A GYNE Prelimsuyguvuyb

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D. Feel of condom during

1. No sperm on ejaculation secondary to intercourse
congenital absence or obstruction of 15. –
vas deference… is known as 16. –
A. Testicular azoospermia 17. All reported series of pregnancies with
B. Pre testicular azoospermia any type of IUD in situ include an
C. Post testicular azoospermia increase in:
D. Gonadal failure A. Spontaneous abortion
2. – B. Congenital abnormalities
3. Male infertility is considered an C. Septic abortion
inherited disorders in infertile couple. D. Postmaturity
Congenital absent or atrophy of vas 18. Efficiency of sterilization is greatest in
deferens accounts how many what demographic
percentage in all male infertility A. Female <30 years old
A. 1 B. 25 y/o female who did not wish
B. 2 to get pregnant
C. 3 C. Couple married for >10 years
D. 5 D. Female with 4 children
4. – 19. Which is a late sequelae tubal
5. – sterilization?
6. – A. Inc risk ovarian ca
7. IUI is used to treat oligospermia. It is B. Dec sexual libido
limied by a decrease in the number of C. Inc mens irreg & pain
sperm and… D. Inc risk PID
A. Sperm motility 20. –
B. Poor sperm morphology 21. 20 y/o with breast budding complains
C. Anti sperm antibody of monthly hypogastric pain. A bluish
D. A and B bulging mass is seen
E. A, B, and C A. Imperforate hymen
8. – B. Candidiasis
9. – C. Sexual abuse
10. – D. Foreign body
11. – 22.
12. – 23. –
13. Increased in women who use 24. –
diaphragm contraceptive 25. Most important mainstay treatment of
A. Toxic shock syndrome vulvovaginitis
B. UTI A. Improved perineal hygiene
C. STD B. L… p… s…
D. Cervical neoplasm C. Topical cream
14. Which of the following is an advantage D. Oral antibiotics
of female condom over male condom? 26. Associated with autoimmune
A. Ease of application phenomena common symptoms are
B. Ease of removal pruritus and vulvar discomfort
C. Offers greater protection from A. Vulvovaginitis
STD B. Vulvar atresia

Section A 1st Sem (2016-2017) 1

C. Lichen sclerosing atrophy 46. –

D. Uterine prolapse 47. Untreated chancroid is associated in the
27. – development of bubbo within
28. – A. 1 wk
29. – B. 2 wks
30. – C. 3 wks
31. Sexual abuse (transection in hymen) D. 4 wks
Answer: 3 and 9 o’clock 48. –
32. – 49. –
33. An event that follows the most rapid 50. –
rate of growth 51. –
A. Menarch 52. –
B. – 53. –
C. Appearance of pubic hair 54. –
D. Appearance of axillary hair 55. –
34. Adolescent with earlier onset of 56. –
menstruation 57. –
Answer: Obese 58. –
35. – 59. –
35. Associated with hypergonadotropic 60. Strawberry appearance
hypogonadism Answer: B. Trichomonas
A. Turner Syndrome 61. –
B. Kallman Syndrome 62. –
C. Vanishing testis Syndrome 63. –
D. Asher Syndrome 64. –
36. – 65. –
37. Which of the following is 66. –
endocrinologically female 67. –
A. Androgen resistance 68. Case na nagammenorhea at
B. Agonadism menopausal tapos merong osteoporosis
C. Rokitansky kuster hauser at risk sa breast cancer. Anong
syndrome treatment?
D. Noonan’s syndrome A. Calcitonin
38. – B. Raloxifene
39. – C. Estrogen
40. – D. -
41. Which is associated with infection 69. –
below the waist? 70. –
A. HSV-1 71. –
B. HSV-2 72. The most common chromosomal
C. Both abnormality in single anembryonic
D. Neither conceptuses:
42. Non protective HSV to other HSV A. Trisonomy
A. HSV 1 B. Monosomy
B. HSV 2 C. Balance translocation
43. – D. Single gene defect
44. – 73. –
45. –

2 Section A 1st Sem (2016-2017)

74. The preferred anesthesia for outlet 93. –

forcep 94. –
A. Regional Anesthesia 95. Estrogen replacement therapy or oral
B. General Anesthesia contraceptives can be used for
C. IV sedation treatment of hyperprolactinemia and
D. Pudendal Nerve Block hypogonadism
75. – Answer: TRUE
76. Which of the following history would 96. –
lead you to consider APAS? 97. Bromocriptine can be used as
A. One or more unexplained death treatment for women with
of a morphologically normal hyperprolactinoma as lone as there is
with <10wks AOG no existing mass
B. One or more unexplained death Answer: True/False
of morphologically normal fetus 98. –
due to eclampsia, 99. Women who are pregnant with
preeclampsia… microadenoma have a higher chance of
C. One or more preterm visual field defects due to enlargement
spontaneous abortion of of tumor as a result of
<34wks hyperestrogenemia
D. A&C Answer: True/False
E. AOTA 100. -
77. Laboratory results for diagnosing APAS?
78. –
79. –
80. –
81. –
82. Least malignant
Answer: Mucous
83. –
84. –
85. The following are true about CA125
A. Expressed by ~80% of ovarian
epithelial tumors
B. Also increased in
endometriosis, leiomyoma, &
ovarian cyst
C. >25 U/L is considered
D. Appears to be more specific in
postmenopausal women
86. –
87. –
88. –
89. –
90. –
91. –
92. –

Section A 1st Sem (2016-2017) 3

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