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Dr. Professor (MS) Sudha Mohan: Curriculam Vitae

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QUALIFICATION: M.A., M.Phil., PhD – University of Mumbai


Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai,

Pherozeshah Mehta Bhavan and Research Centre,
Kalina Campus, Santa Cruz (East), Mumbai – 400098. India.

DATE OF BIRHT: 18th April 1959.

TELEPHON&EMAIL: 09869699379; [email protected]


Taught at the Post Graduate Level: MA, M.PHIL AND PHD Course Work since 1996 and
PhD Guide.
Taught across Semesters courses that include, Urban Politics in the age of Globalisation;
Development Discourse; Comparative Politics; New Politics of Identity.

Undergraduate Teaching Experience: BA From 1982 to 1996. (SIES College, Mumbai).


I. Awarded the Faculty Training and Internationalization Grant (SFTIG) administered

by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Canada, 2017-18. Affiliated to Ryerson
University, Toronto, Canada, May 4-June 5, 2018.
II. Visiting Professor, Sciences Po, Grenoble, France, for a month, 2 October to 3
November 2017
III. Visiting Faculty to teach a Block Seminar on ‘Urbanisation in the Developing
Countries' in the School of Humanities and Social Science, University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland, from 2011 to 2014; 2016.
IV. Visiting Scholar under the University Grants Commission-Nehru Studies Centre,
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 18-21 August, 2015.

V. BPC Fellow at Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas BRICS - BRICS Policy Center, in

Rio de Jeniero, Brazil for June 2013. Project on Urban ‘Turn’ and Transformation in
the BRICS’ Cities.

VI. Visiting Scholar under the framework of Research Excellence Program USC-
India (PEIN) University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, for one month in May
VII. Visiting Faculty to teach for the Summer School on "Democratic Governance and
Civic Engagement" in the University of Osnabruck, Germany from 2011 to July

VIII. Visiting Scholar at the European Commission for the Interdisciplinary Erasmus
Mundus Master’s Course on ‘International Cooperation and Urban Development’
during the academic year 2009-2010. Mundus Masters Programme is jointly offered
by four leading European Universities and supported by the European Commission. (I
spent one month in Rome, Italy and Darmstadt, Germany in May/June 2010 to teach 2
courses respectively).

IX. Awarded the Nirman Visiting Fellowship at University of Westminster, London

to work on the proposed project ‘Globalization and Governance in the Mumbai City-
Region’ at the Centre for the Study of Democracy for two months from mid May to
mid July 2009.

X. Faculty to teach Urban Politics and Development and to co-teach Contemporary

Urban Issues: Problems and Solutions for International Honors Program (IHP)
which was affiliated to World Learning and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology for the fall Semester 2008. The program titled ‘Cities in the 21st
Century’ entailed visits to NYC, Bangalore, Cape Town and Buenos Aires with a
group of 21 undergraduate and 3 graduate students, four faculty and one trustees

XI. Recipient of the Best Teacher Award, with a citation “in recognition of her valuable
contributions to knowledge, teaching and research with a sense of commitment,
dedication and sincerity. It was awarded on 26th January 2007.” (India’s Republic

XII. Awarded the Sr. Fulbright Fellowship by the United States Department of State’s
Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs and the Foreign Fulbright Scholarship
Board in Washington, DC for a period of Eight months (November 2004 to June
2005). This award was to pursue my post doctoral research project entitled “State
Civil Society Interface in Urban Development: Civic Engagement and Social Capital.
(Comparisons between Mumbai and New York). I was affiliated with SUNY,
Plattsburgh, NY and Columbia University, NYC for a total of eight months.

XIII. Awarded Four Travel Grants Awarded by Council for International Exchange of
Scholars, US. This was for giving seminars/lectures in three Minority Serving
Institutions, viz., (historically black, Hispanic or tribal universities in the United
States) Montgomery State University in Alabama, Kentucky State University,
Kentucky and San Diego State University, California besides a regular travel award to
University of Austin in Texas between January and April 2005.

XIV. Selected for the Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria for the Session on US
Presidential Elections, May 1996.
XV. Was selected under the International Visitor Programme (IVP) to the United States
of America for a Multi-Regional Group Project on “Regional and Ethnic Cultures in
the US” From September 11 to October 7, 1989.


1. Rhetoric, Reality and the need for Inclusive Human Right. In Human Rights in
India, Discourses and Contestations, Gyan, New Delhi, 2018.

2. State of the State: Politics of Power Shifts and Shifting Power of the State in India,
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2017, 24:42–46

3. Politics of Urban Space: Rethinking Urban Inclusion and the Right to the City. In:
Anita Lacey (ed.) Women, Urbanization and Sustainability: Practices of Survival,
Adaptation and Resistance. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan: 2017, 157-178.

4. State and Civil Society: What happened to Citizenship?, Journal of Politics and
Society, Vol. 8, Issues 1&2, January-December 2016, 32-42.

5. The Urban Turn in BRICS’ Collaboration: Global Trends and Urban Challenges,
Journal of Polity and Society, Vol. 7, Issue 2, July-December 2015. 5-26.

6. The Politics of Urban Space in the context of the Right to the City in the Megacity
of Mumbai, India, in Right to the city for a safe and just world: the case of BRICS,
Sergio Veloso and Paulo Esteves (Eds), BRICS-Urbe's and Oxfam Publication, Rio
de Janeiro, 2015. 97-116.

7. Empowerment of Women, Media and Human Rights, Journal of Human Right,

National Human Rights Commission, December 2014. 151-167.

8. ‘Urban ‘Turn’ and Transformation in the BRICS: Understanding, Learning and

knowledge sharing among BRICS Countries’, in Cities and BRICS: Comparative
analysis and case studies on urban development in BRICS, Paulo Esteves Adriana
Abdenur and Sérgio Veloso, (eds) Rio de Janeiro, BRICS Publication, September

9. “Issues and Concerns of Urban Governance: Inequalities and the Right to the City”
in J. Sandhu and G. Bal, (eds) Urban Development and Governance, Rawat
Publications, Jaipur, New Delhi, Banglore, 2013.
10. “Conceptualising Human security in the Age of Globalisation” in Saurab and B. C.
Upreti (Ed) Strengthening SAARC: Exploring Vistas for Expanding Co-operation.
Pentagon Press, February 2012, 10-22.
11. “From the Fringes: A brief note on Mumbai Metropolitan Region” Mumbai Reader
’10, UDRI (Urban Design Research Institute) Mumbai 2011, 470-81

12. “Urbanisation in India and China: Impact on Emergence as Major Power’ in

Kamath P.M (Ed) India-China Relations: an Agenda for Asian Century, South Asia
Publishers, New Delhi, August 2011, 151-180
13. “Issues in Water Governance: Service Delivery in Mumbai and Chennai’, Journal
of History and Social Science, Volume 1, Issue 1 July-December 2010. Online
journal available at http:// jhss.org/articleview.php?artid=20.
14. “Partnership for Change: Economic Empowerment and Social Engagement (Case
Study of Two Women’s Organizations in Mumbai”, in Prasenjit Maiti (Ed), Global
and Local Polemics of Development. Vol.1: Disquieting Divides: Politics and the
Self and the Other, New Delhi, Concept Publishing House, 2010. pp. 110-122
15. “Challenges of Globalisation in Urban Local Governance” in Sarangi Prakash and
Hans Lofgren (Eds) Globalisation and Politics: Indo-Australian Perspectives,
Social Sciences Press, New Delhi, February 2009, 119-137

16. “Role of Global Civil Society Organisations in Afghanistan: Need for Synergetic
Partnership for Comprehensive Development and Functioning Democracy”, in
Jagmohan Meher (ed), Afghanistan Dynamics of Survival, Delhi, Kalpaz
Publications, 2008, 121-140
17. “Challenges of Globalisation: Redefining Governance and Reconstituting Civil
Society” in V.R.Raghavan (Ed), Civil Society and Governance in Modern India,
Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and New Delhi, East West Books, 2007.
18. “The Sojourn of an Indian Fulbright Scholar”, in Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani &
Nibir K. Ghosh (Eds) –Beyond Boundaries—Reflections of Indian and U.S.
Scholars, universe, Inc, US, 2007.
19. “Issues, Challenges and the Changing Sites of Governance: Self Organising
Networks in Mumbai”, Journal of Governance and Public Policy, Vol. 1, No.1, June
2006, 25-40.
20. “Participation and partnership for Change: Economic Empowerment and Social
Engagement”, Human Rights Global Focus, December 2006.
21. Book: Title: Urban Development and New localism, Rawat Publishers, Mumbai,
New Delhi and Jaipur, July 2005.
22. “Between Privatisation and Participation: Basic Services in Mumbai Metropolitan
Region” in Klaus Segbers, Simon Raiser and Krister Volkmann (Eds), Public
Problems – Private Solutions? Globalizing Cities in the South, Aldershot, UK,
Ashgate, September 2005, 191-206.
23. Occasional paper on Political Transformations and Capacity Building: Civil Society
Networks and Civic Engagement in Mumbai, in Simon Raiser and Krister
Volkmann (Eds) Civil Societies in the Globalizing Cities of South, Free University,
Berlin March 2005, 11-24.
24. Occasional Paper on Urban Poverty, Vulnerability and the Emergence of Civil
Society Organisations in Mumbai, published by the Department of Civics and
Politics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, October 2004.1-25
25. “Evolution of Civil Society and Available Alternatives for Urban Communities”, in
T. K. John (ed), Broken among the Victims, Centre for Dalit Subaltern Studies,
New Delhi, 2004.
26. Referred Article on “Civil Society Activism in the Age of Globalisation" in Rajen
Harshe, (Ed), Interpreting Globalisation: Perspectives in International Relations,
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Delhi and Rawat, Jaipur, 2004,
27. “Democratic Citizenship Rights and Participation: The Need for a Re-
interpretation” in Workers and the Right to Strike: Report, Indian Society of Labour
Economics and Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, 2004.
28. “Individual/Institutional Capacity Building and Quality of Life: The Need for
Development Alternatives”, Indian Association of Social Science Institutions
Quarterly, Vol. 21, Nos. 3 and 4, 2003, pp. 208-215
29. “Role and Relevance of Civil Society Organisations in Mumbai”, Indian Journal of
Political Science, (Special Issue on Civil Society edited by Prof Neera Chandhoke)
Vol. 63, Nos. 2 and 3, June-September, 2002, pp. 193-211.


1. Completed a Research Project awarded by the Indian Council of Social Science

Research, Western Regional Centre, for the Proposed Research on ‘Politics of Urban
Space: Rethinking Urban Inclusion and the Right to the City, December 2012 to 30
November 2013.

2. BPC Fellow at the BRICS Policy Center, in Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil to pursue
research project on ‘Right to the City: Learning and Replicating from City
Experiences from BRICS’ June 2013. Article based on this has been published by the
BPC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in an edited volume in 2013.

3. Post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, Department of

Politics and International Relations, University of Westminster, London, from
May 10 to July 10, 2009. To work on the project ‘Globalisation and Governance in
the Mumbai City-region.’ Published by Mumbai Reader, 2011.

4. Minor research grant from the Department’s Assistance for Strengthening of the
Infrastructure of the Humanities and Social Sciences (ASIHSS) Programme of
the University Grants Commission from October 2009 to March 2010 to pursue
research work on ‘Impact of Globalisation on Mumbai Metropolitan Region’. This
project. Findings of this project were published in Mumbai Reader ’10, published by
Urban Design Research Institute in October 2011.
5. Minor research grant from the Assistance for Strengthening of the Infrastructure
of the Humanities and Social Sciences (ASIHSS) Programme of the University
Grants Commission from October 2005 to March 2006. To pursue research work on
‘Issues in Governance: Service delivery in Mumbai and Chennai’, awarded under
Article based on the project report has been published in publication in the July-Dec
2010 issue of Journal of History and Social Sciences (JHSS).

6. Interdisciplinary Collaborative Project of Free University Berlin, Germany

entitled "Global City regions as changing sites of governance" This project focused on
Berlin, Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Shanghai and Mumbai in March 2004. My project
work was entitled (i) Between Privatisation and Participation: Basic Services in
Mumbai Metropolitan Region (ii) Civil Society and Capacity Building: Role of Civil
Society Organisations in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. The first project report and
research work was published in an edited book of Segbers, Simon Raiser and Krister
Volkmann (Eds), Public Problems –Private Solutions? Globalizing Cities in the
South, Aldershot, UK, Ashgate, September 2005. The second project report and
research work was brought out as occasional paper from the Department of Political
Science, Free University, Berlin in March 2005.


 Challenges of Humanities, organised by Ministry of Human Development Resource

Development, Government of India, Dukes University on 18 April, 2019.
 Urban Transitions in BRICS': Integration and Globalization Framework for
Sustainable Development. ”At the 123rd 4 Week Orientation Programme organised
by the Human Resource Development Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 6
December, 2018.
 Online talk to graduate students on ‘Urbanisation and Urban Dev with reference to
Mumbai’, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada, 14 June, 2018.
 ‘Protecting Human Rights in India’ Sciences Po, Grenoble, France, 26th October
 ‘Right to the City and Social Inequalities’ Institute of Urbanism and Geography
Alpine - City of the Territories, Grenoble, France, 6th October, 2017
 ‘Urban Turn in BRICS Collaboration: Global Trends and Urban Challenges’ Centre
for BRICS’ Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, 12 May 2014.
 ‘BRICS: Urban Discourse, Urban Trajectory and evolving Urban Paradigms’ BRICS
Policy Institute, Rio De Jeniero, Brazil, June 22, 2013.
 ‘Advancing Citizenship Discourses: Issues and Concerns of Modern Day
Citizenship’, Waseda University, Tokyo, 7 June 2012.

 ‘State of the State: Power Shifts or Shifting Power in Globalising India’ at the
International Seminar on ‘Institutions, Structure and Organisation in Globalising
India, School of Humanities and Social Science, IIT, Mumbai 21-22 January 2012.
 ‘Women employed in the informal sector: Case Study of two women’s organisations
in Mumbai’, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zayed University,
Dubai, 11 November 2010.

 ‘Democratic Governance and Civil Society’ Department of Government and Public

Policy, University of Osnabruck, Germany, June 14, 2010.

 ‘Globalisation, Governance and City Regions: Theoretical Issues and Operational

Dynamics’, Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, UK, 19
May, 2009.

 ‘Politics of Vulnerability: Planning and Development in Mumbai’ IX Asian

Urbanization Conference, Kangwon National University, in Chuncheon, S. Korea,
from 18-23, August 2007. (Organised by the Asian Urban Research Association
(AURA), Kangwon Regional Development Corporation, Kangwon National
University, Regional Development and Planning Specialty Group of the AAG,
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania and University of Akron, USA.



1. Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, Workshop on Research

Methodology, organised by the Indian Council for Social Science Research, Western
Region, Mumbai, 14 February, 2019.

2. Urban local government: The Important but ignored tier in the Federal Framework,
National Conference entitled “Federalism in India: Motilal Nehru Committee Report
and After” on 26-27 November 2018 at International Centre Goa. Organised by the
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.

3. Special Lectures on Regions, Regionalism and Identity in International Politics and

Understanding Human Rights, Human Security and Human Development in the
Global Context at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal University,
March 5-6. 2018

4. Issues and Concerns of Governance, Seminar on Governance, organised by St.

Andrews College, Mumbai. February 25, 2017

5. Rhetoric, Reality and the need for Inclusive Human Rights, at the UGC National
Seminar on Facets of Human Rights Discourse in India, organised by the department
of Political Science, University of Calicut, Kerala on January 31 and February 1,

6. Indian Secularism and Secularism in India: Contesting Claims and Critical Concerns,
National Seminar on "Secularism and its Discontents" organised by the Society for
Social Science Research, Thiruvananthapuram in collaboration with Department of
Political Science, University of Kerala and Department of Political Science,
Government College 13-14 June, 2016.

7. Urbanisation in BRICS' Countries: Global trends and Urban challenges' at a

Conference on "BRICS Group of Emerging Economies: Implications for Global
Economic and Financial System" organised by the Lalalajpat Rai College of
Management, Mumbai on 17th October, 2016.

8. Urban Governance and Democratic Participation, Two day symposium, on

“Sustainable Urban Development” organised by The Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay and the University Amsterdam, 26 and 27 March 2015.

9. ‘Regions and Regionalism: Emerging Trends in a Globalsing World’ at the Inter-

disciplinary GC Refresher Course in Political Science, On Region, Regionalism and
Identity, 15th February 2015.

10. “Changing Dimension of Political Culture in the Current Indian Context” Organised
by the Department of Political Science, Government College, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, 9 to 11 December, 2015.

11. ‘State and Civil Society: What happened to Citizenship?’ National Seminar on India:
State of the Nation: 2014 general elections and after, Department of Political Science,
University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 17-19 march 2015.

12. ‘Justice, Democracy and Human Rights’ National Human Rights Commissions,
National Seminar on Judiciary, Democracy and Tradition: An Evaluation, Utkal
University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. 5-6 February 2015.

13. Elections 2014 - Dilemmas, Anxieties and Hopes in Xavier’s College, Elections 2014:
Past Problems as Present Predicaments and the Way Forward’ at a Panel Discussion:
14th April, 2014. ‘

14. ‘The Spatial turn of Urban Politics: State of the State in India’, National Seminar on
Contradictions in Development in the Globalising South: a Spatio-Social Perspective.
Organised by the Department of Geography, University of Mumbai, 25-26 February,

15. ‘Human Rights, Media and Women Empowerment’ National Human Rights
Commission (NHRC), Cochin January 9-10, 2014.

16. ‘Conceptualising Urban Space: Campa Cola Case’ School of Habitat Studies, Tata
Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, 26th January 2014.

17. ‘Women and Human Rights: An Assessment’, National Seminar on Human Rights &
Ecological Balance: A Dialogue. Organized by the National Human Rights
Commission and Department of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws,
Saurashtra University, March 4-5, 2013.
18. ‘Politics and the Production of Urban Space’, at the UGC sponsored Refresher Course
on Dynamics of Development in the Globalising South; A Spatio-social Perspective, 7
February 2013.

19. ‘State, Governance and Citizenship’ in the Platinum Jubilee Conference on

“Globalization and Social Transformation: The Indian Experience” Tata Institute of
Social Science, (TISS), Mumbai. February 17 -19, 2012.

20. ‘Building Tri-Sector Partnership’, Seminar organized by Schumacher Centre (Delhi)

in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Siftung (India) 26 November 2011.

21. ‘Conceptualising Human security in the Age of Globalisation’ in the National

Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation in SAARC: in the Context of Non-Traditional
Security Threats, organised by the South Asia Studies Centre, University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi,
on 11-12 February, 2011, in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

22. ‘Dynamics of Urban Politics: State, Market and Civil Society’, in the Interdisciplinary
Refresher Course on Major Concerns in Social Sciences, organised University Grants
Commission Academic Staff College and coordinated by the Department of Applied
Psychology and Counselling Centre, University of Mumbai,11 January 2011.

23. ‘Sharing and learning from the academic work of US Fulbright scholars and alumni
from South Asia and the US’. Fulbright International Conference in Udaipur
Organised by the United States - India Educational Foundation (USIEF) on March 8 -
10, 2010

24. ‘Globalisation, Governance and City Regions: A Study of Mumbai Metropolitan

Region’, National Seminar, Department of Geography, University of Mumbai,
Mumbai, January 20 and 22, 2010.

25. ‘The Un-Disciplined City’, National Seminar organised by the Centre for Policy
Research, New Delhi. Monday, November 30- December 1, 2009.

26. The Globalizing State, Public Services and the New Governance of Urban Local
Communities in India’, at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. (IIM) 3-6
December 2009.

27. ‘Issues in Urban Governance’, National Consultation on the Project Laying

Foundations of Urban India Reform Observatory (UIRO) November 19 and 20, 2009
at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

28. ‘Addressing Urban Poverty: Opportunities and Challenges’. Workshop organized by

Oxfam on July 29-30, 2009 in New Delhi.

29. Reinterpreting the Governance Project: From Clientele to a Right-Based Approach.

At the National Workshop on “Concepts, Contexts and Theories of Social Exclusion
and Inclusive Policy. Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy
(CSEIP) Mangalore University, Mangalore, February 6-7, 2008.


i. External Expert on the Academic Council, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS),
Mumbai, for two years, from 2018 to 2020.

ii. Member of the Advisory Committee, Indian Council of Social Science Research,
Western Regional Centre, from 2016.

iii. Member Secretary and Coordinator, Centre of Advanced Study (CAS) Under Special
Assistance Programme (SAP) of University Grants Commission Assistance for a
period of five years (2017-2018).

iv. Chairperson, Board of Studies (BOS) in Politics from 2016-2017

v. Subject Expert, Board of Studies in M.A. Public Policy, Xavier’s College, Mumbai,
2016 onwards, BOS, ISS University, Jaipur, India. Subject Expert Board of Studies,
SNDT Womens University from 2018.

vi. Member of the Advisory Committee of Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental
Studies, Mumbai, 2016 onwards.

vii. Special Advisory Committee of ASIHSS (Assistance for Strengthening of the

Infrastructure of the Humanities and Social Sciences Programme) of the University
Grants Commission, 2007-2010

viii. Member, for Syllabus Revision/Curricular development for MA Core and Elective
Courses for the Courses started in the department from the academic year 2010-2011;
2013-14. Chairperson of the same in 2016-2017.

ix. Board of Examiners to adjudicate PhD thesis: Tata Institute of Social Sciences;
University of Madras, Chennai, University of Nagpur, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
University, Aurangabad, Pondicherry University Jawaharlal Nehru University and
Central University of Hyderabad.

x. Board member-International Studies Centre, VPM, Mumbai. (2011-16)

xi. Editorial Advisory Member of the Journal ‘Peace and Democracy in South Asia’ (A
Politics of Development Group at Stockholm University)

xii. Editorial Advisory Member of Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India,

University’s referred Journal of International Relations (IJIR) and Journal of Public
Policy and Governance.

xiii. Treasurer -The Fulbright Association, Mumbai Chapter for the year 2008-2010.
xiv. Reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, (SSHRC),


1. Indian Political Science Association 6. Centre for Study of Society and Secularism
2. Indian Social Science Congress 7. Urban Design Research Institute
3. American Studies Research Centre 8. Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies
4. Indian Associations of American Studies. 9. Indian Institute of Canadian Studies
5. Civitas International 10. National Coalitions for Dialogue and
11. All Indian Local Self Government. Advisory Committee Member
AREA OF EXPERTISE AND SPECIALISATION: Urban Studies, Development Studies,
Comparative Politics and Interdisciplinary Studies.

RESEARCH INTERESTS : Substantive Democracy and Sustainable Development; Civil

Society, Governance and Globalisation; Politics of Urban Space; City, Ethnicity and
Citizenship; BRICS; Human Security.

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