Chronological Development of Rasa Shastra
Chronological Development of Rasa Shastra
Chronological Development of Rasa Shastra
Rasa shastra is a most important and popular branch disease and ultimately life extension.1 The Rasa
of Ayurveda It deals with the knowledge related to dravya have the following three characteristic
alchemy( Lohavedh) and Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics attributes: instant effectiveness, requirement of very
specially connected to the drugs of mineral origin smallll doses and extensive therapeutic utility
with a view to remove poverty from the world and to irrespective of constitutional variation. The origin of
strengthen the body and also to prevent their ageing Rasa sastra has its roots in the Indian alchemy.
process. History of Rasa Shastra can be traced in pre Alchemy was a form of chemistry studied in the
vedic period where metals are successfully employed medieval period, in which people tried to discover
in treatment of various diseases. Its development was different ways to change ordinary metals into gold.
rapid after Lord Buddha and the influence of the This practice went on for centuries, yielding some of
philosophy of Ahimsa. This was the era when Rasa the significant findings in the field of alchemy.
Shastra flourished tremendously. It was recognized as
a medical science with an independent philosophical Vedic Kala
background in 14th century, by Madhavacharya
vacharya in his Rigveda reveals that copper, gold, Iron and some
book Sarva Darsana Samgraha. Considering the other metals and minerals have been used in that
importance of this discipline in Ayurvedic period.2
therapeutics and the fact that there is dearth of Rigveda refers to Asvins substituting the lost leg
comprehensive review on the subject an attempt has of Vishala by a thigh made of iron.
been made in this review to provide a brief but all Yajurveda enumerated a list of metals &minerls –
encompassing coverage of different aspects related to Ayas, Hiranya, Syam (copper), Loha, Sisa (Lead),
it. Trapu (Tin).
According to a quotation in Yajurveda Swarna is
Keywords: Alchemy, Ahimsa, Lohavedh seful in improving longevity, lusture, Strength.3
In Atharvveda Hiranyadarshanphala and its
INTRODUCTION internal use are mentioned
Etymologically the word “Rasa” is use
used to describe Chandogya Upanishad – Tikshnaloha used as
the metal Mercury,, also known as quicksilver. The medicine.
word “Shastra” meanss knowledge or sacred scripture. Transmutation of lower metals into gold has been
The term Rasa shastra, therefore could be translated described in Taittariyabramhana.
as the ‘science of mercury’. Rasshastra or the As per Manusmriti During the birth ritual of a
Ayurvedic alchemy is an important branch of baby Swarnaprasana is indicated.
Ayurvedic pharmacology which deals with the metals, The description of metals like Swarna, Rajat etc.
minerals the gemstones, animal products and herb
herbal and precious stones like Manikya, etc. is available
ingredients, highly medicinal co mounds were in Garuda Purana, Agni Purana, and Devi bhagvat.
formulated for rejuvenation, the cure for chronic
Ras Ratnakara: He explained krutim Kupipakwa Rasa Nirmana Vigyana: This book
Manikyanirmana and Indranil Nirmana in his book was written by Vaidya Harisharnananda. In this
RasRatnakara. treatise he mentioned various kupiakva rasa kalpas
and their methods of preparation. Swami
Anandakanda: This text gives an elaborate Harisharanand Vaidya has described 258
description of Rasa Shastra. Dehavada as well as kupipakwarasayana in his text Kupiakava Rasa
Lohavada concept of Rasa Shastra has been described NirmanaVigyana.
in detail.
Ratna Dhatu Vigyan: This Granth is written by Shri
Development of Rasa Shastra in Modern Era Badrinarayana shastri. In this book all gemstones
(Ratna and Upratna) and other Rasshatriyadravya
Bhaishajya Ratnavali: Bhaishajya Ratnavali is (Parada, Rasa, Uparasa) are described in detail. In
written by Kavi Raj Govinda Das Sen composed in 18 addition to this some upratna( Jaharmohra, Akika,
th century AD. It is compiled book mainly from Yakuta) and some minerals like uranium, chromium,
Chakradutta, Rasendrasarasangraha, Charaka etc. chroyolite and Kelslite are briefly described
Paribhasha Prakarana, Mana Paribbhasa, various
Rasa dravya are described in detail. Yogas including Discussion
swarasa, kalka, kwath, vati, Bhasma and various History of Indian alchemy can be traced to pre vedic
compound Herbal and Herbomineral preparations and period. The archaeological excavations at
pathyaand apathyaare mentioned in detail for each Mohenjodaro and Harappa in the Indus valley have
diseases .21 brought to light that the people in ancient India were
possessing chemical knowledge as early as in the pre
Rasatarangini: Rasatarangini is written by historic period. In Vedic period single herbs were
Pranacharya Sadananda Sharma. It ia an authoritative used for medication. Minerals and animal substances
text on Rasa Shastra and contains all the detail of were also in use but no compound preparations were
various procedures involved in the drug preparations. prepared. Alchemy in India was started for the
Acharya has named the chapters of the text as preparation off a potion of life for imparting
Taranga. Total 24 Taranga and 3651 verses immortality and later for the transmutation process for
encompasses Rasatarangini. Acharya Sadananda converting ordinary metals into gold. Indian alchemy
Sharma has mentioned only those procedures which derived its colour and flavour largely from tantric
are realistic and feasible in present scenario. He cult. Then, in later centuries, all the previous
mentioned some acids like sulphuric acid, sorakamla, accumulated alchemial ideas were put to practical use
Lavanamla etc.22 and a number of preparations of mercury and other
metals were evolved as helpful accessories in
Rasamritam: This book is written by Acharya Yadav medicine
ji Trikamji in 1951.Rasamritam is the latest doctrine
in the field of Rasa Shastra which compiles the extract Conclusion
of the older books and adopted some new and Historically the drugs of mineral origin are in use
contemporary concepts. The Practical aspects of this since ancient times in the therapeutics but during that
text influence both the academicians as well as period their numbers were very much limited
physicians in large extent. Very systemic probably on account of non development of suitable
classifications of materials are found in this text. It is and sophisticated pharmaceutical procedures,
a literature of modern era where amalgamation of techniques and processes necessary for their
modern chemistry and Rasa Shastra occurs, and also conversion to suitable dosage forms. However since
incorporation of some unani drugs are found.23 the time of Nagarjuna ( 8th and 9th century A.D.) Who
is considered as ‘Father of Indian alchemy and metal
Rasa yoga Sagar: Rasa yoga sagar is written by Shri related Ayurvedic pharmaceutical sciences, the use of
Hariprapannasharma in 1930. In this text various mineral drugs have started to become more popular