There is no assurance that a person will always be on top since the worlds is crucial and
always on edge. It’s like a roller coaster ride which is filled with twist and turns. At one point, a
person is on top, later he/she is at the bottom. Where survival of the fittest is the rule, he/she
should be alert and always prepared for whatever battle may come.
provides an effective transitional phase for students. The program helps in producing quality
graduates. It enables them to translate the knowledge they gained from school to actual field
setting. It provides opportunities and enables them to defend themselves against any possible
The effectiveness of the practicum program proven as the interns were able to apply the
knowledge in estimating, site safety, and also to the construction materials and testing. All the
theories they learned in estimating are applied. Having achieved the 100 minimum hours of
internship, the trainees have a good relationship with their supervisor and employees.
Despite the benefits that the interns get from the on-the-job training, complication may
still arise due to unfavorable circumstances and used them in improving themselves by applying
their knowledge and skills they acquired along the way. This is the essence of internship – to
prepare the students for the profession and the more competitive environment ahead of them as
Producing a globally competent graduates who will contribute to the progress of the
country is the key goal of Central State Luzon University. The College of Engineering assists the
University in achieving their goals. From teaching with experience based knowledge to
providing opportunities for the application of the theories learned, the students are prepared for
the endeavors they will face in the future. The college takes all opportunities to meet the
organization’s key results areas. Hence, the college requires its students to undergo the practicum
program which serves as transition from formal classroom scenario to real field setup.
Given the experience gained from the internship program designed by the college,
recommendation are provided in this manuscript to further improve the quality and efficiency of
the system as well to provide pieces of advices to the future trainees. All recommendation
mentioned below are based on the trainees experience during their field practice at Tierra de