01 MDCAT SOS Regular Session (5th June-2023) With LR..

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MDCAT-EARLIER PREP-2023 w.e.f (5-06-2023)
Sr# Date Day
Subject Verb Agreement-1
Cell Structue & Functions-1 Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry-1 (What is subject?,what can be the subject?
Force & Motion
1 05-06-23 1
i. Introduction to Cell Orientation Singular & plural subject & singular verb and
Monday (1) Distance & Displacement
ii. Difference between Prokyatotes & Eukroytes Cell Atomic mass, Empirical Formula plural verb, Subject word-1 & Verb and helping
(2) Speed & Velocity
iii. Difference between Plant and Animal Cell Molecular Formula verb, Subject word-2 & Verb and Helping verb,
two words joined by "and" and verb & helping
Subject Verb Agreement-2
(Who, which, that, as subject & verb and Helping
Cell Structue & Functions-2 Force & Motion Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry-2
verb, Here and there as subject and verb &
2 06-06-23 Tuesday 2 i. Plasma Membrane (1) Types of speed Concept of mole Avogadro’s number and Molar Volume
helping verb, Fraction, Portion & Percentage and
ii. Cell wall 2) Acceleration and its types Stoichiometry
Verb and helping verb, collctive noun as a

Cell Structue & Functions-3 Verb & Tense-1

Force & Motion Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry-3
i. Endoplasmic reticulum (Introduction, Tenses, Regular and Irregular verb,
3 07-06-23 Wednesday 3 (1) Concept Of Graphs and Slope of Graph Chemistry
ii. Ribosomes Transitive and Intransitive verb, Reflexive Verb,
(2) Displacement-time graphs Limiting Reactant and Yield
iii. Golgi Bodies Verb of senses)

Cell Structue & Functions-4 Force & Motion Atomic Structure-1 Verb & Tense -2
4 08-06-23 4
i. Lysosome (1) Graphical representation of acceleration with velocity Discovery and Properties of Proton, Photon as a unit of (Causative verb, Verb of Observation,
ii. Microsomes (Peroxisome and Glyoxisome) time graph radiation energy Subjunctive Verb, Verbs followed by Gerund and
iii. Vacule (2) Laws of Motion Hydrogen atom on the basis of quantum theory Infinitive, Modals, Semi Modals)
Force & Motion
Atomic Structure-2 Adjective - 1
(1) Linear Momentum
Cell Structue & Functions-5 Quantum numbers and shapes of orbitals (Formation of 2nd and 3rd degree, Use of 2nd
5 09-06-23 Friday 5 (2) Law of conservation of linear momentum
Mitochondria and Plastid Rules to write the electronic configuration of atoms and 3rd degree, Possessive Adjective and
(3) Equations Of Motion
Electronic configuration of elements Gerund, Faulty Comparison)

Force & Motion Gases, Liquids & Solids-1

(1) Collision Properties of Gases
Cell Structue & Functions-6 Test and Discussion Subject-Verb-
6 10-06-23 Saturday 6 (2) Elastic Collision Gas laws, Boyle’s law, Charles’s law T-1 ENGLISH E-1
Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cytoskeleton Subject-Verb-Agreement) Agreement
(3) Inlastic collision Avogadro’s law, General gas equation
(4) Cases of elastic collision KMT of gases, Ideal gas equation

7 11-06-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Force & Motion

Gases, Liquids & Solids-2
(1) Projectile motion Adjective - 2
Properties of liquids
8 12-06-23 7
Test and Discussion Characteristics of projectile motion (The + Adjectives, Adjective and Preposition, Cell Structue &
Monday Intermolecular forces (van der Waal's Forces) T-2 BIOLOGY B-1
(Cell Structue & Functions) (1) Time of flight Order of Adjectives, Use of comma/and with Functions
Hydrogen Bonding and Physical Properties,
(2) Maximum height Adjectives, Important Pairs of Adjectives)
Anomalous behavior of water
(3) Horizontal range

Biological Molecules and Enzymes-1 Gases, Liquids & Solids-3
(Adverbs with an -ly and without an -ly,
i. Introduction to biological molecules Test and Discussion Unit-1 (Force & Motion) Evaporation and Vapour Pressure
9 13-06-23 Tuesday 8 Conjunctive Adverbs, Order of Adverbs, T-3 PHYSICS P-1 Force & Motion
ii. Water Boiling point and external pressure
Inversion with Adverb, Correct spelling of
iii. Carbohydrates-1 Types of Solids
Adverbs, Important Pairs of Adverbs)

Work & Energy Introduction to

Test and Discussion Noun - 1
10 14-06-23 9
Biological Molecules and Enzymes-2 (1) Introduction of Work Fundamental Concepts
Wednesday (Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry (Plural of Nouns, Morpholgy of Noun, Noun & its T-4 CHEMISTRY C-1
Carbohydrates-2 (2) Workdone by constant and Variable Force of Chemistry & Atomic
& Atomic Structure) Possession)
(3) Work done In Earth's Gravitational Field Structure

Work & Energy

Gases, Liquids & Solids-4
(1) Energy
Biological Molecules and Enzymes-3 Ionic solids Test and Discussion
11 15-06-23 Thursday 10 Kinetic energy T-5 E-2 Verb and Tenses
Proteins Molecular Solids (Verb and Tenses) ENGLISH
Potential energy
Crystal lattice and Unit Cell
Gravitational potential energy

Equillibrium & Kinetics-1

Work & Energy
Reversible and irreversible reactions
Biological Molecules and Enzymes-4 (1) Power
12 16-06-23 Friday 11 State of chemical Equilibrium Critical thinking-1 T-6
Lipids (2) Work energy principle
Equilibrium constant Expression for Important reactions
(3) Interconversion of K.E and P.E
Applications of equilibrium constant

Biological Molecules and Enzymes-5 Equillibrium & Kinetics-2

Conjugated Molecules (glycolipids, glycoproteins) The Le Chatelier’s principle
13 17-06-23 Saturday 12 Nucleic Acids (RNA) Test and Discussion Unit-2 (Work & Energy) Applications of chemical equilibrium in industry, Critical thinking-2 T-7 PHYSICS P-2 Work & Energy
Enzyme-1 Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s Process
Introduction/characteristics of enzymes Common Ion Effect

14 18-06-23 Sunday SUNDAY

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Sr# Date Day

Rotational & Circular Motion

Biological Molecules and Enzymes-6 (1) Angular displacement
(Revolution, Degree, Radian) Equillibrium & Kinetics-3
15 19-06-23 13 (2) Angular velocity Buffer Solution Test and Discussion
Monday i. Mechanism of action of enzymes T-8 E-3 Adjective
(3) Angular acceleration Equilibria of slightly soluble Ionic compounds (Adjective) ENGLISH
ii. Factors effecting rate of enzyme action (4) Relation between linear and angular displacements (Solubility product)
iii. Enzyme inhibition (5) Relation between linear and angular velocities
(6) Relation between linear and angular accelerations

Equillibrium & Kinetics-4

Rotational & Circular Motion
Rate of reaction,
16 20-06-23 14
Test and Discussion (1) Centripetal force Noun - 2 Biological Molecule &
Tuesday Specific rate constant and velocity constant T-9 BIOLOGY B-2
(Biological Molecules and Enzymes) (centripetal acceleration) (Collective Nouns, Noun & Article) Enzymes
Determination of the rate of a chemical reaction
(2) Motion in a vertical circle
Factors affecting rate of reaction

i. Photosynthesis, Equillibrium & Kinetics-5
Article - 1
17 21-06-23 15
ii. Role of light, water, CO2, /factors effecting Test and Discussion Unit-3 Order of reaction and its determination Rotational & Circular
Wednesday (Use of definite and indefinite Article, The + T-10 PHYSICS P-3
photosynthesis (Rotational & Circular Motion) Units of rate constant Motion
iii. Light dependent Activation energy and activated complex.
iv. Cyclic and non- cyclic phosphorylation

(1) Progressive wave Equillibrium & Kinetics-6
18 22-06-23 16
(2)T ypes of progressive waves(Transverse waves,Longitudinal waves) Order of reaction and its determination Test and Discussion
Thursday i. Light independent phases/reactions T-11 E-4 Adverb
Periodic waves(Transverse periodic waves, Longitudinal periodic waves) Units of rate constant (Adverb) ENGLISH
ii. Production of ATP (3) Wave motion as illustrated by the vibrations in ropes and springs and Activation energy and activated complex.
use of v=f λ

(1) Speed of sound in air Test and Discussion Logical Problems-1
19 23-06-23 Friday 17 i. Anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen) T-12 CHEMISTRY C-2 Gases, Liquids & Solids
(2) Effects of of variation of density, pressure and (Gases, Liquids & Solids)
ii. Glycolysis/glycolytic pathway/aerobic respiration
temperature on speed of sound in a gas

Energetics and Electrochemistry-1

System, Surrounding and State function
Waves Energy in chemical reactions
Bioenergetics-4 Discussion Test - 1
20 24-06-23 18
(1) Principle of superposition First Law of thermodynamics Logical
Saturday i. Electron Transport Chain Enthalpy of a reaction
Critical thinking-1 T-13 LR-1 Critical Thinking
(2) Interference of Sound waves Reasoning
ii. Oxidative Phosphorylation Standard states and standard enthalpy changes Critical thinking-2
Born-Haber cycle
Hess’s law of constant heat summation

21 25-06-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Waves Energetics and Electrochemistry-2

Chemistry Article - 2
Test and Discussion (1) Stationary waves/ standing waves
22 26-06-23 Monday 19 Oxidative number or state (The + Directions, The + Person Names T-14 BIOLOGY B-3 Bioenergetics
(Bioenergetics) (2) Stationary waves in a stretched string/fundamental Balancing of redox equations by ion-electron method (Likeness), Limitations of Article)
frequency and harmonics Balancing redox equations by oxidation number change method
Life processes in animals and plants (gaseous Pronoun
Waves Energetics and Electrochemistry-3
exchange)-1 (Cases of Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Order of
Oxidative number or state Make-Up Class
23 27-06-23 Tuesday 20 i. Structure and Functions of respiratory system (1) Stationary waves in vibrating air colunm Balancing of redox equations by ion-electron method
Pronouns, Order of Noun and Pronoun,
ii. Role of surfactant in gas exchange (Open and closed End Organ Pipe) Balancing redox equations by oxidation number change method Reflexive Pronouns, Reciprocal Pronouns,
24 28-06-23
iii. Process of gas exchange in human lungs Vague Pronoun)
25 29-06-23
26 30-06-23
Friday Eid ul Adha Holidays
27 01-07-23 Saturday
28 02-07-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Energetics and Electrochemistry-4

Explanation of electrolysis (Predict the Product)
Life processes in animals and plants (gaseous Waves Standard electrode (redox) Potential
Test and Discussion
29 03-07-23 Monday 21 exchange)-2 (1) Doppler effect • Standard Hydrogen Electrode T-15 ENGLISH E-5 Noun, Pronoun, Article
(Noun, Pronoun, Article)
Transport of corbon dioxide and oxygen (2) Applications of Doppler Effect • Standard Cell Potential
• Electrode PotentialElectrochemical Series
Application of ECS
Life processes in animals and plants (nutrition)-
3 Waves
i. Carnivorous plants/parasitic nutrition (pitcher plant, (1) Simple harmonic motion (SHM)
Preposition - 1
venus fly trap, sundew) (2) Characteristics of simple harmonic motion
30 04-07-23 22
Test and Discussion (Three errors of Prepositions (Omission,
Tuesday ii. List the parts of human digestive system Instantaneous displacement T-16 CHEMISTRY C-3 Equillibrium & Kinetics
(Equillibrium & Kinetics) Commission, Overlapping), Difference in
iii. Explain the functions of the main parts of the Vibration
Prepositions, Words followed by Prepositions)
digestive system including associated structures and Time period
glands Frequency and Angular frequency
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MDCAT-EARLIER PREP-2023 w.e.f (5-06-2023)
Sr# Date Day

Energetics and Electrochemistry-5

Life processes in animals and plants (nutrition)-
Explanation of electrolysis (Predict the Product)
4 Preposition - 2
Standard electrode (redox) Potential
i. List the parts of human digestive system (Prepositions of Agent, Prepositions of Time,
31 05-07-23 Wednesday 23 Test and Discussion Unit-4 (Waves) • Standard Hydrogen Electrode T-17 PHYSICS P-4 Waves
ii. Explain the functions of the main parts of the Prepositions of Location/Place, Prepositions of
• Standard Cell Potential
digestive system including associated structures and Direction, Prepositions of Spatial Relationship)
• Electrode PotentialElectrochemical Series
Application of ECS
Life processes in animals and plants (nutrition)-
5 Chemical Bonding-1
Thermodynamics Atomic Size, Atomic raddi, Ionic radii,
i. List the parts of human digestive system Test and Discussion
32 06-07-23 Thursday 24 (1) Temperature and Heat Covalent Radii, Ionization energy, Electron affinity T-18 ENGLISH E-6 Preposition
ii. Explain the functions of the main parts of the (Preposition)
(2) Internal Energy Electronegativity, Bond Energy and Bond Length,
digestive system including associated structures and Energetics of Bond Formation, Types of Bonds (Lewis Concept)
Thermodynamics Chemical Bonding-2
Life processes in
Test and Discussion UNIT-4 (1) Work and Heat Atomic Size, Atomic raddi, Ionic radii,
animals and plants
33 07-07-23 Friday 25 (Life processes in animals and plants (2) First Law of theremodynamics Covalent Radii, Ionization energy, Electron affinity Logical Problems-2 T-19 BIOLOGY B-4
(nutrition/gaseous exchange)) (3) Isothermal process, Adiabatic process, Isobaric Electronegativity, Bond Energy and Bond Length,
Energetics of Bond Formation, Types of Bonds (Lewis Concept) exchange)
process and Isochoric process

Life processes in animals and plants (Transport)-1 Thermodynamics Chemical Bonding-3

(1) Calculate the work done by thermodynamic system during a volume
i. Water and mineral uptake by roots, xylem and VSEPR theory Discussion Test -2 Logical
34 08-07-23 Saturday 26 change T-20 LR-2
phloem Hybridization, (Logical Problems) Reasoning Logical Problems
(2) Specific heat and Molar specific heat / specific heat capacity
ii. Osmotic pressure/potential (3) Relation CP - CV =R
Ionic Character of covalent bond

35 09-07-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Life processes in animals and plants (Transport)-2 Electrostatics

Test and Discussion Pairing of words Energetics &
36 10-07-23 Monday 27 i. List general structure of human heart (1) Coulomb’s Law T-21 CHEMISTRY C-4
(Energetics & Electrochemistry) (General, Collocation) Electrochemistry
ii. Define the phases of a cardiac cycle (Coulomb’s law in material media)

Chemical Bonding-4
Life processes in animals and plants (Transport)-3
VSEPR theory Pairing of Clauses
37 11-07-23 Tuesday 28 i. List the differences and functions of capillaries, Test and Discussion Unit-5 (Thermodynamics) T-22 PHYSICS P-5 Thermodynmics
Hybridization, (Co-ordination & Sub-ordination)
arteries and veins
Ionic Character of covalent bond
Electrostatics Punctuation-1
38 12-07-23 29
Life processes in animals and plants (Transport)-4 (1) Electric field and its intensity Test and Discussion (Full stop, Sign of Interrogation, Sign of
Wednesday T-23 CHEMISTRY C-5 Chemical Bonding
i. Lymphatic system (2) Electric Field Lines (Chemical Bonding) Exclamation, Hyphen, Apostrophe, Inverted
(1) Electric field intensity due to an infinite sheet
of charge, Electric field intensity between two oppositely
Life processes in animals and plants (Transport)-5 s and p block elements+Transition Elements-1 Test and Discussion
39 13-07-23 Thursday 30 charged parallel plates T-24 ENGLISH E-7 Pairing & Combinations
i. Immune & system (Periodic Trends in Physical Properties) (Pairing & Combinations)
(2) Electric potential
(3) Electric Potential at a point due to point charge
s and p block elements+Transition Elements-2
Electrostatics ("Group 2 Elements (Alkaline earth metals)
Test and Discussion Life processes in
(1) Capacitor (Capacitance of a capacitor and its unit) Trends in reactivity, Reactions of Group IA with Water, Oxygen Logical Deduction-1
40 14-07-23 Friday 31 (Life processes in animals and plants - T-25 BIOLOGY B-5 animals and plants
(2) Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor and Chlorine, Group 1 Elements (Alkali Metals) Trends in
Transport) (Transport)
(3) Polarization of Dielectric of a capacitor reactivity, Reactions of Group IIA with Water, Oxygen and
Nitrogen,Reactions of group 3 Elements with Water , Oxygen
Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical Coordination- Electrostatics s and p block elements+Transition elements-3
1 (General characteristics (All) Make-Up Class
41 15-07-23 Saturday 32 (1) Energy Stored in a Capacitor Logical Deduction-2
i. Nervous system of Nerve impulse of Steps involved in Describe electronic structure of elements and ions of d-
nervous coordination o Neurons (Structure and Types) (2) Charging and Discharging a Capacitor
Block Elements)
42 16-07-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical

Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry &
Chemistry of Hydrocarbons-1 Punctuation-2
ii. Transmission of action potential between
43 17-07-23 Monday 33 Test and Discussion Unit-6 (Electrostatics) (Classification of organic compounds (Comma, Semi colon, colon, Dash) T-26 PHYSICS P-6 Electrostatics
Funtional Group) Spelling
Electrical synapses and Chemical synapses
(Nomenclature of Organic Compounds(All Classes)
Transmission of nerve impulse across synapse

Current Electricity
Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry &
(1) Describe the concept of steady current Test and Discussion Punctuation &
44 18-07-23 Tuesday 34 Coordination-3 Chemistry of Hydrocarbons-2 T-27 ENGLISH E-8
(2) Electric current & drift velocity (Punctuation & Spellings) Spellings
Brain and Spinal Cord (Isomerism)
(3) Effects of electric current
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MDCAT-EARLIER PREP-2023 w.e.f (5-06-2023)
Sr# Date Day

Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical

Coordination-4 Current Electricity Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry &
i. Hormones (1) Ohm’s Law Chemistry of Hydrocarbons-3 Sentence Structure-1 Logical
45 19-07-23 Wednesday 35 T-28 LR-3
ii. Endocrine glands (2) Graphical Representation of Ohm's law (Alkanes (free radical substituion) Doubling, Redundancy, Repetition Reasoning Logical Deduction
iii. Feedback mechanism o Positive feedback (3) Combination of resistors Alkenes: Structure, preparation and reactivity)
mechanism o Negative feedback mechanism

Current Electricity
Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical (1) Electrical resistance
Sentence Structure-2
Coordination-4 Specific resistance or resistivity Test and Discussion s and p Block Elements
46 20-07-23 Thursday 36 Run on, Comma splice, Fragment, Error related T-29 CHEMISTRY C6
i. Hormones (2) Effect of temperature on resistance (Temperature (s and p Block Elements + Transition Elements) + Transition Elements
to Modifiers
ii. Endocrine glands coefficient of resistance or resistivity)
(3) Stretching of Wire

Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical Current Electricity

(1) EMF Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry &
Coordination-4 Discussion Test -3
47 21-07-23 Friday 37 (2) Internal resistance of source and consequences on external circuit Chemistry of Hydrocarbons-4 T-30 ENGLISH E-9 Sentence Structure
i. Hormones (Logical Deduction)
(3) Describe condition for maximum power transfer (Structure, preparation and reactivity of Alkynes)
ii. Endocrine glands (4) Combination of Batteries
Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry &
Test and Discussion (1) Electric power(Unit of electric power) Coordination and
48 22-07-23 38
Chemistry of Hydrocarbons-5 Cause & Effect
Saturday (Coordination and Control/Nervous & Chemical Kilowatt-hours T-31 BIOLOGY B-6 Control/Nervous &
(Benzene: Properties, Structure and Stability Course of Action
Coordination) (2) Brightness of Bulbs in series and parallel Chemical Coordination
Reactivity and Reactions of Benzene)
49 23-07-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry &

Reproduction And Support and Movement-1 Chemistry of Hydrocarbons-6
50 24-07-23 Monday 39 Test and Discussion Unit-7 (Current Electricity) Active & Passive Voice T-32 PHYSICS P-7 Current Electricity
i. Male reproductive system (Benzene: Properties, Structure and Stability
Reactivity and Reactions of Benzene)

Reproduction And Support and Movement-2 Electromagnetism Fundemental principles

Test and Discussion
i. Female reproductive system (including menstrual (1) Magnetic field of organic Chemistry +
51 25-07-23 Tuesday 40 (Fundemental principles of organic Chemistry + Direct and Indirect T-33 CHEMISTRY C-7
cycle) (2) Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density Chemistry of
Chemistry of Hydrocarbons)
ii. Sexually transmitted diseases (3) Force on a current carrying conductot in magnetic field Hydrocarbons

(1) Force acting on a charged particle in a uniform
Reproduction And Support and Movement-3 Alcohols and Phenols & Carboxylic Acids-1 Test and Discussion
magnetic field.
52 26-07-23 41
i. Cartilage Classification and Nomenclature of alcohols (Active & Passive Voice + Direct & Indirect) Active & Passive Voice
Wednesday Path followed by charge particle in magnetic field T-34 E-10
ii. Types of joints Prepapration of Alcohols & ENGLISH + Direct & Indirect
(2) Lorentz Force
iii. Gout and arthritis Reactivity of Alcohols (Sentence Structure)
(3) Velocity Selector
(4) e/m of an Electron
53 27-07-23 Thursday Ashura Holidays

Reproduction And Support and Movement-4

i. Types of muscles
Electromagnetic Induction
o Skeletal muscles Alcohols and Phenols & Carboxylic Acids-2 Discussion Test -4
(1) Electromagnetic induction Logical Cause & Effect
54 28-07-23 Friday 42 o Cardiac muscles Nomenclature and Physical Properties of Phenols (Cause & Effect) T-35 LR-4
(2) Motional Emf Reasoning Course of Action
o Smooth muscles Acidity and Reactivity of Phenol (Course of Action)
(3) Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction
i. Structure of skeletal muscles
ii. Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction
Alcohols and Phenols & Carboxylic Acids-3
Electromagnetic Induction
Test and Discussion (Nomenclature, Classification and Physical Properties of Reproduction And
55 29-07-23 Saturday 43 Lenz’s Law and conservation of Energy Non Verbal Reasoning-1 T-36 BIOLOGY B-7
(Reproduction And Support and Movement) Carboxylic Acids, Preparations and Reactivity of carboxylic Support and Movement
Generating electricity - Alternating Current Generator
56 30-07-23 Sunday SUNDAY

Variation and Genetics/Inheritance and Evolution-1

i. Mendel’s law of inheritance o Gregor John Mendel and his
Alcohols and Phenols & Carboxylic Acids-4
work o Mendel’s experiment o Inheritance of single trait o
Electromagnetic Induction (Nomenclature, Classification and Physical Properties of Identification of Parts of Speech
57 31-07-23 Monday 44 Mendel’s principles of inheritance o Inheritance of two traits o T-37 Make-Up Class
Transformer Carboxylic Acids, Preparations and Reactivity of carboxylic (Noun, Pronoun, Article, Adjective)
Law of independent assortment o Scope of independent
assortment in variation o Statistics and probability relevant to

Variation and Genetics/Inheritance and Evolution-2

i. Multiple alleles
Aldehydes and Ketones-1 Identification of Phrases, Clause Electromagnetism+
58 01-08-23 45
ii. Gene linkages and crossing over Test & Discussion Unit-8
Tuesday (Nomenclature and structure of aldehydes and Identification of Sentence T-38 PHYSICS P-8 Electromagnetic
iii. Sex linkages in drosophila (Electromagnetism+ Electromagnetic Induction)
ketones,Preparation of aldehydes and ketones) Induction
iv. Sex linkage in human
v. Genetics of hemophilia

Variation and Genetics/Inheritance and Evolution-3

i. Concepts of evolution
ii. Inheritance of acquired characteristics Electronics Aldehydes and Ketones-2
59 02-08-23 46
Test and Discussion
Wednesday iii. Darwinism (1) Biasing, PN junction (Reactivity of aldehydes and ketones and their T-39 E-11 Identification
(Identification) ENGLISH
iv. Darwin’s theory evolution comparison, Reactions)
v. Neo-Darwinism’s
vi. Evidence of evolution
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Sr# Date Day

Electronics Alcohols and

60 03-08-23 47
Variation and Genetics/Inheritance and Evolution-4 Test and Discussion
Thursday (1) Rectification Vocabulary Words (1-50) T-40 CHEMISTRY C-8 Phenols+Carboxylic
(Alcohols and Phenols+Carboxylic Acids)
Half wave and Full wave rectification Acids

Dawn of Modern Physics

Test and Discussion Aldehydes and Ketones-3 Variation and
(1) Photon (Energy, Mass, Momentum)
61 04-08-23 Friday 48 (Variation and Genetics/Inheritance and (Reactivity of aldehydes and ketones and their Non Verbal Reasoning-1 T-41 BIOLOGY B-8 Genetics/Inheritance
(2) Particle model of light
Evolution) comparison, Reactions) and Evolution
Photoelectric effect

Biodiversity (acellular life/variety of life) Dawn of Modern Physics

Aldehydes and Ketones-4 Logical Non-Verbal
62 05-08-23 49
Kingdom Prokarya-1 (1) Compton Effect Discussion Test -5
Saturday (Reactivity of aldehydes and ketones and their T-42 Reasoning LR-5 C10 Halides+Macromolecule
i. Structure of viruses (2) Pair Production (Non - Verbal)
comparison, Reactions) Chemistry: s
ii. Discovery of viruses (3)De-Broglie wavelength
63 06-08-23 Sunday SUNDAY
Biodiversity (acellular life/variety of life) Alkyl Halides & Macromolecules-1
Kingdom Prokarya-2 Test & Discussion Unit-9 (Classification and Nomenclature of alkyl halides Electronics + Dawn of
64 07-08-23 Monday 50 Vocabulary Words (51-100) T-43 PHYSICS P-9
i. Classification of viruses (Electronics + Dawn of Modern Physics) Discuss Structure and Reactivity of Alkyl Halides) Modern Physics
ii. Viral disease (for example AIDS)

Atomic Spectra
Biodiversity (acellular life/variety of life)
(1) Atomic Spectra/Line Spectrum
Kingdom Prokarya-3 Alkyl Halides & Macromolecules-2 Test and Discussion Vocabulary
65 08-08-23 Tuesday 51 (2) Existance of discrete energy levels in isolated atoms T-44 E-12
i. Cellular Structure of bacteria (Proteins+Enzymes as Biological Catalysts) (Vocabulary) ENGLISH (1-100)
(e.g atomic hydrogen) and deduce how this leads to
ii. Shape and size of bacteria
spectral lines

Nuclear Physics (PART-I)

BIOLOGY Diversity among
Biodiversity (acellular life/variety of life) (1) The atom to include protons, neutrons and electrons.
66 09-08-23 52
Test and Discussion EXTRA animals (The Kingdom
Wednesday Kingdom Prokarya-4 (Atomic Nucleus) Vocabulary Words (101-150) T-45 C-9
(Aldehydes and Ketones) CLASS/CHE Animalia) -1/Aldehydes
i. Importance and control of bacteria (2) Spontaneous and random nuclear decay/ the Law of
MISTRY and Ketones
Radioactive Decay

Nuclear Physics (PART-II)

Test and Discussion Biodiversity (acellular
(1) Spontaneous and random nuclear decay/ the Law of Alkyl Halides & Macromolecules-3
67 10-08-23 Thursday 53 (Biodiversity (acellular life/variety of life) Vocabulary Words (151-208) T-46 BIOLOGY B-9 life/variety of life)
Radioactive Decay
Kingdom Prokarya) Kingdom Prokarya
(2) Interaction of radiation with matter
Nuclear Physics (PART-III)
68 11-08-23 54
Test and Discussion Test and Discussion (101-208)
Friday Diversity among animals (The Kingdom Animalia) -2 Half Life and rate of decay T-47 ENGLISH E-13/C-10
(Halides+Macromolecules ) (Vocabulary) /Halides+Macromolecul
Biological effects of Radiation /CHEMISTRY
Phy: Atomic Spectra +
Test and Discussion
Test & Discussion Unit-10 PHYSICS & P-10 Nuclear Physics
69 12-08-23 Saturday 55 Diversity among animals (The Kingdom T-48
(Atomic Spectra + Nuclear Physics) BIOLOGY B-10 Bio: Diversity among
animals (The Kingdom
70 13-08-23 Sunday SUNDAY

71 14-08-23 Monday INDEPENDENCE DAY

74 15-08-23 Tuesday 58 Full Book Paper - 1
75 16-08-23 Wednesday 59 Full Book Paper - 2
76 17-08-23 Thursday 60 Full Book Paper - 3

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