Skinny Helpers Cheat Sheet
Skinny Helpers Cheat Sheet
Skinny Helpers Cheat Sheet
By Marie Fitzgerald
Millions of Americans struggle with losing weight each year, yet many of them don’t realize a lot
of their struggles could stem from their digestive tract - specifically in your gut. An improperly
balanced gut can make it difficult to lose weight and can cause other unwanted health issues.
FloraSpring is a great way to help balance your gut’s ecosystem, so you can maintain a higher
ratio of good microbes. Four specific types of gut microbes, which we refer to as your “skinny
helpers” can help level out and reduce the amount of bad bacteria, or “chubby bugs”.
Killing off these chubby bugs and increasing your skinny helpers is essential to meet your weight
loss goals.
That’s why we created this easy-to-follow cheat sheet that lists the best ways to help keep your
skinny helpers happy and flourishing, so you can finally keep off the excess weight.
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Most westerners don’t have a set bedtime or wake time, which makes it hard to get the right
amount of sleep. But did you know that figuring out how much sleep you need for your body to
function properly is an important step to balancing your gut’s microbes?
So why is sleep so important? When your body is at rest, it goes through a repair process that is
crucial to keeping your skinny helpers happy and healthy. While the average optimal sleep time
ranges between 7-8 hours per night, it’s estimated that most Americans get one hour less of
sleep time than we actually need.
Not getting enough sleep prevents your body from fully repairing gut tissue, which puts your
skinny helpers at risk. Deep sleep allows your body to release a hormone that aids in growth
when you’re a child, and is also responsible for repairing cells while we sleep. Without deep
sleep, your body cannot completely repair damages.
Lack of sleep also leads to higher cortisol levels, which is bad for your good gut microbes,
including the 4 “skinny helpers” in FloraSpring.
Why? Cortisol is the hormone your body releases when stressed, which often leads to even more
stress.Just like people, skinny helpers crave a comfortable, stable environment to live in. A
disrupted, stressful gut hurts your skinny helpers and, worst of all, gives your chubby bugs the
perfect environment to thrive within.
All of that extra stress is caused by simply not getting enough sleep. So give your body a break
and try getting at least one extra hour each night.
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Traveling can also impact your gut. When we travel, we’re often rushing to airports, trains, or to
get on the road, leading to increased stress.
Sticking to itineraries, worrying about presentations, or making sure you remembered to pack
every essential can be stressful, and your skinny helpers take notice.
If you’re flying, your gut is in for more of a shock. Due to the high altitude, flying can cause severe
constipation for many travelers, which can wreak havoc on your gut’s overall health.
This is because higher altitudes have lower air pressure, which means less oxygen is being
absorbed into your body. This results in slower blood movement throughout your intestines,
which causes nausea and even constipation.
You’re also more susceptible to catching viruses and bugs when on a plane, since you’re in a
smaller, confined space with dozens of strangers. All of these excess foreign germs and bad
bacteria wreak havoc on your gut and can decrease your number of “skinny helpers.”
When traveling, people tend to not eat as well as they do at home. From grabbing greasy airport
food to indulging in excess alcohol and treats, all of that vacation food makes it difficult for your
gut to maintain a balanced level of skinny helpers and other good microbes.
Why? Grease is extremely hard for your body to digest, as we discuss in our Booster Guide,
which places a huge burden on your gut and makes it easier for chubby bugs to take over.
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When you indulge in alcohol, you’re allowing toxins and more bad bacteria access to your gut,
which in turn, depletes your skinny helpers and allows your chubby bugs to multiply.
Luckily, there are ways to avoid major gut problems while traveling.
Trying to coach yourself to stay calm if you’re an anxious flyer or stressed out traveler can help
keep your gut happy.
Try listening to soothing music or making a checklist that will bring you comfort every time you
check an item off.
When flying, be sure to drink plenty of water (more than usual), even if you’re only on a short
flight. This can help combat constipation and keep your gut functioning normally. Chia seeds
and hot water with lemon can also be sure to help combat constipation.
Feel free to indulge in vacation food, but ensure you take FloraSpring daily to help boost your
gut’s good bacteria.
If you’re going out for lunch and dinner, try to eat a balanced breakfast along with FloraSpring to
ensure your gut health starts out on a good note.
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While you don’t have to adhere to a strict diet to help FloraSpring do its job, there are some
foods to avoid and to indulge in to help kill off your body’s bad bacteria, or chubby bugs.
●● Sugar – of course you can indulge in sweets from time to time, but processed sugar hides
in many processed foods and likely some of your favorite drinks. Try cutting back on how
much sugar you indulge a day to see great results for your gut. Alternatives like monk fruit
and xylitol are preferred, but should still be enjoyed in moderation.
Serving recommendation: 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories per day for men.
●● Hard Alcohol – it’s fine to have a glass of red wine per day, but if you’re trying to improve
your gut’s function and kill off chubby bugs, don’t make drinking tons of hard alcohol a
regular habit. Alcohol disrupts your skinny helpers, giving the chubby bugs an opening to
reproduce and thrive. Also, Dr. Steven Masley notes that, “Drinking alcohol can decrease
inhibitions and promote snacking, and provide unwanted calories.”
Serving recommendation: 1 glass of red wine per day is fine. If you can’t stick to this, then
cut out alcohol entirely when trying to lose weight and reintroduce it once you’re back in
the maintenance phase.
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●● Fermented foods – from sauerkraut and kimchi to pickles and yogurt, fermented foods are
some of the best gifts you can give to your gut. Fermented foods are good for your skinny
helpers, because they have lactic acid. This lactic acid not only helps preserve fermented
foods, it also creates gut-boosting nutrients (including its own probiotics) that help your
skinny helpers thrive. Fermented foods also work well with probiotics like FloraSpring, but
need to be eaten consistently to really help your gut’s good bacteria thrive.
●● Pistachios – when it comes to nuts, pistachios offer an incredible prebiotic power. Prebiotics
are fiber that our bodies cannot digest. So why do we want them? Because prebiotics are
what skinny helpers eat once they enter your gut. The more prebiotics you have, the more
effective your skinny helpers, and the happier they are. By incorporating this delicious snack
into your routine, your gut will quickly become healthy and able to fight off those pesky
chubby bugs.
Serving recommendation: a few every other day; they’re a healthy fat, but will cause weight
gain if you eat too many.
●● Dark chocolate – this sinfully delicious food is high in the prebiotic fiber that your gut
craves, which will boost FloraSpring’s power, and keep your skinny helpers working hard
for you. Look for dark chocolate that’s sweetened naturally, with dates or honey, and that
contains at least 74% cocoa.
●● Polyphenols – blueberries, apples, hazelnuts, and green tea are all polyphenols.
Polyphenols refer to a class of chemical compounds found in plants. Polyphenols contain
multiple phenol units on the molecular level. Most polyphenols can be easily identified by
taste - they offer have a strong bite or slight sour taste that will make your lips pucker. But
these slightly bitter foods will become your skinny helpers new best friends, since they are
high in prebiotics.
pg. 8
There are many chemicals that are dangerous to our gut’s good bacteria, such as bleach,
ammonia, and formaldehyde, as well as dyes and artificial fragrances. And many of them are
living unassumingly within your home. Let’s find out why.
Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. While probiotics support life and good bacteria
growth, antibiotics eliminate all bacteria, bad and good. The problem with this is that many
cleaners are antibacterial, which means they eliminate both skinny helpers and chubby bugs,
which isn’t doing your gut any favors. They can actually impact your gut health simply by
But don’t panic. There are actually healthy and reliable alternatives to those chemical laden
cleaners you love.
●● Hydrogen Peroxide – this household staple is actually one of the most reliable cleaners,
beating out top “non-healthy” brands like Lysol Disinfectant Spray and Purell Surface.
●● Seventh Generation Cleaners – this green cleaner has been found to do a really great job.
While it doesn’t kill 100% of germs or bacteria (which you don’t want anyway!), it does stand
up to top name brands and even beats a few top contenders!
●● Probiotic Cleaners – this solution may sound strange at first, but if probiotics help your gut,
why can’t they also help your home? Probiotic cleaners are great because they’re highly
concentrated (lasting a long time), they continue to work long after your stop cleaning,
they’re natural and non-toxic, and they’re great for your gut! On the downside, they may
initially be more expensive and can’t be used on stone or wood, but as a general all-
purpose cleaner, probiotics do an amazing job! A popular probiotic cleaner you can find in
most stores is P2 Probiotic Cleaners.
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Your body is covered in useful microbes that help your body digest food and fight off diseases.
Unfortunately, many hand soaps can destroy. Just like antibacterial cleaners kill all bacteria
- good and bad - antibacterial and overly strong soaps can disrupt your body’s delicate
Here are some soaps you should avoid buying to prevent from killing off your skinny helpers:
●● Antibacterial soaps - these soaps kill 99.9% of all bacteria. The 1% they don’t kill is generally
the strongest types of bad bacteria, which is why they aren’t as wonderful as they seem.
Plus, they destroy your good bacteria, as well.
●● Artificially scented soaps - if the scent isn’t one that comes from an essential oil, it’s not
natural. Even if it is a traditional scent like lavender, vanilla, or lemon, don’t ever assume it’s
natural without confirming in the ingredient list. Scented soaps (including laundry soap) can
dry out and irritate our skin. It also exposes your skin and body to a variety of chemicals
that won’t be kind to your good bacteria.
●● Sanitizers - just like antibacterial soaps, these sanitizers aren’t doing your hands or body any
favors. No only will they kill off good bacteria, they’ll also dry out your skin and expose you
to toxic chemicals.
Here are some good options to choose when looking to replace traditional hand, body, or
laundry soaps:
●● Castile soap - this natural soap, like Dr. Bronner’s , comes in liquid or bar form and comes
in natural essential oil scents or scent free. It’s safe enough to use on babies and can be
used to wash your whole body and even your laundry. Since it’s chemical free and entirely
natural, you can rest easy knowing your skinny helpers are safe.
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●● Jojoba oil – if you’ve never heard of oil cleansing, or have oily skin, this suggestion may
sound scary at first. Oil cleansing goes against the norms of mainstream cleaning, but
is one of the best and safest methods to remove oil and grime from your face. The best
substance to break down the oil on your face is oil, not water (which is the main ingredient
is most traditional soaps). Many types of oils and oil mixtures can be used, but pure,
organic jojoba oil is an oil that’s great for all skin types. That’s because jojoba’s chemistry
is similar to that of the sebum our skin naturally produces. This means it won’t clog your
pores and cause breakouts, which is great news for those with oily skin.
To oil cleanse, simply rub oil all over your face and spend 1-2 minutes rubbing it in. Once
your face is saturated, take a washcloth and run it under warm to hot water. Then place the
cloth over your face and allow the steam to help the oil work its magic. Rinse and pat dry.
●● Probiotic soap - probiotic soaps, like Dr. Ohhira’s , actually help your skin and body by
adding a boost of probiotics to help you skinny helpers. This soap is natural and gentle
and won’t ruin your skin’s natural balance.
You don’t have to switch your entire health and beauty routine all at once. Try making small
changes, like incorporating organic oils or natural soaps into your facial routine and see how
your body responds.
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Now that you know more about
what helps your skinny helpers
thrive in your gut, you can use this
information to make FloraSpring
that much more powerful and life-
changing for you. Making simple
changes, such as incorporating
healthy snacks like blueberries
and pistachios, and eliminating
processed foods and sugary sweets,
will go a long way.
You don’t have to make all of these changes at once or completely alter your diet to enjoy the
benefits of FloraSpring. Just try to incorporate these changes little-by-little in your life, and
eventually you’ll see even bigger results with FloraSpring than you ever imagined. You’ll feel a lot
better, look great, and have more energy than you’ve had for years.
And to make the most out of your FloraSpring, be sure to check out our Booster Guide and
Miracle Microbe Cook Book, along with the Minute-Burn Master Course.
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