Pay Roll System Project
Pay Roll System Project
Pay Roll System Project
software will make the whole pay-roll system speedier and will guarantee on time salary to
employees without any redundancy and delays. Moreover, it will certainly reduce the time,
money and effort wasted in manual searching for leaves, deductions, grade allocation and
designation allocation.
Existing System:
The Existing system is in fact very slow and highly delays prone. As the data stored is done
manually, it takes a lot of time to process any query regarding information of any employee.
The financial head has to search for a particular employee grade, leaves, designation and
calculate the deductions before issuing him the pay slip. It requires huge man power if the
data management may prevail which can create faulty pay slips.
Proposed system:
The proposed software will remove any kind of redundancies and inconsistencies prevailing in
the existing system by providing a fully computerized pay roll management system. The
software will hold all the employee’s personal details, along with his grade, designation, leaves
and other deductions. The reports and the pay slips can be generated with a single mouse click.
The GUI of the software is very user friendly, easy to navigate and can easily be managed by a
System specifications:
There are essentially two modules of this software which are further broken into sub-modules;
1. Registration module: In this module, new entries will be created and modified. It is
Employee Master: Here all the details of the employee like address, DOB, Date of
joining are stored here. He is allotted grade and designation through this
Deductions master: Here all the deductions will be calculated. Leave deductions,
Department master: New departments are added here and updations and
Grade Master: Here new grades can be created as well as allocated to the
existing employees.
2. Reports Module: The reports module is responsible for report generation based on the
specified category. The categories are employee wise reports, grade wise reports,
department wise reports, grade wise repots and pay-slip report. Pay-slip generation is
Hardware configuration
RAM 128 MB
Hard disk 20 GB
CD drive 32 Hz
Software configuration
Backend Oracle