2023 CBQ Communicable Diseases
2023 CBQ Communicable Diseases
2023 CBQ Communicable Diseases
A. Incidence
B. Infection
5. The ability of a microorganism to
establish, maintain and extend an
C. Infestation
infection is termed as
D. Incubation
A. Parasitism
2. What is the term which means B. Toxicity
resistance of the body associated with
C. Virulence
the presence of antibodies or cells
D. Susceptibility
having specific action on microorganism
or toxin?
6. Which of the following communicable
B. Mortality
respiratory system?
C. Morbidity
A. Chicken pox
D. Pathogenicity
B. Measles
C. Mumps
3. Vaccine confer
D. Malaria
C. Scabies
A. Reduce the body’s need for oxygen
D. Syphilis
B. Reduce the metabolic demands of the
C. Sputum culture
D. Tuberculin test
13. Tuberculosis is under ____ D. Strengthen national TB control program
D. German measles
20. Measles is also known as B. After the last lesion is no longer visible
C. Roseola
C. Skin lesions and skin discharges C, Limit contact with pregnant child
D. Food and water source is questionable D. Screen visitors for immunity to measles
22. Death in measles is related to which 25. The lesions of chicken pox are found
of the following complications? mainly on the
A. Soles of the feet 29. Klebs- Loeffler Bacillus is the
B. Trunk etiologic agent of which communicable
C. Forearm disease?
B. Parotitis
26. Complications to infectious mumps
C. Diphtheria
may be serious in which type of clients?
D. Pertussis
C.Pregnant women
A. Schistosome
B. Trichinella
27. The polio vaccine containing live
C. Culex
attenuated viruses was developed by
D. Wuchereria
A. Salk
B. Sabin
C. Kock’s
D. Saben
A. Schistosomiasis
B. Filariasis
C. Japanese Encephalitis
D. Amoebiasis