Rubrics in Storytelling

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Rubrics for Storytelling

Criteria Excellent Above Average Average Poor Very Poor Rating

5 4 3 2 1
Knows the story Knows the story Knows the story Knows some parts Knows small
Mastery very well; did not well; only skipped fairly well; has of the story; has part of the
skipped any part of 1-3 lines of the skipped 4-8 lines skipped 8-12 lines story; has
the story, does not story, pauses in of the story, of the story, has skipped 13 lines
pause in order to order to pauses in order constant pauses in or more of the
remember the line remember the line to remember the order to story, constant
of the story. of the story are line of the story remember the line pauses and
just minimal and are fairly of the story and looking to the
almost not observable. tend to look at the copy are
observable. copy sometime. observable.
With sophisticated Proper Proper Proper Very poor
Voice Quality pronunciation; pronunciation is pronunciation is pronunciation was pronunciation
speaks with clarity observed with observed with attempted with of words; clarity
and with minimal moderate many and modulation
sophisticated mispronounced amount of mispronounced of words was
modulation of words; always mispronounced words; clarity and not observed;
voice; changing of speaks clearly words; usually modulation of does not change
the voice according with modulation speaks clearly words are poor; its voice
to the character of of voice; changing with modulation have attempted to according to the
the story are very of the voice of voice; change voice character of the
effective and according to the changing of the according to the story.
superb. character of the voice according character of the
story are generally to the character story but poorly
effective. of the story was effective.
fairly effective.
The story was The story was The story was The story was The story was
Delivery delivered in a delivered delivered faily delivered poorly. very poorly
sophisticated and effectively. Proper effective. Proper Proper action, delivered.
superb manner. action, hand action, hand hand gesture and Proper action,
With sophisticated gesture, and facial gesture, and facial expression hand gesture
action, hand expression was facial expression was evident but and facial
gesture and facial observed with was observed but was poorly expression was
expression minimal mistake. with moderate executed and not evident.
properly executed. amount of uneffective.
Timeliness Story lasts 3 to 5 Story lasts less Story lasts less Story lasts less Story lasts less
minutes than 150 seconds. than 130 than 110 seconds. than 90
seconds. seconds.
Audience Storyteller looks at Storyteller looks Storyteller looks Storyteller looks Storyteller looks
Contact all the audience. at 70% of the at 50% of the at 30% of the at 10% of the
audience. audience. audience. audience.
Pacing Story told at the Story told at the Story told at the Story told with Story told with
appropriate pace, appropriate pace appropriate pace poor pacing either very poor
depending on the minimal mistake moderate the story was tol pacing
story line. in pacing. mistake in pacing. too fast or too disregarding the
slow. proper pacing
of the story..
Appropriateness The choosen story Most of the story Some of the story Many parts of the Story is
is developmentally is developmentally is story is absolutely
appropriate for appropriate for developmentally developmentally inappropriate
audience. audience. appropriate for inappropriate for for the
audience. audience. audience.
Props are very Props are creative, Some props are Uses some props Uses a very
Props sophisticated, attractive and creative, but most of the minimal
creative, attractive appropriate to the attractive, and props were amount of
and appropriate to story but some appropriate to distracting and props or no
the story. It was props were not the story but not appropriate to props at all.
utilized in the story utilized effectively some were not. the story and Does not utilize
in outstanding in the course of Some of the were utilized the props
manner. the story. props were not poorly in the effectively in
utilized course of the the story.
effectively in the story.

Total Score: __________

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