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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Shrikanth A. S.
[email protected]

Rasashastra (Science of Mercury) is a unique branch of Ayurveda which deals with
the pharmaceutics of medicines out of minerals, metals, animal products etc. Makshika (Cop-
per pyrite) is one such mineral included among eight Maharasa (group of eight minerals) and
used since time immemorial in treating various diseases like pandu (Anemia), kushta (Skin
ailments), prameha (Diabetes) etc. Makshika (Copper pyrite) is the most abundant copper
bearing mineral whose references are scattered in various Rasashastra texts like Rasa Taran-
gini, Rasa Ratna Samuchaya, Rasendra Purana, Anandakanda, Rasarnava, and so on. The
current article is to highlight different references of Makshika (Copper pyrite) in Rasashastra
(Science of Mercury) texts under one roof.
Keywords: Makshika, Shodhana , Marana, Amritikarana

INTRODUCTION metals). But the available references are

Rasashastra (Science of Mercury) is scattered in different texts and there is a
described as Ayurvedic pharmaceutics which need to gather them at one place for superior
mainly deals with drugs of minerals, metals, understanding and the proper usage of the
animal and plant origin, their pharmaceutics drug for the betterment of mankind. Hence
and their therapeutic uses. Various pharma- an effort is made in this regard to gather all
ceutical procedures such as Shodhana (Puri- the available references of Makshika in this
fication), Marana (incineration), Satwa pa- review article.
tana (extraction of the essence), Amritika- Mythological origin of Makshika (Copper
rana (to enhance quality of medicine) etc. pyrite):
are employed to make these drugs deemed The mythological origin of Makshika (Cop-
to be administered internally. Makshika per pyrite) is explained as follows:
(Copper pyrite) is one of the Maharasa Makshika (Copper pyrite) is said to have
(group of eight minerals) which is said as its origin from the drops of blood falling
Prana (life) of Parada (Mercury). As ex- from the wound in the injured sole of Lord
plained in Rasa Ratna Samuchaya it acts as Krishna. The wound in the sole was caused
Rasayana (immune modulator), vrishya by an arrow arched by a hunter by confusion
(aphrodisiac) and cures various diseases1. with the animal when he was in yoganidra
Makshika has great importance in both deha (deep sleep) in the forest, after completing
vada (medicinal purpose) and dhatu vada his duty in Mahabharata. 2
(conversion of lower metals into higher The Kanchana Rasa i.e Makshika (Cop-
Shrikanth: A Literary Review on Makshika

per pyrite) is said to be brought by Lord Dhanvantari Nighantu, Madanapaala Nig-

Vishnu from the suvarnashaila i.e. Sumeru hantu etc. Makshika (Copper pyrite) is use-
Mountains and kept on the banks of river ful in Pandu, Kushta, Jeerna jwara and
Taapi and Kirata, cheena, yavana desha, many other disorders. It is also very much
which shines brightly in madhava masa due useful in Parada karmas.
to intense sunrays. 3 Rasendra Mangala: Book of 8th century.
Makshika in Rasashastra text: During this period Acharya Nagarjuna, au-
The Shodhana and Satvapaatana of Mak- thor of Rasendra Mangala explains about
shika (Copper pyrite) are described in detail Shodhana and Satwapatana of Makshika.10
and is explained that Makshika (Copper py- RasahridayaTantra: Is 10th Century book
rite) is the best drug for incineration of Ra- which explains the use of Makshika in
jata (Silver) 4 and also it is explained that it Parada karma. 11
is very much useful in parada karmas (Mer- Rasarnava: 12th Century book explains
curial processings). The parada (Mercury) about mythological origin, Shodhana and
after grasa of Makshika and Abhraka satva Shatwapatana of Makshika.12
(Essence of Mica) becomes fit for ranjana Sharangadhara Samhitha: (14th Century)
and baddha karmas. The mythological has explained Shodhana and Marana of
origin of Makshika (Copper pyrite), Makshika under upadhatu varga. 13
description of Shodhana and satvapatana Bhavaprakasha: (16th Century). It has ex-
are elaborately explained in Rasarnava. 5 plained Makshika with reference to its
Rasaratnasamuchhayakaara: This book Ashuddha lakshana, Shodhana, Marana and
which dates 13th century gave detailed de- described it under Upadhatu varga. 14
scription of Makshika regarding its lakshana Ayurveda Prakasha: (17th century) de-
(desired attributes), guna (qualities), scribed Makshika in Upadhatu varga. He
Shodhana, maarana and satvapaatana has explained types, synonyms, occurrence,
procedures etc. Author has placed Makshika therapeutic qualities, shodhana and marana
(Copper pyrite) under Maharasa varga. 6 procedures in detail. 15
Laghutrayee: Have explained the Makshika Rasatarangini: (20th century) Shri. Sada-
in Upadhaatu varga. Sharangadhara nanda Sharma explains Makshika (Copper
Samhitha (14th Cent) has explained under pyrite) in Upadhatu varga and gives a de-
upadhatu varga, its Shodhana and Marana7. tailed description about its occurrence,
Bhavaprakasha (16th Cent) has explained types, therapeutic qualities, Shodhana, Ma-
the Swarnamakshika in Upadhatu varga, the rana procedures. 16
Ashudda lakshana, Shodhana and Marana Basavarajeeyam: (18th century) explains
are described8. types of Makshika (Copper pyrite), apakva
Rasajalanidhi: This is one of the compiled makshika doshas, it’s shuddhi in detail. 17
books of 20th century. Author has compiled Rasendrasarasangraha: (13th century) ex-
almost all the literature pertaining to Mak- plains about Makshika (Copper pyrite), lak-
shika (Copper pyrite) from the available shana, ashudha makshika (Copper pyrite)
previous texts.9 Makshika (Copper pyrite) dosha, shodhana, shudha makshika (Copper
has been explained even in Nighantus viz. pyrite) guna. 18

107 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 1; Jan – Feb 2014

Shrikanth: A Literary Review on Makshika

Rasayanasara: explained about types of Makshika Marana (Incineration):

Makshika, shodhana and Marana. 19 Shuddha Makshika and equal quantity of
Anandkanda: explained about Makshika, its Gandhaka are mixed together and ground
shodhana, marana, types, Bhasma lakshana, well in Matulunga swarasa, (Citrus medica)
dosha, apakva makshika guna. 20 then it is dried and kept in crusible or sha-
AdhyatanaRasashastra: explains about rava samputa and subjected to three kurma
Makshika, types, Grahya lakshana, putas 3200-3500 c to obtain the bhasma of
Shodhana, Marana, uttama bhasma Makshika.26
lakshana, guna, karma, matra, apakva Amritikarana of Makshika:
makshika dosha. 21 By subjecting to puta, bhasma
Rasendrachudamani: (13th century) ex- becomes teekshna, ushna, ruksha, etc. To
plained about Makshika types, praptisthana, nullify these and to produce snigdha,
Shodhana, Marana, Bhasma guna, soumya, and sheeta guna in the bhasma,
Satvapatana. amritikarana process is done.
Parada Samhitha: explains about examina- In most of the Rasa texts
tion of Makshika, types of makshika, Amritikarana to Makshika (Copper pyrite)
Shodhana, marana, Satvapatana, guna. 23 bhasma is not mentioned. The bhasma
Makshika Bheda (types): containing the Tamra (Copper) some time
Makshika is of three types. Swarna shows the untoward effect. Therefore it is
makshika (Copper pyrite) and Rajata necessary to conduct Amritikarana by using
Makshika (white pyrite) Kamsya makshika Panchamrita (dugda, dadhi, ghrita, madhu,
(black pyrite). Swarna makshika (Copper sharkara). It also removes the remaining
pyrite) – Bearing golden tints was found in doshas from the bhasmas. 27
Kanyakubja. Roupya makshika (white DISCUSSION
pyrite) – Which resembles Panchvarna Makshika was included in Maharasa
Suvarna, contains much of the stone was varga (mineral group) as it is useful in both
found in the banks of river Tapti. 24 Deha vada (medicinal purpose) and dhatu
Occurrence of Makshika (Prapthi sthana): vada (metal conversion). For any study
Classically, the is found on the banks ideally the sample should be according to
of Taapi River and kirata, cheena, yavana the classical grahya lakshana (suitable
desha and also kanyakubja pradesha. quality) and specifications, physical and
The mineral sources of Makshika chemical analysis is essential for the quality
(Copper pyrite) are found mainly in Bihar, control of the drug as well as stan-
Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Madhya dardization. Vimala (iron pyrite) is being
Pradesh, Sikkim in India. And also found in used in place of makshika now, as real
America, Russia, Nepal, Burma, Chaina, Makshika is not available frequently. There
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Norway and Cyprus. is difference between vimala (iron pyrite)
Makshika Shodhana (Purification): and Makshika. Vimala (iron pyrite) have
Makshika becomes purified by boiling it edges and facets and Makshika is free from
in dolayantra containing kadalikanda swa- these characters and has no specific shape.
rasa and karkotikanda swarasa. 25 Shodhana (purification) and Marana

108 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 1; Jan – Feb 2014

Shrikanth: A Literary Review on Makshika

(incineration) makes Makshika free from the Das Academy, 2001, 7th Chapter, Shloka No
doshas (morbid factors), as ashodhita 3-4, p 86.
(impure) Makshika is harmful to the body. 3. Vagbhatacharya, Rasa Ratna Samuchaya,
Makshika Bhasma (incinerated powder) is a edited by Ambikadatta Shastry, 8th edition,
Rasayana (immune modulatory) and Varanasi, Choukhamba Amara Bharati Pra-
Shamanoushadha (calming medicine) as it kashan, 1998, 2nd chapter, verse 73, p 48.
contains Iron and Copper is useful in 4. Nagarjuna, RasendraMangalam, Kaviraja
improving RBC count as well as Hb% in the H. S. Sharma, 1st edition, Varanasi, Chauk-
blood and also copper promotes absorption hamba Orientalia, 2003, 1st chapter, verse
of iron. 44-45, p 19.
CONCLUSION 5. Indradev Tripathi, Rasarnava, Edited by
Makshika has unique place both in S. K. Dixit, 4th edition, Varanasi, Krishna
deha vada and loha vada. It has been in use Das Academy, 2001, 7th Chapter, verse 3-
for the treatment since samhita kala. In 16, Pp 86-8.
Vedic period and Koutilya Artha shastra 6. Vagbhatacharya, Rasa Ratna Samuchaya,
also says about Tamra dhatu (Copper edited by Ambikadatta Shastry, 8th edition,
metal). But nowhere the name Makshika is Varanasi, Choukhamba Amara Bharati Pra-
seen, though it is an important Khanija (ore) kashan, 1998, 2nd chapter, verse 73-88, Pp
used as to extract tamra. By these we can 48-50.
impress that people had knowledge of 7. Sharangadharacharya, Sharangadhara
Makshika 3000 years back, however Vedas Samhita, edited By Dr.Brahmanand Tripa-
lack the information. In purnas, samhitas thi, 3rd edition, Varanasi, Choukhamba Su-
also reference of this is unavailable. It is ob- rabharati Prakashana, ,1998, Madhyam
served that Makshika is grouped under Khanda 11th Chapter, verse 53, p 272.
Maharasa varga (mineral group) in 8. Bhavamishra,Bhavaprakasha English
Rasashastra text by different Acharyas translation by prof.K.R.shrikantamurthy, 1st
before 16th century. edition,Varanasi, Krishnadas Academy,
Makshika is considered as “Rasendra 1998. Purva khanda, 6th chapter, Verse 53-
prana” i.e its usage is inevitable in various 54, p 340.
mercurial operations. And it has been told 9. Bhudeb Mukerjee, RasaJalaNidhi or
that Makshika is best among all Rasayanas Ocean of Indian Chemistry, Medicine and
i.e Rasayanagrya. This might be the reason Alchemy, compiled in Sanskrit text with
that earliest Rasacharayas have included English translation, 3rd edition, Varanasi,
that Makshika under Maharasa varga. Chaukhambha Publishers, 1998, dviteeya
REFERENCES khanda,1st chapter, Pp 61-77.
1. Acharya Vagbhata; Rasa Ratna Samu- 10. Kaviraja H S Sharma RasendraManga-
chaya, Edited by Dattatreya Anantha Kul- lam of Nagarajuna Choukhamba Orientalia,
karni, Meharchand Lachmandas Publica- Varanasi, Ed 1st, 1st chapter, Shloka No 44-
tions, New Delhi, 1998, p 29. 45, 2nd chapter, Shloka No 26-31, 53, Pp
2. Indradev Tripathi; Rasarnava, Edited by 19, 36-7, 45.
S. K. Dixit, 4th edition, Varanasi, Krishna

109 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 1; Jan – Feb 2014

Shrikanth: A Literary Review on Makshika

11. Sri Govinda Bhagavatpadacharya, 21. Vaidya R. K. Goyal, Adhyatanarasasha-

Rasahrudyatantra, Ajmeer, Krishna Gopal stra, 1st edition, chaukamba sanskrith pra-
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Varanasi, 1961, chapter 3, shloka 107-15, p hambha Publications, 2005, verse 79, Pp 99-
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15. Acharya Sri Madhava, AyurvedaPraka- 26. Acharya Bindu, Rasa paddhati, 2nd edi-
sha, Edited by Gulraj Mishra, Varanasi, tion, Varanasi, chowkhamba orientalia,
Choukhamba Bharathi Academy, Reprint 2005, Maharasa prakarana, verse 79-80, Pp
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16. Sri Sadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini, 27. Mishra S.; Ayurvediya Rasashastra,
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Varanasi, Motilal Banarasi Das, 1979, Re- 382.
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17. Shivashankara Sharma shastri; Bassva- Dr. Shrikanth A. S
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18. Shri Gopala Krishna, Rasendrasarasan-
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110 IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 1; Jan – Feb 2014

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