Rasa Loha Clasification

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The key takeaways are that metals and minerals used in Rasashastra are classified into different groups based on their usefulness for mercury processing and properties. The main groups discussed are Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanarasa, and Loha.

Metals and minerals are classified in Rasashastra based on their usefulness for mercury processing and properties. The main ways of classification discussed are based on proximity to mercury, chemical/physical properties, appearance, and cost.

The main groups that metals and minerals are classified into based on the text are Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanarasa, Loha, and Ratna.



International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN:2320 5091) (February, 2107) 5 (2)


Leejo Augustine Jose1, Aparna Sharma2, Arun Mohanan3
PG Scholars, 2Assistant Professor,
Dept of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Amrita School of Ayurveda

Email: [email protected]

Ancient Acharyas have classified the metals and minerals used in Rasashastra into different
groups and have given different names. Most of the dravyas were grouped in different ways depend-
ing upon their usefulness towards Mercury and its various processes. Parada can attain the capacity
to impart Deha siddhi (making the body healthy and strong) &Loha siddhi (Converting lower metals
to higher metals) only with the help of Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanarasa, Loha & such other sub-
Key words: Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanarasa, Loha, Ratna.


Rasashastra means the knowledge vyas were grouped on the basis of their chemi-
concerning to Mercury, metals and minerals, cal and physical characteristics. The best ex-
their processing techniques and uses. Acharyas ample is Loha varga (metals). Certain dravyas
classified these metals and minerals into dif- were kept in various groups on the basis of
ferent groups and has given different names. their external appearance and the cost. Ratnas
Adhunikavargeekarana (Modern classifica- comes under this group.
tion) of Rasadravyas started from 8th century
AD and was initially done in Rasatarangini Maharasa
which includes Lohadi Vijnaniya Taranga, Substances that are very useful in
Ratna Vijnaniya Taranga etc. Later Parada karma is categorized under Maharasa.
YadvjiTrikamji Acharya, Siddinandan Mishra Most of them are nearer to Parada. All of
etc., contributed more. The dravyas are them are having metallic contents. Satwas use-
grouped in different ways depending upon ful in Parada karma are extracted from Maha-
their usefulness towards Mercury and its vari- rasa. Acharyas are having difference of opin-
ous processes. From this point of view follow- ion regarding the number & substances of
ing groups Maharasa, Uparasa Maharasa.
&Sadharanarasa are mentioned. Certain dra- Maharasas according to Rasavagbhata;
Aparna Sharma Et Al: Rasadravya Vargeekarana Concept And Relevance

Abhraka (Mica), Vaikranta (Tourmaline), find only seven. But the sloka ends as
Makshika (Chalco pyrite), Vimala (Iron py- Daradoastamah which means that the eight
rite), Shilajatu (Black bitumen), Sasyaka (Blue one is darada (hingula). Sailo (Shilajathu)
vitriol), Chapala (Bismuth), Rasaka (Cala- can be considered as Saila duo, meaning
mine). 1 Shilajathu and Saila, a synonym of Capala.10
In Rasarnava, Makshika, Vimala, Sila-
Here Acharya has given Rasa samnja for these jathu, Rasaka, Sasyaka, Hingula and Sroton-
8 dravyas. Acharya has considered this varga jana (Stybnite) are considered as Maharasas.11
as Rasa itself (so nearer to Parada).This group In Rasendra Chudamani,Ghana (Mica), Raja-
is generally considered as Maharasa. In an- vartha (Lapiz lazuli), Vaikrantha, Sasya-
other sloka he has given Maharasasamnja to ka,Vimala, Silajathu,Tuttha, and Tapya (Cop-
another 8 dravyas i.e, Rasaka, Vimala, Tapya, per pyrites) are enumerated as Maharasas.12
Chapala, Tutha, Anjana, Hingula & Sasya- According to Rasapaddhati, Maharasa are
ka.2 In the context of Rasapoojadravyas, has eight in number namely Vaikrantha, Abhraka,
mentioned special place for these Maharasas Silajathu, Capala, Makshika and Tuttha13 and
in Rasamandapa. according to Rasaprakasha sudhakara, Ab-
Abhraka is given as Grasa to mercury, which hraka, makshika, Vaikrantha, Vimala, Rasaka,
alone is naivedya(offering).3 Herbal drugs Silajathu, Rajavarta and Sasyaka comes under
merged in Seesa (lead), lead in tin & tin is Maharasa.14
merged in copper. Copper absorbed in silver,
silver in gold & gold is absorbed in mercury. Uparasa group includes substances
Parada which has taken Abhraka grasa attains useful in Parada karma and potentiation. They
the stability by absorbing all the metals.4 Mak- are comparatively less useful than the minerals
shika said to be the life of mercury, inevitable of Maharasa group. Uparasa group of drugs
in various mercurial operations like are used as an adjuvant in the processing of
Dvandwamelapana.5Shveta Chapala which Rasa&Maharasas. Most of them are support-
resembles silver is useful in mercurial opera- ive drugs. Most of them are Gandhaka& its
tions especially Rasa bandhana.6Rasaka and compounds. No metals are included under this
Parada are considered as best Sidha category & most of them are metalloids.
rasas.7Those who can make Rasa &Rasaka According to some Acharyas the min-
sustainable to fire, can acquire & keep them in erals found used for Parada karma is grouped
control both Dehasiddhi &Lohasiddhi.8 as Uparasa. These texts did not classify them
According to Rasahridayatantra, as Maharasa, Uparasa and Sadharana rasa
acharya has enumerated eight rasas namely groups.
Vaikrantha (flour spar), kanta (magnetite), According to Rasaratnasamuchaya Uparasas
Sasyaka, Makshika, Vimala, Shilajathu, includes Gandhaka (Sulphur),Gairika (Red
Sasyaka, Hingula and Rasaka.9 In Go- ochre), Kasisa (Green vitrol), Kankshi(Alum),
rakshasamhitha,the author has included Ab- Haratala(Orpiment), Manahshila (Realgar),
hraka, Vaikrantha, Makshika, Vimala, Shila- Anjana (Collyrium)&Kankushtha (Rubharb).15
jathu, Rasaka and Hingula. In the text, we can MythologicallyGandhaka got its origin from

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Aparna Sharma Et Al: Rasadravya Vargeekarana Concept And Relevance

the menstrual flow of Goddess Parvathi (Ab- (Cinnabar) and Mriddarashringa (Lith-
hraka as Sukra). As these are the products of arge).23Sadharana rasa are helpful in attaining
Goddess hence can mix up with mercury Rasasiddhi. Gauripashana has the ability to
which is claimed to be the Retas of Lord Shi- enhance the power of Parada.24Varatika is
va.Gandhaka &Abhraka are highly important very useful in the process of Parada Jara-
and essential to potentiate Parada in many na.25Agnijara apart from enhancing the poten-
ways. Gandhaka is used for Jarana and Mur- cy of parada, useful in Deepana &Jarana
cchana.16Gandhaka is capable of increasing processes26.Girisindhoora is considered to be
potency of Parada. Gairika sattva can readily the best in doing Paradabandhana& is useful
mix with Parada and has better properties both in Deha siddhi and Loha sid-
compared to Gairika itself.17Tuvari is used for dhi.27Hingula is useful in Jarana of Para-
Paradajarana and sattva is useful in the kra- da.28Mriddarashringa is supposed to be the
manasamskara of Parada. Talaka sattva is best in the process of Paradabandhana.29
used for attaining Rasasiddhi. Anjana when In Rasendra Chudamani, Kampilla, Malla,
given seven bhavana in each of cowdung Navasara, Kaparda, Agnijara, Girisindura,
juice, cows urine, ghee, honey &vasa; gains Hingula and Mriddarsringa are included un-
power of Rasabandhana very quickly.18 der this group.30
According to Rasahridayatantra, Acharya has
enumerated Gandhaka, Talaka, Manashila, Loha
Sphatika, Kasisa, Gairika, Kankushta, and An- The word Loha is derived from Luh
jana under Uparasa.19The authors of Rasahri- which means extraction. The synonym Dhathu
dayatantra, Goraksha samhitha, and Rasa- is due to the fact that the substance which
prakasha Sudhakara have same opinion as helps to hold the body tissues in proper health
mentioned in Rasaratnasamuchaya regarding for a long period of time (Dharana). Dhathus
the drugs under Uparasa. Gandhaka, Talaka, are therapeutically used since thousands of
Sila, Saurastri, Khaga, Gairika, Rajavarta and years. These substances which, when taken in
Kankushta comes under Uparasa according to Bhasma form, helps to get rid of grey hairs,
Rasarnava.20The author of Rasendra Chud- wrinkles, weakness, old age & diseases.
amani included Gandhaka, Haratala, Sphati- Lohavarga includes Swarna (Gold),Rajata
ka, Manashila, Sauviranjana, Kankushta, (Silver), Tamra (Copper), Loha (Iron), Naga
Kasisa and Gairika under this category.21 The (Lead), Vanga (Tin), Yasada (Zinc), Pittala
author of Rasapaddhati included only three (Brass), Kamsya (Bronze)&Vartaloha (kaam-
drugs under Uparasa namely Gandhaka, Ha- sya+taamra+pittala+loha+sisa)
ratala and Manashila.22 Different types of Lohas are mentioned
by ancient acharyas which includes 4 Sud-
Sadharana rasa
Sadharanarasa includes Kampillaka (Mallotus dhalohas namely Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Lo-
phillippinensis),Gauripashana (Arsenic ox- ha, 2 Putilohas Naga,Vanga and 3 Mishra
ide), Navasadara (Ammonium chloride), Ka- lohas namely Pittala, Kam-
pardika (Cowry), Agnijara(Ambergris), Giris- sya&Varthaloha. According to Rasajalanidhi
indhoora (Red oxide of Mercury), Hingula two more types are mentioned.

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Aparna Sharma Et Al: Rasadravya Vargeekarana Concept And Relevance

Mandura (Lohakittam) Iron when heated Chandrakantha, Rajavartha, Garudodgaraka,

red hot & hammered, small pieces out of it Pushparaga, Gomeda, Padmaraga, Pravala,
& scattered all around. Vaidurya&Nilamani38. Vajra is helpful in both
Triloha (under Mishra Loha) which is pre- Bandhana&Marana of Parada apart from en-
pared by melting 25 parts of Gold, 16 parts hancing its qualities.39
of Silver, 10 parts of Copper together. According to Rasajalanidhi, Samanya Pan-
caratna (Common five gems) includes Nila,
The Swarna produced with the help of Parada Vajra, Padmaraga, Mauktika and Vidruma.40
after Vedhasamskara is called Parada-
vidhaSvarna. It is an excellent rejuvena- Uparatna(Semi precious stones)
tor.32Tamra which is light, brittle, rough & According to Rasatarangini, Vaikranta,
layered is useful in various mercurial process- Suryakanta, Candrakanta, Rajavarta, Pero-
es.33Tamrabhasma is also used in Rasa kar- jaka and Sphatikamani are categorised under
ma.34Rakthaloha variety of Kanthaloha is use- Uparatnas.41
ful in making Parada inert (Baddha).
Karshaka&Dravaka types of kanthaloha are
The basis of Rasadravyavargeekarana
said to be useful in Rasa karma. Vanga is also
is their role in Parada karma.While explaining
used in Parada karmas.PittalaDruti(liquid) is
the need for shodhana&marana, Rasav-
useful in Rasakarmas.35Bhunaga sattva en-
agbhata says, Parada can attain the capacity
hances the radiance i.e., energy of both Para-
to impart the Deha siddhi&Loha siddhi only
with the help of Maharasa, Uparasa, Loha&
Rasatarangini and Rasamrta have included
such other substances; which have special
Yasada under Loha varga. Under the heading
qualities and are used after purification & pro-
upadhathus, Rasatarangini has mentioned
Mandura, Makshika, Kasisa, Tuttha, Kharpa-
ra, and Naga sindhura. Arsenic and Arsenic REFERENCES
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28. Rasaratnasamuchya, Dr. Ashok D. 41. Rasatarangini, Dr Ravindra Angadi,

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