GYN Harmony 2022
GYN Harmony 2022
GYN Harmony 2022
34 years old female primi para comes with dysmenorrhea for two
years, deep dyspareunia and vaginal bleeding, most likely diagnosis:
Answer: Endometriosis
16. Cardiac dis that CI to get pregnant and indicated to terminate the
pregnancy immediately:
a) corrected tetrology of fallot
b) not corrected terrology of fallot
c) mitral stenosis
d) Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension
15.Regarding vulva:
a. Vulvar skin is more suspectible for irritation than skin
19. pregnant with urinary retention and vesiclular rash on genitalia for
HSV, denied previous episodes, your mx includes all of the
following except:
a) inform her husband
b) -acyclovir and don't cross the placenta
c) -nsaids for pain
d) -foley catheter
16.All are Indications for classical Cs except
a) Posterior previa
b) Perimortem Cs
c) Lower segment abnormal vascularity
d) Cs at 32 weeks
Answer: A
21. All the following HPV types are high risk for cervical cancer except:
a. 35
b. 11
c. 33
d. 16
e. 18
Answer: B
26. Pt with ovarian ca, will have endometrial Biopsy. Which ovarian ca
Mostly related to the case?
a) serous tumors
b) choriocarcinoma
c) granulosa cell tumor
d) fibroma
Answer: C
27. regarding fetal heart monitoring in labor. All the following
statements are true except:
a) VARIABLE DECELERATION pattern has a variable time of onset and a
variable form and
may be nonrepetitive
b) EARLY DECELERATION usually has an onset, maximum fall, and
recovery that is
coincident with the onset, peak, and end of the uterine contraction
c) Normal short‐term variability fluctuates between 6 and 25 beats/min.
d) Variable decelerations are caused by umbilical cord compression.
e) LATE DECELERATION pattern has an onset, maximal decrease, and
recovery that are
shifted to the left in relation to the contraction
Answer: e
39. Mrs sanaa, P3, had regular period at 29 days, no abnormal or heavy
period, she started to have facial hair and change in the voice. The
diagnosis is ;
a) PCO
b) ovarian hypertrichosis
c) familial hirsutism
d) exogenous anti andrigenic mediacation for treating endometriosis
e) tumor
Answer: b
48. 17 years old female, Complains of absent 2ry sexual characters and
menses. The correct is?
a) check Us for ovaries
b) give fsh, lh to induce ovulation
c) familial is common cause
d) We give estrogen for breast and utreus development
51. Female G4p1+3 she said that her period is only few drop what is the
most likely diagnosis:
a) Asherman
b) Sheehan
Answer: A