3.5 Provisional ALT Details
3.5 Provisional ALT Details
3.5 Provisional ALT Details
***Please note that we have not finalized all contract conditions, and so all of the above is subject to change. Once we
determine the final details we will contact you again with them. Also note that this agreement and final details of the
stated position become valid only upon final agreement of the finalized conditions.
☐ 1. To follow your company’s work codes, obey the rules, and be a faithful employee.
☐ 4. In case of causing any serious trouble intentionally or unintentionally, I promise to take responsibility for making
My signature confirms that I have read, understood, and agree with all of the content above, and I
hereby truthfully swear to obey the conditions written above. In return, Heart Corporation will continue with
the hiring process for my potential employment. I also understand that my acceptance of any Heart
Corporation position does not guarantee a confirmed placement until final agreement of the finalized
Date: ________________________________________________
Name (Print):________________________________________________
(*If filling out electronically, please type your name on BOTH the “Name” and “Signed by” lines.)