Work and Travel Job Application July 31-2019

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Favor entregar este formulario en SEI con el abono de USD300+ teé rminos y

condiciones firmados ué nicamente en el siguiente horario: Lunes a Viernes

de 9:00am a 4:00pm o Saé bados de 9:30am a 12:00m. (Estudiantes fuera de
Bogotaé favor contaé ctanos para instrucciones de envioé ). Recuerden que para
poder apartar el cupo el STEP 1 de la aplicacioé n online de CIEE debe estar
totalmente diligenciado en BEACON.


Personal Information

First Name: ________________________________ Middle Name: ______________________________

Last Names: ____________________________________ _____________________________________


University: ______________________________________________________ Semester: ______________

Career: ___________________________________________________

Are you a full time student? YES____ NO____

How many semesters do you have left after your work and travel program? _____

Job Preference

Employer Preferences (Before choosing, please make sure you have previously read the job profiles
available by SEI and fully understand job terms and conditions. Make sure that you are able to work on
dates the employer of your choice is requesting and that you have the English level and skills that the
job requires).

1st Employer: Job Position:

2ndEmployer: Job Position:

3rd Employer: Job Position:

It is not mandatory to fill in the 3 choices. Please note that Premium Placement participants can be placed in, and must
commit to any of their 3 choices, however, we cannot guarantee that you will be placed at any of the 3 jobs of your
choices. We will make an effort to satisfy your preferences but, if we cannot place you at any of the 3 jobs of your
choice, we will refund the Premium Placement deposit. Remember you are applying for ANY job position listed by
the employer of your choice, so you need to be flexible and willing to work for the position available at the time
of your interview. This is a FINAL choice and cannot be changed after this form is submitted to process.

According to the job preferences you have listed above please give the reasons of why you decided to apply
for a job placement at your listed as your preference:

1st Choice:
2nd Choice:

3rd Choice:

Your Availability (Dates should match employer dates listed. Dates should not be change later. If
you change dates the day of your interview or after accepting a job offer, the job offer may not be offered for
the new dates)

Date you are available to work: Start Date: End Date:

Day / month / year day / month / year

Friends List any student (friend or relative) you are planning to travel with on this program (full names).
Remember that we will do our best effort in placing you and your friends together, but this depends on the
employer and job positions.

1_________________________________________ 2_________________________________________

3_________________________________________ 4_________________________________________

WAT Job Application – Agreement

I hereby certify that all information contained in this application is true and correct and I understand
that employers rely on the information on this application in deciding whether or not to offer me a job
placement. I hereby authorize SEI to submit, on my behalf, this application and any and all documents
and forms required by prospective employers to obtain a placement and to receive direct notification
of the results of my application.
I understand, that this service is limited to sending my application only and I agree that SEI has no
liability to me whatsoever in connection with me obtaining a job offer, including without limitation, any
claims for visa, job start dates, transportation, accommodation, job site, work required, hours of
work, job disputes, housing deposits, any other deposits paid, miscellaneous fees, cost of
accommodations, condition of accommodation, living expenses, etc. I further understand that the
Premium Placement deposit paid is refundable only if the employers of the options I have chosen
decide not to offer me a job, excluding the case in which I change the dates stated in this form as my
availability to work, and I’m not willing to accept any other possible jobs that other employers may
I have read and accepted the job and housing conditions outlined in the job information list and/or job
profiles for the job options I have decided to choose. I also understand and accept that the Premium
Placement job conditions or start dates is subject to change by the employers depending on their

Full name of the Applicant

____________________________________________ ________________________
Signature of the Applicant Date

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