Centripetal Force
Centripetal Force
Centripetal Force
Table 2: Measured frequency for a changing mass with a constant radius of 0.6000 m and a
tension force of 0.5458 N
Varying the mass
Table 3: Measured frequency for a changing radius with a constant tension force of 0.5458 N
and a mass of 0.0108 kg
Varying the radius
For the first part, a quadratic relationship was found and it could be concluded that the
frequency was directly proportional to the square root of the force of tension as the exponent
showed was approximately ≈ 0.5. This relationship is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Graph showing the relationship between the frequency (Hz) and tension force (N)
For the second part, a quadratic relationship was found and it could be concluded that
the frequency was indirectly proportional to the square root of the mass as the exponent showed
was approximately ≈ -0.5. This relationship is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Graph showing the relationship between the frequency (Hz) and the mass (kg)
For the third part, a quadratic relationship was found and it could be concluded that the
frequency was indirectly proportional to the square root of the radius as the exponent showed
was approximately ≈ -0.5. This relationship is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Graph showing the relationship between the frequency (Hz) and the radius (m)
The expected relationship between the velocity and the other 3 variables (radius,
centripetal force and stopper mass) was verified with a high level of confidence. According to
the lab results, the frequency is proportional to the square root of the force of tension. The
frequency is inversely proportional to the square root of mass and radius. The expected value
for the constant was 1/2π as seen in Equation 7, however, the measured data gave a k value of
0.1697. This gave a percent error of 6.63%.
Equation 7 - Equation showing the value of the constant in original equation
f = 1 . √F
2π √(mr)
The percent error could have been due to the experimental errors which made the data
inaccurate. These could include friction including air resistance and the friction between the
pipette and the string. Friction between the string and the tube would reduce the centripetal
force which would make the data inaccurate. Furthermore, it is impossible to keep the stopper
trajectory horizontal at a constant velocity and radius. This introduces errors in the
measurements as the weight of the stopper will contribute/cancel the centripetal force. Lastly,
the fishing line used could have stretched out. This causes the radius to increase and
therefore, making the data imprecise.
The ideal force body diagram would have only the force of gravity and centripetal
force. However, if the rotating mass was at an angle above horizontal, there would still be the
force of gravity but the tension force would be divided into components of centripetal force
and the force opposite to the force of gravity. The force body diagrams are shown in Figure 4.
A real life connection of centripetal force would be the loops in a roller coaster. In a
roller coaster, there would be three forces, gravity, centripetal force and the normal force.