LESSON PLAN - FORM 1 - Amanah - : (Below List Only Applicable For L.A Lesson,)

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LESSON PLAN - FORM 1 ___Amanah_______

DATE: 11/9/2019 DAY: Wednesday LESSON: 99 TB

Theme: Topic: Science
TIME: 1.50-2.50 Science and Technology

Focus Skills: Speaking (below list only applicable for L.A lesson, )
L/S/R/W/La/Lia Speaking Choose an item.

Content Standard: Main Skill: Speaking

2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.3 Use appropriate communication strategies
Learning Main Skill: Speaking
Standard: 2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
Complementary Skill: Speaking
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking understanding of what a
speaker is saying
Learning Main
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to …..
1) Learn/revise words related to space, medicine and the environment
2) Ask and answer questions about science

Grammar Focus: Vocabulary related to science Resources: Textbook

Pg 52
Cross Curricular Elements:
Science and Technology

Differentiation Low Mid High

Teaching & E3- Write 4 out of 12 E3- Write 8 out of 12 words E3- Write 12 out of 12
Learning: words in the correct in the correct category words in the correct
category E4- Able to write at least 2 category
E4- Able to write at least 1 out of 3 questions E4- Able to write 3 out of 3
out of 3 questions questions
Activities: I. Pre-Lesson
Play a hangman game to introduce the topic. Letter used ‘Museum’.

II. Lesson
1) PPs read the museum guide
2) PPs listen to the audio and repeat the words in blue
3) E3- PPs complete the table with the correct words from exercise 1
4) Check answers in pairs
5) E4- PP write 3 questions for each subheadings

III. Post-Lesson:
Selected PPs will read their questions



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