Tesmar2016 Article BufferContributionToFormationE
Tesmar2016 Article BufferContributionToFormationE
Tesmar2016 Article BufferContributionToFormationE
DOI 10.1007/s10973-016-5313-1
Received: 14 October 2015 / Accepted: 26 January 2016 / Published online: 23 February 2016
The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
98 A. Tesmar et al.
thermodynamic parameters for the binding of Cu2? to buffer solution of Mes or Caco. The pH of the buffer
bicine [N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycinate] that is used in solution was adjusted to 6.0 with 0.1 M HNO3. The
these studies as a ligand (Fig. 1). In experiments 2-(N- experiment consisted of injecting 10.02 lL (29 injections,
morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (Mes) and dimethylarsenic 2 lL for the first injection only) of ca 1.2 mM buffered
acid (Caco) were used as buffer substances that differ in solution of N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine, H(bicine), into
their ionization enthalpies (BH± = B- ? H?), ?3.54 and the reaction cell which initially contained 0.07 mM buf-
-0.72 kcal mol-1 for Mes and Caco, respectively [15]. fered solution of Cu(NO3)2. A background titration, con-
It is also worth emphasizing that bicine is also a useful sisting of an identical titrant solution but with the buffer
buffer standard in the range of physiological interest solution in the reaction cell only, was removed from each
[16, 17] with the ionization enthalpy equal to experimental titration to account for the heat of dilution.
-6.47 kcal mol-1 [15]. It has also been employed in colour All the solutions were degassed prior to the titration. The
photographic processes, in analytical methods, as a stabi- titrant was injected at 5-min intervals to ensure that the
lizing agent. Bicine acts as a strong binding ligand forming a titration peak returned to the baseline before the next
fairly stable complex with most metal ions [18]. Based on its injection. Each injection lasted 20 s. For homogeneous
complexation properties, the use of bicine buffer is not mixing in the cell, the stirrer speed was kept constant at
advisable in environmental and biological studies involving 300 rpm. A calibration of the AutoITC calorimeter was
metals, unless thermodynamic parameters of the metal– carried out electrically by using electrically generated heat
bicine interaction are taken into consideration. pulses. The CaCl2–EDTA titration was performed to check
the apparatus, and the results (n—stoichiometry, K,
DH) were compared with those obtained for the same
Experimental samples (test kit) at MicroCal.
All reagents, namely 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid Potentiometric titrations were performed in the 30 mL
hydrate (C 99 %) (Mes), dimethylarsenic acid (C99 %) thermostated (298.15 ± 0.10 K) cell using the Cerko Lab
(Caco), Cu(NO3)22.5H2O (C99.99 %) and N,N-bis(2-hy- System microtitration unit fitted with the 0.5-mL Hamilton’s
droxyethyl)glycine (C99 %) [H(bicine)±] were purchased syringe, pH combined electrode (Schott–BlueLine 16 pH
from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Corp. type) and a self-made measuring cell equipped with a mag-
netic stirrer. The temperature was controlled using the Lauda
Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) E100 circulation thermostat. The electrode was calibrated
according to IUPAC recommendations [19]. The syringe
All ITC experiments were performed at 298.15 K using an was calibrated by a weight method. All the solutions were
AutoITC isothermal titration calorimeter (MicroCal Inc., prepared immediately before measurements. The composi-
Malvern, Northampton, USA) with a 1.4491-mL sample tions of the titrand solutions used in the experiments were as
and the reference cells. The reference cell contained dis- follows: (1) H(bicine) (2.05 mM) and HNO3 (2.48 mM) and
tilled water. The data, specifically the heat normalized per (2) Cu2? (1.50 mM), H(bicine)± (2.05 mM) and HNO3
mole of injectant, were processed with Origin 7 from (2.48 mM). The solutions were potentiometrically titrated
MicroCal. An initial 2 lL injection was discarded from with a standardized KOH solution (25.02 mM) with the pH
each data set in order to remove the effect of titrant dif- ranging from 2.5 to 12.0. The stability constants of the
fusion across the syringe tip during the equilibration pro- complexes were determined using the CVEQUID program
cess. All reagents were dissolved directly in the 100 mM [20] based on a minimization of the differences between the
Buffer contribution to formation enthalpy of copper(II)–bicine complex determined by… 99
Table 1 Individual reactions that contribute to the overall equilibrium for the formation of the copper(II)–bicine complex in the Mes and Caco
buffer solution (B)
No. Reaction DH/kcal mol-1 (for the association reactions)
0.92 to the metal centre, hence completing the coordination
sphere (Fig. 1).
The stability of the resulting complex (CuL, where L
denotes bicine) in a solution is reflected by a value of
Cu2+, H(bicine) and HNO3 titrated with NaOH
2 stability constant. As far as the ITC technique is concerned,
H(bicine) and HNO3 titrated with NaOH
this parameter is quantified by Eq (1):
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 !
Molar ratio NaOH/H+ [HNO3+H(bicine)] ½H þ ½H þ 2
KML ¼ KITC 1 þ þ ð1 þ KMB ½BÞ ð1Þ
Ka2 Ka2 Ka1
Fig. 2 Plot of the pH versus the NaOH/H? [HNO3 ? H(bicine)]
molar ratio during the potentiometric titration of the H(bicine)–HNO3 where KML is the pH-independent and buffer-independent
(square) and Cu(II)–H(bicine)–HNO3 (circle) solutions with the
NaOH solution
metal–ligand binding constant, KITC is the Cu–L condi-
tional stability constant obtained directly from the ITC
experiment, Ka is the proton dissociation constant of a
[CuL]+ ligand (here Ka1 and Ka2 of bicine), KMB is the stability
constant for the metal–buffer complex, and [B] is the
concentration of the buffer solution.
% formation relative to Cu
To eliminate the impact of buffer components on the
thermodynamic parameters, the Mes and Caco buffers have
been chosen. These buffers do not reveal an affinity
towards the copper(II) ions [22–24]; therefore, they do not
CuL(OH) affect the copper(II)–ligand binding constant. For this
reason, KITC is not conditioned by the buffer competition
20 Cu
with the ligand (bicine) for the metal (Cu2?) but it depends
CuL(OH) only on the proton competition with the metal for the
0 ligand (Eq. 2):
2 4 6 8 10 12
pH ½H þ ½H þ 2
KML ¼ KITC 1 þ þ ð2Þ
Ka2 Ka2 Ka1
Fig. 3 Concentration distribution curves of the complexes as a
function of pH calculated based on the stability constants obtained The individual equilibria that contribute to the overall
from PT measurements
equilibrium also affect the enthalpy measured directly in
the ITC experiments. In Table 1 the individual equilibria
theoretical model and the experimental data, according to the taking place in the complex formation are collected.
Gauss–Newton–Marquart method for nonlinear equations Equilibria are written in the direction that the reaction
(see ref [21] for more details). occurs.
100 A. Tesmar et al.
Time/min Time/min
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
0.0 0.0
–0.4 –0.4
–0.8 –0.8
–1.2 –1.2
Mes Caco
kcal/mole of injectant
kcal/mole of injectant
0 0
–2 –2
–4 –4
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Molar ratio Molar ratio
Fig. 4 Calorimetric titration isotherms of the binding interaction between Cu2? and bicine in 100 mM Mes and Caco buffers of pH 6, at
298.15 K
Table 2 Thermodynamic parameters of copper(II) binding to bicine equilibria taking place in the complexation process
in buffer solutions (100 mM Mes and Caco) of pH 6, at 298.15 K (Table 1), the pH- and buffer-independent enthalpy of the
Parameter Buffer complex formation can be calculated from the equation
based on the Hess’s law (Eq. 3) [25–27]:
Mes Caco
logKITC/M-1a 5.60 (± 0.07) 5.40 (± 0.05) DITC H ¼ nHþ DBH H þ ðDCuðbicineÞ H nHþ DHðbicineÞ H Þ
logK/M-1b 9.02 (± 0.07) 8.82 (± 0.05) ð3Þ
DITCH/kcal mol-1a -3.48 (± 0.04) -1.86 (± 0.04)
where nH? is the number of protons transferred during the
DH/kcal mol-1c -4.56 (± 0.04) -4.57 (± 0.04)
complex formation.
TDITCS/kcal mol-1d 4.16 (± 0.07) 5.51 (± 0.07)
The number of protons transferred was determined
TDS/kcal mol-1d 7.75 (± 0.10) 7.46 (± 0.10)
experimentally from potentiometric titration (PT) mea-
DITCG/kcal mol -7.64 (± 0.10) -7.37 (± 0.07)
surements according to the procedure described in the lit-
DG/kcal mol-1d -12.31 (± 0.10) -12.03 (± 0.07)
erature [9, 28]. Thus, the solutions containing H(bicine)±
The binding constant KITC and binding enthalpy DITCH were and HNO3 in the molar ratio of 1:1.21 (solution 1) and
obtained from ITC experiments by fitting binding isotherms, using another containing Cu(II), H(bicine) and HNO3 in the
nonlinear least-squares procedures, to a model that assumes a single
set of identical binding sites
molar ratio of 1:1.37:1.65 (solution 2) were titrated with a
b standardized NaOH solution. A relationship between the
The logarithms of Cu(II)–bicine binding constants corrected for a
proton competition with the metal ion for the ligand (Eq. 2) pH and the NaOH/H? [HNO3 ? H(bicine)±] molar ratio is
The enthalpies of Cu(II)-bicine interactions based on Eq. 3 presented in Fig. 2. The difference between the number of
DITCG, DG, TDITCS and TDS calculated using the standard ther- moles of NaOH, expended for neutralization of solutions 1
modynamic relationships: DG = -RTlnK = DH - TDS and 2 up to a pH of 6, corresponds to the number of protons
(nH?) lost by H(bicine)± upon a complexation of the
Taking into consideration the fact that the heat absorbed copper(II) ions. The number of protons determined in this
or released during ITC experiments is equal to the sum of way is 0.39, and this value was used for calculating
all the energetic effects corresponding to the particular DCu(bicine)Ho based on Eq. 3.
Buffer contribution to formation enthalpy of copper(II)–bicine complex determined by… 101
Furthermore, the following equilibria were used to cal- When a reaction involves the release (or uptake) of
culate the copper(II)–bicine stability constant from PT protons, the equation based on the Hess’s law can be
measurements: applied to calculate the conditional-independent binding
enthalpy DH. Such an approach can be used provided that
1. HL ¼ Hþ þ L pKa2
the number of protons (nH?) transferred during the inter-
2. Cu2þ þ L ¼ CuLþ log K action is known. We have proved that for low molecular
3. CuLþ þ H2 O ¼ CuLðOHÞ þ Hþ pKCuLðOHÞ mass ligands this value (nH?) can be easily determined
The above equilibrium model has given the best fitting of using PT measurements.
the calculated data to the experimental ones. The parame-
ters obtained based on the assumed equilibrium model are Acknowledgements This project was financially supported by the
National Science Centre on the basis of decision number DEC-2012/
as follows (the standard deviation in parentheses): 07/B/ST5/00753.
pKa2 = 9.45 (±0.06), logK = 9.00 (±0.09) and
pKCuL(OH) = 6.52 (±0.05). Species distributions as a Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
function of pH are shown in Fig. 3. The complexation of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creati
vecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
the Cu(II) ions starts with the formation of the binary distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
complex [Cu(bicine)]?. The complex predominates in the appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
solution in the wide pH range (Fig. 3). Above pH 11 the to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
stability of the complex is not favoured over the resulting
hydroxo complex, CuL(OH).
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