more of the teeth fail
to form. This can occur in the deciduous or permanent tooth formation stages. There are
two other forms of hypodontia, anodontia & microdontia. Anodontia, which is the rarest
form, refers to a total lack of tooth formation, in either or both types of dentition.
Microdontia, which causes incomplete formation of teeth, often results in small, pointed
This developmental disease has genetic & environmental factors that are still not
permanent dentition & some studies have noted higher instances in females than males.
teeth, & slowed dental growth (Daugaard-Jensen, 1997; Jeong, 2015; Gill, 2011).
Dental Attrition
occurs between the two surfaces of the maxillary & mandibular teeth during regular
chewing. However, should the wear become severe enough, it may cause damage to the
dentin, dental caries, & other inflammatory conditions, such as abscesses. Severe wear is
seen more in prehistoric populations in which teeth were commonly used as tools, dental
health was non-existent, &, as many studies have suggested, grit/sand in food was more
prevalent & is likely a contributing factor to intense dental erosion (White, 2012;
Ubelaker, 1999).
Dental Calculus
Lastly, dental calculus is the most common pathology. Calculus occurs when
plaque becomes mineralized on the tooth’s exterior. However, dental calculus build-up
disease. Calcification occurs when the calculus growth becomes severe enough to cause
permanent damage. Often, severe calcification will gradually push the gums away as the
build-up continues down the root. Historically, dental calculus & associated dental caries
occur more often in agricultural societies as opposed to hunter gatherers (White, 2012;
Brothwell, 1965).
time of death of the organism” & when the remains are collected & analyzed (White,
2012). The time frame for these changes can be broken down into three categories:
individual is still alive. These are not technically taphonomic changes because they occur
complete healing. Perimortem changes, however, occur just around the time of death &
could be potentially related to the cause. Because these occur so close to the time of
death, there are generally no signs of healing, but the bones still react as fresh bones.
Modifications to the human skeleton can be divided into the different taphonomic
amputations, & other pathologies are included in the antemortem time frame. Perimortem
alterations are nearly always related to trauma & are therefore extremely useful to the
encompass animal marks, dry bone fractures, physical/biological alterations, & human
Antemortem Trauma
Antemortem pathology is any trauma that occurred during the individual’s life &
shows some signs of healing. While this trauma generally is not the cause of death,
antemortem pathologies can help identify individuals as well as determine more about an
However, cultural deformations such as cranium wrapping & trephination can cause
antemortem damage that the individual may survive with their entire life.
Cranial Deformation
Artificial cranial deformation has been reported in various parts of the world over
the span of many cultures. There are five different types of cranial deformation: 1)
1999; Stewart, 1973). Vertico-occipital flattening is the easiest & most common type of
backs for extended periods of time. Lambdoid deformation, though less common, is a
anterior to the occipital planum, just along the intersection of the sagittal & lambdoid
sutures. Frontal deformation occurs when pressure is applied to the frontal squama. The
use of tumplines, both archaeologically & currently, can produce this type of
in some civilizations. This combines either types 1 & 3 or 2 & 3 of the types of
the circumference of the skull producing a cone shape. This is occasionally caused by the
force applied to the infant’s cranium during passage through the birth canal. This type of
deformation can be fixed if altered during the child’s early years (White, 2012; Ubelaker,
Trephination is the cultural & medical practice of cutting or drilling into in the
cranial vault bones. The most common reasons behind this practice was to leave pain
scars are healing or completely healed. However, in the cases where trephination leads to
trephination procedures & show distinct marks of the procedure as well as various levels
produces hypervascularity in the affected area. The most common effect of amputation is
dependent on where the amputation occurred, what type of tool was used, additional
factors, such as sclerosis or infection, & the amount of healing between procedure & the
Whereas a fracture causes a break in the actual bone, dislocations affect the joint.
If the dislocation is reset properly, there will likely be no osteological evidence of the
trauma. However, in some instances, the joint is not properly repositioned & degradation
of bones begins. Changes in morphology & articulation points occur the longer the bone
is out of the joint socket (Lovell, 1997; Ubelaker, 1999; White, 2012).
1997 article. Fractures can be caused by direct trauma, indirect trauma, stress, or
pathology (Lovell, 1997). Within these causal categories, force applications can be
divided into three subcategories: shearing, compression, & tension (Johnson, 1985).
Shearing results in a shifting motion that slides the parts in opposite directions.
Compression, as will be discussed further in crush fractures, is force applied to both sides
of the element. Lastly, tension is any motion that pulls in opposite directions (Lovell,
Direct trauma occurs at the site of impact whereas indirect trauma occurs adjacent
to the impact site. Stress fractures, sometimes referred to as fatigue fractures, are caused
commonly result in a tibial stress fracture due to repeated pressures. Lastly, certain
pathologies may create an environment more open to bone fracture. Pathologies such as
Direct trauma fractures occur due to exact force in a specific location. Fractures
that often occur during direct trauma are crush, transverse, comminuted, & penetrating
(Lovell, 1997). Crush fractures occur frequently in trabecular bone. This type of fracture
can be broken down into three categories: compression, depression, or pressure (Lovell,
the term, occur when both sides of the bone are subjected to tension until the point of
break. Alternatively, depression fractures only occur on one side of the bone & may
cause indentations or led to complete rupture. Pressure crush fractures occur in bone that
is still developing. This is often seen in conjunction with cultural alterations such as in
cranial deformation or “the alteration of the normal contour of the skull by applying
external forces” (Ubelaker, 1999) & foot binding practices (Ubelaker, 1999; White,
“clean break”. These fractures occur when “force [is] applied in a line perpendicular to
[the] long axis of the bone” (Lovell, 1997). Transverse fractures occur in one single
break perpendicular to the longest axis of the bone. Transverse fractures are always
complete, meaning that they always break the bone through & can often lead to
Comminuted fractures result from crushing force in long bone diaphysis. These
fractures differ from crush fractures to trabecular bone in that they cause the cortical
bone to break into at least two pieces. Commonly, “high velocity bullets & blunt force
Lastly, penetrating fractures can cause complete or impartial break of the bone by
a severe piercing force in one specific area. Penetrating fractures have an extremely large
forensic cases, penetrating fractures are often seen in sharp force trauma to the skull as
well as stab wounds. Penetrating fractures also include puncture wounds such as gun
Indirect trauma, which occurs away from the point of impact, can result in spiral,
oblique, greenstick, impaction, burst, & avulsion fractures. Spiral, oblique, & greenstick
fractures occur more frequently than impaction, burst, or avulsion fractures, due to their
Spiral fractures are caused by high intensity, “rotational & downward loading
stress on the longitudinal axis” of the bone (Lovell, 1997). Spiral fractures occur when
one end of the bone is in a fixed or immoveable & the other end is forcefully twisted.
“Accidental spiral fractures of the tibia are common in preschool children who fall short
distances onto an extended leg & are often called "toddler's fractures" (Lukefahr, 2008).
However, instances of spiral fractures in individuals younger than two years of age may
represent abuse due to the amount of force needed to force a fracture (Lovell, 1997;
Similar to & often confused with spiral fractures are oblique fractures. Transverse
fractures split the bone perpendicularly to the longest axis, whereas oblique breaks
fracture the bone at an angle. Like transverse fractures, oblique fractures are fairly
common but oblique breaks require rotational force as well as direct impact to the site. It
has been noted that, when “well healed, this break is easily confused with a spiral line”
(Lovell, 1997).
The last of the most common types of indirect trauma are greenstick fractures. As
cells & remodeling. Fractures to fresh bone occur when the energy needed to break the
bone reaches the “work to failure” limit (Turner, 2006). As discussed, fresh bones will
bend with some ductility until the force of displacement causes fracture. Greenstick
fractures are those that are specific to fresh bone. Lovell identified two common causes
angular force could result from a variety of reasons, such as overly ductile bone or failure
to reach the minimum point of fracture. This angular force causes deformation &
incomplete fracture. The bone will bend until the point of fracture is reached. In
greenstick fractures, the bone will bow & may potentially create an incomplete fracture
on the convex edge. Compressive greenstick fractures, as the name implies, incur
compressive greenstick fractures may occur is excessively flexible bone or when there is
not enough force applied to fracture the bone. In most instances, this causes a “localized
bulging on the bone” (Lovell, 1997) & is often seen in infant bones during childbirth as
well as the limb bones of the elderly (Lovell, 1997; Turner, 2006).
occur due to the same type of force. Impaction fractures result from severe compression
on both ends of the bone & causes one or both ends to break. Impaction fractures are
often jagged, unlike the “clean break” of a transverse fracture & are “often seen in the
proximal humerus as the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand” (Lovell, 1997).
Burst fractures also occur due to compression. However, unlike greenstick &
impaction fractures, burst fractures are only seen in the vertebrae & result in the
deterioration of the trabecular bone of the vertebral body. It is uncommon to see burst
fractures in the general population, & it is even more rare when burst fractures occur for
reasons other than senescence. As individuals age, constant compression & degeneration
of the vertebrae cause “the intervertebral disc [to rupture] through the vertebral end
Lastly, “an avulsion fracture is caused when a joint capsule, ligament, or tendon is
strained & pulls away from its attachment to the bone, tearing a piece of the bone with it”
(Lovell, 1997). This often results in a transverse fracture to the bone but is specifically
may be a sign of abuse. While uncommon, there are numerous sites where avulsion
fractures may occur such as the rotator cuff, the patellar tendon, or any of the attachment
sites of the hip rotator cuff muscles (Lovell, 1997; Radiopaedia, 2017; Klepinger, 2006).
Perimortem Trauma
Perimortem changes to the skeleton are the most useful to the forensic osteologist.
These pathologies, which occur near the time of death, are almost always related to the
cause of death. Trauma analysis of recovered skeletons attempts to determine the type of
Forensic Trauma: Blunt Force, Sharp Force, Gunshot, Dismemberment, & Hyoid
While fractures often occur due to falls, pathologies, or other injuries, they may
often point to signs of homicide, suicide, or interpersonal violence. Blunt force trauma,
dismemberment, & hyoid fractures are the most common sources of forensic osteological
Blunt force trauma, while potentially mild to the skeleton, can cause severe
internal damage to the soft tissues leading to death. Blunt force trauma results in a
depression caused by compression force & perpendicular fracture lines “radiating toward
the point of impact, & oppositely to the point of distension” (Glaister, 1921). Depending
on the amount of force used, “concentric extocranially directed heaving fractures [may]
Using the biomechanics of bone, LeFort & Moritz “identified areas of buttressing in the
face” & vault, respectively (Berryman & Haun, 1996). Facial & cranial buttress systems
surround fragile bones by thick, solid bones. This allows the thicker bones to absorb the
force from blows, sparing the delicate bones of the face. Various instruments are used to
inflict blunt force trauma such as baseball bats, hammers, pipes, or clubs. This type of
trauma can cause internal or external beveling, depending on the amount of force applied
to the blow. In rare cases, trauma from a blunt instrument can imitate a gunshot wound
(Quatrehomme, 2015).
One rule used in studies of blows to the head is the Hat Brim Line Rule. Ehrlich
& Maxeiner determined the hat brim line to be about a three-centimeter-wide ring that
runs above the eyebrows & ears & across the occipital protuberance (Ehrlich &
Maxeiner, 2002; Kremer, 2008). These studies have shown that it is possible to use the
Hat Brim Line (HBL) to determine if an individual suffered an accidental fall or a violent
blow. Accidental falls tend to occur at or below the HBL & generally affect the right side
of the cranium. Alternatively, blows to the head or purposeful pushes frequently occur
above the HBL, affect the left side of the cranium, & are more likely to have associated
wounds to the soft tissues of the scalp. Various studies have also used CT scans to
determine homicidal trauma from a fall (Gruspier, 1999; Glaister, 1921; Soluri &
Agarwal, 2016; Klepinger, 2006; White, 2012; Brothwell, 1965; Kremer, 2008;
Ehrlich & Maxeiner, 2002; Fleming-Farrell, 2013; Jordana, 2013; Lovell, 1997;
Sharp force trauma is caused by acute damage to the soft tissue that may impact
the skeleton. In archaeological specimens, this may include sword or axe cuts; in more
recent forensic cases, knives or blades generally cause sharp force trauma. It is easy to
overlook stab wounds as they often look like a small notch, however, “absence of sharp
instrument stigmata on the skeleton does not mean that sharp injury was not the cause of
death” (Klepinger, 2006). The most common sharp trauma injuries are seen in the chest,
including the ribs, sternum, & clavicles. Sharp force injuries are also seen in the cranium,
though the blade used is generally wider & longer than used in chest trauma.
While cuts can be seen with standard macroscopic analysis, “scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) has become the method of choice for analyzing such cut marks”
scanning, can answer specific questions such as “the position of the victim in relation to
the attacker, the handedness of the attacker”, the specific weapon used, & whether the
wounds are self-inflicted or homicidal (Thompson & Inglis, 2009). Due to the pliable
nature of fresh bone in relation to dry bone, cut marks may cause a sliver of bone to bend
away from the element, particularly in the ribs (Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Klepinger,
Gunshot wounds (GSW), particularly to the skull, have similar attributes to blunt
force trauma. Like blunt force trauma to the skull, GSWs generally create radiating &
concentric fractures around the area of impact. This occurs in both types of trauma by
compressing the convex side of the skull. Simple macroscopic analysis is enough to
differentiate a GSW from blunt force trauma. GSWs leave a circular aperture & are much
more forceful than when hit with a blunt object. Because of this difference in force,
GSWs cause internal beveling. Internal beveling, which occurs at the entrance wound,
causes the bone to fracture outwardly in the inner table of the bone. This causes the
endocranial plate to have a wider opening than the initial GSW to the ectocranial table.
There may or may not be an exit wound, however when present, they are generally much
larger than the entrance wound & “the external table of [the cranial] bone [will exhibit] a
ragged, cone-shaped external bevel” (Smith, 2003). Not all GSWs follow the same
patterns, however. Variations in gun type, bullet category, & range of fire can, not only
be mistaken for blunt trauma, but often require radiographic imaging to determine cause
of death. More importantly, understanding differences between “acute angle & tangential
shots”, which “can produce very irregular patterns, such as the “keyhole” wound”, may
well as forensically (Berryman & Haun, 1996; Klepinger, 2006; Gruspier, 1999;
Ubelaker, 1999; Soluri & Agarwal, 2016; Glaister, 1921; Smith, 2003; Denton, 2006).
Signs of dismemberment can often tell the forensic anthropologist if the trauma
occurred peri- or postmortem, what type of weapon was used, &, in some cases, the
reason behind why the crime occurred. “Soft tissues will show vital reactions, &
demonstrable hemorrhages will be present if the person was alive when the
system for dismemberment based on the earlier works of Reichs (1998) & Häkkänen-
Nyholm (2009). The three different types of dismemberment trauma are: “disarticulation
around the joints, transection of bone via chopping, & transection of bone via sawing”
(Rainwater, 2015). The use of sharp instruments show signs similar to sharp force
trauma, such as stabbing. How & where the body was dissected can help infer the movie
behind the crime and/or potential information about the perpetrator. Klepinger defines
analysis, efforts to fit remains into certain storage containers, & mutilation for lustful or
dismemberment are false start kerfs. These notches are incomplete cuts to the bone, often
the cutting implement or, more frequently, the “jump” of power saws &, sometimes,
hand saws. False start kerfs & complete kerfs of dismembered bodies can be
cases, this has been imperative to determining the murder weapon (Gruspier, 1999;
Hyoid Fracture
While still under the general category of fractures, hyoid breaks are particularly
interesting to forensic osteologists. This fragile bone is “suspended from the tip of the
styloid processes of the temporal bone by ligamentous bands, the stylo-hyoid ligaments”
& can easily be deformed, broken, or separated from the attachment points (Gray,
1977). Deformation is more common in children due to the pliability of their bones.
However, damage to the cricoid and/or thyroid cartilages is also possible by not visible
hanging, ligature & manual strangulation, or throttling. Various studies have reported
that actual fracture of the hyoid bone is partially dependent on the type of trauma to the
throat. Ubelaker (1992) reported that the hyoid bone fractured in 34% of manual
strangulation cases. However, ligature strangulation caused fracture in only 11% of cases
& in hanging cases, the fracture only occurred in 8% of instances. Pollanen (1999)
determined that fracture of the hyoid bone is directly connected to “age & status of
fusion […] of the hyoid synchondroses”. While absence of a fracture may not rule out
potential interpersonal violence (Gray, 1977; Ubelaker, 1992; Klepinger, 2006; Pollanen,
Blast Trauma
In the last 70 years, mass killings via explosion have become increasingly
common. Terrorism & the use of improvised devices & car bombs has led to an
murders. Explosions cause damage in a radius known the blast wave. The burst begins at
the site of ignition & explodes through the materials of the bomb “at speeds often as high
as 6-8 km/sec” (Christensen, 2012). Damage to the skeleton is caused by two different
factors in blast trauma: 1) the force of the explosion and/or 2) impact from blast
projectiles. It goes without saying that the extent of the damage is directly correlated to
the size of the explosive. Most explosions apply a variety of forces to the body
“including compression, shearing, & bending; these patterns appear to be more r&om in
appearance than those typically associated with projectile or blunt force injury events”
have skeletonized remains but are necessary to develop biological profiles & a minimum
butterfly fractures, particularly in the ribs, can be used to determine blast trauma as
opposed to low-speed forces (Saul & Saul, 2003; Christensen, 2012; Christensen &
Postmortem Changes
The postmortem interval includes any changes that occur after the death of the
individual. Taphonomic changes incur no healing & are caused by obvious &
distinguishable marks. The time since death & the burial environment(s) are important to
the forensic anthropologist for a number of reasons. Stephen Nawrocki explains that the
burial location is part of an ecosystem that requires “a holistic approach that blends
biology, geology, & environmental science” in order to produce the most complete
picture of the individual’s life, death, & subsequent burial (Nawrocki, 2016). Proper
analysis of human remains can help determine if the individual is within the
burial sites, animal or plant damage, environmental effects, & postmortem fracturing.
Forensically, remains older than 50 years are of little importance due to the presumed
death of the criminal (Sorg, 2012; Knight & Lauder, 1969; White, 2012; Klepinger,
Determining time since death can be a complicated & difficult process. Multiple
factors must be taken into account before making any analysis. The first & primary
consideration is that taphonomic process occur more slowly when the individual is
buried as opposed to exposed to the elements. Thus, skeletonization occurs more quickly
& there is a greater likelihood of scavenging when remains are left unburied. This
microorganisms that become associated with the decomposing body” for the most
Stages of Death
As soon as the body enters the postmortem interval, the skin will lose its blush &
the internal temperature begins to drop; these are the stages of pallor & algor mortis,
respectively. While pallor mortis sets in regardless, algor mortis is much more dependent
on the temperature of the environment. Colder temperatures slow decomposition & will
delay the onset of the consecutive stages if kept at or below 32° Fahrenheit. Rigor mortis,
also called cadaveric rigidity, refers to the third stage of death in which “a limited
contraction of the muscle takes place”, forcing the remains into a stiff, immoveable body
due to the loss of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Glaister, 1921; Klepinger, 2006). The
onset & duration of rigor mortis is dependent on four factors at the time of death: 1) the
age of the individual, 2) the muscular condition of the individual, 3) the temperature of
the environment prior to algor mortis, & 4) the manner of death (Glaister, 1921). Young
individuals, whose muscles have yet to fully mature, are less susceptible to & generally
sustain a shorter period of time of rigor mortis. Muscular condition at death also impacts
the severity & duration of rigor mortis. The more muscular the individual, the slower the
onset of rigor mortis & the longer the duration of the stage. These rules are true unless
the remains are exposed to temperatures above 160° Fahrenheit. In high temperatures, the
body goes through a phenomenon known as “heat stiffening” in which the muscles
become stiffer than normal rigor mortis. However, as previously mentioned, cold
temperatures can delay the start of rigor mortis if kept frozen. Regardless, once the
remains reach temperatures above 50° Fahrenheit, rigor mortis will begin quickly & pass
quickly. Lastly, the way in which the individual died or was killed will have an impact on
the period of rigor mortis. If the individual exerted muscular energy prior to death, such
as during a struggle, convulsion, or due to a pathology, the rigor mortis stage will have an
After rigor mortis, the body enters lavor mortis. Once the heart ceases to pump
blood throughout the body, it begins to pool at the body’s lowest point. The remains take
on a dark blue or purple color with “bruising” characteristics where the coagulated blood
has settled. From this stage on, the remains begin to decay in the putrefaction process
decay, 4) advanced decay, & 5) dry (Klepinger, 2006). The duration & severity is
& element exposure, insect activity will begin within the first couple of hours & may
dependent on the ecosystem in which the remains are left. While most insects have
patterned stages of development, the presence of some drugs can alter their maturation
Human Modification
Alterations made to the skeleton after death can sometimes point to the presence
of human involvement. There is a wide variety of ways that humans modify bones which
can describe both the individual & the modifier. Cut marks, fractures, burial placement,
cremation, & ritual practices can be distinguished from modifications made by alternate
As previously discussed, disarticulation of the body after death can lead to small,
unintentional cuts to the bone. However, dismemberment is not the only cause of cut
marks. Defleshing often leads to slight, parallel lines in the bone in attempts to remove
soft tissues (White, 2012). Fractures can be difficult to determine if the time frame of
their occurrence was perimortem or postmortem. GSWs, sharp force trauma, & blunt
force trauma are all fairly recognizable within the realm of perimortem damage. In some
instances, fracture & tension on fresh bones can cause peeling on the ends of the affected
element. Where & how the body was buried can also cause fracture. This can occur
during forceful positioning or dropping the remains from a height (White, 2012;
Klepinger, 2006).
Cremation of human remains is a practice that dates back as far 40,000 BP,
according to the most recent dating of the Mungo Lady of Australia, discovered in 1969
(Bowler, 2003; Snoeck & Schulting, 2013). The analysis of the cremation & burial of
identification of the victim (Skinner, 1999). The primary change caused to the bone
during cremation is shrinkage. Studies have shown that, when subjected to temperatures
greater than 1,400° Fahrenheit, total shrinkage can reach 25% (Klepinger, 2006).
Similarly, calcined bone will begin to occur in temperatures over 1,300° Fahrenheit
(Alunni, 2014). Death and/or cremation by pyre is uncommon in modern forensic studies
& in these cases, it is difficult to determine the cause of death. It is rare for cremation to
completely destroy the skeleton & severe burning requires adding fuel, manual breakage,
& long duration period (Fairgrieve, 2008; Skinner, 1999; Alunni, 2014). Crematoriums
(Skinner, 1999; Alunni, 2014; Klepinger, 2006; Fairgrieve, 2008; Van Deest, 2012).
Fairgrieve suggests that all fatal fires are of forensic importance until fully
investigated for cause as well as the circumstances of the fire. In 2007, arson accounted
for 9% of fire deaths in Canada & 25% of all of British Columbia’s fires were considered
incendiary (Wijayasinghe, 2011). In some instances, such as when the perpetrator has
time to properly dispose of the body, Fairgrieve argues that burial is likely to follow
cremation. This method of disposal can be done in a number of ways. The body may be
burned in one location, moved, & buried in another location. However, some cases
involve shallow fire pits in which the remains are burned & subsequently buried in the
same place (Fairgrieve, 2008; Skinner, 1999; White, 2012; Klepinger, 2006; Van
Deest, 2012).
Ritual practices & desecration of burials often taken place months to years after
death. Historically, burials & human remains have been pillaged for a variety of reasons.
Trophy gathering, or the practice by the perpetrator of removing parts of the body to
keep, is a practice still seen today (Klepinger, 2006). Other ritual practices are cult or
religion related & involve painting certain elements or using crania as bowls (Klepinger,
2006). Burials are desecrated worldwide to sell mortuary items as well as in order to
Whether remains have been buried or left exposed to the elements, plant & animal
activity begins soon after decomposition begins. Scavengers, such as dogs, wolves,
coyotes, vultures, cats, raccoons, & various rodents, greatly affect bone assemblages by
removing portions to other areas, damaging bones, & creating pseudopathological signs.
Large carnivores often remove portions of the body to other locations & crush the
trabecular areas of bone in order to obtain marrow (White, 2012). Carnivore’s create four
1996). Carnivore puncture marks are created by teeth penetrating the bone, whereas pits
do not fully pierce the affected element. While scores may be singular, they are generally
shallow cut marks. However, furrows are much deeper & occur “from attempts to access
the marrow” (Klepinger, 2006). These types of trauma can be differentiated from
intentional cut marks or other pathologies by their patterns & more irregular profile (Bell,
Rodent gnawing can mimic large carnivore damage by relocating remains as well
as producing parallel scoring marks (Klepinger, 2006). However, the repetitive gnawing
flat-bottomed grooves” that can conclude the damage as rodent as opposed to human or
carnivore inflicted (White, 2012). The movement & burrowing of rodents can also cause
bioturbation, disrupting the original burial placement. Insects, such as dermestid &
tenebrionid beetles, can create burrow patterns & furrows in bones (Rajendran &
Parveen, 2005; Ubelaker, 1999). However, the presence of certain animal or insect
activity can give more information about the environment(s) in which the individual’s
body was during the postmortem interval (Ubelaker, 1999; Rajendran & Pareveen, 2005;
Plants & soils can also greatly impact the preservation & subsequent recovery of
human remains. When left untouched, plant roots can destroy bones & produce a vast
network of grooves on the skeleton. As the roots move into the ground in search of
water, they produce acids which crave the bones with shallow, white grooves (Nawrocki,
1995). Soil taphonomy is broken into two categories: macro- & micro-alterations.
as well as large-scale ground movement (Jaggers & Rogers, 2009). High moisture
environments can also be connected to chemical leaching from remains which increases
“dissolution & the loss of bone material” & fractures (Jaggers & Rogers, 2009).
Earthquakes & ground shifting can also alter the placement of burials or, in some
instances, completely destroy the remains & any potential evidence. Soil pH, whether
acidic or alkaline, can completely alter how bones are preserved or destroyed. More
acidic environments can erode the outer layer of bone; however, more alkaline
environment may lead to better preservation of the skeleton (White, 2012). Factors such
possible, as well as any pertinent evidence (White, 2012; Klepinger, 2006; Jaggers &
Postmortem fractures are common for the variety of reasons discussed above as
well as during excavation & recovery. It is imperative to know & understand the
morphological differences between peri- & postmortem fractures. Though the length of
time remains stay in the perimortem interval after death vary depending on environment,
burial, & animal & insect activity, it is possible to determine if fractures occurred while
in the green or dry state. Forensic taphonomic studies have shown that fresh bones are
much more resistant to fracture by having a higher moisture content & being more
pliable than dry bones. Trauma to dry bones causes severe fragmentation, the presence of
bone flakes, & 90° fracture angles (Jordana, 2013). Likewise, fresh bones, with higher
moisture content, absorb energy more readily than dry bones, creating radiating &
concentric fractures Jordana, 2013). While fractures can be separated into peri- or
postmortem, proper crime scene investigation, excavation, & recovery of remains can
avoid unnecessary damage & potential loss of evidence (White, 2012; Jordana, 2013).
one. Cesare Lombroso, often called the father of criminal anthropology, attempted to use
the physical human body to explain & profile criminals (Lombroso, 1895). Lombroso
used the theory of social evolution derived from Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.
Lombroso resisted the theory that criminal actions were part of general human nature &
instead concluded that criminals were inherently lawless with distinguishable physical
attempt to connect the physical body to the psychological nature of humans. While
forensic anthropology is either not required or omitted entirely, despite the important
skills included. Forensic osteologists have to be able to distinguish human from non-
human, biological characteristics, & trauma. These same skills should be taught in the
fields of criminology & criminal justice. Forensic osteological training provides law
enforcement with the skills needed to appropriately identify potential burials, determine
human vs. nonhuman, & recognized signs of trauma. Competence in this field can
prevent scene contamination, assist in biological identification, & promote recognition &
understanding of the types of trauma. Despite the advantages, anthropology & its
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Osteological Guidebook
• Neurocranium - Braincase
Temporal Temporalis
Supraorbital Supraorbital
notches or vessels
Meningeal Middle
grooves meningeal
Sagittal Superior sagittal
sulcus sinus
Frontal crest
Arachnoid Arachnoid
Pars orbitalis
Lacrimal Lacrimal
fossae glands
Frontal angle Bregma
Sphenoidal Pterion
Occipital Lambda
Mastoid angle Asterion
Superior Temporal fascia
temporal lines
Inferior Temporalis
temporal lines
Parietal striae
Meningeal Middle
grooves meningeal
Inferior Nuchal
nuchal line
External Nuchal ligament
occipital crest
Occipital Atlas
condyles articulation
Condylar Emissary vein
Hypoglossal Hypoglossal
canals nerves
Jugular notch
Lacrimal fossa
Cribiform plate Olfactory nerves
Cristagalli Olfactory bulbs
& falx cerebri (of
the dura mater)
(lateral masses)
lacrimal crest
groove (sulcus)
Nasal foramen
Frontal process
Zygomaticofaci Zygomaticofacial
al foramen nerve & vessels
Masseteric Masseter
tal foramina
Anterior Tentorium
clinoid cerebelli
Angular spine Pterygospinous
Mental spines Genioglossus &
Digastric Digastric
Condylar neck Lateral
Coronoid Temporalis
Pterygoid Medial
tuberosities pterygoideus
Hyoid &
Greater horns Lateral thyrohyoid
Lesser horns Stylohyoid
Vertebral Spinal cord
Vertebral Basivertebral
body vein
Vertebral Spinal cord
Spinous Interspinatous &
process suprapinatous
articular facet
Transverse Vertebral
foramina arteries
tubercle of the
tubercle of the
Atlas C1
Axis C2 Dens or
vertebra C7
Costal facets
Transverse T1-T10
costal facets
Superior costal T2-T9
demi facets
Inferior costal T1-T8
demi facets
Costal facets T1, T10-T12
Aortic T5-T10
Intervertebral Spinal nerves
notches (2)
First thoracic
vertebra T1
Corpus sterni
Sternal angle
Lines of
Subscapular Subscapularis
Lateral Teres minor &
border teres major
Glenoid fossa
Supraglenoid Biceps brachii
Infraglenoid Triceps brachii
Medial Serratus anterior,
border rhomboid major,
& rhomboid
Scapular Deltoid &
spine trapezius
Acromion Deltoid & Clavicular
process trapezius facet
Supraspinous Supraspinatus
Infraspinous Infraspinatus
Superior Levator scapulae
Inferior angle Latissimus dorsi
Radius, &
oblique line
Pronator Pronator teres
Ulnar notch
Suprastyloid Brachioradialis
Dorsal Extrinsic extensor
tubercle muscles
Supinator Supinator
Pronator ridge Pronator
Ulnar head
Ulnar styloid Ulnar collateral
process ligament
Groove for Extensor carpi
Anterior Anterior
(pelvic) sacral divisions of
foramina the sacral
& lateral
sacral arteries
articular facets
Dorsal surface
Dorsal wall
Posterior Posterior
(dorsal) sacral divisions of
foramina the sacral
Sacral spine
Os Coxae
Ilium (2)
Ischium (2)
Pubis (2)
Acetabular Ligamentum teres
Lunate surface
Gluteal surface
Gluteal lines (3) Gluteus minimus,
gluteus medius,
& gluteus
Ischial Semitendinosus,
tuberosity semimembranosus,
biceps femoris, &
quadratus femoris
Iliac fossa
Arcuate line
Pectineal line Pectineus
Pubic crest Rectus abdominis
Superior pubic
Pubic tubercle Inguinal ligament
Symphyseal Pubic ligaments Pubic
surface symphysis
Obturator Obturator
foramen membrane
Obturator crest Pubofemoral
Obturator Obturator Obturator
groove vessels & canal
Pelvic surface
Pelvic cavity
Pubic arch
Greater pelvis
Lesser pelvis
Linea terminalis Separates
greater &
Femoral shaft
Linea aspera Vastus, longus,
brevis, & magnus
Medial lip of Adductor magnus
the linea aspera & adductor
of the
Impression for
the popliteus
Intercondylar Anterior &
fossa posterior cruciate
Patellar surface
Patellar lip
Siding a femur: The trochanters & the linea aspera are posterior. The patellar lip
will be higher on the lateral side. The fovea capitis is posterior inferior.
Lateral Anterior &
intercondylar posterior cruciate
tubercle ligaments
Anterior Anterior cruciate
intercondylar ligament
articular facet
Groove for Semimembra
Tibial Patellar ligament
tuberosity & quadriceps
Medial surface
Posterior Popliteal
surface surface
Lateral surface Interosseous
Medial border Deep transverse
Fibular head Biceps femoris
muscle & lateral
Styloid process
fibular articular
Fibular neck
Rib Chart
Rib Facets Shaft Features General
1 Unifaceted Scalene
2 Tuberosity for
3 Thicker,
4 Thicker, Tighter
rounded curve, flatter
5 Thicker, Inferior costal Tighter
rounded groove curve, flatter
6 Thicker, Inferior costal Gradual
rounded groove shallow
7 Inferior costal Gradual
groove shallow
8 Gradual
9 Superior crest Gradual
10 Unifaceted Superior crest Gradual
11 Unifaceted Sharp superior Pointed
crest sternal end
12 Unifaceted Sharp superior Pointed
crest sternal end
• Pr = Protocone (Mesiolingual)
• Pa = Paracone (Mesiobuccal)
• Me = Metacone (Distobuccal)
• Hy = Hypocone (Distolingual) Mandibular
• Me = Metaconid (Mesiolingual)
• Pr = Protoconid (Mesiobuccal)
• Hy = Hypoconid (Distobuccal)
• Hyd = Hypoconulid (Disto)
• En = Entoconid (Distolingual)
Dentition - Upper teeth angle up lateromedially, bottom teeth angle down mediolaterally
Maxillary - Buccal & lingual cusps of Ps are nearly equal; buccal side of Ms tends to wear
Mandibular – Buccal cusps of Ps dominates the lingual side in size & height; Lingual side of the
Ms tends to wear slower lending to more height over the buccal side
Course Overview
Human osteology is, very simply, the study of human bones. While this may seem
methods, & disciplines. Osteology, & the associated fields, are useful in many areas of
Bones can tell us a lot, including information about human biological variation &
human populations, as well as precise forensic evidence. Osteologists may use their
training in forensic crime labs, archaeological sites, & centers for pathological disease
Learning Outcomes
Required Text
Human Osteology, Third Edition, White, Black, & Folkens: 2012 The
Human Bone Manual, First Edition, White & Folkens: 2005
Course Schedule
Week Subject Areas of Focus
Three WBF 4, 5, 19 MT 3, 6
Skull, Dentition, & Pathology
OG P1, P2, P3
Course Overview
Human osteology is, very simply, the study of human bones. While this may seem
methods, & disciplines. Osteology, & the associated fields, are useful in many areas
Bones can tell us a lot, including information about human biological variation &
human populations, as well as precise forensic evidence. Osteologists may use their
training in forensic crime labs, archaeological sites, & centers for pathological
Learning Outcomes
• Students will learn fields & careers that use real world applications of human
• Students will learn osteological teaching pedagogy.
• Students will contribute to teaching & instructing the classes.
• Students will act as mentors & guides to the undergraduates.
• Students will learn how to design, set-up, proctor, & grade practical exams.
Required Text
Human Osteology, Third Edition, White, Black, & Folkens: 2012
The Human Bone Manual, First Edition, White & Folkens: 2005
Course Schedule
Week Subject Areas of Focus
Three WBF 3, 4, 5 MT 3, 4 OG
Skull, Dentition, & Biometrics
P1, P2, P3
Five WBF 6, 19 MT 3, 6 OG
Hyoid, Vertebrae, & Pathology
Course Overview
Human osteology is, very simply, the study of human bones. While this may seem
methods, & disciplines. Osteology, & the associated fields, are useful in many areas
Bones can tell us a lot, including information about human biological variation &
human populations, as well as precise forensic evidence. Osteologists may use their
training in forensic crime labs, archaeological sites, & centers for pathological
Learning Outcomes
• Students will learn the appropriate anatomical & directional terminology
required to discuss osteology.
• Students will learn each element in the adult human skeleton.
• Students will learn craniometrics and/or features for each element in the
adult skeleton.
• Students will learn how to properly discern between human & non-human
• Students will learn how to appropriately handle human remains with respect
& care.
• Students will learn how to critically analyze diagnostic features of intact &
fragmented bones to determine vital information.
• Students will learn peer-reviewed methods of age, sex, & stature
• Students will learn how to identify osteological pathologies and/or
pathological conditions that affect bones.
• Students will learn the differences between anti-, peri-, & post-mortem
changes to the human skeleton, & how to recognize them.
• Students will learn about bone modifications by bioturbation, humans, &
physical factors.
• Students will learn fields & careers that use real world applications of human
Required Text
Human Osteology, Third Edition, White, Black, & Folkens: 2012
The Human Bone Manual, First Edition, White & Folkens: 2005
Course Schedule
Week Subject Areas of Focus
Exam Schedule
Week Subject Type
Course Overview
Human osteology is, very simply, the study of human bones. While this may seem
methods, & disciplines. Osteology, & the associated fields, are useful in many areas
Bones can tell us a lot, including information about human biological variation &
human populations, as well as precise forensic evidence. Osteologists may use their
training in forensic crime labs, archaeological sites, & centers for pathological
Learning Outcomes
Required Text
Human Osteology, Third Edition, White, Black, & Folkens: 2012 The
Human Bone Manual, First Edition, White & Folkens: 2005
Course Schedule
Exam Schedule
Week Subject Type