The Vulnerability of Flood Disaster To The Student

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enceonSoci alSci
andLaw ManadoStateUniversit

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Vol. 50 (Special issue), 446-451, November, 2023
ISSN: 2668-7798


Feri Padli1, Ibrahim2, Rusdi3*
Universitas Negeri Makassar
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected].

Flood is one of the conditions when overflowing water inundated the lower areas. The occurrence of floods always
has both positive and negative impacts. If the flood occurs in residential areas, it will have a more negative impact.
Therefore, people should have preparedness to prevent the effects of the flood. In 2022, a flood occurred in the
Jampea Islands, Selayar Islands regency, and affected 90% of the population. It was caused by the high rainfall
intensity that resulted in the higher river discharge and overflowing into settlements. It was unclear how much loss
was caused by the flood, but this phenomenon has traumatized the community. This island has been occupied for
hundreds of years. However, it has never been a flood that the water inundated 90% of the island's land. Since the
flood is possible to occur when the high rainfall intensity happens. Hence, this research was conducted to find out how
is community preparedness in disaster mitigation. The community was focused on students at the secondary school
level (SMA and SMK). Students were selected by considering their readiness to be more proactive in disaster
mitigation through learning practices and socialization in the family environment. The data were collected through an
online questionnaire and observation, then analyzed with a diagram presentation system. The results found that the
aspect of students' knowledge was still classified as low. While the institutional aspect is still relatively moderate.
Therefore, the capacity of students still needs to be strengthened to prevent the magnitude of the risk of flooding.

Keywords: vulnerability, flood disaster, secondary school

1. BACKGROUND experienced a flood[1]. Where 90 percent of the island's

population is affected by flooding[4]. The high rainfall
Jampea Island is one of the islands parts of the results in a large water discharge. One of the affected
Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi Province. areas is the village of Massungke. The Dodak DAM
Located in the southern part of Sulawesi Island or overflowed so that the water filled the river flow, and
precisely in the waters of the Flores Sea. It is the second irrigated the rice fields to residential areas. Rice fields
largest island of the Selayar Islands group with a length and plantation land were inundated by river overflows
of about 22 km, a width of 10 km, and the highest point which caused damage to paddy rice plants throughout
is 521 meters above sea level (BirdLife International). the Massungke Village area. While people prefer to save
Administratively, this island consists of 2 sub-districts, items that are in the house. The floods in 2022 are the
namely Pasimasunggu and East Pasimasunggu. The biggest ever on this island as well. The water level
number of villages is 6 for a total of 12 villages. reaches the center of the adult (± 1 meter) for the lowest
Inhabited by 8,072 people for the Pasimasunggu sub- area[5]. Apart from causing material damage to the
district and 7,885 people for the East Pasimasunggu community, the flood also damaged some public
sub-district. So that a total of 15,957 people in 2021 facilities such as broken roads, collapsed bridges, and
with a variety of professions (Selayar Islands Regency others. The situation was exacerbated by the occurrence
Central Statistics Agency). of landslides due to flooding. (TvOne Team, Arsil
Ihsan. 2022).
In addition to the earthquake that brought disaster to
this island, it was also recorded that in 2022 it

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Vol. 50 (Special issue), 446-451, November, 2023
ISSN: 2668-7798
The phenomenon of flooding is a natural instrument as a guide made by following the focus of
phenomenon that, if not taken seriously, will have the the research target[8].
potential for a bigger disaster[6]. Extreme weather that
causes high levels of rainfall in the western season has Data analysis techniques from the results of
the potential to cause flooding to occur again. questionnaire used percentages which are described in
Community understanding and capacity in mitigation the form of presentation diagrams with the following
need to be strengthened[[7]. Therefore, the community formula:
needs basic knowledge in mitigation. To realize this,
such as increasing the capacity of disaster-resilient
communities, cross-sectoral coordination is needed in
realizing various policies or technical guidelines in Information:
dealing with disasters [14]. P = Percentage
F = Class Frequency
Quoted from the 2017 edition of the book "Disaster
n = number of samples
Response Education", President Jokowi at the National
Coordination Meeting on Disaster Management on 2
February 2019 in Surabaya City has given directions to
provide disaster education to the public. More clearly 3.1 Aspects of Social and Economic Knowledge
delivered more specific education for disaster-prone
areas through schools. However, there is no valid data 3.1.1 Community Participation
yet to answer questions about whether the people on
Actions to prevent flooding can be done by
Jampea Island or school students are classified as
involving the community. For example, a community
resilient or vulnerable. To answer this, valid data is
that has a vision of protecting the environment[9]. A
needed. How resilient or vulnerable is the community to
community of nature lovers, a community of
flood disasters. Meanwhile, data from the Ministry of
environmentalists or the like, and a community of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
citizens who are brought together and empowered by
recorded that 54,080 schools (24.59%) were located in
the government in protecting the natural and human
Flood Prone areas. The Ministry of Education and
environment[10]. However, in reality, from the results
Culture has also budgeted for a Disaster Safe Education
of data analysis, students did not find or know that there
Unit (SPAB)[2]. There needs to be an assurance that the
was community participation that could mobilize
resources in the education unit understand the concept
preventive measures against the potential for flooding in
and practice of this program. So this research is needed
the Jampea Islands.
to be able to follow up on how resilient and
understanding of flood disasters school students at the
SMA/SMK level are.

This research used descriptive quantitative method.
The population was the people of Jampea Island and the
samples were the students from Senior High School and
Vocational High School. They were: SMA Negeri 4
Selayar and SMK Negeri 4 Selayar. They were selected
by using purposive sampling technique by considering
the age level and knowledge of the students.

Data collection techniques were carried out by using

an online questionnaire and observation. The
observation in question is the act of direct observation
of the field to see and ensure that the data is valid. Figure 1. Community’s Participation
Observations were made before determining the
research focus for the follow-up plan for problem- It can be seen that community participation is very
solving and after the research phase took place for the low at 70% and the remaining 30% is in the medium
implementation of the research plan. The questionnaire category. This means that community participation has
was conducted to collect information related to student not been maximized. The existence of a community that
resilience to disasters. The questionnaire used the is active in actions to love the environment or

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Vol. 50 (Special issue), 446-451, November, 2023
ISSN: 2668-7798
environmental restoration is still needed as a step in
preventing the potential for flooding to occur again.

3.1.2 Knowledge of Flood Causes and Rescue


Knowledge becomes a variable to measure how

much capacity students have in preventing floods. If
students know the causes of flooding, they will naturally
be able to take disaster prevention steps. Knowledge of
the consequences that arise will reduce the risk of panic
that might occur. So that it can calmly take rational Figure 3. Frequency of awareness of flood risk
action. Knowledge of rescue techniques will reduce the
impact caused by a sudden disaster. Following are the The level of awareness of the risks posed by floods
results of data analysis related to the level of students' is dominantly high with a frequency percentage of 65%.
knowledge of the causes of flooding and rescue While there are 28% in the category of understanding
flood risk and the remaining 7% in the low category.
This awareness will strengthen awareness of the
importance of disaster prevention and mitigation

3.1.4 Disaster Preparedness

One of the variables in measuring social capacity

against disasters is community preparedness. In the
results of the research analysis, it was found that the
level of disaster preparedness in students was still
dominant in the low category with a large percentage of
techniques. 30%. Can be seen in the following diagram:

Figure 2. Knowledge level of flood causes and rescue


Figure 2 shows the results of the analysis of

knowledge about the causes of flooding in the moderate
category with a total achievement of 46%. While the
high category is 32% and 22% low. This indicates that
students know enough about the causes of flooding and
know the steps to save from a potential disaster that will

3.1.3 Flood Risk Awareness

Figure 4. Frequency of students’ readiness
In general, flood conditions are known to have a
negative impact. The resulting impact can be a small to This needs to be a concern that at any given time it is
fatal risk. So that awareness is needed in dealing with necessary to always be on standby to avoid panic when
flood conditions. To break down the level of risk a flood comes. Preparedness is the most effective
generated. Some of the most frequently reported risks attitude in reducing disaster risk. Preparedness for
are in the form of loss of property, physical, social, and disasters will reduce the chances of being affected.
even risks to the lives of the affected people. Several preparatory matters related to health, finance,
safety knowledge, and others.

3.1.5 Culture and Heritage

Cultural indicators in this study mean character and

social attitudes in protecting the environment to avoid

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Vol. 50 (Special issue), 446-451, November, 2023
ISSN: 2668-7798
flood disasters. This culture is usually passed on to
family or close relatives. So to ascertain whether there is
a culture passed down by the former community in
keeping the environment safe, an analysis is carried out
regarding the culture of protecting the environment
which has been passed down from generation to
generation. The results of the analysis can be seen in the
following diagram:

Judging by the presentation of the school's

activeness in protecting the environment, it is in the
high category with a large percentage of 42%. The
remaining 33% are in the medium category and 25% are
in the low category. From this, it can be understood that
all students feel that the school has not been optimally
active in protecting the environment for disaster
Figure 5. Culture indicator a.2. Student organizations in protecting the environment
It can be seen that culture and heritage cannot have a Student institutions have an impact on changing
positive impact on the environment in preventing flood students' daily behavior. Students will be more active
potential. The percentage of results shows a low culture with a forum such as a student organization or
in protecting the environment. 84% in the low category. institution. So a survey was conducted to find out the
This can cause the level of concern for the environment existence of the institution and the involvement of
to continue to decrease if you do not cultivate a love for students in protecting the environment as illustrated by
the environment. This indifference will be contagious the following data:
and can be a bad legacy[13]. So it is necessary to
cultivate a love for the environment to protect and avoid
potential disasters.

A. Institutional Aspect

a.1. School activeness in the task of protecting the


The activeness of schools in providing coaching to

students to love the environment also affects disaster
preparedness[12]. Students will gain knowledge,
experience and be able to change their character for the
better. Schools can maximize the educational function
of students through extracurricular activities. Students
can be facilitated in activities in the form of coaching to The results illustrate that the level of institutional
prevent potential disasters. To see the activeness of participation in facilitating students to protect the
schools in involving students to protect the environment environment is still very low. So that it can be said that
can be seen in the following budget: student institutions do not have an impact on students'
attitudes toward protecting the environment.

a.3. Learning disaster mitigation practices

The intended mitigation practice learning is a

learning process that embeds disaster mitigation
materials and practices[11]. In the school learning
curriculum, it has been implied in geography subjects.

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Vol. 50 (Special issue), 446-451, November, 2023
ISSN: 2668-7798
Students feel they know more about disaster mitigation 1. Students' knowledge of floods is still relatively low
from the results of learning in class. to moderate with a value of 1.75 out of 4 variables
assessed, namely knowledge of the causes of
flooding and its resolution techniques, the frequency
of risk awareness, self-preparedness for disasters as
well as culture and heritage from their predecessors
in responding to disasters.
2. The institutional aspect is in the moderate category
with a value of 2.33. This means that institutionally
students have not yet received an adequate forum for
carrying out actions to save the environment and
practice disaster mitigation.

From the survey results, it can be seen that learning

disaster mitigation practices at school is in the high
category, namely 55%. This shows that learning can
support students' capacity in disaster mitigation.

Table 1. Institutional and Organizational Aspect



Level of Knowledge of Reasons and Solution Low 1


Frequency Awareness of risk Medium 2

1,75 = 42,85%
Disaster Preparedness High 3

Culture and Heritage Low 1


School Activeness Protects the Environment High 3

Student Organizations in protecting the Low 1

environment 2,33 = 57,14%

Mitigation Practices Learning High 3


The results of the questionnaire analysis can be Thank you to: The Rector of Makassar State University
concluded that high school students (SMA/SMK) in the (UNM) who has provided funding for this research, and
Jampea Selayar Islands have various responses to the the Head of the UNM Research and Community Service
flood phenomenon. Focus on two main aspects that are Institute who provided access and facilities in the
considered the most influential. Namely aspects of process of submitting research proposals to reporting
knowledge about floods and institutions in the school and publication of works. Thank you to the Dean of the
environment as a place to learn and shape student Faculty of Social Sciences and Law UNM, the Head of
character in responding to floods. Student responses the Department, the Head of the Social Sciences
from the knowledge and institutional aspects are: Education Study Program, and Members of the research

Technium Social Sciences Journal
Vol. 50 (Special issue), 446-451, November, 2023
ISSN: 2668-7798
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