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Article  in  International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry · March 2017


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IJRPC 2017, 7(1), 126-131 Pragathiswaran et al. ISSN: 22312781


Available online at www.ijrpc.com Research Article


E. Dharmaraj1, C. Pragathiswaran2, P. Govindhan2, P. Arockia Sahayaraj2,
A. Johan Amalraj2 and V. Dharmalingam2
Department of chemistry, J. J. College of Engineering and Technology,
Tiruchirappalli-620 009, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of chemistry, Periyar E.V.R. College (Autonomous),
Tiruchirappalli-620 023, Tamil Nadu, India.

There is a growing trend to utilize plant extracts and pharmaceutical compounds as corrosion
inhibitors. The inhibitive performance of extract of Leaves Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) on the corrosion
of mild steel in 0.5 M HCl was studied using mass loss and electro chemical measurements. Results
confirmed that the extract of Cissus quadrangularis Leaves (CQ) acts as an effective corrosion inhibitor
in the acid environment. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance studies
confirmed that the system follows mixed mode of inhibition.

Keywords: Mild steel, Cissus quadrangularis Leaves (CQ), corrosion inhibition, electrochemical

1. INTRODUCTION containing organic compounds acted as

Mild steel is widely used in many industrial promising inhibitors. However, most of these
applications. In most industrial processes, the compounds are not only expensive, but also
acidic solutions are commonly used for the toxic to living beings. It is needless to point out
pickling, industrial acid cleaning, acid descaling, the importance of cheap and safe inhibitors for
oil well acidifying, etc. . Unfortunately, iron and corrosion of mild steel. So, considerable efforts
its alloys could corrode during these acidic are made to select corrosion inhibitors which are
applications particularly with the use of environmentally safe, readily available and of
hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid, which relatively low cost. Literature shows a growing
results in terrible waste of both resources and trend in the use of natural products known as
money . Corrosion prevention systems favor the non-toxic compounds, called also green
use of environmental chemicals with low or zero inhibitors, as corrosion inhibitors. Available
environmental impacts. The decreasing of literature has shown that naturally occurring
corrosion rate of metals provides saving of plant leaves such as Azadirachta indica leaves,
resources and economical benefits during the Murraya koenigii leaves, Ervatamia coronaria
industrial applications as well as increasing the leaves, Ananas comosus leaves, Purpurea
lifetime of equipments and also decreasing the leaves, Olive leaves have been reported to
dissolution of toxic metals from the components inhibit the corrosion of metals in acidic media.
into the environment. As acidic media, The present article is concerned with corrosion
hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid inhibition studies using Cissus quadrangularis
(H2SO4) are often used as industrial acid leaves extract (CQ) on mild steel in acidic
cleaners and pickling acids. Large numbers of medium using Mass loss and electrochemical
organic compounds revealed that N, S and O measurements.

IJRPC 2017, 7(1), 126-131 Pragathiswaran et al. ISSN: 22312781


2.1. Materials 3.1. Determination of corrosion rates and
All chemicals were purchased from Merck, inhibition efficiency:
Mumbai, India, Hydrochloric acid, Methanol, mild Two weighed specimen samples were
steel suspended by means of glass hooks in
beakers containing HCl and
2.2. Preparation of HCl stock solution distilled water. The variation of weight loss
The medium used in this present study of HCl monitor at interval of 15 minutes, progressively
solution. The HCl was used in the present for total of 60 minutes started from 30 minutes.
study. The HCl was purchased commercially. It After predetermined time the immersion of mild
is very soluble in water and the aqueous solution steel specimens were taken out from the
is colourless. The solution prepared by 89 ml of beakers, scrubbed with cotton and a mild
HCl was in 1000 ml of double distilled water and cleaning solution, washed distilled water,
then made up to 1000 ml standard flask. The treated with acetone to remove traces of
thousand fold dilution of stock solution (1000 moisture and grease and dried with an air drier.
ppm). The mild steel specimens were then re-weighed.
The corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) was
2.3. Preparation of Plant Extract calculated using the following equation.
The Cissus quadrangularis stem extract was
collected and cut into small pieces and they
dried in sunlight for 15 days. They were ground
well into powder. From this, 20 g of the sample
was refluxed with 200 ml methanol for 6 hours.
The refluxed solution was filtered carefully and
evaporated to remove the methanol content to
get the dried inhibition sample. The inhibition Accuracy in weighing up to 0.0001g and in
concentration such as 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 surface area 0.1 , as recommended by
and 300 ppm were prepared using 0.5 M HCl Denver balance TP 214 model. The immersion
solution period of 30, 45 and 60 minutes was fixed in
view of the considerable magnitude of the
Classification: corrosion inhibition efficiency in the absence and
Tamil name : Perandi presence of inhibitor after this immersion period.
Kingdom : Plantae The immersion period was maintained
Division : Magnoliphyta accurately up to 30 minutes in view of the
Class : Magnoliopsida lengthy immersion time of 60 minutes. Under the
Order : Vitaceae conditions of accuracy, the relative standard
Genus : Cissus error in corrosion rate determinations is of the
Species : quadrangularis order of 2% or less for an immersion time of 1
1g of the sample was accurately weighed and hour.
dissolved in 1000 ml of double distilled water
made in 1000 ml standard flask. The thousand 3.2. Weight loss Measurements
fold dilution of stock solution (1000 ppm). The corrosion rate of mild steel in solutions
containing 0.5 M HCl in the absence and
presence of various concentrations of inhibitor
obtained by the weight - loss method for 30
minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes system are
given in the Table 1. The corrosion rate and
inhibition efficiency are also shown as the
function of inhibitor concentration.

IJRPC 2017, 7(1), 126-131 Pragathiswaran et al. ISSN: 22312781

Table 1: 0.5 M HCl in various concentration of C.Q at time interval

C.Q 30 minutes 45 mines 60 mines
S. No.
(ppm) I.E CR I.E CR I.E CR
1 0 0 0.2427 0 0.6175 0 0.86932
2 50 35.13 0.2361 61.6 0.2361 62.26 0.32804
3 100 54.05 0.1115 71.2 0.1771 63.77 0.31492
4 150 59.45 0.0984 60.8 0.2411 65.32 0.24931
5 200 62.37 0.0524 72.8 0.1673 67.16 0.28212
6 250 67.56 0.0787 73.6 0.1623 71.32 0.24931
7 300 68.91 0.1131 72.8 0.1673 52.07 0.41338

Fig. 1: Variation of Inhibition efficiency with in the absence (inserted) and

presence of various concentrations of methanol extract of
Cissus Quadrangularis the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M HCl

Fig. 2: Variation of Corrosion rate in the absence (inserted) and presence

of various concentrations of methanol extract of
Cissus Quadrangularis the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M HCl

IJRPC 2017, 7(1), 126-131 Pragathiswaran et al. ISSN: 22312781

The weight - loss method was done for mild formulations are shown in Fig.3. The
steel in 0.5 M HCl with various concentrations of impedance parameters, charge transfer
C.Q extract ranging from 50 ppm to 300 ppm resistance (Rct), Double layer capacitance (Cdl)
and the corresponding values of inhibition from the Nyquist plot values are shown in
efficiency and corrosion rate are given in Table Table.2. When mild steel immersed in 0.5 M
1. It is observe from the table that the corrosion HCl medium the Rct value is found to be 20 (Ω
2 2
rate decreased and thus inhibition efficiency cm ). The Cdl value is 132 (µF/cm ). When 250
increases with increasing concentration of C.Q ppm of Cissus Quadrangularis are added to 0.5
extract (50 ppm-300 ppm). The maximum M HCl medium the Rct value is formed to be 78
2 2
inhibition efficiency of about 71.32% was (Ω cm ). The Cdl value is 15 (µF/cm ). When
achieved at 200 ppm of C.Q extract. This 200 ppm of Cissus Quadrangularis solution are
behavior is due to the fact the adsorption and added to 0.5 M HCl medium the Rct value has
coverage of the inhibitor on the mild steel increased from 20 to 78 (Ω cm ) and the Cdl
surface interaction with the inhibitor value decreased from 132 to 15 (µF/cm ). The
concentration . This result indicated that C.Q increase in Rct value and decreases in double
extract could act as an excellent corrosion layer capacitance values obtained from
inhibitor. At concentration ≥ 250 ppm of C.Q, the impedance studies justify the good performance
protection efficiency decreases of may be due to of a compound as an inhibitor in 0.5 M HCl
the fact that these molecules aggregate to medium. This behaviour means that the fim
gather to form micelles. They are not uniformly obtained acts as a barrier to the corrosion
adsorbed on the metal surface. Hence corrosion process.
inhibition efficiency decreases.
Table 2: Impedance spectra studies
3.3. Electrochemical impedance studies concentration Rct (Ωcm-2) Cdl (µfcm-2) I.E(%)
Nyquist plots for mild steel immersed in control 0.5 M HCl 24 132 _
200 ppm of C.Q 56 15 72
solution of 200 ppm of inhibitor solution of 0.5
M HCl in the absence and presence of

Fig. 3: Impedance spectra curves of mild steel in

various test solutions (a) 0.5 M HCl, (b) 200ppm of C.Q

IJRPC 2017, 7(1), 126-131 Pragathiswaran et al. ISSN: 22312781

Fig .4: Tafel curves in 0.5 M HCl solution with and

without addition of inhibitors

Table 3: Polarization studies of 0.5 M HCl solution with

and without addition of inhibitors
Ecorr Icorr Βa Βc I.E
Concentration (ppm)
(mv/sce) (µA/cm-2) (mv/dec-1) (mv/dec-1) (%)
0.5 M HCl -0.500 2.628×10-4 179 99 --
200 ppm C.Q -0.499 2.768×10-4 207 141 72

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