GYN Harmony 2022

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34 years old female primi para comes with dysmenorrhea for two
years, deep dyspareunia and vaginal bleeding, most likely diagnosis:
Answer: Endometriosis

2. All of the following are impacts of pregnancy on pre-existing DM

Answer: Oligohydramnios

3. Incorrect about cervical cancer:

Answer: Common in women younger than 20 years

4. Risk factor for vulvar cancer:

Answer: Smoking

5. Which of the following is not included in obstetric history:

a) date of delivery
b) duration of pregnancy by weeks
c) type of Anesthesia
d) Menstrual hx to estimate the EDD

6. Correct above chronic pelvic pain:

Answer: May last for 6 months
7. Female has 3 boys,1 girl, one miscarriage, one intrauterine die at 2
weeks before estimated date of delivery, and now she is pregnant at
Answer: G7P5+1
8. Case of PE what is the definitive diagnostic tool:
Answer: V/Q scan

9. One of the following doesn’t increase risk of ischemic heart disease

a) Age
b) Being in third trimester
c) Multiparty
d) Smoking
e) answer is presence of inverted T waves in one lead
Answer: E
10.Type straight CS incision 3 cm below umbilicus with rectus muscle
Answer: Joel Cohein

11.Best 2 antibiotics of choice in management of endometritis

Answer: Clindamycin + Gentamycin

14. are risk factor for preterm labor except:

a. GDM
c. Pprom
d. multiple gestation
e. Pregnancy associated HTN
Answer: B

12.Wrong about mitral stenosis:

a. Diastolic murmur heard on the apex
b. Vaccum used for delivery
c. Anticoagulant could be used for arrhythmia

13.All increase risk of UTI except;

a. Leaving hosptial early
b. PET
c. Operative delivery
d. Indication of labor

16. Cardiac dis that CI to get pregnant and indicated to terminate the
pregnancy immediately:
a) corrected tetrology of fallot
b) not corrected terrology of fallot
c) mitral stenosis
d) Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension

14.Management of threatened abortion:

Answer: expectant

15.Regarding vulva:
a. Vulvar skin is more suspectible for irritation than skin

17. CI for fFN include all except

a) -multiple pregnancy
b) -cx dilation >3 cm
c) -GA 32 w
Answer: C

18. Flare up during pregnancy:

a) -RA
b) -MS
c) -secleroderma
d) -sarcoidosis
e) -hodgkin

19. pregnant with urinary retention and vesiclular rash on genitalia for
HSV, denied previous episodes, your mx includes all of the
following except:
a) inform her husband
b) -acyclovir and don't cross the placenta
c) -nsaids for pain
d) -foley catheter
16.All are Indications for classical Cs except
a) Posterior previa
b) Perimortem Cs
c) Lower segment abnormal vascularity
d) Cs at 32 weeks
Answer: A

17.All are contraindications for tocolytic except

a) Breech
b) Iugr
c) Severe pet
d) Severe bleeding from previa or abruptio
e) Chorioamnionitis

21. All the following HPV types are high risk for cervical cancer except:
a. 35
b. 11
c. 33
d. 16
e. 18
Answer: B

22. Correct statement about anemia:

a) hb less than 10 is defined as anemia in all trimesters
b) parentral iron is more effecient than oral
c) iron prophlaxis is 30mg/day
d) most common cause is bleeding

23. Correct statement about thalassemia in pregnancy :

a) heart MRI T1 less than 10 means low cardiac iron
b) liver iron more than 7
c) should be delivered at 36 weeks
d) Shoukd Take LMHP for 10 days postpartum
e) HbA1C every 3 months in gestational DM
Answer: B

24. Postpartum Blues: All true except:

a. Often resolves by postpartum day 10
b. Needs referral to psychiatrist
c. No pharmacotherapy is indicated
d. Commonly in the first 2 weeks
e. Signs and symptoms include Sadness, Crying and Confusion
Answer: B

25. Incorrect ABOUT fetal CTG :

a) recurrebt variable decelration means uteroplacental insufficiency
b) fetal brady result from failure of fetal baroreceptors to transmite to the
heart due to metabolic dysregulation.
c) fetal tachy is associated with maternal fever or intrauterine infection
d) sinusoidal ctg associated with Fetal thrombocytopenia
Answer: D

26. Pt with ovarian ca, will have endometrial Biopsy. Which ovarian ca
Mostly related to the case?
a) serous tumors
b) choriocarcinoma
c) granulosa cell tumor
d) fibroma
Answer: C
27. regarding fetal heart monitoring in labor. All the following
statements are true except:
a) VARIABLE DECELERATION pattern has a variable time of onset and a
variable form and
may be nonrepetitive
b) EARLY DECELERATION usually has an onset, maximum fall, and
recovery that is
coincident with the onset, peak, and end of the uterine contraction
c) Normal short‐term variability fluctuates between 6 and 25 beats/min.
d) Variable decelerations are caused by umbilical cord compression.
e) LATE DECELERATION pattern has an onset, maximal decrease, and
recovery that are
shifted to the left in relation to the contraction
Answer: e

28. Incorrect statement about Fibroid:

a) most common Benign tumor of myometrium 25%
b) she has risk to have Fibroid and in microscobic up to 80%
c) its hormone dependent tumor, growing by estrogen and prgesteron
d) mechanical factor causing AUB.

29. the INCORRECT statement about methotrexate: isnt safe to be used in heterotrpic pregnancy.
2.vaginal bleeding abd abdominal pain not normally occur, so laparascopy is
3.managed as out patient prefered in patient with multiple pelvic surgeries
29. The correct sentence about RH ;
1.should be given after sensetizer given prophylactic at 20 weeks given for all RH negative pregnant at 24 weeks

30. All are sensetizer for RH except ;

a) CVS
b) amniocentesis
c) transvaginal us
d) bleeding
Answer: C

31. The incorrect statement about intrauterine transfusion:

a) should be maternally matched blood group
b) can be done at 12 weeks
c) hematocrit of transfused blood 70-90
d) delivery of the baby who received transfusion must be at GA35 week
after lung maturation
Answer: b
Note: it is preferred to study this topic from Yazan Alawneh folder

32. Mrs sanaa Complain of 2 recurrent miscarriages in the 1st

trimester, her sister had antiphospholipid syndrome, The commonest
cause for miscarriage is:
a) chromosomal disease
a) Anti-phospholipid syndrome
b) cervical weakness
Answer: A

33. One of the following is not a risk factor for prolapse:

a) Obesity
b) Parity
c) Constipation and staining
d) Chronic pulmonary disease
e) CS
Answer: E

34. Which of the following is incorrect about miscarriage;

a) TVUS should be done to evaluate the utrine cavity
b) check the immunomodulated disease
c) check for Factor v thrombophilia
d) cytogenic analysis of products of conception in third trimester

35. Which of the following is not a risk factor for obstetric

a) Extremes of age
b) Diabetes
c) Subfertility

36. Ptn Complain of vulvar itching, discharge and purple glazed

appearance, The diagnosis is ;
a) 1.lichen scelrosus
b) 2.lichen planus
c) 3.lichen simplex
Answer: B
37. Which of the following is correct about vaginal condition:
a) Most common cause of allergic dermatitis is side effect of topical
b) emollitentets are CONTRAINDICATED
c) vulvar Skin is more irritant than other skin

38. Incorrect about candida;

a) 1.can present prepubertal
b) 2.increased by menopsuse
c) 3.its sexullay transmitted
d) 3.irritation and discharge

39. Mrs sanaa, P3, had regular period at 29 days, no abnormal or heavy
period, she started to have facial hair and change in the voice. The
diagnosis is ;
a) PCO
b) ovarian hypertrichosis
c) familial hirsutism
d) exogenous anti andrigenic mediacation for treating endometriosis
e) tumor
Answer: b

40. Correct about chronic pelvic pain :

a) persist in most of the last 6 months
b) more in married
c) mostly is psychological cause
d) easy to ttt
Answer: A
41. Case about dysmenorrhea that starts before mense making her
unable to do her activities, normal volume and duration.The 1st line of
ttt is?
a) mefenamic acid
b) tranexemic acid
Answer: A

42. Incorrect about Thyroid disease in pregnancy?

a) maternal TSH Can pass the Placenta
b) thyrotoxicosis may occur by the effect of HCG
c) 25 mg is the dose of thyroxine in case of hypothyroidism in pregnancy

43. Incorrect about preciouses puberty?

a) mostly is idiopathic
b) mcune albright syndrome is known cause
c) natural estrogen is given to arrest the growth velocity
d) Female to male ratio is 10:1
Answer: C

44. Which of the following is incorrect about labor:

Answer: Engagement is the moving of the presenting part through the

45. Incorrect about labor:

Answer: Water is contraindicated
45. Not included in portogram:
a) Maternal vital signs
b) caput degree
c) Molding degree
d) Uterine contraction
Answer: b

46. 25 years,G1, had epidural anesthesia, Complain of abdominal pain,

regular utrine contraction, full Dilated cervix,vertex and statin 1,
reassuring ctg, this occurs for 2 hours ,what is the next step?
a) do CS
b) used forceps
c) use vaccum
d) wait one hour more

47. Not included in bishop score:

Answer: Presentation

48. 17 years old female, Complains of absent 2ry sexual characters and
menses. The correct is?
a) check Us for ovaries
b) give fsh, lh to induce ovulation
c) familial is common cause
d) We give estrogen for breast and utreus development

49. Which of the following is incorrect?

a) the 1st step in differentiation in pregnancy is XX or XY
b) differentiation occurs at 12 weeks of gestation
c) using androgenic drugs in pregnancy result in female masculinization
d) being female depend on presence of ovaries
e) being male depends on the presence of functioning testis and
responding peripheral organs

50. 25 years old pregnant, G6P5, was delivered by urgent cs today.

depending in her risk factors for VTE. What the correct?
a) she has No risk and No need for anticoagulant.
b) recommend mobility and hydration
c) start on warfarin as its safe in breastfeeding
d) using LMWH for 6 weeks
e) use LMWH for 10 days

51. Female G4p1+3 she said that her period is only few drop what is the
most likely diagnosis:
a) Asherman
b) Sheehan
Answer: A

52. All are true in post term except:

a. If we induce labor at 41 the risk of need to c/s is higher than
spontaneous delivery in 42 weeks
b. Post term present with post maturity syndrome
Answer; a
53. Used for monitoring post term
a. Biophysical profile
b. Nst
c. Modified biophysical profile
54. Conservative management of UI includ all following except
a) 1.PFMT
b) 2.biofeedback
c) 3.electrical stimulation
d) 4.vaginal cone
e) 5.TVT
Answer: e

55. Combined screening which is correct:

1. Used to detect chromosomal abnormalities
2. 15 to 20 w of gestation
3. Inhibin A & PAPP-A level

56. Relating to placental separation which is incorrect

a) fresh show of blood from vagina
b) umbilical cord lengthens outside the vagina
c) Firm & globular uterus
d) fundus Rais up
e) sever abdominal pain
Answer: E

57. I think there was a Q related to episiotomy, Which is incorrect:

a) First degree related to vaginal, Epithilum and not to perineal skin
b) Second: sub epithelial tissue and muscles
c) 3rd degree through the anal sphincter
d) 4th degree through the rectum
Answer: A
58. Which of following androgen responsible about male genital formation
a) Dehydroepiandrosterone
b) Androstendione
c) 3.testesterone
d) 4.dihydortestesterone
Answer: D

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