The Shortcut To Success
The Shortcut To Success
The Shortcut To Success
A book by
Adrian Gee
The Shortcut to Success
77 Hacks That Will Transform Your Life
By Adrian Gee
HACK #39:
HACK #40:
What will you do when you reach success? Will you retire?
Throw in the towel and call it quits? Chances are good that you
won’t even remotely want to be finished then. You’ll reinvent
yourself and keep going. The same concept should be followed
when your work finally meets your current set of standards.
Don’t call it good enough - keep pushing forward and set the bar
You work toward creating a product or service with a specific set
of expectations in mind, whether that’s product quality, service
speed, customer satisfaction, or something completely different.
When you finally reach those standards, don’t settle. Doing so
means that you’re done. It is a signal that real growth and
evolution is finished and you’re just going to be trying to
replicate that success from here on out.
Truly successful entrepreneurs realize the lie at the heart of that
notion. It’s not product or service perfection. It’s stagnation. It’s
death by inches. To save yourself and your business, you need to
Once you reach the pinnacle of your expectations, double them.
When you reach those, double them again. Realize that there is
no such thing as “perfect” and only the pursuit of better matters.
“Good enough” is not what you want to be known for. Celebrate
what you have achieved, then set your bar higher and keep
HACK #41:
We have quite a few adages that all mean pretty much the same
“Close enough for government work.”
“We’re in the ballpark.”
“We’re close.”
Each of those phrases simply means “good enough”. As an
entrepreneur, you need to delete those words from your lexicon.
Forget that you ever heard them. Good enough never is. Say no
to the notion that you’ve achieved a “good enough” product or
Think about it this way: Does Apple stop introducing new
features, functions, and even form factors for their devices
because the previous model was “good enough”? No. Does
Brooks stop redesigning and redefining their running shoes
because the current model is “good enough”? Again, no.
So, why would you settle for good enough in your own efforts?
Realize that giving 100% all the time is what breeds success.
True winners don’t call it quits because what they had achieved
was good enough. They don’t settle for bronze because it’s fine
and almost as good as gold. No, they keep pushing until they win
the ultimate prize.
You need to do the same thing. However, don’t let the idea of
“good enough never is” crystalize into fear that prevents you
from putting out a product in the first place. Find a minimal
viable product (or service), launch it, and then do it again, each
time iterating and innovating to build something better and
more valuable than what came before.
Don’t settle for less than greatness. Never think that what you
have is good enough. There is always a way to make it better,
cheaper, more durable, more widely available, or to improve it in
some other way.
HACK #42:
• Don’t always need to be right. No one is always correct,
HACK #43:
You have two options when building a business - the hard road,
or the path of least resistance. Choose the latter every time.
Why? There are plenty of reasons. Let’s look at some of the most
1. It’s More Rewarding
One reason you should take the harder course is because it is
more rewarding. This relates primarily to your business. If it’s
harder to do, then chances are good that there are fewer other
entrepreneurs doing it. Less competition means more ability to
dominate and better profitability off the bat. Plus, you can build a
reputation as something of a pioneer or risk taker.
2. It’s More Satisfying
Another reason to avoid the path of least resistance is that taking
the harder route is more personally and professionally
satisfying. No self-respecting entrepreneur is going to feel good
about themselves if they continually take the easy way out. It’s
not in your nature. You thrive on challenge, and that comes from
doing the harder thing, rather than takin the easy road.
3. It’s a Better Use of Your Time
Within your business, anyone can handle the easy things. So, you
taking care of those is not a good use of your time. Pay someone
else to do them, whether you hire an employee or outsource, and
keep your time reserved for real challenges that need your
experience, expertise, or doggedness.
4. It Allows You to Focus on Your Next Challenge
Avoiding the easy route allows you to offload simple, easy to
complete tasks to other people, while you focus on your next
challenge or your next big idea. This is the concept behind
starting a business, building it up to sustainability, and then
selling it in a nutshell. The creation and building up are the hard
parts - running it once all the systems are in place is easy.
Take the harder road and leave the easy tasks to others.
HACK #44:
Before we dive into this topic in too much detail, let us set
something straight. Negative experiences are going to happen.
They must be pushed through, not run away from. What we are
talking about in this hack is the association with negative people,
or negative situations that you have some control over.
They need to be avoided - eliminated, even.
We touched on the power of the negative in the previous hack on
self-talk. Negative thoughts can exert an immense amount of
influence over your personal and professional life. Here, we’re
discussing external forces, though - people and situations
outside of you, but that can still influence your success (or lack
It is important to notice who the “downers” are in your inner
circle, as well as within your employees if and when you begin
hiring. Naysayers, those who immediately look on the negative
side, and those who would prefer to discourage rather than
encourage, should all be excised - cut away so that they cannot
poison the healthy tissue of a thriving business.
This can be more challenging when it comes to situations. Some
do need to be endured. Others will need to be avoided from the
outset. Surround yourself with others who have a positive
outlook and who see the best in things, and you’ll be able to
avoid many of those negative situations.
Again, this applies to more than just your inner circle. Your
employees, and even your business partners, should all be vetted
based on their innate positivity or negativity. Saddling yourself
with a negative person will ultimately drag you and the entire
enterprise down.
HACK #45:
We’ve explored the idea of turning your to-do list into calendar
items. This hack is in the same vein, but it is a bit more proactive.
Calendar reminders are easy to ignore, or miss outright if you’re
not really paying attention to your device. Alarms are another
matter altogether.
If there are must-accomplish things that you need to handle
during your day, put it in your calendar, but also set an alarm for
it. Choose the loudest, most obnoxious alarm sound in your
phone for it, too. Make sure that your phone is not on mute, or
this will do you little good. Obviously, you’ll need to work around
your schedule in terms of things like your MIT or any time
you’ve set aside during the day to focus on tasks without
Setting alarms offers more benefits than simply ensuring that
you don’t miss important things on your schedule. It can actually
free up brain power for other tasks. Rather than delegating
neurons to remembering tasks that you need to perform, you are
able to get your entire brain to focus on what you’re doing.
Set alarms for anything important that must be accomplished
during the day. Less important tasks require just a calendar
reminder. Depending on your device or calendar app, you may
be able to set different alarms or alerts for different tasks and
different priorities, further allowing you to lighten your
cognitive load and focus on building your business.
HACK #46:
HACK #47:
We explored the concept of frugality in a previous hack, and this
one is related, but different. It applies more to entrepreneurs
who are looking to break out of the shackles of their 9-to-5 grind,
but it also applies to those who have their business idea up and
Save more than you spend. In almost all situations, saving more
money than you have going out will provide you with financial
stability and peace of mind. However, there’s more to it, as well.
It’s also about ensuring that you have the ability to take risks
financially speaking.
Think about it this way. Leaving your current job to pursue
success on your own terms is risky professionally. However, the
financial risks far outweigh any others. In fact, more would-be
entrepreneurs fail to get off the starting block because of
financial reasons than any other cause.
If you cannot stomach the financial risk inherent with starting a
new business (e.g. not earning a paycheck for a year or so), then
you are obviously not in a position to take that risk. By taking the
time now to start creating mental practices and lifestyle factors
that allow you to save more than you spend, you help ensure
that you have the financial solidity to stomach those risks and
make the leap to being an entrepreneur.
You will also find that by changing how you spend, you also
change your outlook on life. The peace of mind that comes from
knowing you can weather a financial storm builds confidence
and helps you maintain a positive outlook.
HACK #48:
These steps will get you started. There are plenty of other ways
to cement your brand once you’ve started building it, from
creating the right website to email marketing and everything in
HACK #49:
HACK #50:
HACK #51:
• Build relationships with as many different people as
HACK #52:
One of the best ways to ensure that you have a great day is to
start it with a sense of excitement. If you go to bed already
thinking about the day to come (with eagerness, not dread), you
wake up already motivated and ready to take on whatever might
come your way. So, how do you get excited about your morning?
Here are just a few ideas:
• Plan a Great Breakfast: Even if you’re not a foodie, you
can get excited about a great breakfast. What breakfast
foods make you happiest? Are you a chicken and waffles
kind of person? Prefer your pancakes with whipped
cream rather than syrup? Bacon and eggs more your
deal? Whatever it is, plan something exciting to eat to
help motivate you in the morning.
• Get Some Exercise: Working out releases feel-good
endorphins in the brain, allowing you to change your
mindset and get to the office in a great mood. You can also
burn off some calories from that big breakfast, and work
on keeping your body, mind, and spirit happy and
• Start with Something Meaningful: We can meet the day in
a better place if we do something that we find meaningful
to start it off. Read the Bible. Meditate if you’d rather.
Read about someone who inspires you. Sit down and have
HACK #54:
Need to get out of the house? Don’t have the space at home for
your entrepreneurial pursuits, but can’t afford to rent office
space? The solution is simple - use a coffee shop as your
temporary workplace. These public spaces have long been used
by freelance writers and authors for exactly that purpose.
However, you’ll need to know a thing or two in order to make
the best use of these locations.
Find a Corner - Sit with your back to a corner so that you can see
the rest of the coffee shop, but others cannot see what you are
working on.
Take or Make a Friend - Having someone with you gives you an
ally who can watch your gear if you need to go to the counter for
a refill or you need to hit the restroom.
Choose Carefully - If possible, go to a larger coffee shop. There is
more room inside and the staff will be less likely to hurry you
out if things get crowded.
The Right Location Matters - Make sure the table you choose has
a power outlet located nearby so that you can power up your
devices, charge your phone, and stay productive.
The Chair Matters - Look for a location with a large, comfortable
chair. You’ll want to change position throughout the day and
that’s easier to do with a bigger chair, rather than a stool.
Hydrate - Just because you’re setting up in a coffee shop, don’t
assume that you need to drink their beverage du jour all day.
Bring water (or buy it) so you can stay hydrated and lubricate
your mind.
If you’re in need of workspace outside the house, but cannot
afford an office just yet, these tips will help you make the best
use of your available assets.
HACK #55:
We’ve discussed just how much time we lose each day dealing
with email and talked about ways to help reduce that time suck.
However, you can do more while still answering those messages.
The solution? Keep your responses super brief.
You might not think it is possible, but you can usually keep the
reply to an email at around the length of an old-school tweet -
140 characters. This gives you just enough length to get to the
point, but nothing extra.
You might worry that you’ll come across as terse or unfriendly,
but that’s not the case. In fact, the other party will likely
appreciate your brevity, as it also allows them to get on with
their day.
Finally, there’s the fact that if you cannot distill your email down
into 140 characters, there is something else going on. It is
possible that you’re not entirely sure what you are trying to say,
in which case you need to stop, compose your thoughts, and then
proceed when you have them in order. It is also possible that if
the reply cannot be 140 characters in length, then the subject is
HACK #56:
HACK #57:
Want to really ramp up your success? Live in the here and now.
Most of us live either in the past or the future. We’re either
regretting something we did, or longing for the way things used
to be. We’re either comparing how things are now to the way
they’re going to be when we get what we want, or we’re doing
our best to ignore the present because of the promise of the
Both the past and the future are lies. The past is gone. It’s dead.
The future has not arrived, and it never will. All you really have
in this life is this single moment. By focusing on either the past
or the future, you sacrifice the now - your life - for something
that does not really exist.
If you want to be truly successful, you need to practice
mindfulness - the art of living in the present moment by being
totally, completely here. It is a lot like meditation, and there are
entire meditation practices built around the concept.
At its root, mindfulness is nothing more nor less than the
profound concept of being alive in the present moment. When
you eat, just eat. When you relax, just relax. When you drive, just
Driving actually presents us with a great example of the opposite
of mindfulness. Chances are good that you have been behind the
wheel and arrived at your destination without any clear memory
of how you got there. You drove on autopilot. It was mindless,
not mindful. You went away somewhere and lost that time
Don’t put your life on autopilot. Don’t sacrifice the present for
the past or future. Live in the here and now.
HACK #59:
HACK #61:
The roll of the dice
These are just some of the false ideas we have about the forces
that affect our lives. Luck has nothing to do with most entrepre-
neurial success stories. Behind every entrepreneur who seems
to hit it big right out of the gate, or who earns their first million
seemingly overnight, there are years of hard work and an
immense amount of sweat equity that no one wants to see.
Let’s put this as clearly as possible - luck will not get your foot in
the door. Bad things happen. You will hit snags. Make your own
luck. It is only through perseverance and persistence that
success comes. If you’re sitting around waiting for opportunity
to knock, you had best be prepared to sit there for a long time.
If you want to be successful, get up. Get active. Have an idea and
then create a plan on how you’ll bring that idea to life. Take a
look at the most successful people in today’s world, and you’ll
find that none of them just sat back on their futon, happily
twiddling their thumbs while waiting for luck to drop an
opportunity in their lap. They were out there forging their own
destiny, making their own luck.
You must do the same.
HACK #63:
We are tempted to think of entrepreneurial success in a vacuum.
Business people achieve wealth, and then live their lives as they
wish, right? Actually, that’s not really the case.
The most successful people in today’s world focus on those
outside their inner circle. They share with others. They realize
that their success enables them to be better people, and they do
what they can to improve the lot of others. How do they do that?
There are tons of ways that you can share with others. For
instance, you could take a cue from Bill and Melinda Gates and
donate to charitable causes. You could take a page out of Elon
Musk’s book and invest in helping less fortunate communities
develop the infrastructure they need. You could follow Mark
Zuckerberg’s low-key stance and donate almost anonymously.
It’s not just cash, either. You can share in any number of other
ways. Share credit with your team. Donate time to help with
causes. Allow your employees time off to support causes and
issues that matter to them and to the world.
The most important thing is to make sharing part of your
entrepreneurial mindset. Success is not achieved on your own.
Sharing allows you to give recognition to those who helped you
on your way, and it also allows you to give back to the world
HACK #65:
HACK #67:
HACK #69:
although Godin used the term primarily for its human associa-
tions. Yes, you can find people who can help you connect with
HACK #71:
HACK #73:
HACK #75:
• Listen to Your Gut - We’ve discussed intuition already,
and this is where it comes into play. Listen to what your
heart and gut are telling you.
Ultimately, your decision will impact the future of your business
and your ability to succeed. It is vital that you eliminate biases,
remove notions clouding your judgment, and make decisions
based on clear thinking.
Remember that you have only this moment right now. Tomor-
row is not promised. Yesterday is gone and will never return. If
you were to die tomorrow, what would you regret more - not
closing that business deal, or not being there for your daughter’s
birthday? What would eat at you more - not taking advantage of
a competitor’s weakness, or not being there to teach your son
how to drive?
Our families are the single most precious things in our lives and
sacrificing any time with them in the name of so-called success is
foolish. After all, without your family and friends, success is
empty. It’s nothing. Without someone to celebrate that success
with you, who is happy for you, all your entrepreneurial
achievements are dust.
Make time for your family. Do not sacrifice the chance to spend
time with them in the quest for business success or wealth. It’s
not an even trade. Pursue happiness. Be mindful that now is the
only time you truly have. Make the most of what you’ve been
HACK #77: