Expat World: It'S Time To Fight Back For Your Financial Privacy
Expat World: It'S Time To Fight Back For Your Financial Privacy
Expat World: It'S Time To Fight Back For Your Financial Privacy
• A banking passport (for banking purposes To reiterate here's what you get for Euro 10.000 (or
only - not for travel) with any name and date the equivalent;)
of birth from an English speaking country.
1. Banking passport with any name and date
• Non annual reporting offshore company (in of birth (valid for 5years.)
your chosen name) with an
2. Non annual filing offshore company in your
• eBanking on-line bank account. chosen name with a physical walk into the
bank, eBanking bank account (in the name
• Easy to use Internet banking, i.e. send & of the company.)
receive swift wires on-line operated via an
internet bank token. 3. Easy to use Internet banking, i.e. send
& receive swift wires, on-line, deposit
• ATM card cheques, walk into the bank to deposit
• Highly confidential and private mail drop funds, etc.
service for one year, including 4. 4. ATM card
• $50 postage deposit. 5. Highly confidential and private mail drop
The above package normally sells for more than Euro service for one year, including $50 postage
12,000. BUT FOR EXPAT WORLD deposit.
Cheers from the boys at Expat World HOLD THE PRESS – Christmas Special Wait,
That's not all! For the first THREE persons who order
and pay on or December 24th, 2014, Santa's helpers
are offering a whopping 20% discount off the special
price of Euro 10,000... Like Marley's Ghost, you too
can be a ghost for only Euro 8,000 or the equivalent if
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There are no burning internet regulation issues but there are some
on the back burner you might care about.
In the USA proposed “net neutrality rules” face political manipulation. The unspoken real agenda is how to
tax the internet:
In the area of very interesting news Brazil/Brasil announced it would be laying direct fiber from Brazil to
Lisbon, Portugal for the sole purpose of avoiding any possibility of U.S. regulation/control. Boy, I bet there
are quite a few countries that would want to sign up for spurs into their systems. Definitely an FU to the U.S.
My personal observation is that desktop and laptop full computers are probably going to be relegated to
professionals or folk who need large screens to capture more data or so they can read them.
I’ve noticed that for a while cell phones were getting very small and now the smart phones are basically sub-
palm-size but they are used for most tasks that a few years ago were “computer” tasks. Instant searches in real
time while you’re in line at a restaurant or store, instant “facetime” as opposed to Skype. Instant ordering from
wherever you are.
Having multi-platform apps is probably a necessity for internet marketers. Many of the apps are “cute” or
novel (such as one that monitors your sleep/snoring) but I see a transition to handhelds doing seriously heavy
lifting in the foreseeable future.
One of my favorite bloggers, www.fredoneverything.net, had a near melt down a couple weeks ago when his
web-runner checked the wrong box and every reply to Fred went to everyone on the list. Angry people trying
to unsubscribe to stop the onslaught of mail just made the problem worse. It’s under control now. Fred’s a
decent writer and curmudgeon who tackles every politically incorrect idea imaginable. As always I ask you to
investigate www.cryptohippie.com as the most perfect secure communication that exists.
Jitsi: https://apapadop.wordpress.com/2012/07/05/a-skype-alternative-worth-its-salt-jitsi/
Former columnist for Expat World, Paul Rosenberg now writes the Friday edition of Doug Casey’s Daily
Dispatch. It’s free. Worth the read. His latest offering “Why I Stopped Spending Time on Politics . . . And
Why I Think You should too.”
The countries are scored on a scale of zero, for highly 174. North Korea 8
corrupt, to 100, for very clean. Singapore's score fell 174. Somalia 8
two points to 84 this year, from 86 last year, according 173. Sudan 11
o data released by TI recently.
172. Afghanistan 12
The top five countries in this year's index - Denmark, 171. South Sudan 15
New Zealand, Finland, Sweden and Norway - held
170. Iraq 16
the same position as they did last year.
169. Turkmenistan 17
Top scorer Denmark came in with 92 points, up from
166. Eritrea 18
91 last year. But Switzerland, which ranked seventh
last year, over· took, Singapore to be joint fifth with 166. Libya 18
Norway - the position Singapore held last year. 166. Uzbekistan 18
Experts have noted that Singapore is still the only
Asian country in the top 10, with Japan next in 15th
The deal is very easy and perhaps one of the Help with permanent residency is available for those
best we've ever offered. A developer of a massive who qualify.
concession on the north shore (Caribbean) of
If you’ve got interest and enthusiasm for the
Panama needs to get things happening. He needs
ultimate adventure and have been wondering where,
to prime the pump. And so he is offering prime
it doesn’t get better than white sand beaches, azure
beachfront land, a few miles east of the Bocas
blue Caribe waters, nice tropical climate -- but
del Toro area, to persons who will build a house/
without the worry of hurricanes.
bar, a small business, a hacienda, whatever in your
imagination that you can convince the developer If interested, contact Captain dot Jack at ExpatWorld
is a good deal. How much land? As much as is dot net. Sketch your plan and we’ll forward it to the
reasonable to your business plan. You will need to developer.
deal with water, power, septic issues yourself. There
Ask Simon Black how much free land HE’S
is no infrastructure.
giving away.
The hard copy version has long been sold out and won't
reappear. Their costs were over $500 per set compared with
the $99 cost for the CD. And for all you that order before
Jan 31, 2015 we will give you our Christmas/Chinese New
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Such a deal! Order multiple copies for friends and ex-spouses! Go to our website www.expatworld.net and
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Raffles City, Singapore 911745.
BBBB stands for - Bye Bye Big Brother. It's an easy ANONYMOUS BANKING AND ASSET PROTEC-
reading reference manual to show you the path to the TION - "I want to protect my assets in such a way that
good life. It's hard copy version has sold out but it is now nobody knows if they even exist, never mind where they
available on CD in PDF format. came from or where they are now. Yet I want to have
complete control and instant access at all times. When
Grandpa, the author, hired the best people money can I die, I want my assets to go to people or good causes I
buy: International lawyers, consultants and experienced have chosen without being probated, published or taxed.
cruisers to answer these questions and 100's of other Tell me your secret ways Grandpa, to achieve this goal."
DIVORCE PENDING? - "My spouse has a new "friend"
HOW CAN I SPEND UP TO SIX MONTHS (OR and wants "out." Do you think that your P.T. & cruising
MORE) A YEAR CRUISING THE WORLD in a 5 star ideas will result in a new romance for me?! Would hate
hotel environment--in many cases for less money than it to be lonely. Tell me your secret techniques for linking up
would cost me to stay at home? . with new partners while traveling . .
STRESS FREE LUXURY TRAVEL?- "I want to leave GOVERNMENT PROBLEMS - "I think there will be
my troubles behind, travel the world, meet new people, unpleasant litigation if I stay where I am. If I am travel-
have new experiences. I don't want to worry about train ing, will things cool down, do you think? As a retired but
tickets, passports, hotel reservations, packing and unpack- experienced lawyer, Grandpa, tell me in your BBBB book
ing. Maybe I'd like to cruise on a luxury ship for a month how does my absence from "home" affect those who
or more at a time. How can I do it?" might want to sue me?
CHANGE LOCATION - "How can I operate my exist- LOVE LIFE - "Even if I am past my sell-by date, will
ing business 'while traveling? How can I avoid lawsuits; your book show me the best ways and places to find
excessive regulation, union problems, taxes? How about attractive new partners. How can I find love again- with-
government caused problems? Is there any way to do this out financial or health risks? Is that stuff I heard about the
while traveling or cruising like you do Grandpa? " joys of "Love Boats" really true.
PRIVACY & ANONYMOUS COMMUNICATION - "I Here we have just skimmed the surface of BBBB. Over
want to communicate with people in such a private way 800 pages of information. Get it now before we sell out
that nobody can prove (or even guess) where the message of CD's and you're left on shore holding an empty bag.
came from, so nobody can monitor or sue m~ for what I Order today!
say or write. Nor should anyone ever be able to find my
old communications messages, nor any stored records of
them. What's the How to do it in secret?" .
A critical issue when retiring abroad is HEALTH Colombia is home to the oldest and most stable
CARE! No need for concern, for here the health care democracy in Latin America. Presidential elections
is rated higher than in the U.S. or Canada. The World are held every four years. The current president, Juan
Health Organization (WHO) ranks this country's Manuel Santos, has placed economic growth and
health care system as better than that of the U.S. domestic security at the heart of his government.
During his watch, poverty and unemployment
In their overall ranking of health care systems all over have been reduced and diplomatic relations with
the world, the WHO ranks this country at number 22 neighboring countries have been improved.
out of 191 countries—the highest ranking of all Latin
American countries and well ahead of Canada (#30) Colombia is very affordable. EW’s already given
and the U.S. (#38) you a glimpse of what expats tell us about their cost
of living in Colombia. Amazingly, they say they can
So I gave you most of the sizzle now I will give you easily and comfortably live on as little as $1,000 to
the steak. Where is this "perfect" retirement hot spot? $2,000 a month, including rent.
As I said, It's a place I doubt you've considered before
now. Or if you have, it's probably been way down at Here’s where you’ll save the most on your daily
the bottom of your list. But now it's time move it way living expenses:
up on your list because Colombia's time has come. Rent costs 1/3 what it does at home. In small towns,
you can rent a two-bedroom apartment from $300 a
Take a Look at These Statistics and Just Some
month or a four-bedroom home for $400 a month. In
MORE of the Benefits Colombia Offers metropolitan areas, an upscale apartment in a modern
Colombia is close to home. It’s in the same time building with a swimming pool, fitness center, and a
zone(either Eastern or Central Time depending on doorman can be had for $1,000 a month.
www.expatworld.net Page 11 Nov/Dec 2014
Utilities are ridiculously inexpensive. In the perfect- Ruitoque Country Club, you can play a round of golf
climate of the Andes Mountains, you’ll need neither for just $13 on weekdays and $21 on weekends.
heat nor air conditioning. Some expats report electric
bills as low as $20 a month. Natural gas for cooking As for restaurant meals, you’ll typically spend $3 or
and hot water will likely cost just $5 to $10 a month. less for an “executive lunch” that usually includes
soup, meat, rice and salad, a juice, and even dessert.
Food is fresh, healthy and very affordable. Most For dinner, you might spend $5 or $10 for an entrée…
cities and towns have local farmers’ markets, which rarely more than $20 for a steak in even the best
offer fresh fruits and vegetables at a fraction of the restaurants.
cost of supermarkets. A head of lettuce, a pound of
tomatoes, a medium avocado… all can be had for NOW EXPAT WORLD HAS just given you the
little more than 50 cents. thumbnail sketch of what it’s like to expatriate to
Columbia for your retirement. Suzan Haskins, one
Transportation costs are very low, too. In major of International Living’s Latin America editors has
cities, you’ll pay less than $1 to take a local bus. Taxis Straightforward Blueprint to “Everything You
are downright cheap, too, especially in towns and mid-
sized cities. In small towns, you can go anywhere for Need to Know” About Colombia This new resource is
less than $2. Even in large cities, you’ll rarely spend the result of our ongoing “Project Colombia . She calls
more than $5 to $10, and that’s for a trip clear across it, “the Blueprint for Your New Life in Columbia.”
the city. For cross-country travel, you’ll spend about You can get all the information for obtaining this
$30 for an 11-hour bus trip or as little as $25 for your great resource by Googling: “the Blueprint for
airfare from Bogotá to Cali, for instance. Your New Life in Columbia.” Tell her Expat World
recommended her and the publication.
Best of All, Health Care is the BEST in ALL of the
Americas, Yet Costs are EXTREMELY LOW.
•U.S. tax filings, including late filings, for non-resident U.S. citizens •Comprehensive asset protection planning and internationalization of
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When you’re ready to set a sea-anchor or looking for a hurricane hole,
Card applicants
drop us a line.
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Card applicants
•Structuring legal immigration to the EU via business/investment
Expat World's
Investor World
Every seasoned investor knows the value of holding by both client name and certificate number. The Perth
precious metals. I believe that gold is the best store of Mint also records a client number to ensure total
value available. Nothing else holds its worth or is as confidentiality and security.
easily converted as gold. In moments of need or crisis Your gold can be held in two ways. First in
it can aid and protect you and your family anywhere unallocated storage, which means that your gold is
in the world. held as part of" a bigger pool of precious metals. The
The problem is is usually associate with gold beauty of this method is that you hold your metal
ownership has a1ways been how to Store and secure under government guarantee, but your ownership is
your gold. How an you be sure that your nest egg is absolutely free of storage charges. This is clearly the
not only completely safe but that you can access it at most attractive option for most private investors.
a moment's notice. Second, you can also choose to hold your gold or
Now there is a way you can own all the gold precious metals in an allocated storage. This means
you want. Gold that holds its value better and is your gold is placed in a sealed box that is specifically
more easily realized than any other asset. Gold that assigned to you via the Perth Mint Certificate.
cannot be stolen by thieves or confiscated by greedy A Perth Mint Certificate is non-negotiable. However
governments. Now you can fold up and carry a ownership is transferable. You may sell or transfer
thousand ounces of gold, even a million ounces, your title to your precious metals. You may do this at
around in your pocket. any time and to anyone you choose.
Sound to good to be true??? Investing For Security .. . But How Secure Is Your
There is an ideal way to own gold and other precious Investment!
metals. It is called the Perth Mint Certificate The Perth Mint offers one of the most secure
Program (PMCP). It is incredibly simple. All you locations for hard asset Storage worldwide.
have to do is buy a Perth Mint Certificate. Australia is one of the most politically and
This document represents – and gives you title to economically stable countries. The Perth Mint itself
– whatever quantity of precious metals you choose is a division of Cold Corporation (GC). GC is wholly
to invest in (above a certain minimum) Your gold is owned by the Western Australia Government. The
stored at the Perth Mint in Perth, Western Australia. Perth Mint refines 8% of annual world gold mine
Your certificate is registered to you and and referenced production. The Perth Mint has been dealing in
www.expatworld.net Page 13 Nov/Dec 2014
precious metals since 1899. It the hallmark, purity, and weight of bullion bars are
is the: world's oldest mint continuously operating guaranteed. The gold you buy in certificate form will
from the same location.. come directly from Gold Corporation's own refinery.
The Perth Mint Certificate is the only government- The other precious metals all: all produced at the Mint
guaranteed precious metals certificate in the world. under an exclusive agreement with the Australian
The Western Australian Government has a Standard Commonwealth Government.
and Poor' AAA investment rating. The bullion bar The: fees to purchase a Perth Mint Certificate are
products of the Gold Corporation Group are accepted very low. Besides the purchase price of the precious
by all serious international institutions. The London metals, there is only a US $50 certificate fee. That
Bullion is what you pay regardless of how large the amount
Market Association (LBMA). The New York of the certificate. For allocated storage only, there is
Commodities Exchange (COMEX) and the Tokyo an additional prepaid storage fee. This works out to
Commodities Exchange (TOCOM) all welcome its be 1% for gold and platinum, 2% for silver and 2%
products. for palladium per annum. The only Other fee is the
Approved Dealer's commission. There is no fee for
Complete Security and Total Flexibility unallocated storage at all.
Not only is the PMCP simple, but it is economical as
So how much do you need to invest? The minimum well. There are also some excellent tax advantages for
requirement for the Perth Mint Certificate Program is non-residents of Australia holding precious metals in
US $10,000. Any further investments must be made australia. There are no Australian duties on he import,
in increments of no less than US $5,OOO. export, or domestic purchase and sale of high purity
A wide variety of precious metals are available precious metal bars or bullion coins. International
under the Perth Mint Certificate Program. The PMCP clients are only required to pay capital gains tax if
offers investors the option of holding all me major they are residents for tax purposes. Clients should
precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. consult their taxation advisers for specific taxation
The Perth Mint Certificate is available to individual, advice.
private investors through an Approved Dealer
network maintained and certified by the Perth Mint. Gold You Can Hold -But Can't Lose
Your certificate may be purchased and liquidated very
simply. EW will show you how to purchase Earlier, I said that you could fold your gold up and
your certificate in just a moment. First let's take a carry it around with you. That's exactly what I meant.
look at how easy it is to sell your gold. If you wanted, you could go down to the supermarket
You can liquidate your certificate easily and free or go to your favorite restaurant with it.
up your cash quickly in two ways. The first and most What if you lose: your Perth Mint certificate or if
convenient is simply to sell the certificate back to it's stolen? You simply get a replacement. You just
an Approved Dealer. The second is to take physical file a lost certificate declaration form with the Perth
delivery or the precious metals represented on the Mint and pay a small certificate re-issuance fee. No
certificate either at the Perth Mint, or arrange for one can use your certificate without the specific ID
physical delivery at a variety of locations worldwide. and authorized signature that you gave when you
If you want, you can also surrender just a portion purchased it.
of the precious metal on the certificate. This aspect is EW believes that the PMCP is the only way to
another of the program's distinct advantages. You can make the most of the desirability of precious metals.
surrender any part of your certificate as long as you It combines the flexibility and accessibility that the
continue to meet the established minimum. A new smart investor requires from his assets – security and
certificate is issued for the remainder of your precious freedom in one package.
metas, for which you are charged a small additional You can find your own Approved Dealer for the
fee. PMCP via the internet or can email Michael Checkan
How do you know for sure how much gold you at [email protected] Tell him Expat
have! Or how pure it is? Well, The Perth Mint warrants World gave you his name. He can answer all your
the precise unit or interest held. It also warrants the unanswered questions.
quantity and authenticity of bullion coins. Likewise,
Go to the internet and type in “facial recognition” It goes without saying that you keep your image off
along with various modifiers that reflect what you’re the internet and social networking.
looking to do. Imagine however that you need to submit a photo
While wearing glasses you don’t need is not a perfect for something official and you’d rather it didn’t look
disguise, the right glasses can slow things down. exactly like you. A photoshop remake might do the
The kind you need are ones that change the size of job, especially if it changed the usual data points but
your eyes as someone looks at you. The near-blind still looked remarkably like you.
professor look. The last item is be practical in the sense that you will
Next, you need glasses frames that are obscure the have to look sort of like your disguised persona photo
bridge of the nose area, where nose meets forehead. when you need to interact with banks or government
• What to do when interest rates are low: You Clearly giving it a lot of thought, my six-year-old
should either buy or not buy stocks. I can observed, ‘Mum, a Wise Woman would have brought
never remember which. But it’s definitely nappies.’
one of those two. I think. •••••
• How the war in Iraq will affect the U.S. and
global economies in the long run: There’s
a War in Iraq? Whoa . That doesn’t sound
email: [email protected]
Expat World • Box 1341 Raffles City • Singapore 911745