Seven Pieces of Advice Using Should
Seven Pieces of Advice Using Should
Seven Pieces of Advice Using Should
- You should keep a balance among family and your personal needs.
- You should go to the doctor every month even if you are not
sick…With this you have no risk of suffering from any serious illness.
- You should do things that develop your mentality for be more intelligent
and dedicated.
- You should not be sad in difficult times, you must do things that lift your
- You should move away electronic equipment such as cell pones , coputers
and televison.
- They have to be constant in their projects and in the good of the athers
- You must ask for help when you need something out of your reach , for example
to a doctor
- You must have a good relationship wit all your family and friends to be more
- You must not faint if it is difficuit to remove things that ham your health.
- You must not follow the recommendations of inexperiencad people when you are