Socio-Cultural Life of Kelud People in Connecting With Traditional Mitigation Effort Based On Local Wisdom

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International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance (IJLEG)) E-ISSN: 2477-1929

Vol. 2, No. 2, October 2016, pages 127-135


Sri Herminingrum1, Esti Junining2
Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Kelud is one of the 13 active volcanoes located in Java Island. The sequence of eruptions becomes a
natural phenomenon which constructs the culture of the people who live around it. Therefore, this
local wisdom-based research tries to investigate the relationship between the socio-cultural life of
people inhibiting at the foot of Kelud Volcano and the disaster mitigation. The inhabitants of
Sugihwaras Village who live within 10 km radius from the peak of Kelud are assumed as a “disaster-
aware” community that becomes a valuable source of the local wisdom. The ethnography approach
was stressed on the cultural tradition of the people of Sugihwaras that was observed directly from
participation during traditional events, especially rituals. The rediscovery of the local wisdom in a
traditional effort of disaster mitigation as the main goal of the research is expected to give
contributions to good governance. This is highly possible because it is shown in most of the findings
that the local wisdom of Kelud people teaches moral ethics which not only guides the relationship
between human being and The Almighty, the way to respect each other among social human being, but
also the harmonious life between human and nature.

Keywords:Socio-cultural life, traditional mitigation, Kelud people, local wisdom

the elders of the village – spiritual traditional

1. INTRODUCTION leaders to whom the local people call as
More than 30% from 147 active volcanoes Sesepuh. As it was documented, Tempo, April
in Indonesia spread across the Java Island. 2014, these villagers were, in general, those
Kelud Volcano is one of the 13 most active who experienced the eruptions on 1951, 1966,
volcanoes in East Java Province. The character or 1990.
of Kelud gives a lesson to the people living The last eruption on 13 February 2014, on
around this volcano to reduce the devastating 22:55 Indonesia Western Standard Time
impact of the eruption disaster. Some of the (UTC+07:00), Kelud Volcano sent its volcanic
efforts were done by the people together with materials which covers some parts of Java
the government, through the expeditions and Island. All of the airports in Java were closed
vulcanology observations, supported by non- and many flight schedules were cancelled for
technical effort done by the Kelud people, days due to the volcanic ash rain. NASA
especially from Sugihwaras Village through the recorded that this lowest volcano in Java
local traditional activities as a manifestation of spewed volcanic material as high as 20 km
local wisdom. which reached 700 km away from Kelud. The
In essence, the local wisdom assists an volcano spectacularly emitted approximately
early detection effort towards the natural signs 125 million m3 of pyroclastic flow and a stream
connected to Kelud eruption. In 2007, for of very thick and acid lava which contains high
example, there are a lot of people within 10 km silica. This type of lava quickly cools off and
radius from the summit who refused to be hardens, once it gets off from the bowels of the
evacuated because of their belief towards the earth. The mineral contents, then, becomes the
natural signs. Among those signs are the birds source of natural fertilizer for soil and plants.
were still chirping, none of the wild animals As the people who live within the disaster-
especially snakes descended from the volcano, prone area, it is expected that Kelud inhabitants
and no dead trees yet around the summit. Other grow as a community with disaster awareness.
than that, they had not received any orders from This sort of awareness must not be relied upon
a certain Sesepuh, but all individuals should

128 International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance (IJLEG)
Vol. 2, No. 2, October 2016, pages 127-135

possess it. Nowadays, evacuation effort during 2. LITERARY REVIEW AND RESEARCH
eruption is made easier by the development of METHOD
media and also the existence of BMKG =
Spradley (2012, p.6) emphasized that field
Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika
research with ethnography approach is an
(Department of Meteorology, Climatology, and
activity of “participating in activities, asking
Geophysics), which is a Governmental non-
questions, learning …, watching ceremonies,
department unit in Indonesia. Some of its tasks
taking field notes, … tracing out genealogies,
are on conducting observation, data collection,
observing play, interviewing informants, and a
spread, analysis, and processing, as well as
hundreds of other things”. Research on
services in the field of meteorology,
traditional effort of disaster mitigation in Kelud
climatology, air quality, and geophysics. The
Volcano, Sugihwaras Village, Ngancar District,
news from BMKG, which in Kelud area is more
Kediri Regency, must directly be involved to
well-known as Badan Vulkanologi dan
observe all social-cultural activities. As a result,
Geofisika (Department of Vulcanology and
to observe socio-cultural activities of local
Geophysics), usually are received by Kelud
people which become the source of local
people around the point when the volcano is in
wisdom in its connection with disaster
the status of “aware” , meaning that the
mitigation, means to look for an answer about
volcano already goes through the change of
Kelud people’s knowledge on life in the
magma, tectonic, and hydrothermal activities.
volcanic area and how they apply the
Therefore, the mitigation effort on the eruption
knowledge in their daily life.
of Kelud Volcano will be more efficient if the
In disaster mitigation, people cannot rely on
people could combine both the observation by
other parties to give information or wait for the
Badan Vulkanologi dan Geofisika with the local
commands to evacuate during disaster. By
wisdom which is not only handed down through
doing early evacuation, the people will be
generations but also being learned.
readier; therefore they will not easily get
For this reason, the existence of local
panicked. As a series of attempts to decrease
wisdom that is rich in traditional moral-ethics
the risk of disaster, mitigation is an activity
as the guidance for life cannot be separated
which serves as the action to reduce the number
from the role of Sesepuh who is the spiritual-
of victims or material loss. Subiyantoro (2010,
traditional leader. As commonly found in other
p. 45) said that disaster mitigation is related
volcanic areas in Java, in Kelud area there are
with the cycle of disaster to serve as the
6, out of the listed 42, Sesepuh who are
treatment before the disaster. The mitigation
considered to have tremendous spiritual
activity can be one important thing that has to
connection with Kelud Volcano.
be known and understood by the people who
Today, local wisdom, which indirectly
lived in the disaster-prone before it happens.
resurrects the collective memory and folklore,
Therefore, mitigation has to be done
tends to be disappeared and forgotten.
continuously even in normal days without the
Accordingly, the local wisdom-based research
threat of the disaster. Referring to the meaning
is necessary to do because in Kelud area local
of mitigation above, the coverage of disaster
wisdom is believed as a basis for the traditional
mitigation encompasses all the activities aimed
mitigation effort. It purposes to explore
to reduce the impact of the disaster. These
thoroughly all the cultural folk traditions in
activities, of course, can be done with many
Sugihwaras Village which then represents an
ways, using media and modern equipment, or
attempt to look for the connection between
by rediscovery of local wisdom which is more
socio-cultural life and disaster mitigation, and
known by the people before they know
how local wisdom can empower disaster-aware
technology like nowadays.
community. On this account, the result of this
Local wisdom can commonly be interpreted
research can contribute to the local Government
to describe the knowledge which is owned and
on the management of disaster mitigation based
applied by people to fulfill their daily needs in
on local wisdom.
connection with the local problems. As the
local ideas which can be utilized as a tool to
answer many problems in the fulfilment of their
needs, the people concerned embrace the
Herminingrum & Junining. Socio-Cultural Live of Kelud People … 129

principles of local wisdom in their interaction research on local wisdom in Sugihwaras

with their environment. Village, Ngancar District, Kediri Regency, this
Local wisdom is an idea or local knowledge approach is used to trace the socio-cultural life
which is handed down through generations as a which becomes the basis to investigate the local
strategy to face various problems in life. wisdom of the inhabitants of Sugihwaras
Because it is a heritage which has to be studied Village who lived in Kelud volcanic area. This
to achieve a peaceful, secure, and prosperous research involves participating in community’s
life, and therefore the moral ethics embodied in activity, holding interviews with the informants
the local wisdom becomes the guidance for and respondents to uncover their knowledge
living. In the context of Javanese traditional about local wisdom. Following communal
people, the aim of living is to be a complete activities as the source of local wisdom is not
human being, “reaching on qualified human limited to the daily activities that mirrors the
being” (Herminingrum, 2015). To reach this connection between human and the natural
objective, people must learn about wisdom condition which is prone to disaster but also
from the elders, live in harmony between understanding the implicit meaning behind
human and the nature, and trust the force of the traditional ceremony or ritual, and how the
nature as the creation of God and interpret that inhabitants of Kelud Volcano learns,
in daily life through the habits and traditions comprehends, and applied the principles in their
including the ritual is an unavoidable unity. As daily life.
a strategy to face the problems of life, it is
certain that local wisdom of the people of Kelud
contains knowledge on how deal with the
eruption of Kelud Volcano. Because of that,
local wisdom becomes one of the traditional Sugihwaras Village (Figure 1) is the closest
mitigation efforts which can be combined with area to Kelud Volcano, with the northern border
the mitigation based on modern technology. of Sepawon Village of Plosoklaten District,
Study on disaster mitigation based on local PDP Margomulyo - Kelud Volcano to its east,
wisdom which was done by Permana, Nasution, Sempu Village of Ngancar District to its south,
and Gunawijaya (2011) showed that the local and Ngancar Village - Babadan Village to its
wisdom on the ethnic group of Inner Baduy, west. Sugihwaras Village is inhibited 3296
BaduyTangtu, and Outer Baduy, people and almost all are Javanese ethnic group.
BaduyPanamping, is effective to be used as a
disaster mitigation during natural disasters;
such as earthquakes, flooding, and landslide.
Meanwhile, the research done by Hiryanto
and Fathiyah (2013) also depicted how local
wisdom is used by old people in Yogyakarta as
an early detection if the Merapi Volcano will
erupt. These elders see natural signs which
appear before the eruption, such as descend of Figure 1: The area of the research executed
the animals from the peak of the mountain, the (source: google map)
increasing temperature, and the change of
colors in streams. As an addition, the local Geographically, the people of Kelud,
wisdom of Merapi people in handling the especially Sugihwaras inhabitants, cannot avoid
occurrence of volcano eruption has been used the impacts of eruption, and history records the
by BNPB to establish a disaster-aware eruption of Kelud and its fluctuating outcomes;
community. started from the largest, extraordinary death toll
The local wisdom-based research which on 1919 that reached 5,160 lives. The eruption
exists in a certain community within a certain on 1951 killed 7 people and another 157 were
area is intimately connected with human, wounded, whereas the eruption on 1966 killed
history, and geography. Therefore, Dundes (in 210 people. On 1990, 32 people were killed,
Bronner, 2007) emphasized the importance of and 500 houses were damaged. On 2007, there
an integrated approach based on historical and was no casualties and natural damaged caused
geographical facts that is the historical- by the effusion. The last eruption happened on
geographical approach. In context of the 13 February 2014, which did not cost any
130 International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance (IJLEG)
Vol. 2, No. 2, October 2016, pages 127-135

casualties, but paralyzed the social-economic Mbah Paidi from Dusun Rejomulyo. All the
life. Sesepuh in Kelud area are called Mbah, an
attribute for respected particular elders. They
3.1 The Socio-cultural Life of Kelud people are chosen people because of their
extraordinary attainment in supranatural
The Sugihwaras Village is the knowledge.
representation of Kelud community because Based on geological records of volcanoes in
this village is located on the slope of the the world, since 1000 AD, Kelud Volcano has
volcano and is the most prone to the impact of experienced 30 times eruption. But, the modern
eruption, within the radius of 10 km from the culture, the reading and writing habits, have just
peak of Kelud Volcano. Experiences in dealing known during the Dutch colonial era, hence the
with the disaster since the existence of the first record of the eruption was just started to be
volcano caused the people of Sugihwaras documented on 1901 until the eruption on 2014.
Village constructs a culture which is connected Modern science put forward the reason why the
with the attempt from the people itself. In terms latter eruption did not cause victims, that is
of this, Erikson (1993) stated that culture is a because the eruption at that time was not
basic concept of a community. Because of that, accompanied by lava (Kompas, 28 Nov. 2014).
Spradley and McCurdy (2012) saw culture as On the other hand, the people place more faith
the core of cultural anthropology study and on the local wisdom in the mitigation effort to
therefore culture cannot be separated from avoid casualties. The daily habits such as
ethnicity of a certain area, “learning from nurturing the surrounding nature by not cutting
people”, which strongly related from the the trees especially the big ones, taking care of
aspects of human experiences. The analogy is: plants, not polluting the water sources, and
the culture of people of Sugihwaras Village learning the character of Kelud are how they
always undergoes a process and constructed by appreciate the nature as God’s creation. The
geographical condition and their history after earth gives the blessings for their life as
experiencing Kelud eruption for many times. farmers. In interview with the informants, the
The mitigation effort based on local village’s Sesepuh, the word “learn” always said
wisdom is done by the inhabitants of Kelud repeatedly, along with the word “school”. The
Volcano, and of course is connected with their way to teach that Kelud Volcano is a part of
experiences as the people who lived in a their life and life is to try to understand the
disaster-prone situation. Hence, they have meaning of Javanese expression “cokro-
knowledge about the strategy to reduce the risk panggilingan”: the circle which connects
of the disaster. The knowledge is integrated, happiness and sorrow without endpoints.
understood, and applied by the people, and the Eruption is viewed as the privilege of the
expressed in the socio-cultural activity which is volcano to give fertility to the land. Eruption is
called local wisdom (Sartini, 2004; Zulkarnaen not a disaster but a blessing to the people who
and Febriansyah, 2008). Therefore, the daily mostly are farmers. This wise view of life is
attitude of the people is the mirror of culture; spread by the Sesepuh with the saying “susah
and culture is a knowledge which is learned and bingah meniko intinipun tiyang gesang”. It is
shared by people in one community to interpret the embodiment of the understanding that life is
their experience. How the inhabitants of like two sides of a coin, sadness and happiness,
Sugihwaras Village to share the knowledge darkness and brightness, will come and go
based on their experiences; here the function of alternately.
the village elders, Javanese: Sesepuh, to teach The examples on the everyday cultural
and spread the knowledge becomes important. practices in connecting with nature can be
In Sugihwaras Village, there are 42 people found out from how they serve offerings. The
who are noted as Sesepuh. However, based on gratitude manifested by giving offerings in the
leadership roles, only 6 people have the area of water springs (Figure 2) is the symbol
important role in the activities related to local that people cannot without water. The wisdom
wisdom of Kelud inhabitants. They are Mbah which prohibits the cutting of big trees (Figure
Suparlan and Mbah Zaman (deceased) from the 3) which is labeled as “sacred” is also regarded
Hamlet, in Javanese language named “Dusun”, as the highest achievement on the awareness of
of Sugihwaras, Mbah Misni and Mbah Ronggo ecosystem. The trees and plants always absorb
from Dusun Mulyorejo, and Mbah Sinto and
Herminingrum & Junining. Socio-Cultural Live of Kelud People … 131

CO2 and produce O2 as the natural duty in 3.2 Mitigation Effort and Traditional
preserving human life. As such, they deserve Astrology
respect by conducting offering rituals There are some efforts of mitigation done
(Javanese: Ritual Sesaji) on a certain time. by Kelud inhabitants based on their own local
wisdom. If Badan Vulkanologi dan Geofisika of
Kelud Volcano relies on disaster forecast based
on modern technology, the people of
Sugihwaras has their unique prediction based
on traditional astrology, which is, by Javanese,
called Primbon.
The calculation referring to Primbon
frequently labeled as a method of “otak-atik-
Figure 2: Figure 3: gathuk”, or continuous arranging until the
water springs at the the huge sacred suitable reasoning is found, like a puzzle set.
foot of Kelud Volcano Banyan tree
This method is actually a main principle in
The people of Sugihwaras Village have local wisdom, which is the trait of carefulness.
been acting wisely towards the nature that It can even said as the core achievement of
blesses them with life. With local wisdom, the science because the calculation of days based
person of Sugihwaras Village forms the living on the system of Pasaran and Wuku, both are
habits in harmony with nature. This proofs that the systems unique to Javanese culture, is based
ecology is not only being a scientific concern, on the effect of cosmic light towards the Earth.
because through local wisdom, the concern In Physics, it is known that cosmic light
about ecology transforms to be a cultural changes each day, hour, and minute may cause
strength, a phenomenon which is paradoxical either good or bad impact towards the
with opinion from Garrard (2004, p. 5), “it may components of the universe, including human.
seem obvious that ecological problems are One of the informants, the late Mbah
scientific problems rather than objects of Zaman, gives example about the cycle of Kelud
cultural analysis.” eruption which in calculation based on Primbon
The socio-cultural life of Sugihwaras always has the total of 6. Because when he
people which is guided by moral ethics teaching studies at “school” to understand about the
embodied in local wisdom is proven to character of Kelud Volcano since his teens, he
withstand modernization. The examples of therefore was not as sure about the eruption on
interviews with the locals show their concern 1901 and 1919 as recorded in the Museum
about local wisdom from ritual ceremonies Gunung Kelud. The calculation based on
because it is considered as (1) the manifestation Primbon was started from the eruption on 1951
for life safety, and (2) the effort to preserve and 1966, 15 years apart. The numbers 1 and 5
Javanese culture. The local wisdom in form of from 1951, when added results in total of 6.
Ritual Sesaji must be preserved as the gesture Then, after the eruption on 1966, the next
of gratitude of Kelud inhabitants. That live eruption happened 24 years later on 1990. The
side-by-side with Kelud is a danger which gives numbers 2 and 4, when added, results in 6. In
blessings to farms and cattle. This illustrates connection to that, on 2007 when Badan
that there is awareness on the danger of Kelud Vulkanologi dan Geofisika Gunung Kelud gives
eruption; however, the respondents believe that an early warning to the inhabitants of
the local wisdom has a predominant role in the Sugihwaras Village to evacuate, the villagers
mitigation effort. Through the eruption, God, refused because according to the Sesepuh, the
with His power and compassion, gives a better sum of the numbers were not 6. Additionally,
life towards the people in form of land fertility between 1990 and 2007, there is a gap of 17
which produces crops like tomatoes, dragon years which adds up to be 8. However, this is
fruit, coffee, chocolate, pineapples, and cloves. different from the prediction of the eruption by
Badan Vulkanologi dan Geofisika Gunung
Kelud on 2014. The mitigation effort is fully
supported by the Sesepuh of the village because
the gap from 1990 to 2014 is 24 years, which
therefore adds up as 6. The great eruption
which sent volcanic dust to the whole island of
132 International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance (IJLEG)
Vol. 2, No. 2, October 2016, pages 127-135

Java did not cause any casualties. This shows The Ulu-ulu, whose duties are to regulate
the local wisdom of the people of Sugihwaras the water flow from rivers or springs, can
Village in the effort of mitigation. predict eruption from the water quality which
This example of eruption calculation based becomes murky with sands and mud; and even
on local wisdom is in positive synergy with the the rumbling sounds from the earth center.
cycle of the gap between eruptions based on These signs are the ways of nature to
scientific methods which predicts that Kelud communicate with the people of Sugihwaras
will erupt once in about 20 years, or, more Village. The other signs when eruption is
precisely between 15 to 25 years (Kompas: approaching are the increasing intensity of
Nov. 2014; Tempo: May 2015). The function of “Wedus Gembel”, pyroclastic flow, and the
simple information technology is also continuous lightning and thunder.
synchronized with the local culture, for
example the use of local FM radio to broadcast 3.4 The Ritual Tradition and Javanese
information about volcanic eruption and the Teachings
importance of people awareness. This The ritual dimension encompasses its role
mitigation effort based on Primbon is, by the in the connection with human who lives in
local people, also done together with noticing social integration and community dynamics.
the signs shown by the nature before eruption Bell classified ritual as “a form of cultural
happen. communication that transmits the cognitive
categories and dispositions that provide people
3.3 Mitigation Effort and Natural Signs with important aspects of their sense of reality”
For Javanese traditional society, living side (1997, p.2). For the people in Sugihwaras
by side with nature is conducting the core of Village, ritual is done because of the reality
one of spiritual teachings. Nature always gives which always has to be faced: the eruption of
life; therefore, people have to realize that they Kelud Volcano. For this reason, the aim of the
cannot life without nature. They have to ritual is more to beseech for safety and
preserve nature as God’s creation including protection from God, gives respect and
identify the signs of nature even in undesirable gratitude towards the nature given by God to
situation. them.
Kelud people have bonds with the volcano Ritual tradition is usually held on the
because, aside from the fact that the volcano is evening of Jumat Legi, literally means ‘Sweet
their birth land, the volcano also serves as a Friday’, which of course has its special
source of living. This bond is related to the meaning according to Primbon, and with all
local wisdom upheld by the Sugihwaras Village kinds of offerings or “Ubo-rampe Sesaji”
inhabitants who occupy of the most harmful having cultural symbols. Ritual for people of
area when the volcano erupts. This local Sugihwaras Village is their way to
wisdom, which is connected with the communicate with Kelud Volcano to increase
supernatural myths, is considerably helpful for their understanding towards the volcano which
the people to recognize the signs of eruption. has the right to erupt. This communication
The inhabitants of Sugihwaras Village learn function is also emphasized by the Head of
how to recognize natural signs as the mitigation Department Geology of Ministry of Energy and
effort goes continuously because of their Mineral Resources, Surono, “if I were not
experiences. The signals on the eruption, communicating with the volcano, how can I
around a month before, are the extreme increase read its signal?” (Tempo, 2015, p.149). The
of temperature which cause people feel very places for the ritual are chosen based on their
uncomfortable due to the heat. Then, many experiences as people who cannot be separated
trees shed their leaves and dried up, and the from the nature. The prayer of ritual is in
animals descend from the volcano to people’s Javanese language, or “Ujub Jawa”. Although
residence areas. The birds cannot settle, they do being pluralists, in the context of religion,
not chirp and fly to and fro, and last but not Javanese language used in prayers represents
least there aremany monkeys scratching their their unity as Javanese. Ujub Jawa is not only
bodies that becomes itchy due to the heat. Even about the wish for protection and safety from
cattle like goats, chicken, ducks and cows are God, but also to give thanks to the nature, as
seem to be stressed. well as to apologize because people often forget
Herminingrum & Junining. Socio-Cultural Live of Kelud People … 133

how to utilize nature’s gifts. These prayers being, the Javanese philosophy guides Javanese
which are filled with wisdom are led by the people like shown in the Buceng Kendit
senior Sesepuh, Mbah Ronggo. offering (Figure 5). From birth, -- the white
The offerings which symbolized how the color, bottom part, to learn how to live as
wisdom of people and how they go through life human with good attitude and spirit represented
which is full of challenge. “Sego Golong”, the yellow color to reach “Suwung”, the peak of
which is a handful of rice shaped into a solid life without ambition as pure as the white color.
round shape, is a symbol of harmony. All the The inhabitants of Sugihwaras Village are
inhabitants of the village must unite, having one grateful towards all blessings of God, despite
strong aim, or “gilig” like a Sego Golong. This the occurrence of disaster, and having no
is a manifestation of Javanese teaching about pretension as expressed in their culture.
the ethics of harmony and working together
(Herminingrum 2014). Mental strength is also 4. CONCLUSION
shown by the other offering, “Buceng-kuat”. Local wisdom has an important role in
The Javanese who live in society have to have mitigation for Kelud Volcano eruption. The
integrity towards their social environment, result of field observation in the Sugihwaras
“memayu hayuning sesomo” (Endraswara, Village: Dusun Sugihwaras, Dusun Mulyorejo,
2013; Sumodiningrat and Wulandari, 2014). and Dusun Rejomulyo, explicitly proved that
They have to be in harmony with others, local wisdom which mostly connected strongly
appreciating and accepting without conflict. with the function of Sesepuh of the village as
That is also happen with the offerings which spiritual leader synergized with the
show how to human has to connect with the advancement of technology and science which
nature. Knowing how to be thankful because of represented by the local Badan Vulkanologi dan
the nature’s gifts, not damaging, or even Geofisika.
exploiting, with the proverbs “memayu Based on their knowledge and experience,
hayuning bawono” (Endraswara, 2013; the Sesepuh could predict when Kelud Volcano
Sumodiningrat and Wulandari, 2014). Human will erupt. First, with the calculation based on
has to be concerned about ecology, and the Javanese astrology, Primbon, they estimated the
beauty of the nature given by God has to be time of eruption, even in details from the hour,
guarded to make it stay beautiful or “ayu”, or the day, the date and year. Second, the natural
even to make it more beautiful, which in terms signs such as dramatic increase of temperature,
of offerings is represented by “pisang-ayu- the condition of plants and big trees, the
sekar-konyoh” (Figure 4). animal’s behavior, the change in the springs,
etc. According to the informants, this
predictions based on local wisdom becomes a
topic of discussion with Badan Vulkanolog idan
Geofisika in Kelud Volcano. When the
estimation based on modern science and
technology shows a similar tendency with the
prediction based on local wisdom, hence the
Figure 4: Sekar-konyoh; Figure 5: Buceng
early warning about the upcoming eruption is
spread to the village inhabitants, be it formally
All of the Ubo-rampe used in the offerings as in through the responsible departments, or
have meaning for the spiritual lives of people in informally like using FM radio, walkie-talkie,
Kelud Volcano. The way to execute the ritual, and loudspeaker, also operated traditionally.
for the people of Sugihwaras Village, is highly The local wisdom is more effective in
upholding the humanity values, such as the giving philosophical values teaching about the
right to contemplate, the inter-religious connection between nature and human, in this
case Kelud Volcano and the people living in the
understanding, or the right for social
integration. radius which is prone to Kelud eruption. The
moral-ethics teaching guides the traditional
In life, ultimately people have to reach people of Kelud Volcano to always integrate
balance: the harmony with the society as well as with The Almighty God and the universe which
the nature given by God. To reach the goal as He created. By the people of Kelud, this
qualified human, a complete version of human
134 International Journal of Social and Local Economic Governance (IJLEG)
Vol. 2, No. 2, October 2016, pages 127-135

guidance is expressed in daily life, a socio- and Humanities. pp. 455 – 466. IAFOR:
cultural life which can be traced by the way The International Academic Forum,
they work as farmers, socializing, being grateful Osaka – Japan.
towards God, and preserving the nature. Hiryanto & Fathiyah, (2013). Identifikasi
Kearifan Lokal dalam Memahami Tanda-
5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT tanda Bencana Alam padaInsan di
This paper is a part of the local wisdom- Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Jurnal
based research result on the disaster mitigation Media Informasi Penelitian
effort done by the traditional people in Kesejahteraan Sosial, Volume 31 Nomor
Sugihwaras Village. The authors are grateful 1, Maret 2013, hal 453-462.
for financial support from the Ministry of Jorgensen, Danny L, (1989). Participant
Research Technology and Higher Education of Observation, London: Sage Publications.
Indonesia, so that they were able to finish the Koentjaraningrat, (1999). Manusia dan
research in 2015. Their high appreciation goes Kebudayaan Indonesia, “Kebudayaan
to their students, Gilang Maulana Majid and Jawa”, pp. 329-352. Jakarta: Penerbit
Luqman Hakim, for their solid survey Djambatan.
teamwork so the collected data are perfectly
Laporan Mitigasi Bencana, (2014). Koran
complete; also Ibu Edlin Dahniar A. from
KOMPAS, 24 November 2014, pp. 48,
Anthropology Study Program, FIB – UB for her
(bdk. Sumber Pratomo, 1992, dan
smart ideas. Many thanks to LPPM Universitas
Bourdier,, 1997).
Brawijaya, Malang, in facilitating the authors to
publish this paper. Mulder, Niels, (2001). Mysticism in Java:
Ideology in Indonesia, Yogyakarta:
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