Allusions of Rasāyanaśāstra in Telugu Literature: Iragavarapu Suryanarayana
Allusions of Rasāyanaśāstra in Telugu Literature: Iragavarapu Suryanarayana
Allusions of Rasāyanaśāstra in Telugu Literature: Iragavarapu Suryanarayana
The allusions of rasāyanaśāstra from Telugu literature are discussed from the beginning of
Telugu literature to Modern period. The references to rasaśāstra or rasāyanaśāstra in various Telugu
literary works are narrated to indicate the period of rasaśastra works.
Keywords: Rasaśāstra, Rasāyanaśāstra, Telugu literature
The word rasāyana was used in our ancient books for rejuvenation or elixir, the drug for longevity. For the last hundred and
fifty years, rasāyana śāstra is being used to denote Chemistry, and is also used here.
Plot No.177, Road No.74, Jubilee Hills / Film nagar, Hyderabad -500 096, India, Tel: +91-40-23546613, E-mail: iragsurya@
1 The Telugu transliteration is carried out based on Wiktionary: Telugu transliteration. This Wiktionary transliteration standard
is based on ISO 15919 , the international linguistic standard for Indic scripts. The key for letters, which are not there in San-
skrit, but present in Telugu is as follows: even though was used
(ardhānusvar), it was adopted for (purnānusvar) as in Sanskrit.
Historical Note: Allusions of Rasāyanaśāstra in Telugu Literature 189
“re u gha ikalu re u cētula ni ukoni and the rasaśāstra methods of Siddha, a method
rasamidi sarva loha kā canīkara a bu, ofmedicine intermingled in Andhrade a and
rasāyanabiddi jarāmrtyu haraabu vīnilo
nokai mīriddaru buccukonuanina da(ta)2 dri
resulted in rasaśāstra type of medicine where in
jarā jīruaguajesi rasāyanabimmanina yitani metals took a major lead in medicines, especially
māa posagadella lohabula nūninata pasii mercury, gold, sulphur etc.,in Ayurveda.
gānonarcu rasame yimmu nāku rāju nayyeda ”.
2.6 Nāgārjuna, though from outside of Andhradesa,
Keeping two caskets/metal boxes in his hand, the made his abode in Sriparvata, ie., present Srisailam
boarform demon said to the father and the son,
“One of this rasa which converts all metals to
and Nagarjuna Konda area, which is mountainous
gold, and the other one rasāyana dispels the old Nallamala forest area and became well known for
age and death. You can take only one from these. the rasaśāstra. Archeological (Sastry, 2010) and
Father being old, wanted to get rid of his old age literary evidences indicate that he had set up his
and asked for rasāyana. Son wanted to becomeking school of alchemy in this area and one big cave
by acquiring lot of gold by rasa.
was converted as his laboratory and number of
Since Andhradesa is in the midst of North his disciples worked there. This is described by
and South India, the deśīya methods of Ayurveda a Telugu poet of 14th century named Gaurana in
2. Indicates that there is a conjunction of words known in Telugu grammar as saralādesa sandhi, the one in the bracket is the
original letter, without conjunction. Wherever it occurred it is shown like that.
Historical Note: Allusions of Rasāyanaśāstra in Telugu Literature 191
his book Navanātha Caritra (Gourana, 1984, pp. (mortar and pestle).
293-296)written in poetic form of dvipada, or They prostrated before the teacher and then the
couplet. Gods representing medicines. Then they put all
these medicines and then arranged different types
nā siddha nāgārjunākhyuu gaaka bhāsillu of fires (puās), blowers blowing, some were
rasavādapāava bamara ba(pa)sii gāvicu grinding in the grinding stones the mercury and
napparama vikhyāti nesage jagamella the juices of plants, some were correcting/shaking
nidiyarudanaga ba(pa)nasa capaka pāribhadra the crucibles (mūas) again putting the heaters or
rasāla sāla tiduka gadhasāla hitāla tāla puās and the obtained gold heaps were removed by
kharjūra ketaka picumada madāra savīra some, like that all his disciples are carrying out their
madhura māka da ka dārālagaru kataka duties properly and siddha Nāgārjuna successfully
punnāga nāga kesaraluga nāraga pūga pūga transformed into gold and was very happy.
śobhitabulai ..............
Nāgārjuna’s main idea was to convert
tarigaraboppu nātata guhātaramu jocci vāralu
munnu śodhici cūci vaccina priyamāra vasiyimci lower elements to gold, what all alchemists of
yadu rasamu lārunu, nuparasamulenmidiyu that period were interested. He had written a
pasarulu, ma dulu, pā ā amulunu, ga (ka) great Sanskrit book on rasaśāstra, entitled Rasa
luvabulunu jālagā samakūrci.....
Ratnākara/ Rasendra Magala (Sarma, 1999).
gurunāthu talaci tadguruvu bhaji ci vāra A large number of metals and their processing
bhai ajādi daivamulaku mrokki nērcina
methodologies have been described in this book,
ma dulanniyu vaici yagni g(k)ūrci pu a bu
grakkuna be(pe)tta napu u vesa nūduvārunu which became a base for later Ayurveda approach
visuvaka rasamu pasarulu g(k)alipi pālpa a of medical science. His student Nityanatha, another
nūru vāralanu vomdagā mūsala savaricuvāru siddha from the same area wrote Rasaratnkara
monasi krammata puabulu peuvāru kalayaga
(Nityanatha,) in Sanskrit, discussing the treatment
nūdina kanaka bu divisi yelamamai b(p)
enubrovulīceuvārulai sabhramincu nayyayi methodologies for metals and other materials.
panula nāsannulai śiyuladaru melaga bolivo Another siddha named Manthana Bhairava also
tājeyabūnina kāryamalavaa phalasiddhi nadina wrote a book in Sanskrit entitled Ananda Kanda
hudaya nalinabu vikasimpa nāgārjunuu.
(Mishra, 2008). It gives the combinations of
That Siddha Nāgārjuna, with power of alchemy, metals and herbal products for medicinal purpose.
converting into gold using a rare process, became
The treatment of sulfur in Ananda Kanda has
famous. He used number of plants/trees like
jackfruit, capaka, pāribhadra, rasāla (mango), better processing technique.
sāla, tinduka, gandhasāla, hintāla, tāla, kharjūra
(dates), ketaka, picumanda, mandara, savīra, 3. Telugu literature:15th – 17th century
madhura, mākanda, kandarāla, agaru, kataka,
punnāga, nāgakesara, lunga, nāranga, pūga etc.,. 3.1 Peddana, the court poet of Śri Kradevarāya
They entered into the cave, which was examined clearly mentions in his prabandha (poem),
before by his disciples. They have kept there
already six rasas, eight uparasas, juices of plants, Manucaritra (Peddana, 1947, p.99), that mercury
medicines, paāas / hard stones / rock stones can be converted to an ouadha or drug and can
which contain arsenic etc., and the grinding stones be taken with milk.
192 Indian Journal of History of Science
Tender leaves (patra) of the lotus along with tender Shining cap with rolls, fine embroidered upper
water weeds (saivāla) showed golden colour of the cloth, good dhoti, on the forehead a sandalwood
water in the moat surrounding the fort, like the smear, ears with golden rings, golden rings
medicinal juice pressed by Brahma, the creator to with precious stones for all fingers, beetle nut
convert the fort to golden fort. leaves with flavoring (sugandha) materials like
coriander, lavaga etc. in the mouth, a box with
These references in Telugu literature clearly medicines under his arm, came a physician named
show that the Rasaśāstra of Nāgārjuna, was very Guptaguna.
Historical Note: Allusions of Rasāyanaśāstra in Telugu Literature 193
194 Indian Journal of History of Science
Decoctions: kāra, drāvaka, guggulu, pia, etc. Sāragadhara Sahitā, Bhāvaprakaśika etc.,
The physician is an expert in making all the above were translated to Telugu from Sanskrit by
medicines for treatment, He is an expert of eight scholars who were experts in both the languages as
fold ayurveda, seventy two types of pulse (nāi)
well as Ayurvedic medicine. Not only translations,
understanding, 360 types of diseases and their
treatment. He is like another Dhanvantari. but original ayurvedic books in verse were also
written, the most notable one was Rasa Pradīpika,
3.4 I would like to mention that many more Vyasaprokta Ayurveda, Agastya Ayurveda
medicinal substances with metals and herbs etc., They have given the English equivalents
were described for various diseases in some of of the metals and minerals mentioned in the
the books written by earlier experts in Ayurveda. earlier texts. This material is extremely useful for
Rasapradīpika (Venkatacharya, 1916), Ayurveda those who want to pursue research on Ayurvedic
Ou adharatnākara (Sastry, 1916), Andhra drugs using modern technological advances and
Bhai ajya Ratnāvali (Sastry, 1925) etc., are methodologies and concepts.
some of the noted books in this direction. It
seems there was a dark period in India wherein The first modern scientific book published
all the indigenous knowledge was snubbed by in Telugu which came to my notice is Vaidyut
the British. Some sasthānās or jamindarīs like Lohaśāstra (Sarma, 1907) published by Sri
Vijayanagara, Peddapura, Pithapura, Nujvid, Dronaraju Calapati Sarma on electrometallic
Venkatagiri, Kalahasti, Gadval, and Vanaparti science in 1907 from Manju Publishers, Eluru,
supported Ayurveda medicine for treatment of Composite Madras state wherein he discussed
people of the rural areas as the English medicine electroplating of different metals using different
was available only in cities and for rich (Sastry, electrochemical cells. The first Chemistry book
1961, p.1456). So in 1901, Sri D. Gopalacaryulu was written in Telugu by Sri Vemuri Viswanatha
started an Ayurvedic dispensary in Madras Sarma entitled Rasāyana Śāstra (Sarma, 1910)
and published number of books of Ayurveda. was published by Vijana Candrika Mandali,
Vavilla Ramaswami Sastrulu started a printing Madras. It is an elementary course on chemistry
press and published number of Sanskrit books and it was first published in 1909 and again revised
with Telugu commentaries in Telugu script so in 1910. This book describes the comprehensive
that large number of people can study, and knowledge of that time on chemistry with available
become ayurvedic physicians, who can help the very little communications and technology. After
rural population. Great scholars like Achanta independence, some intellectuals with the support
Lakshmipathi, Nudurupati Viswanatha Sastry, of the composite Madras State Government
Puvvada Suryanarayana Rao, Mukkamala Venkata established “Telugu Bhasha Samithi” to bring
Sastry etc., Ayurveda experts as well as Sanskrit out Encyclopedias in Telugu on different subjects
scholars generated excellent Ayurveda literature. like literature, culture, mathematics, sciences
Sripada Kriamurty Sastry, the court poet of especially physics and chemistry, etc. They
Andhra Pradesh after independence was another published 12 volumes on different subjects. The
great Ayurvedic physician as well as Telugu and volume of Physics and Chemistry (3rd volume
Sanskrit scholar and an author of many Ayurveda in the series) was brought out by Telugu Bhasha
books. Samithi in 1955. A large number of university and
college teachers at that time wrote articles, which
A number of books on Ayurveda, especially were edited by great chemists as well as literary
Caraka sahitā, Suśruta sahitā, Atāga scholars like Sri Vasantarao Venkatarao, Medepalli
Hdaya, Aāga Sagraha, Mādhavanidāna, Varaha Narasimha Swami, Vemuri Viswanatha
196 Indian Journal of History of Science
Sarma and Sri Hari Adiseuvu etc.,. They have Goparaju, Koravi, Sihasana Dvatrimsika, Pub. A.P.Sahitya
also prepared a small glossary of technical terms Academy, Hyderabad, 1982.
of chemistry and physics and presented in the Sastry, V.V. Krishna, (Foreword), Rasendra Magalam by
book. In 1967 Telugu Academy was established K. Jitendrababu in Telugu Deccan Archaeological
by Government of Andhrapradesh to provide text Research Institute, Hyderabad, 2010.
books and reference books in different Sciences, Gourana, Nava atha Caritra, A.P.Sahitya Academy,
Arts and Commerce and Indian Medicine etc., Hyderabad, 1984.
to teach in Telugu medium in undergraduate Sarma, H.S. Rasendra Magala, Indian National Science
and post graduate courses. A large number of Academy, 1999.
professors from the universities of Andhrapradesh Nityanatha, Rasa Ratnkara, Chaukhambha Publishers,
contributed significantly in writing these books. Varanasi.
They published number of undergraduate books Mira S.N., (Hindi Tr.) Manthana Bhairava, Ananda Kna,
and monographs on chemistry and also enlarged Chaukhumbha Orientalia, Varanasi, 2008.
the glossary base. Subsequently Telugu Bhasha Peddana, Manucaritra, R. Venkateswar & Co, Madras,
Samithi was merged into Telugu University under 1947, pp. 99,
the name “Sri Komarraju Venkata Lakmana Rao
Sri Kiadevaraya, Amuktamalyada, Vavilla Ramaswamy
centre for Encyclopedia.” They published number Sastrulu & Co, Madras, 1907.
of Encyclopedia volumes in different areas. The
Basavaraju, Basavarajīya , Commentary by Sri P.
chemistry volume, 10th in the series, comprised of Suryanarayana Rao, Pub. American Diamond
800 articles covering different topics including the Publishers, Madras, 1919.
works of Nobel laureates of Chemistry up to 2009
Narayanakavi, Ayyalaraju, Hasa Viati, A.P. Sahitya
edited by the author of this article, was published Academy, Hyderabad, 1977.
in 2013(Suryanarayana, 2013).
Venkatacharya, Mudumbai. Rasapradīpika, Ayurvedasramam,
Sastry, Sripada Krinamurty, Ayurveda Auadharatnkara,
The author wants to thank Dr. Bhagavatam Vani Mudrakara Sala, Bezwada, 1924.
Ramarao, former Director, National Institute of Sastry, Sripada Krinamurty Andhra Bhaiajyaratnvali,
Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad for helpful Vani Mudrakara Sala, Bezwada, 1925.
suggestions. Sastry, M. Visvesvara, Vijana Sarvasva, Vol.4, Pub.
Telugu Bhaa Samithi, Madras, 1961.
Bibliography Sarma, D. Chalapati, Vidyutloha Śāstra, Manju Publishers,
Nannayya, Andhra Mahbhrata, Sabha parva, A.P. Eluru, 1907.
Sahitya Academy, Hyderabad, 1970.
Sarma, V. Viswanatha, Rasyana Śāstra, Vijana Candrika
Rao. J. Mrutyunjaya (Ed.), Kumara Sa bhava u by Mandali, Madras, 1910.
Nannecoda, Sri P.S. Telugu University, Hyderabad,
Vijana Sarvasva, Bhoutika, Rasyana Śāstramulu, Telugu
Bhaa Samithi, Madras, 1955.
Palkuriki Somanatha, Panditaradhya Charitra, P.S. Telugu
Suryanarayana, Iragavarapu (ed.) Rasayana Śāstra ,
University, Hyderabad, 1990.
Vijna Sarvasva Vol.10, P.S. Telugu University,
Srinatha, Sri Kasee Khandam, P.S. Telugu University, 2013.
Hyderabad. 2012.