International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics: Sciencedirect
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics: Sciencedirect
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics: Sciencedirect
Keywords: The use of 2D and 3D simulated learning environments in education and training has increased significantly in
Simulated learning environments the past decade. Simulated learning environments provide several advantages over physical learning environ-
2D environments ments including increased safety and accessibility. Simulated learning environments can also be utilized in an
3D environments online setting, increasing the efficiency of delivery, access, and supporting greater personalization of the
learning process. Despite a long history of use in workforce education, researchers have questioned whether
simulations provide learners with the same quality of education as physical learning environments. This research
investigated how learning to construct electrical circuits using a 2D simulation, a 3D simulation or a physical
breadboard impacted learning outcomes. Additionally, this study examined the influence of learner character-
istics, cognitive ability and goal orientation, on the relationship between the simulated learning environments
and learning outcomes. The study utilized a pretest-posttest between subjects design and included 48 partici-
pants. Results suggest that learning to construct a circuit with physical components results in higher self-efficacy,
faster construction times, and higher odds of correct construction than learning in a 2D or 3D simulation.
Participants in the three conditions achieved comparable results in terms of cognitive outcomes; the differences
identified were based on cognitive ability and goal orientation. There were no significant differences in out-
comes achieved between participants in the 2D and 3D simulations. Implications for the design of simulated
learning environments and potential impact for online technical curriculum are discussed.
Relevance to industry: This study supports the evaluation of using online educational technology to learn tech-
nical skills. This is relevant to workforce education, especially with a diverse and distributed workforce that
requires technical training.
1. Introduction their own pace, on their own schedule, and until the point of profi-
ciency (Krueger, 1991; Zacharia, 2007). Simulations can also be de-
Technical education has been slower than other disciplines in livered in an online setting, allowing increased accessed and efficiency
adopting online delivery for course and laboratory instruction (Bernard of delivery, and greater personalization of the learning process
et al., 2004). This is, in part, due to the belief that laboratory education (Henderson et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2013). Developing effective simu-
for technical skills requires hands-on, classroom-based instruction that lations for technical courses, including simulated learning environ-
simulated environments cannot provide (Bourne et al., 2005; Zacharia ments to support laboratory-based instruction, is instrumental for in-
and Olympiou, 2011). This perspective is supported by concerns that creasing educational access and opportunities for students and fully
the adoption of simulations has occurred more rapidly than empirical exploiting the benefits of online education. This research sought to
evidence supporting its effectiveness (Goode et al., 2013) and re- evaluate the influence of simulated learning environments, both 2D and
cognition that offering technical courses, specifically those requiring a 3D, on learning outcomes for a technical course with a corresponding
lab component, in an online setting requires the development of ped- laboratory-based activity.
agogies that support course adaptation and effective evaluation
(Bernard et al., 2004). However, simulated learning environments
provide several advantages over physical learning environments in-
cluding a safer learner environment that allows learners to practice at
Corresponding author. Clemson University, 100 Freeman Hall, Clemson, SC, 29634, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.M. Neyens).
Received 15 December 2016; Received in revised form 16 June 2018; Accepted 2 July 2018
0169-8141/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
paper-based post-test. The posttest was of the same structure, length, Table 2
and used the same types of questions as the pretest. Finally, the parti- ANOVA for participants' self-efficacy following instruction and practice.
cipants from all conditions constructed a circuit on a physical bread- Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F P-value
board without access to the video lectures. Participants had to first
design the circuit and use Ohm's law to determine the correct amount of Fidelity 3.16 2 1.58 3.81 0.031
PGO 1.35 1 1.35 3.26 0.079
resistance needed based on the voltage source they selected (a 9 V
LGO 0.666 1 0.666 1.61 0.212
battery or 1.5 V AA batteries). The circuit that needed to be designed Error 16.16 39 0.414
was a simple circuit that included a switch and 3 LEDs. The circuit Total 21.2 43
needed to be constructed such that the two LEDs were connected in
series and powered by a switch and the third LED was connected in R Squared = .237 (Adjusted R Squared = .159)
3.4. Analysis
The data analysis was conducted using SPSS 22. ANOVAs were used
to analyze the effects of the predictor variables on self-efficacy, gain
scores, and construction time. An ordered logistic regression was used
to analyze the effects of the predictor variables on circuit design grade
and circuit construction grade. All of the models were evaluated at the
alpha = 0.05 level. Prior to the analysis, the data was evaluated to
ensure it met the assumptions for an ANOVA as well as the requisite Fig. 4. Means with 95% confidence interval of self-efficacy by condition.
assumptions for an ordered logistic regression. For the ordered logistic
regressions, the continuous variables were dichotomized into high and 4.1. Main effects of fidelity and co-variates on learning outcomes
low values based on a median split.
Four participants did not complete the SE survey, resulting in a total
4. Results of 43 observations. The predictor variables included in the ANOVA
model for SE were fidelity, LGO, and PGO. Only fidelity, F
Participants for this study included 48 undergraduate and graduate (2,39) = 3.809 (p = .031), was a significant predictor of SE (Table 2).
students from a public mid-sized Southeastern University. Engineering The mean SE was 4.36 (SD = .58) for participants in the physical
students represented approximately 33% of the participants, under- condition, 3.76 (SD = .67) for participants in the 2D condition, and
graduates accounted for 50%, and females comprised 62.5%. Most 3.93 (SD = .75) for participants in the 3D condition (Fig. 4). Post hoc
participants (79%) reported that they were in the 18–27 year old ca- analysis completed using the least significant difference (LSD) test re-
tegory and the remaining 21% were 28 years-old or older. The majority vealed significant differences in SE between participants in the physical
of the participants (92%) reported having little to no prior experience condition and participants in the 2D condition (p = .014) and also
working with circuits (Table 1). between participants in physical condition and the 3D condition
The data for one participant, who was in the physical condition, was (p = .038). Fidelity had a unique effect size of sr2 = .378, accounting
removed due to failure to report SAT or ACT scores as required by the for 37.8% of the variation in participants' self-rated SE.
study. Furthermore, three additional participants – all in the 3D en- The average gain score for all conditions was 0.24 (SD = .21), based
vironment - withdrew from the study, resulting in a different sample on a maximum score of one. The pretest scores ranged from 0.10 to 0.80
size for the circuit design and circuit construction activities. The total and the posttest scores ranged from 0.45 to 1.00. The ANOVA model for
number of participants in each condition for all of the dependent gain score included the predictor variables of LGO, PGO, cognitive
measures was 15 in the physical condition, 16 in the 2D condition, and ability, and pretest scores. LGO, F (1,40) = 5.02 (p = .031), cognitive
13 in the 3D condition. A one-way ANOVA found no significant dif- ability, F (1,40) = 6.49 (p = .015), and pretest scores, F (1,40) = 31.09
ferences, F (2,44) = .123 (p = .884), in the scores from the pretest as- (p < .001), were significant predictors of gain score. Pretest scores
sessing knowledge of circuit theory and construction for the partici- accounted for the largest percentage in the variation in gain scores,
pants in the three conditions. This suggests that there were no sr2 = .378, with cognitive ability and LGO also contributing small un-
detectable differences in the pre-existing knowledge of participants in ique effects, sr2 = .06 and sr2 = .057, respectively. Fidelity and PGO
the three conditions. were not significant predictors of gain score (Table 3).
Circuit design was graded on a scale ranging from no errors to major
Table 1 errors (Table 4). As one participant completed the circuit diagram prior
Participant demographics. to withdrawing from the study, there were a total of 45 observations for
Age 18–27 28 + this model. The majority of participants (51%) were able to correctly
38 (79%) 10 (21%) design the circuit (Table 4). An ordered logistic regression was used to
Gender F M analyze the effects of the IVs – cognitive ability, LGO and PGO – on
30 (62.5) 18 (37.5)
circuit design grades. The test of parallel lines for the ordered logistic
Major/Program Engineering Non-engineering
16 (33.3%) 42 (66.7%) model was found to be insignificant, suggesting the proportional odds
Circuit experience Little to none More than a little assumption was met (p = .161). For circuit design, only cognitive
44 (92%) 4 (8%) ability was found to be a significant predictor, Wald χ2 (1,
Classification Undergraduate Graduate N = 45) = 5.51 (p = .019). The odds of designing the circuit correctly
24 (50%) 24 (50%)
were 4.57 times higher [95% CI: 1.32, 17.15] for participants with high
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
Table 3 Table 6
ANOVA for participants' gain score from the pre-test to the post-test. Frequency of errors in participants' circuit construction grades.
Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F P-value Condition No errors Minor errors Major Errors Total
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
2008; Triona and Klahr, 2003; Zacharia and Olympiou, 2011). Parti- their performance when they transitioned to the physical environment
cipants in all of the conditions watched the same video lecture and (Goodman and Wood, 2004). Interestingly, this moderation effect was
completed the same practice exercises and activities, therefore it was the only significant difference detected in the outcomes achieved be-
not anticipated that fidelity would impact the cognitive outcomes. LGO tween participants in the 2D and the 3D simulations, although parti-
was a significant predictor of gain score and cognitive ability was a cipants in the 3D demonstrated lower SE, higher construction time, and
significant predictor of both gain score and circuit design. Both of these lower odds of correctly constructing their circuit. Existing literature has
characteristics are associated with better educational performance suggested that increasing the level of fidelity does not necessarily im-
(Button et al., 1996; Clark and Voogel, 1985). Specifically for circuit prove learning outcomes as higher levels of fidelity are more difficult to
design, while most participants knew how to construct a diagram, those navigate and may increase the cognitive load of participants and
with a higher cognitive ability were likely better able to design a circuit (Alexander et al., 2005; Gillet et al., 2013; Paas and Sweller, 2014;
that was different than what had been designed during practice. Stuerzlinger and Wingrave, 2011). The poor results for 3D participants
Fidelity was a significant predictor of the skill-based outcomes, may have been exacerbated by the fact that majority of the participants
construction time and circuit construction. Participants in the physical (n = 30) were female and prior research has identified gender differ-
condition were able to construct the circuit twice as fast as participants ences in the spatial ability (Feng et al., 2007). The value of 3D en-
in either the 2D or 3D condition and were more likely to construct the vironments over 2D is likely dependent on the task being studied
circuit correctly. The identical elements theory may explain this dif- (Richards and Taylor, 2015).
ference in construction time between participants in the three condi-
tions as it posits that there will be a higher positive transfer when the
instruction environment is identical to the performance environment 5.1. Limitations
(Goldstein and Ford, 2002). Participants who practiced in the physical
condition had the benefit of a higher level of fidelity, a situation which Although both undergraduate and graduate students were used to
likely contributed to their ability to construct the circuit much faster create a more diverse group of participants, a more representative
than participants in the other two conditions. Participants in the 2D and sample would have included non-traditional students as they are more
3D conditions likely exerted additional effort (and thus time) to accli- likely to enroll in online courses and technical curriculum than tradi-
mate to working with physical components. Furthermore, there were tional students (Allen and Seaman, 2007). Participants without any
characteristics of the software design, rather than an innate char- prior experience working on circuits would have been preferable;
acteristic of 2D simulations and 3D learning environments, that may however, the majority of the participants in the study reported having
have been detrimental to participants' performance when they transi- little to no prior experience. The exclusion criteria for participation,
tioned from the simulated environment to the physical environment. could not have taken a circuits course in the past year, is supported by
Various abstractions such as keying resistance value versus reading it prior research which has found that the unused skills and knowledge
from a resistance color code sheet and feedback mechanisms, such as decay quickly following instruction and then more slowly until it
displaying blown LEDs or incorrect connections, simplified circuit reaches the pre-instruction levels in several months (Arthur et al., 1998;
construction and provided a level of support unavailable to participants O'Hara, 1990). The engineering students in the study may have only
when they transitioned to working with the physical breadboard. These completed a survey circuits course for non-electrical engineers or may
findings provide insights regarding how the design of simulated en- not have taken a circuits course at all, depending on their year.
vironments can be improved to support learning and transfer. Certain The sample size for the study was relatively low (16 per condition)
abstractions may need to be removed to facilitate transfer or may need and was reduced further due to the withdrawal of several participants.
to be introduced only after learners have established proficiency. Si- As a result, the power of the analysis was not ideal. Despite the low
milarly, feedback should be reduced as learners gain proficiency so they power, significant differences were identified between the fidelity of
do not become too dependent on it, which can hinder performance the environment or learner characteristics on all of the measured DVs.
(Goodman and Wood, 2004). Dichotomizing continuous variables for the logistic regression fa-
These differences in the 2D and 3D environments potentially in- cilitated interpretation of the results but also reduced the sensitivity of
fluences interaction found between LGO and fidelity on construction the analysis. Since both the 2D and 3D software were purchased off the
time. For participants in the 3D condition, having a high LGO resulted shelf, there were differences in these environments, besides fidelity,
in a lower construction time but in the 2D and physical condition, such as level of feedback provided, that potentially contributed to the
having a higher LGO resulted in a higher mean construction time. The results. Lastly, while circuit construction may be compared to other
3D software provided immediate feedback about circuit connectivity cognitive procedural tasks, additional research should evaluate the
and thus participants with a low LGO may have depended more heavily extent to which the results from this study are generalizable across tasks
on this feedback than those with a high LGO and it was detrimental to and other types of laboratory-based instruction.
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
M. Alfred et al. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 68 (2018) 110–117
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