Baby Names

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START WITH A Anant - infinite

Anantram - eternal god

Abhay - fearless Anagh - sinless
Abhijat - noble, wise Angada - bracelet, brother of Wali &
Abhijay - total victory Sugreev
Abhijit /Abhijeet - one who is victorious, a Angak - son
star Anil -God of wind
Abhinav - quite new Anilkumar - son of wind ( Hanuman )
Abhinandan - congratulation Animesh - one with big beautiful eyes
Abhilash - wish / desire Anirudhha - independent, unstoppable
Abhisar - companion Anish - supreme
Abhishek - shower of milk / water over an Anjan - eye liner
idol Ankit - conquered
Achal - stable/ soul Ankur - sprout
Achalraj - Himalayan mountain Ankush - control
Achintya - beyond comprehension Anoop / Anup - incomparable, the best
Achyuta - indestructible, one who is firm Anuj - later born, younger
Adarsh - ideal Anupam - incomparable
Aditya - sun Anurag - attachment, devotion, love
Agastya - a saint in Hindu mythology Anshu - ray of light
Agendra - Himalayan mountain Anshul - radiant, bright or intelligent
Agraj - leader, senior person
Aghosh - quiet, soundless Anshuman - Sun
Aagney - born from fire Apoorva / Apurva - extraordinary
Ajatashatru - without enemies Arihant - one who has killed his enemies
Ajay - unconquerable, invincible Arjun - peacock
Ajar - one who is not old Arnav - ocean, sea
Ajit / Ajeet - unconquerable Arun - sun
Ajitabh - one who has conquered the Arvind - lotus
sky Arya - true, well mannered, one who hails
Akash - sky from a noble family ( a King).
Akhilesh - lord of the universe Ashish - blessing
Akshay - indestructible, immortal Ashok - one without sorrow
Akshat - uninjurable, one who cannot Ashutosh - one who becomes happy
be harmed easily, Shiva
Alok - cry of victory, invisible Ashwatthama - fiery tempered
Aalok - a ray of light Ashwini - one of the constallations
Amal - bright, clean, pure Ashvin - a cavalier
Amar - forever, immortal Atmajyoti - light of soul ( atma)
Ambar - sky, cloth cover Atal - stable, unavoidable
Ambuj - born from water, lotus Ateet - past
Ambud - cloud Atul - matchless
Ameya - boundless, magnanimous Atulya - unweighable, incomparable
Amish - honest Avichal - unmovable
Amit - endless, boundless Avinash - indestructible
Amitabh - one with endless splendor Avanindra - king of the earth
Amitava - same as Amitabh Avanish - God of the earth
Amitesh - infinite god
Amogh - unerring START WITH B
Amod - happiness
Amol - priceless, valuable
Amrit - nectar Badrinath .... Lord of Mount Badri, Vishnu
Amulya - priceless Badri prasad .... Gift of Badri
Anand - bliss Balraj .... mighty, powerful
Anandmoorti - happiness personified Balram .... Lord Krishna's brother
Balveer .... powerful ( Balbeer ) ( Bhuvaneshwar )
Baldev .... Godlike in power, Balram Bindusar .... an excellent pearl
Balaaditya .... rising sun Bipin .... forest
Balachandra .... young moon Bhamhaghosh .... chanting or recitation of
Balendu .... young moon Vedas
Balakrishna .... young Lord Krishna Bhamhanand .... happiness for knowledge
Balamani .... young jewel Brijmohan .... Lord Krishna
Balamohan .... one who is good looking, Brijkishor .... Lord Krishna
attractive Brijnandan .... Lord Krishna
Balaji .... name of Lord Vishnu Brijesh .... God of the land of Brij
Balashankar .... young Lord Shiva Buddhadev .... Wise person, Gautam
Bankimchandra .... half moon Buddha
Bansi .... flute Buddhapriya .... one liked by Buddha
Bansilal .... Lord Krishna Budhil .... wise person
Barindra .... ocean
Basant .... season of spring START WITH C
Basdev .... fire
Bhadrakapil .... Lord Shiva
Bhadrashree .... Sandalwood Tree Chaitanya .... knowledge , life
Bhadresh .... Lord Shiva Chakradhar .... one who carries Chakra
Bhagat .... devotee (Krishna, Vishnu)
Bhagwant .... God / Bhagwan Chakrapani .... Lord Vishnu
Bhagesh .... Lord of richness Chaman .... a garden
Bhagirath .... one who brought Ganga on Champak .... Champa ( flower ) , Pagoda
Earth ( flower )
Bhairav .... one with frightening voice, Chandra .... moon
Lord Shiva Chandrabhushan .... Lord Shiva
Bhanu .... sun Chandradatt .... gift from the moon
Bhanudas .... devotee of the sun Chandradhar .... one who wears moon i.e.
Bhanuprakash .... sun light Lord Shiva
Bhanumitra .... friend of sun / Planet Chandrahas .... bow of Lord Shiva
Mercury Chandraj .... Mercury planet
Bhanuprasad .... gift of sun Chandrak .... peacock feather, moon
Bharat .... India, universal monarch Chandrakant .... a gem related to moon,
Bharadwaj .... a lucky bird, Planet Mars moon
Bhargav .... Lord Shiva Chandranath .... moon
Bhaskar .... sun Chandarmouli .... Lord Shiva
Bhadrak .... handsome Chandrashekhar .... one who holds moon in
Bhadraksh .... one with beautiful eyes his hair knot (Lord Shiva)
Bhavesh .... Lord of the world, Lord Chandranshu .... moon ray, Lord Vishnu
Shiva Chandresh .... Lord of the moon
Bhawanidas .... devotee of Godess Durga Chandan .... sandalwood
Bhim .... fearful Charan .... feet
Bholanath .... Lord Shiva Charandas .... servant at the feet of
Bhoumik .... land owner somebody
Bhumindra .... king , lord of the land Charanjit .... one who has won over the
Bhupal .... king Lord ( Charanjeet )
Bhupati .... King Charudutta .... born of beauty
Bhupen .... king Chaturanan .... one with four heads i.e.
Bhupendra .... king Lord Bramha
Bhupesh .... king Chaturvedi .... one who knows all the 4
Bhudev .... Lord of earth Vedas
Bhushan .... ornament Chetan .... life, living creature
Bhuvan .... Palace, one of the three Chhailbehari .... Lord Krishna
worlds Chidambar .... one whose heart is as grand
Bhuvanesh .... Lord of the Earth
as the sky Gods( Debashish )
Chidanand .... Lord Bramha Devesh .... God of Gods
Chinmay .... full of knowledge, happiness Devang .... part of God
Chintamani .... philosopher's stone, a Devendra .... king of Gods
wishing stone ( gem ) Devilal .... son of Godess
Chintan ... thought Deviprasad .... gift of a Godess
Chirag .... lamp Devkinandan .... son of Devki - (Lord
Chiranjeev .... long lived, immortal Krishna)
Chiranjeet, Chirayu .... immortal Dhananjay .... one who wins wealth, Lord
Chitraksh .... beautiful eyed Arjun, Lord Vishnu.
Chitragupta .... Lord Yama's helper who is Dhananad .... pleasure of having wealth
records all deeds Dhanaraj .... king of wealth ( Kuber )
Chittaranjan .... one who pleases the mind Dhanesh .... Lord of wealth ( Kuber,
Chittaswarup .... the supreme spirit Vishnu )
Chittaprasad .... happiness Dhanvantari .... doctor of Gods
Chittesh ... ruler of mind Dharesh .... king, Lord of land
Chudamani .... the best, crest Jewel Dharma .... law ( religious)
Dharmadev .... Lord of law
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting Dharmesh .... master of religion
Dharmendra .... king of religion
with D Dheeraj .... bravery
Dhiren .... one who is strong, powerful
Daruka .... deodar tree Dhirendra .... Lord of the brave
Dattatreya .... son of Atri, an incarnation of Dhruv .... pole star, unperturbed
Lord Vishnu Dhaval .... fair complexioned
Dattey .... Lord Indra Digamber .... nacked, Lord Shiva
Dakshesh .... Lord Shiva Dilip .... King, ancestor of Lord Rama
Damodar .... Lord Krishna Dinanath .... saviour of the downtrodden
Dasharath .... one with 10 chariots, Lord or poor
Ram's father Dinesh .... sun, God of the day
Daya .... mercy Dinkar .... sun
Dayanand .... one who likes being merciful Dinpal .... sun
or kind Divakar .... sun
Dayanidhi .... kind person Divyanshu .... divine light, sun
Dayasagar .... extremely kind, sea of mercy Divyesh .... sun
Dayaswarup .... merciful Divyendu .... bright moon
Deendayal .... one who has mercy on the Duranjaya .... a heroic son
downtrodden or poor Durgadutt .... gift from Godess Durga
Deenbabdhu .... brother ( or helper) of poor Durgadas .... servant ( a devotee ) of
people Godess Durga
Deepak .... lamp, kindle Durgesh .... Lord of fort
Deepankar .... one who lights lamps Durjaya .... difficult to conquer, Lord
Deependra .... Lord of light Vishnu
Deependu .... moon Durvish .... one who cannot be affected by
Deepesh .... Lord of light , sun poison (Lord Shiva)
Deeptanshu .... shining light, sun Dwarkanath .... Lord of Dwarka (Lord
Deeptendu .... shining moon Krishna)
Devarsi .... sage of Devas Dwarkadhish .... ruler of Dwarka (Lord
Devdas .... servant of Lord , a servant of Krishna)
temple Dwijendra .... moon
Devidas .... servant (devotee) of Godess Dwijesh .... moon
Devadutt .... gift from God
Devanand .... joy of god
Devguru .... teacher of Gods ( Brihaspati ) START WITH E
Devraj .... king of Gods ( Lord Indra)
Devashish .... blessing of the
Ekalinga .... Lord Shiva Giridhar .... one who holds ( lifts )
Ekanga .... a bodyguard mountain (Lord Krishna)
Eknath .... a famous poet-saint of India Girijanandan .... son of Girija (Lord Ganesh)
Esh .... God Govind .... cowherd (Lord Krishna)
Eshwar .... God Gopal .... Lord Krishna, cow herd
Eshwardutt .... gift of God Gopan .... protection
Gunaratna .... jewel of virtue
START WITH F Gulab .... rose
Guru .... master, teacher , one who
Phalgun .... A month from our Hindu Calender shows the path
Phanibhushan .... one who wears a snake Gurbachan .... promise or words of the
(Lord Shiva) guru
Phaninath .... lord of serpents (Sheshnag, Gurdeep .... lamp of the guru
Vasuki) Gurdayal .... compassionate guru
Phanindra .... king of Gods ( Sheshnag, Gurcharan .... feet of the guru
Vasuki ) Gurmeet .... friend of the guru
Phanindranath .... Lord Vishnu Gurnam .... name of the guru
Phoolendu .... the full moon Gursharan .... refuge at the guru
Gurudas .... servant of the guru
Gurudutt .... gift of the guru
Gagan .... the sky, heaven
Gajanan .... one with an elephant face Hansaraj .... king of Swans
( Lord Ganesh) Hanuman .... a devotee of Lord Ram, son
Gajendra .... elephant king (Lord Airavat) of Anjani
Gajendranath .... owner of Gajendra (Lord Haresh .... Lord Shiva
Indra) Harish .... Lord Shiva, king of Monkeys
Ganaraj .... Lord of the clan ( Sugreev )
Ganesh .... son of Lord Shiva & Parwati , Hari .... Lord Vishnu, Monkey
the elephant -headed God Harilal .... son of Hari
Gandharaj .... king of scent , Sandal - wood Harihar .... Lord Vishu and Lord Shiva
Gandharva .... musicians of Gods together
Gangadhar .... one who wears Ganga (Lord Harishankar .... Lord Vishnu and Lord
Shiva), ocean Shankar (Shiva)
Gangadutt .... gift of Ganga Haridutt .... gift of Hari
Gangesh .... Lord Shiva Harmendra .... moon
Gaurang .... fair complexioned Harsha .... delight, Joy
Gaurav .... honor, respect, pride Harshad .... one who gives pleasure
Gaurikant .... husband of Gauri ( Lord Harshul .... deer
Shiva) Harshal .... a lover
Gaurinandan .... son of Gauri (Lord Ganesh, Harshvardhan .... one who increases joy,
Kartikeya ) happiness
Gaurinath .... Husband of Gauri ( Lord Hemang .... one with shining body
Shiva) Hemadri .... mountain of gold
Gaurishankar .... Lord Shiva and Gauri Hemant .... one of the 6 seasons ( part of
( Parvati ) winter )
Gaurish .... Lord Shiva Hemachandra .... golden moon
Geet .... song Hemaprakash .... golden light
Ghanashyam .... dark cloud, Lord Krishna Hemavatinandan .... son of Goddess Parvati
Ghanapriya .... lover of clouds ( peacock ) ( Ganesh )
Ghanendra .... lord of clouds (Lord Indra ) Hemendra .... Lord of gold
Girish .... God of mountain (Lord Shiva) Hemaraj .... king of gold
Giriraj .... Lord of mountain ( Himalaya ) Heramba .... boastful, name of Ganapati
Girilal .... son of mountain Hemendu .... golden moon.
Himanshu .... one radiating cool light wind)
( moon ) Janak .... father of Sita according to
Hiranya .... wealth Ramayana, creator
Hridaynath .... beloved Janakinath .... Lord Rama
Hridyanshu .... light from heart, moon Janakibhushan .... ornament of Janki ( Lord
Hridayesh .... king of Heart Rama)
Hrishikesh .... one who controls senses, Janakiraman .... Lord Rama
Lord Krishna, Lord Vishnu Janardan .... one who helps people, Lord
Hiresh .... king of Gems Vishnu
Janesh .... king
Japendu .... Lord Shiva
START WITH I Japesh .... Lord Shiva
Jasraj .... king of fame
Ilesh .... Lord of earth Jasveer .... hero of fame, victorious
Indeever .... a blue lotus Jaswant .... victorious ( Yashwant )
Indra .... king of Gods, most strong Jawahar .... jewel
Indradutt .... gift of Lord Indra Jay .... victory
Indrajit .... conquerer of lord Indra ( Jayachand .... victory moon
Meghnad) Jayaditya .... victorious sun
Indraneel .... emerald Jayant .... victorious, Lord Vishnu
Indubhushan .... moon, Shiva Jayapal .... king, Lord Vishnu, Lord
Induj .... mercury ( planet ) Bramha
Indukant .... moon Jayaprakash .... light of victory
Indushekhar .... Lord Shiva Jaysukh .... pleasure of victory
Inesh .... king of kings Jayashekhar .... crest of victory
Iresh .... Lord of earth, Vishnu Jayawant .... victorious
Ishan .... sun, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu Jeevan .... life
Ishwar .... powerful, the supreme God Jeevanprakash .... light of life
Jeevesh .... God
START WITH J Jitendra, Jeetandra .... conqueror of Lord Indra

Jinendra .... Lord of life

Jagadeesh .... Lord of the world, Lord Vishnu ,
Jishnu .... triumphant, Arjun
Jnyandeep .... light of knowledge
Jagadeep .... light of the world
Jnyaneshwar .... the God of wisdom
Jagajeet .... conquerer Of the world
Jograj .... Yograj, king of Yoga, Lord
Jagajeevan .... life of the world, worldly life
Jaganarayan .... God of the world
Jogindra .... Lord Shiva
( Jagatnarayan )
Jyotiprakash .... light of flame
Jagannath .... Lord of the world
Jyotiranjan .... happy flame
Jagamohan .... one who attracts the world (
Jyotirdhar .... one who holds the flame, sun
Jagatmohan )
Jwalaprasad .... Gift of flame
Jagatkishor .... World child
Jagatprakash .... light of the world
Jagatprabhu .... God of the world Indian Names for Baby Boys starting
Jagatpal .... caretaker of the world ( God ) with K
Jagatveer .... bravest in the world (
Jagveer ) Kailash .... name of a Himalayan peak,
Jagatbehari .... world traveler ( Jagvihari ) abode of Lord Shiva
Jayadeep .... light of victory Kailasnath, Kailashnath .... Lord of mount
Jaidev .... God of victory Kailash ( i.e Lord Shiva )
Jaldev .... God of water (Lord Varun) Kaladhar .... one who shows different
Jaldhar .... one who holds water phases ( i.e. the moon)
( meaning cloud) Kalanath .... moon
Jalendu .... reflection of the moon in water Kalanidhi .... moon, Lord Shiva
Jalbhushan .... ornament of water ( means Kalicharan .... feet of Goddess Kali
( Goddess Durga) Kedar .... name of a peak in Himalaya,
Kalidas .... devotee of Godess Kali, name flower bed
of a famous poet of India Kedarnath .... Lord of mount Kedar ( Lord
Kalyan .... good, well-being , auspicious, Shiva)
Kanha .... Lord Krishna Keshav .... having curly hair, Lord
Kamadev .... God of love (lust), Cupid Krishna
Kamal .... lotus flower Ketan .... mark, sign, dwelling
Kamalbandhu .... Friend or brother of lotus Keval .... only
( sun) Khagendra .... king of birds, eagle (
Kamalesh, Kamaleshwar .... God of lotus ( Garuda)
Lord Vishnu) (Kamaleshwar) Khagesh .... God of birds (Garuda )
Kamalkant .... Lord Vishnu Kharanshu .... sun
Kamalakar .... a lake where lotus grows Khushwant .... one full of happiness
Kamalnayan .... one with beautiful lotus- Kirit .... crown, tiara
type eyes Kiritmani .... jewel in the crown
Kamalnath .... Lord Vishnu Kiran .... ray
Kamalaksh .... one with beautiful lotus Kirtan .... song of praise
-type eyes Kirti .... fame
Kamlapati .... Lord Vishnu Kirtibhushan .... one adorned with fame
Kamboj .... conch shell, elephant Kirtivallabh .... aspirant of fame
Kanak .... gold Kishore .... teenager
Kanan .... forest Kshitij .... horizon
Kanchan .... gold Kshitidhar .... mountain
Kanhaiya .... Lord Krishna Kshiraj .... moon, lotus, conch -shell
Kanthamani .... necklace jewel Kripanidhi .... one with heart full of mercy
Kapaali .... Lord Shiva Kripasagar .... ocean of mercy
Kapi .... monkey, sun Krishna .... black, dark, Lord Krishna
Kapidhwaj .... one with monkey flag Krishnamoorti .... idol of Lord Krishna
( Arjun) Kulvir .... Hero of the family
Kapirath .... one with monkey or sun on Kuldeep .... heir to the family
his chariot ( Lord Rama/Arjun) Kuldev .... family diety
Kapil .... white, innoccent, Lord Shiva Kundan .... purified gold
Kapilashwa .... one with a white horse Kunjabehari .... one who roams in kunja (i.e
( Lord Indra) Lord Krishna)
Kapindra .... king of monkeys ( Hanuman, Kunwar .... a prince
Sugreev ) Kusumakar .... garden, spring season
Karna, Karan .... eldest brother of Pandavas,
Karnajeet .... conquerer of Karna ( i.e.
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting
Arjun) with L
Karnapriya .... something that is sweet to
our ears Lakshman .... brother of Lord Rama,
Karnabhushan .... ear ring, ear ornament Prosperous
Kartik .... name of a month from Indian Lakshmikant .... husband of Lakshmi (
calendar Lord Vishnu), or a rich person
Kartikeya .... God of war, one born in Lakshminath .... Lord Vishnu
month of Kartik or Kritika nakshatra Lakshminarayan .... Lakshmi and Lord
Karunakar .... Very kind Vishnu together
Karunanidhi .... one whose heart is full of Lakshmipati .... husband of Lakshmi ( Lord
kindness Vishnu)
Kashinath .... Lord of Kashi ( Varanasi ) , Lakshmiraman .... Lord Vishnu
Lord Shiva Lalchand, Lalchandra .... red moon
Kaushal .... clever, skilled Lalit .... beautiful
Kaushik .... sentiment of love, Lalitaditya .... a beautiful sun
Vishwamitra Lalitchandra .... a beautiful moon
Kavi .... wise man, poet
Lalitesh .... God of beauty, husband of a Mandhatri .... prince
beautiful wife Manendra .... king of mind
Lalitlochan .... one with beautiful eyes Mangal .... auspicious, Mars
Lalitmohan .... beautiful & attractive Mangesh .... Lord Shiva
Lohit .... red, made of copper, Mars, Mani .... gem
Bramhaputra river Manibhushan .... an ornament of jewels,
Lohitashwa .... one with red horse ( Lord very best jewel
Shiva ), Fire Manidhar .... a mythical snake with jewel
Lokbhushan .... Ornament of the world in its hood
Lokesh .... king of world, Lord Bramha, Manik .... gem
Lord Indra Maniram .... jewel of a person
Loknath .... lord of all worlds, king Manishankar .... Lord Shiva
Lokpradeep .... Gautam Budha Manish .... intelligent, God of mind
Lokprakash .... light of the world Manindra .... diamond, lord of mind
Manjeet .... winner of mind
Manjughosh .... sweet sounding recitation
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting Manmohan .... one who attacts mind
with M Mansukh .... pleasure of mind
Manprasad .... mentally calm & cool
Madan .... God of love, cupid, bee person
Madangopal .... lovely cowherd ( Lord Manoranjan .... one who pleases the mind
Krishna ) Manohar .... one who wins over mind,
Madanmohan .... lovely & attractive (Lord attractive
Krishna) Manoj .... born of mind, Kamdev
Madhav .... sweet like honey, Krishna Manu .... founder / father of human
Madhu .... honey, nectar beings
Madhughosh .... sweet sounding Manuraj .... Kuber
Madhukar .... lover, honey bee Markandeya .... a sage
Madhukant .... moon Mareechi .... ray of light, also name of a
Madhusudhana .... Lord Krishna, one who constallation
killed demon Madhu, bee Maruti .... Hanuman, Bhimsen
Mahabahu .... one with strong arms Matsendra .... king of the fishes
( Arjun ) Mayank .... moon
Mahabali .... strong, one with great Mayur .... peacock
strength Meghnad .... thunder
Mahadev .... most powerful God Meghdutt .... gift of clouds
Mahamati .... one with big brain Meghraj .... God of clouds (Lord Indra)
( Ganesh ) Mehul .... rain
Mahavir .... most courageous amongst Mihir .... sun
men Mihirkiran .... sun ray
Mahesh .... Lord Shiva Milind .... honey bee, Krishna
Maheshkumar .... son of Lord Shiva Mitesh .... one with few desires
(Ganesh, Kartikey) Mithil .... kingdom
Maheshwar .... Lord Shiva Mithilesh .... Lord of Mithila ( Sita's
Mahendra .... Lord Indra, Vishnu father )
Maheepati .... the king Mithun .... couple
Mahish .... ceremoniously crowned king Mitul .... limited, friend
Mahipal .... king Mohan .... charming, fascinating, Lord
Mahipati .... king Krishna
Maitreya .... friend Mohanish .... attractive God, Krishna
Makarand .... honey, nectar Mohit .... enchanted by beauty
Malhar .... a raga used in Indian music Mohin .... attractive
Martand .... sun Monish .... Lord of mind
Manavendra .... king amongst men Moti .... pearl
Mandeep .... lamp of mind Mrigalochan .... one with eyes like that of a
Mrigank .... moon Namit .... bowed down, modest
Mrigankmouli .... one with moon in his hair ( Nand .... happy
i.e. Lord Shiva ) Nandan .... friend , king, son, one who
Mrigankshekhar .... one with moon on his brings happiness
head (i.e.Lord Shiva) Nandak .... pleasing
Mrigendra .... Lord of deers (i.e.lion) Nandakishor .... wiz-kid, Lord Krishna
Mrigesh .... lion Nandakumar .... Lord Krishna
Mrinal .... lotus Nandapal .... Lord Krishna
Mrinank .... moon Nandi .... one who pleases others, the
Mrinendra .... lion divine bull
Mrityunjay .... one who has conquered Nandish .... Lord Shiva (Nandishwar)
death Narayana .... Lord Vishnu, refuge of man,
Mudit .... happy god
Mukesh .... Lord of the dumb, a cloth Naresh .... Lord of men
made of golden and silver threads, Kamdev Narendra .... king of men, king
Muktanand .... happiness of freedom Narendranath .... king of kings, emperor
Mukul .... bud, body, earth , soul Narhari .... man-lion ( Nara simha)
Mukunda .... freedom giver, mercury Narottam .... best amongst men, Lord
( element ), jewel, Vishnu, Krishna Vishnu
Murali .... a flute Narsimha .... half lion & half man
Muralidhar .... one holding a flute (i.e. Lord Nartan .... dance
Krishna) Narmad .... bringing delight
Murari .... Lord Krishna Nateshwar .... God of drama ( Lord Shiva)
Natraj .... king among actors, Lord Shiva
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting Naveen, Navin .... new
Navendu .... new moon ( the moon a night
with N after amavasya )
Navinchandra .... same as Navendu
Naakesh .... moon Navneet .... fresh butter, Lord Krishna
Naagdhar .... one who wears cobra ( Lord Navratan .... nine jewels
Shiva) Navrang .... beautiful
Naagendra .... Lord of serpents ( Vaasuki ) Nawal .... new, surprise
Naagesh .... God of serpents ( Sheshnaag Nawalkishor .... Lord Krishna
) Nayan .... eye
Naagpal, Nagpal .... saviour of serpents ( the Neel .... blue
cobras ) Neelabh .... object in the sky ( cloud,
Naagpati .... King of serpents ( Vaasuki ) moon)
Naagraj .... king of serpents, Sheshnaag Neelam .... emerald
Nabhoj .... born in sky Neelamani .... blue jewel
Nabhomani .... jewel of the sky ( sun) Neelambar .... blue-cloth, blue sky
Nachiketa .... fire Neelambuj .... blue lotus
Nadeesh .... God of river (ocean) Neelgreev .... Lord Shiva
Nadeen .... ocean Neelkamal .... blue lotus
Nagdhar .... one who adornes mountain Neelkant .... a jewel, Lord Vishnu
(Lord Krishna) Neelkanth .... one with blue neck (e.g. the
Nagesh .... God of mountain ( Himalaya bird peacock, Lord Shiva)
) Neeraj .... born from water (lotus, pearl)
Nagendra .... Lord of mountains Nibodh .... knowledge
( Himalaya ) Nihal .... happy, contented
Nakhraj .... moon Nihar .... mist, dew, Fog
Nakul .... mangoos, 4th Pandav Nidhish .... lord of treasure (Kuber)
Nalin .... lotus Niketan .... house, abode
Nalinaksh .... lotus -eyed Nikhil .... complete, whole
Nalinikant .... husband of lotus, ( sun) Nikhilesh .... Lord of the universe
Naman .... bow, salute Nikunj .... garden
Namdev .... poet, saint Nilay .... home, abode
Nilesh, Neelesh .... blue God ( Lord Oojam .... enthusiasm
Krishna), god of blue sky (i.e. moon) Oorjit .... powerful, strong
Nimish .... time for flicker of an eye,
Ninad , Ninaad ... sound, the gentle sound of
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting
water with P
Nirad .... given by water, cloud
Niraj .... born from water ( eg lotus Padmakar .... jewel, Lord Vishnu
flower, pearl ) Padmakant .... husband of lotus ( sun)
Niramitra .... son of pandava Sahadeva Padmaj .... born from lotus ( Lord
Niranjan .... flawless ( without anjan), Bramha)
Lord Shiva Padmadhar .... one who holds a lotus
Nirajit .... lighted ( Lord Vishnu)
Niramay .... pure, flawless Padmanabh .... one with lotus in his navel (
Nirankar .... with no shape (God) Lord Vishnu)
Nirbhay .... fearless Padmapani .... Lord Bramha
Nirdhar .... one who holds water ( cloud) Padmabandhu .... friend of lotus ( bee , sun )
Nirish .... free, without any owner Padmalochan .... lotus eyed
Nirmal .... clean, pure Padmakar .... lake with lotuses
Nirav .... without sound, silent Palash .... name of a tree ( Kinshuk )
Nirupam .... uncomparable Pallav .... young shoots & leaves
Nitin .... follower of right path Panduranga .... one with a pale white
Nitish .... Lord of correct path complexion
Nityanand .... ever happy, eternal happiness Pankaj .... lotus
Nityasundar .... ever good-looking Pankajeet .... eagle ( Garuda )
Nishad .... the 7th note on Indian musical Pannalal .... a jewel
scale, one who eats only in the night Parag .... pollen grains, sandal Wood
Nishakar, Nishikar .... moon (Lord of Parantap .... conquerrer
night) Parmanand .... divine happiness
Nishakant, Nishikant .... husband of night Paramartha .... highest or divine truth
( moon) Paramjeet .... highest success
Nishant .... end of night, dawn Paras .... a stone ( mythical stone )
Nishar .... warm cloth which can turn anything into gold
Nishchal .... unmovable, unshakable Parighosh .... loud sound
Nishesh .... God of night (moon) Parikshit .... tested one, son of Abhimanyu
Nishit .... sharp, pointed Paritosh .... contentment
Nishith .... midnight Parees .... touch stone
Nishinath .... Lord of night (moon) Paresh .... supreme spirit
( Nishipati, Nishipal) Pariket .... against desire
Nishok .... one without sorrow, happy Parindra .... lion
Niteesh .... the God of law, one well Partha .... Arjun, king
versed in law Parthasarathi .... charioteer of Partha ( Lord
Nityanand .... always happy Krishna)
Nivrutti .... separation from world Parvateshwar .... God of mountains (
Nripendra .... the king of kings Himalaya )
Parvatinandan .... son of Parvati ( Ganesh /
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting Kartikeya)
Pashunath .... Lord of animals ( Lord
with O Shiva, lion)
Pashupati .... animal farmer, Lord Shiva
Ojas .... brilliance, shine, glow Pavan .... wind
Omkar .... sound of Om, divine sound Pavankumar .... Bhim, Hanuman ( son of
Omkarnath .... Shiva the wind)
Omanand .... joy Of Om Pavansut, Pavanputra .... son of wind (Bhim,
Omprakash .... light Of Om Hanuman)
Omswarup .... like Om
Pinak .... Bow of Shiva Praveen .... expert, skilled
Pitambar .... yellow cloth, Lord Vishnu Praveer .... an excellent warrior, king
Piyush .... amrit , elixir, drink that Pravar .... chief
makes one immortal Pravan .... bowed down, modest
Prabhat .... dawn Prayag .... confluence of Ganga-Jamuna-
Prabhakar .... one which gives light ( eg Saraswati
sun, moon, fire) Preetam .... beloved, husband
Prabhanjan .... dust storm Preetish .... God of love
Prabhas .... brilliance, light Preetidutt .... gifted with love
Prabhav .... creation, Lord Vishnu Preetiwardhan .... one who increases love
Prabir .... hero, brave one ( Praveer ) Prem .... love
Prabodh .... sound advice, awake Premal .... full of love
Prabodhan .... knowledge Premanand .... joy of love
Prabuddha .... knowledgeable Pritam .... lover
Pradarsh .... appearance, order Prithu .... broad, spacious
Pradeep .... light, lamp Prithvijaj .... king of the earth
Pradhyot .... ray of light Priyadarshan .... nice to look at, handsome
Prafulla .... pleasant, cheerful, in full Prayadarshi .... one who is liked by all
bloom Priyanvad .... sweet talking person
Pradnesh .... lord of wisdom Priyaranjan .... beloved
Prahlad .... extreme joy, son of Pukhraj .... a yellow jewel
Hiranyakashyap Puneet .... pure, holy
Prajapati .... king, Bramha Pundarik .... white lotus
Prajin .... kind hearted Purandar .... Lord Indra, Lord Vishnu
Prajit .... kind hearted Purumitra .... friend of city
Prajesh .... Rohini constallation, v Bramha Purujit .... conqueror of city
Prakash .... light Purushottam .... best amongst men, Lord
Pramath .... horse Rama
Pramesh .... master of accurate knowledge Pushkara .... blue lotus, fountain, lake
Pramit .... enlightened one, Pushpak .... Kuber's plane taken away by
consciousness, definite Ravan
Pramod .... happiness Pushpaj .... born from a flower
Pran .... life Pushpad .... who who gives flowers
Pranad .... loud sound, reverberation Pushpaketu .... Kamdev, cupid
Pranal .... waterway Pushpakar .... the Spring season (Vasant ),
Pranav .... sacred syllable Om flower season
Pranay .... romance Purnendu .... full moon
Praneet .... requested Pyarelal .... Lord Krishna
Pranet .... leader
Prannath .... Lord of life ( most beloved
person), husband Indian Names for Baby Boys starting
Pranshu .... tall, Lord Vishnu
Pranesh .... Lord of life (husband, master)
with R
Praney .... obedient
Prasad .... offering to God during pooja Radhakrishna .... Radha & Lord Krishna
Prasata .... father of Draupad Radheya .... son of Radha .i e Karna
Prashant .... calm and composed, cool Raghav .... born in Raghu Clan ( Rama)
Prasoon .... flower Raghuveer/vir .... brave man of the Raghu
Prasanna .... cheerful, pleased clan (Rama)
Pratap .... bravery, dignity, majesty Rahul .... son of Gautam Buddha
Prateek .... symbol, first word in a Raj .... king
sentence Rajan .... king
Prateet .... well known, clear Rajat .... silver
Prateep .... opposite Rajanikant .... lord of night ( the moon)
Pratosh .... extreme delight Rajaneesh, Rajnish .... God of night (moon)
Pratyush .... sun Rajkumar .... prince
Rajeev, Rajiv .... a blue lotus Sachetan .... awake, rational
Rajendra .... emperor, king of kings Sachin .... Lord Indra
Rajesh .... God of kings, emperor Sagar .... ocean, sea
Rajiv .... lotus flower Sagardutt .... gift of ocean
Rakesh .... lord of the night ( moon ) Sadanand .... always joyous, Lord Vishnu
Raktakamal .... a red lotus Sadashiv .... one who always does good,
Ram .... Lord Rama, charming Lord Shiva
Ramakant .... husband of Rama (i.e. Lord Sahastrabahu .... one with thousand arms,
Vishnu) Lord Shiva
Ramakrishna .... Rama & Krishna Sahastrajit .... victor of thousands, thousand
Raman .... pleasing, beloved, Kamdev times victorious, Lord Krishna, Lord Vishnu
Ramdas .... devotee (a servant) of Rama, Salaj .... water which flows from melted
Hanuman ice from mountain
Ramesh .... God of Rama (i.e. Lord Salil .... water
Vishnu) Samar .... war
Ramanuja .... born after Lord Rama i.e. Samarendra .... Lord of war, Lord Vishnu
Lakshman Samarjit .... victorious in war, Lord Vishnu
Randheer .... one who shows bravery & Sambodh .... complete knowledge
boldness in war Samir / sameer .... breeze
Ranganath .... Lord Vishnu Sampat .... well to do
Ranjan .... pleasing act Samrat .... emperor
Ranjeet .... victor in wars Samudra .... sea
Rasraj .... king of liquids ( mercury Sanat .... Lord Bramha
-element ), romance ( Shringar ras) Sandeep .... lighted lamp, to lighten up
Rateesh .... God of Ratee, husband of Sanjay .... victory, Lord Shiva,
Ratee ( Kamdev) Dhritarashtra's minister
Ratnakar .... mine of jewels, Kuber, sea Sanjeev .... one who can bring back the
Ratnesh .... G od of jewels ( Kuber) dead to life, life, love
Ravi .... Sun, fire Sanjog .... coincidence
Ravinandan .... son of sun ( Karna ) Sankara, Shankar .... Lord Shiva
Ravindra .... sun Sapan .... dream ( Swapna )
Ravindranath .... Lord Vishnu Santosh .... happiness
Ravinshu .... Kamdev ( Cupid ) Sarasvat .... learned
Ravikiran .... sun ray Sarang .... spotted deer, moon, sun, Lord
Ripudaman .... one who defeats his Krishna
enemies Sarvesh .... master of all, God, king
Rishi .... sage, ray of light Satish .... god of truth
Rishabh .... morality Satya .... truth
Rohan .... climbing or ascending Satyadarshi .... one who can see the truth
something, developing, increasing Satyajit .... victory of truth
Rohit .... red, sun, red flower Satyamurty .... statue of truth
Rohitashwa .... one with red horse, fire Satyanarayan .... Lord Vishnu
Rochan .... red lotus, bright Satyaprakash .... light of truth
Rudra .... angry, Lord Shiva Satyavan .... one who speaks truth
Rupesh .... Lord of beauty Satyavrat .... one who has taken the vow of
Rupak .... sign, feature, acting truth
Rupin .... embodied beauty Satyendra .... Lord of truth ( Satyen), elixir
Rujul .... simple, honest , amrit
Rutajit .... conquerer of truth Saurav .... divine, celestial
Ritujeet, Rutujit .... conquerer of seasons Saurabh .... fragrance, mango, saffron
Savitendra .... sun
Indian Names for Baby Boys Senajit .... conquerer of an army
Shailendra .... king of mountains, Himalaya
starting with S Shakunt .... blue jay
Shalin .... modest
Shambhu .... Lord Shiva
Shankar .... Lord Shiva, auspicious Shubhranshu .... moon, camphor
Shankhdhar .... one who carries a conch Shvetang .... fair complexioned
shell ( Lord Vishnu) Shvetank .... having a white mark
Shankhapani .... same as Shankhadhar Shwetbhanu .... moon
Shankhi .... ocean, Lord Vishnu Shwetambar .... one who wearswhite
Shaktidhar .... powerful one, Kartikeya clothes, Lord Shiva
Sharad .... name of a season Shwetanshu .... moon
Sharatchandra .... moon in Sharad season Shyam .... dark blue, black
Sharvarish .... moon Shyamal .... black, dark blue
Shailesh .... God of mountain, Himalaya Shyamsundar .... dark and handsome, Lord
Shami .... fire, name of a tree Krishna
Shashee .... moon Siddharth .... the blessed one, Buddha,
Shashank .... moon white mustard
Shashibhushan .... one who wears moon as Siddhanath .... Mahadev (Lord Shiva)
ornament (Lord Shiva) Sitaram .... Sita & Lord Rama
Shashidhar .... one who carries moon (Lord Sohan .... good looking
Shiva) Somanshu .... moon ray
Shashikant .... moon stone Somnath .... lord of moon (Lord Shiva)
Shashikar .... moon ray Somkar .... moon light
Shashipushpa .... lotus Somprakash .... moon light
Shashishekhar .... one with moon at the top of Snehal .... friendly
head - Lord Shiva Srikant .... lover of wealth
Shashwat .... ever lasting, continuous Srinivas .... abode of wealth
Shardul .... tiger Sriram .... Lord Rama
Shatrughna .... destroyer of enemies, Lord Sridhar .... wealthy person
Rama's brother Subodh .... sound advice, easily
Shatrunjay .... one who defeats enemies understood
Shail .... mountain Subhadr .... gentleman
Shailesh .... God of mountain ( Himalaya) Subhas .... shining
Shailendra .... God of mountain ( Himalaya) Subhash .... soft spoken
Shaildhar .... one who holds mountain Suchir .... eternal
( Lord Krishna) Sudarshan , sudarsh .... good looking
Shekhar .... mountain peak Sudeep .... bright
Sheshdhar .... one who holds Shesha Sudeepta .... bright
(snake) - Lord Shiva Sudesha .... good country
Shikhar .... mountain peak Sudeva .... good Deva
Shirish .... name of a tree Sudhakar .... mine of nectar, moon
Shishir .... name of a season, cold Sudama .... meek or humble person,
Shiv .... Lord Shiva, auspicious, lucky Lord Krishna's pauper friend
Shivanand .... one who is happy in Lord Sudhanshu .... moon, camphor
Shiva's thoughts or Shiva's worship Sudhindra .... God of wisdom
Shivkumar .... son of Lord Shiva (Ganesh, Sudhir .... resolute, brave
Kartikeya) ( Shivanandan ) Sudhish .... Lord of excellent intellect
Shivshekhar .... one at the top of Shiva Sughosh .... one with melodious voice
(moon) Sugriva .... one with graceful neck, king
Shree .... Mr, God of monkeys
Shreedhar .... husband of Lakshmi ( Lord Suhas .... one with beautiful smile/
Vishnu) laughter
Shreekant .... husband of Shree(Lakshmi) ( Sujat .... belonging to a good clan
Lord Vishnu ), beautiful Sujan .... a good person
Shreekanth, shrikanth .... Shiva Sujit .... victory
Shreekumar , shrikumar .... beautiful Sukanth .... one with a sweet voice, one
Shreekrishna , shrikrishna .... Krishna with graceful neck
Shreenivas , shrinivas .... abode of Lakshmi Sukarma .... one who does good deeds
(vaikunth, Vishnu) Sukhdev .... god of happiness
Shreyas .... superior Sukhwant .... full of happiness, pleasant
Sukrant .... extremely beautiful Tarak .... pupil of eye, protector, star
Sukumar .... handsome, soft, tender Tarkesh .... God of stars ( moon)
Sulabh .... easy to get Tarkeshwar .... Lord Shiva
Sulalit .... graceful Taran .... raft, heaven
Sumant .... king's minister, intelligent Tarani .... boat, sun
person Tarang .... wave
Sumanyu .... heaven Taresh .... God of the stars ( moon)
Sumit .... well measured Tarun .... youthful
Sumitr .... good friend Tathagat .... Buddha
Sumitranandan .... sons of Sumitra Tatharaj .... Buddha
(Lakshman & Shatrughna) Tej .... light, lustrous
Sunam .... good name ( fame) Tejas .... sharpness
Sunandan .... happy Tijil .... moon
Sunay .... best neeti, best path of life Tilak .... spot of vermillion or sandal
Sundar .... beautiful, pleasant to the wood paste on forehead
eyes/ears Teerth .... holy place, sacred water
Sunil .... dark blue, red lotus, Timin .... large fish
pomegranate tree Tridev .... hindu Trinity ( Bramha, Vishnu
Suparn .... one with nice feathers & Mahesh - the creator, sustainer, destroyer)
( Garud) Trilochan .... one with three eyes ( Lord
Suraj .... sun (Surya) Shiva)
Suresh .... godof suras (Lord Indra) Trilok .... the 3 worlds ( heaven, earth,
Surendra .... lord of suras (Lord Indra) hell)
Surjeet .... conquerer of the suras ( sur - Trilokchand .... moon of the three worlds
god, opposite of Asur(demon) ) Tulasidas .... servant of Tulsi ( basil )
Surnath .... Lord Indra, lord of suras Tungar .... high, lofty
Surya .... sun Tungesh .... moon
Suryabhan .... sun Tushar .... mist, fine drops of water
Suryakant .... loved by the sun, a shining
Suryaprakash .... sunlight Indian Names for Baby Boys
Sushant .... quiet, peaceful person starting with U
Sushil .... virtuous
Sutosh .... one who becomes happy easily
Suvrata .... strict in religious vows Uday .... to rise
(Subrata) Udayan .... up rising
Suyash .... good result, victory Udbhav .... creation, to arise from
Swagat .... welcome Uddhav .... a festival, Sacrificial
Swaraj .... liberty, freedom ( Yagya ) fire,
Swarup .... figure Udeep .... flood
Swapnesh .... king of dreams Udit .... grown, shining, awakened
Swapnil .... seen in a dream, dreamy Ujesh .... one who bestows light
Ujjwal .... bright, clear
Ulhas .... delight, joy
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting Umachandra .... Uma ( Goddess Parvati)
with T and Lord Shiva
Umakant .... husband of Uma ( Lord
Tanay .... son Shiva)
Tanmay .... engrossed Umang .... enthusiasm
Tarun .... youth , young Umesh .... God of Uma ( Lord Shiva)
Tapan .... summer, the sun Unmesh .... blowing, opening, flash
Tapas .... heat, penance Upanshu .... chanting of hymns or
Tapendra .... Lord of heat (sun) mantras in low tone
Taporaj .... moon Upendra .... an element
Tamish .... God of darkness (moon) Ushapati .... husband of dawn (sun)
Tarachandra .... star & moon Uttam .... best
Utkarsh .... prosperity, awakening Vipin .... forest, woods
Utpal .... a water lily, fleshless Vipinbehari .... forest wanderer
Viplav .... drifting about, revolution
Indian Names for Baby Boys starting Vipul .... plenty
with V Viraj .... resplendent, splendour
Virat .... very big
Vagish .... God of speech ( Lord Virochan .... moon, fire
Brahma) Virat .... very big, giant proportioned
Vaninath .... Husband of Goddess Vishal .... huge, broad, great
Saraswati Vishnu .... Lord Vishnu, the preserver
Vaibhav .... richness Vishnudutt .... gift of Lord Vishnu
Vajramani .... diamond Vishwa .... earth, universe
Vallabh .... dear, beloved Vishwajit .... one who conquers the
Vaman .... short universe
Vandan .... salutation Vishwakarma .... architect of the universe
Varun .... God of the water, neptune Vishwalochan .... eyes of the universe (sun,
Vasant .... Spring season moon)
Vasava .... Lord Indra Vishwambhar .... all pervading one, Lord
Vasu .... wealth, Lord Vishnu Vishnu
Vasudev .... Lord Krishna's father, the Vishwanath .... God of universe, Lord
God of wealth Vishnu
Vasupati .... rich man Vishwankar .... creator of the universe
Vasuman .... born of fire Vishwamitra .... friend of the universe
Ved .... sacred knowledge Vishwas .... faith, trust
Vedprakash .... light of Vedic knowledge Vishwatma .... universal soul
Vedbhushan .... one adorned with Vittanath .... owner of money ( Kuber )
knowledge of the Vedas Vivek .... judgement, ability to
Veer .... brave distinguish between good & bad
Veerbhadra .... the Ashwamedha horse Vivekanand .... joy of discrimination
Veerendra .... Lord of the brave Vyomesh .... Lord of the sky, cloud &
Vibhakar .... one emitting light ( eg sun, water
fire) Waman ... short
Vibhas .... luminous
Vidur .... wise, uncle of the Pandavas Indian Names for Baby Boys starting
Vidyacharan .... learned with Y
Vidyadhar .... demi - god
Vidyaranya .... forest of knowledge
Vidyasagar .... ocean of knowledge Yadunand, yadunandan .... Lord Krishna
Vijay .... victory Yadunath .... Lord Krishna
Vijayant .... victorious, Lord Indra Yamir .... moon
Vijayketu .... flag of victory Yash .... glory, victory
Vikas .... development, expanding Yashodhar .... one who has gained fame
Vikram .... praiseworthy act, record, the Yashodhan .... rich in fame
sun of valor Yashwant .... one who has achieved glory
Vikramendra .... king of prowess Yashpal .... protector of fame
Vikrant .... powerful, Yatin .... ascetic
Vilas .... acts leading to happiness Yogesh .... God of Yoga
Vimal .... pure Yogendra .... again, God of Yoga
Vimaladitya .... clean sun Yudhajit .... victor in war
Vimalmani .... pure jewel (crystal) Yuvaraj .... prince, heir apparent
Vinay .... good manners, modesty Yudhisthir .... firm in battle
Vinayak .... Ganesh, Buddha Yuyutsu .... eager to fight
Vineet .... modest
Vinod .... happy, full of joy
Vipan .... sail, small trade

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