Solutions Manual 4th Edition
Solutions Manual 4th Edition
Solutions Manual 4th Edition
Fourth Edition
Solutions Manual
Graham Barnes
2 Soil description and classification
3 Permeability and seepage
4 Effective stress and pore pressure
5 Contact pressure and stress distribution
6 Compressibility and consolidation
7 Shear strength
8 Shallow foundations – stability
9 Shallow foundations – settlement
10 Pile foundations
11 Lateral earth pressure and retaining structures
12 Slope stability
13 Earthworks and soil compaction
Soil Mechanics Principles and Practice Graham Barnes
Fourth Edition
Exerci Solution
Volume of gravel = (m4 – m1) – (m3 – m2)
= (1870.6 – 845.2) – (2346.0 – 1608.7) = 1025.4 – 737.3 = 288.1 cm3
mass of gravel = m2 – m1 = 1608.7 – 845.2 = 763.5 g
s = 763.5 = 2.65 g/ cm3 or Mg/m3
Mass retained Mass passing
Sieve size % passing
g g
20 0 2105.4 100
14 18.9 2086.5 99.1
10 67.4 2019.1 95.9
6.3 44.2 1974.9 93.8
3.35 75.8 1899.1 90.2
2 122.1 1777.0 84.4
1.18 193.7 1583.3 75.2
600 240.0 1343.3 63.8
2.2 425 282.2 1061.1 50.4
300 242.1 819.0 38.9
212 233.7 585.3 27.8
150 265.3 320.0 15.2
63 240.0 80.0 3.8
tray 80.0
ms = 537.5 g mw = 544.4 g V0 = 250ml wax G s = 0.90
volume of soil lump = 250 – 544.4 – 537.5 = 242.33 cm3
bulk density b = ms = 537.5 × 10
6 = 2.218 Mg/m3, say 2.22 Mg/m3
V 242.33 × 106
Bulk weight density = 2.218 × 1000 × 9.81 = 21.76 kN/m3, say 21.8 kN/m3
Water content = 537.5 – 479.2 × 100 = 12.17 %, say 12.2 %
Exerci Solution
Dry densityd = b = 2.218 = 1.977 Mg/m3, say 1.98 Mg/m3
1 + w 1 + 0.122
Dry weight density = 1.977 × 1000 × 9.81 = 19.39 kN/m3
From Table 2.19
b = Gsw (1 + w )
(1 + e)
1 + e = 2.72 × 1.0 × 1.122 = 1.376 void ratio e = 0.376, say 0.38
n = e = 0.376 = 0.273, say 0.27
1 + e 1.376
Sr = w Gs × 100 = 0.122 × 2.72 × 100 = 88.3 %, say 88%
e 0.376
Av = n (1 Sr) = 0.273 (1 – 0.883) × 100 = 3.2 %
The degree of saturation would be 100 %
Sr = wGs = 100
w = e × 100 = 0.376 × 100 = 13.82 %, say 13.8 %
Gs 2.72
b = Gsw (1 + w) = 2.72 × 1.0 × 1.1382 = 2.25 Mg/m3
(1 + e) 1.376
Av = n (1 Sr)
e = Av + w Gs = 0.05 + 0.135 × 2.68 = 0.4335
1 Av 1 – 0.05
b = 2.68 × 1.0 × (1 + 0.135) = 2.122 Mg/m3 , say 2.12 Mg/m3
1 + 0.4335
Exerci Solution
Plastic limit = 26.6 + 27.3 = 26.95, say 27 %
2.7 Plasticity index = 55 – 27 = 28 %
Classification is CH
Liquidity index = 35 – 27 = 0.29 Consistency index = 55 – 35 = 0.71
28 28
35.5 21.7
Volumetric shrinkage 100 38.9%
Assuming the soil at the liquid limit is fully saturated
2.9 57.20 37.39
Mass of solids 37.39g Volume of solids 13.90ml
1 0.52 2.69
At the shrinkage limit mass of water 37.39 0.16 5.98g volume of water 5.98ml
Volume air 21.7 - 13.90 - 5.98 1.82 ml
Av 100 8.39%
k = Q l = 200 × 10
3 × 100 × 4 = 8.6 × 102 mm/s = 8.6 × 105 m/s
Aht × 75 × 234 × 225
a = × 4 2 = 12.57 mm2 A =
× 100 2 = 7854.0 mm2
4 4
k = 2.3 × 12.57 × 120 log10 (950/740) = 2.7 × 105 mm/s = 2.7 × 108 m/s
7854 30 × 60
Exerci Solution
koverall = Q l = 100 × 10
3 × 100 × 4 = 4.5 × 103 mm/s = 4.5 × 106 m/s
A h t × 75 × 672 × 745
kv =
Lsand + Lsilt d Lsand = 95 mm Lsilt = 5 mm ksand = 8.6 × 105 m/s
Lsand /ksand + Lsilt/ksilt
4.5 = 95 + 5
d ksilt = 2.4 × 104 mm/s = 2.4 × 107 m/s
10 95 × 10 /8.6 + 5/ksilt
3 2
At top of clay total head = 5.0 + 5.0 = 10.0 m
At base of clay total head = 3.0 m
Head difference = 10.0 – 3.0 = 7.0 m
i = 7.0 = 1.4
q = 100 × 100 × 5 × 1.4 × 1000 × 60 × 60 × 24
= 60480 litres/day = 60.48 m3/day
Hc = 4.0 – 0.5 = 3.5 m
Case B f = 2.75
k = = 2.5
q d
f d Hc 1000 × 60 × 2.75 × 0.15 × 3.5
= 2.9 × 105 m/s
q = 540 litres/min
k = 540 loge (37.0/11.0) = 8.6 × 104 m/s
1000 × 60 × 2 × × 4.5 × 0.45
Figure 3.43
Exerci Solution
datum at base of gravel
q = 3 × 7.5 × 3 × 1000 × 60 = 5.1 litres/min/m, say 5 litres/min/m
105 8
3.8 3 6
Shape factor is the same 3/8 k overall 1.34 10 4 m/s
10 5 10 4
q = 1.34 × 7.5 × 3 × 1000 × 60 = 22.6 litres/min/m, say 23 litres/min/m
Exerci Solution
Consider last block for boiling condition l = 1.8 m h = 7.5/8 = 0.938 m
Upward seepage force = w × h × l × 1 = 9.8 × 0.938 × 1.8 × 1
= 16.55 kN
Downward seepage force = bgravel × l × 1.0 × 1 +subsand × l × l × 1
= 20.5 × 1.8 × 1.0 × 1 + (19 – 9.8) × 1.8 × 1.8 × 1 = 36.9 + 29.8 = 66.7 kN
16.55 kN << 66.7 kN ULS verified.
See Worked example 3.12 for comments on this inequality.
Consider block 2.0 m × 4.0 m for heaving
mean head hm = 1.41 + 2.81 = 2.11 m
upward force = 9.8 × 2.11 × 2.0 × 1 = 41.4kN
Downward force = 20.5 × 1.0 × 2.0 × 1 + (19 – 9.8) × 3.0 × 2.0 × 1 = 41.0 + 55.2 = 96.2 kN
41.4 kN < 96.2 kN ultimate limit state (ULS) verified
Applying partial factor G;dst on destabilising action of 1.335 in the UK National Annex
Design upward force = 41.36 × 1.335 = 55.2 kN
partial factor G;stb on stabilising action is 0.90 in the UK National Annex
Design downward force = 96.2 × 0.90 = 86.6 kN
55.2 kN < 86.6 kN ULS verified. See Worked example 3.11 for comments on this inequality.
Note: without gravel 55.2 kN > 49.7 kN (55.2 × 0.90) kN ULS is not verified.
Exerci Solution
3.10 head difference h = 8.0 m
nf = 2.5 nd = 16
q = 5 × 8.0 × 2.5 × 60 × 60 × 1000
106 16
= 22.5 litres/hour/m
Along the slip surface
Elevation Pressure Pore
Total head
Location head head pressure
m m kPa
1 5.6 5.6 0 0
13 8.0 × 0/16 = 0 0 0 0
D15soil = 0.15 mm D85soil = 2.1 mm
Minimum D15filter = 5 × D15soil
= 5 × 0.15 = 0.75 mm
Maximum D15filter = 5 × D85soil
Exerci Solution
= 5 × 2.1 = 10.5 mm
< 5% fines
Total stress = 5 × 9.8 + 5 × 18 = 139 kPa
4.1 Pore pressure = 10 × 9.8 = 98 kPa
Effective stress = 139 – 98 = 41 kPa
Total stress = 5 × 18 = 90 kPa
4.2 Pore pressure = 5 × 9.8 = 49 kPa
Effective stress = 90 – 49 = 41 kPa
Top of sand
Total stress = 5 × 21
= 105 kPa
Pore pressure = 3 ×
9.8 = 29.4 kPa
Effective stress = 105
– 29.4 = 75.6 kPa
Bottom of sand
Total stress = 5 × 21 + 5 × 18 = 195 kPa
Pore pressure = 8 × 9.8 = 78.4 kPa
Effective stress = 195 – 78.4 = 116.6 kPa
Exerci Solution
At 2 m
Total stress = 2 × 16.5 = 33 kPa
Pore pressure = –1 × 9.8 = –9.8 kPa
Effective stress = 33 – – 9.8 = 42.8 kPa
At 5 m
Total stress = 2 × 16.5 + 3 × 18 = 87 kPa
Pore pressure = 2 × 9.8 = 19.6 kPa
Effective stress = 87 – 19.6 = 67.4 kPa
Before pumping
a) top of clay 1.0 × 16.5 + 3.0 × 18 – 3 × 9.8 = 41.1 kPa
b) middle 1.0 × 16.5 + 3.0 × 18 + 2.5 × 21 – 5.5 × 9.8 = 69.1 kPa
c) bottom of clay 1.0 × 16.5 + 3.0 × 18 + 5.0 × 21 – 8 × 9.8 = 97.1 kPa
Immediately after pumping
a) top of clay 3.0 × 16.5 + 1.0 × 18 – 1.0 × 9.8 = 57.7 kPa
b) middle 69.1 kPa (no change)
c) bottom of clay 97.1 kPa (no change)
a) top of clay 57.7 kPa
b) middle 3 × 16.5 + 1 × 18 + 2.5 × 21 – 3.5 × 9.8 = 85.7 kPa
c) bottom of clay 3 × 16.5 + 1 × 18 + 5 × 21 – 6 × 9.8 = 113.7 kPa
Note: change in effective stress = 16.6 kPa throughout
= 2 × 9.8 – 2 × (18 – 16.5) = 19.6 – 3 = 16.6 kPa
Exerci Solution
Change in effective stress = 2 × 9.8 = 19.6 kPa
At 2 m
Present v´ = 2 × 19.5 = 39.0 kPa Past maximum v´ = 2 × 19.5 = 39.0 kPa
OCR = 39.0 = 1.0
At 6 m
Present v´ = 6 × 19.5 – 4 × 9.8 = 77.8 kPa Past maximum v´ = 6 × 19.5 = 117.0 kPa
4.7 OCR = 117.0 = 1.50
At 20 m
Present v´ = 20 × 19.5 – 18 × 9.8 = 213.6 kPa
OCR = 252.8 = 1.18
Vertical effective stress v´ = 6 × 20.5 – 4.5 × 9.8 = 78.9 kPa
Horizontal effective stress H´ = 120 – 4.5 × 9.8 = 75.9 kPa
K0 = 75.9 = 0.96
For normally consolidated clay K0 ≈ 1 – sin´ = 1 – sin25o = 0.577
clay is overconsolidated
Exerci Solution
From middle load, equation 5.1
3Pz 3
2R 5
Stress beneath middle load = 59.7 + 1.1 + 1.1 = 61.8 kPa, say 62 kPa
Exerci Solution
2Pz 3
From middle load v
R 4
Stress beneath middle load = 159.2 + 6.4 + 6.4 = 172.0 kPa
Beneath centre
½= tan–1(4/5) = 38.7o = 77.3o = 1.349 radians
= –½= – 38.7o
From Figure 5.5
v = 80/ [1.349 + sin77.3 × cos0] = 59.2 kPa
Beneath edge
= 0 = tan–1(8/5) = 58.0o = 1.012 radians
From Figure 5.5
v =
5.3 80/
[1.012 + sin58 × cos58] = 37.2 kPa
4m from edge
= tan–1(4/5) = 38.66o
= tan–1(12/5) = 67.38o
= 67.38 – 38.66 = 28.72o = 0.501 radians
From Figure 5.5
v = 80/ [0.501 + sin28.72 × cos(28.72 + 2 × 38.66)] = 9.4 kPa
Exerci Solution
Beneath centre
v´ = 0.48 × 105 = 50.4 kPa
Beneath corner
v´ = 0.20 × 105 = 21.0 kPa
At A
At centre finite thickness
From Figure 5.10 I = 0.515
At corner
z/h = 6/12 = 0.5 L/B = 2 h/B = 12/6 = 2 From Figure 5.10 I= 0.22
v´ = 0.22 × 105 = 23.1 kPa, say 23 kPa
At centre
Exerci Solution
From Figure 5.13 I = 0.43
v´ = 0.43 × 105 = 45.2 kPa, say 45 kPa
Final void ratio ef = 0.273 × 2.70 = 0.737
e 1 e
Pressure Thickness H
e ef
kPa mm mm
0 19.0 – – 0.856
25 18.959 0.041 0.004 0.852
50 18.918 0.082 0.008 0.848
100 18.836 0.164 0.016 0.840
200 18.457 0.543 0.053 0.803
6.1 400 17.946 1.054 0.103 0.753
800 17.444 1.556 0.152 0.704
200 17.526 1.474 0.144 0.712
25 17.669 1.331 0.130 0.726
0 17.782 1.218 0.119 0.737
Exerci Solution
OCR = 125 = 2.19, say 2.2
increment H Hi
0 – 25 0.041 19.0 25 0.086
25 – 50 0.041 18.959 25 0.087
50 – 100 0.082 18.918 50 0.087
100 – 200 0.379 18.836 100 0.201
200 – 400 0.511 18.457 200 0.138
400 – 800 0.502 17.916 400 0.070
From the graph
At p0´ = 57 kPa e = 0.847
Atv´ = 107 kPa e = 0.839
At v´ = 157 kPa e = 0.820
For increment p0´ + 50
mv = 0.847 – 0.839 × 1 × 1000 = 0.087 m2/MN
1.847 50
For increment p0´ + 100 mv = 0.847 – 0.820 × 1 × 1000 = 0.146 m2/MN
1.847 100
Exerci Solution
At v´ = 200 kPa e = 0.803
At v´ = 400 kPa e = 0.753
At v´ = 800 kPa e = 0.704
Pressure increment
Compression index Cc
Cc = 0.803
– 0.753 = 0.166
200 – 400
Cc = 0.753
– 0.704 = 0.163
400 – 800
Cc = 0.803
– 0.704 = 0.164
200 – 800
say Cc = 0.164
18.50 17.76
H0 = 18.50 mm Hf = 17.76 mm H 18.13mm
d 9.065mm t 90 3.35 t90 = 11.22 mins
Exerci Solution
× 9.065 2 × 60 × 24 × 365 = 3.26 m2/yr, say 3.3 m2/yr
cv = 0.848
11.22 1000 × 1000
Split the clay into 2 m thick sublayers
mv H
1 0.22 22
3 0.18 18
5 0.14 14
7 0.1 10
9 0.06 6
= 70 mm
Initial excess pore pressure = 50 kPa
Remaining pore pressure = 50 × (1 – 0.76) = 12.0 kPa
b) × 6 = 0.167
Tv = 12 Z = 1 Uv = 0.17
62 × 12
Remaining pore pressure = 50 × (1 – 0.17) = 41.5 kPa, say 42 kPa
v = 3 × 9.8 = 29.4 kPa H = 0.45 × 29.4 × 5 = 66.1 mm d = 5/2 = 2.5 m
time t = 6/2 + 20 = 23 weeks
× 23 = 0.389
Tv = 5.5
2.52 × 52
0.389 π U v
U v 0.704
U v 60% use 0.389 1.781 0.933log10 100 U v
log10 (100 – – 0.389 = 1.492
U ) = 1.781
v U v = 69%
Exerci Solution
settlement = 0.69 × 66 = 46 mm
t = 0.848 × 2.5 2 = 0.96 years = 50.1 weeks
time from start of pumping = 50.1 + 6/2 = 53.1 weeks
For 1dimensional consolidation alone
Exerci Solution
Height of embankment = 6 + H
required Uoverall = 521 – 50 = 0.904 time required = ½ + 2 = 2.5 months
× 2.5 = 0.0123
Tv = 2.5 4Tv
Uv 0.125
6.52 × 12 π
(1 – 0.904) = (1 – 0.125) (1 – Ur)Ur = 0.890 R = 0.525s 2rw = 2 × (70 + 8) rw = 24.8 mm
Tr = cH t = 7.0
× 2.5 = 1.323 1.323
4R2 4× (0525s)2 × 12 s2 Tr
1.323 n Tr
15 0.547 0.709 1.555
20 0.626 0.946 1.454
25 0.687 1.182 1.388
30 0.737 1.418 1.34
40 0.817 1.891 1.273
From graph s = 1.35 m
Peak strength f = cp´ + N´ tanp´ = 5 + (185 – 90) × tan 29o = 57.7 kPa
Residual strength f = cr´ + N´ tanr´ = 0 + (185 – 90) × tan 12o = 20.2 kPa
v´ = 122 – 32 = 93 kPa H´ = 97 – 32 = 65 kPa
Apex of Mohr circle
= v ́ – H´ = 93
– 65 = 14 kPa
2 2
Exerci Solution
at the normal stress of v ́ + H´ = 93
+ 65 = 79 kPa
2 2
at failure f = c´ + N´ tan´ = 8 + 79 tan 28o = 50 kPa
50 >> 14 soil is not at failure
+ 3f´ + (93
f´ = 93 – 3f´) cos (90 + 28)
2 2
= 46.5 + 0.53f´ – 21.8 + 0.2353f´ = 24.7 + 0.7353f´
3f´ = 0.361 × 93 – 2 × 8 × 0.361 = 24 kPa
1´ 3
1 – 3 u 1 1´ 3´ s´ t´ p´ q
0 300 450 150 150 1.00 150 0 150 0
68 315 518 203 135 1.50 169 34 158 68
117 319 567 248 131 1.89 190 59 170 117
7.4 146 312 596 284 138 2.06 211 73 187 146
171 301 621 320 149 2.15 235 86 206 171
190 287 640 353 163 2.17 258 95 226 190
198 275 648 373 175 2.13 274 99 241 198
M = (q/p´)max = 198 = 0.822
Exerci Solution
= l = l A0 = × 38 2 = 1134.1 mm2
l0 76 4
A = A0 (1 – ) 1 – 3 = F
7.7 Cell
l Force Area 1 – 3 cu
mm N % mm2 kPa kPa
100 11.4 331 15.0 1334.2 248.1 124
200 9.6 309 12.6 1297.6 238.1 119
400 8.5 312 11.2 1277.1 244.3 122
3 1 – 3 u 1 1´ 3´ s´ t
350 143 326 493 167 24 96 72
400 208 354 608 254 46 150 104
500 312 418 812 394 82 238 156
Exerci Solution
3 1 1 – 3 t s´
100 344 244 122 222
200 644 444 222 422
300 940 640 320 620
0.10 = × (5.704 – 5.011)
= 0.10 = 0.144, say 0.14 N = 1.75 + 0.144 ln150 = 2.47
qf´ = 368 kPa 1´ = 368 + 300 = 668 kPa
pf´ = 1/3(668 + 2 × 300) = 422.7 kPa
M = 368 = 0.87
3´ = 150 kPa M = 0.87 qf´ = Mpf´
Exerci Solution
qf´ = 3 = 0.87
pf´ pf´ = 450 = 211.3 kPa qf´ 0.87 × 211.3 = 183.8 kPa
pf´ – p0´ pf´ – 150 2.13
3´= 150 kPa pf´ = 211.3 kPa
3´= 150 kPa
vf = v0 = 1.75 vf = + ln pf´ (on CSL)
– 1.75 = 4.306
ln pf´ = 2.37 pf´ = 74.1 kPa
qf´ = M qf´ = 0.87 × 74.1 = 64.5 kPa, say 65 kPa
– 1.65 = 5.000
ln pf´ = 2.37 pf´ = 148.4 kPa
qf = M pf´ = 0.87 × 148.4 = 129.1 kPa, say 129 kPa
1´ – 3´ = 129.1 kPa
Exerci Solution
pf = p0´ + 1/3 qf =300 + 1/3 × = 343.0 kPa
u = pf – pf´ = 343.0 – 148.4 = 194.6 kPa
Combination 1
Net Ed = 1.35 × 2925 + 1.5 × 1225 + q – q = 5786.25 kN, say 5786 kN
Ed < Rd (5786.3 < 7178)
Combination 2
Net Ed = 1.0 × 2925 + 1.3 × 1225 + q – q = 4517.5 kN, say 4517 kN
Ed < Rd (4517.5 < 5127.2)
ULS is verified
Combination 1 Combination 2
5786 = B2 × 95 × 5.14 × 1.2 4517.2 = B2 × 95 × 5.14 × 1.2
1.0 1.4
B2 = 9.87 B = 3.14 m B2 = 10.79 B = 3.29 m
For Combination 2 B = 3.29 m, say 3.3 m
Combination 1
´ = 25o Nc = 20.7 Nq = 10.7 N= 9.1
sq = 1 + sin 25o = 1.423 s = 0.7
sc = (1.423 × 10.7 – 1) = 1.467
(10.7 – 1)
Net Rd = c´ Nc sc + q´ Nq sq + 0.5´ B´ N sw hw – q
q´ = 1.5 × 20.5 – 1.0 × 9.8 = 20.95 kPa ´ = 20.5 – 9.8 = 10.7 kN/m3
Exerci Solution
= 121.5 + 319.0 + 112.5 + 9.8 – 30.75 = 532.0 kPa
Net Rd = 532.0 × 3.3 = 5794.0 kN
5786 < 5794 ULS verified, but see below
Combination 2
sq = 1 + sin 20.46o = 1.35 s = 0.7
sc = (1.35 × 6.7 – 1) = 1.41
(6.7 – 1)
= 69.0 + 189.5 + 53.1 + 9.8 – 30.75 = 290.65 kPa
4517.5 > 3165.2 ULS not verified
Exerci Solution
q´ = 1.5 × 20.5 = 30.75 kPa ´ = 20.5 kN/m3
Combination 1
= 121.5 + 468.2 + 215.5 – 30.75 = 774.45 kPa
8.5 5786 < 8434 ULS verified
Combination 2
= 69.0 + 278.1 + 101.8 – 30.75 = 418.15 kPa
4517.5 < 4553.7 ULS verified
Exerci Solution
Combination 1
= 1.0 ´ = 38o Nq = 48.9 N= 74.9
q´ = 2.0 × 19.5 – 1.5 × 9.8 = 24.3 kPa ´ = 19.5 – 9.8 = 9.7 kN/m3
Combination 2
= 1.25 tan38o/1.25 = 0.625 d = 32.0o Nq = 23.2 N = 27.7
= 762.8 + 322.4 + 14.7 – 39.0 = 1060.9 kPa
Combination 1
Ed = 1.35 × 2150 + 1.5 × 350 = 3427.5 kN
Net Rd = 2523.0 × 3.0 × 4.5 = 34060.5 kN
R = Rd = 34060.5 = 9.94
Ed 3427.5
Combination 2
Ed = 1.0 × 2150 + 1.3 × 350 = 2605.0 kN
Net Rd = 1060.9 × 3.0 × 4.5 = 14322.2 kN
R = Rd = 14322.2 = 5.50
Ed 2605.0
Exerci Solution
Combination 1
Design vertical load =125 × 1.35 + 45 × 1.5 = 236.25 kN
Total vertical load = 77.45 + 236.25 = 313.7 kN
313.7 × e = 236.25 × 0.45 + 13.65 × 0.925 – 32.55 × 0.475 = 103.48 kNm
e = 103.48 = 0.330 m
B´ = 2.5 – 2 × 0.33 = 1.84 m sc = sq = s = 1.0
q = q´ = 1.5 × 22 = 33 kPa ´ = 22 – 9.8 = 12.2 kN/m3
Rd = 399.46 ×1.84 = 735.0 kN
Net design load = 313.7 –1.84 × 22 = 273.2 kN
273.2 < 735.0 ULS verified
Combination 2
Design vertical load =125 × 1.0 + 45 × 1.3 = 183.5 kN
Total vertical load = 77.45 + 183.5 = 260.95 kN
260.95 × e = 183.5 × 0.45 + 13.65 × 0.925 – 32.55 × 0.475 = 79.74 kNm
Rd = 235.83 ×1.89 = 445.7 kN
8.8 219.4 < 445.7 ULS verified
Exerci Solution
Combination 1
Design vertical load = 2925 × 1.35 + 1225 × 1.5 = 5786.25 kN
Design horizontal load = 150 × 1.35 + 50 × 1.5 = 277.50 kN
Total vertical load = 489.06 + 5786.25 = 6275.31 kN
e = 277.50 × 3.3 = 0.146 m
L´ = 3.8 – 2 × 0.146 = 3.51 m B´ = 3.30 m sc = 1 + 0.2 × 3.30 = 1.188
i c 0.5 0.5 1 0.932
3.3 3.51 95
Net Rd = 95 × 5.14 × 1.188 ×0.932 = 540.65 kPa iiiii
iA´ 1.0
Rd = 540.65 ×3.3 ×3.51 = 6262.35 kN
6026.3 < 6262.35 ULS verified
Combination 2
Design vertical load = 2925 × 1.0 + 1225 × 1.3 = 4517.50 kN
Design horizontal load = 150 × 1.0 + 50 × 1.3 = 215.0 kN
Total vertical load = 489.06 + 4517.50 = 5006.56 kN
e = 215.0 × 3.3 = 0.142 m
L´ = 3.8 – 2 × 0.142 = 3.52 m B´ = 3.30 m sc = 1 + 0.2 × 3.30 = 1.188
Exerci Solution
i c 0.5 0.5 1 0.949
3.3 3.52 95
8.9 4756.8 > 4567.4 ULS not verified
Combination 2
Design vertical load = 2925 × 1.0 + 1225 × 1.3 = 4517.50 kN
Design horizontal load = 150 × 1.0 + 0 × 1.3 = 150.0 kN
Total vertical load = 489.06 + 4517.50 = 5006.56 kN
e = 150.0 × 3.3 = 0.099 m
L´ = 3.8 – 2 × 0.099 = 3.60 m B´ = 3.30 m sc = 1 + 0.2 × 3.30 = 1.183
8.10 Net vertical load = 5006.56 – 3.3 × 3.6 × 21.5 = 4751.1 kN
i c 0.5 0.5 1 0.966
3.3 3.6 95
Net Rd = 95 × 5.14 × 1.183 ×0.966 = 398.6 kPa iiiii
iA´ 1.4
4751.1 > 4735.4 ULS still not verified; change size of foundation (width or length)
Combination 1
Design horizontal load = 277.50 kN
Design resistance = A´ cud = 3.3 × 3.51 × 95 = 1100.4 kN
277.50 < 1100.4 ULS verified
Combination 2
Exerci Solution
Design horizontal load = 215.0 kN
Design resistance = A´ cud = 3.3 × 3.52 × 95 = 788.2 kN
215.0 < 788.2 ULS verified
For centre
From Figure 9.2 Is = 0.93
× 5 × 0.93 × 1000 = 27.9 mm, say 28 mm
icentre = s0centre = 120
20 × 1000
9.1 For corner
From Figure 9.2 Is = 0.36
× 5 × 0.36 × 1000 = 10.8 mm, say 11 mm
icorner = s0corner = 120
20 × 1000
L/B = 2
H/B = 20/5 = 4 Is = 0.93
× 5 × (0.93 – 0.45) × 1000 = 14.4 mm, say 14 mm
icentre = s0centre = 120
20 × 1000
H/B = 20/5 = 4 Is = 0.36
Exerci Solution
× 5 × (0.36 – 0.09) × 1000 = 8.1 mm, say 8 mm
icorner = s0corner = 120
20 × 1000
differential settlement of pipe = 14 – 8 = 6 mm
From Table 9.2 for L/B = 2 r ≈ 0.75
rigid = 0.75 × 27.9 = 20.9 mm, say 21 mm
Alternstively from equation 9.21
rigid = (2 × 27.9 + 10.8)/3 = = 22.2 mm, say 22 mm
× 5 × 0.6 × 1000 = 36.0 mm
i = s0 = 120
10 × 1000
For corner L/B = 2 H/B = 20/5 = 4 B = 5 m
× 5 × 0.20 × 1000 = 12.0 mm
i = s0 = 120
10 × 1000
a) elastic
× 4 × 0.93 × 1000 = 18.6 mm, say 19 mm
i = s0 = 40
8 × 1000
b) with yield
From Figure 9.8, F = 3 fy = 1.5
y = 1.5 × 18.6 = 27.9 mm, say 28 mm
Exerci Solution
Assume 2 m thick layers
Layer p0´ P w0 e0 e H
1 1 18.5 70 0.680 40 1.080 0.102 98.0
2 3 55.5 40 0.236 35 0.945 0.035 36.4
9.6 3 5 82.7 25 0.115 31 0.837 0.017 18.7
4 7 100.1 15 0.061 28 0.756 0.009 10.4
Say 164 mm
Layer mv H
1 1 70 0.76 106.4
2 3 40 0.68 54.4
9.7 3 5 25 0.60 30.0
4 7 15 0.52 15.6
206.4 × 0.8 = 165.1 mm, say 165 mm
For centre
– 4 × 8 = 1.0 From Figure 9.15 Is = 0.67
L/B = 2 H/B = 20/8 = 2.5 B = 8 m = 28
24 8
– 4) = 8 MPa
D/B = 4/8 = 0.50 From Figure 9.6 0 = 0.93 Ef = 4 + 4 × (28
× 8 × 0.67 × 0.93 × 1000 = 43.6 mm, say 44 mm
T = s1 = 70
8 × 1000
For corner
– 4 × 8 = 1.0 From Figure 9.15 Is = 0.225
L/B = 2 H/B = 20/8 = 2.5 B = 8 m = 28
24 8
D/B = 4/8 = 0.50 From Figure 9.6 0 = 0.93
× 8 × 0.225 × 0.93 × 1000 = 14.6 mm, say 15 mm
T = s1 = 70
8 × 1000
Exerci Solution
First 5 years s = s2 = 8 × 1000 × 1.5 × log10 (5/1) = 83.9 mm, say 84 mm
After 30 years s = s2 = 8 × 1000 × 1.5 × log10 (30/1) = 177.3 mm, say 177 mm
C1 = 1 – 0.5 × 39 = 0.918 C2 = 1.0 (shortterm) Izmax = 0.5 + 0.1 (51/107.1)0.5 = 0.569
Iz z = 0.569 × 1.5 × B × ½ + (0.569 – 0.1) × 0.5 × B × ½ + 0.1 × 0.5 × B
9.10 = 0.594B = 0.594 × 10 = 5.94 m
× 1.0 × 51 × 5.94
i = 0.618 × 1000 = 18.7 mm, say 19 mm
2.5 4 × 1000
longterm C2 = 1 + 0.2 log10 (10 × 30) = 1.495 T = 1.495 × 18.7 = 28.0 mm
Burland and Burbridge
Ic = 1.71 = 0.068
Immediate i = 1.0 × 1.0 × (90 – 2/3 × 39) × 100.7 × 0.068 = 21.8 mm, say 22 mm
Longterm ft = 1 + 0.3 + 0.2log10 (30/3) = 1.5
T = 1.5 × 21.8 = 32.7 mm, say 33 mm
Rs;1,k = × 0.75 × 7.0 × 1.0 × 50 = 824.7 kN Rs;2,k = × 0.75 × 4.0 × 0.5 × 120 = 565.5 kN
Rs;k = 1390.2 kN
Exerci Solution
Combination 1
Alternative 1 From the UK National Annex for n = 4 3 = 1.38 4 = 1.29
Rc;dmean = 477.1× 134 × 1.1 + 824.7 × 63 × 1.1 + × 0.75 × L × 0.5 × 134 × 1.1
120 1.38 50 1.38 1.38
= 424.7 + 828.3 + 125.8L
Rc;dmin = 477.1× 103 × 1.1 + 824.7 × 42 × 1.1 + × 0.75 × L × 0.5 × 103 × 1.1
120 1.29 50 1.29 1.29
= 349.2 + 590.7 + 103.5L
Alternative 2 Model factor = 1.4
Combination 2
Alternative 1 use the minimum values
Alternative 2 Model factor = 1.4
170.4 + 368.2 + 63.1L < 1529.5 L ≥ 15.7 m
Exerci Solution
(Rc;m)mean = (2160 + 2040 + 2280 + 2310 + 2450)/5 = 2248 kN (Rc;m)min = 2040 kN
Rc;k = lowest of 2248 × 1.1 and 2040
× 1.1 = 1831.7 and 2077.8 kN
1.35 1.08
Rc;k = 1831.7 kN
Operative shaft length L = 18 – 2 = 16 m
Characteristic cuk at base = 75 + 4 × 18 = 147 kPa
Average cuk at midlength of shaft = 75 + 4 × 10 = 115 kPa
Minimum strength cuz = 68 + 2.5z
Mean strength cuz = 88 + 5z
Alternative 1
Rc;dmean = 163.0 × 9 × × 0.45 2 + 128.0
× 0.65 × 14 × × 0.45 = 117.0 + 952.4 = 1069.4 kN
1.33 × 1.5 × 4 1.33 × 1.3
Alternative 2 model factor = 1.2
Rc;d = 809.6 kN
Exerci Solution
v´ at 1.5 m = 1.5 × 19.5 = 29.25 kPa
Rc;d = 1123.2 + 700.4 = 1823.6 kN, say 1824 kN
1.0 1.0
Combination 2
Rc;d = 1123.2 + 700.4 = 471.9 + 333.5 = 805.4 kN, say 805 kN
1.4 × 1.7 1.4 × 1.5
Combination 1
for the downdrag load Dd = 233.9 × 1.0
for the ultimate limit state Fd + Dd ≤Rc;d
Rc;d = Rc;k = 1044.8 = 1044.8 kN
t 1.0
787.5 + 233.9 = 1021.4 kN 1021.4 < 1044.8 ULS verified, but see below
Combination 2
for the downdrag load Dd = 233.9 × 1.25 = 292.4 kN
Exerci Solution
for the ultimate limit state Fd + Dd ≤Rc;d
Rc;d = Rc;k = 1044.8 = 522.4 kN
t 2.0
606.0 + 292.4 = 898.4 kN 898.4 > 522.4 ULS not verified
Combination 1 Combination 2
G = 1.35 = 1.0 R = 1.0 G = 1.0 = 1.25 R = 1.0
Design active force Design active force
Design active moment Design active moment
point of application = 184.63 = 1.43 m point of application = 162.08 = 1.48 m
129.0 109.62
Exerci Solution
Combination 1 Combination 2
At 2m H’ = 3.852 × 38.0 = 146.38 kPa At 2m H’ = 3.021 × 38.0 = 114.80 kPa
At 5m H’ = 3.852 × 68.6 = 264.25 kPa At 5m H’ = 3.021 × 68.6 = 207.24 kPa
Assume water table is the characteristic Assume water table is the characteristic
u = 3 × 9.8 = 29.4 kPa u = 3 × 9.8 = 29.4 kPa
Design passive force Design passive force
Design passive moment Design passive moment
Combination 1
Sand Clay
At 2m V’ = 2 × 19.0 = 38.0 kPa
H’ = 0.26 × 38.0 = 9.88 kPa
At 3m V’ = 2×19.0 + 1 × 10.2 = 48.2 kPa
Sand H’ = 0.260 × 48.2 = 12.53 kPa
Clay H’ = 0.390 × 48.2 – 2 × 12 × 0.390 = 3.8 kPa
At 5m V’ = 48.2 + 2 × (21.5 – 9.8) = 71.6 kPa
H’ = 0.390 × 71.6 – 2 × 12 × 0.390 = 12.94 kPa
Assume water table is the characteristic
u = 3 × 9.8 = 29.4 kPa
Exerci Solution
Design active force kN lever arm m Design active moment kNm
1.35 × 9.88 3.67 48.95
1.35 × 9.88 2.50 33.35
1.35 × 1.325 2.33 4.17
1.35 × 7.6 1.0 10.26
1.35 × 9.14 0.67 8.22
1.35 × 44.1 1.0 59.54
110.61kN 164.49 kNm
point of application = 164.49 = 1.49 m
Combination 2
Design active force kN lever arm m Design active moment kNm
12.58 3.67 46.17
12.58 2.50 31.45
1.685 2.33 3.93
18.78 1.0 18.78
10.93 0.67 7.32
44.1 1.0 44.1
100.66 kN 151.75 kNm
point of application = 151.75 = 1.51 m
Exerci Solution
Design active force kN lever arm m Design active moment kNm
1.35 × 7.98 3.67 39.54
1.35 × 15.96 1.50 32.32
1.35 × 9.64 1.0 13.01
1.35 × 44.1 1.0 59.54
104.87 kN 144.41 kNm
point of application = 144.41 = 1.38 m
Combination 2 d = 30.17o / = 0.66 From Figure 11.11 Ka = 0.285
Design active force kN lever arm m Design active moment kNm
10.83 3.67 39.75
32.49 1.50 48.74
13.08 1.0 13.08
44.1 1.0 44.1
100.50 kN 145.67 kNm
Point of application = 145.67 = 1.45 m
Combination 1
G = 1.0 Q = 0 favourable design surcharge = 10 × 0 = 0 kPa behind wall
g f = 1.0
Weight Distance Moment
from O
Base 1.0 × 3.8 × 25 95.0 1.90 180.5
Stem 0.8 × 5.0 × 25 100.0 1.90 190.0
Backfill 1.5 × 5.0 × 21 157.5 3.05 480.4
Exerci Solution
From Figure 11.11 Ka = 0.190
Total horizontal thrust = 17.1 + 71.82 = 88.9 kN
Shear force = 88.9 × tan37 = 67.0 kN
Shear force moment = 67.0 × 3.8 = 254.6 kNm
Resisting moments = 180.5 + 190.0 + 480.4 + 254.6 = 1105.5 kNm
194.9 < 1105.5 ULS verified
Total V = 95.0 + 100.0 + 157.5 + 67.0 = 419.5 kN
Resisting force = 419.5 × tan25 = 195.6 kN
88.9 kN < 195.6 kN ULS verified
Bearing pressure (including surcharge)
Resultant moment = 180.5 + 190.0 + 480.4 + 254.6 + 68.6 – 194.9 = 979.2 kNm
qmax = 442.0
× (1 + 6 × 0.315) = 174.2 kPa qmin = 442.0 × (1 – 6 × 0.315) = 58.5 kPa
1 × 3.8 3.8 1 × 3.8 3.8
Combination 2
G = 1.0 Q = 1.3 unfavourable = 1.25
Exerci Solution
Total horizontal thrust = 20.28 + 98.28 = 118.56 kN
Shear force = 118.56 × tan31.08 = 71.46 kN
Shear force moment = 71.46 × 3.8 = 271.56 kNm
Resisting moments = 180.5 + 190.0 + 480.4 + 271.6 = 1122.5 kNm
257.4 kNm < 1122.5 kNm ULS verified
Total V = 95.0 + 100.0 + 157.5 + 71.5 = 424.0 kN
Resisting force = 424.0 × tan20.46 = 158.2 kN
118.6 kN < 158.2 kN ULS verified
Bearing pressure (including surcharge)
Resultant moment = 180.5 + 190.0 + 480.4 + 271.6 + 59.5 – 257.4 = 924.6 kNm
Distance of V from O = 924.6 = 2.085 m
Eccentricity e = 2.085 – 1.9 = 0.185 m
qmax = 443.5
× (1 + 6 × 0.185) = 150.8 kPa qmin = 443.5 × (1 – 6 × 0.185) = 82.6 kPa
1 × 3.8 3.8 1 × 3.8 3.8
qmean = 443.5 = 129.3 kPa
Exerci Solution
F = 1.2 (CIRIA 104, Table 5) worst credible parameters, permanent works
Design tan = tan27
o = 0.425 design = 23.0o
Exerci Solution
Force 0 d d2 d3
1 5.06
2 182.40 76.0 7.60
3 113.77 77.69 17.51 1.30
4 287.73 196.39 44.24 3.28
5 – 76.5 – 10.25
6 – 24.5 – 3.28
totals 588.96 350.08d – 31.65d2 – 8.95d3
= 0
65.81 + 39.12d – 3.54d2 – d3 = 0 by trial d = 5.58 m, say 5.6 m
Total thrust Pp = 5 + 6 = 476.4 + 152.6 = 629.0 kN
Anchor force T = (788.4 – 629.0) × 2.5 = 398.5 kN, say 399 kN
× 3 = 49.09 kN
Design tensile strength = 300 × 60
1.1 1000
Exerci Solution
Lej = 8.0 – 3.14 = 4.86 m
tan = 0.6 × tan37o = 0.452 = 24.3o, say 25o
for inextensible reinforcement – coherent gravity method
K0 = 1 – sin = 1 – sin37o = 0.398
Ka = 1 – sin37 o = 0.249
1 + sin37o
equation 11.76 Tj = 0.381 × 0.7 × 19 × 0.6 = 3.04 kN
3.04 kN > 2.78 kN state is breached by pullout
determine required length of reinforcement TAj = Tj
length of reinforecement = 5.31 + 3.14 = 8.45 m, say 8.5 m
With hw = 0 F = c ´ + tan
´cos 2sub z
z sin cos
At 4.0 m o × cos 2 14 o × 9.2 × 4.0 = 1.23
F = 5 + tan 26
19 × 4.0 × sin14o cos14o
Exerci Solution
At 2.0 m od = 1.51 = 1.21
At 4.0 m od = 1.23 = 0.98
At 6.0 m od = 1.13 = 0.90
At 2.0 m with seepage through the suction zone
F = c ´ + tan
´cos 2 z + whs )
z sin cos
At 4.0 m ‘dry’ slope with z = hw
F = c ´ + tan
´cos 2z
z sin cos
F = 5 + tan 26 o × cos 2 14 o × 19 × 4.0 = 2.24
19 × 4.0 × sin14o cos14o
At 6.0 m wet slope with hw = 4.0 m
F = 5 + tan 26 o × cos 2 14 o × ( 19 × 6.0 – 9.8 × 6.0 + 9.8 × 4.0) = 1.81
19 × 6.0 × sin14o cos14o
Exerci Solution
b h W
12.5 Slice bsec Wsin
m m kN
1 0.5 0.14 1.3 25 0.55 0.55
2 1.5 1.05 29.1 20 1.60 9.95
3 1.5 2.55 70.8 12 1.53 14.7
4 1.5 3.70 102.7 4 1.50 7.2
5 1.5 4.60 127.6 +4 1.50 8.9
6 1.5 5.50 152.6 11.5 1.53 30.4
7 1.5 5.90 163.7 19 1.59 53.3
8 1.5 5.80 161.0 28 1.70 75.6
9 1.5 4.85 134.6 37 1.88 81.0
10 1.5 3.50 97.1 47 2.22 71.0
11 1.5 1.50 41.6 60.5 3.05 36.2
18.65 324.0
F = cu × b sec
cu = F ×W
sin × 324.0 = 17.4 kPa, say 17 kPa
= 1.0
W sin bsec 18.65
From Taylor’s curves Ns = 0.157
cumin = 0.157 × 1.0 × 18.5 × 6.0 = 17.4 kPa, say 17 kPa
Exerci Solution
b h W Wsin
Slice bsec
m m kN
1 2.3 0.85 39.1 33 2.74 21.3
2 2.0 2.60 104.0 23 2.17 40.6
3 2.0 4.20 168.0 13 2.05 37.8
4 2.0 5.50 220.0 5 2.01 19.2
5 2.0 6.50 260.0 +5 2.01 22.7
6 2.0 7.15 286.0 13 2.05 64.3
7 2.0 7.45 296.0 23 2.17 115.7
8 2.0 7.4 296.0 33 2.38 161.2
9 2.0 6.8 272.0 44 2.78 188.9
10 2.0 4.9 196.0 59 3.88 168.0
24.24 601.9
Pw = ½ w zc
= ½ × 9.8 × 3.02 = 44.1 kN at yc = 2.0 + 2.0 = 4.0 m
Radius R = 13.0 m
× 35 × 24.24 = 11029 = 1.378, say 1.38
F = 13.0
13.0 × 601.9 + 44.1 × 4.0 8001
= 21.8o D = 14/7 = 2.0 Ns = 0.165
od = cuk = 55 = 1.79
Nscuk H 0.165 × 1.4 × 19 × 7.0
Nsd = 38 = 0.162 From chart slope angle = 30o
1.4 × 21 × 8
A = c´b + (W – ub) tan
Exerci Solution
B = sec
1 + tan
F = A × B ccc
F = 1.30 F = 1.40
Slice b h W u A B A × B B A × B
1 3.0 0.4 26.6 14.8 6.8 3.9 16.3 1.15 18.8 1.14 18.6
2 3.0 1.55 103.2 8.8 15.8 13.8 39.1 1.07 41.8 1.07 41.8
3 3.0 2.85 189.8 2.9 9.6 23.7 66.8 1.02 68.1 1.02 68.1
4 3.0 3.90 259.7 +2.9 +13.1 30.6 87.9 0.98 86.1 0.98 86.1
5 3.0 4.55 303.0 8.8 46.4 34.4 106.4 0.96 102.1 0.96 102.1
6 3.0 49.5 329.7 14.8 84.2 35.5 117.9 0.94 110.8 0.95 112.0
7 3.0 5.05 336.3 20.9 120.0 33.3 124.3 0.94 116.9 0.95 118.1
8 3.0 4.70 311.7 27.3 143.0 27.2 122.0 0.94 114.7 0.95 115.9
9 3.0 3.87 257.7 34.1 144.5 15.9 111.4 0.96 106.9 0.98 109.2
10 3.0 2.52 167.8 41.5 111.2 0 90.8 1.00 90.8 1.02 92.6
11 1.45 0.85 56.6 47.8 41.9 0 32.0 1.05 33.6 1.07 34.2
672.1 889.7 898.7
Initial F = 1.30 F = 889.7 = 1.324
Initial F = 1.40 F = 898.7 = 1.337 say F = 1.32
Exerci Solution
Wsin C ×
Slice b h W u C D
1 3.0 0.4 26.6 14.8 6.8 3.9 13.0 1.153 15.0
2 3.0 1.55 103.2 8.8 15.8 13.8 31.3 1.077 33.7
3 3.0 2.85 189.8 2.9 9.6 23.7 53.5 1.021 54.6
12.11 4 3.0 3.90 259.7 +2.9 +13.1 30.6 72.7 0.982 74.0
5 3.0 4.55 303.0 8.8 46.4 34.4 85.2 0.954 81.3
6 3.0 49.5 329.7 14.8 84.2 35.5 94.3 0.937 88.4
7 3.0 5.05 336.3 20.9 120.0 33.3 99.4 0.932 92.6
8 3.0 4.70 311.7 27.3 143.0 27.2 97.0 0.937 90.9
9 3.0 3.87 257.7 34.1 144.5 15.9 89.1 0.955 85.1
10 3.0 2.52 167.8 41.5 111.2 0 72.7 0.993 72.2
11 1.45 0.85 56.6 47.8 41.9 0 14.2 1.041 14.8
672.1 687.8
od = 687.8 = 1.023
Exerci Solution
F = 1.20 F = 1.30
Slice b h W u A B A × B B A × B
1 8.0 2.03 308.6 12.0 64.2 19.9 103.4 1.105 114.3 1.099 113.6
2 8.0 5.04 766.1 2.4 32.1 49.4 197.4 1.016 200.6 1.002 197.8
3 8.0 6.70 1018.4 7.2 127.6 65.7 249.2 0.965 240.5 0.968 241.2
4 8.0 7.00 1064.0 16.9 309.3 63.7 275.3 0.944 259.9 0.951 261.8
5 8.0 5.75 874.0 27.2 399.5 41.7 269.4 0.951 256.2 0.963 259.4
6 6.0 2.35 267.9 37.1 161.6 3.4 135.1 0.989 133.6 1.005 135.8
901.7 1205.1
Initial F = 1.20 F = 1205.1 = 1.34
Initial F = 1.30 F = 1209.6 = 1.34
For M = c = = = 1.25 od = 1.34 = 1.072
Exerci Solution
a = 31.6 b = 5/6.4 = 0.78
Table 13.4 sensitivity is moderate
Exerci Solution
a) shrinkage factor SF = b = 1.86 = 0.94 or 94%
c 1.98
required volume of cutting = 15450 = 16447 m3
b) load factor LF = m = 1.67 = 0.898
b 1.86
13.3 machine load in bank m3 = 15 × 0.898 = 13.47 m3
total number of loads = 16447 = 1221
× 4 × 60 × 0.75 = 303.1 bankm3/hour
c) Hourly production = 13.47
Total time required = 16447 = 54.3 hours
wopt = 18.5 % dmax = 1.756, say 1.76 Mg/m3
Exerci Solution
b = d (1 + w) = 1.76 × 1.185 = 2.086 Mg/m3
2.086 = 2.72 × (1 + 0.185) e = 0.545
1 + e
Av = 0.353 × (1 – 0.923) × 100 = 2.7 %
19.7 1
Dry mass density of 20mm 1.8091 Mg/m 3
9.81 1 0.11
Corrected dry density 1.8091 0.74 0.26 1.8091 1.8162 Mg/m 3
13.6 2.65
Corrected bulk density 1.8162 1 0.11 2.016 Mg/m 3 or 2.016 9.81 19.78kN/m 3
19.78 19.7
Density and settlement increased by 100 0.39%