Imagery Rubric

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Name _______________________________________

Imagery Assignment Rubric

10 8.5 7 Not Yet
 Images fully  images illustrate  Images illustrate  No images are
illustrate key most of the key one of two items included, or the
elements of elements of directly mentioned images show no
characters, setting, character, setting, in the quoted text. relationship to the
Imagery and events in the and events in the  A couple additional quoted text.
quoted text. quoted text examples of  No additional
from the
 Images are detailed  Some additional imagery were examples of
Story and include many examples of included. imagery are
additional imagery outside included.
examples of the quoted text are
imagery besides included.
the quoted text.
 The quote chosen  The quote chosen  The quote chosen  Quote is clearly not
is an outstanding is a good example shows some an example of
example of of imagery. imagery. imagery.
Textual imagery.  The quote was  The quote might  Possibly, no quote
Evidence  The quote was cited mostly have some errors was included.
cited exactly correctly. There in citation.
correct. might be some
small errors.
 Outstanding work  Good effort was  Some effort was  Very little effort was
effort! It was easy made and the work made, but work given so the work
to imagine the matched the does not match the does not match the
story from the student’s ability. student’s ability. student’s ability.
Quality of pictures.  The images are  The work showed
Work  The images are neatly drawn. some parts, but the
neatly drawn. student’s thinking
 The images show wasn't clear.
great attention to  There was no
detail. attention to detail.
 All work was  Most of the work  About half of the  The student did not
completed was completed work was follow directions
Accuracy correctly according correctly according completed when completing
to the directions. to the directions. correctly according this assignment.
to the directions.

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