Jackson Lanaux Resume
Jackson Lanaux Resume
Jackson Lanaux Resume
(501)258-2889 [email protected]
About Me Weebly
• Full time college student pursuing studies in the fields of Conservation Biology and Wetland Science
• Have experience lifegaurding and training others
• CPR certified
• Honor roll sophmore-senior years of High School
• Undergraduate assistant for Mottle duck nesting project in Southwest Louisiana
Reviewing over 6 million trail camera pictures and entering predation and behavior information into Microsoft
Excel. Attention to detail is a huge part of this internship, and data can be completely skewed if every minute detail
isn't taken care of. It also requires teamwork, and all team members to be on the same page for all to go smoothly.
Taking 14 credit hours as a first semester Freshman, whilst working an unpaid internship. Requires motivation and
time-management to juggle tasks and complete work to beyond a satisfactory level. Daily interactions with many
students and professors requiring apt social skills.
Leadership Ability to Work in a Team
Microsoft Excel Fast Learner
Adaptability Communication Skills