2023 CBQ Communicable Diseases

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2023 POST TEST - D.

Artificial passive immunity

COMMUNICABLE 4. Gamma globulin is classified as

A. Natural active immunity
1. What is the term which means the B. Natural passive immunity
entry and development of an infectious
C. Artificial active immunity
disease in the body?
D. Artificial passive immunity

A. Incidence

B. Infection
5. The ability of a microorganism to
establish, maintain and extend an
C. Infestation
infection is termed as
D. Incubation

A. Parasitism
2. What is the term which means B. Toxicity
resistance of the body associated with
C. Virulence
the presence of antibodies or cells
D. Susceptibility
having specific action on microorganism
or toxin?
6. Which of the following communicable

A. Immunity disease is not through the upper

B. Mortality
respiratory system?

C. Morbidity
A. Chicken pox
D. Pathogenicity
B. Measles

C. Mumps
3. Vaccine confer
D. Malaria

A. Natural active immunity

B. Natural passive immunity

C. Artificial active immunity

7. Which of the following communicable 10. What is the most effective way of
disease is not gastrointestinal tract as controlling schistosomiasis in an
portal of entry? endemic area?

A. Leprosy A. Use of molluscicides

B. Paratyphoid B. Building of foot bridges

C. Typhoid C. Proper use of sanitary toilets

D. Dysentery D. Use of protective footwear, such as

rubber boots

8. Which of the following is not skin and

11. Hepatitis patients prescribed activity
mucous membrane entry?
level is bed rest with bathroom privilege.

A. Gonorrhea The purpose of bed rest for the patient

is to:
B. Dengue

C. Scabies
A. Reduce the body’s need for oxygen
D. Syphilis
B. Reduce the metabolic demands of the

9. In the Philippines, which condition is C. Control the spread of the disease

the most frequent cause of death D. Prevent the breakdown of body’s fats
associated with schistosomiasis?

12. Which diagnostic test is definitive

A. Liver cancer
for Tuberculosis?
B. Liver cirrhosis

C. Bladder cancer A. Chest xray

D. Intestinal perforation B. Mantoux test

C. Sputum culture

D. Tuberculin test
13. Tuberculosis is under ____ D. Strengthen national TB control program

precautions and will always wear _____

when providing patient care: 16. Pathognomonic sign of Forscheimer
spots can be seen in
A. Droplet; surgical mask

B. Droplet; N95 mask A. Pertussis

C. Airborne; surgical mask B. Diphtheria
D. Airborne; N95 mask C. Chicken pox

D. German measles

14. A client is suspected of having

pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). The nurse 17. German measles incurred by
assesses the client which of the pregnant women during their first
following signs and symptoms of TB? trimester of pregnancy causes
teratogenic effects which include,
A. Weight gain, insomnia, and night

B. Low grade fever, fatigue, and productive

A. Microcephaly
B. Congenital heart defects
C. High fever, night sweats, and chest pain
C. Mental retardation
D. Decreased appetite, dyspnea and chills
D. None of the above

15. Which of the following

comprehensive strategies used to 18. Pertussis is being communicable

detect and cure tuberculosis? during which stage of illness?

A. Category and treatment regimen A. Catarrhal

B. Case finding and maintenance B. Paroxysmal

C. Direct observed treatment and short C. Convalescence

course D. All of this
19. A nurse is preparing to care for an A. Encephalitis

infant with pertussis. In planning care, B. Pneumonia

the nurse addresses which most critical C. Systemic infection
problem first?
D. Anaphylactic shock

A. Ineffective airway clearance

B. Fluid volume excess

23 At what point is a child with varicella
C. Sleep pattern disturbance
no longer contagious?
D. High risk infection.

A. By the time the lesions are visible

20. Measles is also known as B. After the last lesion is no longer visible

C. After the last lesion has broken open

A. Rubeola and crusted over

B. Varicella D. Seven days after the initial presentation

C. Roseola

D. Rubella 24. Which intervention is appropriate for

a child who has crops of lesions on the
trunk that appear as a macular rash and
21. Measles is one of the leading
mortality in the country among children.
The source of infection are
A. Place the child in strict isolations;
airborne and contact precautions
A. Nasal and throat secretions
B. Continue to practice standard
B. Oral fecal contamination precautions

C. Skin lesions and skin discharges C, Limit contact with pregnant child

D. Food and water source is questionable D. Screen visitors for immunity to measles

22. Death in measles is related to which 25. The lesions of chicken pox are found
of the following complications? mainly on the
A. Soles of the feet 29. Klebs- Loeffler Bacillus is the
B. Trunk etiologic agent of which communicable

C. Forearm disease?

D. Palms of the hands

A. Schistosomiasis

B. Parotitis
26. Complications to infectious mumps
C. Diphtheria
may be serious in which type of clients?
D. Pertussis

A.Young adult males

B.Young infants 30. The causative agent of Filariasis is

C.Pregnant women
A. Schistosome

B. Trichinella
27. The polio vaccine containing live
C. Culex
attenuated viruses was developed by
D. Wuchereria

A. Salk

B. Sabin

C. Kock’s

D. Saben

28. Which of the following diseases is

caused by a nematode?

A. Schistosomiasis

B. Filariasis

C. Japanese Encephalitis

D. Amoebiasis

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