Lecture5 - Extending in Circular Motion-Update

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Lecture 5

Chapter 6. Circular Motion and Other

applications of Newton’s Laws
6.1 Extending the Particle in Uniform Circular Motion Model
6.2 Nonuniform Circular Motion
6.3 Motion in Accelerated Frames
6.4 Motion in the Presence of Resistive Forces
Analogies Between Linear and
Rotational Motion
Rotational Motion About a Linear Motion with
Fixed Axis with Constant Constant Acceleration

 =  i + t v = vi + at
1 2 1 2
 =  i t + t x = vi t + at
2 2

 =  + 2
v = v + 2 ax
2 2
Relationship Between Angular
and Linear Quantities
► Displacements ► Every point on the
s = r rotating object has the
► Speeds same angular motion
v = r ► Every point on the
rotating object does
► Accelerations
not have the same
a = r linear motion
6.1 Extending the Particle in Uniform Circular
Motion Model
Example1: level curves

Consider a car driving at 20 m/s (~45

mph) on a level circular turn of radius
40.0 m. Assume the car’s mass is
1000 kg.

1. What is the magnitude of

frictional force experienced by
car’s tires?
2. What is the minimum coefficient
of friction in order for the car to
safely negotiate the turn?

Given: 1. Draw a free body diagram, introduce

coordinate frame and consider vertical
masses: m=1000 kg and horizontal projections
velocity: v=20 m/s
radius: r = 40.0m
F y = 0 = N − mg
N = mg

1. f=?
F x = ma = − f
2. m=? v2 (20 m s ) = −1.0 104 N
f = −ma = −m = −1000 kg ✓
r 40 m
2. Use definition of friction force:
f = mmg = m = 10 4 N , thus
r Lesson: m for rubber on dry concrete is 1.00!
1.0 10 4 N rubber on wet concrete is 0.2!
1000 kg 9.8 m s 2
 1.02 ✓ driving too fast…

Is this static or kinetic friction if the car does not slide or skid?

1. Static
2. Kinetic

Is this static or kinetic friction if the car does not slide or skid?

1. Static
2. Kinetic
Example2: banked curves

Consider a car driving at 20 m/s (~45

mph) on a 30° banked circular
curve of radius 40.0 m. Assume
the car’s mass is 1000 kg.

1. What is the magnitude of

frictional force experienced by
car’s tires?
2. What is the minimum coefficient
of friction in order for the car to
safely negotiate the turn?

A component of the normal force adds to the v2

frictional force to allow higher speeds tan  =

Given: 1. Draw a free body diagram,

introduce coordinate frame and
masses: m=1000 kg consider vertical and
velocity: v=20 m/s horizontal projections
radius: r = 40.0m
angle:  = 30° v2
 Fx = −m r cos 30 = − f − mg sin 30
Find: f = m cos 30 − mg sin 30 = 3760 N ✓
1. f=?  Fy = m r sin 30 = N − mg cos 30
2. m=?
N = m sin 30 + mg cos 30 = 1.3 104 N
2. Use definition of friction force:

f = m s N , thus minimal m s is
Lesson: by increasing angle of banking,
f 3760 N
ms = s =  0.28 one decreases minimal m or friction with
N 1.3 10 N
4 ✓ which one can take curve!
Example 6.1 The Conical Pendulum
A small ball of mass m is suspended from a string of length L. The ball revolves
with constant speed v in a horizontal circle of radius r as shown in Figure 6.3.
(Because the string sweeps out the surface of a cone, the system is known as a
conical pendulum.) Find an expression for v in terms of the geometry in Figure
Example 6.1 The Conical Pendulum
A small ball of mass m is suspended from a string of length L. The ball revolves
with constant speed v in a horizontal circle of radius r as shown in Figure 6.3.
(Because the string sweeps out the surface of a cone, the system is known as a
conical pendulum.) Find an expression for v in terms of the geometry in Figure
Example 6.2 How Fast Can It Spin?
A puck of mass 0.500 kg is attached to the end of a cord 1.50 m long. The puck
moves in a horizontal circle as shown in Figure 6.1. If the cord can withstand a
maximum tension of 50.0 N, what is the maximum speed at which the puck can
move before the cord breaks? Assume the string remains horizontal during the
Example 6.2 How Fast Can It Spin?
A puck of mass 0.500 kg is attached to the end of a cord 1.50 m long. The puck
moves in a horizontal circle as shown in Figure 6.1. If the cord can withstand a
maximum tension of 50.0 N, what is the maximum speed at which the puck can
move before the cord breaks? Assume the string remains horizontal during the
Example 6.3 What Is the Maximum Speed of
the Car?
A 1 500-kg car moving on a flat, horizontal road
negotiates a curve as shown in Figure. If the radius of the
curve is 35.0 m and the coefficient of static friction
between the tires and dry pavement is 0.523, find the
maximum speed the car can have and still make the turn

What if? Suppose a car travels this curve on a wet

day and begins to skid on the curve when its speed
reaches only 8.00 m/s. What can we say about the
coefficient of static friction in this case?
Example 6.3 What Is the Maximum Speed of
the Car?
A 1 500-kg car moving on a flat, horizontal road
negotiates a curve as shown in Figure. If the radius of the
curve is 35.0 m and the coefficient of static friction
between the tires and dry pavement is 0.523, find the
maximum speed the car can have and still make the turn
Example 6.3 What Is the Maximum Speed of
the Car?
A 1 500-kg car moving on a flat, horizontal road
negotiates a curve as shown in Figure. If the radius of the
curve is 35.0 m and the coefficient of static friction
between the tires and dry pavement is 0.523, find the
maximum speed the car can have and still make the turn

What if? Suppose a car travels this curve on a wet

day and begins to skid on the curve when its speed
reaches only 8.00 m/s. What can we say about the
coefficient of static friction in this case?
Example 6.4 The Banked Roadway
A civil engineer wishes to redesign the curved roadway in Example 6.3 in such a way
that a car will not have to rely on friction to round the curve without skidding. In
other words, a car moving at the designated speed can negotiate the curve even when the
road is covered with ice. Such a road is usually banked, which means that the roadway is
tilted toward the inside of the curve as seen in the opening photograph for this chapter.
Suppose the designated speed for the road is to be 13.4 m/s (30.0 mi/h) and the radius of
the curve is 35.0 m. At what angle should the curve be banked?
Example 6.4 The Banked Roadway
A civil engineer wishes to redesign the curved roadway in Example 6.3 in such a way
that a car will not have to rely on friction to round the curve without skidding. In
other words, a car moving at the designated speed can negotiate the curve even when the
road is covered with ice. Such a road is usually banked, which means that the roadway is
tilted toward the inside of the curve as seen in the opening photograph for this chapter.
Suppose the designated speed for the road is to be 13.4 m/s (30.0 mi/h) and the radius of
the curve is 35.0 m. At what angle should the curve be banked?
Example 6.5 Riding the Ferris Wheel
A child of mass m rides on a Ferris wheel as shown in Figure 6.6a. The child
moves in a vertical circle of radius 10.0 m at a constant speed of 3.00 m/s.
(A) Determine the force exerted by the seat on the child at the bottom of the
ride. Express your answer in terms of the weight of the child, mg
(B) Determine the force exerted by the seat on the child at the top of the ride
Example 6.5 Riding the Ferris Wheel
A child of mass m rides on a Ferris wheel as shown in Figure 6.6a. The child moves
in a vertical circle of radius 10.0 m at a constant speed of 3.00 m/s.
(A) Determine the force exerted by the seat on the child at the bottom of the ride.
Express your answer in terms of the weight of the child, mg

(B) Determine the force exerted by the

seat on the child at the top of the ride
6.2. Nonuniform Circular Motion
Example 6.6 Keep Your Eye on the Ball
A small sphere of mass m is attached to the end of a cord of length R and set
into motion in a vertical circle about a fixed point O as illustrated in Figure
6.9. Determine the tangential acceleration of the sphere and the tension in
the cord at any instant when the speed of the sphere is v and the cord
makes an angle u with the vertical
Example 6.6 Keep Your Eye on the Ball
A small sphere of mass m is attached to the end of a cord of length R and set
into motion in a vertical circle about a fixed point O as illustrated in Figure
6.9. Determine the tangential acceleration of the sphere and the tension in
the cord at any instant when the speed of the sphere is v and the cord
makes an angle u with the vertical
6.3 Motion in Accelerated Frames
➢ The train moving at constant velocity represents an inertial frame.
An observer on the train sees the puck at rest remain at rest, and
Newton’s first law appears to be obeyed.
➢ The accelerating train is not an inertial frame. There appears to be
no force on the puck, yet it accelerates from rest toward the back of
the train, appearing to violate Newton’s first law.
6.3 Motion in Accelerated Frames

➢Inertial frame
→ The Earth
➢Noninertial frame
→ The car in

Consider a car traveling along a

highway at a high speed and
approaching a curved exit
ramp on the left
Example 6.7 Fictitious Forces in Linear Motion
A small sphere of mass m hangs by a cord from the ceiling of a boxcar that is accelerating to
the right as shown in Figure 6.12. Both the inertial observer on the ground in Figure 6.12a
and the noninertial observer on the train in Figure 6.12b agree that the cord makes an angle
 with respect to the vertical. The noninertial observer claims that a force, which we know
to be fictitious, causes the observed deviation of the cord from the vertical. How is the
magnitude of this force related to the boxcar’s acceleration measured by the inertial
observer in Figure 6.12a?
Example 6.7 Fictitious Forces in Linear Motion
A small sphere of mass m hangs by a cord from the ceiling of a boxcar that is accelerating to the right as
shown in Figure 6.12. Both the inertial observer on the ground in Figure 6.12a and the noninertial
observer on the train in Figure 6.12b agree that the cord makes an angle  with respect to the vertical.
The noninertial observer claims that a force, which we know to be fictitious, causes the observed
deviation of the cord from the vertical. How is the magnitude of this force related to the boxcar’s
acceleration measured by the inertial observer in Figure 6.12a?

a is the
according to the
inertial observer
6.4 Motion in the Presence of
Resistive Forces
Air Resistance and Terminal Speed
In a vacuum, all objects pick up speed at the same rate, and the speed
(velocity) attained is proportional to time almost without limit. But in air, the
effort needed to push the air out of the way increases as the square of the
Fd = density of the air × velocity squared × cross sectional area of the object × drag coefficient

Fd = bv2 Fg = mg
►A paratrooper with a fully loaded pack has a mass of
120 kg. The force due to air resistance has a
magnitude of Fd = bv2, where b = 0.14 N s2/m2.

(a) If he/she falls with a speed of 64 m/s, what is the

force of air resistance?
(b) What is the paratrooper’s acceleration?
(c) What is the paratrooper’s terminal speed?
6.4 Motion in the Presence of Resistive Forces
Example 6.8 Sphere Falling in Oil

A small sphere of mass 2.00 g is released from rest in a large vessel filled with oil,
where it experiences a resistive force proportional to its speed. The sphere reaches
a terminal speed of 5.00 cm/s. Determine the time constant t and the time at
which the sphere reaches 90.0% of its terminal speed
Example 6.8 Sphere Falling in Oil
A small sphere of mass 2.00 g is released from rest in a large vessel filled with oil,
where it experiences a resistive force proportional to its speed. The sphere reaches
a terminal speed of 5.00 cm/s. Determine the time constant t and the time at
which the sphere reaches 90.0% of its terminal speed

Solving a differential equation if v = 0 at t = 0

The terminal speed

The time constant  = m/b

Bài tập cho ví dụ 10: Chứng minh nghiệm của phương trình vi phân

- Giải phương trình vi phân đưa dv, v về một phía, đưa dt về một phía
- Sau đó lấy tích phân hai vế
- Áp dụng các tích phân
lnb = a → ea = b
6.4 Motion in the Presence of Resistive Forces
6.4 Motion in the Presence of Resistive Forces
Example 6.11 Resistive Force Exerted on a Baseball
A pitcher hurls a 0.145-kg baseball past a batter at 40.2 m/s (5 90 mi/h). Find
the resistive force acting on the ball at this speed

The terminal speed vT by noticing that when the gravitational

force is balanced by the resistive force → a = 0

using the
terminal speed
from Table 6.1

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